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ryunumber · 1 year ago
KazaaakplethKilik from FTL?
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KazaaakplethKilik has* a Ryu Number of 5 4.
(CORRECTION: Per @skapokon, an update to Sea of Thieves that adds Monkey Island content shortens Kazaaak's Ryu Number.)
(old image and explanation below)
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The one unambiguous crossover for FTL I could find is a Rockman assist character in Fraymakers, which as the "a" implies is never specified as a specific Rockman (like, say, Ariadne) and is therefore ineligible.
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So lacking a more straightforward path, we're going to have to take a bit of an iffy detour through Australian actor, video game enthusiast, DidYouKnowGaming? collaborator, and noted Game Grumps fan Vitas Varnas.
If there's an indie game that had a fairly well-known crowdfunding campaign, especially with some substantial higher-tier backer rewards, there's a decent chance Varnas helped back it. Broken Age, The Banner Saga, Mighty No. 9, Shovel Knight, and Wasteland 2 are among the many games he's thanked in as a backer and can be spotted in some minor capacities. Naturally, one of them was FTL.
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Through this backer reward, a random male human crewmember can be named "Vitas Varnas". You can absolutely quibble over whether it makes sense to count this as the same "character" as the real Vitas Varnas, but the restriction that the crewmember must be male and human in order to be named Vitas Varnas, combined with a general lack of default names for crewmembers (bar special ones like Kazaaak), is basically enough for me.
If you allow that, Varnas has also lent his voice to Thimbleweed Park as part of yet another backer reward.
As a Ron Gilbert joint, you can spot Guybrush in the background of a scene in Thimbleweed Park, and the rest is a known quantity, more or less.
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mant0dea · 1 year ago
if I started *another* side blog for daily posting mantis characters in games/movies/etc would that be cool
imnot even sure if there’d be enough to go for very long but I desperately wanna share some guys that I like and also learn about more characters that I don’t know exist yet
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richardotomislav · 2 years ago
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I'm also on this campaign!
I'm a Fighter Thri-Kreen that has already experienced the Spelljammer as an apprentice and went into the academia to get a boat for himself... I wonder if they will find these dubious characters.
It is based on Kazaaakplethkilik the legendary thief from FTL:Faster Than Light.
Sadly, I'm an awful drawer, so this is a Hero Forge model.
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Some art of my friend and I’s characters!
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chromic-acid · 3 years ago
What your favourite FTL ship says about you
The Kestrel Cruiser - It's the nostalgia. Your very first ship. If you only like the Red-Tail, then you're a minmaxer. I don't agree with the way you play the game, but I don't have the right to judge you.
Engi Cruiser - Who are you?
Federation Cruiser - You find the artillery system fun. As you should. Have you considered a flak-only run?
Zoltan Cruiser - I've never met someone who was diehard for the Zoltan cruiser. If you're real, please give me a sign. I'm not sure if I believe you exist.
Stealth Cruiser - You like the early stealth. If layout B is your favourite then you definitely reset like crazy to get through Sector 1 without taking too much damage. I know this because I am this person. I know it's a glass cannon of a ship but it feels so good when you get that rare run where you have a good Sector 1.
Rock Cruiser - You actually use missile weapons instead of selling them. You are to be respected and feared. The fire immunity is nice. Unfortunately the slow crew is a problem and you probably pick up an Engi and Mantis for quick repairs. Did you know that an Engi's repair speed boost also applies to fires? That hidden Rock firefighting boost isn't so good now.
Slug Cruiser - Anti-Bio Beam. Enough said. Layout B terrifies me on a personal level. The jellyfish theme is nice. And the slug repair gel? Maybe you're onto something.
Mantis Cruiser - Thief KazaaakplethKilik my beloved. Decked out for boarding, great way for extra scrap if you strategise. The four-crew teleporters? The layout B is fun for a challenge run.
Lanius Cruiser - I don't really get the appeal of layout A. It's a solid ship. But layout B? It's the flak. Trust me, it's not so bad. Sensors are optional!
Crystal Cruiser - Please refer to Red-Tail. For real, this is a damn good ship. I appreciate the alternate unlock condition because I still haven't gotten the quest to work.
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fadeintocase · 10 years ago
Because the system isn't rigged to holy hell to make voting completely pointless, right?
would you like some more tinfoil for ur hat
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ophibell · 11 years ago
kazaaakplethkilik replied to your post: Tomrorow rheodry and tumblinhateswheo ...
You have my prayers that she doesn’t pull any horrendous last minute ditch-effort bullshit to keep you trapped there.
God i hope not
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ophibell-old-blog-blog-blog · 11 years ago
kazaaakplethkilik replied to your post: kazaaakplethkilik replied to your post...
To each their own.
I think people just had their expectations too high. 
Give it time.
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mant0dea · 1 year ago
Silly mantis character of the day is Kazaaakplethkilik from FTL & Into The Breach !
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mant0dea · 7 months ago
have you played ftl? one of the crew races is giant mantises
i think like the second daily mantis was kazaaakplethkilik cause he’s in into the breach too
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ophibell-old-blog-blog-blog · 11 years ago
kazaaakplethkilik replied to your post:I SAT FOR AN HOUR TO GET A LOOK AT GROUDON AND...
Yeah, I was really pissed about wasting that much of my life for basically nothing.
I'm not angry at all! The stream was pleasant, the commentator was nice and we got something  out of it.
Not nothing.
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