#katherine rosengarten
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manymanydolls · 3 months ago
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*babbity kate voice* girls and their dolls
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sinnundverstand · 8 years ago
Tierbegegnungen, Rosengarten, Wachswetter. Notizen vom 2. Mai 2017.
Der junge Mai ist sofort an den öffentlichen Bekundungen in den Straßen zu erkennen. Schlapp hĂ€ngt das regengetrĂ€nkte, bunte Kreppband am BirkengrĂŒn. Das Ritual des Maibaumstellens ist sehr beliebt, das des MaibaumwegrĂ€umens weniger. Weshalb man noch Monate spĂ€ter ausgelaugte Reste in den Straßen finden wird. Mitunter vermutlich reziprok zur Zuneigung.
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Ich passiere eine Baustelle. Einer fĂ€hrt ein Fahrzeug, das vorn Straßenbelag abfrisst und ihn hinten unter lautstarkem Gegrummel in kleinen Bröckchen wieder ausspeit. Der Rest begutachtet fachmĂ€nnisch den Verlauf und ruft zwischendurch irgendwas.
Am Rhein hopst eine erstaunlich große KrĂ€he umher, wĂ€hrend der Rhein tut, was ein Rhein tun muss: Er fließt.
In einer Seitenstraße hĂ€ngt ein roter Luftballon herum. Bei der Betrachtung dieses Bildes wird es sich entscheiden: Wer hat Stephen Kings Es gelesen (oder gesehen)? Wer sieht rote Luftballons noch ohne Arg?
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Ha! Den lustigen Hund kenne ich schon. Heute lugt er nur so eben gerade aus dem Fenster. Und ich freue mich.
Auch auf der Hundewiese treffe ich alte Bekannte: Den Bobtail und einen der Labradore.
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Mein Weg zur Arbeit im HeimbĂŒro wird sich fortan etwas verĂ€ndern. Denn der Rosengarten ist seit gestern wieder geöffnet! Das macht den 1. Mai in jedem Jahr zu einem kleinen Festtag. Vor dort oben winke ich erstmal der schönen Frau Agnes zu und nehme eine Lunge voll Fliederduft.
Ich treffe auf einen SpaziergĂ€nger, der die sauber geharkten Wege abschreitet. Vierzehn Rosen habe er gezĂ€hlt, die bereits blĂŒhen, sagt er mir. Wir tauschen ein LĂ€cheln und einige Worte und teilen die Freude, dass dieser besondere Ort uns nun wieder offensteht. Beim Verlassen des Rosengartens kommt mir der GĂ€rtner entgegen. Wir grĂŒĂŸen uns. Was er noch nicht weiß: Das werden wir kĂŒnftig noch sehr hĂ€ufig tun.
Leise beginnt es wieder zu regnen. Wachswetter.
Statt Gedicht gibt es heute einen Auszug aus Katherine Mansfields Gartenfest. Von ihr hatte ich mir fĂŒr meinen Vortrag auf der re:publica im letzten Jahr dieses Zitat ausgeliehen:
Nichts kommt dem Landleben gleich. Es vermittelt mehr echte Freuden als irgendeine andere Lebensweise.
Und schließlich war das Wetter ideal. Sie hĂ€tten keinen makelloseren Tag fĂŒr ein Gartenfest haben können, wenn sie ihn in Auftrag gegeben hĂ€tten. Windstill, warm, der Himmel ohne eine Wolke. Nur das Blau war von einem Dunst hellen Goldes verschleiert, - wie es manchmal im FrĂŒhsommer vorkommt.
Der GĂ€rtner war seit dem Morgengrauen auf, mĂ€hte den Rasen und fegte ihn, bis das Gras und die dunklen, flachen Rosetten, wo die GĂ€nseblĂŒmchen gestanden hatten, zu glĂ€nzen schienen. Und die Rosen — man konnte nicht umhin zu denken, sie hĂ€tten begriffen, daß Rosen die einzigen Blumen sind, die bei einem Gartenfest auf die Leute Eindruck machen, die einzigen Blumen, die jeder mit Sicherheit erkennt. Hunderte, ja buchstĂ€blich Hunderte waren in einer einzigen Nacht aufgeblĂŒht; die grĂŒnen BĂŒsche neigten sich, als wĂ€ren sie von Erzengeln heimgesucht worden.
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In der #plattensammlung zwickte mich heute ein Ohrwurm. 
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manymanydolls · 5 months ago
Happy Halloween!
Halloween night is finally here, and it’s a party at Katherine’s house!
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Katherine is dressed festively and Rosemary is a genie

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Daisy and Jennifer are a bee and a witch

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Luci and Claudie are an astronaut and the sun

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and Marguerite, CĂ©cile, and Isabelle are a mermaid, a fairy princess, and a ballerina!
There’s music playing and candy galore! Everyone is having a wonderful night, and then-
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Evelin, you’ve scared everyone half to death! But that’s all part of the fun on Halloween. Just don’t do that again, okay? Have a great Halloween, you kids!
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manymanydolls · 1 year ago
Happy Hanukkah!
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Rebecca is hosting a Hanukkah party tonight with a few of her friends. Everyone is so excited for sunset!
Each girl celebrates Hanukkah a little differently. Nancy and Amanda come from an interfaith family, where their father’s side is Jewish and their mother’s side is Greek Orthodox. Amanda prefers to celebrate just the Jewish holidays, while Nancy likes to explore both. Rebecca is a conservative Jewish girl, so it’s all Jewish holidays, all the time. Katherine’s family celebrates Christian and Jewish holidays secularly as a way to keep in touch with their family history, even though none of them are religious. Coming together tonight lets the girls talk about different perspectives and share new traditions. (And show off their new winter outfits, of course!)
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The hanukkiah looks beautiful! But wait a second- where are the candles?
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Didn’t Nancy say she’d bring them?
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Nancy says she miiiiight’ve forgotten them at home. Oh, well. She and Amanda will dash down to the store and grab some candles, and maybe some sufganiyot too. Good luck, you two! Chag Urim Sameach!
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manymanydolls · 9 months ago
Since I recently redid my meet photos for all my girls, I thought it’d be fun to do a post with some fast facts about my original characters. Look under the cut to learn more about them!
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Favorite season is autumn
Plays with her mother’s Miss America Barbie doll
Loses track of time easily and will stay up very late working on her knitting projects or watching TV
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Has sensory processing disorder and is especially sensitive to loud sounds
Favorite holiday is Halloween
Puts glitter stickers on everything she owns
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Favorite musician is Rufus Wainwright
Sets up a hummingbird feeder outside her bedroom window every summer
Got into making amateur radios as a fun way of communicating with her friends during the Covid pandemic
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Favorite holiday is Valentine’s Day
Listens to at least three Talking Heads albums a week
Wants Amanda to play drums so that they can be like Van Halen
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Favorite book is The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate
Broke her wrist skateboarding when she was 11
Watched a TV program about volcanoes once and now is a little afraid of them but also fascinated by them
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Never sleeps with a blanket because it feels too constricting
Favorite food is a grilled cheese sandwich with a fried egg on top
Bakes lemon bars with her Mama at least once a month
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Is afraid of ghosts
Loves foxes and has a beloved fox Squishmallow
Pours soy sauce directly on rice to make her grandparents mad (manners in Japan dictate that you dip a bite in sauce instead of pouring it over your food) (and Daisy knows it)
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Has a scar on her ankle from a Razor scooter with a vengeance
Most treasured possession is a sunflower-print fleece blanket from her grandmother Marie
Favorite food is 4th of July hot dogs
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Wants to live in an old Victorian house
Has a huge collection of interesting rocks and crystals and wants to have an entire rock display wall
Once had a really intense cottagecore phase and refused to eat bread that she didn’t bake herself
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manymanydolls · 1 year ago
Melody, Jennifer, and Katherine say

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Happy Halloween!
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manymanydolls · 2 years ago
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December 18th is the first night of Hanukkah! Rebecca and Katherine have set up the menorah and made a couple of sufganiyot (jelly-filled fried doughnuts) to snack on.
The menorah is embossed metal and based off one from the turn of the century. I made it from a baking sheet using a Lee & Pearl tutorial. The candles are birthday candles cut in half and the sufganiyot are clay.
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Chag Urim Sameach, girls!
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manymanydolls · 3 years ago
Meet Katherine Rosengarten!
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Katherine Elise Rosengarten was born on August 28th. She is a modern-day girl and incidentally comes from 1952. She lives in Seattle, Washington, with her older brother Luke and her parents Lorraine and Christopher. She likes reading, playing her cello, and going to the beach. When she grows up, Katherine wants to be an oceanographer.
A seemingly routine checkup goes sideways when Katherine is found to have scoliosis. The new back brace is supposed to correct her spine, but it hurts Katherine’s self-esteem. She must learn to accept and adapt to the brace and her crooked spine, and realize that if she can love the people and places around her, she can love herself as well.
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manymanydolls · 3 years ago
Meet the Girlies
American Girl 18” Dolls:
1. Julie Albright
2. Katherine Rosengarten (TM #39)
3. CĂ©cile Rey
4. Caroline Abbott
5. Molly McIntire
6. Isabelle Palmer
7. Rebecca Rubin
8. Luciana Vega
9. Nanea Mitchell
10. Ruby Eriksson (TM #61)
11. Jennifer Robinson (TM #55)
12. Melody Ellison
13. Genevieve Wilson (Blaire)
14. Joss Kendrick
15. Adelaide Bailey (custom Kira)
16. Kirsten Larson
17. Evette Peeters
18. Daisy Kobayashi (TM #84)
19. Marguerite Nelson (custom Rebecca)
20. Rosemary Douglas (TM #31)
21. Josefina Montoya
22. Addy Walker
23. Claudie Wells
24. Nancy Feldman (custom TM #23)
25. Evelin del Campo (custom TM #28)
26. Amanda Feldman (TM #23)
27. Ivy Ling
28. Maryellen Larkin
29. Emily Bennett
30. Elizabeth Cole
31. Nellie O’ Malley
32. Samantha Parkington
33. Kit Kittredge
34. Natasha Tavaidoine (TM #66)
35. Annalise Bryant (CYO)
WellieWishers 14.5” Dolls:
1. Elle Kobayashi (Emerson)
2. Winnie Robinson (Willa)
3. Michelle Douglas (custom Kendall)
Each of my 18” dolls are 12-13 years old, and my WellieWishers (their younger sisters) are 6-7. Truly Mes and custom dolls have their backstories included in their post, while historical and GOTY dolls stick mostly to their AG story.
Each doll is a modern-day girl, but she also has a specific aspect in her designated era. For example, Julie can be in her aspect as a girl in 1970s San Francisco or as a girl today (think that one post describing Greek mythology with Barbie). A girl’s primary year is the era she spends the most time in, while her incidental year is the year that she occasionally ventures into.
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magical-dying-human · 3 months ago
you get me
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*babbity kate voice* girls and their dolls
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