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kazscrows · 2 years ago
Crooked Kingdom Reread
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Chapter 6: Nina
Nina couldn’t stop staring at Colm Fahey…
Nina describes Colm as having “salt-white skin”
Just how pale is this man??
Also I forgot he’s covered in freckles, but duh?? He’s a pale red head of course he has freckles
Side note: You know who else probably gets freckles? A certain pasty bastard of the Barrel—
…though his eyes were the same clear gray as Jesper’s, they had a seriousness to them, a kind of sure warmth that differed from Jesper’s crackling energy.
It wasn’t only the pleasure of trying to find Jesper in his father’s features that kept Nina’s attention focused on the farmer. There was just something so strange about seeing a person that wholesome standing in the stone hull of an empty mausoleum surrounded by Ketterdam’s worst—herself among them.
Colm Fahey too pure for this world Ketterdam
Also Nina is using a horse blanket to stay warm?? Kinda odd
Come on Kaz steal better blankets- I know you can
Reading about Nina’s battle with jurda parem withdrawals is just really heart wrenching
It messes with her mind. She has thoughts she’d never have. Does things she wouldn’t normally do
She knows Matthias either has the parem or got rid of it and the thought literally makes her violently ill and then she “wept in jags of unsteady tears”
“You’re all a bunch of useless skivs,” she’d said to the silent graves. They didn’t seem to care. And yet somehow the stillness of Black Veil comforted her, quieted her. She couldn’t explain why. The places of the dead had never held solace for her before.
Ohh?? Foreshadowing to her powers changing!!
This is what’s fun about rereads
You notice those details you didn’t the first time
It was the first time she’d tried to use her power since her recovery. She’d broken into a sweat from the effort, and as soon as the bruised color faded, the hunger for parem hit, a swift, hard kick to her chest. She’d bent double, clutching the sink, her mind filled with breakneck thoughts of how she could get away, who might have a supply, what she could trade. She’d forced herself to think of the shame on the boat, the future she might be able to make with Matthias, but the thought that had brought her back to sanity was Inej. She owed Inej her life, and there was no way she was leaving her stranded with Van Eck.
There’s something so beautiful about how every single crow cares for Inej so deeply
They’d all do anything for her
Inej is definitely the glue of their crew and I know she cares for them all equally in return
After the Smeet job Nina searches Matthias for the parem…
I remember my heart squeezing when I read this my first time
Fatigue came on suddenly, a yoke at her neck, the exhaustion at least tempering her frantic need. She rested her forehead against Matthias chest. “I hate this,” she said. “I hate you a little, drüskelle.”
“I’m used to it. Come here.” He’d wrapped his arms around her and gotten her talking about Ravka, about Inej. He’d distracted her with stories, named the winds that blew across Fjerda, told her of his first meal in the drüskelle hall…
I love how Matthias is there for her though
He’s not abandoning her in this struggle even when she gets ugly with him
He knows it’s not really her and he’s going to fight this with her
Back to the present though and that means Colm Fahey
Kaz simply leaned on his cane and said, “Were you followed?”
“No,” Jesper replied with a decisive shake of his head.
Colm bristled. “You doubt my son’s word?”
Colm is still standing up for Jesper even after everything that’s happened 🥹
Like he’s still mad at Jesper and rightly so
But the theme of this chapter seems to be not abandoning those you love and I love that
He turned to his son. “I wrote to you, Jes.” His voice was confused, not accusing.
“I … I haven’t been able to collect mail.” After Jesper had stopped attending university, had he still managed to receive letters there?
Nina wondered how he’d maintained this ruse for so long. It would have been made easier by the fact that Colm was an ocean away—and by his desire to believe in his son. An easy mark, Nina thought sadly. No matter his reasons, Jesper had been conning his own father.
I’m right there with Nina on this one
It is sad…
Colm threw down the lump of felt that had been his hat. “I don’t understand any of this. Why would you bring me to this horrible place? Why were we shot at? What has become of your studies? What has become of you?”
Jesper opened his mouth, closed it. “Da, I … I—”
“It was my fault,” Wylan blurted. Every eye turned to him. “He uh … he was concerned about the bank loan, so he put his studies on hold to work with a…”
“Local gunsmith,” Nina offered.
“Nina,” Matthias rumbled warningly.
“He needs our help,” she whispered.
“To lie to his father?”
“It’s a fib. Totally different.”
Wylan and Nina are so quick to jump in and try to help Jesper
Boy are they struggling though
But this is what gets me every time:
“They were swindled,” Kaz said. His voice was as cold and steady as ever, but he held himself stiffly, as if walking over uncertain ground. “They were offered a business opportunity that seemed too good to be true.”
Colm slumped into a chair. “If it seems that way, then—”
“It probably is,” said Kaz. Nina had the strangest sense that for once he was being sincere.
He’s talking about Jordie right here
Him and Jordie
He is being completely sincere
This is his genuine story and he’s laying it out for all to see for Jesper
He doesn’t actually say a lot and no one knows that he’s speaking from real experience but…
From Kaz this feels so... raw-
This shows me his love for Jesper, his closest friend… his brother—
“You barely look old enough to graduate.”
“Ketterdam was my education. And I can tell you this: Jesper never would have turned to me for help if he’d had anywhere else to go.”
“You can’t be so bad, boy,” said Colm gruffly. “You haven’t been alive long enough to rack up your share of sin.”
“I’m a quick study.”
Oh poor Mr. Fahey he has no idea
“Can I trust you?”
Colm took up his crumpled hat again. “Can I trust you to help Jesper through this?”
Kaz cares Kaz cares Kaz cares Kaz ca—
Colm sighed. He looked around at all of them. Nina found herself standing up straighter. “You lot make me feel very old.”
“Spend a little more time in Ketterdam,” said Kaz. “You’ll feel ancient.” Then he tilted his head to one side and Nina saw that distant, considering look cross his features. “You have an honest face, Mister Fahey.”
Colm shot Jesper a puzzled glance. “Well. I should hope so, and thank you for marking it.”
“It’s not a compliment,” said Jesper. “And I know that look, Kaz. Don’t you dare start those wheels spinning.”
Kaz’s only response was a slow blink. Whatever scheme had been set in motion in his diabolical brain, it was too late to stop it now.
Scheming Face™️
A dangerous thing to be on the wrong end of 🤣
The urge to comment on every single line—
But then these posts would be a mile long!
“Mister Fahey,” Kaz said quietly. “You know what they say about walking in a cow pasture?”
Jesper’s brows shot up, and Nina had to stifle a nervous laugh. What did the bastard of the Barrel know about cow pastures?
Oh a whole lot more than you would think
Nina felt a sudden lump in her throat. Matthias had lost his family to war. Nina had been taken from her family to train when she was just a little girl. Wylan had been as good as evicted from his father’s house. Kuwei had lost his father and his country. And Kaz? She didn’t want to know what dark alley Kaz had crawled out of. But Jesper had somewhere to go, someone to take care of him, somebody to say, It’s going to be all right…
…She wished Jesper’s father could take them all with him. She’d never been to Novyi Zem, but the longing for those golden fields felt just like homesickness. Silly, she told herself, childish. Kaz was right—if they wanted justice, they would have to take it for themselves.
These poor kids…
He reached inside one of the niches in the wall.
“My revolvers!” Jesper exclaimed, clutching them to his chest. “Oh, hello, you gorgeous things.” His grin was dazzling. “You got them back!”
“The safe at the Cumulus is an easy crack.”
“Thank you, Kaz. Thank you.”
Any hint of the warmth Kaz had shown Jesper’s father was gone, as fleeting as the dream of those golden fields. “What good is a shooter without his guns?” Kaz asked, seemingly oblivious to the way Jesper’s smile collapsed. “You’ve been in the red too long. We all have. This is the night we start paying our debts.”
Ouch ouch ouch
She couldn’t make a mistake, not when Inej’s life depended on it. Nina knew that if she’d been on Vellgeluk, the battle would have gone differently. Inej never would have been taken if Nina had been strong enough to face Van Eck’s henchmen.
And if she’d had parem? No one could have stood against her.
Nina that was not your fault-
You saved everyone in the first book!
Okay okay she does acknowledge that if she’d taken more parem she’d be practically dead
That other sense inside her, the gift that had been there for as long as she could remember, the heart of the power that had been her constant companion since she was a child, had simply ceased to beat.
I imagine this would feel like suddenly losing a limb
Nina felt a strange crawling sensation all over her body, but the need for parem wasn’t screaming through her any longer. I didn’t mean to kill him. It didn’t matter. It couldn’t right now. The guards were down and the plan was in motion.
“Come on,” she said. “Let’s go get our girl.”
Our first glimpse at Nina using her new abilities!
I’m trying to remember my original thoughts on this… but I can’t
Maybe my theory was just that parem made you a different order of grisha?
But now I know that’s not what’s going on here
Also- Nina calles Inej “our girl” 🥹
She loves her so much!
All the crows love her so much 💕
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kazscrows · 2 years ago
Crooked Kingdom Reread
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Chapter 3: Matthias
Cornelis Smeet tipped, losing his footing, hat sliding from his nearly bald head. The boy who had run into him stepped forward, offering assistance.
The boy was Kaz, but he was not Kaz. His dark hair was mussed, his manner flustered. He kept his eyes averted, his chin tucked into his collar as if hopelessly embarrassed—a green youth, respectful of his elders.
I love when Kaz goes into acting mode™️
I need more of it
lol Kaz saying “Oh dear, I think you dropped your wallet.” like he’s a respectable lad
Matthias watched in disbelief, Smeet opened his billfold and drew out a crisp five-kruge bill. “There you are, young man. Pays to be honest.”
I’m cackling
That honest young man just robbed you of your dog whistle, put it back again, stole valuable information on one of your clients and threatened your daughter—
Matthias could not fathom it. He’d kept his gaze trained on Kaz’s gloved hands as he’d fussed over Smeet, but even knowing that Kaz intended to return the whistle, Matthias hadn’t been able to detect the moment of deception. He was tempted to drag Smeet back and make Kaz perform the trick again.
Kaz neatened his hair with his fingers and handed the five kruge to Wylan. “Don’t spend it all in one place. Let’s move.”
Please why is this so funny? I’m dying-
Kaz just keeps reaffirming that he’s secretly a demjin in Matthias eyes
But same Matthias. I’d want to see that trick a hundred times
And Kaz giving Wylan the money?
Hilarious 😂
Matthias just thought that Kaz is twice as insufferable ever since Inej got taken
He needs her 😭
He’s definitely worried about her
I wonder just how often the others will note his increasingly worse moods
They made it back to Black Veil
It was weird they already came here in the show but it was also very cool to see the cemetery
I guess it just sets it up as a future haunt for later… *ba-dum tssh* get it? Haunt.. cause.. cause it’s a cemetery—
I love that Jesper and Nina are in an argument when Kaz, Wylan, and Matthias arrive
Kaz is just like.. “now now children stop being stupid and shut up-“
He literally herds them along with his cane
Freddy please use the cane for more gestures in the future! I’m begging 🙏
“Stop gawking like you’ve never seen a girl in a dress before, Matthias.”
“I wasn’t gawking,” Matthias said with as much dignity as he could muster. But for Djel’s sake, what was he supposed to look at when Nina had irises tucked between … everything.
“Be quiet, Brekker,” Nina said. “I like it when he gawks.”
It’s your own fault they’re back together Kaz
I love Nina
And I can totally hear Danielle saying that line
Matthias knew Nina would allow herself no comfort until Inej was safe.
Aww ninej 🥹💕
I love their friendship
All the crows love Inej so much
Kuwei poked his head out of the huge stone tomb as they approached.
“What did I tell you?” Kaz growled, pointing his cane at him.
“My Kerch isn’t very good,” protested Kuwei.
“Don’t run game on me, kid. It’s good enough. Stay in the tomb.”
Kuwei hung his head. “Stay in the tomb,” he repeated glumly.
I just like this interaction
Kaz calling anyone kid is kind of funny. Like dude you can’t be anymore than four years older than him
Poor Kuwei though
If I’m being honest I never cared much for him before I guess we’ll see if that changes after this reread
I’ve definitely been sympathizing for him more
The tomb was constructed to look like an ancient cargo ship, its interior carved into a vast stone hull. It even had stained-glass portholes that cast rainbows on the crypt floor in the late afternoon.
I had forgotten it looked like a boat so I’m glad the show got it right!
We always talk about Nina and Kaz’s sibling energy in the fandom and I love it, but I’m getting sibling energy from her and Jesper too and I’m living!
He turned his gaze on Matthias. “The Fjerdans are here too. They’ve got a whole contingent of drüskelle with them.
Oh rip I didn’t realize they knew the drüskelle were there so early
Kaz continued. “Once we have Inej, we can move on Van Eck’s silos.”
Nina rolled her eyes. “Good thing this is all about getting our money and not about saving Inej. Definitely not about that.”
“If you don’t care about money, Nina dear, call it by its other names.”
I’m probably reading way too much into this but
Kaz called Inej, Inej here.
Not the Wraith or a spider
He cares about Inej. He didn’t call her by her other names
It’s probably not meant to be read like this at all
Especially since in the next breath Kaz calls money freedom, security, and retribution to help appease Nina’s disapproval and of course to slightly mock her…
Yeah I’m definitely going off the rails, but it’s just a thought I had
Inej is his first priority though, can’t deny that one
Matthias heard Wylan murmur to Jesper, “Why won’t he just say he wants her back?”
“You’ve met Kaz, right?”
“But she’s one of us.”
Unfortunately Kaz is emotionally constipated
“Inej is part of the crew.”
“Just don’t push it.”
“Why not?”
“Because the practical thing would be for Kaz to auction Kuwei to the highest bidder and forget about Inej entirely.”
“He wouldn’t—” Wylan broke off abruptly, doubt creeping over his features.
None of them really knew what Kaz would or wouldn’t do. Sometimes Matthias wondered if even Kaz was sure.
Wylan trying to stand up for Inej is wonderful
But man this hurts
None of them believe that Kaz wouldn’t just leave them all to die if it was ever more convenient for him
I don’t believe that for a second but…
This emotional constipation is getting dangerous Kaz-
None of them trust you-
Just let them in alReAdy—
Also Jesper and Wylan talking like Kaz isn’t just right there and can’t hear them
He can definitely hear them
“Once the job is done, Kuwei—and any other convicts, Grisha, and disinherited youths who may or may not have prices on their heads—can lie low in the Southern Colonies.”
Jesper frowned. “Where will you be?”
“Right here. I’ve still got plenty of business that requires my attention.”
There he goes
Getting everyone their money and then just pushing them all away
Though Kaz’s tone was easy, Matthias heard the dark anticipation in his words. He had often wondered how people survived this city, but it was possible Ketterdam would not survive Kaz Brekker.
Some of Matthias’ thoughts about Kaz are such bangers
“Kuwei cleared his throat. “I would prefer to go to Ravka.”
“I’d prefer a pair of sable-lined swimming trunks,” said Jesper. “But we can’t always get what we want.”
I love Jesper so much
“Do you really think an antidote is possible?” Nina asked.
“I don’t know,” said Kuwei. “My father was a Fabrikator. I am just an Inferni.”
“You’re our chemist, Wylan,” said Nina hopefully. “What do you think?”
Wylan shrugged. “Maybe. Not all poisons have an antidote.”
Jesper snorted. “That’s why we call him Wylan Van Sunshine”
Ah the famous Wylan Van Sunshine quote
And wouldn’t you know it’s Jesper being sarcastic
There was a long, tense pause, then Kaz ran a gloved thumb over the crease of his trousers and said, “Nina, love, translate for me? I want to make sure Kuwei and I understand each other.”
“Kaz—” she said warningly.
Kaz shifted forward and rested his hands on his knees, a kind older brother offering some friendly advice.
The very worst older brother you could ever have
Sorry Kaz but it’s true..
I was about to say the speech he gives Kuwei isn’t so terrifying but uh.. I was wrong
It’s pretty awful actually
“You are a stolen painting, Kuwei. Too recognizable to sell on the open market, too valuable to leave lying around. You are worthless to me.”
Like.. yikes
This is why they all worry you’d leave them bleeding out in a ditch if it suited you, Kaz-
“Kuwei responded in Shu. She hesitated. “He says you’re cruel.”
“I’m pragmatic. If I were cruel, I’d give him a eulogy instead of a conversation. So, Kuwei, you’ll go to the Southern Colonies, and when the heat has died down, you can find your way to Ravka or Matthias’ grandmother’s house for all I care.”
“Leave my grandmother out of this,” Matthias said.”
No you’re definitely cruel Kaz but uh.. okay-
The grandmother comments are making me cackle though
Oh my gosh this is so perfect actually since we know that Calahan’s real grandma watches the show!
“Okay Cal, I have watched 5 and 6 and you are still in prison! 😳”
That is a real text Calahan got from his grandma about season 2 of the show
The knife that had killed Muzzen had been meant for Matthias, and the Fjerdans might well be responsible. The drüskelle. His brothers. They’d wanted him to die without honor, murdered in an infirmary bed. It was a death fit for a traitor. It was the death he had earned. Now Matthias owed Muzzen a blood debt, but how would he ever pay it?
I was just thinking about the guy they left at hellgate the other day 😬
But if the drüskelle killed a guy helpless in a prison cell it’s no surprise what happens to Matthias later…
Also I think Muzzen and Jesper must have been friends… he’s the most upset by his death
Jes was sad about Big Bolliger last book too
“There’s something else,” said Rotty. “Someone’s kicking up dust looking for Jesper.”
“His creditors will have to wait,” said Kaz, and Jesper winced.
“No,” Rotty said with a shake of his head. “A man showed up at the university. Jesper, he claims he’s your father.”
Here comes Mr. Fahey!!
Colm! I like Colm
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kazscrows · 2 years ago
Crooked Kingdom Reread
Part Two: A Killing Wind
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Chapter 5: Jesper
Once again he found himself reaching for his revolvers, longing for the cool, familiar feel of their pearl handles beneath his thumbs…
…Kaz said they’d get them back in good time, but he doubted Kaz would be so calm and collected if someone had swiped his cane. You’re the one who put them on the table like a nub, Jesper reminded himself. He’d done it for Inej. And if he was honest, he’d done it for Kaz too, to show he was willing to do what it took to make things right. Not that it seemed to matter much.
Jesper is trying so hard
It hurts so much because everything was an accident
I’m sorry Kaz has the emotional range of a teaspoon when it comes to expressing his feelings and just talking things through
He sometimes wondered what might have happened if he’d never gone out with his new friends that night, if he’d never walked into that gambling parlor and taken that first spin at Makker’s Wheel. It was meant to be harmless fun. And for everyone else, it had been. But Jesper’s life had split like a log into two distinct and uneven pieces: the time before he’d stepped up to that wheel and every day since.
Jesper’s gambling addiction is so interesting to me
It makes me wonder if it’s the gambling itself or just the idea that he can’t know the outcome that draws him in
Like.. is it the uncertainty that gives him the adrenaline rush much like how he enjoys the unknown and thrill of the fight?
He’s such a deep character
Every one of the Crows are really
Also I wonder where those supposed “friends” of his are now
Poor Jes is nervous to face his father
He’d hoped that Kaz would offer to accompany him. But when they’d split up to approach the university, Kaz had spared him only one dark glance. The message had been clear: You dug this grave. Go lie in it.
Not even “dig yourself back out” just basically leaving him for dead…
That’s pretty harsh Kaz…
It had been nearly two years since Jesper had set foot on university grounds. He’d never officially withdrawn from school. He hadn’t even really decided not to attend. He’d simply started spending more and more time on East Stave, until he looked up one day and realized the Barrel had become his home.
Ever single one of these children wound up in the Barrel on accident
I guess that’s the point though
No one willingly chooses that place. That life.
All his attention focused on the man standing near the eastern wall, gazing up at the stained-glass windows, a crumpled hat clasped in his hands. With a pang, Jesper realized his father had worn his best suit. He’d combed his Kaelish red hair tidily back from his brow. There was gray in it now that hadn’t been there when Jesper left home.
This just makes my heart ache
Also Mr. Fahey sounds like a sweet man, he’s doing his best
Jesper’s throat felt dry-sand parched. “Da,” he croaked. His father’s head snapped up and Jesper steeled himself for what might come next—whatever insults or outrage his father hurled at him, he deserved. But he wasn’t prepared for the relieved grin that split his father’s craggy features. Someone might as well have put a bullet right in Jesper’s heart.
“Jes!” his father cried. And then Jesper was crossing the courtyard and his father’s arms were tight around him, hugging him so hard Jesper thought he actually felt his ribs bend.
I always think about the parable of the prodigal son here
The first thing Jesper’s father does upon seeing him isn’t to scold him or make him feel ashamed
He embraces him and is overjoyed to just see him once again
I love that parable
Ah right, then they start getting shot at
“Wylan, tell me you’re packing more than pens, ink, and weevil makings.”
“I’ve got two flash bombs and something new I rigged up with a little more, um, wallop.”
“Bombs?” Jesper’s father asked, blinking as if to wake himself from a bad dream.
Jesper shrugged helplessly. “Think of them as science experiments?”
Poor Mr. Fahey has no real idea what‘s truly going on
“Da, I swear I’ll explain everything, but right now all you need to know is that we’re in a bad situation, and bad situations happen to be my area of expertise.” And it was true. Jesper could feel himself coming alive, the worry that had been dogging his steps since he’d gotten news of his father’s arrival in Ketterdam falling away. He felt free, dangerous, like lightning rolling over the prairie. “Trust me, Da.”
“All right, boy. All right.”
Jesper really does thrive in a fight
And I love that his dad just trusts him
Okay this fight scene would actually be so cool to see live action
I need that SoC spin-off so we can get here someday!
Jesper reloaded and popped up from behind the fountain, shooting.
“All Saints,” he shouted as pain tore through his shoulder. He really hated being shot. He shrank back behind the stone lip. He flexed his hand, testing the damage to his arm. Just a scratch, but it hurt like hell, and he was bleeding all over his new tweed jacket. “This is why it doesn’t pay to try to look respectable,” he muttered.
I guess Jesper has been shot before. Makes sense but still
They way he’s more upset about his clothes being ruined over the actual idea of being shot though
Also I can hear Kit saying that. His poor jacket
“Help me,” said Jesper. “We need to barricade the entrance.”
The man behind the desk wore gray scholar’s robes. His nostrils were flared so wide in effrontery that Jesper feared being sucked up one of them. “Young man—”
Help I just snorted—
Jesper pointed his gun at the scholar’s chest. “Move.”
“Jesper!” his father said.
“Don’t worry, Da. People point guns at each other all the time in Ketterdam. It’s basically a handshake.”
“Is that true?” his father asked as the scholar grudgingly moved aside and they shoved the heavy desk in front of the door.
“Absolutely,” said Wylan.
“Certainly not,” said the scholar.
Please why is this so funny??
I’m dying
Jesper really just took time to stop and flirt with a girl as they’re being pursued by people who are shooting at them
People are literally trying to kill you! Now is not the time, my guy!!
—these were the moments he lived for. He should be buzzing from the excitement of the fight. The thrill was still there, fizzing through his blood, but beside it was a cold, unfamiliar sensation that felt like it was draining the joy from him. All he could think was, Da could have been hurt. He could have died. Jesper was used to people shooting at him. He would have been a little insulted if they’d stopped shooting at him. This was different. His father hadn’t chosen this fight. His only crime had been putting his faith in his son.
Oh Jesper-
He makes my heart hurt a lot
That’s the problem with Ketterdam, Jesper thought as they stumbled uncertainly through the dark. Trusting the wrong person can get you killed.
Oh my gosh Jesper thinks this and then it immediately goes to Nina for the next chapter
Is this saying something about Matthias trusting Nina??
Or maybe foreshadowing for Matthias trusting that a drüskelle wouldn’t kill an unarmed man…
Or it’s late and I’m just thinking too much
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kazscrows · 2 years ago
I’ve used these reactions before but I made them and I’m proud of them and they’re Kanej so—
When people leave comments on my rereads I’m just:
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Thank you so much! The comments seriously make my day and motivate me to continue with my silly rambles. Much love 💕 🫶
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kazscrows · 2 years ago
Crooked Kingdom Reread
Part One: Forsaken
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Just in case it isn’t obvious full spoilers ahead for both books and the show. Okay. On with the reread—
Chapter 1: Retvenko
Am I the only one who always forgets who this is?
Like we joke in the fandom a lot about Joost and his mustache being forgotten but…
Who the heck is Retvenko??
Is he at the Crow Club? Just some random bar? Why can’t I remember anything about this chapter?
…it was hard to take him seriously dressed in the absurd fashion favored by the young men of the Barrel—a pink shirt with sleeves that looked fit to split over huge biceps, a garish red-and-orange plaid waistcoat. He looked like a dandified soft-shell crab.
I always forget about Barrel fashion
Or really it’s that I forget that not just Jesper dresses like that
I know it’s a little disappointing they don’t dress like that in the show but..
At the same time I’m kind of glad my eyes aren’t constantly being assaulted by neon colors and flashy patterns
Ohhh. Retvenko is grisha-
I’m starting to remember now
He passed along Grafcanal, shivering as he glimpsed Black Veil Island tucked into the water’s bend. That was where the Kerch wealthy had once buried their dead, in little stone houses above water level. Some trick of the climate kept the island shrouded in shifting mists, and there were rumors that the place was haunted.
The only things haunting it are Kaz and his Crows
I’ve got a feeling that Retvenko isn’t ever going to make it home to Ravka
Ah, yeah, see?
The shu’s grisha are here
Don’t they have metal casing on their skeletons or something??
“Ain’t no one taking the payroll.”
Retvenko watched in shock as the gangly clerk stood like some kind of avenging warrior and opened fire. By all that was holy, nothing could motivate the Kerch like cash.
Power, money… corruption
Yeah alright I remember the winged ones
They’re freaky
Rip Retvenko
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Want to read my SoC rereads too?
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kazscrows · 1 year ago
Also I wanna do more chapter rereads again soon! My phone is just being stupid and offloaded crooked kingdom so my way of getting quotes has been thrown off, but I’ll probably just use my iPad and then things will run smoothly again!
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kazscrows · 2 years ago
Expect another chapter reread either late tonight or tomorrow
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kazscrows · 2 years ago
I’ll be starting to post my Crooked Kingdom rereads soon! The first one will be up sometime this week. I will not be posting them everyday once I start however, because some of these chapters are beasts. Like they are just so long, especially reading on my phone. I also have a lot of thoughts and want to include so many quotes that the rereads themselves are ridiculously long so I’ll be needing time to edit them and cut them down. I’m hoping to drop at least one a week so fingers crossed that works out
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kazscrows · 2 years ago
It’s funny going back to my first rereads because they’re just a handful of bullet points and that was it. Now I include waaay too many quotes
It’s fun to see how things evolve
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