#katsuki is a god amongst men
mimiriko · 1 year
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notes :: established relationship. 2.4k. fem!reader.
summary :: it’s slow progress making people realize their explosive hero is more than that, more than shallow waters of anger. you wonder faintly if it’s intentional turning a blind eye at the love cracking from his hands, bleeding into you so openly. all it took for the world to change is him carrying you bridal-style.
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Sometimes you think about people, and how easy they judge. Sometimes, you think the surface layer is faux and the sea beds contain the real treasure. But to put on a suit and take a deep breath: from your mouth and hold it in your throat, venture down until your ears ring, is too much. Skimming the pretty waters from above is enough.
Living amongst dreamers will never become better, walking beside the theorists and talking to the audacious never gets lighter to bare. To conure stories of the wonders and horrors underneath, cajoling you into saying anything that will prove their words, imprint fact on their gossip. You're the first and only one with a diving suit after all.
"Is he coming?"
The smile clipped on your face is straining. "Any moment, he's just parking."
"It's almost been six months together, right?" she continues, giggling unkindly and sipping her fruity drink. "Who would've thought."
It's a shame: her polite guise from afar drove you to her side, a nook of safety from the overwhelming dance floor, but her mouth opened just like the rest. 'Who would've thought?' You scoff, scanning for the familiar blond peaks of hair.
Don't flare up; you're gonna leave soon anyway.
Thank god.
"Hey, Kats," you're glued to his side in a second. The mercurial energy around the girl— her name already went out of one ear, ever since she recognized you from the papers —switches into something else. Sycophant. Harsh for your tongue, but her fluttering lashes at your lover is boiling your temperament with rage. Raw, as strong as it's been since the first day. The first day Katsuki made it known he was yours.
(It wasn't a fleeting comment on your relationship, no Sorry, I've got a girlfriend to fans, it was even before any dispatch got ahold of your pictures. It was in his first interview. Where he looked the camera dead in its lens and flayed himself open, I'm taken. )
"Hi, Dynamight," she says, breathless.
"Hello. I'll be leavin' now. Enjoy your night."
You spluttered, catching yourself before fully launching a laugh in her face, and turned to the front door with his arm hanging off your shoulders.
You notice the tension in his face and frame easing off, the rough edges around his eyes slanting, sculpting into a rounder, softer look.
No one sees the hand that holds the door for you, they just see your warmth embracing the man.
Your legs burn. Diverging from the joint of your knees, paralysing nerves till your toes and sending needles up your abdomen. Harsh fluorescent lights blind your vision in spots, and you're stuck with blinking them away vainly as you scan the store aisle. You look worn out, from the creases in your hoodie to the shine of sweat on your face, and you feel exactly that. Rung dry from the day, barbed heart and pounding head.
Nimbly, you slot a packet of pads in your armpit and make a beeline for some food. Something warm for your sore throat, maybe some sweet potatoes if they're still on the charcoal at this time. Or you could snag any bento box and frozen gyoza left and heat it for you and Katsuki. It’ll be futile considering he’ll have to deviate from his meal plan, but you’re sure he won’t mind you indulging.
A hand on your shoulder startles you, “Wha—“
You blink. Speak of the devil. “Kat.”
Dressed in his spare outfit he wears after patrol, the one that smells like a men's locker room, Katsuki stretches his hand to you, holding a basket full of your cravings. "Knew you'd be here," he says plainly.
Dumbfounded, you take the basket. Your eyes catch your favourite rice cakes, drinks, chips and frozen gyoza. Around the handle your fingers tremble, and you shyly tuck your chin and move closer to him. A surge of protectiveness overtakes him, and he tenderly holds your head with his calloused hands, bringing you to his chest.
Walking towards the cashier with his heartbeat as your melody, a sharp ring from his phone cuts the air and divides his attention. He fails to feel your arm shooting towards a coffee drink left out, securing a pack of chilly ramen along the way. Your hands slink the items at the counter, and his copper eyes burn your downturned face resting now on his bicep. He was Dynamight on the phone right now, and could not break out of it.
Bag in your grasp, the moon offered her light on the walk home, lighting the concrete silver. Shades of black detail his build and his hair looks as if it’s crowned by stars—you can't help but stare.
Silence caved once Katsuki finished the call, savouring the tranquillity the night brings in comparison to the hustle of the day.
Quietly, pensively, your hand lowered into the bag, floundering for the shape of a can. Your fingers spread like cobwebs until they wrapped themselves around the item. In an attempt to be smooth, you lift it in one motion, and a defining chorus of crinkles of plastic echoed.
You sweat.
He sucks in a breath. "Y/n,” he growls, "you know caffeine isn't fucking good for your cramps."
"I know," you reply helplessly, "but-"
"And it's almost midnight!" He takes the can, swatting your hands away.
You whine with no real vexation, like a sated child denied extra candy. Bouncing on your heel, tugging him by his collar, reaching for his arm that went in the air above your reach, or when he stoops down and you have to crouch to even skim your fingers on the metal.
"You wont get anywhere with this." He smirks despite the mask of indignation: lips stretched lopsidedly, utterly charming and handsome. Your own lips tingle, buzzing with a want to kiss him silly. Even if you're in public at nighttime, even if the shadows cloak you—the memory of a glossy lens, cold glass shielding an all-knowing eye, renders you to keep your love for home.
But like an oasis in a desert, a novel feeling mixes in your head. Glistening with temptation under the heat and surrounded by hot sand, beckoning you to bring its poison down your gullet.
It's just you and him. The night was waning, and your heart loosened with it. It's just you and him.
Giddy, you shoot a grin, killing him softly. And then you spring up, startling him. Your lips meet with excitement, mirroring two puppies. Eager, trusting, vulnerable.
Incrementally, you deliver another peck. And another. Until a warm hand takes shelter in your hair, bunching it up and using it to angle you better. A swift kick to his calf jolts him. "The fuck?"
A curse never sounded so breathless. "Give my coffee back you piece of shit. You'd think your lover would be a little nicer when you're on your fucking period.”
"Oh yeah? Maybe your lover just doesn't wanna be a victim to your fucking tossing and turning at night because of your cramps."
Wrestling him is useless, not when his muscles faintly show themselves under his hoodie all hard and wired, but you try anyway. You continue until he's heedless to his own laugh, a rosy tint spread on his bunched up cheeks. You can feel the wind of it on your face.
But the world zooms out of focus, expanding from your happy alcove far too soon.
Beneath a street lamp on the lane you just entered stood a group of people. Back from an outing, judging by the glimmer and cat-eye's, adding depth to the stare they've held on you. Heads drawn like a shark to the scent of blood.
Katsuki fluidly untangles from your limbs, but his jaw is more rigged, his eyes are cast off a bit too far, and the hand on your waist hovers lightly. Touching the fabric of your shirt more than yourself.
Your heart sinks as you pass by, only a narrow road between you but it feels like oceans. A ship travelling the opposite direction and passing by your route, whispers flicking at your ears like sea-foam and cannons angled towards you.
(The main fear that resides in your chest, claws sharp digging at your bones, is what they can say about Katsuki. Ruin him overnight, transforming the gentle hands around your waist to ones with an intent to hurt, to harm. Off of no basis—only his explosive character.
However you are nothing but an open heart to him; he knows your fears like they're his own, and he makes sure everything is behind sealed doors.)
The bag full of food becomes invisible, but the coffee in his hand away from you is in the spotlight.
You feel as if you’re in an inchoate dream.
Skipping stones between life and a hazy alternate universe; the low thrum of the car brings an illusion of a soft lullaby, coaxing you into letting go and float somewhere above clouds.
If it hadn’t been for the hand on your thigh stroking in gentle motions, you would not have made it this far. If it hadn’t been for Katsuki sitting beside you, powering you through all the preparations, your first official public appearance would’ve been a calamity.
The car slowly rolls to a stop in front of a red carpet, sleek and ever so daunting, and the chauffeur makes his way to your door before Katsuki stops him with a hand.
Dressed smartly in a mulberry tux, tailored fabric and fitted waistcoat leaving nothing to the imagination, he turns towards you, as if approaching a trembling animal, and waits. Your eyes felt as if they’ve been covered by a veil, barely outlining his face painting only patience towards you. The world’s chaos outside reached your ears through a blanket of water, and your own matching mulberry dress clung uncomfortably to your skin.
He extends his fingertip, brushing your knuckle, and you blink owlishly at him. Trailing further to your wrist, he takes your hand and places it on his lap.
Your throat unstuck itself suddenly, just by a touch.
He tugs towards the door, looking at you for permission—and with a nod, you give it to him.
The rest is lost in bliss and buzz of fame. A dizzying dissonance of memories but all linked with happiness. You are here. You are alive and well.
And with Katsuki, you can finally turn to a camera and give a smile. A big, beautiful smile that leaves your eyes in sparkling crescents. A smile no serpent could look away from.
But there’s a limit to the sky, and being weightless only feels so great until you miss the drag of gravity. Your fingers tug Katsuki’s tie askew in the after-party, and one eyebrow rose in response. He studied you, posture needle straight which he knew was forced, and put his drink down on a nearby table. “Want to switch your heels with my shoes? Your feet are probably red as hell.”
Your chest warmed with the question. “‘m good.”
The ruckus you stood in was at the back of a building, floors down and a lengthy walk from the line of cars awaiting for their respective hero’s. You nod at friends while you make your way to the entrance—Izuku, Kiri, Mina—and smile back at their lovers.
You forgot Katsuki’s words have a habit of becoming law though, no matter the circumstance. A soft pinch of your heel strap takes your attention, and it continues until it starts to scrape. You’re slow to feel the tender flesh of your soles, the press of material at your toes. Glossy lips become a chew toy to suppress your agitation because you were just fine ten minutes ago.
It’s fine, there’s not much longer to go. It doesn’t matter if you can see from your peripheral vision Katsuki’s tantalizing face.
"The earth won't collapse if we switch shoes y'know."
"It's not that long of a walk," you grumbled, "quit it."
If the stars weren't spilled into the night sky, if the sun replaced the moon and the familiar goosebumps of cameras returned, you would have let him wear your heels. The media would greedily devour the intimacy, the acts of service, and boost Katsuki's name with praise not flames.
But underneath the high ceilings and dimly illuminated hallways, with only tinted windows to know of your love, there's no point.
The word stubborn breezes past your ears, and you turn your head at him curiously, before your world is rocked sideways like a glass knocked off a table.
Yet the arms that were the source of your fall did not let you hit the ground, that wasn't the purpose at all, but instead lifted you and stole a yelp from your lungs. Cradling you bridal-style, feet dangling off his arms.
All you did— could do, courtesy to the iron grip on your body, was stare at him. At his eyes fixed forward—defiant, stubborn, handsome. You wonder if your weight matters to him at all if he could steal you from the ground mid-stride.
And you have half a mind to castigate him for it, because it was fundamentally cruel. Unfair. Unjust for him to blend your heart like this.
"You better put me down before someone sees,” You stress.
"Y'see anyone here, sugar?"
"Once you get to the front door there will be! I'm not playing Kat."
"Neither am I.” he says, before jostling you around with dilute vigour, with you whisper-screaming to knock it off. Another flight of stairs and a revolving door, and you'll be at the eye of the public again. Like entering a relic.
The idea of lowering your head, clinging to Katsuki and praying the shutters of white light would freeze in time, was unbearable. Not when you felt encapsulated in a fairytale tonight. How had you lived before?
Because you weren't. A mere skull filled with blackened thoughts. It felt like removing the stitches off a wound, staining the marred skin red and jumping back in.
You were getting closer, nearer to the front doors.
In that instant, a new feeling blistered.
You brace yourself with a smile. "We're going to make a scene, aren't we?"
The halting bold look on his face transmutes into confusion—then true courage takes over.
The uproar of paparazzi and the internet the next few days rival each other. A sight one would think is so rare there wasn't a chance of it existing at all, served on a silver plate. Ares holding an Angel.
One thing in particular which truly lit the public into a spiralling inferno, was spotted by a fan. Trained eyes from a bedroom catching a private moment, between the intervals of blinding light at Katsuki's walking figure.
@makingmagic :: Doesn't Dynamight look like he's whispering "darling"?
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© mimiriko 2023, all rights reserved.
462 notes · View notes
pervysenpaix · 2 years
MDNI | 18+ angst, smut
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bakugo katsuki ♡ — a god amongst men and you worship the ground he walks on.
bakugo katsuki ♡— whose so strong and brave, determined and fierce, extraordinary and powerful, and remarkably beautiful.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — the personification of perfection. with a quirk that rivals the greats and eyes that burn when they rove your bare flesh.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — whose quirk-worn hands are rough and jagged but feather light against your cheek.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — and his magnificent body that slots against yours with each sensual thrust into your core.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — rests his searing palms on your hips to pull you impossibly closer.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — makes you cry tears of pleasure, only to kiss them away with the softest smile gracing his features.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — who says he loves you but still can’t bring himself to stay.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — who breaks your heart with every prolonged goodbye.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — who is determined to be the number 1 and he has no time for weakness. no time for you.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — ignores you in public. disregards your greetings. shrugs off your compliments. avoids your advances.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — will shatter your soul but mend it with each slow drag of his cock.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — needs you to know how he feels, why he feels , but he just can’t articulate it; so he fucks you harder. a hand around your throat with his mouth pressed against your ear.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — whispers words of affirmation. singing praises of your beauty and wit with his cock buried deep against your cervix. mentioning his appreciation of your devotion. makes promises of the future. promises that he can’t won’t keep.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — who’s broken your heart too many times. neglected your needs and denied his desires.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — is now the number 1 hero but filled with sorrow and regret as he sips the burning liquid; a honeyed amber similar to the sparkling orbs of the man you now call husband.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — whose stomach churns as his friend spins you around the dance floor, relishing in your beauty and broadcasting his love for everyone to see.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — wishes that was him. wishes that he was the man he once referred to as an idiot only to find that he was the dumb one.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — takes his leave, a jacket thrown over his shoulder and a forced smile at the happy couple.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — walks away from you for what feels like the millionth time but for some reason it no longer hurts.
bakugo katsuki ♡ — is definitely a god amongst men but denki kaminari ♡ is your husband, and he worships the ground you walk on.
561 notes · View notes
vampyrsm · 2 years
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'The Forbidden Flame.' Chapter I Prince Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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Synopsis: Bakugou Katsuki, also known as the Dragon Prince, is an untameable flame. His anger is second to none, he is presented with problem after problem. How will he fare? Will his anger boil over to the point of no return, or perhaps he will find a spark of tranquillity in the sea of turmoil that is his mind?
Warnings: Not that many warnings, this is an introduction to the world and Bakugou as a prince. Dragons, descriptions of violence, misogynistic themes. Extremely brief mention of the reader in this chapter, I mostly want you to get a taste of who Katsuki is in this series.
Word Count: 5083.
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[Glossary] | [Masterlist] | [Next]
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There had always been a story as old as time itself. One of the men who tamed the Beasts of the Sky, who rode them into battle and always came out victorious. There was no one closer to the Gods themselves than these Dragonriders, the ones who spoke to the serpentine beasts and understood their emotions.
And yet they walk amongst men, though they weren't lowly commoners. They were the highest of highborn, top of the food chain. The name is known by families across the realm as the ones who are all powerful, the ones who have been rumoured to breathe fire themselves; the family known by the name Bakugou.
The morning air was clear, the clouds light and a pristine white. It was nearly time for summer, which meant there would be the traditional summer festival of Corvos. It was an ancient tradition, having been started by the first King of Ilgis who wanted to try and unite the many noble families across the realm, as well as to keep an eye on those who were more likely to rebel against the crown. But that had changed as time went on, new kings were appointed and they had begun to allow lowborn families to attend these grand events.
In recent years, under the reign of the 'Gentle King' Masaru Bakugou, there had been a big shift in the dynamic between those of high nobility and those who were nothing more than gutter rats. Masaru was much kinder than his predecessors, some even saying he was too soft for a king. He allowed those of the lower class to venture further into Corvos, breaking down the barriers set by former Kings who had a deep-set hatred for those who were born into poor circumstances. Of course, this decision did not sit well with the council, nor did it sit well with the Prince.
The Prince was more like his uncle, a former prince that was killed before he had the chance to sit upon the throne. Katsuki never took after his father's kindness but adopted his mother's fury tenfold. No one could beat him in a duel, and no one would speak out against the Prince when he would order for every lowborn thief to be brought to the Pandemonium to be 'trialled', or in better terms, fed to his dragon Xol.
This rage that bubbled inside of Katsuki was said to be a curse, something passed along the bloodline of the Bakugou's for years until either the possessor dies or they were "cured". Though this cure has never been discovered, the grand scholars of the realm had never seen a case where the curse was lifted but rather just documented the deaths of the kings who succumbed to their own wrath.
This supposed 'curse' skipped directly over Katsuki's father, having been a direct inheritance the moment his Uncle passed. He, of course, rejected such an idea of being cursed. It was just an old wives tale that was made up to scare those into submission, he would never fall for it. And so he never has, learning to live alongside the burning rage and ire that has been untameable for years.
Said Prince huffed, the wind that hissed past his ears blowing his unruly head of blonde hair in every direction as he sat upon the saddle on Xol's back. It had always filled Katsuki with a sense of pride at the fact he had picked one of the biggest and meanest dragons from its brood and made it submit under him. The dragon was large enough to block out the sun with its wingspan, and with countless battles under its wing, it had been nicknamed in battle as 'Destroyer of Men'.
The only joy Katsuki could feel for the up-and-coming festival was the fact he was allowed to participate. Usually, the royal family would sit out of the fighting, choosing to be spectators but his father had always allowed him to enter the tournaments, even allowing him to ride the dragons during the fights in the Pandemonium. This year his father had allowed participants of lower families, meaning Katsuki would get the chance to crush those below him with the heel of his boot.
The great beast beneath him rumbled with a low growl, agreeing with the thought process of the young prince. They had been connected by birth, some may even go far as to say that the dragon is the only true friend of the prince. Katsuki relaxed more into the saddle, the tight black leather armour he was wearing crinkled with the movements, muscles threatening alone to break through the seams.
"We'll have our feast, Xol." he offers the beast, a gloved hand patting harsh against the hardened black scales of the beast's shoulder. It was far too large for Katsuki to reach the head of the dragon. A subtle hand movement along the dragon's neck would have it turn back towards its home, back towards Corvos. "Perhaps Mother will finally let us fight against Ova." and that got a louder grumble from Xol.
It was very unlikely the two great dragons would ever have the chance to fight each other, his mother always turning down the idea of having her prized animal used as some sort of entertainment. Katsuki figures that he'll have to find one of the younger broodlings. But regardless, Katsuki would be getting his battle, on the dragon's back no less.
The clouds parted effortlessly for Xol's wings, slicing like a blade through flesh as it descended down towards Corvos. From here Katsuki could see a large portion of the continent that would soon be under his rule, it made the blood in his veins boil with excitement, with the prospect. His family were born on conquest, born from blood and fire, they were meant to rule over everyone with an iron fist. He despised his father for how soft he had made the Bakugou name, how it exposed the underbelly of the Dragon to those with less than pure intentions to their rulers.
With just a few beats of its wings, Xol landed with a large thud blowing up the dust and dirt, causing a few of the stablehands to shield their eyes away. Katsuki was quick to dismount, a click of his tongue followed by a long whistle had the beast turning its head and walking deep into the depths of the Pandemonium. Katsuki tried not to roll his eyes at the way the handlers scampered after the great beast, and instead focused his gaze on a man sitting upon a white horse.
"Kirishima," Katsuki offers, loud and booming, asserting his dominance over the area. "I thought I told you to not wait for me here, you know it looks ridiculous when you sit here doing nothing." The prince passes by the large man on the horse, who schools his expression as to not frown at the blonde prince.
"Your Majesty," Kirishima greets, earning a sharp glare over the shoulder from Katsuki. Eijirou only ever used that form of greeting when he had bad news. "I was actually sent to tell you that the King has requested your presence in the Throneroom." and now Katsuki really rolls his eyes, his old man always demanded an audience there with Katsuki instead of the private chambers where the council meetings took place. He figures it's out of fear of his own son attacking him, or something.
"I'm not interested in what he has to say, Kirishima. He just wants me to play nice with the scum who come scurrying through our gates in just two days' time." the clear distaste in Katsuki's tone makes Kirishima wince beneath his thick armour, the Commander was no stranger to the rage the prince harboured.
"Give him a chance, your Grace." is the final thing Kirishima offers, earning another heated glare from deep red eyes. Katsuki has nothing else to add, lips turning into a deeper frown as he hauls himself up onto his own steed with a grunt. He knows he has to speak to his father, he has no choice really. A royal summons is always answered, and even Katsuki would be dragged by the Kingsguard if he refused it.
The ride towards the Keep of Corvos is not a very long one, the Pandemonium was meant for the safe keeping of Dragons before it was turned into an arena for fighting as well, and the reason for it being so close to the Keep is so that the Bakugou's would always have their strongest weapon within reach.
The city itself was bustling, many of the workers preparing for the arrival of noble families from all over Ilgis, it would be a prime opportunity for numerous businesses to earn a lot of gold. Large banners bearing the Bakugou sigil hung over the walls and stood high on flagpoles. As much as it was a celebration of the start of the summer, it was also a celebration of the family that had kept peace over the realm for hundreds of years.
People bowed and cheered as the Prince rode by, he was famous for his appearances during the festivals, mostly because his fights were the most violent and most bloody. Katsuki paid no mind to the cheers, nor did he pay any mind to the shouts of him being a 'Barbarous Prince'. It was nothing new, people knew of his violent nature and often wouldn't jeer the prince for it as he made quite the spectacle of it some years ago when he decided to mount their heads on spears along the city walls.
"Your Majesty," comes the voice of one of the Kingsguard men once Katsuki dismounts from the horse and is marching up the steps towards the grand doors that lead in towards the Keep and the Throneroom. "The King is waitin—"
"Yeah, I fucking know. I don't need his lapdog telling me too." Katsuki snarls on his way past, ripping off his leather gloves and tossing them to an unsuspecting squire once he passes the steel doors. The inside of the castle is warm, uncomfortably so, but the heat has never phased the Prince. The halls empty for him the second they hear the clink of the metal of his armour and the pounding of his boots against the slate tile floor, everyone knew better than to get caught in the way of the Prince—especially if he was being summoned.
The scrape of the large dark oak doors was loud in the silent hall, Katsuki stood with his shoulders squared and a deep frown on his face as the sight of his father came into view. He was sat on the throne, a goblet of most likely imported Besouris wine.
The throne itself was grand, made from pure Obsidian. It was mostly black in dim lights, but if you brought a flame close to the glassy material it would shimmer a faint green. The throne was forged hundreds of years ago using the flames of one of the greatest dragons to ever exist; Udun, Champion of the Gods. Its flames were said to burn hotter than a normal fire, capable of melting down the Obsidian needed to mould the throne.
Modest braziers hanging from each of the eight granite columns light up the entire throneroom, allowing shadows to play and dance where the light cannot reach. The illustration of famous battles and conquests on the sloped ceiling dance in the flickering light while statuettes look down upon the slate floor of the grand hall. A carmine rug runs down from the throne for a few meters before coming to an end while matching banners with gilded sigils hang from the walls. Between each banner sits a small alter full of candles, they've all been lit and in turn illuminate the statues of royalty long gone below them.
Those seeking the wisdom of the King can do so on the plethora of impressively carved dark oak benches, all of which are facing the throne in uniform rows. Those of higher standing can instead take a seat in the specially decorated mezzanines overlooking the throne and its subjects.
"Katsuki," his father speaks in that gentle tone that makes the blonde's hackles rise, instantly his arms tense up as his hands ball into tight fists. "Thank you for listening to the summons, for once." Masaru watched his son approach, noting the heavy steps and the smell that came with him—he had been out on his dragon again. It was a smoky smell and this indescribable smell of just freedom that came with soaring through the skies.
Katsuki stopped just short of the steps that led up to the throne, his hands shifting to hide behind his back. "Your Grace," Katsuki should've bowed but Masaru wasn't surprised when he didn't move an inch, just deepening the scowl on his face.
The King shifts in his throne slightly, the clink of his heavy crown filling the air as his head relaxes back against the obsidian seat. "As you're well aware, the Summer Solstice is just two days away which means the arrival of the Todoroki family will be imminent," so Katsuki was right, he thought, his father ordered him here to lecture him as if he were a little boy. "You may have also heard that the young boy Shoto is being named as Heir of Blacksummit. Do you know what this means for you?"
"That I can't kill him, without an outbreak of war." Katsuki supplies dryly, he may be a brute but he knows his boundaries.
"Exactly," Masaru continues, his hands coming together in his lap once he lays the golden claw goblet on the arm of the throne. "You cannot, and will not kill that man. I forbid you from fighting with him entirely."
The reaction was almost immediate, the rage that boiled over within Katsuki was similar to how quickly a dragon can breathe fire. The Kingsguard stepped forward, weapons drawn the second Katsuki took a step towards his father, his fists uncurled and inching towards his own sword.
"You can't be serious, Father." the young prince growls, eyeing the closest guard to him to see if he could take him in a fight—he could, he's just unsure if he could take all eight of them at once. "You cannot forbid me from fighting someone!" his voice bounces harshly off of the hollow walls of the hall, but his father does not flinch nor waver in the face of fury.
"It's a deal made between myself and Enji, you harmed the boy too much last year and he worries that you'll only step it up a notch this year." Katsuki is snarling now, his upper lip curled up like some feral animal. "It's an order, from your King."
Finally, Katsuki takes a step backwards and the guards seem to relax slightly with the distance being made. "Fine." he snaps, fingers reluctantly uncurling from the fists they had formed in his anger. "But I will make you regret this, Your Grace." The venom this time does make Masaru visibly flinch, and a victorious grin forms on Katsuki's lips before he sharply turns on his heel and marches his way back out of the hall.
As Katsuki rounds the corner to head towards his private quarters, he halts at the sight of the Princeguard Commander who delivered him the notice to see the King. Kirishima at least has the gall to look sheepish, albeit a very odd look on the 6 foot 6 man. "What the fuck do you want now?" Katsuki snarled, causing the red-haired man to look in his direction.
"I'm afraid you still have some things to attend to before you can retire for the night, your Grace." again that title, Katsuki squinted at Eijirou. He had told the commander to stop using such formal greetings when it was just the two of them after they had both gone through countless victorious battles together. A sign of respect from the King-to-be.
The silence allowed for Kirishima to speak again, "It would seem that the Todoroki family have arrived early," Kirishima doesn't stand down when he sees the famous ferocity in Katsuki's eyes as he snaps his eyes to meet his instantly. "You're expected to receive them, the Queen will also be with you."
His mother, Mitsuki, she most likely will be there to ensure the King's order wasn't disobeyed. In truth, Katsuki didn't hate his mother as much as he hated his father but he still despised the way she let his father do what he pleased, never speaking out when he made such outrageous demands such as no fighting with the young Lord of Blacksummit.
"God fucking damn it." Katsuki starts, a large fist colliding with the cool marble wall to his side shaking a picture free from the nail it was perched on. "I am fucking done with Todoroki this, Todoroki that. I fucking swear to the Gods I will kill that entire family for even daring to step foot into Corvos."
Kirishima bows his head at the physical outrage of the Prince, gaze unblinking as he stared at the heavily armoured boots he wore. The sound of flesh meeting marble grew louder and louder until there was a loud crack. When Kirishima finally looked back up, there was a growing pool of blood at the feet of the Prince whose chest was heaving with each deep breath he was drawing in, he didn't seem to show the pain he was in but Kirishima could see the marble wall had shattered under the onslaught and was embedded deep into Katsuki's knuckles.
"Well, let's fucking get this over with," Katsuki managed to get out, shaking off his fist which left a spray of blood along the floor before he started to march in the opposite direction of his private quarters. "Maybe I'll still have time to fuck one of those wenches the King had paid for."
Mitsuki shifted uncomfortably on her feet, eyes narrowed towards the approaching steady sound of hooves. She had received word not too long ago about the early arrival of the Todoroki's, ordering Kirishima to immediately fetch the Prince. She knew of Katsuki's hatred towards the northern men, but she believed if she tried enough to push him into realising they are strong allies then perhaps he would stop trying to murder the young Lord Todoroki.
The rough sound of boots crunching against the gravel path alerted her to the arrival of her firstborn son, and what sounded like a scampering Kirishima who was trying his hardest to keep up with the blonde's long strides. Mitsuki made no move to greet her son, holding her hands together in front of her hips as she watched the dark wooden oak carriage pull closer and closer, the sound of marching men now audible.
It wasn't long before the carriage pulled up and around, a squire quick to hop down and open the carriage door. Out first came Lord Enji Todoroki, he was a behemoth of a man and he had a mean gaze about him. A nasty scar split his face in two, having been a part of a battle many years ago alongside some of his northern brethren. Next out of the carriage was his wife; Lady Rei. She was a timid woman, hair as white as the snow that coated the mountain caps.
Katsuki growled when next came the children of the Todoroki household. Shoto stepped down the small step, his hands coming up to fix his impressive Pelisse. It was a short-furred coat, it was styled to hang over one shoulder to prevent sword slashes—so they say, Katsuki knows he could slice the man in half with his Dragonfire-forged blade.
Shoto stopped just short of the carriage door, offering a hand up to his elder sister Lady Fuyumi Todoroki, she was more like her mother in regards to personality but she was much smarter than both her parents and her siblings. She was the secret head of the household when it came to handling taxes, and stocking inventory for the long winters.
"My Lord," Mitsuki greeted once the Todoroki family were all standing in front of the two royals, Shoto stood directly before Katsuki and was levelling him with a withering glare. A swift elbow from the Queen before she smiled, eyes not once wavering from the burning azure eyes of Enji Todoroki.
"Your Majesty, Your Grace." Enji greeted them both in order; the Queen and then the Prince. Katsuki just deepened his scowl, glaring at the man who had made the deal with his father. He had always had a bad feeling when it came to the Todoroki family, there was something deeply unsettling about the way the current Lord of the House pushed around his family. Katsuki knew men would often beat their wives, but there was something extremely cold about the entire thing.
First, it started with the death of his eldest son; Touya Todoroki. All deaths of noble families are reported directly to the Royal family, but this one never was—at least not until 6 long years had gone by. It baffled the council as to why Enji would hide the death of his Heir but it was put to the side under the pretence that the man was simply grieving the loss of his firstborn son.
But they were never presented with a body or a death certificate from their scholar. It didn't sit right with Katsuki.
Then was the second eldest son, the Heir that was born to replace the loss of Touya. He had died too, some say it was during a battle when the North had a rebellion from one of the smaller houses. But again, no body was presented and no one can confirm that they did in fact see the young white-haired man on the field that day. Katsuki wasn't a fool, he had seen the bruises on the second eldest son. He found it odd that someone would beat their heir, and he also was aware of the hatred Natsuo held for his father. It was a single thing the two could agree on.
Katsuki suspects Enji had killed his two eldest sons. But no one would believe him until he was made King, he was certain to have the old man's head on a spike for it once he came into power.
"Thank you for travelling so far, My Lord." Mitsuki dragged Katsuki from his thoughts, his eyes darting away from Enji and off into the distance. "I heard you had brought a bigger party this year, will you be needing more space for the horses?"
"Only some, most of my men travelled on foot. They'll be lodged in the many inns of Corvos, your Majesty." Enji always spoke so curtly, a real kiss-ass when it came to the royals. Katsuki's lip curled in annoyance at the thought, everyone was so fake, they all wanted the pretty crowns that sat upon his parents' heads. They all wanted to know what it was like to have unlimited power at the tips of their fingers.
"Very well," Mitsuki nodded, eyes drifting to see Shoto who was already looking in her direction. "Young Shoto, it feels like just yesterday I was giving you a blessing at your birth. And now here you are, the heir-to-be of Blacksummit. Congratulations."
"Thank you, your Majesty," Shoto half bowed, hair of two colours shifting over his face until he straightened back up and used a singular gloved hand to brush it away from his mismatched eyes. The young lord was quite the spectacle, he was often the talk of many taverns when he was in town. Mostly it was the women who would swoon over him, the idea of spending a night with the man was apparently rumoured to be 'life changing'.
Mitsuki continued to converse with both Heads of the Todoroki family, giving Shoto the chance to glance at the glowering Prince. He had grown some in the last year since Shoto had been caught in a brutal brawl with him, it was both exhilarating and terrifying to go face to face with a man who was more dragon than human. He hadn't asked his father to make a deal with the King, he had a very similar reaction to Katsuki.
"You know, I didn't ask for the both of us to be banned from fighting against one another," Shoto decided to speak first, earning him a glare from the corner of Katsuki's eyes before Shoto sighed, "In fact, I was pretty certain I would beat you this year, maybe you'd be the one with 16 broken bones."
The recovery for that one was not a pleasant one, Shoto was bedbound for months.
"Tch," Katsuki clicks his tongue. "As if you'd ever get the chance you half-and-half bastard. I'd kill you before you got the chance." That earns the blonde a rare scowl on the Queen's face when she's in the presence of others. Enji also glares at the young Prince, his eyes narrowing with a hellish fire burning in the bright blue.
"I apologise for my son's attitude," Mitsuki is quick to apologise, "He's just upset about the sudden changes in the tournament. I promise you, however, he will not go against the King's order."
Upset, as if he was some child. He offers no goodbyes, turning sharply on his heel and marching out of the main gates of the Keep and towards the streets of Corvos where he knows he can get away with lashing out at someone if they dare speak out of turn to him. He doesn't hear his mother telling Kirishima to stay back, to let the Prince cool down.
The streets are starting to grow quieter as the moon starts to rise, the stars blanketing the sky. Katsuki makes quick and sharp turns down streets he had prowled down numerous times in search of someone, anyone, who may be breaking a law of some kind just so he could hurt them.
His boots were loud on the unsteady cobble road, clinking and bashing against loose pebbles that got kicked further and further down the path until he heard a loud crash, and then a clattering of something metal hitting the floor. Katsuki was well-seasoned in battles to know the sound of a sword being dropped, his heart raced in his chest at the prospect of being able to fight someone in the street for brandishing a weapon.
He wasted no time in rounding the corner, hand on the hilt of his blade and ready to draw when he felt all the muscles in his body grow rigid, his feet stuck to the spot he was in as if gravity had become ten times heavier on him alone. He blinked at the scene laid out before him, a woman who was wearing some tatty dress that was covered in black ash in places and scorch marks along the bell sleeves that had definitely seen better days.
Even her face was littered with dirt and grime, something Katsuki had only ever seen when he visited the blacksmiths. That's when the whole image clicked together, the swords on the ground were to be used for the festival and this woman was just some clumsy wench who dropped the swords. He was ready to step back, and slink back into the shadows he once came from until he heard a booming voice.
There was a shout of a name, not a highborn name he notes. "How fucking stupid are you?! Do you know how expensive those swords are!" A man rounds the door frame which seems to be an older blacksmith's store, he can faintly smell the scent of melting steel.
He breaks away from the thought at the sound of flesh meeting flesh, and the clattering of swords once again. Katsuki furrows his eyes at the man who had his hand raised in the air, and the woman who was staring down at the ground. That's when his eyes wandered along her bare shoulders, and exposed neck. He could see numerous bruises, old and fresh. Old scars were deep on her shoulder blades, the sight made his stomach turn uncomfortably.
Something was burning in his chest, this feeling to bare his teeth and rip apart the man who dared to lay a finger on this young lady who seemed to just be helping out the old git. His throat felt tight when he watched another slap get delivered on her opposite cheek, her head snapping in his direction and he felt his heart leap into his throat, his palms growing sweaty when their eyes met.
She looked scared but mostly shocked that someone was watching and then mortification set in once she realised it was the Prince. "Get back inside you stupid fucking whore." the old man snarled, snatching the girl by her hair and forcing her back into the direction of the house.
And finally, once she was out of sight Katsuki felt like he could breathe but this anger inside of him was worse than it had ever been before. He felt something crawling up his throat, scratching at his brain and forcing him to nearly launch himself across the narrow street and attack the man for even laying a finger on the young maiden.
He doesn't understand the feeling, this need to protect. So instead of acting on uncertain feelings, he takes slow but long strides backwards until he's back around the corner, out of range of the old man's eyes. Katsuki takes a deep breath in, running a hand through his hair. Perhaps he was just tired, it had been a long emotional day of dealing with everyone's bullshit, he was getting worked up over the festival.
Whatever that was, whatever he had felt when he saw a girl get beaten for simply a mistake, it was nothing more than just plain old exhaustion. He decides to retreat for the night, opting to reject the number of courtesans who hovered around the entrance of the main castle in hopes of being picked up by the Prince as they were often most nights.
It was odd, he realises, as he lays down in bed that night alone but something in his heart told him it was wrong to sleep with a woman that night.
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[Glossary] | [Masterlist] | [Next]
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credit for the background image/banner: @vampyrsm please do not plagiarise, or recommend my work to places such as TikTok.
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Bro could you IMAGINE FightClub!Bakugo?
Tw:noncon, language, harassment
Okay okay get this: you’re down in the basement listening to the usual men holler and punch each other around while you do your job as their cute little “accountant”. While many of them have good jobs and a real life, the actual members don’t have time or the intellect to juggle the numbers and money around as fast as you can. You’ve been coming here for a while now, and you’re used to the jeers and wolf-whistles coming your way since you’re basically one of the few or only women who dare to come down here.
But there’s one fighter who just can’t seem to take no for an answer.
Bakugo fucking Katsuki.
The man is ruthless, he’s relentless, he’s a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. You swear he’s had to have taken a shitload of steroids in his youth, otherwise how else could he have built up that much muscle? There’s no way an average gym-goer has that kinda build.
He’s always the first and the last one out in the rink, swaying back and forth with his fists up, a twisted grin on his face that was so reminiscent of a wolf before it lunges for its prey.
It usually took more than two men to pull him off the unconscious bodies that he had just beaten to a pulp, effectively breaking one of Fight Clubs Rules: get up when someone is down.
But he’s too good to let go, no one has the balls to tell him to take his money somewhere else since they’re all scared shitless of him.
Which leads him to believing that he’s practically a god down here, that he can conquer anything: including you.
No one really calls it harassment because no one really cares. What’s so wrong in a guy having a little crush? What, you came down here seeing all this testosterone but you can’t deal with it yourself? Don’t be a prudish bitch.
“Bakugo, I’m at work right now, I don’t want to.”
“C’mon toots, this ain’t even real work, you’re just fumblin’ my hard earned cash.” He grins slyly and crosses his bulging muscular arms, leaning against the doorway of the little office you’re given to work your magic.
You turn in your rickety seat and glare at him, ignoring the way he licks his lips and lets his eyes roam all over your body. “If I’m so shit at my work then go somewhere else and stop bothering me.”
He chuckles in his baritone voice and shakes his head at you. “Naw, can’t do that sweets. If I did then I’d never be able to see your pretty face again now, could I?” Bakugo leers at you and you turn your face in disgust.
“I don’t wanna go out for lunch, or ever with you. Now get out before I have to call someone in here.”
“Oh, is that so?” He uncrosses his arms and steps through the threshold, his body growing larger and more menacing as he slowly draws closer to you. Luckily a fight had broken out near the office months ago so there was no more door from the aftereffects, but that didn’t mean you felt safe even with open space.
“G-get out. I’m serious, Bakugo-“
“-Call me Katsuki, angel. And you don’t really mean that, do you? Look at you, you can barely look me in the eye when you say such mean things.” His voice drops an octave as he comes to stand in front of your seated form, towering above your wide eyes, clenched fists and trembling figure.
He leans down and you flinch and gasp as his breath ghosts over your face. He places both arms on either side of your chair so you have nowhere to look but him.
“You’re such a nice breath of fresh hair down here, through all the blood and violence. You’re like a flower...” he tucks a stray hair behind your ear and breaths out a laugh when you turn your head and squeeze your eyes shut.
“A flower, so fragile...a flower that smells so fucking good...” you feel like you can’t properly breathe as he leans in next to your ear and inhales deeply.
“A flower waiting to be deflowered herself.”
“What’s going on here?” A lanky body in the doorway appears.
Bakugo pulls back and turns his head ever so slightly towards the dude, growling under his breath at the interruption.
“We’re in the middle of something here, so you can just get the fuck ou-“
“-Well, it doesn’t really look like she’s into whatever you’re doing,” the man scoffs and takes in your pale face and shaking hands.
Bakugo stands to his fullest height, almost neck and neck with the man at the door.
“Yeah? I didn’t hear a complaint from her.” He cocks his head and stretches, allowing his muscles to ripple with each movement, something that didn’t go unseen by your much skinnier savior.
But he doesn’t back down. He only swallows and rubs the back of his neck.
“Well, we’re all being called out to put our bets in for the next match anyways, so you better come out before we get our asses kicked.”
The blond grumbles about weak men and no balls, then casts a dark look at your frozen figure before shouldering past the man at the door, almost knocking him down.
As soon as he’s out of your line of vision, you exhale and relax into your seat.
“You okay?” The fallen soldier scrambles back up and cautiously approaches you, looking over your body in a way that didn’t remind you of Bakugo undressing you with his eyes...rather, it was a protective, and worried once-over.
“Yeah, he’s just...a lot to handle sometimes. Doesn’t know when to quit.” You laugh shakily and run a hand through your hair.
“No wonder the dude’s a menace. He’s used to getting what he wants, I guess.” The man acknowledges this grimly, and for the first time you’re relieved that finally someone hasn’t turned a blind eye to your harassment.
“Are they really calling us down for bets?”
“No, I just said that to get him off your ass. Didn’t seem like you liked whatever he was doing.”
You give him a wobbly smile and he returns it.
“Sooo we should probably run before he comes back up here, right?”
“Oh most definitely,” you actually giggle before leaping out of your seat and joining the man to bound up the steps two at a time to freedom.
You both end up bonding pretty well over the weeks, even going out for coffee and lunch dates here and there. You’ve come to really like him, his shyer demeanor more than a majority of the ragtag men down in the basements, his chivalry refreshing to you amongst the blood and foul language thrown around the ring.
You feel like a woman with him, not some piece of ass like you were used to.
Bakugo noticed all this, of course. You started avidly avoiding him, ducking your head down and hiding behind your new ally before he could open his coarse mouth and stalk towards you. He couldn’t find you in your dingy office anymore either, because your savior was up in a cafe doing the calculations with you, laughing away about the latest matches.
That has to change. Effective immediately.
“Yo, newbie. How you been? Haven’t seen you fightin’ here for a while,” Bakugo claps his meaty hand on the scrawny guy’s back, nearing sending him toppling over.
“Yeah, y’know, just haven’t been feeling it lately.” He rubs the stinging feeling away from his sore shoulders and side eyes the blond suspiciously. He had seen firsthand just how bad-news of a guy he was, and he didn’t wanna get caught up in all that.
But Katsuki wasn’t just all brawn. He had some brains, too.
“Look, I know I prolly gave off a weird first impression with Y/N back then. But it’s all in good health, ‘was just messin’ around like I always do.”
“Yeah, sure...”
“How ‘bout we get some coffee or somethin’? You seem like a solid dude, plus we got shit in common to talk about.”
Like fucking around with my bitch.
“Uh, you sure? I kinda’ wanted to see the last fight,” he trails off unsuredly, scratching his jaw as Katsuki steers him away from the growing crowd.
“There’ll always be fights, man. I wanna show you that I’m a nice guy.”
Bakugo Katsuki was not a nice guy.
And everyone knew that too, which is why when some shifted to give the duo a curious glance he met them with a death glare. Any gazes locked on Katsuki’s hand wrapped around the lanky guy’s shoulders were immediately casted down.
You didn’t see your savior for a while.
It had been two weeks since he mysteriously disappeared from his usual place in the outskirts of the crowd, because unbeknownst to you, a certain fighter was keeping him away from you and convincing him to have a friendly brawl over lunch.
You only found out about it on a Friday night, when a crowd much bigger than before was gathered in the dim basement, voices hushed and whispering.
“What’s going on? Why’s everyone so quiet?” You whisper to one of the usuals.
“‘Heard Bakugo’s fighting some dude that was handpicked by himself. He somehow managed to convince the poor bastard to have some kinda’ match with him.”
You felt your heart sinking.
“Who did he pick?”
“‘Dunno, some skinny guy, a newbie I think. Hasn’t been around for too long so I guess he doesn’t know how big of a monster he’s gonna be beaten by.” The groupie shrugged, and you felt the blood drain from your face.
Without saying another word, you spun around and started running around all over the place looking for either of the two.
You end up stumbling into the men’s bathroom, desperate beyond salvation to stop this bloodbath.
He’s there, he’s at the urinal and he yelps when he hears you barge in. You avert your eyes and let his adjust himself as he sputters indignantly.
“Y/N? What’re you doing in here? This is a men’s-“
“Don’t fight him.”
“Don’t fight Bakugo, please, he’s gonna kill you, I know he is-“
“-Calm down, what’re you so worked up about? C’mon, I would’ve thought you’d had a little bit more faith in me to be able to stand my ground.” He teases you but you don’t find it funny, on the contrary you’re terrified out of your mind for his life.
“Did he put you up to this? How could you fight him, you’ve seen what he does to the other guys in the ring!”
“Well yeah, but he knows not to go that hard on me. Actually, he’s not that bad of a guy, we’ve gotten some drinks for the past two weeks and I was wrong about him.”
You gape at him. “Wrong? You saw how he cornered me that one day!”
He shrugs, not put off by the distant memory. “The guy just came back from a fight, he still had testosterone going through him. You can’t blame him for wanting to let a bit of it out, right? You should really give him a chance y’know, he talks about you all the t-“
But you can’t hear anymore, this is madness, there’s barely 10 minutes left until they’re going to call the two down for their death match. You need to find the source of this problem firsthand.
And somehow, a little voice inside your head tells you exactly where you know he is.
You round the corner to your office and there he is in all his glory, seated like a king on your chair, leaned back with his knees spread, carelessly looking through your bank statements and bet papers.
He barely looks at you as he says, “Oh there you are, I was starting to think you’d miss the show.”
You sink to your knees.
He looks up at that.
With a tight chest and burning eyes, your dry throat barely permits you to choke out, “Bak-Katsuki, please, please don’t do this. Please don’t fight him.”
He cracks his neck and leans forward, regarding you with dark vermilion eyes. He looks your position over appreciatively before speaking.
“Why not? He’s so good and great isn’t he? I’m just trying to show you how right you were, after all. I’m sure he’s got a fair chance of beating me.”
You shake your head vigorously, knowing what he’s playing at.
“No, no, you’re better, please. I was wrong about him, I shouldn’t have been friends with him, please don’t fight him Katsuki I’ll do anything-“
“-Oh you’ll do anything I say regardless of if I beat him to a bloody pulp or not. You wanna know why?”
You can barely contain a whimper as he stands and walks over right in front of you, his bulging crotch mere inches away from your face.
He suddenly grabs your hair and you cry out before he yanks your head up to meet his cold eyes.
“Because no one in here is gonna say shit to me. I run things here, toots. And if you want your little boy toy to live through today, you’re gonna watch every blow I give to him, and you’re gonna kiss the fucking knuckles I beat his face with. Got that?”
You sob as he grinds his clothed erection against your tear-streaked face, sniffling when he moans loudly and bucks into your open mouth.
A loud knock on the bare hinges stops Bakugo from pulling the front of his shorts down.
You both turn your heads and see a red-faced side-liner looking down and mumbling something about the match starting.
“‘Be there in a minute. Tell the guys to give my girl here a special front-row seat to this match, she’s gonna wanna see her man win, after all.”
The runner scampers off, leaving you both alone.
He bares his teeth down at you and you cower under his painful hold, the roots of your hair ripping from their strands.
He eventually tosses your head to the side after a few seconds of staring you down, and the second he does you clutch your sore cranium.
“I better see you down there in a minute sweet thing. You gotta get used to it anyways, since you’re gonna be getting accustomed to my rituals before and after matches.”
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animlcrisscross · 2 years
Find Me Here
One Shot
With his confusion he closes his door and walks back to the fire, bending to move the blankets up from the floor to send a servant to wash them.
His confusion deepens as snores are right in his ear as he bends down, and in fear, he rips away a blanket from a pile.
He lets out a guttural shout as he is met with the back of a…very naked man. He immediately crawls to his bow and arrow, cursing his kingdom guards for letting a man somehow make his way into his quarters.
“Wake up! I demand it! Who are you? How in the hell did you get in here?!” He shouts.
He holds the arrow to the figure and it is slow to rise.
“Speak! Before I stab this into your pathetic throat!” The grip on his arrow is shaky and with a tighter grip around the metal, it halts. Katsuki takes a calming breath, wondering why his senses and his kingdom and his fucking dumb useless knights were not at alert of this intrusion. 
The figure groans and he is finally met with his face.
He feels his world halt as he is met with a pair of glimmering cherry red eyes, as vibrant as an evening sunset. The color of his messy red locks is highlighted by the early morning light, creating a flame amongst the gentle hues of the sunrise.
The man blinks and he sees the flick of a scar around his eyelid. 
He takes a moment to register his features. He is gorgeous, angelic, a god amongst men. He tries not to look at the expanse of his tanned skin, glistening in the sunbeams peering through his windows.
However, it is hard not to let his eyes roam around the build of his stomach, muscles spanning across his torso and the faint trail of black hair peeking upwards. His hips are firm and stately and he finds himself glancing away. He feels like has looked at this heavenly being for far too long.
As he notes the magnificent pink flush on his cheeks, his brain finally catches up to the morning and he nervously swallows.
“E-Eijiro?” He asks in disbelief.
“Prince Katsuki?” He asks, his voice deep and husky and it is elegant music to his ears.
Prince Katsuki finds the unexpected when hunting in the forest near his castle grounds.
AO3 [x]
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
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Rating:  Explicit
Warnings: Rough Sex (Vaginal), Rough Oral Sex (blow job, face fucking), Spanking / Whipping (with a drumstick), Obsessive Reader, Toxic / Power Imbalanced Relationship, Emotional Manipulation, Suggested Dubcon / Reluctant / Compliant Reader
Words: 10,418 
Pairing: Drummer!Bakugou Katsuki x Superfan!Fem!Reader
Quirkless, Punk rock band AU
BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Tags: @lady-bakuhoe​, @gallickingun​, @mirakumiruku​, @wakaoujisenhime​, @sunnieskies02​, @hisoknen​
Art in banner by me.
This was incredibly frustrating. Finally, after years of admiring and being an incredibly dedicated fan, you were standing in front of your favorite punk rock band. They were just a few feet from you, so close that you could reach out and touch them. How badly you wanted their full and undivided attention was near suffocating, and yet, it was so difficult for you to find the courage to speak at all. You had given them your name after you had been brought backstage for the meet up, which was a perk of the insanely expensive VIP tickets you and your friends had purchased. 
That’s all that you had been able to say. Your friend, however, was absolutely bursting with questions. You were very close to her, but damn, you wished that she would just stop talking long enough for someone else to get a word in. All day you had been brooding over what you wanted to ask, what you wanted to say to these men that had been such a huge part of your life for the last few years. Their music had inspired you, made you cry, pumped you up so much that you’d jump around your room and just jam out. But, more than that, they had saved you. You didn’t know how to explain it, or even how it happened in the first place, but you had truly begun to feel like their existence is what you lived for. 
Was that unhealthy? Probably. But who could blame you? You loved every single one of them. All five men were like your best friends, and you felt so close to them from your time following them on social media and attending their concerts. You knew them like the back of your hand, from birthdays, to favorite food, drinks, hobbies, past or current girlfriends, and you had even found out their personal telephone numbers. Had you ever called them? No, of course not. That would be creepy. 
Midoriya Izuku, the band leader and lead singer, was being the most engaging as far as answering questions. Unlike their punkish attire and aesthetic, he was like sunshine, incredibly friendly and soft with his curly green hair and freckled cheeks. He was adorable, able to make all the little fangirls scream and squeal with his grin and a cheeky wink. 
Todoroki Shouto, lead guitar and backup singer, was the quiet pretty boy of the group, breaking hearts with his intense and piercing stare. That wasn’t to say he didn’t have a soft side to him, but more than anything, he was extremely dense, and his genuine confusion was what made him so desirable. 
Kirishima Eijirou, second guitar, was another ray of sunshine amongst the black clothes and punk piercings. He loved to get the crowd riled up, his endless energy and cheery personality infectious. Out of everyone, he was the most openly friendly without a hint of shyness and treated everyone like he had known them forever. 
Kaminari Denki, bass guitar, was the group idiot. He was nice, but often did and said things that could get the group into trouble or make a fool of himself in the public eye. Funny and playful, he could make anyone laugh, either from a joke or from just being a silly fool. 
Although you adored them all, one of them had you in his grip, like your heart had been locked in a vice that grew tighter every time you saw him. The fifth member, Bakugou Katsuki, was your absolute dream man. Rough, arrogant, mean, and foul mouthed, he was the bands second in command, drummer, and backup singer for moments that required his deep and gruff voice. God, he was everything you ever wanted in a partner. Boyfriend. Husband. Whatever! You wanted him so badly that you dreamed about it constantly, picturing yourself in those strong arms or having those calloused hands on your body. Much to your misfortune, he was the most private on social media, so there was still a lot about him that you didn’t know. 
That was one of his most attractive qualities to you. His mystery and his silence. What was he really like? Was he this grumpy and off putting with those close to him? Did he have a gentle side of any kind?
You wanted to know everything about him! But, standing here in front of the entire band, you were frozen, not able to make a squeak. Even your eyes were locked on the floor, unable to look up at them in fear that you would gawk a little too intensely. Or start crying. One of the two would happen, probably. 
Your chance to interact with your heroes was slipping by with each moment, however, and you didn’t know if you’d ever get to have this chance again. What did you want to say? What questions had you thought about? You had a million of them, all you had to do was just say one. Something. Anything! 
The name slipped from your lips in a sharp snap, which tapered off at the end with a tremble. Just as the sweet name left your lips, your eyes darted up, catching the confused and irritated crimson glare of the blonde drummer. At first, you were taken aback by his current appearance, still flushed and sweaty from the concert performance. His blonde spiked locks were wild and unruly, bangs stuck to the sweaty skin of his forehead and cheeks. He was so handsome, all messy and hot--
“U-uhm…” Your friend that stood beside you gave you a nudge in the side, though she was unable to pull your gaze away from Bakugou, who’s annoyed snarl made your heart begin to race. “[Name], I was about to ask something else…” 
“What’d you want to say, you damn shitty extra.” Bakugou barked at you, ignoring your friends' whine at being interrupted. “Don’t just bark out my name and then stand there like a fucking moron.” That gruff and demanding voice was intoxicating, making you involuntarily clench your thighs together and clutch at the fabric of your skirt.
“I… I was wanting to know. Uhm,” Your eyes darted across his face and his chest as you tried to think of what you had been wanting to ask him. You couldn’t remember for the life of you, but as your gaze landed on the piercing he had on the bridge of his nose, a thought popped into your head and curiosity flourished instantly. “How many piercings do… do you have?” 
Bakugou’s eyebrow cocked in initial confusion at the question, before returning to its usual furrowed position. “The fuck? That’s kind of personal, ain’t it?” 
“I’ll tell you how many I have.” You weren’t sure if the teasing, flirtatious sound of your voice was purposeful or not, but just hearing yourself made the tips of your ears flush. “Five types… Nine piercings total. I bet you beat me on that, hm?” 
“Tch, that’s fucking nothing, you little punk poser. I have nine types, thirteen total.” Bakugou shoved his hands into the pockets of his loose shorts, pulling the fabric down just enough to show the skin of his left hip and a peak of his boxers. One of the stated piercings gleamed in the light once exposed, and it took all your willpower to not hyper focus on it. “Not like you’ll ever know them all or see them.” 
“I bet I could guess.” “You’d fucking fail, moron-”
“A-ah, let’s not!” Midoriya interrupted, giving a nervous laugh and a wave of his hand to pull your attention off Bakugou. “We’re not here to talk about such personal things, you know! Right, Kacchan?” 
“I don’t give a fuck,” Bakugou shifted his weight from his right foot to his left, giving an annoyed click of his tongue. “I’m not in the mood for this bullshit.” 
“Why?” You once again spoke without thinking. “Because you missed your cue during Collide?” The accusation immediately had Bakugou’s eyes widening in surprise before he scoffed, glaring crimson daggers at you.  
“Well aren’t you just a fucking super fan.” 
“I try to be.” Although you knew that he wasn’t kind to you, the fact that he noticed your extreme interest in the band made your cheeks flush, looking down at the ground between your black combat boots. The t-shirt you had paired with your skirt was your favorite that you owned of the bands merchandise, and just seeing it as you gaze down over your chest made your stomach bubble nervously. Was it really that obvious? Was it weird to him? Did he like it? 
“Ah, well, anyway!” Your friend piped in again, taking a step closer to Midoriya with a sparkle in her eyes. “Deku! Please, tell us about your girlfriend!” 
Midoriya instantly went into his flustered state of rubbing the back of his head, his stuttering and embarrassed gibberish cracking with his exhausted voice, leaving you once again off to the sidelines. With a small, quiet sigh, you fiddled with the hem of your skirt, more questions burning on the tip of your tongue. In your down casted vision, you saw Bakugou’s feet shift, and there wasn’t a second thought in your mind about looking up at him. Your gaze immediately locked with his, which was still a dark and threatening glare. 
Your heart instantly skipped a beat, the heat in your cheeks growing hotter. Had he already been looking at you? Why was he glaring so intensely? You didn’t think that he would get upset with the mention of his mistake that you had pointed out, but perhaps he had gotten embarrassed? In truth, you hadn’t meant your statement to be argumentative in any way. You were more concerned about him. Messing up during a performance was a big deal, and though most people might not have noticed, you were curious if it was eating at him or if he just doesn’t care. 
Then, he made a move that you didn’t expect. With a quiet click of his tongue, he began to make his way out of the room, only stopping at the door when Kirishima spoke up. 
“Woah, man, where are you going?” The redhead interrupted Midoriya, who also looked at Bakugou curiously. 
“I work a lot harder than all of you assholes during a show! I’m sick of fucking standing around, and these losers aren’t even interesting. I’ll be in my room.” Before anyone could stop him, the door slammed shut with his exit, and you turned your attention to Midoriya as he sighed. 
“A-aha, I’m sorry about Kacchan! He’s uh… he doesn’t like meetups much.” 
“That’s a shame…” You mumbled under your breath, already missing his presence. You could still feel that glare on you, so threatening and dangerous. This had been your chance to really make yourself stand out from the crowd and show him how genuinely interested you were in him, and you wasted it. You cared about him more than these other women that fawned over him like brainless zombies. You were perfect for him. You knew you were, without a doubt, and you wanted him. 
It was true that the rest of the band members were close to your heart, that you admired all of them as your heroes. But Bakugou… You had just ruined your chance to talk with him and get to know him. 
There wasn’t anything else you could do.
“Is there a bathroom I can use?” Your question once again popped out of your mouth during the middle of a conversation, though instead of stopping it, Kirishima smiled at you sweetly. His kind face and gentle touch to your arm to lead you away from the group so he could talk to you had your heart racing, almost too scared to take a step in fear that you’d trip with how distracted you were by his face. 
“Yeah, babe. Go left down the hall, you’ll see it marked. Don’t get yourself into trouble, m’kay?” 
B-babe? Aahh, why would he call me that? He’s too sweet for his own good. Cheeks flushing, you gave a small nod, thanking him quietly before heading out of the room, taking a final quick glance at the group behind you to catch Kirishima giving you a playful wave. Of course, by the time you stepped outside into the hallway, Bakugou had already vanished. Using what you had remembered of the route to get to this room from backstage, you hadn’t seen anything that was labeled as a changing room for any of the men. So, you went left down the hall as you had originally been instructed, glancing at each door you passed to see if there were any names scribbled on the dry erase board many of them sported. 
Your heart nearly stopped when you finally saw it. Bakugou Katsuki, written in red marker with a shitty doodle of what looked to be a hand holding up the middle finger, along with the words “fuck off”. Before going in, you took a moment to press your ear up against the door, listening closely to see if there were any signs of life. There wasn’t a single sound or hint of movement, so gathering your courage and glancing up and down the hall for danger, you took hold of the doorknob, your heart beginning to race as it moved without resistance. 
With a quiet click, the door opened, not making another sound as you cracked it just enough to look inside. The lights were on, and your suspicions that he hadn’t been inside were confirmed. Feeling a bit discouraged, you considered just going back to the room to finish off your time with the rest of the band. That would probably be enough to satisfy your longing for them, right? The others could be great company, and maybe Bakugou would come back before you left. 
But, deep in your chest, you could feel the need to be with Bakugou alone to talk to him one on one. You wanted his attention more than anything, and you knew that there wasn’t going to be another chance for you to see him this close again any time soon. No, you couldn’t run away. You had already come too far to back out now. What’s the worst he could do? Kick you out? Call security to have you removed? Call you names? Press you up against the wall and threaten you? 
Ah, well, maybe that wasn’t all that bad. You’d probably melt in his hands and collapse on the floor in a blushing puddle of tears if he so much as touched you. 
Gathering your resolve, you pushed yourself on into the room, walking lightly and glancing this way and that to make sure he wasn’t just laying on some furniture or something to take a nap. Feeling confident that he wasn’t in the room, you shut the door behind you with a light click, taking a few timid steps into the room. Almost instantly, you were completely engulfed by the scent of his body spray, which you had only been faintly able to pick up while in the group. It was such a powerful scent, bold and intense, just like him. How quickly just the simple scent of him made your core burning hot was a bit staggering, feeling your knees already growing weak and your chest growing tight. 
This is harder than I thought… Just from smelling him like this I feel like I’m going crazy. And he’s not even in here! I should leave before I get too distracted… But… This is his stuff! 
Beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed being in the presence of Bakugou’s possessions, your teary gaze scanned the room methodically, surprised to see that the room was actually very well kept. With his brash personality, you more expected Bakugou’s personal space to be a wreck, but the only thing that was really out of place was a small pile of clothes tossed aside next to a suitcase. A desire to be close to Bakugou driving you, there wasn’t a moment of hesitation as you made your way towards it, squatting down. Right on top was the tank top he had just been wearing, still soaked with his sweat. It was the most recent thing that had touched his body. It still had his essence all over it. How could you just leave it there? 
Picking it up, you brought the shirt up to your nose, inhaling deeply. It was absolutely delicious, your body quivering from the excitement and adrenaline beginning to pump through your veins. You were actually holding one of Bakugou’s sweaty shirts in your hands, one that he had just performed in! This was absolutely real. It wasn’t a dream!
Becoming overwhelmed with your feelings for him, you flopped back to sit on your butt, spreading your legs open. Since you were wearing fishnet hose with decently large holes, you had direct access to your already soaked pussy, the little lace thong easily moved aside. Now, all that existed to you was the scent wafting off his shirt and your fingers eagerly stroking your sex, alternating between stroking your clit and digging two of your fingers inside you. The cloth of the t-shirt pressed up against your lips and nose, you panted and moaned softly against it, imagining that you were right up against his chest, his fingers teasing your cunt. 
You were so engrossed in your fantasy that you could even hear him taunting you, that deep growl of his voice in your ear. 
“That’s right, babygirl. You like when I finger that slutty pussy, don’t you?” 
“You’re so fucking wet, you little whore. Dripping all for me.” 
“Getting horny just from the smell on my clothes? You dirty fuck.” 
“What the fuck are you doing?!” 
The sudden rattling boom of a familiar yell startled you out of your pleasant daydream, turning your moan into a squeal as you nearly jumped out of your skin. Spinning around, you were met with the wide-eyed shocked crimson glare of your dream man, who was standing halfway in the room, as if he had stopped in his tracks upon seeing you. All you could do was sit there in shock, still holding his shirt up to your face as your other hand tried to pull your skirt down between your legs, as if to hide your sin. 
“I,” Stuttering, you tried to gather yourself, clenching your thighs together tightly. “I, uhm, Bakugou, it’s not- How’d you… get in?” 
His shocked expression contorted into one of confusion, then into annoyance, his brows furrowed deeply as he startled at you. “Are you fucking kidding me? You didn’t lock the door, ya dumb cunt.” Walking the rest of the way inside, he slammed the door shut loudly behind him, startling you again enough to scurry back against the wall, your knees pulled up to your chest protectively. “What the fuck are you even questioning me for? You’re the horny bitch sitting on my floor sniffing my fucking clothes and touching yourself.” Without having to look back at the doorknob, Bakugou gave the little lock a twist, setting the latch firmly in place. 
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you could only stare at him, your eyes captivated by that fierce glare. How hot he made you only intensified now that he was back in your presence, and more than that, the asshole was even shirtless. His flawless muscular figure made your mouth feel dry, as if any and all liquid your body could produce was pooling between your legs. It was everything you could do not to start touching yourself again, clutching onto his shirt with both hands tightly. “I… I’m sorry. I just… I-” 
“You’re just a damn psycho fan, aren’t ya?” Reaching up to give his hair a quick ruffle, Bakugou started making his way towards you, his ruined and ragged skater shoes squeaking against the smooth wooden floor. “I’m surprised you didn’t rip your shirt off during the fucking concert and throw your bra on stage.” 
“I’m not stupid like those girls… I have dignity. And I don’t want a bunch of other people seeing my tits anyway.” Your voice lowered down to a meek whisper by the time he stood in front of you, both of his hands on his hips, as if he were about to scold you like an angry parent. With him so close, your eyes glanced over every inch of his bare torso, drinking in how absolutely flawless he was. What was even more enticing was the piercings he had so proudly boasted about not long ago, a pair of them placed on his collarbones, nipples, and hips. 
“Tch, dignity?” Bakugou scoffed, a sly smirk crossing his lips. “‘Dignity’, the little slut says, as she sits on the floor in my dressing room fucking herself to the stench on my shirt. Pathetic.” 
“What are… Are you going to kick me out?” 
“There’s a lot that I could do to you,” Bakugou’s smirk turned wicked, his lips curling up to show his gums. “But how about you tell me what the fuck you were doing in here?” 
“I just… I really wanted to get an autograph or picture with you. You’re my,” Your breath caught in your throat, not wanting to let it slip that he was your absolute dream man. “You’re my favorite band member.” 
“Then what are you doing with my clothes?” 
An intense burning suddenly rushed to your cheeks with a new round of embarrassment, and with it came the stinging sensation of tears building up in your eyes. What had you been doing? You had just wanted to talk to him more, to get to know him better, and just spend time with your hero. And yet, you had let yourself get completely overwhelmed by a burning desire for him, one that was just too strong to ignore in the moment of solitude with his possessions. You knew that you had a very intense crush on him, but that bad and that… gross? You had told yourself over and over that you weren’t like the desperate women who would do anything filthy to get his attention, yet here you were, sniffing his clothes and touching yourself. 
“I… I don’t know what I was doing.” Your voice quivered as you avoided looking at him, trying to blink the tears away. “That was really gross of me. I had just… wanted to see you in private. I wasn’t getting a chance to talk to you, to any of you, and… I just wanted my chance.” 
“You wanted your chance, eh?” Bakugou brought a hand up to his chin, rubbing it as if he were in thought, contemplating his options. “So much that you’d sneak into my room, to wait for me or try to corner me?” 
Swallowing the lump that had grown in your throat, you coward down back against the wall, wishing that you could just shrink away in shame. Your impulses had completely ruined your chances. He had to think you were a total freak by now, he’d never want to even give you the time of day. 
“Ya know,” Bakugou crossed his arms over his chest, taking a half step closer to you. His posture and presence over you was so aggressive and domineering that you couldn’t find it in yourself to move, only pulling your legs up tighter to your chest to try and get further away from him. “You talk all big, saying that you’re not like those other extras out there that’ll drop their pants in seconds for me. That you have ‘dignity’. But I don’t think that’s true. I think you’re just like those other sluts out there, a stupid whore that is driven by nothing but her cunt.” 
You gave a small shake of your head, trying to ignore the throbbing between your legs and the swirling in your stomach from how he was treating you. You couldn’t believe it was turning you on so much. “No, I… That isn’t what I wanted.” 
“I think it is. You’re disgusting. Nothing but a filthy super fan and a stalker. Why don’t you just admit it?” 
“Because… It’s not true. I love you, but not… It’s not all like that.” 
“If you loved me, you’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you?” The change in tone caught you off guard, his voice no longer accusatory and vicious. Instead, his growl was almost soothing, as if he were trying to calm your frantic thoughts of failure. “You’d do anything to stay in the same room as me. To just be able to fucking look at me or get a shitty autograph, hm?” 
“I would… yes.” Your heart racing, you tried to blink away the tears still prickling in your eyes, but they were persistent. “But if you want me to leave, I’ll… do that, too. I shouldn’t have come here like this in the first place…” 
“You regret it?” Bakugou moved his hands back to his hips, his fingers resting against the pristine shape of his hips with such rugged and confident posture. You were so conflicted on your feelings, and that question only made your throat grow tight. Did you regret it? All your actions up to this point had gotten you here, alone in his room with him, and no matter what the interaction was or may end up being, just getting to be here was a dream come true. 
But what would you do? Would you really do anything he asked of you? Anything? In truth, you didn’t think that you had the courage and you would just annoy him until he kicked you out. What would he even want from you in the first place? You weren’t innocent enough to not have noticed the bulge beneath the zipper of his shorts, pressing up into the fabric. Was this entire situation, having you cowering on the floor in front of him like this, actually turning him on? Did he… like you, then? Was he attracted to you? 
“I asked you a question.” Bakugou snapped when you didn’t answer him, leaning forward a bit to glower down at you with that typical snarl. 
“I don’t… I don’t regret it. I just don’t want to upset you.” 
“Aw, don’t want to upset me, eh?” With a click of his tongue, Bakugou’s snarl stretched into a smirk. “Poor little stalker, scared to upset me. Don’t worry, babygirl. Just do what I ask, and you won’t upset me.” 
“Really? You’re not upset?” 
“Not at all, babe. But you have to do what I say. You’ll do anything for me, won’t you?” The condescending growl of his voice was lost to you, only able to latch on to the pet names and hope of getting back on his good side.
“Because you’re not like those other girls. You're my number one fan. Aren’t you?” 
A new burning of heat and tears flared up, unable to stop the happy smile on your lips. “Yes. Yes! I am! I love you so much-”
“Get on your knees.” 
Smile faltering, you were confused by the demand, looking up at Bakugou through your gathered tears. “What?” 
“Get on your fucking knees.” Bakugou snapped again, the gleam in his glare almost… sinister. Still, there was something in you that begged for you to comply, and just like your impulses earlier, you couldn’t ignore it. Squeezing the fabric of his shirt tightly in your hands, you slowly shifted yourself up onto your knees as demanded, though the space between him and the wall was limited. Worried about your face being too close to his crotch, you sat back mostly on your legs, but he was quick to correct you. 
“All the way up on your knees.” 
Nibbling at your bottom lip, you pushed yourself up to be kneeling, your eyes glancing and looking everywhere but at the crotch of his baggy blank punk shorts, which reached his knees and ended in tattered fabric. The chains on both hips rattled lightly as he shifted his weight to his other foot, and that slight sound pulled your eyes to look at them, and thus at his crotch. At this angle, you could truly see how strained he was, the form of his cock clearly visible. The heat in your cheeks grew fiercer just thinking about what was just a few inches from your nose, and what was worse, the smell of him was overwhelming all your senses. He must have just recently reapplied his spray after sweating like mad for hours on end, but even his natural scent was enticing. 
“What are you looking at, babe?” 
Bakugou’s voice broke you out of your stupor, bringing you to look up at his face. “Nothing… Just, well…” Your voice tapered off, unable to find it within you to ask him. He obviously had a boner, but what the hell did that mean?
“Open your mouth. Keep those pretty eyes on my face.” His commands had grown softer, as if he were purring at you to keep you compliant. Opening your mouth as told, you peered up at him through your lashes, tilting your head back a little. The way his smirk grew had your skin tingling, but that isn’t what had all your attention. Your focus was on his hips, listening to the rustling of fabric and watching the movement of his arms through your peripheral vision. “Good girl. Now stick out your tongue. And don’t move.” 
Slowly, your tongue lolled out, and the low groan he gave in satisfaction of your obedience had you opening your mouth wider. As you sat there waiting for him, you could feel the saliva beginning to dribble down your chin and along the length of your tongue, gathering in a slick pool before dripping off the tip of your tongue to the floor. 
Suddenly, you felt a hard and hot presence slap against your tongue, making you squeak and recoil back. Though, before you could get far, your hair was in Bakugou’s fist, yanking you back up into position and peering up at him in shocked fear. He was visibly agitated, but his smirk was still wide, teeth bared. 
“What do you think you’re doing, slut? I said don’t move. You told me you’d do anything I say.” 
Trembling now, you pulled your gaze from his to look at his hips, pressing your lips together tightly as you gazed upon his erect cock. As he held it steady with his free hand, you couldn’t help but take in every detail, from the girth and length, the prominent veins and ridges, and the frenum barbell piercing nestled just under the blushing head. It was truly the most attractive cock you had ever seen in your life, and a fire began to rage in your core as you realized that was what had just hit your tongue. 
Bakugou’s cock… He… He wants me to suck him off? What if I’m not good enough… I shouldn’t! 
You could feel the heat of your essence beginning to dribble down your thighs, your poor excuse for underwear and hose completely soaked through. You could feel the throbbing all the way into your stomach, and it was impossible to deny that you were the horniest you had ever been. But this isn’t what you had expected or wanted to do. Was it? 
“That’s what you said, isn’t it?” Bakugou pulled your head a bit closer, giving you a few rough smacks to the cheek with his impressive cock. “You would do anything for me.” With your lips still tightly closed, he ran the tip of his cock across them, smearing his precum along your skin. “So be a good girl and give my cock a little kiss. Be sweet, now.” 
Although the demand was embarrassing, the pressure of his grip on your hair and his cock literally at your lips made you feel like you truly didn’t have a choice. He was in control of all of this. He could do anything he wanted. He could get you arrested, even. You had to do what he said, not only for your own benefit, but because you adored him. So, you placed a tender kiss right beneath the head, your eyes fluttering closed. Abandoning the t-shirt in your hands, you reached up to softly caress his cock, using your grip to move it up to give you more access to the underside. Your kisses were quite timid at first, but as one lingered against the underside of his shaft, the pulsing you could feel against your lips made your body ache. 
Eventually, your kisses became more passionate, even giving light suckles and little kitten licks, teasing the piercing and the sensitive head. Hearing him groan with the attention pulled your eyes up to look at him, a bit surprised to see that his cheeks were quite flushed, and his smirk had faded. Was he really enjoying this? 
Bracing himself against the wall with his free hand, Bakugou only further crushed you with his overwhelming presence and dominance, making you pause in worry. “Good girl. Now open your fucking mouth.” 
The instant your lips parted wide enough, Bakugou simultaneously pulled your head and pressed his hips forward, shoving his cock into your mouth, the tip stopping at the back of your tongue. Squeaking and groaning in surprise of the forced entry, you clutched on tightly to his thighs, only just having noticed that his shorts had fallen around his feet. His boxers had simply been pushed down out of the way, but the elastic kept them up on his hips for now. You were unable to move, his grip on your hair too tight to pull back. He didn’t want you to do the work? 
“That’s it, baby. Keep that mouth nice and open for my cock. You don’t gag easily do you?” You could hear the feigned concern in the question, and the only answer you could give is a furrow of your brow, new tears prickling in the corners of your eyes. “Oh well. Guess we’ll find out, won’t we?” 
It was then that Bakugou began to thrust his hips, fucking your mouth slow and shallow. You were actually surprised that he started out so cautious, but you could tell that the pleasure was beginning to grow quickly. “Fuck babe, you’re such a good little slut for me.” Ever so slightly, he began to thrust faster and deeper, until the tip of his cock was hitting against the back of your throat. You were lucky that you didn’t have a strong gag reflex, as you knew that anyone who did would have already puked all over him. But you could take it. You could take it for him, to let him have his way with you just to stay with him a little longer. 
Though, you were finding that it was difficult, breathing in through your nose and trying to distract yourself from the burning in your jaw. Each thrust had your nose touching his pelvis and his balls slapping against your chin, which was coated in drool that dripped freely. It was so difficult to handle him, in fact, that you couldn’t stop the tears from running down your cheeks, only further displacing your already ruined makeup from crying earlier. You were a mess already, but the fire within you didn’t falter. If not for needing to grip onto his thighs to keep you balanced, you would be touching yourself again, the craving for your own pleasure just as suffocating as the dick in your throat. 
Still, your struggles were worth it. You got to watch Bakugou’s expression, his brow no longer furrowed in anger but in pleasure, his eyes glazed over with the undying need for release. His face was flushed and sweat was already beginning to drip down along his skin, his body still affected by the intense performance he hadn’t finished not even an hour ago. The way his body moved, muscles tensing and rolling beneath your grip on his thighs. He was so gorgeous. 
You had expected him to finish in your mouth, but after some time of fucking your throat raw, he stopped, holding the back of your head as he dug his cock as deep in as he could. You groaned and whined from the pressure, wishing desperately for relief while pushing on his thighs. With his own groan and hiss of pleasure, Bakugou pulled out of your mouth slowly, his smirk returning as he took in the sight of you. “You should see yourself. Filthy. Keep your tongue out.” When he finally removed himself completely, you took in a deep breath, gasping and panting to try and recover from the brutality you had to endure. Your tongue, however, stayed out as he demanded, allowing him to rub the underside of his tip against it. 
“You’re fuckin’ hot, you know that? So fucking sexy. I bet you have a nice tight little pussy, too.” After a few rough slaps of his cock against your tongue, he took a step back, stepping out of his shorts as he did so as well as his shoes, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. “Stand the fuck up.” 
Swallowing hard, you took the moment of getting to your feet to wipe your chin of the mess of liquids, but you didn’t get much time to steady yourself. Snatched by the arm, Bakugou dragged you over a few feet towards the couch, grabbing you once again by the hair and forcing you down over the armrest. The couch was quite tall, so with your upper body pressed into the cushions and your hips snuggly in place against the armrest, you could barely touch the floor with your tiptoes. It was another uncomfortable position, but you ignored the pressure on your belly as your ass was suddenly exposed to the cold air of the room, your skirt flipped up out of the way. 
“Fuck you have a nice ass.” Gripping your backside with both hands firmly, Bakugou squeezed and spread you open, taking in the pleasant view. “What a fucking punk poser you are with these shitty fishnets. They don’t even do shit.” Digging his fingers into the holes along your crotch, he gave a rough yank, ripping the fabric open to give him easy access. “Holy fucking shit, you should see how wet you are, babygirl.” 
You whimpered at the feeling of his thumb stroking along your sex, the slick that coated your skin giving him no resistance. You could feel it, all over your inner thighs and aching cunt, but now your favorite person in the entire world could see it, too. He could see how wet he made you, how getting tossed around by him made you feel. 
I… I didn’t agree to all of this. I know it isn’t right. I didn’t want it to go this far, but… How can I stop him? Why would I stop him? He’s… I love him so much! I want him to touch me, even though I know I shouldn’t--
Your thoughts were cut off by your own gasp, your body tensing and legs bending at the knee involuntarily at the sudden pleasure that rocked through your body. You knew what it was, his tongue hot and eager against your clit as he ate you out. The sounds of him lapping at your cunt and grunting in delight at the taste of you had your mind spinning, the pleasure devouring your body. Not wanting to be heard by anyone outside, you moaned and gasped into the fabric of the couch cushion, digging your nails into it as you did everything you could to not writhe out of his grip. 
You were so sensitive to his touch that you could feel everything, from his nails digging into your hips to the way his tongue piercing slid across your clit. It was as if he knew exactly how to use it to be able to drive you completely insane, the hard metal sending shocks of lightning through your body with each stroke and flick. 
“Ba-Bakugou, ahh-!” You tugged and pulled at the couch cushion in your grip, digging the toes of your boots into the floor. “It’s too much! Wait--!” 
“Too much? Don’t be such a fucking wimp. You’re my little slut, aren’t you? You can take anything I give you.” As he stood back up, you looked up at him over your shoulder, having to peek through your messy hair to see him. That wicked and excited smirk was back, and you were only able to watch as he gripped your ass in his hands, sliding his cock between your cheeks to coat himself in your essence. “And I know what you want me to give to you. You want my dick inside you, babygirl?” 
Immediately, you stomach rolled nervously, eyes on the tip of his cock and the precum dribbling from it. You were on birth control, there wasn’t necessarily anything risky about that, but there was something else that pricked at the back of your mind. If you did this with him, then you knew that you could never settle for another man. You would want him forever, as you always had, but would you ever get a chance like this again? Would you ever even see him again after today? 
It doesn’t matter… I’ll do it! 
“Yes! Yes, Bakugou, I want you.” You were surprised as he leaned away from you for a moment, though what he was doing was quickly made clear as he came back into full view with a drumstick. The way that it was beaten and chipped told you that it was one he had used that performance, and the other was probably close by, set to be discarded or handed out to fans. 
“And why do you want me?” Bakugou dug the stick into your hose, giving a sharp yank to further rip the delicate fabric and expose more of your ass to him fully. “Just because I’m your favorite of the band?” 
“No!” You couldn’t help but become defensive. “I… I care about you more than that!” You bit down onto your bottom lip as he began to run the tip of the stick across your skin towards your cunt, mind racing with thoughts of what he was going to do with it. You could still feel and see his cock between your cheeks, hot and pulsing, and you were honestly surprised that he could hold out to tease you this long. Just seeing you like this, bent over and so submissive, was enough to keep him going long enough to torture you a bit. 
“You love me? Even though I’ve slapped you, pulled your hair, and fucked your throat until you went hoarse? Even though I have your ass bent over the couch and haven’t given you any more than a few minutes of pleasure?” Suddenly, he brought the stick down hard onto your ass, making you yelp out and tremble beneath him. The pain was so good! You wanted that again, and you received it without having to ask, a moan slipping from your lips. 
“Yes! I’ll love you no matter what you do to me! Always! I love it when you throw me around and use me like this! Please, use me more! I’m your little slut, Bakugou--” You were silenced as he leaned over you, his palm pressing into the side of your face and pushing the hair roughly away from obscuring your flushed and teary features. Now with your full attention, Bakugou smirked, narrowing his eyes at you. 
“No, no, my pet. Call me by my name.” 
The heat that rushed to your face made even his burning palms feel cool, trying to blink the tears away as they rushed down the side of your nose to soak into the couch. Was he being serious? He wanted you to call him by name… by his first name. Something that he never allowed anyone but those close to him to do, and you had seen him on more than one occasion snap at people when they did it. He was huge on respect and feeling dominant over others, so to him, his given name was sacred. 
“Ka… Katsuki…” You couldn’t speak any louder than an airy whisper, though his reaction was enough to tell you that he enjoyed it. Smirk growing, Bakugou sat up from over your back, his fingers curling into your ruined hair as he began to rut his hips against you. His cock stroked slowly against your ass, his tip teasingly pressing into your cunt before slipping up back between your cheeks. 
“Again.” The drumstick still in his free hand, he brought it down hard onto the already abused and welted cheek, right as your voice had begun to leave your lips. 
“Ka-ah! Katsuki!” With another whack, your body instinctively tried to shift away from him, though all it did was off set his cock. His tip slipped into you, making you pause, both from the feeling and from the irritated growl that left his chest. 
“What a naughty little bitch, trying to get me to fuck you before I say so.” 
“N-no, it was just--” 
“-- Well if you want it so fucking bad, I’ll give it to you!” Abandoning your hair and the drumstick, he gripped your hips tightly in both hands, sinking his cock into you with one quick snap of his hips. “I’ll show you who fucking owns you!” 
You didn’t have time to think or respond as he began to fuck you, fast and hard. Already, the pleasure was overwhelming, rolling through your body like electricity. It was perfect, everything you had ever imagined and more. The way he filled you up to the absolute brim, not leaving a single inch of you untouched, had the coil in your core tightening so quickly that you couldn’t even think about how to restrain it. You were going to cum very quickly, and you had never wanted to so badly in your life. 
“How does my cock feel inside you, slut?” 
“G-good,” You struggled to choke out a response behind your moans, which squeaked with surprise as he picked up the pace. “It feels good!” 
“You want to cum all over it, don’t you?” 
“Beg for it.” 
At first, you couldn’t even comprehend what he was asking you, your mind growing hazy to everything but the pleasure. “I… please!” You reached back, clutching onto his hand tightly, digging your nails into his skin in hopes that it would keep him latched to you. “Please! Please let me cum, Katsuki! I want to cum all over your cock! I love it!” 
When the pleasure stopped, all you could do was sit there in shock, the emptiness you felt as he pulled out of you making your stomach sink. Had you said the wrong thing? Before you could really ask him, you were grabbed by the elbows and lifted up off the couch, your body flipped so you were sitting on the armrest with your legs now loosely hooked around his hips. In the next moment, his strong arms were around your body, one hooked around your hips to pull them snug against his own while the other supported your upper body. What shocked you more than that was the fierceness of his lips against yours, kissing you with intense passion and aggressiveness that you couldn’t help but to give in. 
Wrapping your arms around his torso, you moaned and gasped softly into the kiss, his hips once again rutting against yours to stroke his length against your clit. For a moment, things seemed to feel different than they had during this entire experience. It wasn’t as if he were using you anymore, doing everything entirely for his own benefit. Instead, his touch was attentive, caressing you and moving your body into position without force. Even the way he kissed you was quick to change, from dominating your mouth to a more tender sweetness. You didn’t ever want it to end, but you allowed it when he pulled away, gazing up into his piercing crimson gaze as he pressed his forehead against yours. 
“I want to see that pretty face when you cum.” The growl against your lips was teetering on threatening, as if he were warning you to not even think about turning away or hiding your face in his shoulder. “I want to see how good my cock makes you feel, baby. So cum all over it like a good girl.” As he began to sink his cock into you slowly, you couldn’t control your reactions to it, Your eyes rolling back and fluttering closed as he bottomed out inside you, even biting down onto your bottom lip as you whined. 
“Yes, Katsuki--” Your voice hitched as he began to thrust into you again, his cock reaching even deeper inside you that it had been before. “--Please watch my face… See how happy you make me!” 
“That’s right, you slut. That’s because you belong to me, don’t you? You’d do anything for me.” As he fucked you, he relied on your grip on him to keep you up, both of his hands moving to grip your hips again. As the pleasure began to boil, you dug your nails into his back, your voice spiking as he became rougher with the added pain. 
“Yes! Yes, anything! I’ll be your little slut forever, Katsuki! Just please don’t stop!” It was impossible to tear your eyes away from his even if you wanted to, but it was more than just the fact that they were intoxicating. He may have wanted to watch your face for the visual expressions of pleasure, but he didn’t realize that his demand to keep your eyes on him gave away more than he probably had expected to. There was no anger or frustration that you had seen before. Instead, he seemed absolutely overwhelmed with the pleasure himself, just as you were, and the flushing of his cheeks paired with his upwards furrowed brow gave him almost a… desperate look. Like he was pushing himself to make sure he was fucking you as well as he possibly could. 
Was he feeling some self-consciousness about all of this, too? Or regret for pushing you to this, unwillingly at first? You didn’t know, and you knew in the end he wouldn’t tell you if you asked. 
“Fucking hell, babygirl, your pussy is so fucking tight,” Bakugou pressed his forehead against yours again, wrapping his arms back around your waist to hold you closer, both to the edge of the armrest and his body. “You’re the best fuck I’ve had in months. I hope you’re ready for my cum all over that pretty face--” 
“No!” You moved your arms to wrap around his neck instead, one hand pressing against the back of his head with fingers tangled in his hair. “Come inside me! Please, Katsuki, I want you to fill me up! It’s okay--” Your voice cracked with a cry of pleasure, your encouragement pushing him to fuck you harder and deeper. 
“Then cum for me, bitch. Cum all over my cock.” 
With that command, you couldn’t hold the coil still any longer. It shattered with his movements inside you, each rough hit of his tip against your cervix only prolonging your orgasm and sending wave after wave of harsh pleasure through your body. Trembling, you squeezed onto him tightly, clutching a fist full of his hair and kissing him roughly, moaning and sighing softly into the kiss as he didn’t give you a moment to breathe. Within moments after your climax, his thrusts became slower and erratic, before he was finally able to release. 
Groaning and cursing against your lips, Bakugou kept his gaze locked with yours, not giving you any room to move or pull back as he came inside you. How hot it was coating your walls made you shiver, squeezing his hips with your thighs and pulling yourself in closer. It was an incredible high, and as you both came down from it together, you both loosened your grip on each other. 
For a moment, you stayed connected, your head on his shoulder with your forehead pressed against his neck, able to feel his pulse against your skin and his chest heaving against yours. Had all of this really just happened? You were pressed up against your crush, his arms wrapped around you with one large hand stroking up and down your back softly. It was so strange compared to his aggressive demeanor just moments before. You knew that it should have made you happy, but instead, all it did was confuse you, and you felt a new wave of tears rush down your flushed cheeks. 
Able to feel your tears run down his chest, Bakugou gave a click of his tongue, prying you off him with little pressure. In the same moment, he slipped his semi flaccid dick from within your still aching cunt, pulling his boxers back into place to cover himself. “Fucking crying again? Seriously?” 
Steadying yourself on the armrest with your hands, you kept your gaze downcast, squeezing your legs together as you could feel his cum beginning to leak out. “I’m sorry, Bakugou, I just--” 
His loud correction made you jump, looking up at his face in shock as he glowered down at you. His cheeks were still flushed red, but you were unsure if it was from the exertion of what you had just done or from something else. Reaching over, Bakugou wiped your cheeks roughly with his thumbs, before giving you a bump to the bottom of your chin, as if telling you to cheer up. “I already fucking told you, psycho fan. Katsuki.” 
“Right. I… should I leave now?” 
Unsure of what to do with yourself, you stared up at Bakugou expectantly, fiddling with the hem of your skirt. With another click of his tongue, Bakugou bent over and snatched the forgotten drum stick up off the floor, taking a few steps away towards the vanity that was neatly organized with what you assumed he wore during a performance. Picking up what looked like a marker, Bakugou wrote something on the thick end of the drumstick, before presenting it to you. “Here.” 
Feeling your throat begin to close up as nerves began to take hold of you, it took you a moment to even find the courage to look at the stick, scared of what he might have written on it. Of course, it was probably just his autograph, which he had promised you at the beginning of all this. There wasn’t much time to look at it, though, before Bakugou huffed, shoving it against your chest and forcing you to grab it. “Take the damn thing!” 
Body still feeling quite weak, you squeaked as you fell backwards onto the couch from his push, clutching the drumstick tightly. You could see the tips of Bakugou’s ears flush as he scoffed, pointing towards the door that led out into the hallway. It was… cute. 
“Will you get out! Fuck, you’ve wasted enough of my time for now, go back to your friends!” 
For now…? 
Sitting up, you took a moment to fix your hair and wipe your face again, using the edge of your shirt to help you. “Do I look clean enough?” 
“You look just as fucking hot as you did when I first walked in. Now you better fucking leave, and I expect you to do what I say.” Walking over towards his pile of laundry, Bakugou picked up the shirt he had caught you with, tossing it at you and hitting you in the face. “And take that shit with you! You like it so much; you can have it.” 
Clutching both of your new prized possessions close to your chest, you hopped up like an excited child, smiling wide and squealing as you hopped towards the door. “Aahh, thank you, Katsuki! Thank you! I’m… sorry again for intruding…” 
“Yeah, and I’m sorry for the welts on your ass. Now fuck off!” Bakugou barked again, trying to rush you out for whatever reason. Stepping outside, you couldn’t help but take a moment to lean back against the wall when the door shut, breathing heavily and blushing fiercely. In truth, you weren’t sure what to make of that entire endeavor, thrown into a confusing mix of shame, embarrassment, arousal, and longing. You shouldn’t have done that, and yet, you just didn’t want to leave his side. 
“Got a little lost, didn’t ya, babe?” 
The squeal that left your lips was quickly doused by the t-shirt in your hand, jumping and nearly slamming yourself back against the wall in shock of the unexpected voice. Standing across the hall was Kirishima, whose presence you were surprised you didn’t notice immediately. The mischievous smirk on his lips quickly widened into a pleasant grin, uncrossing his arms and pushing himself off the wall to stand up straight. Had he been waiting for you to come out?
“You skipped the bathroom, you know! It’s down that way. I decided to come look for you before we were forced to call security guards, but I guess Bakugou found you first.” 
“A-ah, sorry! I… saw him go in his room and I just wanted an autograph.” Holding your treasures close to your chest, your stomach rolled nervously as Kirishima leaned in closer, his eyes locked on the visible part of the drumstick. 
“Aahh, I get it! Bakugou can be kind of a jerk, I’m surprised! But uh… if you want to convince anyone else that you were just getting an autograph, you should really go to the bathroom. I’m sure Bakugou didn’t give you a mirror, but you look like you had a real good time.” You could hear the tone in his voice lower from friendly to flirtatious, and you quickly tried to fix your hair. 
“H-he told me I looked fine!” 
“To him you probably do. May I?” Still grinning with a friendly disposition, you glanced at both of Kirishima’s hands as he held them up in an offering of help, before nodding timidly. He began to run his rough fingers through your hair, fixing it back into a state of normalcy with a tender touch that was so opposite to what you had just experienced with Bakugou. “You’re cute. I can see why he was so into you right away.” 
“That isn’t… normal for him?” Your eyes glanced over Kirishima’s exposed muscular arms and sides, the deep cut in the arms of his tank showing all the way to his hips. You thought you saw his smile turn sly out of the corner of your eye, but you couldn’t be sure. 
“Nah sweetheart. Bakugou might be a lot of things, but he doesn’t go for random chicks.” Seemingly satisfied, Kirishima also used his thumbs to wipe your cheeks and under your eyes. “Such a messy thing.” 
“Thank you, Kirishima… I’m… I’m really sorry for causing you trouble.” Your heartbeat grew heavier as the redhead in front of you didn’t step back, towering over you just as the blonde had. “I’ll go to the restroom and then... Back to the group.” 
With a chuckle, Kirishima nodded, tapping the end of the drumstick a few times. “You do that! I’ll meet you back there, just going to have a few words with our drummer. Careful with this stuff, yeah? Someone might just try to take it.” 
“I will…”
“Go on, then, scoot.” With a nudge, you were pushed forward down the hall gently, only taking a moment to look back at the pleasant smiling man behind you. He was so different from Bakugou and yet they were the closest friends in the band. You knew that Bakugou was going to tell him everything, and you could only hope that it was going to end up a positive conversation. You hated the thought of Kirishima spending the rest of the VIP visit looking at you in disgust, or even the possibility of him putting you down in front of everyone. 
Flustered, you scurried down the hall into the bathroom, slipping into a stall. After pushing down what was left of your hoes and your drenched thong, you plopped to sit, relieving yourself as you held the t-shirt and drumstick close to your chest. Though, it dawned on you that you hadn’t even looked at what Bakugou had written on the stick, so growing curious, you held it with both hands and spun it slowly to look over every inch. The ridges, dents, and splints in the wood were marks of every beat Bakugou had played, a solid crack down the middle representing just how powerful he was. 
In truth, you felt like that drumstick. You were always a splintered person, emotionally broken and splintered off from the world. And yet, Bakugou had touched you with his passion. But did that mean that you were truly broken now? Could you ever be used again by any other person, or would you snap into pieces the instant your heart tried to find its beat again? 
Eyes tearing up, you tried to blink them away, carefully running your finger along the crack until it met with a smudge of black writing. Unlike what you expected, there was no autograph. Instead, the words “Call Me” were scribbled in the black ink, along with a series of numbers. 
Is that… his cell phone number?! It’s different from what I had found… Those must have been fakes.
Reaching down into your boot, you pulled out your phone, having placed it there for safe keeping, though you were surprised it stayed in place the entire time in Bakugou’s room. Without an ounce of hesitation, you created his contact and started a message, sending it so quickly you didn’t even consider the consequences, though his words did ring in your ear loud enough to make you think he was right beside you. 
“Now you better fucking leave, and I expect you to do what I say.”
He said to call him, but… texting is the same, right?
Me 10:45 pm: Katsuki? 
Bakugou 10:47 pm: hey babygirl. ever been to an after party? 
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
A little analysis into the relationships for my crack Bakuwife pairs
Xanxus x Katsuki
They are a rough and loud pair. Xanxus doesn’t really have a gentle bone in his body and he is very much emotionally constipated. 
He might appear like he’s not listening but he does actually hear Katsuki when the blond voices an opinion. Call it a force of habit but Xanxus does like knowing what people of him thinks. Being mafia, keeping on top of people’s opinions on matters could help down the line when he needs to plot stuff or delegate tasks. Also, it’s a control thing. Can’t have such a tight control over Varia if he’s completely out of touch with what his people thinks/feels.
He listens and he knows but he wouldn’t always accommodate Katsuki’s wishes. 
They scream at each other and physically attack one another if arguments get heated. Very toxic and usually make up by fucking it out.
There are more tender moments when they are in private. Both of them can actually be really quiet and relaxed.
Xanxus can relate to Katsuki. They are very similar (bad parents, neglect, insecurities, obsession with being the best/strongest...etc). They don’t talk about it much but it is a mutual understanding between them so they cut each other a lot of slack.
However, they are not first place in each other’s list of priorities. Xanxus will always pick Vongola first and Katsuki wouldn’t compromise his hero duties for Xanxus. If it came down to needing to shoot each other dead, they would do it.
To Xanxus, Katsuki is like his favourite gun with sentimental value. Useful, familiar, beautiful, an invaluable asset that is irreplaceable but ultimately will have to part with it one day (whether that is because one side died or etc).
Zeku x Katsuki
Probably the healthiest of the pairings relationship wise LOL. Both of them listens to one another and take into account how each other feel about certain tasks/ways of doing things. 
Respect and consent. This is a very big thing between them. Katsuki is thankful that Zeku is willing to go to great lengths for him so he tries to make up for it by being respectful and grateful. On the other hand, a lot of things are triggering for him considering he saw too many bad stuff in Yokohama so Zeku checks in to make sure Katsuki isn’t going to freak or feel overwhelmed.
Katsuki is more important than anything else in the world to Zeku. He has no deep connections and no real goals in the BNHA world, which means his priority and focus is just Katsuki. 
They get scary good at reading each other. At first it was just to better cooperate to sync up Zeku’s actions with Katsuki’s stories and then it became a habit. They are careful about discussing plans out loud because someone might be able to get ahold of that knowledge and figure out their secret. Hence, why they got good at observing and understanding the each other’s body language and thought process.
Zeku doesn’t see himself as superior. He is the protector, yes but he is also being protected by Katsuki’s powers. While he might be older, his knowledge of this world was learned from Katsuki. He approaches Katsuki in a more equal way than the duo or Xanxus would.
To Zeku, Katsuki is a prized treasure he cherishes and treats like a fragile relic. 
Strongest duo x Katsuki
Gojo and Getou doesn’t see Katsuki as an equal. Not at all. 
Gojo has been living as a god amongst men and he 100% is the strongest. He sees Katsuki as someone who needs to be protected and he can’t understand why Katsuki doesn’t just rebel against his parents more. He can’t relate to the struggles because if it was up to him, a few decent threats to their lives would solve everything. He is also a genius so he has a hard time getting why others can’t do what he could do in his sleeps.
Getou dislikes non-shamans and regards jujutsu sorcerers as superior to normal ppl. Like Gojo, he believes it will be faster to just off the Bakugous and solve the problem (which, he wouldn’t mind at all). He also sees Katsuki as someone who needs guidance & protection. 
Both of them tend to make decisions for Katsuki, without consulting him or asking for permission first. They are both slightly on the insane and apathetic side so it’s harder for them to see where Katsuki sometimes is coming from when he objects to certain proposals.
They do, however, understand the societal impacts and consequences their actions could have on Katsuki so they will factor that in when they plan things.
To the duo, Katsuki is like their pet Pomeranian. They got him off the street because he was interesting, play with him and indulge him but ultimately they are in control even if they love him.
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neesieiumz · 4 years
Live Accident {Katsuki Bakugou x Black!Female!Reader}
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Summary: You are an up and coming beauty influencer and content creator on YouTube. Some say you are a miniature version of Jackie Aina, keeping it real  and taking shit from nobody. You live a private life due to wanting have somethings for yourself, including your significant others. But accidents happen, it was an honest mistake. 
A/N: I know I said I was gonna have this hereby Friday but things happen. This idea came to me randomly, and I worked with it. All the Stars chapter 7, I’m gonna put it out before the end of the year... I know that for a fact, so keep pushing me please. So with that being said, enjoy this oneshot I wrote for all my black queens...
Word Count: 5.9k 
It was his red eyes that pulled you in, they were one of a determined man, one who was too determined. His ideals and attitude pushed away a lot of people who had just met him, but not you. You were intrigued, you wanted to know what made this man tick, why he was so loud, explosive, why his circle was so small. It took an effort for him to even let you in, and before you knew it, you two were in a relationship for one year. 
You met Katsuki at an exclusive event, you were only in the industry for a couple of years and wanted to expand your brand. There were a lot of people in the industry at that gala, from famous agents, managers, other makeup artists, people who you knew could get you into higher places. There were not only people in the entertainment and influencer industry, but there were also pro-heroes there, for both protection and to enjoy the gala. You were there with your other YouTuber friend and were talking amongst yourselves, taking a break from all the fake smiles and even faker laughs. The two of you were currently talking about another collab when two people came over, dragging over another person into your conversation. It was a man and woman dragging another man, who, mumbling under his breath, didn’t want to be dragged into the conversation. 
“Hi, there!” The lady interjected, helping the red-headed man pull the ash-blond on to where they were all standing. 
You both stopped your conversation to look at them, the girl was pink, pink all over, from her hair to her skin, it was pink all over for her. She was wearing a black, velvet, strappy, mini bodycon dress with strappy heels to match. The red-headed guy was wearing a simple black suit, white shirt, and black bowtie, and his long hair was slicked back into a man bun. The man that they were pulling over to us was wearing a deep burgundy suit with a black shirt and tie with a chain connecting the flap of the suit jacket to the pocket. 
You were about to say something but one of the guys, who still couldn’t remember their names, cut you off even before you could speak. 
“Can I help you?”
You took a moment to get a better look at the three of them before recognizing them from the hero course at UA, “Oh my god, you three went to UA, you were in the hero course right?!” You exclaimed, making them all stiffened and turn to look at you. 
You recognized the uneasiness in their eyes, so to ease their concerns, you put your hands up in surrender, “I went to UA as well, I was in the business course though.” 
Your explanation made them all relax, and they all straightened up to face the two of you. 
“My name is Mina Ashido but my Alias is Pinky, because well, you know,” she said, pointing at her pink skin and pink hair. 
You nodded and gave her a smile before facing the two other men who came with her. One was facing you and the other was facing the other way, looking into the crowd. Both of their eyes were red, yet one was filled with kindness you’ve never seen in a man, and the other man’s eyes were filled with an arrogance that, while you’ve seen the look in other men’s eyes before, something about him that wasn’t arrogance but more of well put confidence. 
“My name is Eijirou Kirishima, Alias, Red Riot! And this….” He dragged out, turning the other man around to face all of us. 
His face screamed of boredom, he didn’t want to be here. Arms crossed and his nose flared to the point I could see his nose hairs. His face honestly looked so funny, you couldn’t help yourselves but laugh. 
“Dude, what’s with your face?” You let out while chuckling at the same time. 
He tensed up a little before turning to glare at you, his face not deterring your laughter, “Heh?! What the fuck are you talking about?!”
He only made you laugh harder, your explanation coming out in between laughs, “you...look...like you constipated.” 
“Shut up before I kill you!” 
You started to calm down a little, your friend handing you a glass of water to help you soothe your throat. His two friends were looking back at him while holding back their laughter while he just glared at four of you laughing at his despair. 
“And this is Katsuki Bakugou, you may know him as Dynamight…” Kirishima finally finished introducing him. 
You decided to call it a truce and held your hand out to him, “My name is Y/n L/n, it's nice to meet each of you.” 
He looked down at your hand and wasn’t gonna shake until Ashido used her elbow to nudge and he slightly turned to glare at her and she hushed her head to point at me. The two of them were speaking to each other with their eyes before Bakugou rolled his eyes and shook my hand. 
“We didn’t just come here just to get to know you, Bakugou here has a proposition for you, Ms. L/n.” Ashido motioned at him, making me tilt my head in question. 
You wondered what he could do, especially since you just laughed in his face about his face and the fact that he’s a hero, what could a hero need with a Youtube makeup artist? Bakugo placed his hands in his pockets, searching for something. 
“So my parents are fashion designers or what-fucking-ever, and they tasked me with if “I ever see you, to give you their card or some shit. They “apparently” want to work with for a video or whatever you do, I couldn’t be bothered to fully remember the details,” he pulled out his wallet and handed you the card. 
Your eyes widened at his half-assed proposal, you slowly grabbed the card and looked at the names on the card, Masaru and Mitsuki Bakugou, CEO of Relz Brand. You damn near fainted at the names and your friend had to catch you before you made a mess of yourself. You had to catch your breath and your friend ordered you another glass of water. 
“Relz?!? Your parents own the most relevant fashion brands in Japan and they want to work with me?!” You managed to squeak out once you were able to down some more water. 
“I mean, you’re good at what you do and my mom has a knack for finding the next “top person”, her words not fucking mine.” He looked away, you were too busy looking at the card to notice his cheeks burning red but his two friends and your friend saw as well. 
They all smirked in his direction and Ashido even nudged her elbow into his side, making him push her off and straighten up his outfit. You started to nod once you realized that you were staring at the card for way too long. You opened your purse and placed the card inside it. 
“I’ll be sure to give them a call, thank you so much for this opportunity,” You bowed in gratefulness to him and he just hissed under his breath but you all heard him. 
“Don’t fucking thank me yet, thank me when your collaboration is the best fucking one out there. Pinky, Kirishima, let’s go, I’m fucking tired.”
Before you could say anything to him, he and his friends had already walked away. Kirishima and Ashido both looked back to give you a thumbs up and mouth “good luck” and words similar to that. 
You were walking out of the Relz office, having a successful meeting with Mitsuki and Masaru, and already have a draft of a contract for your exclusive collection with them. Their marriage was one that you loved, and you could see where Bakugou got his explosive behavior from. 
“THAT BRAT, CAN’T EVEN GIVE A SIMPLE FUCKING BUSINESS CARD!!” Mrs. Bakugou yelled, slamming her hands on the desk, making some of the papers fly. 
“Now, dear, at least he gave the card, he doesn’t work here remember?” Mr. Bakugou said softly, bending down to pick up the papers that fell. 
“Shut up Masaru! Anyways, Y/n dear, we’ve seen your videos, we’ve seen the interactions, we think that you would be the perfect person to have an exclusive collaborative line with our brand? We think your style is just what we need here at Relz and would love to work with you.” 
You smiled at how much you got done at the meeting, and was about to walk out when you ran into a hard wall of flesh. You took a couple of steps back, trying to catch yourself when you felt two hands grab at your shoulders to be able to steady you. You looked up to find Bakugou holding you and giving you a look that had no fire behind it. 
“Bakugou? What are you doing here?” You asked before realizing how stupid of a question that was. He gave you a blank stare before you realized the only reason he could be here, “sorry that was a stupid question. Of course, you would be here, your parents own the damn place.” You chuckled, taking another step back as he let go of your shoulders. 
He didn’t say anything, instead just shoes to look at you up and down, taking a look at your outfit, “you were in a business meeting with my parents?” He asked, shoving his hands in his jeans. 
You nodded and glanced down at your outfit, which was a long sleeve bodycon dress while holding your jacket in one hand and your bag in the other. You took this time to take a look at what he was wearing, some black baggy jeans, with a tight black t-shirt and a leather jacket. He had circular sunglasses, possibly to deter anyone from recognizing him. Your eyes stayed a little too long at his chest before looking away, feeling your cheeks burn. 
“You… look good,” you complimented, making him raise another eyebrow at you. 
“Just good?” he questioned while smirking at you, steeping closer and bending down, leaning into your face. 
His closeness made you squirm a little and you pushed his head away, “move, you all up in my space.”
Your actions just made him laugh loudly but he refused to even move from his position making you try and walk around him but he just grabbed you by the waist and started pulling back from where you came. From the elevators, but this time he walked over the private elevator that led straight to the CEOs’ office. 
“Hey!” You started to fight him, “let me go!” You struggled to get out of his grip but that just made him hold you tighter and walked to the private elevator faster. 
“Bakugou! Bro, fucking let me go!” 
He ignored what you said and fished out a key card and swiped it, unlocking the elevator and the doors sliding open. He hauled you into the elevator and closed the door and pressed the button that led them straight to The Bakugous’ office. Once it was just the two of them, Bakugo let you go and you pushed him before standing up straight. You fixed up your outfit, fixing the ponytail your braids were in. Once you looked presentable once again, you turned back to the ash-blonde man before giving him one of your deadliest glarest which he just returned with a smirk. 
“What is your fucking problem? So we just kidnap people now? That’s not very heroic-like!” You exclaimed, going into your bag. 
He ignored what you said and just said, “I need you to come with lunch with my parents. It’s unbearable every single fucking time cause all they ask about is “Katsuki, are you dating someone?’ “Katsuki, where’s your girlfriend?” It gets so fucking tiring at times!” 
You narrowed your eyes while you looked at him, “so you want me, the girl who just got out of the meeting with your parents, whose literally is about to collaborate with them and doesn’t want ANYTHING to jeopardize this, to come with you to your private family lunch?!” 
He looked at you and nodded, making you facepalm, “let me off, let me off right now!” 
He grabbed you and pulled you closer to him, “Hey, hey, let’s not do anything too rash,” he said, making you give him an annoyed look.
“Like dragging the first girl you see to a private lunch? Sounds pretty rash to me.” You said, making him look away and roll his eyes. 
“Okay, if you do this, I’ll make sure that you don’t lose the collaboration,” he bargained, letting you go. 
You crossed your arms and stared at him and he stared back at you. You contemplated this, you could also use this lunch to woo them even if they have some wavering thoughts about collaborating with you… but you wanted something else from this as well. 
“I want one more thing.”
He groaned out loud, “fucking what? What else could you want?”
“A real date with you.”
He choked on his spit. You laughed at his ration, even pulling out your phone to take a picture of it. He glared at you making you smile cheekily and raise your eyebrows in rapid motions.
“You’re joking right?” He asked, pulling out a water bottle from his book bag. 
“On the contrary, I’m not. Since your parents want you to get a girlfriend, might as well start somewhere. Right?” You suggested, smiling at him. 
He looked at you before hissing under his breath, “one date, and if I don’t like it, never again.”
And before you could say anything, the elevator doors opened and his parents were staring at the two of them. He looks back down at you and offers a hand, “let’s do this?”
You look at his hand before nodding and take it. 
Okay, Bakugou can admit. You’re a fun person to be around… whenever you're not chasing him around your penthouse trying to put makeup on him. It’s been two months since he had you join him and his parents for lunch and since he took you on an actual date, taking you to one of his favorite restaurants where he challenged you to eat the spiciest thing on their menu… which led you to postpone your scheduled video recording cause your lips were so swollen, it hurt to talk, let alone put any products on your lips. He laughed for a good hour and every time he looked at your lips, he couldn’t help but let out a chortle. 
Today was his day off, one he hasn’t had in over a month due to being one of the busiest and most reliable pro-heroes out there. He wanted to take the longest nap, he hadn’t been able to catch up in his sleep in a while and decided to crash at your place. He knocked on your door, a large duffle bag on his right shoulder, which held his sweaty hero costume. He waited for a moment, holding his wrist close to him to look at the time. That’s when he heard the lock unclick and the door open to find wearing nothing but a silk robe and your faux locs pulled back into a messy bun. The both of you just stared at each other, while he had nothing but a smirk on his face, you held a questioning look on your face, wondering why he was here without calling. 
“Let me in?” Is all he said, making you roll your eyes and take a couple of steps back to let him in. He walked inside and headed to your living room as you closed the door behind him. You tightened the rope around you as he flopped down on the couch, throwing his duffle bag somewhere across your living room. He spread his legs and cracked his neck as he could finally relax after 
“So…” You started, “you mind telling me what you're doing here?” 
Bakugou groaned, turning his body to lay down on her couch and snuggling into her throw pillows, “Can’t. Fucking tired.” 
You rolled your eyes before grabbing a spare pillow and hitting him over the head worth it, “Come on, out with it. What happened?” 
He signed and turned around onto his back, snuggling with a pillow and looking up at you. His eyes told you to come here and so you crawled on top of him and sat on his midsection and stared down back at him. You both stared at each other, your eyes speaking to each other. 
“Had a bad day with the fucking media, had them questioning my ability to be a hero again and I wasn’t in the right “mental space” to deal with them so I fucking lashed out, Kirishima had to pull me away from them before I broke someone’s camera or face, I had no idea which one.” You couldn’t help yourself but laugh at that last line. 
“The media can be devils, trust me I know,” you said, reaching down to softly scratch his scalp. It was a recent thing you found out about him, helped him relax more even if he hated it. This time he didn’t fight you on it, making you realize how much of a bad day this was for him. 
“Anything else?” You asked him, laying down against the pillow on his chest. 
He shook his head before taking his arms, reached around and grabbed at your waist, and pulled you even closer to him. For a whole the two of them just laid there, not moving, no one saying a thing. You could feel his speeding heart slow down as he could finally relax after his hectic day. 
“I have a day off tomorrow,” he mumbled in your head. 
You hummed, “Is that so?” 
After that, it fell back into the comfortable quiet. Nothing but the both of you hearing each other breathe. You knew he needed this, yes he’s an explosive person but even the angriest person needs time to cool down, and honestly, it makes your heart race when you think about the fact that wants to spend that time with you. You both sat there for another ten minutes before you looked at your overhead clock and saw it was almost time for you to go live on Instagram. You promised your fans you would give a live makeup tutorial and your real-time review of a palette that’s taken the industry by storm. 
You softly hit his arms, “let me up, I got work to do.”
He groaned loudly at that, “the FUCK you gotta do wearing nothing but a silk robe?!?” He complained but removed his arms at the same time. 
“I promised my people I’d do a live makeup tutorial while live-reviewing a critically acclaimed palette, and it’s almost the time I promised to go live and I need to get ready.” You got off him and stretched, cracking your neck as well. 
You walked over to your linen closet and grabbed a large blanket and walked back to where he was still laying down on the couch. He had pulled out his phone and was answering back some texts, probably Kirishima and Kaminari asking if he's okay after what happened today. You threw the blanket at his head, making him drop his phone. You started to laugh as he pulled the blanket away from his head. He glared at you making you laugh harder. Your eyes were closed and you were hunched over so you didn't notice the pillow he threw, hitting you on the top of your head, knocking over the bun in your head. He busted out in laughter, making him roll over and fall off the couch. 
“Ah fuck,” he hissed, holding his head in his arms. 
You stopped laughing, and quickly went to him in concern, “you okay?” You were only able to wrap your arms around him for less than a minute before he pushed you away and used the couch to push himself up. He stood up straight and grabbed my waist to pull me to my feet as well. You bent down and grabbed the blanket and shoved it in his hands. 
“You have a headache, so how about you lay down, I’ll get you some spicy chips, ibuprofen and you need to take a long-ass nap after it. I’m not taking no for an answer,” you demanded, grabbing his hand, leading him to the guest bedroom. 
“I don’t wanna fucking sleep in there, it smells like your brother,” he complained. 
He took the lead and headed straight to your bedroom, opening the door and body flopping onto the bed, taking the blanket and wrapping himself in it. You leaned against the doorway and glared at him, “really, my bed? My fucking bed?” 
He didn’t answer, instead just pulling the blanket tighter in his hands. You took a deep breath before walking into your bathroom and grabbing a bottle of ibuprofen from your medicine cabinet. You walked out of your bathroom and walked to the kitchen to grab a water bottle and a bag of hot Cheetos before heading back to your bedroom. Holding the items in one hand, you crawled on your bed and tapped at his head repeatedly until he popped out the blanket and glared at you. 
“Here,” is all you said, showing him the things in your hand. 
He looked at them and then back at them before pulling a hand out of the blanket and grabbing all of the items in one fell swoop. He pulled the blanket back over his head and rolled over. I rolled my eyes and crawled off the bed and walked towards the door. 
“Try and take a nap, I’ll only take about two hours on live and then we could order something to eat okay?” 
He just groaned and flipped you off, making you scoff and walk out the door, closing it behind you. You tightened your robe and walked into your beauty room, where you record all of your videos. You turned on your lights and placed my phone on the stand you bought for having lives. You made sure you had everything, your snacks, your makeup, and everything. You tested your camera out to make sure you looked good in the lighting you had. 
Pulling your hair back into the messy bun that Kat messed up, you pressed “Start Live.” and started your live makeup tutorial. 
I know you told Kat that you would be done in two hours but you couldn’t help yourself, you had to create at least 3 different looks, one after another. Was it good for your skin? No! But did you care? No! This palette was perfect, and you really couldn't help yourself when it came to palettes like this. But Kat was very privy to time management, when you said two hours he would automatically believe you would only take two hours. But you’re black, time is always an illusion to you. It’s been three and a half hours and you were in the middle of blending green into black when all of a sudden the door flew open. 
Right behind you. Where everyone watching your live can see the 6’4 pro hero wrapped in a fluffy green blanket walk in, well more like shuffled in the room. Before he could say something, you quickly turned back around and ended your live before they could see or hear anything he may have wanted to talk about. You turned back around and stared at him, mouth wide open. He glared back at you in confusion. 
“I wasn’t done with my live.”
He slowly registered your words, nodding his head which was still messy from his nap before his eyes widened in realization at your words. 
“You were still live… which means that people just saw me walk in your room with a fluffy blanket wrapped around me…”
You slowly nodded your head and the two of you just stood there in silence….
That’s when both of your phones BLARED out in notifications, calls coming in, text messages, notifications from social media. Both of you quickly went to your phones and scrolled through them to find Japan’s hero and beauty online community in an uproar. 
“FUCK!” Kat cursed, flinging the blanket aside, pulling up a chair, and sitting down. 
Both of you started looking online, trying to see what everyone was saying before you got a call. It was your P.R agent. You groaned as you answered it and waited for her to shout at you. 
“Y/n M/n L/n… mind telling me what’s going on?” Her voice was eerily calm, too calm which made you even more nervous.
“Um, so I may have made a mistake...”
You winced at her loud voice and looked over at Kat to find him on the phone with his hero agency, wrinkles appearing in his forehead and him pressing against his temple. 
“I know, I know Ami, I know who he is....”
“So if you know who he is, then why are you being SEEN with him, do you WANT to lose your collaboration with Relz?!? Need I remind you that this is your FIRST major collaboration and you’re gonna ruin it by sleeping with the owners’ SON?!?!”
You sighed as you tried to explain that his parents already know about you and Kat but Ami went on a rant that could have gone on for days about how irresponsible you were and you just sat there, checking your nails. You checked on Kat and he wasn’t frowning anymore but more in deep thought. You turned back into your conversation with Ami, and she told you that she’ll be at your place in twenty minutes and TO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE. 
You rolled your eyes and told her you wouldn't and she also mentioned that Kat had stayed as well and asked if he was in touch with his agency’s P.R which you confirmed. You ended the call and turned your phone off, not wanting to talk to anyone you knew until you figure out what to do next. You crossed your arms and waited for Kat to get off the phone as well. Soon enough, he ended the call with a “Whatever” and rolled his eyes before ending the call and throwing his phone somewhere, not caring about what happened to it. The both of you just sat in silence, relishing in what just happened…
That your… could you even call it a relationship…? Was out for the world to see. Ll because you couldn’t let go of the palette. 
“Kat…” You started, your voice was heavy. 
“No.” Kat’s voice was sharp, he wasn’t looking at you. His eyes squeezed shut with his fingers pinching at the bridge of his nose between his eyes. 
“I can hear it in your voice… it’s not… it’s not your fucking fault this happened. Yeah, you told me two hours but things happen, should have fucking knocked on the door or some shit like that.” 
You said nothing, deciding to eat and walk over to him, sitting on his lap and moving his head to look at you. 
“How’s your headache?” You asked, mumbling it while holding him close. 
“Better than before, but I can still feel it.” He mumbled in your chest. 
You hummed and grabbed his hand and you both walked out the door and headed to the living room. Before you went you grabbed a soda and a water bottle for him while we waited for my P.R agent to come through. You gave him the water and he grabbed it and began downing it, while you took sips of your soda. 
“While we wait for Ami, can we talk about… what this,” you gestured to the both of you, “is?” 
You and Kat honestly didn’t have a label to your relationship, he wasn’t in for labels, and for a while, you were okay with that but recently you’ve been thinking and even though this was an accident, it still provided you with the time to ask him the questions you’ve been holding back from him. Kat lifted his head to look at you, looking at you to continue your thought. You sighed and leaned back into the couch. 
“We’ve basically been acting like a couple without us putting a label on it? So what are we?” You asked with finality, waiting for an answer. 
He leaned back into the couch but kept his eyes on you, spinning on what’s left of his water. Both of you stared at each other, this seemed like a regular occurrence between the two of you. The two of you are just staring at each other. He blinks at you before looking away and grabbing the remote.
“Don’t ask me any stupid questions like that. You think I would waste my time with you and not thinking of you as my partner or some stupid shit like that?”
You stared at him, blinking a couple of times before reaching over and smacking him dead in the back of his head. He hissed and turned around to glare at you. 
“I have a fucking headache and you know that shit!” He shouted at you, throwing his empty water bottle at you. 
You closed your half-empty soda bottle and whacked him across the head with it, making him stand up and glare at you.
“Alright, now we gotta fight.” That is all he said before grabbing you by the waist and hoisting you onto his shoulder. 
“Let me go!!” You shouted, hitting him on the back. 
He ignored you, did a little evil laugh as he ran back to the bedroom, and straight threw you on the bed. Before you could catch your breath, he threw himself on top of you and started tickling you. Before you could catch up with what’s happening, you burst out in hysterical laughter. You tried to push Kat away but he just pressed into you further, tickling you harder. The both of you continued like this for while before the both of you heard someone clearing their throat. 
He both of you looked up to find your P.R agent standing there, leaning against the doorway, arms crossed glaring at the both of you. Kat rolled his eyes and rolled over to get off of you. You sat up and fixed your robe before getting off the bed to greet Ami. You both bugged although she was a little more hostile with her hug. You backed and allowed her to come into the room, she walked over to your dresser and pulled out the chair and sat down, and turned around to face the both of you. 
“So let’s stalk clean up, while on my way here, I noticed that Mr. Dynamight’s reputation is going up, yours on the other hand is being dragged through the mud. Now if I were Dynamight’s P.R agent, I would not do anything, but I’m not, I’m Y/n’s agent, and right now, here’s what believe that we should do…” She was about to explain everything when Kat got a call again from his agency. 
“Hold up,” he answered the call. 
“Hello?” a pause. “Oh, you’ve already done it?” another, longer pause “her P.R agent is here and I don’t think she’ll like what you’ve done.” 
You looked at him confused, glancing at Ami who narrowed her eyes at Kat, glaring with every bit of poison in her eyes. 
“Well, what’s done is fucking done… can’t change nothing about it…” That is the last thing he says before ending the conversation. 
Ami and I were both about to ask him what the conversation was about when Ami got a notification on her phone. She pulled it out and looked at it. Her eyes widen in shock and she quickly stood up and glared down at Kat who looks like he couldn’t give any more of a fuck. 
You blinked in shock before turning your head around to look at Kat who looked back at you and shrugged his shoulders. You took a deep breath and shook your head and turned back to Ami who was a glaring fire at Kat. 
“Do you see what they are fucking calling her out there?! This could ruin the collab which YOUR PARENTS set up anyways!” 
Kat looked back up at Ami, “check your phone again.” 
Ami looked confused before pulling her phone out and checking it, still looking confused before something popped up on her screen again which made her eyes widen. 
“You got your parents to release a statement?”
You grabbed your phone to look at social media and sure enough on the Relz Twitter Page was a statement saying that they do not control who their son wishes to be with and that anyone involved with him deserves to be working with the Relz brand… You giggled to yourself because they said that Y/n deserves the world for putting up with their emotionally constipated son. 
“I didn’t make them do shit. They like Y/n and they “think she’s good for me” their words not mine and so they wanna make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible considering this is the first time they are collaborating with an influencer for a designer brand…. Or some bullshit like that.”
Ami looked at Kat in shock  before turning to you, “well, things are turning around, they may push back the launch date of your collaboration but other than that… you may come out of this scot-free, you may actually get more fans which means more media, especially since you are now dating a pro-hero, a pro-hero who is well-liked by young women across Japan, be careful, okay?” 
You nodded and got up to hug her, you could tell she was ready to leave. 
“Thanks so much, I know I give you headaches all the time, but I couldn't be me without you, Ami.” You held her tight and she returned the gesture. 
“And you,” she pointed at Kat, “stop fighting with the media, or we’ll have some problems.”
He simply waved her off and continued scrolling through social media. Ami rolled her eyes and leaned up near your ear, “and this is why I like Deku over him.”
You giggled and told her to not let Kat hear you say that before she left our bedroom and soon enough she left your house. Once she was gone, you were able to relax and flopped on the end with Kat. He said nothing as you moved his arm around you and snuggled into his side. The two of you just sat in silence before…
You lifted your head to look at Kat whose face was flushed and was looking over to the side, looking anywhere but where you were. You giggled a little before reaching for your phone, opening up your favorite pizza place’s app to order. 
“Does pizza sound good?”
“I don’t give a fuck.” 
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katsukisblackteddy · 3 years
The Warrior Queen & Her Pharaoh: Part II
Part II: I Want a Rematch
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Pairings: pharaoh! god! Bakugou x warrior! queen! Reader Warnings: none Description: xxxxx
*Extra Info: I’ve taken creative liberties in this, meaning I know that some/most of it will not be historically accurate
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"Katsuki?” (Y/n) broke the silence between the pair, the girl having been moved into the newly renovated quarters and from her old bedroom where she was placed when she first arrived.  
“What?” The blonde questioned, glancing at the girl from where he sat in his chair quietly reading some book that didn’t interest the girl.
“Your father and mine drafted our marriage agreement two days ago.”
“We’ve been married for the past two days then, right?” (y/n) questioned looking at the art on the wall. Katsuki raised an eyebrow at the girl, letting out a sigh before he shrugged. 
“Why do you care?”
“It was a question. Can you relax?” The black girl momentarily glared at the blonde before rolling her golden eyes in annoyance. 
“Don’t tell me what to do if I can’t tell you what to do.” Katsuki remarked before flipping the page and continuing to read. 
“Do you plan to entertain consorts?” The girl questioned, her golden eyes boring into his crimson ones.
“I don’t know.” He stated simply, only pausing a moment later to look up at the girl with narrowed eyes. “Do you plan to entertain other men?”
“I don’t know.” She responded sarcastically, flashing him a smile as a frown appeared on his face. 
“That’s not an adequate answer (y/n). Do you plan to entertain other men?” He repeated it slower this time, the book long forgotten and set to the side, his full attention on the black girl with the dark braids. 
“Just as your answer was not adequate to me, mine isn’t to you.” (y/n) smiled. “Why do you deserve an answer when I didn’t get one. We are supposed to be equals aren’t we?”
“What? Are you jealous or something? Is that what this is? You’re jealous over the thought of me even having consorts.”
“That’s furthest from the truth.” The girl scoffed. “Are you ill, Katsuki? Should I call for the doctors?”
“Oh shut up.” He rolled his eyes. “Is everyone as dramatic as you where you come from?”
“I’m not dramatic Katsuki.” (y/n)’s eyes narrowed as she frowned. “My mother is dramatic along with trifling and two faced, and maybe a few other things but I don’t believe I’m allowed to say those things, lest I be punished in the Afterlife.”
Katsuki laughed lightly at the girl he now called his wife. “What’s so bad about her? Your father spoke highly of her.”
“My father is bordering on senile. He isn’t to be taken seriously. He’s simply a puppet in my mother’s hands, a toy to be played with to her.” (y/n) frowned thinking about her mother. “My mother schemes...just like she plotted to bring me here under the guise of a trade deal, though I suppose my life was simplified down to one for her.”
“Aren’t children supposed to love their mothers?” Bakugou asked incredulously, (y/n) flashing him a sideways glance and crooked smile.
“I suppose so, but then again, mothers aren’t supposed to plan out the death of their child, just as a wife is not to orchestrate the death of a husband...she’s done both though.” (y/n) revealed before lying back on the bed and staring at the ceiling. 
“Your mother planned to kill you?”
“Yes, I was only a child but I don’t think a failed poisoning attempt is ever to be forgotten.”
“She’ll face retribution, if not by my hand then by those in the Afterlife.” Bakugou said nonchalantly, his eyes flashing with anger.
“By your hand, Katsuki?” (y/n) perked up slightly a shit-eating grin growing on her face.
“Is that all you got from what I said?” He quirked an eyebrow at the girl, an annoyed expression on his face though the faintest blush covered his cheeks.
“You would fight for me?” (y/n) asked as Katsuki shrugged. “You know that I can fight for myself right?”
“Of course. I don’t associate with weaklings.” He scoffed.
“You called me an extra.” (y/n) deadpanned.
“Well I didn’t know who you were.” He fired back.
“So you think I’m strong?” Katsuki shrugged in response as she laughed lightly. “I bet I could best you at chariot racing.”
“You wish.” The blonde scoffed, confidence shining in his crimson orbs. 
“I don’t mean to brag but I am considered the best in my tribe.” She replied as they both stood deciding wordlessly to settle this once and for all.
“Well I’m the best in this entire kingdom.” Katsuki replied back as the two rushed to the common areas outside, seeing their friends talking quietly amongst themselves. 
“Chariot race now!” Katsuki and (y/n) said at the same time to their friends, only pausing for a moment to look at each other before looking back to their friends. 
“You better not give me the lame horses either, Katsuki!” (y/n) called back as they rushed back to their separate bathing quarters to get ready. 
“Don’t think so little of me, Woman.” He called back before disappearing into his own bathing quarters. 
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The black girl appeared a short time later, her hair braided with gold and silver thread, gold plated armor placed onto her shoulders connecting to a chest plate and a metal skirt that was placed over a fitted tunic. A large green jewel set into the chest plate. A simple golden headpiece sat on her braids, matching the black and gold eyeshadow and black eyeliner she wore. 
She walked down the steps and towards the chariot that sat waiting for her. Mina and Jirou standing beside the chariot under the shade of a nearby tree, their eyes brightening when their new friend approached. 
“I hope he looses.” Mina said under her breath as she took her place on the side next to Kaminari, Kirishima, and Jirou. The four nobles stood under the shade of a tree as Bakugou and (y/n) stood in their golden chariots. 
The ash blonde ruler smirked at the girl that he now called his wife, though he still thought she was more annoying than anything else. “He’ll win...like he always does.” Kirishima mumbled back, still not over the fact that he had most recently lost against Bakugou. 
“Not this time, Kirishima!” (y/n) called as she held the reigns in her hand, ready to take off at the moment’s notice. Bakugou stood in a similar position, his crimson eyes ablaze as he stared out over the sand dunes in the distance. 
“We’ll see about that!” Bakugou called as Jirou yelled ‘Go’ and they were off. The ash blonde had taken the lead from the start, his all white horses with gold and silver harnesses thundered through the sand, their strangely black eyes focused only on the landscape in front of them.
(y/n) snapped her reigns again, her own all black horses, running quicker than they were a moment before, easily running in time with Bakugou. (y/n) glanced over to her right, a large smirk on her face as she waved at the blonde before her horses ran faster, passing his chariot altogether. 
“I win!” She announced, hopping off of the chariot when they both crossed the finish line within the same second. Bakugou rolled his eyes, scoffing as the girl danced around. “I guess I’m the best chariot racer in all of the land.”
“I want a rematch.” Bakugou stated sourly, shooting a glare at the girl, though she could tell he didn’t mean it since there was a playful glint in his eyes. 
“Another time. We have to get back to the palace. You have duties to attend to.” Kaminari chimed in sheepishly, before spinning around and glaring at the three others who stood avoiding eye contact. He always hated having to be the one to ruin the fun, this time loosing the bet to Kirishima, so being the bearer of bad news was his punishment.
“What duties?” Bakugou questioned, his eyes narrowing as he thought about having to do actual work when they were all having fun. 
“Well, you have to go visit the worksites and make sure everything is up to par, and then you have to visit the shop in the marketplace.”
“The marketplace? I’d like to come! I’ve never been before.”
“Well you won’t be going today. I’ll take you another time. You have things to do with my mother anyway.”
“What things?”
“I don’t know...girl things.” Bakugou retorted before walking off with Kirishima and Kaminari, leaving the girls behind with a simple half wave of his hand. 
“He can’t tell me what to do! I want to go! He can’t keep me locked away here.”
“We have a lot to do today anyways. You have a whole new wardrobe to be fitted for!” Mina cheered, clapping her hands together as they headed back to the palace. 
(y/n) watched from the palace entrance as the royal chariots seemed to disappear from view before she went back inside, heading to find Mitsuki and her ladies.
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“What about this one?”
“No.” (y/n) denied quickly with a shake of her head, not even bothering to entertain the idea. “Why must I wear these anyway? I don’t find them appealing at all.”
“They aren’t for you to find appealing.”
“I won’t be using them around Katsuki, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“He is your husband, child. You’re expected to birth an heir eventually.” One of the older woman said, looking through the different linens to find something that you may like.
“I will not lay with a man I barely know. We’ve only just started sleeping beside each other.”
“There’s only one bed in the room, (y/n).” Mina said, blinking her eyes. 
“I’m well aware.” 
“You didn’t make him sleep on the floor did you?” Jirou giggled, as a few women looked at you with a dumbfounded expression. 
“No...he offered, but I told him so long as he not touch me, we could share...so we do.”
“But this morning, you both were wrapped in each other’s arms...Kaminari said that we should’ve gotten papyrus and sketched it for safe keeping, but we didn’t have time.” Mina sighed whistfully.
“You watched us sleep?” (y/n) questioned, staring into her friend’s eyes with a slight laugh.
“No...” Mina said, but not very convincingly. “Anyways, you should wear something this shade. I’ve noticed that he seems to like it.” She pointed out the orange fabric. “Then you both can match!”
“Whatever...it’s fine.” (y/n) finally agreed, thankful to finally be done with the wardrobe fittings, at least for now. 
The girls wandered around the large palace for some time before Bakugou and the two boys came back, Mina and Jirou telling the girl to go and change so she would be ready for when Bakugou would arrive. 
She walked into the room at the exact moment that the explosive blonde walked in, his red eyes locking in on the girl with dark skin, the orange toned fabric matching nicely with her complexion and making her golden eyes stand out. 
“Woah...you look beautiful.” Jirou smiled widely, high fiving Mina as Kirishima and Kaminari nodded in agreement. (Y/n)’s gaze quickly shifted to the strangely quiet Bakugou, confused as to why he wasn’t saying anything when all he usually did was talk.
“You look...nice Dumbass, now come on.” He stated gruffly, quickly turning from your view so he could hide his pink tinted cheeks from her. She followed him outside to where a large Sedan was waiting to take them to their destination, though (y/n) was still unsure as to where that would be.
“Where are we going Katsuki?” The girl wondered, glancing at her surroundings before focusing back on the boy. 
“You’ll see.” He answered cryptically. A short time later they arrived at the secret destination, Katsuki exiting the sedan first, then extending his hand out to the girl as she jumped down, her sandals hitting the cool sand with a soft thud.
“It’s just over here.” He stated, grabbing her hand and pulling her along when she began to walk the wrong way. He led her over to a large colorful mural, bright flora and fauna bordered the people in the middle.
“Is that..us?” She questioned, pointing at it with her free hand. Although he no longer needed to, Katsuki had yet to release the girl’s hand, but she wasn’t complaining. He nodded at her question. “It’s beautiful.”
“I thought you’d like it...” He shrugged. “I was planning on showing you earlier, but Kaminari thought you would like it more if I showed you when it was finally completed.” Katsuki noticed the way the girl’s eyes seemed to remain on the painted version of herself, the boy growing slightly worried that she wouldn’t like it...he had painted her himself. “Do you not like it?”
“N-No! It’s not that! It’s just...she looks like me...like actually looks like me...” The girl trailed off, her eyes wide in wonder and shining in the dim light of the setting sun.
“Is that a problem?”
“Usually that doesn’t happen.”
“Well I did it myself...I wanted it to be accurate and no body else is good enough anyways.” Katsuki replied, his usually cocky attitude resurfacing and ruining the gentle moment.
“You painted it yourself?” He simply nodded. “You’re really talented.”
“Why do you sound so surprised? I’m not just devastatingly handsome, you know.”
“Yeah right.” (y/n) scoffed, nudging him with a laugh as he smiled softly at her, his eyes going down to her full lips more than he would like to admit. 
“What? Is there something on my face?”
“No.” He stated, while continuing to stare, ignoring the confused expression of the girl in front of him. “Can I do something?”
“Y-yeah.” (y/n) said softly, noticing the way he stood impossibly closer, the boy standing a few inches taller than her. His large hands gripped the sides of her face softly, before he looked at her again.
“Can I kiss you?” The girl nodded before mumbling out a soft ‘yes’, Katsuki not wasting any time before bending slightly and taking her lips with his own. His lips were soft against her own, surprising her since she had expected him to be rough about everything, it just seemed like that was his nature.
Apparently not though, since the kiss, though short, was soft and sweet. Their lips moving in sync against each other’s before they finally pulled apart, only far enough to breathe, their noses still touching. 
“Your lips are soft.” (y/n) remarked out loud, causing the boy to roll his eyes. 
“Just because I’m aggressive, according to some people, doesn’t mean I’m a heathen.” He stated as the girl laughed. 
“You are aggressive.”
“Well you don’t seem to mind.”
“I never said it was an issue.”
“Well that’s not what your tone said.”
“Do you just enjoy ruining moments and starting arguments?”
“You’re the one who started the argument in the first place. This isn’t even an argument.” He stated back as they walked around with each other, their guards making a perimeter, while allowing them space.
“Whatever...I was going to let you kiss me again, but since I start arguments...”
“That’s not what I meant, (y/n).” Katsuki mumbled shortly after, causing the girl to bite her lip to hide her smile.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” (Y/n) smirked as Katsuki rolled his eyes again with a scoff.
“Get over yourself.”
“Says you.” (y/n) called back, running a few steps ahead as Katsuki chased her, the empty area the perfect place to goof off without having to maintain royal appearances.
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@that-chick212 @bakugous-mamas @chefakari
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kerosene-insomniac · 3 years
To Be So Lonely
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku
Warnings: alpha/beta/omega dynamics, violence, strong language, homosexual behavior, major character death {not bakudeku}
Word Count for Chapter: 3,715 words
Summary: Midoriya Izuku has always wanted to be a musician. Something about the lyric working with a melody to convey his feeling just made his heart race. After his father died when he was three, Izuku has always relied on his mother. She worked two jobs to care for him and always supported his dreams. But when his mother is diagnosed with breast cancer just after he graduated high school, Izuku has to shift his focus. Now he’s working two jobs and takes care of his mother with the help of his gay neighbors.
In an attempt to learn self-defense, Izuku takes a few classes at a local gym. It’s there that he meets Toshinori Yagi, an older beta who used to be a professional heavyweight boxer. Yagi notices Izuku’s potential and encourages the small omega to eventually go pro. So, in order to make more money, Izuku eventually agrees.
Bakugou Katsuki has only ever wanted to fight. Orphaned as the young age of four, Katsuki has been fighting to live for his entire life. Fighting is all he’s ever known. After fighting underground for a couple years, Katsuki is noticed by Todoroki Enji. The older alpha takes him in at 19 and names him the official successor of his legacy (especially since all of his actual kids hate him).
 Now, Katsuki is 25-years-old and the professional heavyweight champion.
In a whirlwind of events, Katsuki meets Izuku in the unlikeliest of places. He watches the small omega perform and can’t help it feel extremely protective and absolutely enamored with him. The older alpha gets to meet him and say goodbye without even learning the omega’s name. Katsuki isn’t sure that they’ll ever meet again.
That is, until Katsuki officially meets Izuku at a professional lunch with his manager’s rival.
The one where Katsuki is a professional alpha boxer with arrogance issues and Izuku is a stubborn omega that’s way little too reckless with his well-being.
With a wacky cast of characters (including three idiots, a manly best friend, a traumatized bastard with daddy-issues, and many more) absolutely hell-bent on getting them together, neither men can seem to catch a break
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{0.5} Icarus
“There are two circumstances that lead to arrogance: one is when you're wrong and you can't face it; the other is when you're right and nobody else can face it.”
― Criss Jami
“It was nice seeing you after all these years, Enji.”
Izuku mentally groaned as Toshinori kept talking to the overgrown alpha. Their lunch had long since ended, so the small omega just wanted to head across the street and begin his warm-up.
And to get away from Katsuki Bakugou, who had been staring at him since this whole shit-show started.
Endeavor huffed in agreement and glanced in Izuku’s direction. “Your successor seems very headstrong, so I can’t wait to see how he fares today.”
I love that he’s talking like I’m not here.
“He’ll exceed your expectations. Let’s head out, Izuku.”
Izuku immediately relaxed, wagering standing to follow Toshinori out of the restaurant. His dress (which had been forced on him by Uraraka, who said something about looking nice for a certain alpha) brushed against his knees and tickled his legs.
Honestly, he couldn’t leave fast enough.
The small omega followed his teacher towards the exit, nodding respectively in Endeavor’s direction. And Todoroki’s.
When his gaze landed on Bakugou, he simply looked ahead.
The outside air caressed Izuku’s soft skin and made him sigh in relief. Compared to the tension in the restaurant, the slightest amount of breeze felt like a god-send.
“Young Bakugou seems very interested…”
Toshinori’s voice was teasing and affectionate, but Izuku immediately stiffened. There is no way that they were talking about the same alpha.
Izuku hummed lowly, adjusting his jacket. “I disagree, sensei. He seems arrogant and insufferable with a need to prove that he’s stronger than anybody else.”
“I think he’s just concerned for your well-being.”
The small omega huffed, his cheeks flushed a rosy pink as he glanced at his teacher. The idea of an attractive alpha feeling protective over him was flattering yet incredibly infuriating.
Izuku is here for one reason and one reason only.
“Deku! Wait!”
Fucking fuck.
Toshinori stopped and glanced behind them, his face lighting up in amusement. “It seems like someone wants to speak with you, Izuku. Don’t take too long and I’ll see you inside.”
The small omega paled.
His teacher hobbled away, chuckling to himself.
The familiar smell of caramel and cinnamon greeted Izuku’s senses. It was more than comforting, which made the small omega feel slightly mortified.
Izuku sighed in defeat and turned to face Bakugou, who had a less intense scowl on his face. His suit looked messier than before and the alpha appeared as if he had fought someone to catch up with him.
“What do you want?”
Bakugou didn’t even flinch at Izuku’s tone. “Nothing. I just wanted to-“
Izuku cut him off, crossing his arms. “If you’re to lecture me on my own idiocy, then don’t even try. You don’t even know me.”
“I just want to understand.”
That was enough to make Izuku freeze.
Izuku’s chest tightened as he locked eyes with alpha, who looked less angry than he had been during lunch. “There isn’t anything to understand. I’m doing this for the same reason as anyone else.”
Bakugou’s red eyes glinted. “But I’ve seen you perform, Deku. You fucking love music.”
“Stop calling me that.”
The alpha raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. “I like that it pisses you off, so no. And don’t change the subject.”
Izuku scoffed. “Why are you so desperate to understand me? You shouldn’t concern yourself with my wellbeing.”
“Honestly? I have no fucking clue.”
Bakugou’s words hung in the air and floated amongst the tension. Izuku was a bright red as they stared at each other, searching for any sign of challenge.
Izuku swallowed thickly, looking away from the alpha. “Look, I’m well aware of the risks. I’ve been boxing underground for over a year and struggling to learn how to protect myself.”
“What if you get bitten, though?” Bakugou’s voice was rough.
The small omega sighed, anxiously rubbing his palm with his thumb. “As I said earlier, they would have to catch me first.”
Bakugou nodded after a moment, still studying him. “I still don’t understand your fucking need to be reckless. I also don’t get how everyone seems so fucking okay with it!”
“It’s not your job to worry about me.”
The alpha chuckled at that. “But someone obviously fucking needs to. I don’t give a shit about what your supposed friends think, but you’re going to be eaten alive tonight.”
Izuku’s eyes narrowed. “Yeah?”
The small omega hummed and took a few steps forward. Bakugou froze, his breath quickening as Izuku’s face became centimeters away from his own.
I hate that he smells so nice.
Izuku chuckled, pulling away from the surprised alpha. “Then I guess you’ll have to watch. I don’t need your concern and I certainly don’t need your fucking protection, Kacchan.”
Bakugou blinked, still processing. “What the fuck did you just call me?!”
“Kacchan.” Izuku purred smugly, stepping back. “Good luck on your match tonight. Not that you’ll need it, of course.”
The alpha snapped out of his daze, his skin flushing at the compliment. “Hold on a damn second, shitty Deku-“
Izuku ignored him and walked briskly towards the entrance to the venue. His own heart was racing in his chest from the interaction, especially since Bakugou was obviously just as enamored as him.
He glanced back, smirking softly.
“I’ll see you later, Kacchan.”
“-and it was like his brain short-circuited.”
“No shit?! I would’ve paid cash to see that!”
“So manly, Bakubro!”
Katsuki growled loudly as his idiots ran around him in circles. Todoroki, who had been re-telling the events of lunch, smirked at him with as much smugness his stupid face could muster.
Nobody was doing their fucking job.
Sero and Mina were supposed to be preparing the med-kit supplies for the match, but they were fucking around and wrapping bandages around Kaminari’s head. Kirishima was supposed to be talking strategy with him, but he was talking excitedly with Todoroki.
And that half-n-half bastard?
He was reveling in Katsuki’s embarrassment.
“I swear to fucking god…” Katsuki huffed, his eye visibly twitching. “I will fucking end each and every one of you if you don’t shut the fuck up!”
Everyone froze.
Kirishima laughed awkwardly, obviously trying to ease the tension. “Don’t be so angry, Bakubro. We’re all just excited that you’re finally interested in somebody…”
Katsuki flushed a bright red. “I’m not fucking interested in that shitty nerd Deku! I just don’t want to see a weak bastard get eaten alive!”
“Sure, Blasty, sure.” Mina muttered sarcastically.
Don’t commit homicide.
Don’t commit homicide.
Sero looked at Katsuki with an indifferent expression, a used roll of bandages in his hand. “You’re acting like being interested is a bad thing. We’re not saying that you wanna fuck the dude, Bakugou.”
Katsuki grumbled loudly, trying to hide his embarrassment.
I totally fucking do, and that’s what’s embarrassing.
“…unless you do…”
The red-eyed alpha clenched his jaw and growled indignantly in Kirishima’s direction. “I totally fucking don’t, Shitty Hair! Who the fuck would even be into a shitty nerd like Deku?!”
Kirishima, Mina, and Todoroki shared a glance.
Sero and Denki simply snorted.
“I thought he was cute.” Todoroki spoke evenly, his eyes challenging Katsuki. “I found his confidence quite attractive.”
Katsuki stiffened, his stomach churning at the idea of Deku and Icy-Hot interacting at all. Red hot jealousy bloomed in his chest and spread like a wildfire throughout his body.
I think the fuck not.
“Someone looks jealous.” Mina sang smugly, making Katsuki scoff.
Todoroki hummed in agreement.  “He does. If I wasn’t emotionally invested in an omega from my office, I’d pursue Midoriya out of spite.”
Kirishima perked up at the news. “You’re interested in an omega? Since when?!”
And just like that, the focus shifted.
Katsuki silently got to his feet and walked around the small locker-room. His match wasn’t till the end of the tournament, but he usually watched other matches with Kirishima and critiqued their strategy.
It’s a tradition at this point.
What the fuck happened earlier?
Deku stood so fucking close to him. All Katsuki could smell was chocolate and cherries with the faintest hint of vanilla, which hadn’t been noticeable before. His stupidly cute face was so close that Katsuki could’ve kissed him.
And then he fucking left.
Deku left and turned back with a stupid smirk that screamed sexual innuendos in Katsuki’s direction. He called the alpha a ridiculous name, and Katsuki fucking let him.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
“Alright, bro. You ready to go watch some matches?”
Katsuki snapped out of his memory-filled daze and grunted in response. “Let’s go watch some losers, Shitty Hair. I need to relax before I kick Togata’s ass tonight.”
Kirishima grinned. “And maybe impress a certain omega?”
“Shut up.”
Both alphas headed out of the locker-room and towards the arena. There was a specific box that Enji rented at every tournament specifically so he could watch. He didn't seem to mind that Katsuki did the same thing.
Even if he did, Katsuki didn’t care.
The sound of screaming fans, alphas and omega alike, immediately made Katsuki cringe. He could barely make out a few words, but he didn’t care enough to process any of them.
In the ring, an alpha female and a beta female were kick-boxing.
We’re still in this part of the tournament.
“OH FUCK! Hagakure delivers a stunning roundhouse kick!”
Katsuki took a seat a little ways away from Enji and focused on the match. It was Yaoyorozu vs Hagakure. He had seen them in regular boxing, so it wasn’t that much of a surprise to see them deviate sometimes.
As a beta, Hagakure was shorter and relied heavily on her legs. She was known for being a skilled southpaw, so upper-arm-strength wasn’t out of the question.
Yaoyorozu was one of the few female alphas that Katsuki’s met in his life. She could be jumpy at times, but she also struggled with predicting/preparing for her opponents moves. She relied on her height to get in close and hardly receive any damage to her face.
Katsuki fought her once or twice. She’s definitely skilled.
“I think Hagakure strained her left leg.” Katsuki murmured, watching the way that the beta favored her left side.
Kirishima narrowed his eyes and leaned forward.  “I think you’re right. Yaoyorozu hasn’t noticed yet, though.”
Katsuki shrugged. “She will. Eventually.”
Sure enough, Yaoyorozu glanced at Hagakure’s feet and her eyebrows furrowed in surprise. As the beta pulled back to land another kick, the female alpha hit her in the face with multiple jabs.
As soon as Hagakure was distracted, Yaoyorozu landed a harsh kick to her left leg and swept them out from under her.
The beta didn’t get back up.
As the crowd and commentator went wild, Katsuki sat back and glanced at Kirishima. “I told you that Ponytail would notice. She’s been training.”
“It’s a good thing that we didn’t bet this time.”
“Yeah. You would’ve fucking lost.”
Before Kirishima could respond, the familiar sound of an intermission rang through the air. They had about ten minutes till the next match, so the sound was to let people know that there was a break.
Katsuki cringed at the sound.
“After our break, we’ll see the professional debut of Midoriya Izuku against a crowd favorite, Monoma Neito!”
And that was enough to make Katsuki freeze.
Oh fuck.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Monoma was an arrogant bastard that Katsuki hates with every fiber of his being. He was an alpha with a history of distaste for omegas, leading to an ever-growing fan base of shitty alphas.
Not only would he hate Deku, but he would try and rile him up the whole time.
This wouldn’t be a fair fight.
“Bakugou? You look pale.”
Katsuki snapped out of his daze and locked eyes with Kirishima. “I’m fucking fine, Shitty Hair. Monoma just pisses me off.”
Kirishima’s gaze softened. “You don’t have to watch, you know? I can just tell you what happened after the match is over.”
“I don’t need your pity. I’m fine.”
“Okay, bro. Whatever you say.”
“There. Feel tight enough?”
Izuku took his gloved hand away from Uraraka and moved his wrists. “They feel great. Thanks for being here, Uraraka.”
Uraraka grinned brightly, her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail as she went over Izuku’s things again. “Of course! Iida and I wouldn’t miss this for the world, Deku! Plus, Aizawa threatened to ground us if we didn’t……”
Sounds about right.
“Midoriya! Where is your mouth guard?!”
Izuku glanced over at Iida, who had a professional-looking med-kit in hand. “I put it in my bag…I think…”
Iida sighed and bolted to Izuku’s gym bag, muttering things under his breath. He and Uraraka had been his friends ever since high school, long before Izuku’s mom got sick.
They graduated a little over a year ago.
Now Uraraka is attending University to be a teacher and Iida is studying to be a doctor. Sometimes, the older alpha will come over and give Izuku’s mom a once-over. His family helps out a lot with her treatment.
But not enough.
Which is why Izuku is here in the first place.
“Your mouth-guard is important, Midoriya!” Iida chided, handing the omega a green piece of plastic.
Izuku hung his head, slightly embarrassed that the alpha was reprimanding him. “I was training late last night. After the stuff this morning, I couldn’t remember if I packed it or not.”
Uraraka grinned, her eyes glinting mischievously. “Speaking of which….I saw you and Bakugou in front of the venue.”
Oh god.
“And it seemed pretty flirtatious, Deku.”
Izuku flushed a bright crimson, resisting the urge to hide his face. “It wasn’t flirting! He was just being stupidly overprotective when he didn’t have the right!”
Uraraka smirked. “Alphas tend to be protective over people they care about. Or, in your case, people they are attracted to.”
“I don’t think it’s like that.”
His best friend gave him a look before looking behind him. “Sensei?! What was your impression of Bakugou when you met him?”
Toshinori, who had been talking with a few betas, looked in their direction and grinned as he walked over. “Young Bakugou was very outspoken about his concern with Izuku’s second gender. He’s quite enamored.”
“My point exactly!”
Before Izuku could argue, a female referee appeared in the entrance to the locker-room.
It’s time.
Izuku feels nauseous.
The small omega can hear the crowd screaming as his opponent is announced, but his brain can barely process any of it. His silk robe (an emerald color) clung to his curves and covered his freckled skin.
Since he’s no longer underground, there’s no need for the bunny mask.
Then his name is announced and he’s shoved into the shark-infested water. Izuku focuses his gaze on the ring, acutely aware of his team following behind him in quick succession.
Izuku can feel the disgusted stares among the screaming.
“You’ll do great, my boy.”
Toshinor’s voice was gentle and firm as he made Izuku look at him. He looked proud and confident in his abilities, which made the omega feel better.
Izuku swallowed thickly as his robe was pulled off of him. “I’ll win. For you and for my mom.”
“I know you will.”
Izuku hugged him and turned to enter the ring.
His opponent is a short but burly alpha who was obviously slow on his feet. His blond hair was parted and his pale eyes were full of amused disgust.
“Alright, boys,” The referee crooned, her black hair tied back. “I want a clean and fair fight. No funny business or I will dish out some punishments.”
Izuku nodded, studying the alpha in front of him.
Monoma, however, ignored the omega’s attempt to touch gloves and retreated to his corner. He was smirking in Izuku’s direction, shamelessly checking out every inch of his body.
Izuku stepped forward, carefully guarding his face and waiting for Monoma to make the first move. He needed a strategy, above all else.
Monoma smirked. “I didn’t think they’d make it this easy. Omegas can’t fight, doll. It’s a known fact.”
The small omega ignored him, staying carefully light on his feet as they circled each other. It was becoming obvious that Monoma just liked hearing himself talk, so he had to wait for an opening.
“You’re not mated? How pathetic.”
His eyes flicker to the crowd when he talks. He’s speaking loud enough for them to hear, meaning that he wants to put on a show.
Monoma chuckled some more. “What? Too scared to make the first move? I can do this all-“
Izuku lunged and landed a right hook to the alpha’s jaw.
The small omega immediately retreated as Monoma stumbled back in surprise. The crowd fucking lost it, screaming a mix of cheers and curse words.
Monoma huffed, growling lowly in Izuku’s direction.
Then he charged.
Izuku dodged, guarding his face as Monoma initiated an onslaught of jabs and pummels. Sweat gathered on his brow and his breathing sped up as he looked for an opening.
Izuku brought his leg up and kicked Monoma in the gut.
The larger alpha gasped in surprise, but that was the opening Izuku needed. In quick succession, the small omega hit him with three jabs and a left hook.
Not without consequence, though.
“You fucking bitch!!”
Monoma growled loudly and landed a solid left hook to Izuku’s face.
Pressure, pain, and high-pitched ringing erupted from his right side. Izuku grunted in a mix of surprise and pain, immediately retreating to his corner and settling into a guarding stance.
In his confusion, Izuku was attacked from the right side again.
Two kicks and a mix of punches pummeled themselves into Izuku’s stomach, making the small omega choke and gasp.
“Enough! Back off!”
Izuku gasped, still standing upright as the referee pulled Monoma back. He could taste blood in his mouth, but his adrenaline was too high to feel any pain.
My strength is in my legs.
I need to aim my kicks high enough to land on his face. The nose is the most sensitive, so it would be my safest bet.
Izuku hardened his gaze and glared at the alpha in front of him.
Monoma charged, heading straight for Izuku’s right side. This time, however, the small omega was prepared and effectively slipped.
As he ducked under, Izuku moved and delivered a high-kick to Monoma’s face. The alpha choked and stumbled backward, grasping his face as blood immediately started to pour.
Before the alpha can recover, Izuku charges and delivers strikes to Monoma’s jaw.
“That’s the bell! To your corners!”
Izuku backed off and retreated to his corner, sweating like a pig and gushing blood from his brow.
He sat down, allowing his team to work.
“You’re doing great, Deku!”
Uraraka’s voice sounded close by as Iida and Toshinori crowded him. The alpha got to work on bandaging his eyebrow as the beta placed the water spout between his bloody lips.
Izuku panted wildly, drinking the water. “He needs to get close to land a hit, sensei. I fucked up his nose, though.”
“You did.” Toshinori supplied, pulling the water away. “Don’t forget to parry. Meet his hits head on.”
“2nd round! On your feet!”
Izuku took a deep breath and got to his feet. He could see better without the flow of blood in his eyes, so he definitely noticed the look of hatred Monoma gave him.
Monoma looked pissed.
Monoma moved first this time, furiously charging Izuku like a raging bull. Instead of dodging or slipping, the small omega met his kick head on.
Their legs clashed, which Monoma clearly didn’t expect.
Izuku used his body weight to shove the alpha backward, giving himself enough room to land a few side-kicks. He kept his moves fast and precise, knowing that any wasted second could make him lose.
Monoma swung, but he overcalculated.
Izuku dodged and landed a harsh upper-cut to the jaw. He could feel the crunch of bones and teeth, which was more than satisfying.
After that, Monoma didn’t stand a chance.
Before the alpha had a chance to recover, Izuku shoved him back with another side kick and prepared himself to finish the fight.
Izuku leaned back and put his entire body weight into the kick itself. He aimed high, specifically for Monoma’s broken nose, and fucking succeeded with a perfect landing. It was fucking perfect!
Monoma crumpled into a heap, completely unconscious.
“That’s a TKO! Midoriya wins the match!”
Izuku stumbled backward as the cheers rang loudly through the air. His right ear was still ringing, but he definitely heard most of them.
As he was swarmed by his team, Izuku glanced upward.
Katsuki Bakugou was watching and yelling animatedly from a private box. His face was red and he looked pumped as he grinned in Izuku’s direction.
That was the last thing Izuku saw before losing consciousness.
“Holy fucking SHIT!”
Katsuki watched as Deku’s team dragged him out of the ring, but his mind was running a mile a minute.
Despite taking multiple hits, Deku’s form was fucking perfect. Every move he made was carefully calculated and planned, along with a surprising amount of raw fucking power.
It was hot as fuck.
“Did you fucking see that!?” Kirishima was just as hyped as Katsuki, sounding hoarse from the amount of screaming they’d done.
Katsuki nodded, almost breathless as he glanced at his best friend. “I’ve never seen anyone TKO Monoma. I could probably fucking do it too, but Jesus fucking Christ.”
Kirishima met his gaze, smirking.
Oh no.
“He didn’t need your protection after all, bro.”
Katsuki swallowed thickly, shooting a mock glare in Kirishima’s direction before getting to his feet. “Shut the fuck up. Deku may have kicked that bastard’s ass, but he barely held up.”
Kirishima raised an eyebrow. “And where are you going?”
“I still have a fight to prepare for, dumbfuck.”
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wrihopeter · 3 years
A fanfic i wrote for a friend
While quarentaine was absolutely fuckin me over, i did have time to improve my writing. Me and a friend are HUGE fans of BNHA and we both had OC's too. I told him i wanted to learn how to write fighting scenes, in return he asked me for a commision. Took me a whole day to write but god I'm so proud of it!
His OC basically has as quirk: Concussions. I can concuss the air and the ground or even my own body parts with vibrations, causing shockwaves.
Summary: The time for the sports festiva has arrived and Lucas final opponent is up. Bakugou Katsuki. How both their similar personalities will clash will cause quite a stir.
Warnings: PTSD, Violence, Cussing, Bakugou, Death (no characters), Flashbacks
Word count: 3476
I hope Lucas' character is easy to understand since i don't really know how to put the character sheet in here. But Enjoy.
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Finally, it’s happening. The fight where everyone was waiting for, the last two contestants of this years’ Sport Festival. The hotheaded Bakugou, with a quirk that will quite literally blow you away and Lucas. The new foreign exchange student with a quirk that will rattle you to your bones. Both have shown great moves until now, which granted them a spot in the fated final, ready to battle against each other and show who the strongest student is amongst the first years. Standing at their sides of the battle ground, the audience goes wild. Ready to see the fight of the year.
Bakugou looks at Lucas with a smug grin that screams overconfidence. “You better not let me down, yoroppu hito!” His taunts clearly beginning early. Lucas shows him an equally smug grin, one that reveals a fire inside; one that says that he will do anything to get that win. “Ooh, don’t worry about that, hothead! You will believe it once I put you down six feet under!”
Both men, clearly fired up, have done some observing of one another’s quirk and both have a strategy to knock the other out. Which one will fail, and which one will prevail; that’s what will be proven today.
Present Mic gives the signal and the battle begins.
The first move is played by Bakugou who tries to throw Lucas off his balance by directing a big blast heading straight towards him. Lucas easily avoids this attack by applying his quirk on himself to gain more speed and moves out of the way of the blast. He uses the vibrations in such a way on his body that it protects him from the intense heat coming from the explosion. Although his skin does feel the effects of the heat, it didn’t leave any life-threatening wounds on him. He moves his head away from the explosion to protect his vision before it gets too close and moves to the far-left side of the stage with great speed, using said explosion as his cover. Bakugou saw this coming though and predicted the side to which Lucas would run to. Through the big cloud created by the explosion, Bakugou emerges heading straight for Lucas to blast him away with yet another explosion aimed to his chest this time. Anyone else might’ve thought this to be a terrifying sight. Bakugou flying towards you with smoke and explosions surrounding him, but Lucas has seen terrifying things. This would be the least of his fears. Bakugou may have thought that Lucas moving his head away was to his advantage, but Lucas would never put his defenses down so easily. Not anymore at least.
A big moving shockwave, a strong gust of wind with Lucas as its center, blows Bakugou with ease away. This shockwave almost blowing cementos and midnight of their portion of the stage and causing everyone who wasn’t seated in the audience to fall backwards. It even caused some cracks along the cement of the battle ground and the actual arena. This shock being so strong, almost equal to a small tornado, that Bakugou almost gets blown out of the ring. This being only hindered by the use of his explosions in a calculated way to stop his momentum and drop him down before the line.
While performing this move, Bakugou came close enough to see the absolutely terrified look on Lucas’ face before he was blasted away to the other side of the battle ground. Bakugou didn’t know if it was because he came so close to blasting him in the chest or because of something else. It wasn’t really the time to figure this out though, so this thought was quickly moved to the back of his mind.
This move, this incredible shockwave, was not expected by anyone except Lucas himself. The complete shock of everyone, especially his opponent, gave Lucas some time to get the internal effects of that explosion out and get his focus back on the battle. Bakugou’s attack of course, without actually hitting him, still did a number on his senses. He was lucky that the explosion wasn’t loud enough to rupture his ear drums. The ringing in his head though puts a confusion to his focus and additionally giving him an aching feeling in his chest that he wisely decides to ignore. Feelings and memories are for the aftermath of today, not now.
He was playing this whole tournament with the thought that he would stand here with Bakugou as his final opponent. He knew that Bakugou was a real force to be reckoned with and that he was far smarter than you’d might expect. Lucas played it smart and effectively and used as little as possible of his quirk to defeat past opponents, thus making sure that Bakugou won’t have enough information to create a proper strategy that could guarantee his victory. On the contrary, Bakugou was like an open book in past battles, creating a better image in what his abilities might be and what kind of fighting style he might use. Lucas will make sure that every battle he fights will be a winning battle.
For a minute the whole arena was silent. A loud echo of the gust of wind leaving everyone speechless before a loud cheer erupts from the audience, making the will of the fighting man to win even great. Lucas his brown locks swaying calmly across his face, a proud look apparent from the cheering and the complete moment of shock he causes.
A humorless type of laughter drowns out the audience, “Defeating you will be even more satisfying now!” Bakugou loudly screams while using his quirk to propel him forwards towards Lucas with much more speed than anticipated, only moving out of the way with far less distance than he would’ve liked. He could hear the ends of his hair burning away.
The crowd is amazed by the speed of both the students moves, using their quirks to increase their mobility and speed was a rather genius move that put both on par to each other.
This repeating several times with Lucas using several smaller shockwaves to get Bakugou of his back, deflect his explosions and to conserve his own energy while draining that of Bakugou. Lucas needed to calm his attacks down to keep himself from overheating and shredding off all his clothes and worst of all, stop himself from getting a heat stroke. Would be an embarrassing way to lose, especially in a battle against Bakugou.
An interesting observation Lucas made, was that Bakugou goes all-in, no matter what, he may use smaller explosions or more calculated moves, but it always has all his energy put into it. Lucas uses this in his own benefit by tiring him slowly, until a finishing blow can knock him out of the arena. A flawless plan you might say.
But Bakugou wasn’t born yesterday, he quickly catches onto the fact that Lucas uses his quirk in a more defensive rather than offensive type of way like Bakugou. Bakugou will not accept that, this fight will be till someone is completely passed out. That’s the type of victory Bakugou will only accept and he WILL do anything in his power to make that happen.
“Come on, Yoroppu hito! Can’t you do better than this?! The talented Transfer! The model student! SHOW ME SOMETHING GOOD OR FUCK OFF TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM.” Bakugou stands opposite of Lucas in a stable position, ready to handle a great amount of recoil, with his arms stretched in front of him. Growing explosions moving from his elbows to his palms where a singular burst is building up to the size of a softball. “Why are you standing here, damn it!”
The whole audience, including Bakugou, were waiting for the next move Lucas would pull to defend himself or use in an offensive way against him. No sound was audible, everyone holding their breathes for the next epic move, except for the small pops coming from Bakugou’s arms and palms. But to everyone’s surprise, Lucas simply stood there, focusing hard on the explosion forming in Bakugou’s palms. This action only adds fuel to the already angry Bakugou. “If you have no intention of winning fair, then don’t you dare stand in front of me! Give up or Fight because else I’ll fuckin kill you!”
Lucas his blood is starting to boil, hardly able to contain his anger. In the shadow of his anger, fear started to creep up. Fear of killing someone, of going too far. He tries to focus on the task at hand but Bakugou isn’t making it easy. He needed to focus on every other sense to get rid of his thoughts of anger, focusing on the smell but his nose only filling with dust of the debris around them and the smell of burning clothes. He barely noticed this but small parts of his outfit have burned off due to both their hot quirks, luckily still intact enough to cover most of his body. Sadly, Bakugou and his stupid taunts are completely stuck in his head, no way around it. Every sense overridden by Bakugou himself. It doesn’t help that Lucas feels most of all offended to hear someone take his goal of victory in question. The only thing that is keeping him from an immediate attack, is the thought of winning, of proving to everyone that he can and will grow to be a powerful hero.
Just when Bakugou was about to send off this explosion, Lucas uses his quirk and aims a huge shockwave towards the ground on which Bakugou stands on and tears it down. He carefully calculated the right amount of power and right angle to hit the ground and ONLY the ground.
The ground under his feet gave way right as he fires out his explosion, missing its target completely and instead hits the arena. It barely misses the audience itself, them being protected by some pro heroes. The screams of the audience temporarily freezing Lucas up, the air around feeling more and more cramped the longer this fight is going on. He feels it coming, this panic attack, but he does everything in his power to push it down, to let it out after he gets his victory. Hoping his adrenaline can overshadow his upcoming attack.
In the moment where Bakugou tries to regain his balance and posture, Lucas uses his quirk to make his way over to Bakugou with great speed. You could describe it as a railgun type of style, he creates a powerful shockwave right behind him to propel himself forwards Bakugou at an immense speed. Right before this, does he use a certain type of vibration that increases the difficulty of moving for Bakugou; making him almost immobile and a perfect target against close combat. Bakugou’s stance was already fairly unstable, still leaning backwards from the sudden fall, which only comes in Lucas’ advantage. With this added speed, causing his impact strength to go up immensely, he knees Bakugou in his stomach making him fall over from the force. This move causing some blood to fall from his mouth. Lucas takes a second to make himself grounded again and immediately goes in an offensive stand. He puts his foot on Bakugou’s closest bend leg and leans on said foot to get up and turn his body 360 degrees to kick him from behind on his head with the created momentum, knocking him completely down. Bakugou quickly uses his explosions to get himself up again, but before he could even bombard Lucas with explosions does he use a roundhouse kick moving outwards to get rid of his hands aiming towards Lucas’ body. He follows this up with yet another knee in his stomach, really rubbing the pre-existing injury in. And finishes it of by kicking his leg up from behind Bakugou to only use his vibration to speed his leg down once its above his head, knocking Bakugou down yet again on his face. The ground broken and dented around his body. “Now this is why I was Number 1 at home.” Clear confidence evident in his voice, adding not only insult but also embarrassment to injury.
The audience goes wild, while Lucas walks away from the ‘unconscious’ Bakugou, everyone thinking that this is a victory for him. Lucas rather hoped this at least, a marvelous victory for sure on his part. But he also slowly but surely felt his energy draining, some parts of his body not really well protected I assume since scorch marks were visible on his arms and even his cheek. His own body heat was also getting close to reaching its limit, a little longer and a heatstroke would be inevitable. We’re not even speaking of the state of the arena, the battle ground itself is on the point of collapsing in itself and the outer wall is barely allowed to be called that; some openings totally closed off which will need help from some strong quirks to remove and the railing that was meant to protect the audience is completely gone by now. Anyone who wasn’t here would probably say that an earthquake happened but no, it were merely two students who caused all this devastation.
Bakugou really was, or rather is, a formidable opponent because they most definitely cheered to soon.
A small but growing popping sound was heard accompanied by painful groaning from behind Lucas that slowly turned to a breathy laugh. Looking behind him he saw a bloodied and bruised Bakugou getting up from the debris and dust, his face formed into a huge grin but empty of joy and rather filled with bloodlust and anger. Lucas knew that Bakugou rarely gives up, but this was insane, both would most likely break if they get hit by one more move from the other. And while Lucas is getting more and more drained, Bakugou on the contrary is only getting more and more fired up. No amount of pain would keep him away from being Number 1.
The popping sound that accompanied Bakugou only grows louder and louder the more he stands up and ready to fire.
“I’ll show you what’ll happen if you make a fool out of me!” His voice filled with fiery passion and anger aimed towards him; maybe not his normal kind of anger but Bakugou sure as hell wanted to beat Lucas more than even now.
Bakugou fires explosion after explosion to Lucas, who barely has time to protect himself let alone fight back. The explosions blind Lucas and are close to rupturing his eardrums and the force of the said explosions are slowly pushing him back, closer and closer to the outer rink of the battle ground (what is left of the battle ground at least). Unbeknownst to Lucas, Bakugou used this blindness to get closer to Lucas, which result is more powerful blasts. With the already low energy and knowledge that another powerful shockwave will put him out of commission immediately, he simply focuses on keeping himself standing and well enough protected against the heat. With his guard lower than normal, images of a repressed past start flooding back. Triggers being unable to be blocked off. Every flash of the explosions brings him back to that dreadful night, the smell of fire and dust not helping him fight this memory off. The sounds of the ground tearing apart and the outer wall still crumbling down only remind him of all the building he destroyed. The screams, or rather cheers, but it’s hard to distinguish both when you’re in the middle of a mental breakdown, showing him all the mangled bodies under the debris that HE created. His body started to shake, his breathing becoming frantic despite his exhaustion, his vision gone. The only thing visible is the memory of the people he killed by his unstable mental state, he didn’t mean to kill and hurt all those people. He just felt so angry, it burned him from the inside. The taunts, the beatings, the names, he couldn’t handle it anymore, he never meant to go this far though.
The pain, the guilt of hurting them all never left him. He remembers the town, no the whole country, talking about him; calling him a murderer, an absolute loose cannon and a danger to the world. They called him a villain in the making. He would never become that, he wanted to help people, now more than ever. He wanted to repay those people by saving twice as many; even if no one would forgive him, he needed to show them that he can be good. That he IS good, an actual hero.
He still remembers the dirty looks he got, the assault he got wherever he went, the trial that basically banned him from his country.
No one seemed to wonder what kind of effect this could have on a child too, the amount of trauma he will have to carry for the rest of his life, the pain he himself will feel, the fear of going out of control yet again.
The god-awful image of the families crying and breaking down over their fallen loved ones came rushing back too, punching him right in the gut with another hit of guilt. The final hit that broke him down completely. He couldn’t stop the tears from falling, his body fully frozen, muscles locked into defensive position, unable to make any move no matter how hard he screamed at his body to move. His head filled with repressed memories and feelings that broke every left defense that was still up. He was completely defenseless, broken beyond repair.
Just before Bakugou could make his final move against Lucas that would ensure his win, he saw the look Lucas had. A look that showed complete and utter fear, shame and guilt. A look that made Bakugou question the thoughts that are filling Lucas’ head. If they are the cause of his opponent being defenseless and what kind of experience someone must’ve had to freeze up like that against an upcoming attack. A look that said it all.
The last hit, the last explosion that secured the victory of Bakugou, leaving the audience silent. Everyone in shock of Lucas’ lack of movement. It could be said that it was almost a pitiful silence. Everyone feeling bad for the way he went down, but only one knowing how the last hit really went. Bakugou, filled with joy and pride of winning against a strong opponent, also felt a feeling of sympathy for his fallen foe.
Nevertheless, once Lucas was carried towards the infirmary, the audience cheered loudly for their victor. Bakugou Katsuki.
While the battle ground was torn apart and the ceremony stage was made, Bakugou walked towards the infirmary to get some answers. It already infuriated Bakugou that his last move wasn’t reciprocated like he thought would happen, but the fact that Lucas had such a disturbed expression made Bakugou to some degree concerned. People can call him a tyrant, egotistical and even a villain, but he knew that he had a heart. He definitely cared for people and when an opponent as strong as Lucas comes along and ends in such a pathetic way, he couldn’t help but grow curious and bothered by it. Once he arrives at his destination, he was surprised in the state Lucas was in; not even starting on all the bruises covering his body, ones that recovery couldn’t fully heal, but the way he looked at the distance. It was as if he was seeing something that wasn’t there, his face blank with clenched fists and an old chill seemingly going over him. It’s the exact same as in the arena, a dissociative look. He approached the unaware boy and tapped his shoulder to make him aware of his presence. Once he notices does he ask him one simple question. “What happened?”
He got his answer, and despite Lucas’ expectations, Bakugou gave him nothing but a simple nod. He understood the trauma that would come along with his experience and felt a tinge of guilt of his own for causing his PTSD to act up.
His face slowly formed into a smug grin, the one we all know and love, and uttered a single sentence. “Better get that fixed soon, I want to defeat you for real next time.”
He showed his concern in his own way and Lucas appreciated the hell out of it.
“HA! As if, you can’t handle me at full power.”
At the ceremony, no one looked prouder than Bakugou, who casually threw some concerned looks to the dazed boy next to him at second place.
An unlikely friendship was formed in the midst of destruction and trauma.
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pervysenpaix · 2 years
Idk if it’s just me or not but don’t Bakugo give you “yea my nipples pierced. And what about it🤨”😭😭idk but I saw this pic nd chileee him with nipple piercings immaculate✨🤌🏼
No, love. They definitely are. And you love them. Always lurking in the shadows, hoping to catch him shirtless so that you can sneak a peak at his massive tits. Cause let's just keep 100, Kacchan has a nice fucking rack.
Sparring ? You're there. Morning Jog? Count you in. Getting a new chest tattoo? You're tagging along for research purposes!
Since you're all sidekicks at Endeavor's agency, Shoto decided to treat his friendgroup with a relaxing weekend at his penthouse. That's code for turning the fuck up and not giving a damn what you break because the rich boy's daddy is footing the bill.
Everyone is downstairs watching Midoriya crush watermelons with his thighs while you were off searching for Katsuki. I cannot begin to explain how strung out you are for this man who barely acknowledges your presence. That's a lie, you're friends and he gives you hugs. But, you don't want hugs. You want ✨cock✨
You find Katsuki in his room, (him, Shoto and Midoriya are roomates) he's stretched out in a starfish position with his hands behind his head while watching some random. The glow from the tv reflected off the steel bars pierced through his perfect pink nipples. The urge to latch on and call him "Mommy" was high 🌚
"Oi, what the hell are you doing in my room, idiot?" No bite in his words, just curious as to why you ditched the party. You shrugged, glancing between his tits and his face as you made your way in. "Just wanted to see what you were up to."
"s'that so?" Katsuki smirked, patting the empty space on the bed "c'mere."
Iida would cry if he witnessed how fast you move into that spot. He pulled you against his chest and rubbed your arm while the two of you finished watching the episode. Those perky bud were right there, taunting you, just begging to be licked. Whenever you rubbed your cheek against the steel bar he'd shiver, and you were salivating and creaming your pants at his sensitivity.
"Whatcha wanna do now?" He asked when the ended.
"I wanna jerk you off and suck your tits." you whined, circling your finger around his puffy nipple.
Katsuki choked, understandable since you'd just surprised the fuck out of him.
"O-okay" he cleared his throat, "maybe we should kiss first"
So you made out and it was hot and sloppy and everything you imagined when you were knuckle deep in you dripping cunt late at night. Then your head dipped down and you popped that pretty little bud in your mouth, flicking at it with your tongue as you pumped his supersized dick in your first.
He fucked you after he came. Then asked you to be his girlfriend. It was a pretty cool night.
Nasty Girls | @xogabbiexo, @plussizeficchick, @tenyaiidasslut, @namjoonswifeyy, @dabilovesme
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 3 years
Of Moon Sirens and Sun Dragons
of moon sirens and sun dragons by onefortheluna
ochaco lived a humble life in the moon village with her parents until one day, the lord's men came knocking at her door asking questions about whether she is a virgin or not and what star she was born under. she finds herself in an unconventional, ancient sort of arranged marriage and she is willing to do whatever it takes to annul it in order to reclaim her freedom. . crown prince of the sun country bakugou katsuki is the strongest man in all the lands, a fabled god amongst men. as far as he's concerned he can live his life however he likes with no-one telling him what to do. he has apparently been promised to someone without his knowledge and he should want to put an end to it immediately- but he finds himself not wanting to at all once he meets this strong, brown eyed-pink cheeked girl. . 'Are you The Queen's first son?' He stares up at the mysterious figure, a silhouette darkened by the rising dawn sun. Something about her, how she stands above him and has him by the throat at her mercy, it reminds him of a war goddess. She could very well be an assassin, but her presence does something to him. 'And if I am?' He can't say he's surprised when she strikes.
Words: 4525, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto, Yaoyorozu Momo, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Jirou Kyouka, Utsushimi Camie, Yoarashi Inasa, Midoriya Izuku
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Arranged Marriage, Alternate Universe - Historical, Historical Fantasy, Prophecy, Prophetic Dreams, Reincarnation, Past Lives, Action & Romance, Romance, Sexual Tension, Alternate Universe - Mythology, Folklore, Moon and Sun Lore, Original Mythology, Legend and Myths, Fictional Medieval and Feudal Japan Fusion, Minor Word Building, Worldbuilding, Badass female character, Quirks as Magic, Quirks as Skill, Drama, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Katsuki can be quite dramatic lol, Bakusquad banter, Bakusquad, Mina is a member of the Bakusquad, jus sayin, Soulmates, Plot Twists, Todomomo is here, Mass Confusion, love square, Apparent love triangles, Slow Burn, Implied Sexual Content, Eventual Smut, BAMF Uraraka Ochako, BAMF Yaoyorozu Momo, BAMF Bakugou Katsuki, BAMF Kirishima Eijirou, Everyone is BAMF, Forced Marriage
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32786911
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 3 years
Prismatic Ghosts and Their Hidden Insignias
Prismatic Ghosts and Their Hidden Insignias by KiriBakuHappiness
The Bounty Hunter profession is a cut-throat commitment. Katsuki doesn't have the time, attention span, or interest to give a single flying fuck about finding out who his soulmate might be. They can't be worth it if they're living in this god-forsaken wasteland of a city after the fall of the Toshinori Empire. He's got far more important shit to try and reconcile with. -- Ever since Eijirou had successfully managed to become a somewhat recognizable SpeedRacer, his soulmark had become his best-kept secret. He didn't need to have grown up amongst the wealthiest families of Musutafu to understand that a mark like his was as good as certain death. Eijirou didn't get to pick his soulmate – he never would have chosen a Bounty Hunter if he had – but life had a cruel sense of ironic humor like that.
Cyberpunk Soulmate AU.
Words: 27038, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Original Female Character(s), Ashido Mina, Shindou You, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Monoma Neito, Kaminari Denki, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Shindou You/Original Female Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki & Original Female Character(s), Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou & Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Alternate Universe - Bounty Hunters, POV Alternating, Aged-Up Character(s), Vigilante Bakugou Katsuki, Speed Racer Kirishima Eijirou, Drama & Romance, Science Fiction, Action/Adventure, Romance, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Character Death, Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Injury, Grief/Mourning, First Meetings, Getting to Know Each Other, Soul Bond, Denial of Feelings, Getting Together, Sexual Tension, Pining, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers, Healing, Happy Ending, Bisexual Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou is a Good Friend, no betas we die like men
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32451850
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bkdk-writings-dump · 5 years
The Vessel of the Seer
Chapter 1: Found
Warning: this chapter contains a suicide attempt.
Izuku went down to the river at dawn, a basket of laundry under his arm and bare feet shifting through the dewy grass. This was his hill, his valley, his home. He’d known few in his lifetime besides his own mother, but the seclusion did little to dampen his naturally light spirits. He hummed softly as he scrubbed his sleeping tunic under the surface of the water, thick green braids hanging down from either side of his head.
“Hm. That’s good enough, I’d say,” he chirped, holding the thin, white garment up to the light of the rising sun and smiled at the way the yellow glow easily seeped through the wet fabric. He knelt into the grass, laying the clean tunic over top of the basket before procuring the next item. He had barely removed it from the basket, however, before he heard a thunderous rumbling far to his left, and spun his head to see what it was.
Horses; five amber horses with white-tipped hooves ran in the bed of the shallow river and towards Izuku.
He took in a deep, shuddering breath, eyes widening with realization, and took off towards his cottage, laundry completely forgotten. Once inside, he rushed up to the attic and barricaded himself inside, tears already starting to pour down his cheeks as he crawled towards the makeshift altar.
“I’m sorry mom,” he said between his sobs, raising the bound lock of her green hair to his lips and kissing the last piece of her goodbye. He reached a hand into the ceramic bowl that sat in the center of the altar next, and closed his eyes as he dripped the pure water over his face, droplets clinging to his cheeks amongst his freckles, then sliding away when he turned his face down once more.
He reached for the knife last, hand shaking, and paused as he held it over his wrist. Below him, he heard the door slam open and primal fear overtook his sense of preservation, allowing him to press the knife down.
“Deku, don’t!” A gruff voice yelled, already ascending the ladder.
Izuku stopped, lifting the knife before he had made any serading motion to cut deep into his flesh, and wondered if he’d heard correctly, if he really did recognise that voice.
The trapdoor flopped open, revealing familiar blonde spikes of hair and concern burning in his ruby eyes. A single drop of blood fell from the tiny cut on Izuk’s arm, curving down and around to the other side before falling into his lap.
“Oh, gods.” Izuku clasped a hand over his mouth, half-falling into Katsuki’s chest at the sight of the men and their horses all dead in the grass, their crimson blood staining Izuku’s emerald hillside.
“Sorry. Don’t look,” Katsuki said, holding up his red cape with one arm to block it from Izuku’s view as he guided him down the hillside with his other hand. “I knew once you ran I didn’t have much time, so I had to deal with them quick.”
Izuku didn’t respond; he simply allowed himself to be led away, hand clutching at the cut on his other arm, and blinked through the tears that hadn’t ceased since the whole ordeal started.
“What… what are you doing here?” he asked, voice a quiet rasp as they neared the river.
“I caught wind that the Belmarians were expanding their search for you to this region, and set out to collect you myself before they got their dirty hands you,” Katsuki spat, instantly scowling from even having to think of his sworn enemy. “I was lucky I got here when I did, or you would have offed yourself before that search party could grab you.”
Izuku nodded slowly.
“But there’ll be no need for that, you understand? I’m going to keep you safe.” Katsuki tightened his hold on Izuku’s shoulder, finally putting down his cape now that they had reached the river, and waded across with him.
“How?” Izuku asked when they had finished crossing.
“Hm?” Katsuki whipped his head around to look at him.
“How are you going to keep me safe?” Izuku sniffled loudly, his shock finally wearing away.
“Well, we’re going to have to do something about your hair,” Katsuki admitted, prepared for Izuku’s anger.
“What? But… but I like my hair!” he sobbed, more morose than angry.
“I know, I know. But it’s the only thing they know about your appearance. The prophecy they were left with was a boy whose hair is as green as the hill he lives on, apparently.” Katsuki insisted.
Izuku looked away, pouting.
“And then what?”
“Then you come back to my tribe with me, and no one save for me and my inner circle is aware of who you are, and we don’t abuse your power, and we keep you safe from the Belmarians,” Katsuki listed off.
Izuku sighed.
“Fine. If that’s my only option.”
He was crying again. Katsuki growled quietly, eyes narrowed and willing himself not to chase after him, especially since he was holding a knife.
“You said we’d have to change the color, not the length!” Izuku yelled, hands gripped protectively over his braids and bulbous tears falling from his big green eyes.
“This dye is hard to make. We don’t have enough for all your hair right now, and it’ll be easier in the long run if we keep it short,” Katsuki explained, somehow managing to keep his voice level. “And besides, they’re obnoxious.”
“No they’re not! I like them!” Izuku insisted, scooting even further away. He made no attempt to leave the tent, however, so Katsuki remained seated across from him.
“Deku. Don’t make this harder than it has to be,” he said.
Izuku frowned deeply, eyes taking on a determined shine.
“The… the whole reason I chose you over death was in the hopes that I could still live a free life. If that doesn’t turn out to be that, then–”
“No, you chose this because it’s better than what the Belmarians would do to you, and I know you don’t really want to die.” Katsuki stared him down, hunting knife shining in the dim light of the oil lamp. “The last vessel lasted only ten years under their grip, and I, for one, don’t find it hard to believe the rumors of everything else their king did to her, nor do I think its a stretch to say they’d do the same thing to you.”
Izuku softened, his tears running thin.
“So don’t compare my treatment of you to what they would do to you: that’s a fate worse than death.” Katsuki shifted forward, just far enough that he could reach out at touch Izuku’s head if he wanted to. “I’m doing this to save you. You know that.”
“I know…” Izuku turned his head away, hands relenting their grip on his hair. “I just… wish there was another way. I wish it didn’t have to be like this at all.”
“Yeah. We both do,” Katsuki nodded, then reached out and loosely held the closer braid. “May I?”
“Go ahead.”
Izuku winced as they blade sawed through his hair, cutting close to his scalp and freeing his thick hair to rise up in a mess of curls around the right side of his head. Eyes still shut tight but not crying anymore, he turned the other way and let Katsuki chop off the other braid. He stifled a sob with his hand and realized how light he felt, the cool night air creeping into his scalp in ways he had not felt in a long, long time, then choked down whatever tears he had left in him to cry another day.
“I’m sorry, okay?” Katsuki broke the stiff silence.
“Can… can I keep them?” Izuku asked, eyes flitting open to see his two braids clutched tightly it Katsuki’s hand.
“What do you think I’m going to say?”
Izuku sighed.
“No, you’re right. That would be… dangerous.”
“Exactly. We’ll bury them in the morning.” He went back to his own bedroll, stuffing them into his satchel and pulling out the small jar of sticky black dye and a pair of leather gloves. “Turn around. And get comfortable. This is gonna take a while.”
Izuku nodded and did as he was told, waiting with dead eyes for the cold touch of Katsuki’s dye-slathered hands to run through his hair. It was surprisingly calming, almost like a soothing scalp massage, so he let his shoulders relax a bit and eyes shut, accepting that this was probably the best for him.
“There,” Katsuki said after a long time. “These gloves are ruined now, and so is your bedroll if you lie down. We’re gonna wait up and hour for it to set in, then rinse at out and go to sleep, okay?”
“Yeah, okay.”
This time, it was Katsuki’s turn to sigh.
“If you hate me now because of this–”
“I don’t hate you, Kacchan,” Izuku shook his head. “I hate the world. I hate myself. I hate what I am and what people will do to me because of it, but I don’t hate you.”
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
You gave an analysis of how the crackship boys feel about bakugou but how does he feel about them?
This turned out to be a long answer, not sure if I am on point though, just wrote down whatever came to mind. Hope you don't mind.
The Duo:
They are his goals that he's chasing. Both Getou and Gojo are very strong ("the strongest"). They are very confident in their abilities and true to their words, they are the best in their fields. Combined with the fact that both of them are good looking and intelligent, even if they chose not to be jujutsu sorcerers they would still do well in life (probably would have an easier life too). Katsuki is both proud of them and admires them. However, sometimes he is scared of them too. Gojo lived most of his life as a god amongst men so he can be very cold when reviewing problems/situations. Getou's problem...we all know what it is.
Katsuki knows Gojo is reliable when absolutely needed but Gojo won't be the first person he'd go to if he needs serious advices. I think Katsuki is the type of genius that's 99% hardworking but Gojo is the fully natural born genius, which means that Gojo has a hard time relating to Katsuki at times. Gojo is childish and immature, a ball of energy that Katsuki finds both endearing but also overwhelming. Katsuki finds it easier to get Gojo to do what he wants when he phrased things correctly.
He likes to spend time with Getou because it is often a quieter atmosphere. But Getou likes to decide stuff for him more (Getou will word it nicely though) and it's harder to change Getou's mind once he made a decision. Katsuki has a problem with this but it’s a slow process to work things out.
Katsuki in this fic is probably the least confident since he is always been chased (the curses, his parents wishing him to be even better) and chasing after someone or something else. Katsuki trusts them both but he also has a fear of being left behind. Gojo and Getou are older than him and the path they are on is a very difficult one. There are a lot of factors that is building barriers between them, especially since Katsuki wants to be a hero. They are also all young and people change, love sometimes isn’t enough to conquer reality.
He is scared of losing them too because death in this world is very common and even if they are strong, sometimes misfortune still happens. The jujutsu world is also very corrupted & Katsuki’s parents, even most of the people he knew (on the hero side + his parents) don’t think this relationship will end well. He is caught in a position where he feels that he loves the duo but also insecure about where their relationship will go and the stability of it. In a way, he’s hanging onto this relationship because he’s afraid he won’t find anything else.
Xanxus is family. He filled in the role of an older male figure/role model (admittedly, he’s not the best role model and wasn’t around much due to the whole being frozen stuff) in Katsuki’s earlier life. With him, Katsuki found attention and a lively household (and other not so great role models) that he lacked in his own house. In young Katsuki’s head, Xanxus = attention and warmth + people he could play with, which is a hell lot better than his empty house or being left alone in an office while his parents worked constantly. Also, what kid wouldn’t like a big bro who would take them to do all the cool things that their parents normally wouldn’t let them do ? This impression stuck with him as he grew.
Katsuki could relate to Xanxus as they both had problematic relationships with their family (or faced a degree of neglect in their childhood). He likes Xanxus because he knows he could rely on Xanxus to stick to his words and that if the sky was falling down, this man would shoulder it for him (with a lot of cursing and possibly a lot of dead people to follow but still LOL). Of course, Xanxus being mafia meant that Vongola will always come first for him, Katsuki will never be his top priority in life. This Katsuki could accept because he is doing the same, where he views his careers more important than being with Xanxus.
With Varia, Katsuki finds freedom that his parents and hero society can’t provide. Katsuki didn’t like wearing the dresses initially but now he does, since it acted as an outlet for him to relax and not be Bakugou Katsuki: Hero in training striving to be at the top and stay at the top. It’s freedom to unwind and rebel against his parents -> This is basically how he sees his relationship with Xanxus too. It’s wild and hot, like wildfire burning bright but also like a hearth during the winter that provided him serene warmth.
To him, they are on equal grounds in terms of what they could contribute into the relationship. Katsuki gets the family he wants, acquire skills/resources while Xanxus gets his cloud, a way to shut the Vongola elders up about getting married and chase off the unwanted troubles, plus someone to share a portion of the workload with (Squalo is good but he’s the strategic captain, one man can’t do everything). Basically, he is the perfect mafia wife for Xanxus and in return, he gets resources, connections, and a family. However, they are more like boss and his guardian (yes, Katsuki does take orders from Xanxus because he find that Xanxus is competent and deserving of such) at times so it’s more about loyalty and fidelity than love for them.
Katsuki knows Xanxus is a cruel piece of shit who swears like a sailor and is hot tempered and violent, but he chose to stay because he didn’t want to lose his family. Also, both of them had been constantly abandoned and Katsuki didn’t want to “betray” Xanxus, putting him though those feelings again. Katsuki is a bit jealous of Xanxus’s confidence in himself though XD
Katsuki sees Zeku as a partner on equal grounds in all the ways that matter. It’s very literally them against the world. Zeku had nothing and knew nothing when he first landed in Katsuki’s world & Katsuki needed Zeku to make Suribachi better. They are business partners working towards a common goal at first, thus, they have spent a lot of time building up trust and working with each other, which means they also had a lot of time to understand and get to know each other. With deeper understanding, comes a deeper connection. Zeku is quiet most of the time and Katsuki finds it calming, like he’s safe behind the protection of a castle made of rocks. They are cold and hard but provides him a sense of security that he desperately needs.
The affection between them is more “pure” for the lack of a better description compared to the other crackships. It didn’t stem from the need to provide something in order to gain something back for this Katsuki. The attraction came from seeing Zeku willing to put so much time and energy into making sure Katsuki was safe (or relatively safe since it’s Yokohama), seeing him work hard to build and provide, and the feeling of being Zeku’s no.1 priority to the point where he was willing to stay for Katsuki. Katsuki found it touching, and he was moved by the little things that Zeku did or didn’t do (like staying with him when he’s overwhelmed or carving him a bracelet, giving him control, etc). In a way, it’s kind of like how dripping water (Zeku’s efforts) can drill a hole through a rock (Katsuki’s heart) if given enough time.
This isn’t a good analogy but imagine them holding hands, shoulder to shoulder as they make their way through this journey called life. Sometimes they walk, sometimes they run, sometimes Zeku leads in the front and other times Katsuki does. They hit a crossroad and Katsuki choses the direction and makes the plans while Zeku clears the path if needed. So their relationship is very much about being honest and open, trusting each other, and love. Things are simpler for them because there’s no external factor to consider (like the jujutsu higher ups, traditions of the Gojo clan or the issues with hero and mafia) so they are loving each other with all their hearts.
A small part of Katsuki feels like he’s tying Zeku to this world and brings nothing but problems (with all the people looking for The Book and Yokohama’s weirdness). His mental state isn’t always the best, which is also emotionally exhausting for those around them in the long run. Thus, he tries to do a lot of things to keep Zeku happy and is more willing to compromise or listen to Zeku’s thoughts and feelings. They want the best for each other basically.
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