pukashell · 4 months
namie amuro doesn’t need me to buy her song maybe she can buy my song namie amuro watashi no uta wa katte kureba ii no namie amuro no uta katte agemasen yo moshi korodeyoro kattara douzo kitte kudasai listen to my song can you celebrate can you kiss me tonight we will love long long time
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May as well start my new account with an introduction!  Hiya! I’m Koa/Kattara  - Images attached are my fursona Koa’s current refsheets. i do have to update them but finding time is difficult lol  22, attending uni for baking and pastry arts, i draw furries, obviously but other hobbies include pottery, reptiles, sewing and cooking/baking.  I also love to paint and try new things.  My best friend and furbaby is my 13yo kittycat Kassie :)  shy, but happy to make new friends and acquaintances over time ^^ idk, just gonna be posting stuff.  
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angelo-mnsr · 4 years
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victoriansword · 5 years
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Omani Kattara, 19th Century
A good 19th century Omani sword kattara from Zanzibar. Broad straight DE blade 77 cm cut with a short shallow fuller, leather grip entirely covered with woven silver tape and wire, tall silver pommel, in its leather covered scabbard with decorative string work, fitted with silver chape and twin hanging bands chiselled with flowering foliage en suite (locket missing). Note: See Elgood 1994 pl.2.16 for a similar example; and ibid. p.2 et seq. for a discussion of the history of Omani possessions on the African coast and their significance to Omani arms production.
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gb-lyrics · 4 years
Hi everyone,
Since this came up in my asks just the other day, I thought I’d let you all know that it’s been announced that CD買ったら (送料) サヨウナラ  (CD Kattara (Souryou) Sayounara) will be released on iTunes tomorrow, specifically for the benefit of overseas fans. I think it’s sweet that they thought of us, so if you’re interested, please check it out! 
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apostates-anonymous · 8 years
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Prince Zuko Aesthetic
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xellandria · 5 years
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It’s the final badge of the 2019 BlizzCon season!  Kattara wanted her ghost wolf form and the Heart of Azeroth included in her badge, and both were strangely challenging—I did some experiments with actually printing the wolf separately on transparent sticker paper, manually opaquing some areas, and combining them, but really I think the fully opaque versions ended up looking better in person.  Kattii’s got both in her possession though, so she gets to choose in the end!  The Heart was just tough because of CMYK printing gamut, but I don’t think the end result looks too bad.
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444names · 2 years
farbaddan names
(link to source)
Ababarra Abava Abbáta Adaban Adarann Adrad Adwallá Adwasa Agana Akal Alalaná Alall Alant Alatar Alatta Alaxan Albabarlá Albanrá Aldan Alfranka Allannaka Allaná Allata Alládasa Alládatä Almala Almalfras Alta Altannal Alva Aládab Alán Amallapan Amar Amaran Amarka Amarlan Ambal Ammanavar Ammard Amárgar Anaka Anat Annattan Anraka Antas Antá Arakan Aranaká Aravára Araxá Arkas Arlan Armagan Arna Arradallá Arradalá Arran Arravar Arránnas Arta Arála Arám Asakká Asallá Aska Asma Assanarrán Avada Avanataff Avartaw Azabaradlá Azald Azannatá Bababara Babart Babbál Bablan Baka Bakana Bakasará Bakk Bala Balassará Ballad Bana Banat Bara Baradás Baraka Baraká Baralarla Baraná Barastan Barat Barawn Barna Barnanafál Barána Basalp Bata Battand Blan Bradartan Brannan Bras Bravárat Bránn Bátan Bátas Dalaxand Dall Damala Danat Danda Danka Dankal Danta Darad Daraddárd Darandavá Darankarma Darrán Dartrattá Darvada Dasarl Datka Dattastast Dattána Davá Dwadas Dwaga Fanatkadra Fanra Fargaraska Farlaná Faránassa Flaradalap Flág Flám Fraka Fralaxan Fran Frana Frantar Frál Gaba Gabranaká Gala Galana Galann Galfranna Gallapál Garakká Garanná Garká Garlá Gart Glapana Grakk Graktarrá Grakál Gwada Gwaganá Gállá Gárál Jaffard Jafragt Jaka Jakaban Jakadaná Jakar Jakta Jaktannata Jaká Jakárá Jalvála Jama Jamamma Jamballas Janalá Janana Janaralám Jandat Jandrán Jandrána Jannasanat Janta Jara Jarada Jarawn Jarma Jarrakan Jart Jarát Jasanda Jasaw Jaslán Jass Jassaw Jasta Javá Jákarda Jánakara Jánavakar Kadalá Kaka Kakalattar Kalanavad Kalbal Kalád Kamattammá Kandrán Karanda Karbar Karbara Karda Karmakk Karmanka Karmarras Karrát Karta Kasa Kassálald Kast Kastara Katan Kattara Klaltap Klan Klandrán Klanna Klasa Klárgá Kraka Krakatrán Krakká Kran Krana Krat Kravaka Krax Ladná Lakannála Lakargará Lakatard Lakálana Lanakana Land Lannáll Lanra Lapa Lapan Laralá Larman Laráglax Lasandan Latranna Lárasa Lártava Läsarla Läsarmab Läsat Mabbá Madá Maggalantá Magt Makannaká Makk Mala Malakká Malbarda Mallandar Mallá Malláma Mallánna Mammarána Manattá Mangád Manjakamá Manna Mant Maná Maral Maralp Maras Mard Marlan Marlard Marlastadd Marládra Marman Marna Marra Marranga Mart Marátra Masarl Massamarta Mata Matana Matt Matta Mattall Mattáda Maxá Mára Naká Nata Natasta Natlan Pagabbaká Paggargara Pala Palald Pallana Palmakald Palvavana Pambarastá Pamálará Pana Pann Paran Parlafta Parnavá Pattala Pattarna Pattádá Pálan Rada Radalan Radradwan Ragalasál Raka Rakallárla Rakqál Raktant Ralandra Ralattallá Rallaraká Ranata Randas Randatarla Ranjaká Ranklád Ranránna Rant Ranál Rasan Raslá Rassabrán Rassawn Rattant Ravarlapal Ránass Ránat Sablas Sablasaná Sada Sadna Sakal Sakassák Salaw Sald Sall Salválarna Sama Samall Samarallán Sanadd Sanar Sanarag Sandarda Sandavá Sann Sapanna Sazabraka Sazakk Skala Skall Skallar Stan Stanattam Starand Starmal Startada Staw Stawn Tafalá Taffran Taka Takaravál Takk Tamagt Tamalarad Tamanda Tanda Tantánar Tapatad Tarak Taran Tará Tasan Tava Tavá Tawaná Trakarta Trakarána Trakk Tras Trastakkál Trála Trámana Tádá Tánnanastá Vaktakta Vaká Vanná Varbaslá Vark Válakká Vára Vávarada Wadna Walanakk Wallán Walánna Wandanakál Wanál Ward Wart Warán Warána Wasa Zalmakaná Zana Ádattarlá Áglap Áglarána Árannatasa Árat Árganna Árlasard Átarallá
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tiblalimassinissa · 5 years
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L'Algérie est honoré par ses enfants, les ambassadeurs de la plume algérienne: Lahbib bessayeh, Nacer salmi et Mouna srifek, le trio lauréat de kattara prize 2019.❤️ الجزائر يشرفها أبناء الجزائر. سفراء القلم, الأساتذة : الحبيب بسايح، ناصر سالمي ومنى صريفق يتزوجون بجوائر كتارا 2019. ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B3pl8fyBlAQ/?igshid=ks6zazn6c4gu
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masatokusaka · 7 years
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Shibata Aya’s Twitter 170819
柴田阿弥‏ @_shibata_aya 4:31 PM - 19 Aug 2017
The temperature was just right today 😂 #Niigata Racecourse #Winning Keiba
柴田阿弥‏ @_shibata_aya 9:43 PM - 19 Aug 2017
My hair can’t take anymore of this humidity 😔
柴田阿弥‏ @_shibata_aya 12:42 AM - 20 Aug 2017
This is bad. Now that I started watching this, it’s so interesting that I can’t go to sleep even though I’m tired 😂w #Kamikaze Eien Gundan ni Kattara 300 Manen #AbemaTV
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aeriefel · 7 years
Twenty Facts Meme!
I got tagged by the illustrious and phenomenal @noon30ish ! Thank you for tagging me! :D​
Name: My name is Inigo Montoya I’m Jennifer :)
Nickname: I have many but here are a few: Jenn, Shattered, Ethie, Katt
Zodiac: Capricorn
Height: 5'6
Orientation: whatever direction the planet happens to be facing
Nationality: American, but I'm from Texas and being Texan is practically a nationality of its own hahaha
Favorite Fruit: Strawberries! (especially if there's whipped cream involved)
Favorite Season: Summer for the heat, Winter for the aesthetic :D
Favorite Book: It's going to be A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Mass once I buy it!!
Favorite Flower: kinda cliché but I like roses! Especially if there's baby's breath with them <3 I like drying out the petals and pressing them between the pages of books
Favorite Scent: Vanilla and Chocolate Chip (I have so many candles you have no idea)
Favorite Color: I love mauve so much <3 but pretty much any muted shade of medium or dark purple! it reminds me of the universe
Favorite Animal: …I really like dragons :O
Coffee/Tea/Hot Cocoa: T E A
Average Sleep Hours: Normally 5-7hours because I can't handle all-nighters anymore :( in high school I could but not anymore hahaha
Cat or Dog Person: I love both but!!! I'm going to have to go with cats on this one
Favorite Fictional Character: I CAN'T DECIDE BETWEEN VICTOR OR YUURI HOW DARE (I also adore Rhysand from the A Court of Thorns and Roses series and Tsukiyama Shuu from Tokyo Ghoul but they’re not on the same level as Victor and Yuuri, though Shuu is close)
Number of blankets you sleep with: Three!
Dream Trip: Going back to Ireland and Scotland!! I went to Scotland for my senior trip with my mom after I graduated from high school and I had so much fun. I'd give anything to see the mountains in Glen Coe again!
Blog Created: Um… I think December 2015. I was definitely in high school
Number of followers: 167! I didn’t do much with this blog in like the first year and a half that I had it... Still kinda don’t beyond yelling into the void about the love I have for Yuuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov lol
Random Fact: This became two random facts lmao but I can twitch my left eye :D I also used to play World of Warcraft and that's where my nickname Katt came from! I named my druid Kattara after I transferred to a new realm way back in the day and it stuck lmao
I don’t know twenty people but I do know some of the best people you’ll ever meet! Bloggers, I choose you!
@destinygirlz @shinylyni @djbena313 @silly-taffy @star-crossed-gays
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victoriansword · 5 years
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Omani Kattara
Oman Sword (Kattara) with original scabbard in black leather and with silver fitments. Total length: 43 inches.
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gb-lyrics · 4 years
CD Kattara (Souryou) Sayounara
On April 30th of this year, Golden Bomber released a limited CD single that was only available for purchase online, as consolation to the fans after they had to postpone their upcoming tour due to covid-19. The single included four songs, one by each member. The songs are all gag songs, and none of them will be entirely new to hardcore fans, but this is the first time any of them have been recorded and released (save for “Natsu Monogatari”). I’ve included a note on the origin of each song with the respective translations. Kiryuuin Shou - Love for “M” Kyan Yutaka - Karuizawazawa HEY! Utahiroba Jun - U3! (Utahiroba ga Utatta Hazukashii Uta) Darvish Kenji - Natsu Monogatari 2020 It’s not often that we get to see songs by anyone but Kirisho, so I hope you guys enjoy this rarity!  As always, About + Disclaimer are here (^-^)
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hunterxjpeg · 7 years
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Hunter x Hunter Piano Sheet Music Book Release date: 2001
Song List:
taiyou ha yoru mo kagayaku (OP)
Hotaru (ED)
tobira (character song)
Kazamuki ga kattara (character song)
masyo no tenshi (character song)
Hunter Ondo (character song)
Yurete (character song)
Inori (character song)
Dancin (character song)
tobira (character song)
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corporateprince · 7 years
My name is Gato 🎵 I have metal joints 🎵 Beat me up and earn 15 Silver Points🎵
🎵Aa, Gonzaresu🎵🎵Ore wa tsuyoi🎵🎵Ore ni kattara shirubaa pointo🎵
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tbwanabz · 7 years
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Ibrahima Kattara http://ift.tt/2sfxu3U
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