#prince bakugo
itgetzweird08 · 3 months
SECOND VARIATION LETS GO!! Again, this was inspired by this TikTok sound! Here is the link to the first version, so check that out too!
Prince! Bakugo x Reader
Okay so my second idea was Prince! Bakugo and Lower Status! Reader. Now, Bakugo has seen you at court for years. You grew up in the higher part of society, your parents’ names holding a bit of weight. This means Bakugo would see you at balls and teas and even on promenade. And every time he saw you, it was like his head would fill with static and his heart would damn near tumble out of his chest.
Everytime he spoke with you, it was all he could think about for weeks. You often spoke of recent books you’ve read, or a new play you’ve seen, or you would listen as he recounted his latest adventure. But you never really spoke past casual conversation.
However, we all know with Katsuki, it’s all about the little things. He would notice how you would tap your feet in time to the music being played at the ball, yet would claim that you had no rhythm when someone tried to dance with you. He noticed during high teas how you would always put two cubes of sugar in your cup, then secretly pop in between your lips when your mother wasn’t looking. He even noticed the way you always thanked the horse that pulled your carriage. This list of little things continued to grow, and slowly he began to hear your voice when you weren’t there, and would long to hear you laugh. Despite your few interactions, he was absolutely smitten. And as subtle as he tried to be, wanting to keep his pride and ego safe, it wasn’t subtle enough as his parents had noted his liking toward you.
The great general All Might seemed to bless him when his mother spoke to him about his arranged marriage. He was furious at first, panicked even, at the thought of marrying anyone but you. But at some point, your family had fallen on hard times, and your parents needed a saving grace. So they gave you away to the highest bidder, and no one bid higher than the King and Queen. Plus, not only would the marriage repair your parent’s name and status, but the Bakugo line was now sure to live on. It was a win win for everyone.
With white satin gloves smoothing over your clothes, you walked into the tea room where Prince Bakugo, your new fiancé, awaited you. His smile was gentle, a bit crooked even, and you thought to yourself “Maybe this won’t be so bad”
“I could never choose to love another”
“Maybe one day I could learn to love you…too”
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larabeedrawin · 2 years
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cw// implied nsfw , groping
✨My trashy romance novel cover✨
My second piece for the 2022 Kacchako Bang and @italianlily’s fantastical fic Brimstone Heart 🐉💎
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queendynamight2001 · 2 years
Please recommend me your favorite barbarian bakugo fic.
it can be of Wattpad, Tumblr, ao3, anything.
I am just really craving barbarian/prince bakugo.
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ohmi-ohmyj · 11 months
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Happy 1-year-deathiversary to this guy 💣💥🎉
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nooepkt · 1 year
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⚔️Knight Kirishima & Prince todoroki⚔️
His mission is to protect prince todoroki from his enemies. One in particular, Bakugo the Barbarian prince … 👀
I’m testing new thing with my style ;)
Do not use as a pfp since I’m using it myself. Thank you
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alexiazart · 2 months
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I don't have a finished drawing so take this :P
I may take a break for easter holidays as well (depending)
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ms0milk · 9 months
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𝟏𝟏 | 𝐖𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
ー✧ prince!bakugou x royal guard!reader
"Being safe from sand and ocean winds doesn’t seem worth it to the Alderan prince, not worth enough to miss the sun rising every morning. How could you die in a place like this? How could you possibly be okay with that?"
no cw unless you’re averse to apprehensive touch between enemies. reader and co recover from last night’s attack in their own ways. two fools stand too close in a cold hallway. three fools finally go to the sea and one of them can’t get you out of his head 6.8k
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Bakugou’s first memory of you is doused in blood. His second is somewhat more pleasant. Just two giant, shining eyes peering at him through a crack in the library door. You’re lightfooted now, sure, but back then he could feel you coming through the floorboards from how excitedly you wiggled at your self assigned post. You thought you were hiding. Him pretending not to notice, and you pretending it wasn’t hours after curfew.
Bakugou liked to do magic for you. Sometimes he waited for the sound of your heart or your twiddling thumbs before he blew out the candles around him and lit the first pink spark on his fingertips.
The prince can’t hear well enough anymore to recognize your heartbeat, so he’s been searching for your bedroom since dawn.
Wretched flashes of you play across his ash lashes like a curse. Of you toppling off a cliff like some psalmic tragedy. The pleading in your grasp but something– something else in the blacks of your eyes on the mages back. Relief? Like the first flecks of ease he’s seen since he made warm magic for your audience. If his fists weren’t drawing blood from his palms as he marched he might have reflected on how long he’s been watching you.
All this work just to wring your fucking neck. Takoba is ill-equipped for Bakugou’s Alderan thunderstorm. Castle marble trembles underfoot.
What the fuck were you thinking?
He’d like to throw your door open, demand an answer and then not tolerate a response. It’s been three hours of his tirade. Of startling footmen and growling at maids, before he finally catches the tailend of someone useful.
“Oi, Cheeks!”
Uraraka isn’t thrilled about this and pauses, considering for a moment, before turning around. She chews her lip instead of rolling her eyes.
It’s just short of miserable where the two of them are standing, freezing in this part of the castle and somehow also stuffy. The only windows are at the long ends of hallways. It smells old. Being safe from sand and ocean winds doesn’t seem worth it to the Alderan prince, not worth enough to miss the sun rising every morning. How could you die in a place like this? How could you possibly be okay with that?
“Where is she?”
“Gods, the pair of you–”
Uraraka, in her padded cotton sparing clothes, sags weight to one hip, “Kats, she’s your guard. What do you mean where is she?”
Bakugou hasn’t gotten enough sleep for this. Up until bitter hours with Aizawa and his men recounting the attack and now stalking Takoban hallways. A perfectly comfortable bed beside a steady fire, ruined by the memory of you.
He spits and pushes past the soldier. Fuck her, fuck it. He doesn’t hate you more than he wants to sleep.
“Last blue door,” Uraraka barks behind him, “and she doesn’t want help. I already tried.”
She grins nervously as the prince adjusts his gait, hardly hiding his beeline for the room at the end of the hallway. Fuck sleep. And more crucially, fuck you. You, setting great fires in Aldera’s name wherever you step and bursting at your simple seams to be righteous about it.
A blind man might be more prepared than him. Might remember why he avoided you all week– what he was going to say to you in the gardens those few hours ago, before the mage and blue fire.
Your door is already open a crack when Bakugou approaches with a egotistical lack of decorum. Storming and sauntering. Morning sunlight hardly illuminates anything on this side of the castle. He’s just cold enough, just close enough to the edge of irate that the thought of swinging it fully open with a roar fills him to the brim with grim satisfaction.
At a distance, Uraraka thinks about stopping him, but his wind up, his general air and the tense of his shoulders dies before he can cause the scene she knows he wants to.
Inside the crack, Bakugou deflates as you slip into view. You keep your back turned. Dark blush climbs up the parts of your neck neither hair nor nightgown cover and you stop your gentle drifting at the foot of your bed. Steam from a tub under your window fights with the sea draft. You’re trying to reach something– a ribbon? And your fingers tremble as they graze a tie at the back of your dress. Are you in a hospital gown? Bakugou peers inside silently, completely underestimating the shock of seeing you conscious.
You don’t look right without a sword. You don’t look right at all. Turn around. He can’t see– what did Uraraka say? Help with what?
Bakugou touches golden fingertips to the door’s beveled edges at the same time as you slam your fist hard to one of your bed’s four posters. The prince’s fingers twitch instead of startling but it’s too late because your ears work leagues better than his and you’ve spun right around to catch whoever it is that’s watching you. Uraraka drifts carefully around the corner.
“Wh– Highness?”
Your door flies open inward and Bakugou can tell you’re nursing your left arm by the way you reach with your right. Though your frustration deflates with a glimpse of him, it doesn’t shift to something comfortable. He’s not what fills you with ease.
He didn’t expect to be so disarmed by the sight of you alone but now that you’re here, solid and in front of him, he can’t stop remembering the state of you in the gardens. Wet and bleeding, bubbling and burnt to a crisp and still, still swinging a spear. You shouldn’t be getting dressed, you should be dead asleep in the hospital. Bakugou hasn’t thought this far and he doesn’t think he can yell anymore.
What did he come here to say to you?
You look like a proper wild Alderan this morning like he’s hardly ever seen you. Worn eyes and bed hair, battle scars and a bruise that peeks out from under your collar. It took seeing you for him to remember the last conversation you’d had.
You’re mine.
“Your arm,” he musters instead of thinking harder and tips his chin to your left.
“Do you have business with my arm, sir?”
The shallow cut down Bakugou’s chest has started to scab, the one from your sword in the gardens. His only injury from last night and not because of his skill in a fight. You are battle weary, exhaustion holding your eyes in your head and healing magic draining the life from your heart to keep your arm intact. Shame roils.
Great galloping fuck, do you ever stop staring? You look through him under the doorframe with huge dim eyes.
“What help do you refuse?”
Whoever said that has said it much too sweetly Bakugou tisks, and you seem to agree because your otherwise tired face sets itself to stone. He pities the person that would speak to you like honey, his kamikaze captain, until he realizes you are looking only at him in an empty hallway and that syrup has dripped like drool from his lips.
“Is that all?”
He would be more upset with you if you were wrong. If he hadn’t actually run out of things to say and couldn’t only focus on staying upright after a night with no sleep.
He sounds like fucking Kirishima. The same shithead who started to cry after cornering a loose-lipped Deku outside of Aizawa’s interrogation office. He might have blubbered on for hours about your injuries if Bakugou didn’t send him on a chore to collect breakfast.
The hospital you must have escaped from healed your wounds but missed more than a few patches of dark blood crusted up your neck and into your hair, and then Bakugou remembers he didn’t come here to stare. Every day of tutoring and diplomacy, every shouting match, every spar, every fist fight is failing him. What did he come here to say?
“Don’t be stubborn.” Not that.
“Is that an order?”
Takoba has sucked the soul from your eyes, day by day. They should be filled with fire. He distinctly remembers fire, but today you hang in the doorway without a weapon and just wait for him to leave. Speak too quickly for him to think. You can’t even stare at him right anymore and it’s pissing him off.
You look like shit, he considers grunting, you smell worse. You gray my fucking hair, run away home. Go die for someone else. The broad prince shuffles his tongue over his teeth when vitriol doesn’t find its way from his mouth and while the pair of you watch each other too close in this cold hallway something so much worse sneaks out.
“It is.”
He wants to spit the second the sounds leave his mouth.
“Yes, sir.”
And immediately the word ripples his skin from his bones, his sinews try to tear from his body every time you utter it and he knows now that you do it on purpose. Before Bakugou can recover and growl and kick his way through this cursed castle out of your stoney company, you turn your back to him and wait without moving, “The knot, sir.”
It’s so much worse without your staring. To stand with you alone and out of his mind with exhaustion and for your eyes to be anywhere other than burning holes through his head.
How dare you. Bakugou vibrates as he watches unmarred knuckles reach forward in time to register that his own hand is going to touch you. Even injured, your posture is still perfect, unsettling, and it’s taken twenty years for the prince to realize that you’re no bigger than a sunflower. You carry yourself like a dragon through his castle but it would take two of your hands to cover one of his. And you thought you could kill the flame mage? You thought he was worth your Alderan life?
In the time between dreading the closeness and pinching the bow at your back in his fingers, Bakugou remembers his fury. All the senseless shit he meant to say in the gardens suffocates in the smoke hate tends.
You, who orders your soldiers like an old general and then refuses to eat with them. You who hunt and kill for the queen but stumble through professionalism when it comes time to look at him. Do you smile alone, in your room or with your master? Or is subservience a full time job?
You’ve pulled the tie free of its bow with your stupid struggling and now Bakugou needs both hands to pick at a knot too small for his fingers because you can’t ask for help. You want to die so badly? Do it out of eyesight.
He focuses for one second too long to keep his magic from spiking with his anger like a teenager and with that second he finally pulls the fucking ribbon loose and– and it’s bad.
It’s ugly. You’re not bleeding, they’ve closed you up, but black bruises reach from your shoulder so far down your back he has to blink away when his eyes follow the trail too quickly. The back of the gown begins to open. Turning bruises purple, a scar like tree sap creeps out from under your sleeve, up your neck and down your spin. The burn. A pink scar like sparks in his twilight library.
Shuzenji can only do so much with bruises but this welt? It looks too angry to touch cloth. She couldn’t put in some goddamned effort? You saved her useless queen for all she knows and she couldn’t spare a fucking second to put you back together again?
Creativity given too much platform by your silence, a much worse thought surfaces. Did you escape, or were you discharged half patched like this to make room for more important patients? Royal patients. Blood in your hair.
Bakugou spent fifteen Julys in this Takoban hellhole, every summer for diplomacy or training or vacation, or whatever the fuck his mom decided to call forced socialization that year. He might as well have spent all fifteen years in the hospital for all the trouble he got into by the sea. Pirates and sparring or krakens, whathave you. There was never a broken bone bad enough, a concussion so blinding that Shuzenji couldn’t fix it.
“I’m no god, Katsuki.” She’d murmur even when he was too dazed to hear properly. Always, always she reminded him. How long had it been? How did he forget? “I can only use what you give me. If I take too much you’ll die.”
Your room reeks of the sea even with the windows closed and blue infects its every inch. Even the steaming tub at the foot of your bed tinges green at its bronze lips.
“Highness.” Your voice is a call on the wind when Bakugou realizes how tight he’s still holding your ribbons. You are a subtle source of warmth kissing his knuckles in a cold corridor and he can’t get away from you fast enough. You turn. Your shoulders drop and your gown drops with them, your big eyes catch the corner of your face and where anyone else might be coy you look through him like a hound.
“Thank you.”
The sounds that comes out makes him feel like a hound. Like a bark, tch, “Fuck back off to the hospital.”
“Is that an order?”
Your beautiful golden prince spits at your feet and turns away down the hall.
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You wouldn’t have gone back even under orders. You woke up in the surgery the second Shuzenji put her hands on you. Searing wet pain and a thousand stitches and where her magic used to feel bubbly, this night was just fire. Blue fire, Takoban fire.
You were the only collateral from the attack. It should have filled you with pride that you protected not only your prince, not only a queen, her heirs, her champions, and guards, but her entire castle. Still, alone in the hospital with a rum cloth jaw clenched to keep from screaming– in the seconds or hours it took to hammer you together again– liquor was a welcomed distraction from the taste of mageblood.
Shinsou was there in flashes looking over you on the table and then in a blink holding someone back from the door, red hair like Kirishima, and hatred like molten sugar spilled from your every sweating pore on the operating table. Where was he? Your prince’s Champion left him alone in a hostile country with only one guard and the incompetence of Takoba to keep him alive. If wrath could send letters, your Mitsuki would be inundated.
“C’mon miss martyr, head down please.” Uraraka’s smiling more than you’d like as she runs a sponge across your back. The bathwater is a touch too cold for you and still so hot that her arms have gone pink in the space where she’s rolled up her sleeves.
“I can wash myself.”
“Kats didn’t send me in here to watch a pretty girl wash blood out of her own hair,” the pink guard chuckles and you hate to waste this comfort filled with fury.
Before Shuzenji could wrap any part of you in bandages, a knock at the hospital door took her from attention. Shinsou had long disappeared so you slipped from the bed and through a door at the end of the room.
Footmen and maids balked as you whisked through the halls half-dressed and bloody. The guard stationed maddeningly at your bedroom door didn’t hesitate when you burst from the darkness and growled for hot water. You wouldn’t give your prince the satisfaction of sauntering through the castle nearly naked again but you had been stripped of your padding and armor, your weapons, and a generous serving of blood. The prince had to wait.
“I won’t really wash your hair if you don’t want me to,” Uraraka murmurs this time instead of laughing and you are back in safe company.
The smell of the sea makes you sick.
A change of clothes she brought for you from her soldiers' quarters lays nervously across your bed generally afraid to be worn. Rife with silver bits and baubles, limp where your Alderan uniform would be imposing. You’ll look like a doll and suddenly you’re angry all over again.
Uraraka is gentle when she rinses suds off your shoulders but the itch over the new skin there is deep and welcomed. The brush of Bakugou’s knuckles in the hallways left streams of goosebumps that still won’t fall and that you refuse to think about. Not his hands, never again.
“Do you like looking like this?”
Uraraka leans forward so you can see her expression and gestures vaguely to the room with her elbow, “Like what?”
“Like,” you slip your good arm over the edge of the bronze tub and water platters on rugs, “this.” You're both eyeing the Takoban uniform now.
“Do I like looking beautiful?”
“Like decoration.”
“I am decoration.”
Salt carries on a breeze through the room that persists even with the windows closed and your arm drops from the lip as you settle back down in your bath. That’s right. A few weeks away from home and suddenly you’re playing Royal Captain instead of war fodder, too good for a borrowed pair of greaves.
“Alderan uniforms are beautiful too,” the guard offers, but you rest your head a bit too limply in her hands as she brings water up your nape.
Your voice is tired, “Do you like giving orders?”
“Do you?”
“I like having a bed and sending money home to my parents.”
“Do you like fighting?”
“I do.”
Your queen is as fiery as her son, but did Jeanist have to tame her first? Or did she have to break him into a shape she liked to look at? Was it an honor? After hardly a month of travel together, Prince Bakugou had pulled up the edges of your identity like a bored child with cheap wallpaper. Fifteen years without so much as three words, then three weeks of torture and still somehow the thought of returning to Aldera where he won’t so much as growl towards your post makes your stomach ache. Where you will never be allowed to raise a weapon against him. Being decoration never bothered you before.
“I like free food and looking pretty,” Uraraka steadies her hand at the base of your neck and holds you tight, “I love my master, I love my friends, I love my city and my people. I miss my mom, I’m afraid to die, I can’t budget, I’ve never been in love,” her fingers pulse warm over your new skin, “I think I’m lucky.”
You think so too. You bring your knees closer in the water, “You look like a chandelier.”
Uraraka tilts your head gently towards the seashell uniform, smiling, “We look like chandeliers.” And then there’s a knock at the door. Your heart beats golden for a second.
“Y/n? Please tell me you’re in here.” Kirishima and his unmitigated gaul. Blood turns red again.
As you sit up properly, your pink guard shouts before you can find a weapon, “She’s in the bath!”
“Come back to the hospital, Y/n. Have you eaten? I brought breakfast, please can I come in?” Doors are made of shit driftwood here so you can hear his ragged breath even through the walls and gods, you start to sweat again.
You’re stiff, not bedridden. Your shoulders can roll again and a scar can’t keep you from raising a weapon, “You’d better arm yourself if you want to speak with me, Champion.”
“Y/n please–”
“Ei go eat without us!” Uraraka plants her hands on your shoulders when you draw your knees under yourself to keep you from rising fully, “Go on, it’s okay I’m here.”
You don’t like how slowly it sounds like he’s moving. Kirishima rests something on the floor with a click and then clears his throat, “I’ll– I’ll tell the others you’re okay.”
“You do that,” Uraraka chirps for you again. She rinses her hands in the water beside your ribs as awkward footsteps pad away from the room. You settle back down on your hips and long for hot water. “What’s your problem with the Champion?”
Your body is a rusted machine and it’s too hard to find words for your anger. Her Takoban Champion threw himself off of a cliff to save you. Your Champion ate dinner for a few hours too long instead presumably because he was staring at Lady Mina. An Alderan embarrassment. Another knock.
This one is much too loud and in no way enunciatory. Your door flies open this time with Bakugou attached to the knob.
“Shitty Hair!” He howls over the edge of the door and down the hallway, “Almost wore this breadbowl as a boot, pick up your motherfucking food!”
Uraraka’s hands go limp at your back and she must be staring as blankly as you are because your prince only looks normal– milky and ferocious– until he turns inside to speak. It’s almost endearing how quickly his shoulders and scowl drop into a look entirely foreign on his face as he takes in the scene in front of him.
The first thing you’ll do when you get home is have tea with Master Jeanist under your favorite Saturday tree and laugh over the many expressions of your hellfire prince, for he dearly loves to gossip. He thinks the Bakugous are the most beautiful family in the country, and he’s right, and it’s infuriating in a thousand ways.
The prince clears his throat, hand still tight on the doorknob, “I’m going to the sea.” And he speaks to the bed because something has stopped him from looking at you. The veins in his hands dance. The air might as well be frozen.
With one movement he blinks to the window over both of your heads and steps backwards into the hallway, door closed and absolutely uncharacteristically silent as morning air.
Uraraka’s knuckles crack when her fingers twitch but that’s the only movement or sound either of you are allowed before your door flies open one more time and Bakugou, fuming frowning and bursting with something to say, explodes inside again. This time one slippered foot is deep in a shepherd's pie. Not even your bathwater stirs. Not a single sound comes from his clenched teeth, not even when his lips part to speak.
Six and holding your hands, eleven and soaked in a fruit filled hallway, all grown up and full of hate, always making magic in the library.
“I can ride,” you spare him, and Bakugou manages to look at you for a beat, to stare with jeweled eyes, before closing the door again.
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A faint smell of meat and potatoes permeates the fresh air even with a new pair of shoes on. Bakugou huffs in his saddle. Todoroki doesn’t notice. The Takoban prince is too busy tacking your horse while his grooms watch on nervously.
“Just let them do it for her, get on already.”
“Certainly not.”
He knows it’s pointless but he would still rather work himself to fury with feather-brained Todoroki than sit with the image of you. Propped up in the bath with your hair down, a huge handprint scar wrapped around your bicep.
“Almost finished.”
Bakugou agonizes at the pace, but as his airhead companion finally secures the billet strap under the chest of a mottled cream gelding, Uraraka leads you into the stable, knocking to announce your presence like that would do anything to dull the incessant shock of seeing you on two feet after just last night, wiping mageblood and tears from your cheeks.
You look insane. A black Alderan tunic you must have had tucked away somewhere and bright white Takoban riding pants. Blue strings poke off your hips at odd intervals like you’d ripped some of the baubles off but there are plenty more gems and silver seashells to catch the eye.
“Y/n,” Todoroki is animated when he says your name and Bakugou realizes he’s been staring. The Takoban prince rushes to meet you and your escort and crumples immediately to the ground.
Bakugou groans, head fully back, “Fucking– again? C’mon half n’ half, up.”
“Y/n, please accept my deepest apologies.” Todoroki always sort of sounds like he’s mumbling but this time he’s pressed his hands and face to the ground. You, with the quick wit, look between the prince and Uraraka at a loss for what to say. “You are a guest and to be injured on the grounds is unforgivable. The flame mage will be caught. Captain Hawks has returned and his men patrol the city at–”
“Y/n!” Another voice, this one less grating, booms through the open air. Kirishima rounds the corner, startling staff, and Bakugou’s no psychic but you don’t seem thrilled. His Champion rushes you– idiot– and stops just out of arm’s reach still in his bedclothes. He’s gotten more sleep than both of you combined but looks significantly shittier for it. “A soldier picked this out of rubble, I’m so sorry.” He opens his fist and perched in his soft hand like a pearl is your broach. White dragontooth. “We couldn’t find your halberd.”
There’s a moment of stillness for all involved, Todoroki on the ground, Kirishima and Uraraka beside you, before you turn sharp and stare directly at your prince. You are a painting. You’re always steadying an invisible weapon at your hip even in a nightgown, and where the fire in your eyes has died something hungry and possessive replaced it. Black like the ocean. Infinite. The jewelry in Bakugou’s ears begins to burn.
Todoroki raises his head curiously and muck and hay stick to his forehead. Groomsmen rush to wipe him off as you turn back and offer him a hand. Your bad hand, Bakugou notes from his high horse, and frowns with your next words to him. “Highness, please don’t muss yourself for me.”
One more movement after pulling Todoroki up, smooth like water– and it is so obvious that you are trained to kill– you pluck your broach out of Kirishima’s palm and fasten it to your chest as you spit at his feet.
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Takoba is not endearing and Bakugou is on hour thirty-one without sleep. Everyone else might have forgotten but he surely hasn’t, the reason why Alderans are here at all. The observatory, a ball, the Takoban King and diplomatic relations. Bakugou sat through more meetings this month than the sum total of his life, in twinkling cold offices and throne rooms without fireplaces. Hardly time to breathe alone. He wraps his horse’s reins in his fingers in case he falls asleep with its canter over city cobblestones.
“Highness, there are too many blindspots.”
Bakugou opens his eyes with your words as he’s done for the whole afternoon, and frowns when he realizes for the thousandth time that you’re addressing Todoroki. The three of you ride at leisure down the central roads of the Takoban castletown. Every rocky step they take he looks forward to you, expecting this bump to be your last. Expecting you to finally slip sideways off your gelding in exhaustion like he so dearly would like to do. You don’t. You only bark at civilians to keep their distance or direct them away with tilts of your head. You are simply you again, riding tall and alert with no suggestion of the mage-eater you become in blue light. No hints that you have ever shed a tear in your life.
He shakes his head free of the thought. Citizens gawk, but generally don’t stop their errands to do anything more than watch as you all ride past.
“Astute. What do you recommend, Officer?”
Bakugou doesn’t need to open his eyes to know you hate being called an officer. He can hear it in the way you pause before responding, and then he growls through a laugh at the back of the caravan when you find the right words.
“I recommend not touring the town that potentially housed a fugitive.”
Todoroki probably planned this tour for Bakugou weeks ago, excited to show him all the developments to the city in the years he’s been away. He’s not one for change. Shinsou knocked him unconscious to keep him from fighting last night and the first thing the blue prince did upon waking from a terrorist attack was ask Bakugou to confirm today’s agenda.
“Is there a more private area included in this tour, Highness?”
There’s a beat of silence and Bakugou snorts again.
“Could you please take us there?”
“Of course.”
The Takoban prince seems unaware of his dazzling presence as he guides his horse’s white head at a sharp turn to the west. Bakugou too, in his exhaustion, doesn’t realize how much attention he’s drawn from a city he’s so familiar with. A city so safe, its blue prince doesn’t need a guard.
“Oi,” you hiss on Bakugou’s other side and faster than he’s able to turn, you’re already pulling back on your reins to sidle around him. Your horse doesn’t seem the least bit disgruntled with the maneuver and flashes of consciousness pour between Bakugou’s eyes as he remembers bits of the night you arrived here, bleeding, begging. “Hands to yourself.”
Something pathetic like a dog whimpers below him and your prince peers over his thigh towards the cobblestones where a child is frozen between reaching out to touch his silver stirrup and staring in horror at you, a dark cloud behind them. The child, in modest warm clothes, backs away and flinches when your good arm jerks across your chest with your attention.
On his right, an older kid yelps and falls flat on his ass with two little hands clutching his head. Bakugou considers laughing out loud at this, husky and full of sleep; when he looks back at you, your hand hovers over your saddle’s grain bag and it becomes apparent you’ve walloped a child in the street with horse feed.
Everything feels insignificant when you’ve missed a night of sleep.
He has spent thirty one hours thinking of you. Watching you shoot, skipping lunch to hide, finding the words to speak to you. Being filled with so many things and then twisted excitement against your blade. Dread. Recounting your every step to one hundred officers. Searching for the hospital. Searching for your room.
You have spent those same thirty one hours awake, furious, burnt, bleeding, and then fully dressed on horseback. You are an exceptional guard. You are professional to a fault and it should drive him insane.
“You’re terrible with kids,” Bakugou rumbles as he rips a silver bauble off his vest and tosses it over his shoulder to the twerp flat on cobblestones.
You ride past him to follow Todoroki, “I manage you well enough.”
It doesn’t. Not even when you feign stoicism at the edge of the sea, not for a second. Because when Todoroki’s obnoxiously white horse leads the three of you past castle guards and down a private beaten path– under Bakugou’s favorite marble archway and out onto the beach, something hums in your black eyes.
It is the loveliest stretch of coast in the world, because it is protected by evil. On one side a steep grassy hill that bleeds into the marble castle, on the other, golden sand dotted with black volcanic rocks. The rocks tumble still and algaed into the blue sea, daring ships to beach there. Today the water rolls over itself in tiny frothing peaks as it does before a storm but the color is cold and charming and you have never been so close to the edge of the world before.
As your three horses trot onto soft sand, you turn your head to watch waves making their music and Bakugou can see your face outlined by the late sun. Your wide eyes. It will set soon. You are so much more adept than he is at hiding inside of yourself.
“The observatory,” Todoroki pipes up in the lead and points towards a white spire Bakugou’s never seen before, jutting like a mushroom off the side of the castle above you. In one movement, the blue prince dismounts from his horse and turns back towards you Alderans with another arm outstretched. “Come.”
Bakugou knows this beach. It’s broken his bones. He watches it every morning from his bedroom window.
Ahead of him the blue prince offers you his arm as you swing a leg over your saddle. Your body doesn’t hint to injury but you nod thankfully at the gesture and salt water rises in Bakugou’s throat.
“You were attacked in the old gardens last night,” Todoroki, standing too close, points up high towards the castle on the cliff, “All the way on the other side. The castle curves around the bend with the beach– although, it’s only cliff on that side.”
You stare as high as the sun will allow, “It’s a huge property.”
“Natural marble deposits in that cliff helped build the foundation. My family has lived here for hundreds of years.” Todoroki turns from your side and he is always so cluelessly pretty it’s irritating, to call out to Bakugou who’s frowning at the braids in his horse’s hair, “Katsuki did you k–”
But four syllables in and your prince is already waving his hand dismissively, “Fuck all the way off half n half. Give the Captain your shit tour guide speech and leave me out of it.”
So you follow Todoroki, who nods, to the edge of the sea.
“Whose garden was it?” You murmur in casual interrogation.
“My mother’s. A long time ago.”
Bakugou knows exactly what question you’re holding back and so does Todoroki, “The king,” he offers. You nod again. You can hide but you’re no liar. Something sours for just a second.
As Bakugou pulls a knapsack off his saddle to use as a pillow while the two of you splash about, you walk too slowly over the sand beside your tour guide and his first thought is injury until your lips part with timid breath. You move like a soldier, undeterred by uneven footing and fresh wounds, but you stare like a doe.
“Have you touched the sea before?”
You shake your head at the Takoban prince already a length ahead of you and tugging off his boots. The autumn air is warmed by the sun, but getting wet would make a miserably cold ride back.
“You should take off your shoes first,” he smiles. Bakugou spits over his shoulder and unsettles the horses.
You oblige the blue prince like you would any royal but you don’t do it quite so lifelessly as usual. Todoroki gives you his arm again for balance as you tug off one boot then another and bend at the waist to try and pull your pants legs away from the impending surf. You should look like a toddler, your prince should be laughing, but suddenly the sun has started to set and instead he realizes that somehow an entire day got away from him.
Bakugou formed his own opinions of the sea years ago, but he can’t remember the first time he saw it. Stepped foot in it. He reclines on the beach frowning, warm with sleep, and watches quietly.
You are mesmerized. Between black rocks you approach the water and stare. You bite your lip when you’re thinking this hard and the sun’s at just the right angle to reflect dancing shapes onto your chest. The frothing surf twinkles. It reaches for you with limp blue fingers. Two more times before you let it touch you and then your shoulders hitch.
Todoroki smiles, “Cold, isn’t it?”
“It’s alive.”
Do deer freeze in the first drops of a rainstorm? You aren’t made for the sea. You’re meant to hunt and make fires and sit under forest trees and eat plums in warm quarters. You shouldn’t have come.
Bakugou closes his eyes in the golden warmth and midnight pictures of you in the library come before sleep. Six years ago when curfew let up, you started eating alone in the library under the Great Oak and entirely ruining his time at peace to study wild magic. Sometimes you wore your uniform, sometimes a nightgown and cloak, and always he watched from the hallway above. Checking for the nights your guard assignments kept you posted elsewhere. The sight of you sores something in him.
Bakugou’s eyes fly open when the cool-headed Todoroki actually raises his voice and the first thing he dreads is a half-dead mage rising from the waves you threw him into. He’s already up on an elbow to rise, but the blue prince has raced through the shallow water to where it hits his hip and grabs your arm– your bad arm– again. You’re mid sea-strong stride and many meters farther out than before your prince closed his eyes. Your riding pants are fully gray with wet. What are you doing?
“I saw something.”
Todoroki urges you inland, “What?” But you shake your head.
Your body rocks with the rhythm of strong tides like you’re dancing. Waves roll gently through you from the left and right and even with your back turned to him, Bakugou knows exactly what kind of face you’re making. What did you see? He was right this morning and cocky this afternoon, you should be in the hospital.
“You’re not strong enough for the tides, Y/n,” Todoroki starts, and your prince also knows a lecture from anyone other than your queen is going to whistle right through those fucking ears, “The shallows drop out just past that break, and you’ll exhaust yourself before the rip current releases you.”
Bakugou can see the scene play out like a script. You’ll acquiesce for no more reason than the Takoban prince outranks you, but before you do as you always have, sunset catches the corner of your face and something bright blinks in the blacks of your eyes. Something like candlelight.
“I’m alright, Highness.”
Bakugou twitches.
“You’re injured.”
It’s just a second you take to glance over your shoulder across the horizon and in that second both eyes blaze redhot like they’ve eaten your candles whole and die black again just as quickly. You nod, “Yes sir,” and accept the guidance of Todoroki’s arm back towards the shore while Bakugou watches propped on a tense bicep, studying his ache. You are a nightmare.
A nightmare the sea wants to swallow, because as you’re led to shallow water two waves meet and a new break forms behind your thighs. The strength of the sea kicks yours and the Takoban prince’s feet uneven in the sand and the pair of you are sent backward a step and then forward by the hips into a beaching wave. In the setting sun the sea grows darker.
You resurface in just a second from clam shell surf silent and wide eyed, but Bakugou is already up. He should be laughing, especially as Todoroki rises from the water with a halo of foam blinking just as dumbfounded next to you. Seawater drips from your lips.
“We are certainly not swimming now.”
And something entirely new happens. On your knees, soaked through, you stare at the blue prince for a beat and then drop your head back in laughter. Your tunic clings helplessly to the curves of your chest, shaking and expanding with your breath. The sound is starlight. Another wave, smaller, climbs over your shoulder while you sit in the surf and washes over your head. Your hair is made of seashells.
“You’ll get sick!” Snorting on water now, Todoroki tries to help you up but the receding tide sucks sand out from under you both, knocking you gently into one another, giggling together, and doused again. The sunset frames your wide grin. You are no longer in the library, in fact you are nowhere to be found.
“Give me your hand.”
The corners of your eyes are red from salt and crinkled with a smile when you tilt your head up towards Bakugou in the pinking sunset, wet to his knees above you with a strong arm outstretched. You shiver. You without magic. You with nine lives. Him staring at your seashell crown through messy blond hair.
He draws breath through bared teeth. It’s an ill joined feeling, how quickly your new smile drops, how quickly the stars hang themselves back up in the sky at the sight of him. You aren’t a doe, you’re a dragon. Quiet pertinacity bleeds black from you into the sea.
“You’ll ruin your pants, sir.”
And he’s no longer sure he could stop you from anything without killing you first.
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tagged angels ✧.* @nnubee @dilftaros @nonomesupposedto @zombiewarprincess @kotarousproperty @strawberry-mentos69 @sveetnn @eirlysian @lunrai @km7474 @arayoflia @annoyingleftpinky @noomaisdone @cr33pycrawler @iced-chai-tea-latte @cathwritestragediesnotsins @tragicallygray @idimmadontgiveashit @kooromin @k1tk4tkatsuki @litiri @kiwibao @kiwifuji @mmmaackerel @sarcasticlittlebook @condy-wants-a-cookie @mysticalfridge @dududubebo @falling4fandoms @katanaski @babitchsuki @romiinlove @cherripunch26 @acid-rain27 @madmayo @bakugouswh0r3 @heart-of-haunt @zukowantshishonourback @420mitskilover @ultracrii @nochuonii @carrobrumbrum @bkgthinker @chandiewashere @sleezy-axeriix @screechingdreameater @mecuryxmoonstone @onlysarcasm @ilovemushroomss @when-you-are-just-done @levisbae2 @flyhighinthesky @1astr0id1 @thebluespacecow @mizzfizz @king-shimura @butterscotch-ripple-icecream
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dekusdarling · 6 months
Happy Birthday
“Shotoooooooo” was the voice that rang out, the voice that brought a grin to Shoto Todoroki’s face as he was poked and prodded in the cheek, an instrumental version of “Happy Birthday” playing in the background.
He almost didn’t want to open his eyes; this was perfect enough as is.
But eventually he did.
“Does IcyHot just never wake up?” The voice of a certain blond grumbled from what sounded like the doorframe, causing Shoto’s eyes to flutter open like a motherfucking Disney Prince.
What he opened his eyes to was basically straight out of a Disney movie in his own mind anyways.
Y/n was there, right in front of him, smiling like the angel they were as they pressed gentle kisses to his face.
“Morning, birthday boy,” they mumbled against his cheek, peppering him with kisses until he couldn’t help but laugh, sitting up in his bed. “Good morning, Y/n. Everyone.” He said with a nod, barely acknowledging the other people in the doorway, of which there were quite a lot. But his eyes were focused on the person in front of him, sitting on his bed and grinning like it was their own birthday.
It was refreshing, the clear excitement, all for him. All from the person he adored most, his partner, his friend, his crazy, wild, sweet, utterly wonderful lover.
He was in a perfect state of bliss the whole morning, where he was dragged to the table and fed numerous amounts of food, all tasty in their own ways, but much better when he had a certain someone on his lap, cradling his face while they fed him strawberries and eggs and toast. He was promised soba for lunch, just how he liked it. He was happy.
Really, truly happy, a happy he hadn’t felt in… ever.
He didn’t even have time to change, clad in his pajamas all day, hair tousled and teeth unbrushed, to which no one complained, and yet he felt anxious. He tried to ignore it, he knew why it was there. All he could think about was what would my old man say?
That wasn’t a thought he wished to have at the moment. It was his birthday, after all, he didn’t need to worry about things like hair and showers. He was 17 now.
It wasn’t until lunch was being made, by Bakugo, who had been nominated best cook a week ago (and was secretly proud of it), when Y/n wrapped their arms around his neck from behind, pressing kisses to his cheek and temple and whispered “Would you like to get dressed, my dearest heart?” to which he nodded and stood up, his mind hazy as he was led back to his dorm and into his bathroom, his hair being brushed for him, and his clothes being picked out.
He deserved it, it was his special day, being doted on came with that. Package deal.
But clearly his mind was elsewhere, something he didn’t realize until Y/n’s hand was on his, which was halfway through pulling off his shirt. A rare blush formed on his cheeks as he yanked his shirt back onto his abdomen, mumbling half thought out apologies.
“Something on your mind, Shoto?” They asked quietly, worriedly, their hands still on his as he nodded solemnly.
He didn’t know what he wanted, he had everything he needed. His partner, his friends, food, gifts, cake (ok, the cake wasn’t quite ready, but he knew it was coming), his famil- oh.
He looked back up at them, a sense of true and utter embarrassment on his face as he whispered, “I miss my family.”
Words he didn’t think he would say today.
Birthdays at the Todoroki household were not celebrated in a very… traditional way.
Shoto often got a pat on the back from his old man, and a gift from Natsuo and Fuyumi, often something they’d bought with money they’d scraped together (they were too virtuous, i.e. prideful, to use Enji’s credit card). It wasn’t a whole lot, but it was normal.
He hadn’t spent a birthday away from the house yet. It was an upsetting thought, the mixed emotions whirling around his pretty little head and bringing tears to his two toned eyes, which he wiped away with confusion.
It was a heartbreaking sight, he looked so confused and upset, and on his birthday. Y/n wouldn’t stand for that. Not their baby.
Shoto was led out of the room so fast he almost got whiplash, tripping over his own feet and protesting quietly (“Y/n, I never got changed-”) as she dragged him to the common room and sat him on the couch, nodding to Momo, who brought out a computer, already dialing Fuyumi.
Fuyumi picked up immediately, a smile on her face as she set her own computer down, revealing herself with Natsuo and Enji, all wearing party hats, some of them (ahem, Endeavor) trying to pull the cardboard triangles off. Fuyumi elbowed Natsuo, and they all broke out into the “Happy Birthday” song, pushing and nudging like the perfect, imperfect family they were.
All for Shoto.
He could barely keep it together, tears dripping down his face as he talked, conversed normally with his family, his soba being handed to him quietly.
It really was the best birthday he ever had.
The cake, the song, the kisses Y/n gave him, all the way to the last hour, where Y/n was cuddled up with him, hoping to watch his birthday come to its end.
They fell asleep before it ended.
Shoto Todoroki ended his birthday with a smile on his face, truly happy.
Happy Birthday, Shoto.
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thehusbandoden · 5 months
Thank you so much for all of your support! I can't believe I'm 15 followers away from 500! You are all so sweet and I appreciate and love every single one of you!
On a side note, I have a Bakugo x reader royal AU fic started. I'm planning on making it shorter than my horrendous other fics I've started, so I'm hoping it will be out when I hit 500 or shortly after.
For a bit of context, it will be enemies to lovers. You're Bakugo's maid whom he despises because he "doesn't need a nanny". Right now he's a total a-hole.
I'm guessing there will be 10-15ish chapters, but I'm not sure! If you would like to be tagged in it you can either leave a comment (anywhere, I look at all my comments), send me a message, or an ask.
If you'd like any updates/sneak peaks just let me know!
Once again thank you so much for all of your support and love, I truly do appreciate it!
Have a lovely day/night! <333
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hahawasabi · 4 months
grinding on a new animation project, it'll have my beloved loser (affectionate) nezha,
the lofl chang'e (no srsly, SHE IS SO CUTE.),
and some other characters i wont note, or smthn.
this is all because im bored
..i probably wont finish it.
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simp2537 · 5 months
Requests are open
My request box is open! I write for a bunch of fandoms and characters that I’ll list below.
Percy Jackson
Character: Percy, Annabeth, Grover and I do the Greek gods and stuff. I might add more characters from the series/show so ask if you’re not sure.
Character: Aleksander, Alina, Nikolai, Zoya, Genya, Kaz, Jesper, Nina, Inej, Matthias, (I haven’t read the series all the way through but I have seen the show and read the demon in the wood)
Harry Potter
Characters: Golden trio era, Marauders era, and Fantastic Beasts
Characters: Caspian, Peter, Edmund, Lucy, Susan
Characters: Just general Disney, like the Princess, Princes, Disney channel and stuff
Characters: Jake, Neytiri, Tsu'tey, Lo'ak, Tsireya, Tonowari, Ronal, Neteyam and Spider
My Hero Academia
Characters: Deku, Dabi, Shoto, Kiri, Mina, Bakugo, Shōta, others
Hunger Games/ TBOSAS
Characters: Katniss, Peeta, Gale, Coriolanus, Lucy, and Finnick
John Wick/ John Constantine
Stranger Things
Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, 001/Henry Creel, Billy Hargrove, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley
Tales of Arcadia
Characters: Jim Lake, Claire Núñez, Toby Domzalski, Douxie Casperan, Krel Tarron, Aja Tarron And so many others I just can’t think of them right now. If there’s a fandom you’re wondering about just ask and I’ll see what I can do. I do platonic, romantic, Female, Male, neutral, working on yandere stuff, angst, head-cannons, working on smut. Have a lovely day 🥰🥰
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Realizing all of my favorite characters ever have been metalheads (not bc they actually listen to metal, just bc they are). I've been destined/doomed to become a metalhead from the start
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pikahlua · 1 year
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More of them parallels
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku AU Barista Bakugo
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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Stories linked on titles are NOT mine.
Some contain mature content.
Read tags. Check Ratings.
Credit to @primabohr for the art.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Better Latte Than Never by dynyamight
Summary: Katsuki writes Izuku’s coffee cups every Friday morning, and jots down shitty names for Kaminari to call every time.
He wonders why Izuku keeps coming back. It bothers his heart.
Rated - General Audiences
Rated - General Audiences
The Nerd and the Shitty Barista by Tokiji
Summary: “Hello, rude barista?” The brunette called. “You can stop ogling my best friend now.”
“Go fuck yourself, Round Face,” he replied without missing a beat, eyes still fixated on Deku’s bubble butt.
She huffed, rolling her eyes, but he could hear her sly grin as she said, “You know, your hot chocolate here isn’t really that good.”
“Hah?” He finally turned to her, brows furrowed from her completely random comment. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means,” she started, slowly, like she was about to tell him where he could find the answers to his next exam. “That Izuku insists on coming here for something other than your drinks.”
One Shot | No Quirks AU
Rated - Explicit
For the Road by chibicharlie95
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki works hard to remain professional as a coffee shop barista, but its really freaking hard when your mailman is this attractive!
One Shot | No Quirks AU
Rated - General Audiences
Hotter, Scarier, Better Barista by elisosly
Summary: Izuku Midoriya is in mourning, ok? His favorite barista, Dabi, had quit the local Starbucks and Izuku was not fairing well. He had been avoiding the coffee haven like the plague until he was unceremoniously dragged there by his so called best friend Ochako Uraraka and left STRANDED. Little did he know he'd be professing his undying love and gratitude to Ochako after his visit because not only did he meet a new hot barista, but he also got what he never knew he wanted: a hot and steamy hookup in the Starbucks stockroom. What a day.
One Shot | No Quirks AU
Rated - Explicit
See me in blue ink by IHasDieded
Summary: Every week, Deku shows up at Coffee UA, and makes all who happen to be there victims to his constant scribbling.All except Katsuki.
And no, he is definitely not salty about it.
{One Shot}
Art Student Midoriya | No Quirks AU
Rated - Teen & Up
Four Cubes of Sugar by sushirapper
Summary: Izuku's just a sleep deprived Quirk development major trying to keep awake long enough to finish his doctoral thesis. Lucky for him, there's this pretty blond barista at a coffee shop just down the road that always gets his order just right and he thinks he might be in love.
One Shot | Quirks, but no Heroes AU
Rated - General Audiences
His Best Shot (Of Espresso) by cosmic_affinities
Summary: Taking the morning shift was the best decision Katsuki ever made, he could survive the early hours and bitchy customers if it meant Izuku went to him for his morning coffee. Now all he has to do is keep him coming back.
One Shot | College AU | No Quirks AU
Rated - General Audiences
great taste white caramel (with sweet linamnam) by kamie (mimocha)
Summary: The green-haired nerd thanked him for the coffee before leaving in a rush to who knows where. He sighed and began arranging Izuku's payment into the cash register before stopping abruptly at a white piece of paper in between the bills of money.
/what the fuck..?/
He flipped it over and sure enough, there was something scribbled on it. A number?
It was a phone number.
Did the nerd..?
A raging blush pervaded Katsuki's cheeks as his hair stood on end.
Someone was interested in him? And it wasn't just anyone, but it was the cutest nerd he's ever seen - the way Deku's freckles littered over the bridge of his nose and to both sides of his round and squishable cheeks was the epitome of "cute", plus the dimples on the ends of his mouth when he smiled? Katsuki could stare at them all day.
He was whipped.
He huffed in denial and shoved the little piece of paper into his jean pocket, trying not to think about the green-haired cutie so he could actually continue working (key word: trying).
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond by rhenna
Summary: Izuku and Bakugou are college students who meet at Bakugou's part-time job. Somehow Bakugou winds up collecting Izuku's poems... without his knowledge.
Incomplete | 4/? Chapters
College AU | No Quirks AU
Rated - Teen & Up
Starbucks Boy by exocising
Summary: Midoriya Izuku does some babysitting and falls in-love with the hot Starbucks guy behind the counter.
— — —
AU where Izuku, a disaster bi, stays with his dad at NYC for a gap year and falls love at first sight.
One Shot | No Quirks AU
Rated - General Audiences
The Crown by secrets_of_L
Summary: Crown Prince Izuku and barista Katsuki meet one morning. Izuku buying Katsuki a coffee for months before asking him on a date. A date that was great, but had some interesting future results. In other words, Katsuki now has to meet Izuku's family.
One Shot | No Quirks AU | Royalty AU
Rated - Teen & Up
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m-i-r-p · 8 months
Writer block is killing me. Pls send prompts
Can’t believe I ran out of tags. Send me whatever about anyone, I’m not picky and I’m in too many fandoms to put them all in
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saekaku · 2 years
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If you're looking for holiday gifts for your favorite people, come take a peak at my shop! 🎄 Reblogs are appreciated ❤️
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