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sheltiechicago · 1 year ago
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Echizen Daibutsu: The Tallest Seated Buddha Statue With The Shortest History
Japan’s Taishizan Seidaiji Temple in Katsuyama hosts Echizen Daibutsu (Echizen Great Buddha), one of the tallest seated statues of Buddha. It was based on the seated statue of Ryumon Hosenji Temple in China and was built on May 28, 1987.
With a height of 17 meters, 2 meters taller than the Great Buddha of Nara, it is the tallest seated Buddha statue in Japan. Although Echizen Daibutsu is taller than the other seated statues, it is not as famous as them because of its short history, making it the tallest and the youngest seated Buddha statue in Japan.
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eiichiyoshioka · 2 years ago
勝山左義長まつり Katsuyama Sagicho Matsuri 2023 | Japanese Festival | Sony aS7III 
YouTube: @EiichiYoshioka
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radioshiga · 5 months ago
Corrida de T-Rex em Fukui atrai mais de 100 participantes
Katsuyama, Fukui, Japão, 16 de outubro de 2024 – Agência de Notícias Kyodo – Uma inusitada corrida de dinossauros agitou a cidade de Katsuyama, na província de Fukui, no domingo (13). O evento, que atraiu mais de 100 participantes vestidos com fantasias infláveis de Tiranossauro Rex, teve como cenário uma pista de esqui gramada e visou promover o turismo na região, conhecida por suas descobertas…
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redsamuraiii · 9 months ago
Echizen Katsuyama Castle
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1976desire · 4 months ago
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bob dylan, budokan, 1978. photos by taisuke katsuyama
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asknarashikari · 10 months ago
Funny what if: Souji and Rin has a daughter in the future, and little her one day asks if she could marry Ian when she grows up
Rin has to stop her husband from running a very sharp and not-wooden sword through Ian, who is very pointedly screaming that of course he wasn't gonna go for his friend's kid
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blaze-n-rekka · 11 months ago
Japanese comedian Moody Katsuyama posts another Yakuza-esque photo, fans go wild
YouTube – shimamiya Comedian Moody Katsuyama posts another funny photo in the spirit of a popular video game series, Yakuza, causing quite an uproar among fans. As posted on Twitter, Moody Katsuyama shares yet another photo in the spirit of the Yakuza video game series. 龍が如くサブストーリー「挟まって動けなくなったムード歌謡歌手」 #龍が如く pic.twitter.com/oukzlKjsGP— ムーディ勝山 (@katsuyama0611) April 16, 2024 Yakuza Side Story –…
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flaresemily · 4 months ago
Mononoke Chapter 2
Bakeneko Arc - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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"For cutting down Mononoke" Kusuriuri finished.
"Y-you insolent fool!!!"
"Still talking that nonsense!!!
"What Mononoke!? How dare you!!"
"Shut up, my husband said nothing wrong!! And he is right, a Mononoke does exist, and so did ayaka---- "
Before Y/n could finish her sentence Yoshikuni cut her off.
"What's the trick of this" he asks while trying to open the sword of exorcism.
"There's no trick for that..."
"And no hidden mechanism either"
Then Odajima tries to open it while Yoshikuni interrogates Kusuriuri and Y/n .
"Can you unsheathe it?"
"It is not possible yet"
"Not yet, huh??"
Then Kusuriuri began to explain.
"First one must know its form, the truth, and the regret of the Mononoke to unsheathe the sword."
"You are an interesting man"
Then something fell out of Y/n ’s kimono. No one noticed it of course except for Y/n and Kusuriuri.
The 'thing' begin to move and slowly slither it’s way out of the room with success
"Not at all... there's nothing remarkable about me"
"I can't stand this anymore, to the guard house with him!!" He pointed the sword of exorcism to Kusuriuri
"You can't do that!!" The man with orange haori spoke up again
"Master Katsuyama!!"
"This matter is of great concern to our house."
Then they heard a woman shriek. All of them turn to the sound.
There they saw Lady Mizue passed out while Sato was trying to wake her up.
"Hey! Call a doctor!"
"Call doctor Tsubouchi to the house"
"Yes sir"
"Hold it Yahei" Kusuriuri spoke
"You better not step outside" he adds
"The barrier isn't complete yet" he continues,
"Shut up, enough!!" Katsuyama says
"Listen, don't say anything unnecessary" Katsuyama adds
Oh how Y/n wanted to strangle this man to death, how she wishes she could turn him into her plaything, and make him drown in her newly made poison.
Kusuriuri notices the aura his wife is giving out so the only thing he could do is calm her down by looking at her.
Even when he truly wishes to hold her and caress her bump but...that can wait.
She noticed him looking at her and understood the meaning.
"Just tell him Lady Mizue is ill and bring him here.”
"Yes sir!"
Thus, he walked away.
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The atmosphere in the room didn't change...Y/n is still feeling uncomfortable because of the rope that has been tied around her growing stomach and it kept hurting her.
"Send a messenger to the Shiono family"
"My lord, it's still early for that"
"What would they think if they learned about Lady Mao's sudden death."
At this point Y/n had stopped listening to the conversation and started to concentrate on the 'thing' she sent out earlier.
And that 'thing' is her pet...snake.
It was a gift given to her by her uncle and she named it Kio.
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With the snake
As it slither its way out and around the house...it didn't sense anything around it. Until, he tried to take a little look at the 'bride' . That was when he finally noticed that behind the old man...
Was a suspicious wall.
'Why can I feel the wind from it?' that was what it thought.
So it slither its way 'inside' the wall and what he found isn't very good...
Sadly it was cut short by noise from outside the wall.
(The snake kinda has the same power like chachamaru?? From demon slayer)
When the snake was about to slither its way out...it couldn't...as if it was trapped.
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Y/n immediately knew something was wrong because she could see 'it'. Just then, they heard a bell ringing.
"Is Yahei back? Why is he taking so long" Katsuyama questioned.
"The doctor probably has many other things to attend to," a man with green haori says.
"Our problem is serious!! I don't care about his other matters!!"
'Ego much, those things will only get you killed...serve you right, that's what you get for shouting at my husband!'
Y/n was smiling happily on the outside, to the point her husband smiled a bit as if knowing what she was thinking about.
As they keep fighting Y/n nose has started to pick up some 'unwelcome' smell that makes her want to vomit. Kusuriuri moves a bit to kneel by her side and whispers to her.
"Do you see anything unusual?"
".....no...but I--"
Before she could finish her sentence, Kusuriuri had already moved his attention to Odajima.
Then suddenly a lot of droplets of blood suddenly came down from the roof. Kusuriuri's eyes widened at the sight.
And before anything else could happen Kusuriuri appeared in front of Odajima and kicked him in the stomach.
There...a figure fell down...and it was Yahei.
A scream was let out. And before Y/n knew it she was breathing heavily because of the sight it was too....gory for her body to handle
"Where did he come from" the man with green haori said before looking above but there was no sign of any hole being made.
"It's coming," Kusuriuri said before ripping the rope like it was nothing.
"You!!!" Before Odajima could attack him...he was stopped by the sword of exorcism in front of him.
He quickly put all his talisman around the room and quickly untied the rope around Y/n before resuming putting the talisman around every room and every corner of the room.
If Y/n could witness the way he put the talisman she surely will laugh and tease him about it but sadly she can't because apparently the blood makes her feel sick. It was a nuisance to her.
"It is dangerous to be alone...you are better off with someone" he added before putting the talisman at the last room where the corpse of lady Mao and the master was put.
Then he walks to Y/n side and kneels before giving her something to eat.
Y/n was shocked because she didn't expect her husband to have some food on him. On top of that just the food that she's been craving a lot...and that is....onigiri with banana in it, along with tuna of course.
Y/n happily ate it and there were atleast 5 to 6 onigiri with the same flavor, don't ask how he had it...he just did. I mean... anything for his wife.
There were scratching sounds. And all the talismans have started to change from white to black to red.
"Don't worry it cannot enter"
Y/n who was still eating is trying to inform her husband about what her snake Kio found out, but sadly her mouth is too full, and she’d rather eat a lot and become fat rather than informing the news.
Because to her....food is much more important than anything.
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There was one time when they faced a 'stronger' Mononoke. Her husband was having a hard time finding out the 'truth' and 'regret' and almost got himself killed while his own wife was happily eating all the food that is served on the dining table.
Luckily or unluckily....the Mononoke had hit the table where Y/n was still eating and she was not happy about it that she literally cursed at the Mononoke to the point it couldn't handle her 'nagging'. Y/n also used her 'power' to hold that Mononoke down so it wouldn't escape her. She had it in a death grip.
It quickly tells Kusuriuri what it's 'truth' and 'regret' is and bam!! The Mononoke is gone... sadly it's up to Kusuriuri to satisfy his wife who is now poor. That~ lead her to get pregnant. =)
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Back to the story....
The whole room shakes while Y/n try to cover her precious baby a.k.a the food.
Then suddenly Odajima spoke.
"I don't know what tricks you are playing but I'm going to get to the bottom of this!!" He then proceeded to open the door.
Kusuriuri's eyes widened
Before he could do anything, Y/n ran past him and pulled Odajima by his collar then quickly sealed the door with the talisman Kusuriuri gave her before getting tied up in case of an emergency.
As soon as Y/n seals the door...it stops shaking.
"It's presence has faded"
"What was that!?"
"I couldn't see it's form"
Y/n sighed and Kusuriuri looked at them.
"I told you, it's a Mononoke" he said
"If you humans truly have brain you surely would know already dumbass"
Y/n add before walking to her husband with a twinkle in her eyes and a 'my dear beloved otto do you have more food' look.
Kusuriuri just looks at his wife and sighs.
"If you step outside the barrier you become a prey of it" Kusuriuri continued
"But of course the barrier won't hold it for long~" Y/n smirk at Odajima’s scared figure.
"If we leave it as if...then we end up like them" he gestures to the dead people in the room such as Yahei and Lady Mao.
"The Mononoke should be cut down...but in order for the sword of exorcism to unsheathe the condition must be met" he says kneeling In front of Odajima.
"The form, truth and regret must be displayed In front of the sword."
"First the form" he says and takes something off from Odajima haori.
"Fur??" Odajima asks
"It's a ghost cat," Kusuriuri answered.
Then, the sword made a small 'tink' sound, indicating that it was the correct answer to the 'form' of the Mononoke.
"The interviewed fates of men gave it's form"
"So I ask everyone" he slowly lifted the sword and showed it to everyone.
"To tell me the truth and regret" he finishes.
".... Kusuriuri" Y/n begin
"Yes my love?" He ask
"I'm hungry" Y/n add
Everyone was silence...until
"Hey, I'm about to drink sake," Yoshikuni says.
"Someone get me some more!"
No one moves....
"Sato!" He shouted.
"Yes right away!!" Sato replies before she adds.
"Kayo go and get it!!!"
"Hurry, go and fetch the good sake!! You know where we keep it"
"I-i don't want to"
"What do you mean!!"
"he asked you to get it!!!!"
Kayo shivers in fear, "I don't want to leave this room."
"How dare you talk back to me!!"
Kusuriuri started to walk towards the exit.
Odajima notices him.
"Hey!! Where do you think you're going?"
"Kusuriuri!!" Y/n add
"I need some salt" he stop "I might as well get the sake too"
"Let me go with you Kusuriu---" Y/n was cut off
"No need...you can stay here...you must be tired from all the walking with your swollen feet..." He assured her.
"Okay...be careful" Y/n added not before accidentally seeing Kayo blushing at her husband's statement.
"Don't move unless I tell you so!!" Odajima says get up.
"It will come for us again..."
"I need to be ready for it."
"No way!! Stay put!!" Odajima shouted.
While Y/n was thinking a hundred ways to remind Kayo about Kusuriuri being her husband. Also couldn't she see that Y/n was heavily pregnant or something? I mean....her stomach is bigger than normal even when she was just 5 months along.
"You haven't earned my trust yet!!"
"Then why don't you come with me?"
He carries his wooden ‘box’.
"I’d appreciate it if you do"
"Sure I will!!"
"I'm sorry that I'm foiling your one and only chance to escape," Odajima states proudly.
"I'm opening it" he removed the talisman that his own wife put on.
"I'm sure I am lucky to have a bodyguard." He smirks that only Y/n notice because of her sharp eyes.
"Then I'm going as well," Kayo states.
Well...that did make Y/n ’s blood boil.
"I want to come too Kusuriuri!!" She says not to give up.
"Y/n ...." He kneels in front of her and pat her head.
"Protect them in the meantime...I can only trust you to make sure no one...gets out of this room okay" he smiled at her.
Y/n only pouted at her husband's answer and sadly nodded.
"Fine...I will protect them..."
Now for Y/n pov (not really her pov)
As Y/n waited for her husband to return, she just sat on the floor caressing her pregnant stomach.
"Lady....you truly believe him?" Yoshikuni ask
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(‼️‼️This did not happen in anime just what I created to happen for this book‼️‼️)
"What do you mean??" Y/n ask
"Your husband is out with a female...are you not afraid?? Or scared??" He taunts her.
"No he will never cheat!!"
"I never said anything about cheating..." He smirks as if he caught her in the act.
Y/n flinch from his statement.
"What I was saying is... aren't you scared he might get killed?? That's my real question...never guessed you'd say anything about cheating " he finished then laughed out loud.
"You human...be lucky that I was here to protect all of you!!! If it wasn't for him you all would be dea---" Y/n fought back.
"Now, now, lady...is that a way to speak to the 'elderly' "
Y/n could only pray that her husband would return quickly because she was this close to killing Yoshikuni and everyone here.
"But...that could possibly happen right?? The cheating part" he added.
And there was it...the final point...
"You piece of shi----!!!!"
(Otto - Husband)
Yay another chapter done.... first time writing a long chapter 😅😅 sorry for any grammar mistake
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lalathemediterraneanmermaid · 4 months ago
Ikemen Prince Real Life Castles
Hi babes! I'm feeling like adding yet another layer of delusion to our already delulu brains, so here’s my take on what IkePrince castles would look like in real life. This way, you can visit them while pretending to be Belle running down the hallways looking for your beloved prince.
The Rhodolite castle would be grand and ornate, with French Renaissance and Baroque influences. Expect elegant stonework, elaborate gardens with fountains, and decorative elements like balustrades and statues. The interior would feature intricate tapestries, gold accents, and chandeliers, exuding an air of refined nobility and romance.
Some examples could be:
Château de Chambord - France
Palace of Versailles - France
Château de Chantilly - France
Château de Chenonceau - France
Schönbrunn Palace - Austria
Dunrobin Castle - United Kingdom
Lednice na Moravě - Czechia
Château de Ussé - France
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The Obsidian castle would have a stern, gothic architecture with imposing towers and stone walls. Think of dark, medieval castles with fortified structures, high walls, and sharp angles. Interiors would be minimalistic and austere, emphasizing function over ornamentation but with a touch of grandeur in public spaces.
Some examples could be:
Hohenzollern Castle - Germany
Edinburgh Castle - Scotland
Moszna Castle - Poland
Burg Eltz - Germany
Garibaldi Castle - Russia
Château du Bousquet - France
Inveraray Castle - United Kingdom
Cologne Cathedral - Germany
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The Benitoite castle would be built with Italian Renaissance and Mediterranean styles in mind. Expect warm-toned stone, arches, and decorative columns. Courtyards would be lush, with fountains and intricate tile work. Interiors might have frescoes, marbled halls, and large windows to let in light, creating a grand yet inviting atmosphere.
Some examples could be:
Palazzo Ducale - Italy
Belvedere Palace - Austria
Howard Castle - United Kingdom
Catherine Palace - Russia
Palazzo Pitti - Italy
Miramare Castle - Italy
Swallow’s Nest Castle - Ukraine
The Royal Palace - Spain
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The Jade castle would be charming, integrated with its natural surroundings. Built in a style that’s less imposing and more in harmony with nature, it would be surrounded by gardens and water features. Think of understated beauty, with an emphasis on wooden accents, greenhouses, and large windows overlooking gardens and the forest.
Some examples could be:
Stoke Rochford Hall Leisure Club - United Kingdom
Harlaxton Manor - United Kingdom
Knebworth House - United Kingdom
Castle de Haar - The Netherlands
Château de Villandry - France
Lowenburg Castle - Germany
Brissac Castle - France
Vouzeron Castle - France
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The Tanzanite castle would be exotic and filled with intricate details, such as domed roofs, archways, and extensive mosaics. The castle would feature courtyards with fountains, lush gardens, and reflective pools, creating a tranquil and mystic vibe. Interiors would be lavish, with patterned tile work, vibrant colors, and plush furnishings.
Some examples could be:
La Sagrada Familia - Spain
Alhambra - Spain
Golestan Palace - Iran
Ali Qapu Palace - Iran
Topkapi Palace - Turkey
Alcázar de Sevilla - Spain
Taj Mahal - India
Shrine of Hazrat Ali - Irak
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The Kogyoku castle would have traditional Japanese architecture, with wooden structures, curved tiled roofs, and wide, open spaces for viewing nature. The castle would be surrounded by gardens with koi ponds and sakura trees. Interiors would feature shoji screens, tatami mats, and simple but elegant furnishings.
Some examples could be:
Himeji Castle - Japan
Matsumoto Castle - Japan
Shuri Castle - Japan
Nijo Castle - Japan
Osaka Castle - Japan
Katsuyama Castle - Japan
Nagoya Castle - Japan
Kinkakuji Castle - Japan
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The Achroite castle would be a blend of Scandinavian minimalism and rugged fortification, built with stone and wood. It would sit atop a hill or near a lake, with a natural and slightly harsh look. The design would be simple, with a focus on functionality and integration with the landscape, including large fireplaces and wood-paneled rooms for warmth.
Some examples could be:
Neuschwanstein Castle - Germany
Château de Ferreries - France
Château de Boismorand - France
Château de Vigny - France
Château d'Haroué - France
Hallgrimskrikja Cathedral - Iceland
Bojnice Castle - Slovakia
Pierrefonds Castle - France
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And that’s everything for now! I’m planning to continue this exploration with possible traditional dances, music, customs, fashion, food, and festivities each kingdom might have. What do you think? What would you like to explore next?
See you on the next post my dears!!!!! XOXO
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missmyloko · 6 months ago
Kanzashi of The Month: July - Gion Matsuri 2024's Design
Way back in 2019, Kazurasei went and uploaded images of the yearly kanzashi at the time and I covered them like a normal kanzashi feature. However, they hadn't uploaded the Gion Matsuri design annually even after it resumed... until now! As always, the kanzashi are courtesy of Kazurasei.
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Image is courtesy of Kazurasei. Chō (蝶) - Butterflies Tsuyu Shiba (露柴) - Dew On Grass Tessen (鉄線) - Clematis When this image was originally uploaded at the beginning of July it came as quite a shock as the yearly motifs aren't often leaked early, but boy was it a great thing that it was! 2024's design is actually very similar to 2019's on paper; it features an insect and dew on grass on top of clematis. However, unlike the shimmering wings and stick figure bodies of the dragonfly, we instead have the puffy wings and silver wire bodies of the butterfly! Silver paper butterflies accompany the main motifs on the katsuyama (bridge) piece, so it's interesting to see them used now as a main motif too, making the katsuyama absolutely full of fluttering butterflies! Oddly enough, the rule of colors seems to have changed for this year as junior maiko were seen wearing kanzashi sets with two light pink butterflies and one purple butterfly while senior maiko were seen wearing kanzashi sets with two purple butterflies and one light pink butterfly. Usually junior maiko wear deeper, darker colors to symbolize their inexperience and senior maiko wear pastels to show their seniority, but this year everyone shared the same colors!
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Image is courtesy of the Shigemori Okiya. Last time the clematis was featured, it was simply the six petal kind with a rhinestone center. This time around, it still has six petals, but the main ones are white and the accents are pink and blue. It's not unusual to see cultivated clematis have main petals that are one color and smaller, inner petals that are another, so this type of tsumami clematis is emulating that. When put together, the motifs make for a very cooling and calming effect, as shown on maiko Fukunagi (ふく凪) of Shigemori (しげ森) in Miyagawa Cho above. 2024 has now become one of my favorite yearly designs that I can remember (my other favorite is 2018's fireworks and water design). What's yours?
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 3 months ago
Ok last one for now before I have to go be productive
So I'm a Shintoist. But also a nerd in studying folklore etc apparently
Tokushima has a Dinosaur Shrine It enshrines Kyoryu Daigongen, which means Dinosaur Great Emanation, the later refering to a theory some Japanese Kami Sama or Divinities where emanated by Buddhas
Then apparent recently in Fukui they had Temple and Shrine seal or stamp rally that had dinosaurs on them
That is so effing cool
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maigeiko · 1 year ago
The look of... VIII: Shimizu 清水
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Historical context The first official date in the history of Shimizu Geigi is 1872, when "Machi Geisha" (まち芸者), who were distinct from "Kaku Geisha" (廓芸者), appeared. A Kenban (registry office) was established in 1877. At that time, Machi Geisha and Kaku Geisha combined were around twenty people. Only ten years later, in 1887, their number had increased to 100. The number of Geigi continued to grow.
In 1938, the number of Geigi was around 260, and they were highly regarded nationwide for their skills in art and behaviour. In 1951, a "Shimizu Geigi school" (清水芸妓学校) was opened, around 150 Geigi attending the event.
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In the 1970's, Japan's period of economic growth started tapering off, interest in traditional arts dwindeled, which resulted in less work opportunities for Geigi and the number of Ryotei decreasing. In response to this, local business leaders and Shimizu Geigi started an organisation to help fostering new Geigi (Seibikai 清美会).
By 1985, their number had decreased to thirteen and the Kenban closed. In 1991, local businessmen and Geigi formed a different company (Seibi Co. 清美(株)), which worked as employer for Geigi. Due to a bad economic environment, Shimizu Odori (清水をどり) was last held in 1998, Seibi Co. was dissolved in 2004, and Haru no mai (春の舞) was discontinued in 2009. As a result of this, some of Seibi's employees became independent Geigi.
Allegedly, the number of Geigi hit rock bottom in 2011 with only two remaining. However, in 2012, around eleven Geigi worked in Shimizu. Since then, the city had a steady stream of Geigi coming and going again. At the end of this year, 2023, there are ten Geigi working in the city.
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The look of Shimizu Geiko Local Term: Geigi 芸妓 ※ Hairstyle: Taka shimada, Tsubushi shimada ※ Kanzashi: Kushi, Maezashi, bekko kogai, ear of rice in the new year period ※ Kimono: Homongi, Kuromontsuki Hikizuri ※ Haneri: white ※ Obi: Taiko musubi ※ Obiage: green, pink, white, red ※ Obijime: flat, 1 knot ※ Footwear: Zori
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Casual look ※ Hairstyle: Yohatsu ※ Kanzashi: none ※ Kimono: Homongi, rarely Komon ※ Haneri: white ※ Obi: Taiko musubi ※ Obiage: white, pink ※ Footwear: Zori
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The look of Shimizu Maiko Local term: Shinjin Geigi 新人芸妓 ※ Hairstyle: Momoware Katsura, sometimes real hair styled (shin nihongami) ※ Kanzashi: seasonal and non-seasonal Hanakanzashi, Katsuyama, maezashi, Shidare in all age groups ※ Kimono: Furisode with shoulder tucks or no tucks at all ※ Eri: white with white embroidery, plain white, white with multicolour embroidery, other colours possible especially during summer months ※ Obi: Koken musubi ※ Obiage: flat, mostly red/silver, red/white shibori, other colours also possible (green/beige/light blue) ※ Obijime: flat or round with 1-4 knots. No obidome ※ Footwear: Zôri
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Notes Shimizu was merged with Shizuoka in 2003. Shimizu Geigi and other traditional arts performers are backed by 静岡伝統芸能振興 Shizuoka dentô geinô Shinkô-kai/Shizuoka traditional performing arts promotion association, which is the successor to Seibikai. You might notice I didn't start this post with a historical b/w photo. There are some old photos on the Shizuoka Dentogeino homepage, but they are the size of a postal stamp. And that's it. I feel let down. No chance to explore the historical style of Shimizu. Anyways. "The look of Shimizu/Shizuoka" was requested by @geimaiko. The layout of this post is based on geimaiko's own. Also... geimaiko originally started these series. If you liked this post, you should go and thank her, because without her, there would be no "the look of..." ;)
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Sources https://www.shizuoka-dentogeino.jp/geigi/shizuoka_history/, https://www.shizuoka-dentogeino.jp/geigi/shimizu_history/, http://www.shimizu-port.jp/geigi.html, https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNZO41971500Z20C12A5L61000/ (headline and preview only), https://www.youtube.com/@shizuokadentogeino/videos
Pictures: Komachi May 17, Makoto May 17, Komachi+Makoto Oct 17 (sources nowhere to be found), Sakurako+Fukutaro Apr 22, Kikuno+Umeka Nov 14, Iroha Jun 20, Iroha Oct 20, Fukutaro Oct 20, Ichiryo+Komachi+Makoto ~2016, Komachi+Sakurako Apr 18, Fukutaro+Sakurako Oct 18, Iroha+Fukutaro+Sakurako Oct 20
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stardust-swan · 8 months ago
can you go more in depth on beauty secrets by geishas? i’ve always found them so interesting.
Geisha are very secretive about their inner lives, so it's hard to know for sure things like exactly what they would have done during their skincare routine or what kind of perfume they used, but we do know about their makeup, hair, and clothing. A lot of this information comes from the most successful geiko of Kyoto, Mineko Iwasaki's memoir Geisha, A Life (also known as Geisha of Gion), which was controversial among her peers as she revealed a lot of behind the scenes info on what life as a geisha is like. It's a very interesting read if you're interested in the inner lives of geisha. It can be downloaded on Libgen.
The Geisha Ideal
Mineko Iwasaki described how a geisha is meant to look:
She has the classic looks of a Heian princess, as though she might have stepped out of an eleventh-century scroll painting. Her face is a perfect oval. Her skin is white and flawless, her hair black as a raven’s wing. Her brows are half moons, her mouth a delicate rosebud. Her neck is long and sensuous, her figure gently rounded.
Geisha wear highly stylised makeup derived from the kabuki tradition.
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Foundation: Bintsuke oil paste is applied to the face, neck, and upper back as a base.
White Makeup: White face powder, made of rice powder, is mixed with water to form a paste. The face, neck, and upper chest are painted. Three stripes on the back of the neck are left unpainted in order to emphasize its slenderness, as in Japan the nape of the neck is considered beautiful. If wearing ordinary kimonos instead of formal outfit, only two lines will be left unpainted.
Eyebrows and eyes: As their eyebrows have been covered up by the white makeup, they are redrawn in pencil or charcoal. Black eyeliner is worn on the top lash line. Maiko (trainee geisha) use distinctive red eye makeup, whereas as geisha wear black eye makeup or may use subtle red makeup at the start of their brows. A crescent moon eyebrow shape is preferred.
Blush: Maiko wear pink blush on their cheeks, whereas geishas faces are completely white.
Lips: Maiko only paint one of their lips, while geisha paint both lips. They use a bold red lipstick which is derived from the red safflower, mixing it with water (and some also add sugar). They use a brush to paint a shape a bit smaller than their natural lip shape, as small lips are considered delicate. Tatcha has a lipstick called Kyoto Red which is in the same shade of red that geishas use.
Older geisha typically only wear a full face of makeup for performances and special occasions.
In the past, geisha would paint their teeth black, but today it is very uncommon, although some Kyoto geisha still practice it.
Video of geisha makeup application
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There are different hairstyles for different stages of a geisha's career.
Junior maiko wear the wareshinobu (split peach) style.
Senior maiko wear the ofuku style
Yakko is worn for formal events
Katsuyama is worn for one month before and one month after the Gion Festival in July
The sakko is worn in the final month of a maiko's training. On their very last day as a maiko, the tie holding their topknot is ritually cut off.
After becoming geisha, they wear the shimada hairstyle, an elaborate high chignon.
Mineko Iwasaki's description of the wareshinobu style:
The hair is swept up and sculpted into a mass on the top of the head that is secured by red silk bands (kanoko) front and back and decorated with kanzashi, the stick pin ornaments so distinctive of the karyukai look. It is said that this simple, elegant style showcases the curve of the young girl’s neck and the freshness of her features to their best advantage.
To preserve their elaborate hairstyles, geisha would sleep on a rectangular lacquered wooden pillow topped with a narrow cushion. If a girl found it difficult to sleep on these pillows, the maids would sprinkle rice bran around the pillow, so that if the girl removed the pillow, bits of bran would stick to the pomade in her hair, forcing her to have to go to the hairdressers again. Geisha would visit the hairdressers every five days.
These days geisha just wear wigs, which as well as being more convenient, also prevent bald spots from forming, a common problem geisha in the past dealt with due to constant stress on the roots of their hair. Maiko are still required to use their real hair.
Geisha also got their faces shaved when they went to the hairdresser.
As well as wearing their hair in elaborate styles, geisha also decorate them with ornaments. This description is of the first set of hair ornaments Mineko Iwasaki wore:
I wore two hairpins tipped with silk plum blossoms (because it was February) on the sides of the back of the bun, a pair of silver flutters (bira) on the sides in front, an orange blossom pin (tachibana) on top, and a long pin tipped with balls of red coral (akadama) and jade, inserted horizontally through the base.
Maiko wear colourful hair ornaments with flower motifs that change every month.
Full-fledged geisha don't wear as many hair ornaments, just a simple comb and hairpins, and their hairpins aren't as elaborate as the ones worn by maikos.
The hair ornaments serve purposes other than just decoration. The pointed ends of the pins are used to protect geisha from attacks, and the coral ornaments worn in colder months are used to test whether sake has been poisoned as coral breaks in the presence of poison.
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Maiko wear more elaborate outfits than geisha do in order to compensate for their lack of expertise and knowledge. Mineko Iwasaki described one of her maiko outfits this way:
My kimono was made out of figured satin in variegated turquoise. The heavy hem of the train was dyed in shades of burnt orange, against which floated a drift of pine needles, maple leaves, cherry blossoms and chrysanthemum petals. My obi was made of black damask decorated with swallowtail butterflies. I wore a matching obi clasp of a swallowtail butterfly fashioned out of silver.
I carried the traditional handbag called a kago, which has a basketweave base topped by a drawstring pouch of colorful tie dyed silk, shibori, which is made by tying silk into a myriad of minute knots with thread before it is dyed. The result is a stunning dappled effect. Kyoto is famous for this technique. It is the one that was practiced by my mother.
The shibori of my handbag was pale peach and sported a design of cabbage butterflies. It held my dancing fan (decorated with the three red diamonds of the Konoe family [close advisers to the emperor] painted on a gold background), a red-and-white hand towel decorated in a matching pattern, a boxwood comb, and various other accessories. All of these were encased in covers made from the same silk as the bag, and all of them were monogrammed.
Maiko wear a collar called eri, which is hand-sewn onto the nagajuban (a robe worn under the kimono) for each wearing. These red collars tell a story in and of themselves. They are made from silk that has been finely embroidered with white, silver, and gold thread. The younger one is the less dense the embroidery and the more visible the red of the silk. As one matures, the appliqué becomes heavier until little red (a symbol of childhood) can be seen. The progression continues until the day one “turns one’s collar” from maiko to geiko and begins to wear a white collar instead of a red one.
Under their clothes, geisha wear two rectangular undergarments made of cotton, one wrapped tight around the chest and the other wrapped tight around the hips. This helps flattens and smoothes the lines of the kimono. Next comes a long cotton hip wrap, like a half-slip, then a pair of long bloomers to preserve modesty should the front fold of the kimono open.
Next comes the hadajuban, a loose blouselike garment that follows the lines of the kimono. A maiko’s hadajuban has a red collar. Over this, a full length under robe is worn called a nagajuban. Mineko Iwasaki described hers as being "made from tie-died silk figured with a fan-shaped pattern and embroidered with an assortment of flowers."
After their undergarments are on, the kimono and obi (sash) are put on. Their kimono and obi have different designs for each season. For example, in summer, a kimono with hydrangeas might be worn and in Autumn a kimono with maple leaves might be worn. Kimonos for the winter months are made from thicker silk than kimonos for the warm months.
Geisha wear kimonos with more subdued colours and shorter obis than maiko do. A maiko's long obi will sometimes have the crest of the okiya she lives in on it. The clothes worn by geisha and maiko alike are made of expensive silk and are tailor made.
Geisha aren't dressed by themselves, but rather they have professional dressers who dress them every day. The dressers must ensure perfection, and they are the ones who bear the blame if anything is missing, out of place, or seasonally inappropriate.
Mineko describes a maiko's shoes as thus:
Kimono are always worn with either wooden or leather sandals. Okobo, 6-inch-high clog-like wooden sandals, are a distinctive part of a maiko’s outfit. The height of the sandal is a counterbalance to the dangling ends of the maiko’s long obi. Okobo are difficult to walk in, but the mincing gait they ensure is thought to add to the maiko’s allure.
Maiko and geiko always wear white tabi socks. The big toe of the tabi is separated, like a mitten, so that the toes can grip the sandal easily. We wear socks one size smaller than our shoe size, which leads a neat and dainty appearance to the foot.
First year maiko's shoes have little bells dangling from them that makes a sound when they move. Geisha wear flat zori or geta rather than okobo.
The finishing touches to a geisha's outfit are a kimono bag and a fan.
We don't know what geisha did when they were sat in front of their mirrors after removing makeup, but we can speculate based on the kind of skincare Japanese women used in times past.
Translucent, white skin was a Japanese ideal of feminine beauty, so they might have used whitening face creams. Camellia oil is commonly used as a cleanser, moisturiser, and to remove makeup in Japan. Rice bran is also used as a cleanser (it's good for dissolving binsuke) and ground azuki beans are used as an exfoliater. Cooled green tea, full of antioxidants, is used as a toner. Squalane and seaweed are used as moisturizers. Parasols are used to protect the skin from the sun.
Mineko Iwasaki describes a bath she took after a long day:
I lowered myself gingerly into the steaming water and soaked until my skin was supple. Then I got out of the tub and, with a bucket and hot water from a spigot in the wall, washed thoroughly with soap and water. Next I rubbed myself all over with a net pouch filled with rice bran. Rice bran contains a significant amount of Vitamin B and is great for the skin. Then I got back in the tub for a final soak.
Geisha also bathe in onsens.
We do know geisha wear perfume, but specific fragrances are hard to pin down.
Guerlain made a perfume called "Yakko," inspired by the geisha Sadayakko, who was the first geisha to travel Europe, inspired Puccini's opera Madame Butterfly, and licensed her name to a range of beauty products. It's hard to find any information on the Yakko perfume or what notes it contained, but Guerlain's famous Mitsouko perfume came out in 1919. Inspired by Japan, it contains bergamot, peach, jasmine, rose, and spices.
In the early 20th century, perfumes by French designers like Guerlain, Coty, Chanel and Patou became fashionable among upper class Japanese women, so it's possible geisha used fragrances from these houses to further enhance their allure.
Mineko Iwasaki described one of the first geisha she knew as wearing strong perfume, which caused a cloud of scent to waft into the room every time she fluttered her fan, so perhaps in times past geisha wore perfumes with loud projection that helped them be noticed. In modern Japan, strong perfume is unpopular, as it can bother people on public transport and interfere with the smell and taste of food in restaurants. Geisha, being the perfect hostesses, may not choose a heavy perfume in the modern era so as to follow etiquette and not disturb their clients while they're enjoying a nice meal. Brands known for their light perfumes like Maison Margiela and Diptyque are top-sellers in Japan.
Until the mid 19th century in Japan, it was common for women to scent their kimonos by leaving them on top of an incense burner in a small cage.
Geisha and oiran (courtesans) would carry pieces of scented wood in their sleeves, and would rub scented powder into their hands and necks.
Mineko Iwasaki described carrying a handbag which contained her fan, a hand towel, lipstick, comb, and a small cushion. Every item had its own carrying case made from Eriman red silk and monogrammed in white with the characters for Mineko.
Shiseido, a brand which is still going strong today, was founded in Japan in 1872. Among their most popular early cosmetics were scented hair tonics and floral perfumes, which were considered to contribute to the brand's luxurious image, helping to make it popular with Japan's upper class. Geisha were at the forefront of beauty and sophistication, so while there's no documentation of it, it's likely that some of their products found their way into the toilettes of geisha due to its prominence in early 20th century Japan and sophisticated image.
Tatcha, founded in 2009, is inspired by geisha beauty routines. The founder of Tatcha interviewed a geisha in Kyoto who was willing to share some of the closely guarded geisha beauty secrets, which would form the inspiration for Tatcha.
A big part of the geisha's appeal isn't just her looks, but her demeanor, the way she moves, and her conversational skills. Geisha train in dance and traditional Japanese arts and are experts at having sophisticated conversations. Not going to go into too much detail as it's its own topic, but it's good to remember that a big part of their mystique comes from their talent, grace and etiquette, not just their physical beauty. They're the full package, not just part of it.
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tanuki-kimono · 2 years ago
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Nice comparative chart by nature guide Kumasuke, showing the size differences between heron/egret species found commonly in Japan:
Daisagi: great white heron or great egret. Note how the blue-green gape going past the eye
Chûsagi: intermediate egret or yellow-billed egret. Note the yellow gape stopping under the eye
Kosagi: little egret. Note the yellow feet + the fluffy crown
If I remember well, most egret/heron species slightly change coloring and/or grow fluffy feathers during mating season. Those feathers were once used for kanzashi hairpins, a remnant are the katsuyama kanzashi worn by maiko for Gion matsuri (see the butterflies faint "antennas"?):
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Nowadays egret are protected and feathers still in use are from ancient stocks.
Egret species are often virtually impossible to tell apart in Japanese patterns. On this blog, I simply tag any of those birds under "sagi" :)
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giigil · 1 year ago
―୨୧⋆ ˚ 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮!!
ʚ untrained ɞ
notes: your boys nerd out
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(づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀˗ˏˋ ꒰ you two are stargazing. ꒱ ˎˊ˗
It was just another Monday, except instead of staying indoors, Toru had taken you to the park at night. He found a perfect spot in the grass and spread a blanket on the ground, where you two now lay and stare up into the sky. There's a bright smile on his face as he lays next to you, enjoying your company. This was a nice change of pace compared to the pressures of the court. Toru points up at one of the constellations in the sky and says, "There's Orion's Belt."
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(づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡⠀⠀⠀˗ˏˋ ꒰ a date at the dinosaur museum. ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Dinosaurs. You and Kei traveled from Miyagi all the way to Fukui just so that you two would be able to visit the Dinosaur Museum in Katsuyama. After seeing the dinosaur figurines in his room, you'd carefully planned this outing a few weeks ago. You left Miyagi pretty early, considering the museum closes at 5 p.m. Kei lets out a yawn and ruffles your hair as you two enter the building. "Thanks for inviting me," he says.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀Masterlist ๋࣭ ⭑
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jadeseadragon · 1 year ago
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Takahashi Shōtei (高橋松亭), b. Takahashi Hiroaki (1871 - 1945), Katsuyama Neighborhood, ca. 1929-32, print in high resolution. Original from The Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.
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