#kazuma bobata
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rjhpandapaws · 9 months ago
Bobata Kazuma
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kuroi-tsuki · 2 years ago
Haikyuu-bu!! Chapter 119: teru-si-hair-cha-rai
Special credit for @/spilledsinnamon on Twitter for the help on page 14 of this chapter
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sukunas-bxtch97 · 10 months ago
My Idiot [Abgeschlossen]
[⚤Yuuji Terushima x Reader]
Klapptext: ↱Yuuji hat dich betrogen, aber du kannst ihn einfach nicht vergessen. Also, was unternimmst du dagegen?↲
»Er sieht dich die ganze Zeit an, (D/N).« Hana deutet mit ihrem Finger in eine Richtung, aber du denkst nicht mal im Traum daran, dorthin zu sehen.
Warum solltest du auch? Immerhin ist er derjenige, der eure Beziehung zerstört hat.
»Es ist mir egal, Hana. Soll er mich doch anstarren, bis ihm die Augen rausfallen«, sagst du und greifst nach deiner Flasche.
Gerade, als du den Deckel der Flasche abdrehst, siehst du ein Mädchen an eurem Tisch vorbeilaufen.
Kaguya Takahashi.
Das Mädchen, dass mit daran schuld ist, dass du nicht mehr mit Yuuji zusammen bist.
Wut keimt in dir hoch und du zerquetscht dadurch deine Flasche. »(N/N).« Hana legt dir behutsam eine Hand auf die Schulter.
Abrupt reißt du deinen Blick von diesem hinterhältigen Stück und siehst in Hanas besorgte Augen.
»Mir geht es gut. Ich muss aber mal kurz weg«, teilst du ihr mit und lächelst sie halbherzig an.
Schnell stehst du von deinem Platz auf, nimmst deine Tasche und drehst dich um, bevor du losläufst, dabei kannst du einen brennenden Blick auf deinem Rücken spüren.
Vollkommen in Gedanken versunken stehst du vor deinem Schließfach und kämpfst gegen deine Tränen an. Natürlich liebst du diesen Idioten noch immer und kannst ihn nicht vergessen, obwohl er dir das Herz gebrochen hat.
Du solltest ihm gegenüber eigentlich Hass und Wut verspüren, aber du kannst es nicht.
»Wie erbärmlich...«, murmelst du und raufst mit einer Hand durch deine (H/F) Haare.
»Hier bist du!«, hörst du jemand sagen, aber bevor du dich umdrehst, wischst du dir noch einmal mit einer Hand über die Augen, weil du tatsächlich geweint hast.
»Takeharu. Was willst du?«, fragst du ihn, während er vor dir stehen bleibt und seinen Blick prüfend über dein Gesicht wandern lässt.
»Das Ganze ist ein Missverständnis, (D/N). Yuuji hat dich nicht betrogen«, gibt Takeharu von sich.
Er soll dich nicht betrogen haben? Und was soll das mit Kaguya in der Sporthalle gewesen sein?
Ein bitterer Geschmack bereitet sich auf deiner Zunge aus und du lachst böse auf.
»Nein, natürlich nicht, er hat bloß Kaguya in der Sporthalle geküsst! Ich habe die beiden mit meinen eigenen Augen gesehen und wir wissen beide, wie Yuuji vor unserer Beziehung war«, fauchst du wütend.
»Es ist aber die Wahrheit und was Yuujis Verhalten betrifft ... Natürlich ist Yuuji schon ein Fall für sich, dass er mit den Mädels immer geflirtet hat und manchmal vielleicht zu aufdringlich war, aber er ist auch nur ein Mann«, erklärt dir Takeharu.
Du schnaubst wütend und löst deine Hand aus deinen Haaren, stattdessen spielst du jetzt mit dem Haargummi, das um dein Handgelenk befestigt ist.
»Hör mal, hast du dich wirklich mit Yuuji ausgespr-«, will Takeharu fragen, aber er wird von jemand anderes unterbrochen.
»Takeharu! (D/N)!«, ruft Kazuma, der auf euch zu rennt und vollkommen fertig aussieht.
Schweißperlen haben sich auf seiner Stirn gebildet und er atmet schwer, als er vor euch stehen bleibt.
»Was ist denn los, Bobata?«, fragt Takeharu.
»Yuuji wurde verletzt und ist jetzt im Krankenhaus.« Dein Herz setzt für einen kurzen Moment aus, aber du versuchst es dir nicht anmerken zulassen.
»Was? Was ist denn passiert?«, hakt Takeharu besorgt nach.
»Kommt mit.« Kazuma packt dich am Handgelenk und dreht sich um, bevor er losläuft.
»Moment mal, Kazuma! Ich habe nicht gesagt, dass ich mitkommen will!«, beschwerst du dich.
Im selben Augenblick wirft Kazuma dir einen Blick über die Schulter zu und du erschauderst.
Es muss also wahr sein, dass Yuuji tatsächlich verletzt ist, sonst hätte dich Kazuma nicht mit so einem wütenden Blick angesehen.
Unsicher wandern deine (A/F) Augen zwischen Futamata und Bobata hin und her, die keine Anstalten machen mit zu kommen.
»Kommt ihr nicht mit rein?«, fragst du die beiden, weil sie ja Freunde von Yuuji sind, aber beide schütteln als Antwort bloß ihren Kopf.
Kazuma legt seine Hand auf die Türklinke und drückt diese runter. »Es ist an der Zeit, dass du dich mit Yuuji aussprichst und ihm zuhörst«, meint Kazuma und öffnet die Tür.
Du willst protestieren, aber bevor du das schaffst, wirst du in das Krankenzimmer geschoben und die Tür hinter dir wieder geschlossen.
Dein Blick wandert durch das Krankenzimmer und du kannst Yuuji auf einer der Liegen entdecken.
Seine braunen Augen fixieren dich und du stehst da, wie bestellt und nicht abgeholt.
»(D/N). Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass du herkommen würdest«, gibt der Dunkelblondhaarige zu.
»Was hast du gemacht?«, stellst du ihm die Frage und ignorierst seine Worte.
Yuuji hebt eine Hand und kratzt sich am Nacken. »Na ja...«, sagt er, aber spricht nicht weiter.
Langsam setzt du dich in Bewegung und läufst auf die Liege zu, auf der er liegt. Du bleibst neben ihm stehen und nimmst sein Gesicht in deine Hände.
Du lässt deinen Blick prüfend über sein Gesicht wandern und musst feststellen, dass seine Wange leicht geschwollen und seine Unterlippe aufgeplatzt ist.
Yuuji sieht dich mit weit aufgerissen Augen an. Vermutlich kann er nicht fassen, dass du dich ihm freiwillig näherst.
»(D/N). Ic-«, will er sagen, aber du unterbricht ihn einfach.
»Du bist ein Idiot, Yuuji. Ich würde dich gerne hassen, aber ich kann es nicht«, gestehst du ihm und lässt sein Gesicht wieder los.
Du siehst verlegen weg, aber spürst seine Finger an deiner Wange. »Gott sei Dank hasst du mich nicht. Ich liebe dich auch, (D/N)«, sagt Yuuji und du drehst deinen Kopf wieder zu ihm.
Er sieht dich mit so einem intensiven Blick an, dass es dir die Sprache verschlägt.
»Ich habe sie nicht geküsst. Sie hat mich geküsst und das, obwohl ich ihr mehrmals gesagt hatte, dass ich kein Interesse an ihr habe und eine Freundin habe«, erzählt er dir und lässt seine Finger zu deinen Lippen wandern.
Er streichelt mit seinem Daumen über deine Oberlippe und lächelt dich an, so wie er es immer getan hat, als ihr noch zusammen wart.
»Ich glaub dir und es tut mir leid, dass ich dir keine Chance gegeben habe, dich zu erklären.«
»Nein, ich bin einfach ein Idiot und hätte es gar nicht so weit kommen lassen sollen, aber sie hatte mich überrascht und ... Verzeih mir«, sagt Yuuji und kommt deinem Gesicht näher.
»Ich brauch dich und will dich zurück, (D/N).« Seine Lippen streifen deine und du schließt seufzend deine Augen. Du hast dieses Gefühl viel zu lange vermisst, und du hast auch ihn schrecklich vermisst.
»Ich verzeihe dir, weil ich meinen Idioten brauche«, gibst du von dir und Yuuji lächelt dich an, bevor er seine Lippen auf deine drückt.
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 2 years ago
"You can fall in love with everyone but not with the SNAKE!"
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ivFRQ0f
by Aphrodite_Yi
Terushima gets invited into a training camp with 10 different teams all around Miyagi and Tokyo. Will he meet his true love or will he just end up heart broken?
[ A story about Terushima falling in love with Daishou.]
Words: 261, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Terushima Yuuji, Daishou Suguru, Bobata Kazuma, Futamata Takeharu, Tsuchiyu Arata, Numajiri Rintarou, Kuribayashi Runa, Numai Kazuma, Takachiho Yoshiya, Sakishima Isumi, Seguro Akihiko, Yamaka Mika, Sawamura Daichi, Azumane Asahi, Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Kinoshita Hisashi, Tsukishima Kei, Yachi Hitoka, Kuroo Tetsurou, Kai Nobuyuki, Yaku Morisuke, Yamamoto Taketora, Kozume Kenma, Fukunaga Shouhei, Inuoka Sou, Teshiro Tamahiko, Shibayama Yuuki, Haiba Alisa, Oikawa Tooru, Watari Shinji, Kindaichi Yuutarou, Kyoutani Kentarou, Kamasaki Yasushi, Moniwa Kaname, Sasaya Takehito
Relationships: Daishou Suguru/Terushima Yuuji, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Haiba Alisa/Yamaka Mika, Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu, Konoha Akinori/Washio Tatsuki, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Kinoshita Hisashi/Narita Kazuhito, Ennoshita Chikara/Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka, Kamasaki Yasushi/Moniwa Kaname, Aone Takanobu/Futakuchi Kenji, Goshiki Tsutomu/Koganegawa Kanji, Haiba Lev/Yaku Morisuke, Kai Nobuyuki/Teshiro Tamahiko, Inuoka Sou/Kuguri Naoyasu/Shibayama Yuuki, Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Semi Eita/Shirabu Kenjirou, Kawanishi Taichi/Yamagata Hayato, Shirofuku Yukie/Suzumeda Kaori, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei, Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru, Kindaichi Yuutarou/Kunimi Akira, Hiroo Kouji/Sakishima Isumi, Numai Kazuma/Takachiho Yoshiya, Akama Sou/Seguro Akihiko, Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Akagi Michinari/Komori Motoya, Kita Shinsuke/Ojiro Aran, Ginjima Hitoshi/Oomimi Ren, Miya Osamu/Suna Rintarou
Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Falling In Love
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ivFRQ0f
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cloverthecuddlycactus · 2 years ago
How They Like To Cuddle and Spend
Time With You
Characters Included: Tobio Kageyama, Rinko Sudō, Moe Kikuchi, Chizuru Sasaki, Kentarō Kyōtani, Reon Ōhira, Kazuma Bobata, Hana Misaki, Rintarō Suna, and Shugo Meian
Warnings: None, just fluff
Tobio Kageyama
He's gone a lot due to being a professional sports player. So when he gets home all he wants to do is cuddle as you both watch something and bask in each other presence.
Usually when he gets home he's so cranky and tired so he usually will just hold out his arms as he slowly embraces you. He puts all of his weight on you as he let's out a long sigh, relaxing.
Though, when he is home for awhile and is able to be well rested he tends to get shy. You two could have had an established cuddling dynamic for awhile now, but he is still always a little hesitant to ask.
Usually He's very gruff and blunt about it.
You'll be sitting on the couch, in the bed, or up and doing something when Tobio will very stifly stand beside or behind you until you address him.
Once you do he'll very awkwardly ask if you'd want to cuddle. If you chuckle he'll get annoyed and a little irritated.
"What is it, Tobio?"
"I was just wondering......if you might....want to, ya know......cuddle? What are you laughing at?! It's not funny!"
You'll have to reassure him you're not laughing at him and he'll calm down, probably pouting a lil till you both go and cuddle. He could never genuinely be mad at you. Though he does worry and get in his head too much. He's so awkward socially and can be short tempered sometimes, though he has come a long way with both.
You've helped him so much, he can never show how grateful he his for you, your care, and your support. You've both talked through how he needs to communicate his emotions more so when he gets down on himself you can help.
So whenever he's feeling down and unsure of himself, he looks to you for comfort and will outright ask for your attention.
When Tobio is feeling like this, he loves laying on top of you and let you fork your fingers through his hair or trace around on his upper back.
He not a very outspoken person with soft intimate moments like these. So just you cuddling and playing with his hair as you both cuddle either in complete silence or with something playing in the background. These simple touches are more than enough for him to know you care and love him, even the things about himself that Tobio doesn't really care for.
Rinko Sudō
Rinko is very busy. She is also a very goal oriented and can seem very stubborn. But is very warm and kind so she really has no trouble in asking you to cuddle her.
The only thing is, as I said, she is very busy. She'll need someone to stop her from pushing herself too far. She tends to neglect her own health, but that's nothing a good cuddling session can fix. You will probably have to initiate it most of the time to pull her away from work.
She is rather tall, so when she cuddles you you almost disappear. She wraps her entire self around you and will snuggle her face into you.
You are her recharge station, she needs you to feel batter. So when she isn't being stretched by her work, she will be wrapped around you and not wanting to let go.
Rinko loves cuddling and talking about anything and everything. She wants to know you as emotionally and mentally intimately as possible. You amaze her.
So chatting your time away is a must. Sharing ideas, silly and serious alike, she eats this up.
Wrapped together in each and every way possible.
Moe Kikuchi
Moe is a very quiet yet cheerful person. She can be rather shy but really loves to cuddle you. Not just cuddling, she just loves touch. Always holding your hand, wrapping her arms around you as she rests her chin on your shoulder. Her height adds to her shyness as well. She already blushes enough as it is when you're holding hands in public, but with how tall she is makes her think too much as well.
Any outings you two have will cause her to ask for attention of cuddles and soft touches. Sitting together in front of the TV as you watch comedy movies covered in a big blanket on the couch. Moe loves for you to to sit in her lap if you are a lot smaller than her. If not, she loves interwining your legs together under the blanket as you giggle and laugh at the movie.
She's insecure sometimes and just needs to know how much you love her, all of her. So compliments when she is brave enough to ask you to cuddle is a must.
Tell her how powerful she looks, or how sweet she is. A good one that makes Moe melt is telling her how loved you feel being with her.
Usually she'll grab you by the waist and slowly and carefully pull you down, giving little kisses to your shoulders and temples and she guides you to her lap or a spot on the couch or bed next to her.
Chizuru Sasaki
Chizuru is very insecure about herself. She tends to make a lot of mistakes because she's so nervous about making mistakes all the time. She tends to go running to you after work if she's had a rough day and will often run into your arms as soon as she sees you.
She so small that she loves it if you'd ever hold her in a Koala hug.
She'll barely have taken her shoes off, probably not even putting on her house slippers before she's running to you and snuggling into your embrace. She'll immediately try and wrap her legs around your waist and want to be held.
Bad days and good days alike though, she just loves to hug you. Good days She'll want to hang out and watch movies and eat snacks and chatter the night away.
Bad days she only wants to be cuddled in bed as you reassure her. And she'll outright ask for it.
"Am I really just a klutz?"
"Am I worth the trouble?"
"Why do I even try?"
She tends to take on others burdens as her own as well and just needs to be told she's loved and worthy.
You are her lighthouse in the storm of life. You bring stability, safety, and warmth. Chizu just loves snuggling close into your chest and hearing your heartbeat. She can't sleep without it now.
Kentarō Kyōtani
Kentarō loves to cuddle but hardly ever asks. He has a hard time asking for things like this, usually he'll pat his chest if he laying or sitting.
Though, after playing or practice with the Sendai Frogs, he tends to be more tired and less patient. So he'll usually just pick you up with a kiss to the forehead or temple and carry you to the bed.
Kentarō loves to have you held to his chest, his chin resting on the crown of your head.
He gets very heated during games and has a short temper with people so he often looks to you to for comfort and relaxation.
He very heavily relies on both physical touch and words of affirmation. So when you cuddle him he really needs you to tell him how everything is going to be alright. He needs to know you're not afraid of him or think he's mean or scary.
Kentarō isn't one much to talk but loves to hear you talk. It helps him forget his worries to attend to your thoughts and ideas.
You two will often find yourselves cuddling as you talk for hours, Kentarō asking and intersecting very little at just the right moments to keep you going.
He jokes a lot to make you laugh, it's his favourite sound.
The night slowly closes in as you two lay under the blankets, your talk lulling you both to sleep.
Reon Ōhira
This man is super busy. Not only does he play on a sports team but is a sporting goods employee as well.
So when he gets home in a timely manner, he loves to gather up your daughter and you and take you both to the couch and cuddle as you watch whatever your daughter's heart desires.
Cuddling us a big thing in your house. Reon did a lot of research without you before you adopted a child of your own. It became a form of quality time for the both of you. Learning about how to rear and Rais a child properly into adulthood.
Reon is always picking her up and throwing you over his shoulder, chuckling all the way.
He may be busy but he is very calm and very laid back, so he makes sure he has as much time as he can with you two because loves the both of you so much.
He tends to like doing small, easy things with you two when ge gets home. He's tired alot, so watching movies, reading, family picnics, the whole shebang.
If you're doing your own thing in another room you'll hear raucous laughter from another as Reon tickles your daughter and screams for you to save her from the mighty tickle monster.
Though this is always just a ploy to get you to come into he room so Reon can pick you up and hold you both down on the bed and cuddle pile.
Cuddling usually ends up with you partially asleep on his chest with your daughter splayed out on top of the both of you, and he wouldn't want it any other way.
Kazuma Bobata
Kazuma is very energetic and confident, but when it comes to you he is very insecure. He gets nervous and shy and will try to fake confidence; failing to by the way.
He gets so red in the face and can't look at you. He just thinks you're so amazing. How did he get you? How'd he get so damn lucky?
He'll usually hang around you dropping hints. He loves it when you act like you have no idea what he wants and tease him.
Kazuma will just explode in embarrassment and just ask you to finally cuddle him.
He loves to be babied and to be face planted into your chest. If you have big boobs he would happily be smothered of not he is dying (affectionately) from your heartbeat.
He loves listening to your heartbeat as you tell him how good of a boy he is and how much he makes you laugh as you play with his hair.
Since Kazuma is so energetic he has a very busy work life and will overestimate himself and get in trouble and stressed out.
So you telling him he does a good job and is actually helpful is so good for it. He clings to you like he can't get close enough and wants to merge with you.
Hana Misaki
Hana is very outspoken and gets what she wants. In highschool you remember her being very quiet and timid until she finally learned to speak out.
Now she comes off as brash, but she never means too. This includes when she wants attention from you. She'll walk right past you as she says "I wanna hang out. Meet me in the living to watch movies," or something along those lines. Of course if you're really not feeling it she is more than willing to postpone the cuddle and hangout session.
More often than not though you guys are hanging out together outside. Hana is very social and she likes to be out and about checking this or that.
She also likes to just hang out with you at home being cozy but not too much so beware. You will be dragged along.
As I said though, she will be very blunt and will tell you what she wants.
Hana's favourite thing is to come home to you with dinner made and you two can chow down as you talk about your days or when you get home from work as she's just getting done making dinner.
She loves to drag you here and there and your guys free time is mostly spent visiting this or that place learning something new and exploring Japan.
Rintarō Suna
Rin, as we all know, can be an absolute little shit. So when he wants attention and cuddles from you, he'll make it seem like that's the last thing he wants and he'll tease you incessantly.
Rin will poke fun at whatever you're doing, never pushing too far because he does love you and doesn't want to hurt you or actually make you mad, but he loves getting a rise out of you.
Sometimes you can't even tell when he's doing it because he'll do it in that deadpan way of his. But it all has a purpose. He knows exactly how to push and pull on your emotions to get what he wants without outright asking for it.
The only time Rin will outright ask for all of your attention to be on him is when he gets home after being gone for awhile.
He is a professional volleyball player, so this is unfortunately more common that you'd both like. But it's his dream and he loves it, and you can live out your own dream without him there all the time.
Either way, as soon as he gets home from being gone for training or playing, he'll drop his bags by the door and barely slip on his house shoes before he has his arms wrapped around you, his face buried in your neck as he's begging you to join him in the bed and to just cuddle, wordlessly all night.
He has missed you so much, the way your hands trace the Kanji of I love you on his back and the way you fit so perfectly in his arms. Even down to how your bed smells of the two of you always with the mix of your detergent. Rin misses the way you heave a big sigh just before your eyes flutter shut. How before you close them they are so eager to drink in his appearance.
Rintarō would never say it but he feels the same. Not having you there next to him as he falls asleep and feeling your arms secure him to this plain of existence was dreadful.
But it's always that much better to experience the longer he has to wait.
Shugo Meian
Shugo is another who is a professional volleyball player. He is exhausted when he gets home, and nothing cures that better than him climbing into bed with you and wrapping his big arms around you and spooning you.
Shugo is always looking to cuddle with you. He is so hardworking he deserves it. Not only does he play volleyball professional but he is such a good househusband. When he's home you're not allowed to lift a finger. He'll be damned if his lover cooks or cleans when he's home. You do so much for him by keeping the house clean when he's gone and making him feel so loved and cared for.
Shugo is always picking you up in his big strong arms or pulling you down on his lap for cuddles. No words necessary. He's home now and he missed his baby and needs to soak up all the love he can before he has to go back.
He calls you every night before he goes to sleep or before he k ows you go to sleep and whines about how much he just needs you in his arms, your face in his hands to plant kisses all over it.
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oikiwi-20 · 4 years ago
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Johzenji High ⭐️
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reallysaltykou · 5 years ago
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Team Johzenji High
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dailynohebisstuff · 4 years ago
Hana : Whenever I'm having a hard time, I look at a picture of you guys!
The Johzenji team : Awww*
Hana : And I tell myself, if I can survive these idiots I can survive anything.
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daily-dose-of-imagines · 4 years ago
𝔍𝔬𝔥𝔷𝔢𝔫𝔧𝔦 [PART i] [PART ii]
Our chaotic precious messy babies~!! I honestly can’t believe that after I finish Johzenji, I’ll have about 3 schools and then a miscellaneous (aka the solo hitmen) left to do for this AU. I can’t express how much I’m thankful for all the love and support you all have given for this AU and I promise I’ll start writing a bunch of HCs, One shots, drabbles, etc once it’s all done~!
» » Admin Ko
»»————- ♔ ————-««
A group that’s so chaotic it’s a rarity in itself when someone actually requests or makes a purchase from them.
It’s without a doubt that within the various self established hitmen groups that populate Japan, they’re one of the ones that are sent to deal with large scale catastrophic disasters.
It goes without saying that they’ve tried to recruit Hinata at one point, and had ended up failing miserably.
Y̷u̷j̷i̷ ̷T̷e̷r̷s̷u̷s̷h̷i̷m̷a̷
A force to be reckoned with. Despite his childish and overzealous amounts of energy he exudes, he quickly analyzes and can pick up any sort of technique or skill on the fly.
One of the most avoided leaders throughout the likes of Japan because of his chaotic thinking and lack of care.
Out of all the tactical geniuses that litter the underground crime world, he’s one of the most feared and hated. Playful and coy, Terushima not only enjoys toying around with his prey, but absolutely loves to bring utter chaos and destruction every step of the way.
Insanely intelligent, almost anyone who comes across him is thrown for a whole loop when he easily recites strategies or the composition of drugs in their collection.
A sly upturn of the lip was all that was really given as the cool metal from the barrel of his gun caressed the trembling figure’s jawline. The sheer and unaltered fear that swelled in his prey’s eyes only fueled his bloodlust as he leaned forward. Hazel hues burning an electric gold as he slapped the target’s face. The sharp clang of metal and the sickening sound of flesh against mass echoed throughout the room as crimson droplets painted the floor beneath him.
“I like to think I’m a nice guy, ya know with how lenient I can be with payments and providing you with supplies that would have any other desperate scum begging and groveling at my feet...”
Soft whimpers filled the room as the target’s breathing began to quicken in pace. 
“You’ll agree when I say I’m being plenty kind to ya...right?”
Despite his tactical brain and elusive way of speaking to gain knowledge, Tersuhima’s appearance greatly contradicts that of a great master mind.
Bleached blond hair styled consistently in an undercut with hidden tattoos underneath, Terushima has the appearance of a punk than the leader of Johzenji. 
Out of all the hitmen in his squadron, he’s the one who carries the most piercings. A plentiful amount on his ears, a tongue piercing, and finally an eyebrow piercing.
Besides that, every other week he can be seen visiting a barber to keep his undercut cleanly shaven.
He’s not as heavily built as most hitmen-- as he relies on his quick reflexes and thinking-- but he can be described as lean.
If he has an s/o he’s most definitely a playful one who will most definitely tease them to no end. 
It goes without saying that he’s fiercely protective of them and strikes fear into the hearts of many if he finds so much as a scratch on them.
K̴a̴z̴u̴m̴a̴ ̴B̴o̴b̴a̴t̴a̴
The strategist of the group.
Despite his calmer demeanor, it’s without a doubt that Bobata is just as carefree and sporadic as Terushima. 
His strategies are consistently unique, in that each one almost perfectly mimics that of any other group they’ve come across. 
Additional to that, there are times where the plans he has are so insane and ludicrous that neighboring hitmen groups and agencies actively avoid the Johzenji group.
Alongside this, it is without a doubt that they have practically little to no enemies. Mainly due to their terrifying and unstable mindset. 
Uneasy. That’s the vibe he could feel-- no taste in the air as he and the rest of his groupmates surrounded the cowering targets. A sense of heavy desire grew within him as he slowly leaned down to meet the frightened eyes of their targets.
“Eh? We were pretty certain we at least got the interesting job on the market. Who would’ve thought it would be this easy?”
Feigning exasperation, the strategist couldn’t help but feel a sinister grin form on his lips as he cocked his head to the side. A plan formulating in his mind that would not only cure his teammate’s boredom, but his own.
“Don’t you have contact with someone who could be a bodyguard for you? Perhaps...another hitmen group? After all we’re just a little bored...”
Tall and lean, Bobata doesn’t come off as intimidating initially, though when put in a certain mood he can most definitely make even the bravest of hitmen check behind their backs.
He’s known as the slenderman of the group. One who is not only thinner than the rest of his group, but is surprisingly one of the fastest members when it comes to execution.
Unlike Terushima, Bobata has more tattoos than piercings-- though he has his own fair share of them. 
He has shaggy light medium brown hair that’s usually placed in a half pony tail.
When it comes to his s/o he’s surprisingly calm around them and tries (key word) to hold back his more...sinister cravings.
Like Terushima, he’ll become quite fanatic once he hears of any sort of harm that comes to his s/o.
T̷a̷k̷e̷h̷a̷r̷u̷ ̷F̷u̷t̷a̷m̷a̷t̷a̷
The one who looks the most innocent out of the entire group, he has a similar role to that of Hinata from Karasuno except instead of being a decoy in luring targets into a proper position for the kill he is a decoy in that of being able to make multiple connections and relationships by becoming an ‘innocent’ bystander.
Due to his sweet and kind features, it’s easy for him to persuade and wring out information from those unsuspecting of him. 
Unsurprisingly, he’s similar to that of his teammates. Chaotic and insane in his own little way. He won’t admit it, but he enjoys manipulating and tricking his way into gathering information on targets or on rival hitmen groups.
“Oh, is that so?”
“Yup! And get this,” 
The figure glanced around. A sense of secrecy in their eyes before they leaned in close to the male. 
“I heard that the CEO really likes to go to the club down on 5th.”
Feigning surprise, the young decoy put on a shocked face as he easily mimicked the surprise and bewilderment of any normal person who was delivered such scandalous news. In reality, the male couldn’t help but mentally jump for joy at the quick progression of his mission. 
After all, the faster he’s able to take out the target, the faster he’s able to go back out on the field to greedily drain out the secrets of the world into his awaiting hand.
With messy black hair and wide dark colored eyes, Futamata has the appearance of a sweet gentlemen. 
In reality, he has a large tattoo of a panther on his back-- usually hidden away from the public eye with modest clothes-- and a couple of piercings. Of course nothing too over the top as he wishes to maintain not only a boyish, but sweet and energetic appearance.
Similar to Bobata, he’s lean-- though not completely to the extent of the infamous slenderman. What he lacks in mass, he makes up for in speed and close combat.
Truthfully, Futamata doesn’t see himself with an s/o who isn’t at least in the same field as him. He personally would love to work by their side in causing massive chaos throughout the dark side of the world with them.
Once he’s attached though, he won’t ever let go. As they’re the only one who truly sees him for who he is and not who he pretends to be.
K̴a̴t̴s̴u̴m̴i̴c̴h̴i̴ ̴H̴i̴g̴a̴s̴h̴i̴y̴a̴m̴a̴
One of the close combatants at Johzenji. 
Like most of his teammates, he’s able to mimic and copy any new technique or skill on the fly whilst throwing his own twist into it. 
He most definitely enjoys being out on the field, and when he’s not working he spends most of his time on an obstacle course. 
Higashiyama is usually paired up with Futamata, especially if it’s predicted that their target will be within an enclosed space. 
Besides that, he’s also the team’s sniper. Though in actuality he picked up and learned the skill from Futamata who had just gotten bored of dealing with stuff from a distance.
Bodies pressed firmly against one another, the heavy heat that wafted over the club brought no surprise to the close combatant as he easily maneuvered his way through the crowds to get to his target. From the side he could see his partner easily chatting up with the target’s secretary-- no doubt draining the man of every little bit of information he could gather before the drop that would happen.
Thinking back to it, the male couldn’t help but grin to himself as he leisurely danced his way through and over to the man of the hour. The target in question was ordering drinks-- no doubt a chance to unwind from whatever stressful life he was living. But to the combatant? This was a perfect opportunity. 
Without a moment’s hesitation he easily positioned himself in the way to start a mini fight. One that escalated quickly enough to the point that in the blink of an eye he found himself out in the alleyway easily overpowering the tipsy target.
“God...this is just too easy.” 
And then the crack of bone.
Appearance wise, Higashiyama has an appearance similar to that of a thug. One that no one dares to mess with unless they feared his wrath-- when in reality the male could be considered one of the more stable members in his group. 
Unsurprisingly, he’s built. With the consistent desire to be out on the field and on a course, his entire body is flexible and sturdy. 
Around the base, he’s usually seen with his brown hair spiked up, or pulled back with a headband as to not obstruct his vision. 
Out of all the Johzenji members, he’s the only one who doesn’t have a tattoo.
In comparison to the rest of the members, he’s the one who would most likely have the most normal’ relationship. Though in reality he’d prefer that his s/o be in the same line of field work as him.
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scared-suna · 5 years ago
Going to Costco with Johzenji for the first time
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so y'all know how energetic johzenji is right?
imagine that same energy in costco
it's pure chaos
but they've gone there enough times for all the workers there to get used to them
and now they kinda find them entertaining
like they're climbing everywhere and then hana is trying to control them but gives up about half way
once they get started...
good luck trying to calm them down
like if y'all think you know how then give hana a call pls she's struggling
during the half that hana is trying to control them
there are other customers who haven't seen johzenji before so they're like
like they make a sound of surprise
if you get what i mean
they just look up at the team in just pure shock and it's probably what the team lives for honestly
terushima would be the one to keep them SLIGHTLY under control while they're jumping and climbing on racks
the employees there just let them since they know that there's no stopping them really
it's kinda adorable how they all just do what they want like it's a playground
of course if anyone needs anything then the boys are happy to assist
that's one of the reasons why all the regulars and the employees love them so much
i don't even think anyone in that store hates them
like how could you
i mean sure they could be a little over the top but that’s about it
hana’s like the only one that actually does the shopping with the occasional help from terushima 
the rest are kinda just there helping other people out or getting what hana tells them to 
they're just like that yk 
when they're at the check out literally everyone who goes there regularly knows them 
they'd go “oh hey thats johzenji” and then other people who don't go there go “which one?”
and then of course everyone in line turns to that person and just stares until someone explains to them
going to any store with johzenji is fun but going to costco is the best 
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clock-out · 5 years ago
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Johzenji Numbers Keyboard Wallpaper
Like or reblog if you save!
Don't post elsewhere without my permission!
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mitoposting · 5 years ago
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matching icons for you and your funky gang
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tova-artworks · 5 years ago
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Finished Johzenji High pic
Pre-order for this print is now available in my Etsy shop! 
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midnightmochi · 4 years ago
🏐条善寺 - Johzenji🏐
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照島 遊児 -  Terushima Yūji (1)
Even or Odd? (fluff)
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cestcirque · 3 years ago
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Haikyuu!! Siblings [ 41 / ? ]
↳ Bobata Kazuma: one older sister
He isn’t allowed to look cool and smug when she’s around… or rather, it’s impossible 😚
Added this mad lad to the drawing list bc I simply must keep up my accidental Johzenji siblings tradition 🔥
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kyureii · 8 years ago
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Johzenji High » Haikyuu!!
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