zutaralesbian · 6 years
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Since I already did ATLA, here is pt 2 with Black Sails <3
Top 5 Episodes?
2x07 (Suuuuuuch a good episode for the ladies. Eleanor being a badass and rescuing Abigail. Maxanne bonding. Miranda having a role. Also “I’m Miranda Hamilton” and “I’m James Mcgraw” <3
2x05 (For the iconic Reveal)
2x01 (A fun episode! The official beginning of Maxanne, the introduction of Flinthamilton and the London flashbacks, and funny Flint and Silver shenanigans.)
4x08 (Max in Philadelphia and refusing to marry a man, even to achieve her ultimate goals. Maxanne reconciliation) 
3x01 (Had some good established Maxanne before things started to fall apart for them)
Bottom 5 Episodes?
I didn’t like season 1. Other than Maxanor and Silver being funny, it was kind of boring. And filled with rape. If I didn’t know that better things were to come, I probably would have stopped watching. 
Top 5 Characters?
Eleanor Guthrie
James Flint
Anne Bonny
Miranda Barlow
Bottom 5 Characters? 
Out of the characters that got a good amount of screen time: 
Woodes Rogers
Charles Vane
Richard Guthrie
Captain Hornigold 
Edward Teach (Just because he was boring) 
Top 5 Romantic Ships?
Bottom 5 Romantic Ships?
I think those are the only canon ships I hate.
Top 5 Platonic Ships?
Max/Idelle (Although I also lowkey ship it romantically)
Bottom 5 Platonic Ships?
Eleanor and her father. That’s the only one I can think of. 
Season Ranking?
S2 > S3 > S4 > S1
Character You Relate To The Most?
Hmmmm.....I don’t really think I relate heavily to any of them. I guess the closest would be Anne, with her being a late-blooming lesbian. But that’s the only thing we have in common lol. 
Character That Inspires You?
James Flint, my gay father who loves murdering homophobes 
Character You Can’t Understand?
Can’t think of one
Best Written Character?
James Flint. He had the most work put into him overall, I think. 
Worst Written Character?
Vane. The writers seemed to want to make him likable in S3. But they should have thought about that before they had him purposefully enable Max’s rape in S1. There was no redeeming him after that imo. 
Most Cliched Character?
Vane. He’s the character most of the straight dudebros probably wanted as the main lol. Glad he choked. (Literally)
Most Unusual Character?
I’m going to have to say Flint again. The fact that the writers made their main macho lead on a violent show canonically gay will never fail to get me hyped up. 
Most Inspired Storyline?
Max’s rise from being at the bottom to being on top in Nassau. She did that!!!
Favorite Hero?
......There’s only a small handful of characters that can really be considered heroes imo. I’m going with Madi. 
Favorite Villain?
Eh. I hated pretty much all of the traditional villains so none. 
Best Person?
Madi, The Maroon Queen, or Mr. Scott 
Most Influential Character?
James Flint. For pretty much the same reasons I think he’s the most “unusual” 
Most Manipulative Character?
Oh wooooow almost all of them are manipulative lol. But I think some of the top contenders are Silver, Flint, and Max 
Best Performance in an Episode?
Toby Stephens’ delivery of the “intolerable sacrifice” speech in S1 always gives me goosebumps. Also Louise Barnes during Miranda’s breakdown in 2x09.
Most Visually Stunning Episode?
I can’t really name a specific episode but the show had a lot of really good shots of ships on the ocean. 
Most Impressive Special Effects?
I dunno 
Character with the Best Aesthetics?
Max my fashion queen 
Favorite Song?
The opening theme kills me every time 
Best Writer?
Idk. I don’t really pay attention to specific writers for Black Sails. 
Favorite Theme?
See favorite song 
5 Words You Associate _____ With?
Thanks again! @kateaustensgf
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alexstandall · 6 years
thank you so much for the gifset!! it's absolutely perfect
ahhh you’re welcome! thank you so much for sending me a request! 😊
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fnl-gifs · 6 years
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Lyla wearing Jason’s jersey in ‘Blinders’
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queenc-x · 6 years
5 OTPs
Rules: List your five OTP’s and tag five mutuals.
I was tagged by @kateaustensgf <3
1) Peter/Gwen
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2) Rick/Evy
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3) Cordy/Angel
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4) Harley/Pamela
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5) Oswald/Ed- they’re not canon y e t 
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Tagging: anyone that wants to do this
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kateaustensgf · 6 years
sydneydrews >>>>> kateaustensgf
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morgansdeb · 4 years
I can’t believe it’s been almost two years since Tumblr deleted my old blog, and almost a year since I got it back. Sometimes I miss being at @kateaustensgf, even tho a lot of my posts in there are embarrassing.
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targaryenjune · 6 years
Did barb (kateaustensgf) delete? :(
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willowrosenboob · 6 years
Happy belated Birthday, I hope you had a great time! 🎂🎉
TYSM ❤️❤️❤️
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zutaralesbian · 6 years
For the show meme: ATLA and Black Sails
Thanks! Since this probably going to be a loooong post, i’m going to put one of them in a separate text post lol. 
Top 5 Episodes?
The Southern Raiders (There were certain things that annoyed me a little about it but my Zutara loving ass will always worship this episode. I love that Zuko helped Katara find some closure with her mother’s murder.) 
Zuko Alone (Another biased pick…but sooo good! Really revealing and explorative towards Zuko’s character and his development.)
The Day of Black Sun (Sooooo intense. And filled with so many great moments.)
The Storm (The fact that Zuko and Aang’s sad backstories were told side-by-side in this episode will always get to me. God, such good story-telling.)
The Puppetmaster (So spooky and such a good episode for Katara’s character development.) 
Honorable mentions: The Beach, The Blue Spirit, Tales of Ba Sing Se, The Firebending Masters, The Boiling Rock, The Blind Bandit, The Ember Island Players, The Crossroads of Destiny, The Chase, and The Painted Lady. 
Bottom 5 Episodes?
Amskdkdnnd. There are only two episodes I can think of that I really didn’t like. 
The Great Divide (I just found it really pointless and boring. And this isn’t an unpopular opinion. A LOT of people dislike this episode. 
The Headband (It was pretty much the plot of Footloose but in the Avatar universe. The fuck??? Lmao. And it had some cringey K*taang and Ma*ko in it.)
Top 5 Characters?
Zuko (To the surprise of no one)
Honorable mention to Sokka, who I feel bad not listing :/ But he’s a very close #6! I do love him. 
Bottom 5 Characters?
General Zhao 
And I don’t feel really right about putting her on the list because she obviously isn’t evil like those two, but I am not a fan of Mai. 
Top 5 Romantic Ships?
??????? Sokka/Yue were cute during the brief period they lasted. I also kind of like Azula/Ty Lee as a fanon ship but their canon relationship was yikes. 
Bottom 5 Romantic Ships?
Aang/Katara (Sometimes I hate them more than Zuko/Mai. It depends on my mood lmao)
Sokka/Toph (I don’t hate it but it’s a pretty popular ship and I….just can’t see it as a romantic dynamic.)
Top 5 Platonic Ships?
Watch me again show my bias and have most of these involve Zuko lmao
Zuko/Iroh (I weep about them daily. Iroh was Zuko’s true father.)
Sokka/Katara (Water siblings!!!)
Aang/Toph (Twinkletoes
Zuko/Aang (One of the main questions of ATLA was always whether or not Aang and Zuko would ever become friends. And they did!)
Zuko/Azula (Not in a typical brotp sense obviously but their dynamic is super interesting and complicated.)
Annnnnnd I also just love the Gaang as an entire unit and every individual relationship from within it. 
Bottom 5 Platonic Ships?
I don’t think there are any platonic relationships that I hate? Unless you count Ozai’s relationship with both of his children, which were both horrifically abusive.)
Season Ranking?
Book 2 > Book 3 > Book 1
Character You Relate To The Most?
Hmmmm probably Sokka. I love food and get anxiety when things aren’t completely planned out. And I also have a lot of great ideas but just sometimes fail to execute them well lmao. 
Character That Inspires You?
Katara!!! My feminist queen. 
Character You Can’t Understand?
Mai…..I’ve ranted about it enough but I think the writers just really failed in terms of her character foundation and development. 
Best Written Character?
Tbh, most of the main characters were really well written for the most part. But I think my top 3 are Zuko, Azula, and Sokka. Zuko’s redemption arc is the redemption arc to end all other redemption arcs. Nothing else i’ve seen can really compare. Azula is one of the best-written villains ever. She’s sympathetic but also very intimidating and capable. And I loved Sokka’s development from being pretty sexist and insecure in his lack of bending abilities to a very capable warrior and someone who’s like “yeah my girlfriend can kick my ass, and it’s awesome.” All three are A+.
Worst Written Character?
Mai. Ty Lee was also pretty poorly developed towards the end, but I like her more. 
Most Cliched Character?
I dunno 
Most Unusual Character?
Koh the Face Stealer. Creeeeeeepy 
Most Inspired Storyline?
Zuko’s redemption and the build-up to him finally confronting and calling out his abuser. Also Katara fighting against the Water Tribe’s sexisim in Book 1. 
Favorite Hero?
He isn’t truly a hero until towards the end but Zuko. 
Favorite Villain?
Best Person?
Aang maybe? He’s a sweetheart. But I think all of the main characters are mostly good people overall. 
Most Influential Character?
Zuko, mainly because everyone wants to compare their horrible villain fave to him -____- I always want to fight Kylo stans. 
Most Manipulative Character?
Best Performance in an Episode?
Mae Whitman was really good voicing Katara in The Southern Raiders. Also Dante Basco as Zuko in Zuko Alone. 
Most Visually Stunning Episode?
I can’t really think of a specific episode. But a lot of the animation on the show is stunning. Especially the episodes involving the spirit world. 
Most Impressive Special Effects?
It’s an animated show 
Character with the Best Aesthetics?
I thought Yue was really pretty 
Favorite Song?
Best Writer?
Aaron and Elizabeth Ehasv aka my saviors 
Favorite Theme?
???? Not sure what this question means but the opening theme is iconic 
5 Words You Associate _____ With?
I’ll do Black Sails in a separate post sometime soon.
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zutaralesbian · 6 years
@kateaustensgf Lol I would reblog that Spike/Spangel post but I think the op has me blocked for whatever reason. But know that I saw it! And tbh i'm taking it as canon confirmation idc
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zutaralesbian · 6 years
22 (both), 31, 41
22. Would you like to meet any of your tumblr friends in real life?
Oh definitely! I've always wanted to experience meeting an online friend in person. But unfortunately most of the people I talk to the most live really far away from me. (You, Melanie, Kraina, Brittany, and Kristen just to name a few). Maybe someday though.
22. What was the last dream you remember having?
I wish I could give an interesting answer for this one, but I have no clue lol. I barely ever remember what I dream. And when I do, they're usually super vague.
31. Why did one of your friendships end?
Tbh most of the time, when I have friendships that end, it's because we simply drift apart. I can only think of two times where there was an official "friend breakup". I had a friend in real life who cut ties with me after I came out to her. And then I had an online friendship that ended because I chose to end it. (I should have ended it a long time ago but I finally worked up the courage to do it only a couple years ago).
41. When was the last time you got really, really happy and why?
The last time I was super, super happy was probably during the summer when I went to visit my best friend in California. It was really fun and nice to be able to hang out with her like that again.
Thanks! ❤
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zutaralesbian · 6 years
@kateaustensgf: "and karen is the one who pays ian to date mickey because she wants to date mandy"
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I like the way you think! Ngl I had Lip in mind originally just because I couldn't think of anyone else but this idea is so much better.
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zutaralesbian · 5 years
Hey bb, I'm back here lol
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Yaaaaay! So glad you're back ❤ I wasn't sure if you were going to make another account. (I wouldn't have blamed you if you didn't.)
This is Barbie, in case anyone following me followed her. Her last URL was kateaustensgf. Tumblr randomly deleted her account :(
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zutaralesbian · 6 years
21 questions
I was tagged by @thehonorarybeaumont Thanks! (Btw I had no idea until now that you ran the gallavichthings blog. I squealed a little lol)
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
I think I can do 21. But feel free to ignore if you don't want to do it.
I tag: @kateaustensgf @theloneliestnumberone @sonyarebecchi @dollsome-does-tumblr @solraneth @mrs-n-uzumaki @bisexualsilver @adamparrush @beccabarnes @loonyle @firelxdykatara @gaygingerpirates @biheather-birebecca-lezvalencia @royaltealovingkookiness @itsgallavichbitch @paintcdladys @pirateshelly @redwhale @maxannbonny @crayolasaurus @lewyn-martell
Nickname: Some people call me Dani
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 5'3
Last movie I saw: The last new movie was Bohemian Rhapsody. The most recent one was Mockingjay pt 2
Last thing googled: 'Online desposit withhold' The bank was holding back some of my money and I wanted to know why
Favorite musician: Honestly, I hate answering questions about my music taste because it's all over the place. So i'm gonna skip this one lol
Song stuck in my head: High Hopes by Panic! At the Disco
Other blogs: None at the moment
Do I get asks: Yeah I get a pretty decent amount actually! Much more than I used to. I don't know what I did to make myself more popular recently but I'm thankful.
Following: 733
Amount of sleep: Probably 6 hours on average, if i'm being honest
Lucky number: I don't think I have one
What I’m Wearing: One of my old work shirts as a pajama shirt
Dream Job: I would love to write for television. But realistically, i'm hoping to become a nurse in the near future.
Dream Trip: Anywhere outside the U.S. I want to see the world.
Favorite Food: Gonna have to agree with you on chocolate. Milk chocolate specifically.
Play Any Instruments: I wish
Languages: Only English because i'm lame. I tried to learn Spanish in high school but failed miserably. I know some American sign language but not enough to be fluent. I have mad respect for bilingual people.
Random Fact: My middle name is Roseanne, after my great-grandma from my mom's side who I never met.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: A stack of notebooks, the moon, pillows
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zutaralesbian · 6 years
5 OTP's
Rules: List your five OTP's and tag five mutuals
I was tagged by @solraneth ❤
1. Zuko & Katara (ATLA)
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2. Max & Anne (Black Sails)
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3. Ian & Mickey (Shameless US)
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4. Max & Chloe (Life is Strange)
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5. Peeta & Katniss (THG)
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Honorable mentions:
Max & Eleanor (Black Sails)
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Buffy & Faith (BTVS)
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Barney & Robin (HIMYM)
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Side note: I find it depressingly hilarious how out of these ships, only four were endgame. And I wasn't fully satisfied with any of them :(
Tagging: @theloneliestnumberone @kateaustensgf @sonyarebecchi @lewyn-martell @adamparrush
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zutaralesbian · 6 years
I was tagged by @beccabarnes Thanks <3
rules: complete the fifteen questions and tag ten others who you follow but you want to get to know more!
name: Danielle
age: 23
country: The United States, unfortunately 
favorite colour: Red
when you made this blog: I just did a little digging and my first ever post on this blog was SEVEN years ago. So I probably made it around back in 2011. HOLY SHIT. It’s gone through a lot of transformations over the years lol. 
follower count: 927
choose a superhero power: To go back in time
favourite drink: Soda tbh. I have an awful addiction. 
a song you love right now: God is a Woman by Ariana Grande 
dream career: Television writer 
dream vacation: Honestly anywhere outside the U.S. I love the idea of seeing more of the world. Europe, South American, Austrailia.....so many options. 
hogwarts house: Slytherin. I took the test on Pottermore four times and got the same result every time lol
favourite character/characters of the week: Black Sails is still my main fandom but as a specific character....i’ve been back on my Prince Zuko feels lately. 
how you like to keep your hair: Down and free. My hair is actually one of my favorite physical traits of mine. It’s long and thick and I kind of like showing it off. 
christmas or halloween: Christmas hands down. I like the vibe of Halloween but most of the time I don’t really do much during it. People my age are usually partying and drinking on Halloween these days and that is not my scene lol. Christmas though, I love. I’m agnostic so i’m not really into the religious aspect of it but I love buying presents for people, seeing lights and Christmas trees, Christmas movies and TV specials, Christmas songs...December is just a magical month in my opinion. 
I tag: @theloneliestnumberone @kateaustensgf @istanfortoadie @loonyle @dollsome-does-tumblr @bisexualsilver @biheather-birebecca-lezvalencia m @paleanddepressed1 @mrs-n-uzumaki  @maxannbonny  @lewyn-martell
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