the-games-changing · 5 years
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cotton-buds-writing · 5 years
Katherine Plumber Pulitzer HCs
Fluff HCs My masterlist
davey sometimes just comes along and,, scoop (again, she’s 5’3 and davey’s about 6’1)
picks her up and just
snatch (ily mike) regardless of what she’s doing
she’s an absolute hoe for cuddles, honestly, platonic or romantic, she could cuddle for hours
she’s Incredibly ticklish
i’ve mentioned this in my appearance hcs, but she will always steal the hoodies and sweaters of her S/O
will probably fall asleep while studying or just cuddling, regardless of the time of day
she snorts when she laughs
usually has a pencil or pen tucked behind her ear
she just might melt if you call her “kathy”
if she’s feeling cute, she’ll draw hearts in place as dots for her i’s or j’s
stars make her feel safe
she’ll meet up and have a girl
dad sneezes
one year jack got her a box of cheesy jokes, her favourite is “what’s jayz’s favourite cheese? brie-once!” (get it? Because,, beyonce?”
her and race have study “““dates””” sometimes
she meets up with jack and the gang™ most weekends, at least once a month
god she doesn’t even know what a vine is so jack sits with her and makes her watch vine compilations every so often, though i suppose this could count as angst-
her and albert formed a ginger club
messy baker but good baker! Her favourite thing to make is cherry pie
she can play the guitar and she’s learning the piano
used to do ballet, up until age 15
les wanted to have his nails painted blue (his favourite colour) so kath painted his nails for him and they do it every summer seen as he can’t wear nail polish at school (look i’m british i don’t know how tf american schools work)
she also does his make up for halloween every year, and sometimes sarah if she’s taking him around. But sometimes kath and davey take him around and they just put on some vaguely spooky clothing
she has so many fairy lights in her bedroom
also her bedroom is so aesthetically pleasing??
race wanted to dye his hair for pride, so naturally she helped with that
she and buttons hang out and darn socks or just sew buttons back onto shirts and such
crutchie sometimes does photography so she poses for him sometimes
She also poses for jack’s paintings sometimes
her and davey recite shakespeare together for english
her favourite artists are girl in red, cavetown, and owl city
has a playlist for every mood
writes poems sometimes, usually about girls or stars, sometimes guys too
if she zones out in class then she usually draws planets or stars on the corner of her page or down the margin
whenever she gets bored she scribbles stars on the cuffs of her jeans
low-key believes in the concept of soulmates
her favourite films are mean girls and the breakfast club
her favourite book is of mice and men
doesn’t like tea but will tolerate coffee because it’s the only thing that keeps her awake
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davey-in-a-minivan · 5 years
hear me out: post-apocalyptic newsies
as much as i’d love to participate in @the-games-changing​ and @evil-crutchie​‘s katherine appreciation month, there’s no way i’ll be able to post regularly BUT i DID want to share a kick-butt idea for a kath-centric post-apocalyptic newsies au!!
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For two years, Katherine has been clawing her way up the ranks of the Pulitzer Corps, a paramilitary org determined to restore stability and government to what’s left of human kind-- at whatever cost. Before that? She doesn’t remember.
Then she’s sent out to collect a group of young survivors who have resisted joining the Pulitzer Corps. The routine job turns complicated when one of the boys calls her ‘Sarah’ and begs her not to turn them in. Assailed by a rush of splintered memories, she hesitates, then smashes her radio. Three days. Just do some reconnaissance, then once you’ve earned their trust you can take them in easily, she thinks. It’s not that simple.
Two of the boys-- Davey and Les, insist that she’s their sister, Sarah, who was kidnapped by the Pulitzer Corps two years ago. They, along with a handful of kids, act as messengers for a secret network that’s trying to resist the domination of the Pulitzer Corps. It’s a gold mine of information-- exactly the big break Katherine needs to shoot to the top of her division. But the longer she listens to them, the less sure she is of her mission, her past, or who she is at all.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 5 years
Katherine Month- Week 1
I'm only doing one day a week so here's Modern Katherine!
She's a journalist who lives in a bit of a fancy area of Manhattan
But not too fancy since she's not accepting any more of her dad's funding
Talking of Joseph Pulitzer
He's the Executive Principal of loads of schools in the specific area
Also he's Jack's boss
But back to Katherine
She loves wearing skirts and dresses, some of which she designs herself!
I like to think she's got a long haired tabby cat called Sylvester
He's old and blind in one eye but after hearing that loads of old, non white haired cats never get adopted (which they don't!) so she picked him up and he's hers
He looks a bit like this
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She meets the Newsies through Jack
They go to a holiday party and she gets on well with him
They don't get together (cause he's with Crutchie) but they do have fun making fun of everyone
Then she hangs out with the newsies and meets Sarah
There's a lot of gay looks (tm) at the start
And they eventually get together
I know it's a day late but here it is!
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the-games-changing · 5 years
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i love my girl so so much
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cotton-buds-writing · 5 years
Katherine Plumber Pulitzer HCs
Appearance HCs My masterlist
kinda curvy
thicc thighs and they’re saving lives
lots of freckles!!
ginger hair
^^ very curly hair
her hair is usually tied up half up, half down, the up bit being a messy bun
Sometimes if she’s working then it will be in a full messy bun
she really should wear glasses but she just doesn’t, unless she’s too lazy/doesn’t have time to put contacts in
dresses like a nerd
so, she’ll wear a button up and a knitted jumper (collar on show) with either a pencil skirt (jumper and shirt tucked in) or a pair of jeans (jumper and shirt left out)
owns a fair amount of NASA merch
wears skirts and dresses sometimes too!
wears a lot of pink
eyeliner q u e e n, seriously though it’s amazing and so clean and crisp??
big brown eyes!!
usually has ink somewhere on her body
most of her jewellery is gold
always has a pair of hoops in
she has her seconds, usually has some small gold stars in
usually wears a necklace with a star pendant on that davey gave her
and a ring from jack that looks like an arrow is kind of wrapped around your finger
she doesn’t wear bracelets because they’re annoying and they get in the way but occasionally a scrunchie will be on her wrist, and most of the time she has a watch on
sometimes wears heels but usually trainers or sneakers
if she's wearing socks then they're probably odd socks
all her hoodies are way too big and are also probably aren't hers but are jack or davey’s, or generally any of the newsies (they TIGHT)
rolls up her jeans because they're usually too long
she usually carries a bag with her because of lack of pockets
and it’s got a Load of badges on it, some are fandom badges (say harry potter or musicals), some are animals or just nice little things, and some are more political
her nails are usually painted, most of the time light pink but she happily re-paints them just so that they match her outfit
a lot of her plain clothes and bags have small flowers embroidered into them, she learnt to sew as a kid and remembers the odd thing or two, there are a few starry designs (say constellations or the moon)
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cotton-buds-writing · 5 years
Katherine Plumber Pulitzer HCs
Angst HCs My masterlist
kicking this off with some low self-esteem, hey it’s due to her father
incredibly neat handwriting, seen as when she was a child, she’d be scolded (by her father) if it was even a little messy
overwhelmed p easily 
if you yell she will probably cry
spends too much time studying so she forgets to sleep often
also avoids sleeping because of nightmares
says sorry a lot
kinda lonely, bill and darcy are more of a pair and she just kind of tagged along before she met the newsies, but even then she feels bad because she feels like she’s invading their friendship group
will flip her shit if you call her “kitty” (as a shortened version of katherine)
has low expectations for herself but also very high standards for herself
doesn’t really know how to react to a compliment
careful to trust and cautious to make friends
short temper
can and will fight anyone, even if they’re like 10ft tall and hella hench
confident until her father, or someone close to him, is in the room, then she’s quiet and anxious
kinda scared of her father, he makes her anxious anyway
avoids her father as much as possible
occasionally gets nightmares of the times where joe went OFF and got the big angry
if she’s not smiling then she’s probably about to cry lmao
tends to avoid eye contact with adults
bottles her feelings
hates asking for help more than anything else
hust doesn’t know how to cope with anything
dresses smart so people think good of her
she really does try to take care of herself, but her priority is everyone else
body image is like hard and shit
wishes she was straight, hah don’t we all
hasn’t really ever had a real and good hanukkah so she cried when the jacobs’ invited her over for the holiday
Trigger warnings HCs, please be careful beyond this point
TW: self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, abuse, short mentions of: infertility, miscarriage, car crashes. oh yes, we’re going there.
hates eating
probably won’t eat by choice on a bad day, someone has to make her
self-harmed a lot in her teen years and it’s gotten better but she relapses occasionally 
she tried to commit aliven’t twice
both times pulitzer caught her and dragged her inside
he’s a dickhead i’ll tell you that
he yells at her a lot
and puts her down, but in a subtle way so it’s not obvious or aggressive
he basically tried to mold her into an entirely different person, obviously it didn’t work
occasionally he’ll grab her arm harsh enough to leave a bruise
if he’s really pissed off then he’ll press a cigar to burn her skin
jack was the first to notice and he confided in davey and he confided in his dad, who’s a social worker
she gets A Lot of shit for not being a perfect daughter/role model for her younger siblings, especially sisters
she tried to hide everything because she’s a good child™ 
either she’s infertile or has had many miscarriages (in adult life) i haven’t decided yet, but she ends up adopting
her sister, lucille, died when katherine was about 15, it was a car crash
story time
they were on their way back from somewhere,driving with the two of them in the car, another car drove into them somehow lucille died (cut me some slack i’m tired and uncreative)
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the-games-changing · 5 years
hapy bithday kathrin
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bearsinpotatosacks · 5 years
Katherinepmonth2020 Wk 2
Fluffy headcanons for our Kathy!
She loves fruit tea
And coffee
And just hot chocolate
She has cute pastel mugs for all her drinks (and China ones with painted flowers on for tea)
Of course she ties bows on her cat
And collects typewriters
And then she meets Sarah
She falls over
And then stutters a bunch
They get on swimmingly but they're being awkward gays
They meet up few more times before Katherine makes the move
She kisses her on the cheek a bit too long to be normal
And it goes on from there
Not that long but angst is my forté, not fluff @the-games-changing
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cotton-buds-writing · 5 years
Okay so i tried to draw your kath, but i have really shitty coloured pencils and poor eyesight :p but here she is!
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Keskdje i tried, sorry for the poor image quality and all the questions :p
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the-games-changing · 5 years
Hey guys!!!
It's kath month!!!
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the-games-changing · 5 years
thank you to everyone who took part in katherine apprecation month 2020!!
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the-games-changing · 5 years
Dear the Newsies fandom,
A friend and I, @evil-crutchie , realised how underappreciated Katherine is in the Newsies fandom and so have decided to put together a Katherine appreciation month for the month of January, and we would be super fucking happy if you would participate! There is a prompt list however we understand that it can be difficult to keep goinf throughout the whole month, but even if you did a few days, maybe one day a week, we would be pretty happy to see that!
Even if you dont want to participate with the prompt list then please just use January to show Katherine as much love and appreciation as you possibly can! But if you do post any content, make sure its tagged with #katherinepmonth2020 !
Prompt list below the cut, feel free to ask any questions!
In case it's confusing:
AU, pairing, shit post/meme - As long as what you do has something to do with the prompt then it fits! These are pretty free reign!
Wild card - Total free reign!
Media - Only examples are listed, do anything you want really, just something more visual I suppose
Week 1: General/No theme
1. Au - Modern
2. Shit post/Meme
3. Wild card
4. Pairing: Jatherine (Jack X Katherine)
5. Appearance headcanons
Week 2: Fluff
6. Pairing: A poly ship??
7. Media (art, gifs, playlists)
8. Au - Royalty/Medieval fantasy 
9. Wild card
10. Head canons
11. Fic/Drabble
12. Media (art, gifs, playlists)
Week 3: Angst
13. Head canons
14. Au - Superhero
15. Media (art, gifs, playlists)
16. Wild card
17. Pairing: Newsbians (Sarah x Katherine)
18. Shit post/Meme
19. Fic/Drabble
Week 4: Slightly NSFW/Alternate option of fluff
20. Pairing: Daverine (Davey x Katherine)
21. Head canons
22. Media (art, gifs, playlists)
23. Wild card
24. Shit post/Meme
25. Fic/Drabble
26. Au - Wild card
Week 5: Wildcard (free reign!)
27. Pairing: wild card
28. Fic/Drabble
29. Shit post/Meme
30. Wild card! But something birthday related
31. Why the newsies fandom should appreciate Katherine more!
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