#katsuo no tataki
tetsuyasogo · 2 months
July 31, 2024: One-day trip to Kochi, Ryoma Sakamoto's hometown
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chuck-snowbug · 4 months
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雁木(日本酒/夏辛口純米 生酒)、カツオのたたき・ミョウガとすりおろした生姜添え、たっぷり野菜のスープ、岩国蓮根の肉みそ(買ったもの)をのせた冷奴、蓮根のきんぴら、キュウリのたたきとミニトマトとアミエビのサラダ。
Gangi(Japanese Sake) & Katsuo-Tataki Sashimi Dinner - May 2024
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questintheskies · 5 months
AZM: I won the first match in Kochi today. My voice is a bit dead but that's okay.
….What's that thing that makes Kochi so special? I was going to say it but I forgot.
--It's the fish.
AZM: That's right! The fish! I want some katsuo no tataki (skipjack tuna).
--There's also Sakamoto Ryoma, too.
AZM: Huh? Sakamoto Ryoma? He's irrelevant to this, right? (Ryoma is a famous samurai from Kochi)
Anyway, I want to eat some tataki because I won my match today. It was my second singles match during Golden Week, and I want to win my last three matches. I'll continue to win all my matches. That's all.
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im-anchan · 10 months
Quirks and Charms of Kochi Prefecture, Japan
This post is a bit of a throw back, to when the JET Program dropped me in Middle-of-Nowhere, Japan, back in 2018.
I’ll be honest in saying that I didn’t expect much besides rice fields and my single convenience store. I braced myself for the quiet countryside life and having an abundance of free time. And in a lot of ways Kochi Prefecture is a bit quiet and isolated.
But I definitely didn’t expect Middle-of-Nowhere, Japan to have so much personality. Kochi is like that weird uncle that nobody in your family wants to talk about, but then you meet him and he actually turns out to be a pretty cool (but quirky) guy. And Uncle Kochi did a few things in his youth that he is proud of. VERY proud of. And don’t you forget it.
1. Ryoma Sakamoto
Wait, who’s Ryoma Sakamoto? said no-one in Kochi ever. Silly foreigner, let me educate you.
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Ryoma Sakamoto was an important political figure who helped overthrow the Tokugawa Shogunate. Then, he got assassinated in a very dramatic way which was acted out for me by a very enthusiastic Japanese man. This is usually the furthest any actual historical explanation by a Kochi native ever goes, until they start explaining all the various places I can buy a Ryoma squishy keychain or see one of the many Ryoma statues. Oh yeah, and there’s also giant billboards with Ryoma’s face, a Ryoma museum, Ryoma plushies and more. Even the airport is called Kochi Ryoma Airport, the only airport in Japan named after a person.
2. Katsuo Tataki
Katsuo tataki, or seared bonito, is Kochi’s specialty, which I am often reminded of by Kochi people at seemingly random moments. Despite this, katsuo tataki is not in the least bit over-hyped. The bonito (a type of tuna) is raw on the inside with a delicious crust of seared fish on the outside. It’s served with ginger, green onions and tataki sauce. I don’t know what tataki sauce is exactly, but I could care less because it’s amazing.
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You can get katsuo tataki in restaurants and supermarkets all over Kochi, but the most delicious is probably at the Hirome Market in Kochi City. I could honestly eat it every day. Dammit, I’m hungry now.
3. The Best Mascot in Japan
Speaking of katsuo (bonito), it’s time to talk about the best mascot in Japan, Katsuo Ningen. Here’s where the Kochi pride seems to falter a bit, which I don’t understand in the least. Katsuo Ningen is an ingenious concept for a prefectural mascot, translating directly to Bonito Human. Bonito Human is the real, official mascot for the prefecture of Kochi, and while many Kochi people seem to be ashamed of Bonito Human I am absolutely in love with it.
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Once, I showed this picture to my 5th grade class. As the students hung their heads in shame, the teacher began apologizing that I ended up in the prefecture with such a strange mascot. “No!” I protested, “I love katsuo ningen!” I pulled out my katsuo ningen key chain and showed it to the class. It was the kind that you can squish and the eyes pop out. My 5th grade class hasn’t looked at me the same since.
4. Kochi Hospitality
But the best parts of Kochi aren’t its ‘famous’ figures and specialties. Since getting here I’ve been shown nothing but the warmth of Kochi hospitality (except for certain situations with my office, namely this one). At restaurants, just by striking up a conversation with the owners I’ve been sent home with boxes of fresh vegetables and snacks. My friend is close with a couple who owns a ramen restaurant, and when we went to eat there we were suddenly swarmed with free karaage (Japanese fried chicken), coffee, ice cream, and snacks until we thought we might explode. When my parents came to visit, a (pretty drunk) man ordered them rounds of beer and fried chicken and chattering endlessly about how he’s so glad that foreigners have come all the way to Kochi (my parents don’t speak a word of Japanese). One supermarket employee treats me like her long-lost friend every time I end up in her check-out line, excitedly asking me how I’ve been recently and teaching me random words in Japanese. My eikaiwa (adult English class) students invite me and the other American on adventures and one student even made me a katsuo ningen figure out of a cork.
All over Japan people are friendly, but everyone in Kochi seems more open and genuine than anyone I’ve met anywhere else. I spent a year there before moving to Tokyo in 2019, but to this day it was one of the most eventful and adventurous years of my life. Anyone who has a chance to get off the beaten track on their trip to Japan NEEDS to visit this underrated area.
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dasistleeway · 6 years
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first time having the real seared bonito (鰹のタタキ)...arrived at Kochi just in time, didn’t miss the lunch last order time...
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unimaginativeeats · 2 years
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katsuo tataki
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hoyomaru · 2 years
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ほよまるのたのた日記 220617
Hoyomaru shiba diary
Katsuo no tataki(seared Bonito)
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yfukuoka · 3 years
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【3334目】2022-03-04 ひな祭りなので、ちらし寿司を。そう!それを昨夜作りたかったのです!今、目の前にある。 ハルダモンカレー in collect@代々木上原 ‪____________________________________ *Katsuo tataki chirasi curry. *lamb & beef keema(小) 艶々のルビー色に輝くのは藁焼きした鰹のタタキ。本当に藁の焼けた香りがする極上の味。オレンジ色のプチプチ食感は鱒子かしら。生姜と青ネギを散らした彩りちらし寿司仕様で、カレーと関係なく絶品です。 こちらに合わせるカレーはというと、同じく鰹出汁のスリランカテイスト。ココナッツミルクに溶け込む魚出汁によって、カツオ全開の春を感じるカレーに仕上がっていました。 相変わらずの思いっきり振り切った料理で、カレーって何なのか、考えさせられました。カオスに見えるのに、ちゃんと美味しい。すごいなぁ。 ‪____________________________________ 🇮🇳 #india #indiafood #instafood #asianfood #asia #foodpic #foodstagram #tasty #delicious #spice #curry #インド #インド料理 #ランチ‪ #代々木上原 #間借り #ハルダモンカレー #創作‬ #カレー #カレー部 #カレーきな人と繋がりたい #‬フクドローン #ふくすたぐらむ ↓ハルダモンカレー @harudamoncurry (ハルダモンカレー) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca4g31lLoQN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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伊達 吉宗 (Date Yoshimune) “★My dream is to be a great hero!★”
“Yoshimune likes helping people and those troubled- but he hates to loose! He’s the type to rush in head first, without looking, charmingly naive! A member of Jingi!” “This battle! I won!” Unit: 神祇-JINGI- (Shinto -JINGI-) Fantasia Form: Samurai Killing Blow: Zantetsuken (exotic sword that cuts iron) Age: 16 years old Height: 162 cm Weight: 52kg Blood type: B Birthday: March 19th Hobbies: Watching hero programs (like Super Sentai, or Kamen Rider) Favorite thing: Katsuo no tataki (a broiled tuna dish) Dislikes: wasabi and tomatoes Voice Actor: Jun Oosuka Special thanks to jun (@AMAJIKIS on twitter) for their english translation. The link to the original translation: https://twitter.com/AMAJlKlS/status/1019455406635175936/photo/1 Also check their current active account: @shinomiyagis https://twitter.com/shinomiyagis Special thanks to the inactive wikia: https://i-fan.gamerch.com/%E4%BC%8A%E9%81%94%20%E5%90%89%E5%AE%97 Image sources: in-game, and twitter Author’s note: I have taken the fan translation, my own translations and, some rewording to make the description a little smoother.
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joyousnudibranch · 4 years
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What do you think this traditional Japanese building is? It's a traditional vinegar brewery in Aki City. この伝統的な建物、何だと思いますか? これは、安芸市にあるお酢の醸造所です。 春田酢造場さん。
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This is their grain vinegar. When I was a child, mom used a popular brand for most vinegared dishes. But for making one special dish, it had to be this vinegar, nothing else. The dish was seared frigate tuna. Maybe you’ve heard of seared bonito (katsuo no tataki), a local specialty of our prefecture (Kochi)? Here in Muroto, frigate tuna in often used in place of bonito. And since frigate tuna is much fattier, we don’t serve vinegar sauce separately like we do for seared bonito; we pat the vinegar sauce directly onto the slices of seared frigate tuna! To be used that way, the vinegar should be mild because if it is too sour, it would kill the delicate taste of the fish fat. So, this mild Maruhi Vinegar was the vinegar of choice for that purpose. ここで作られてる穀物酢のマルヒ酢。 私が子供の頃、母は普段の料理には全国的にポピュラーなミ〇〇ン酢を使ってましたが、ある料理にだけは、ゼッタイこのマルヒ酢を使ってました。 その料理は、スマのタタキ。
カツオのタタキだとタレは別添えで出すけど、もっとずっと脂っこいスマの場合は、炙ってスライスした身に直接タレを叩きこみますから、ウチの辺りでは。文字通りタタキ。 なので、そのタレに使う酢は、酸っぱ過ぎるとせっかくのスマの脂の味を損ねてしまうから、マイルドめのマルヒ酢を使う、というのが我が家の台所の掟だったわけです。
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Years passed. Now my dad would not eat seared frigate tuna, saying that it’s too fatty that his stomach can not take it. The dish has been officially banned in our kitchen. And the small store in my neighborhood where I used to buy Maruhi Vinegar closed several years ago. I thought that I would never be able to make/taste the dish in the way I did in my childhood. 年月が経ち。 もう父は、スマのタタキは食べません。脂がキツ過ぎてお腹が受け付けないと。ってことでウチの家ではスマのタタキはオフィシャルに禁止。加えて、マルヒ酢を置いてくれてた近所の雑貨屋さんが閉店して、買えなくなった。 もうこれで、子供の頃のスマのタタキの味を、ここで味わうことはもうないな、と思ってました...。 But then one day, I accidentally found that the vinegar brewery that makes Maruhi Vinegar was actually not too far from the hospital I take my parents to! I thought it was the sign. The heaven is telling me to make that dish again. So yesterday, I went to the brewery on my way back from the hospital. ところがある日、たまたまネットで、マルヒ酢を作ってる醸造所は、親を連れて行ってる安芸病院から遠くないことを発見! で、昨日、病院の帰りにそこを探して寄ってきました。
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At the brewery, I was told that the grain vinegar was still available at one supermarket -- only one supermarket -- in Muroto. But this rice vinegar was not available anywhere in Muroto City, so I bought one bottle there at the brewery. This is a very sweet rice vinegar and quite versatile. I like it. :)
醸造所で聞いてみたら、穀物酢のほうは、室戸市内でも1か所、今でも売ってるところがあるとのこと。 でも、この米酢は室戸では売ってないようで。これは珍しく、かーなり甘い米酢。いろいろ使い勝手がある便利なお酢です(私にとっては)。 ^^) Mmmmm... a post about seared frigate tuna coming up soon? Maybe? ;) さて、そのうちに、スマのタタキの投稿が... 来る予感??
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tetsuyasogo · 2 months
July 31, 2024: Visited Kochi to sightsee at Katsurahama Beach, Kochi Castle, and Harimaya Bridge, and to eat “katsuo no tataki“ (seared bonito). I took a round trip from Osaka using a highway bus, completing it within 24 hours. Despite the short duration, I was able to fully enjoy the spontaneous trip.
It was too hot and tiring to visit Katsurahama Beach and Kochi Castle, but the highway bus was comfortable and the seared bonito was very tasty.
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cookingwithdog · 4 years
🐟Katsuo Tataki🔥 is seared sashimi-grade skipjack tuna with lots of aromatic vegetables.😋 http://bit.ly/2VVlZJr Katsuo Tataki🐟 is a local dish in Kochi Prefecture.😍 #katsuotataki #recipe #鰹のタタキ #レシピ
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fattributes · 8 years
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Katsuo Tataki
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shokujirock · 8 years
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chuck-snowbug · 5 years
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Marinated Bell Peppers, Chicken Ham & Tomato Salad with Homemade Mayonnaise Sauce, Steamed Corncob, Cheese-Grilled Karashi Renkon, Katsuo(Bonito) Tataki Sashimi Salad & Sparkling Wine - August 2019
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captiveprincesse · 5 years
Eiji: I want Kira to laugh!
Kira: Laugh?
Eiji: We have a special corner for Kira who’s here today. It’s the “I want Kira to laugh!” corner!
Eiichi: It was unfortunate that the angels couldn’t see Kira laugh last time.
Eiichi:This time we thought we’d try and convey his laugh to them.
Eiji: Nii-san and I have prepared some things that seem like they would make Kira laugh. Kira, are you ready to laugh?
Kira:Even if you tell me to get ready….
Eiichi:By the way, this is a contest to see who can make Kira laugh.
Eiji: I’m worried about having nii-san as my opponent but I’m not going to lose!
Kira:I understand. If that’s the case, then I accept this challenge.
Eiji: All right, let’s start with nii-san.
Eiichi:Right. This is what I have.
*snaps fingers*
Eiichi:I had katsuo no tataki (1) a specialty from Kochi, Kira’s birthplace, flown here.
Eiichi:The scent of the warayaki (2) is also rich.
Eiichi:There’s no doubt that you would automatically smile.
Eiichi: By all means, eat it with salt.
Eiji: As expected of nii-san, starting strong right off the bat!
Kira: Thank you...for the food.
*kira eating asmr*
Kira: It’s delicious.
Eiichi:…! That’s...That’s all you have to say, Kira?
Eiichi: Maybe something like you cracked a smile when you ate it?
Kira: Since it’s so good...I don’t need to say anything else.
Kira: It’s delicious. That’s all...I need to say.
Eiji: A Kira-like evaluation!
Eiichi: Geh...I thought this would work….Next is Eiji.
Eiji: I’ve prepared something that no one could resist smiling at!
Eiji: Look at this, Kira. I carefully picked out some cute animal videos!
*plays video*
Kira:!...This is...a kitten….It’s cute.
Eiji: See! Didn’t you just smile?
Kira:!!..No...I didn’t smile.
Eiji: Ehh?! I could’ve sworn that your lips twitched!
Kira:I didn’t...smile.
Eiichi:You’re pretty tough, but either way the angels can’t see these minor changes in your expression.
Eiji: Hmm, I want to at least get him to laugh.
Eiichi: Alright! Now that it’s come to this I’m going to do *that*.
Eiji: Huh? Nii-san...By “that” you mean…!
Eiichi: Here I go, Kira. I challenge you to a staring contest!
Eiji: AH!!! Wait-Wait a minute, nii-san!
Eiichi: What’s wrong, Eiji? Why are you stopping me?
Eiji: Uh, no it’s just that the funny faces you make when you go all out is…
Eiji: I mean it could uh harm your image as an idol and your personal image.
Eiji: Um I was thinking it would be too much for the angels?
Kira: Eiji. This is a radio show. They can’t see his face.
Eiji: That’s true but...but they’ll imagine it right?
Eiichi: As usual you’re worrying too much. It will be fine. No matter how I may look the angels will still support me.
Eiji: Um….I really think that we should do something else!
Eiichi: Ah, this takes me back. This is something that would make Eiji smile often when he was little.
Eiji: That’s not what we’re talking about right now!
Eiichi: However, even though we’re supposed to be conveying Kira’s laugh to the angels is there any other way we could do that. No, there isn’t!
Eiji: That’s true but...Ahhh, what should we do??
*Kira laughs*
Eiji: Kira, did you just laugh? You laughed, didn’t you?
*Kira laughs some more*
Eiichi:Oh! He is laughing! We’ve completed our goal!
Eiji: Ahh, I’m so glad!
Eiichi: Well then, shouldn’t you decide which one of us was able to make you laugh?
Kira: That’s right. It’s a tie.
Eiichi: What?
Eiji: A tie?
Kira: Eiichi, you didn’t care about your image and tried to make me laugh.
Kira: And you Eiji, became frantic for Eiichi’s sake.
Kira: Both of you were funny.
Eiichi: I see. Sounds like a pretty satisfied evaluation.
Kira: I was happy you two felt that way. I think your kindness reached the angels as well.
Eiji: Kira, your feelings reached them too! Thank you!
Eiichi: Well then, why don’t we do the title call.
All three: HE★VENS  Radio, Go to Heaven!
(1) katsuo no tataki: a popular bonito dish. Read more about it here
(2) warayaki: straw fire cooking, a way to smoke food
If you notice a grammar/spelling/translation error please let me know! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
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