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chaos-cupid · 8 months ago
hi my name is cupid/briar, formerly known as pbandjstudios. I am a MINOR!!! Please no go fund me asks or nsfw interactions.
requests are
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my fandoms- Riordanverse, ATLA, LOK, The Dragon Prince, WOF, EAH, TOH, MLP:EQG, and (not really a fandom but why not) greek mythology
Ships I like:
Riordanverse - ruegard, percabeth, valgrace, frazel, shelper, solangelo, jercy, pipabeth,
EAH- dapple, dexven, daring x roseabella, bribelle, cupid x blondie
ATLA- zukka, katanng, mailee
LOK- korrasami, wuko, zhurrick, bopal
Greek Mythology- all there are too many (except anything to do with zeus) ( just ask for a ship)
The Dragon Prince and WOF- none currently
TOH- lumity, huntlow,Gustholemew, raida,
MLP:EQG- sunlight, rarijack
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my tags
Cupid chatters- life updates/rants/just me talking
Cupid's writing-my fics or headcannons
Cupid attempts art-my art
Cupid’s camera roll- photo dumps
Cupid wants to kill herself- vents
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my other accounts-
@swirly-lord - Clarisse rp
@da-great-lou-ellen - lou Ellen rp
@annie-beth - annabeth rp (cuz she's the queen)
@wolf-boy-hunter - hunter noceda rp
@phoenixizdabest -rp based off my pjo oc
@little-chaos-cupid -my sfw agere acc
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my amazing moots!
@permetutotheworld - nyx/persephone she’s amazing! In an rp with me
@cool-art-hooman - irl bestie really annoying/s dispite her name she does not post any art
@yumiinsert - also an irl friend, somehow got a girlfriend before me
@kiya-cannibal-bug - love her (platonically)
@the-eclipse-is-in-me - cres/kas! She’s really nice, amazing writing
@wretched-meadow - Cleo/avery AHHH she’s sooo nice, funniest person on earth (sorry Barrett)
@Ihavehomework2dobutimhereinstead - SOO NICE, invited me to a community for her moots
@art-tomato - another irl friend, also rlly annoying, an ahole /s
@demigod-jack-hearth - jack! Love them
@stargazin-on-mars - "I honestly don't care" - em Feb 14, 2025
@bleep-bloop-boo - honey! nomnom
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Any pronouns
Sexuality- pansexual
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single or taken: Taken
my gf: doesn't have Tumblr yet:(
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my discord
my youtube
my pintrest
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archaardvarkarchive · 11 months ago
Not sure what you’re trying to say at the beginning there. America for example is very imperialist and also very feminist.
(esp when compared to say, 2nd world countries)
It was about the same for England for a while there- when you’re the economically powerful first world you can house people who have more time to sit around and examine society.
The Fire Nation being more feminist than the Water Tribes, and upon closer inspection, the EK too, is canon.
A nation doesn’t necessarily have to check off all the ‘woke’ boxes at once. Reality is more complicated than that.
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This man is a MALEWIFE
Another L for Aang's delusional haters
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princeboysal · 1 year ago
As a shipper of both katanng and zutara fandom shipping wars are so stupid like genuinely who tf cares. How is someone shipping Zutara going to hurt anyone. katanng fans out of anyone should be the ones not talking. Like you already won you got what you wanted what else is there to talk about. Just let people ship in peace.
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brawltogethernow · 2 years ago
Is the Miraculous movie out yet? I keep seeing the occasional clip. (And one that was basically the Katanng scene from the Headband but with more latex)
I'm pretty sure there's some version of it floating around. Not sure which dubs there are and which ones are supposed to be out because I have not partaken of that thing. Having also seen clips I think I'd need a steadying group watch for that.
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blakebow · 1 year ago
The last anon made me question my shipping taste since I dislike Bumblebee for the same reason I dislike Zutara.
Both ships would have one of the character's date another character that reminds them of there trauma.
Adam = Yang
Fire nation = Zuko
So can someone explain the difference please because I thought Katanng was like Blacksun with the goofy boy with the staff having a crush on a girl with emotional trauma ?
hi anon! it seems you're confused, so let me see if i can help with clearing up that misunderstanding.
Zutara is not at all like Bumbleby.
Because yes, while there was initial trauma with Zuko and Katara and they hated each other until the end of book 2, through book 3, their bond strengthened and they got closer, working past the issues they had with each other's pasts and came to see each other just as they were as themselves. (if that makes sense?) Katara didn't see Zuko as her trauma anymore.
after their talk in the caves where they both addressed why they didn't get along and both revealed that they shared a common trauma, the loss of their mothers and the pain that caused them, they came to an understanding of each other's struggle.
Katara had a profoundly more supportive relationship with Zuko than Aang in the last season as Aang was forceful with his affection, showed jealousy of others (past) interests in Katara, including Zuko. and tried to talk her out of getting closure for her mother's murder, which Zuko all fully understood and went with her to hunt down Yon Rha so Katara could face it head on. Aang continually kept trying to convince her to let it go and forgive him, which upset Katara because he refused to listen to how she was feeling. not to mention the proof of this is shown in how Katara willingly intervenes in Zuko's duel with Azula and fights to bring her down to protect him after Zuko defended her in turn.
Also, in argument against Kataang, their relationship isn't framed in the most positive light in LOK. as Kya and Bumi, two of Aang and Katara's children complain that Aang played favorites with Tenzin who was (at the time) their only airbender child and essentially ignored them. they're so bitter of this fact that they bring it up over 70 years later after Aang's passing. that's not good and makes Katara look out of character because the original Katara from ATLA would never have allowed Aang to so blatantly shirk his duties as a parent and ignore both of his other kids because they weren't as special as Tenzin.
Where in RWBY, Yang shows 0 interest in Blake's problems being a faunus, which is a scrutinized minority in verse, saying and I quote "oh it must be hard to be a faunus", while watching Cardin Yanking on Velvet's ears not even five feet away and not noticing how uncomfortable that makes Blake to watch (before any of her teammates knew she was a faunus.)
It's Yang's blatant disregard of Blake's identity that Blake runs away and finds comradery with Sun Wukong, who's a fellow faunus and fully gets all of what she's going through.
it isnt's until vol 3 that problems actually really arise with bumbleby, until Mercury tricks everyone into thinking that Yang punched him unprovoked during the vytal festival tournament, which triggers Blake and makes her remember Adam, where Blake brings this up to Yang and actually makes her cry by saying she doesn't trust her, this is swept under the rug and NEVER addressed again.
after volume 3, where Yang gets maimed by Adam and Blake runs away in fear, Yang refuses to even understand why Blake ran, when Weiss confronts her in vol 5 she says "what if i needed her here FOR ME?" basically, not acknowledging the fact that Blake was terrified for her life and thought she would be better off being the only one killed if Adam chose to come after her. after they reunite, Yang is even hesitant to forgive Blake, and there's a canon song confirming as much that Yang no longer trusts her not to abandon her again.
Vol 6 is total shit because it's where Bees was forced and started to degrade the quality of both characters, having Yang be the one to face Adam with Blake (rather than having the original plan of Blake and Sun taking him down at Haven) and from vol 7-9 onwards it's a dumpster fire i don't even want to bother getting into except for the shitty, forced one sided confession in vol 9, which was hamfisted in the middle of other far more important plot developments.
i think the diference between the two is that Zutara actually works through their trauma and grows from it to form a stronger bond that makes both characters better people.
where Bumbleby does not, and instead does the opposite. Yang's anger issues and possessiveness of Blake increases the closer they get, making her more of a trigger and more reminiscent of Adam instead of less, making Blake into a worse character by stripping her independence and making her completely co-dependent on Yang.
in conclusion: Ship Zutara, not Kataang and Black Sun, not Bumbleby.
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initiumseries · 2 years ago
Hi, I'm the anon on chemistry in animation. First I apologize for having used cartoonist was the word that the translator threw 🙈.
Secondly, thank you very much for confirming several things that I thought about that chemistry is something natural between two human beings and what we see in animation is something much more deliberate.
I thought about it a lot after reading Zalrb's posts because they opened my eyes to the fact that many people (including me, I'm trying to think more critically) *protect* on the screen instead of actually seeing what's being presented. This started from a discussion I saw on Atla that Zutara had more *chemistry* (with that exact word) than Katanng, so I really wanted to know if it *could* be possible or was it just a projection of what the person *wanted* to see happened or *believed* was happening. I wasn't looking for an answer for an aha! This is the true ship but thanks to you two I have a lot of questions about narrative intent, screen presentation and critical consumption.
Thank you very much for answering ❤️
Hey no worries! And no need to apologize, I know Eng isn't your first language, it was more for anyone else reading it because most people don't even know what we're called haha, so I just wanted to be clear for everyone. I'm glad you're trying to engage in media more critically! It's an important skill I feel like younger generations might be losing, for a lot of reasons, but losing nonetheless, and it's resulted in a LOT of angry asks haha.
Mm, yeah, Zutara...I kind of just wish those shippers would be more honest in their shipping? It seems like every show has a group of rabid shippers who will just be deliberately dishonest about the thing we all watched and it can confuse people who don't necessarily know how the media they're consuming works, at that, for ATLA seems to be Zutara shippers. So you were right to second guess them. Zutara don't have chemistry, and the narrative doesn't even remotely suggest a pairing between the two. The story was always very clear from season 1, it was Kataang lol.
Np on the ask, glad it was helpful!
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weaselbeaselpants · 1 year ago
My official list of NOTP and my intolerance level for them each:
JackFrostxElsa. (low. dumb tumblr teenager straightisms)
LydiaJuice (high. Every fan I've personally known who's been into the pairing only does so when Lydia is an adult, but even then I find it cringe and gross and I know there are people who don't care/hate the musical for fanning the flames and making it even creepier with a faux-self awareness song.)
Fluttercord (mid-high. Fluttershy deserves so much better and so does fandom Celestia. Have to stop before this turns into a Brony-rant tho so just know that I hate s3- Discord and the fandom's adoration of him and this pairing.
Stolitz (low-mid. One of the many cases of a purposfully unhealthy dynamic getting retroactively written to be cute = makes my kind of shipper actively icked out. No, don't do that. Commit to your awful people)
Charlostar (low. Considering the potential leak it makes all too much sense why Viv herself doesn't like it, but I also lowkey always kinda disliked it.)
HorsexRider (mid. She's a talking horse and I don't blame people for seeing it as gay especially since it stands opposite a destructive romantic couple in canon. But nah, sorry I just really dislike their sister vibe, owner/pet dynamic being interruptec. bleh)
Frosmerelda (high. no.)
Zutarra (low. If you think they could have had more chemistry and Katanng did not have as much romantic chemistry; that's alright, just find your own coping mechanism)
GordonxHuman Kimberly. (mid, but only because it could have so easily been written to not be creepy. Literally my go-to example of "I don't have to ship it just cuz it's canon." Wtf Catscratch??)
Pairings that will get you on a DNI list if I see you support, especially with enthusiasm.
Any incest ship, really. No characters who knew eachother as children//automated characters who were created = incest. Use your head.
Canonical petxowner porn where the pet doesn't talk. You know who you are.
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franki-lew-yo · 2 years ago
The real worst problem w tagging everything "_____ critical" is it sounds like "gender critical" out the corner of your ear and-HEY! don't you accuse me of being a TERF cause I don't like your blepoblorpo adventures.
On a more seriousish note, I am just as frustrated by this system as much as I endorse it. Sorta. As a person with anger issues it sucks to admit dumby fandom things become the catalyst for me going feral which are really the result of my actual problems. To be fair I don’t think this is unique to the term ‘critical’/anti either. Fans having debate over the “right” way to view something is just as much of a drama button as fans trying to argue w nonfans abt how they shouldn’t be nonfans (see also: Katanng v Zutarra vs “LoK is evil”). I think any kind of post that you know is wandering into active discourse waters on the part of a fandom is worth tagging and should be a part of ‘____ critical’, even if the person making the post is part of said fandom. God I wish this were the case for back in the day of MLP fandom. 
Tldr: it shouldn’t be that someone critical of the thing you like is the end of the world, it’s that there are actual critics you need to coexist with, and then there are self-admitted haters who wanna use critical language to, well…be crap people.
listen i love my little anti this anti that curated tags and shit but isn't it fucked up that we HAVE to have a completely separate tag for criticizing media and any sort of criticism in the more general sense gets completely shat on? I get having your own curated internet space and all but i don't think seeing criticism of your favorite show is gonna be the end of the world. I dare even say it might widen your horizons.
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cvitlynconnor · 3 years ago
sometimes i’m baffled by how people hate kataang so much like aang literally chose katara over cosmic wisdom idk about y’all but i probably would’ve chose cosmic wisdom lol
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julysky712 · 6 years ago
I got this yearly routine where towards the end of the second semester I go and rewatch avatar the last airbender and I think its that time again folks
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justadumbgaycat · 2 years ago
This is a post reminding everyone that bashing someone’s ships is wrong (yes even the weird ones) because this is the internet if there is an opinion that exists, someone has it. IF YOU DONT LIKE A SHIP DONT INTERACT WITH IT. And remember that is is possible to be friends with people even if they ship different people. I swear if we have another fucking zutara vs katanng situation I will hit each and everyone of you with a cardboard tube until you behave yourself.
Toxic fans sincerely telling me to kms day after day is really taking a toll. One even had the audacity to say “it’s not like you’ll do it” when I called them out on it. I’m so fucking mad and sad. Fandom is supposed to be fun. Fandom is a coping mechanism. These fucking assholes have no grip on reality, or the consequences of what they say. ALL BECAUSE IM A LUNTER SHIPPER.
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taki118 · 4 years ago
I find it really, I guess interesting is the best word for it, how shipping has changed over the years. and by shipping i mean the justifications and fighting has changed. 
Back in the 2000s  the main way people argued ships was “Facts” people would make long ass meta pieces, videos and even some podcasts just on dissecting a work moment by moment to show how the work was totally hinting at their ship being cannon and the fighting between someone who had an opposing ship was
“You are so stupid for liking this here’s 10 page meta on why you are wrong.”
But now its shifted, people have noticed that most writers are nowhere near as conscious in their writing as fans are in consuming it. So Showing you have more hints and teases and how thematically this all works better generally means nothing in the end. 
Instead now people will pick apart how their ship is like morally superior to their opposing ship typically by tearing them apart in either real or exaggerated ways. So now the fighting is 
“You are so horrible for liking this here’s a 10 page meta on why it’s toxic/problematic and there for so are you.”
and i’ll be honest as dry and silly it was to read how character A hugged character B for 5 frames longer than Character C which means they are subtly showing us that A&B are the favored ship, it was better than being told I’m a homophobic toxic person for liking a Bi character with the “Straight” ship over the “Queer” one cause how dare I not think of the greater impact such a ship has on society rather than my own personal tastes in character dynamics.
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ree-duh · 6 years ago
I'm gonna get this out of the way before the discourse starts up,,,,,,,,I love mai x zuko with all my heart
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cautionworks · 3 years ago
After not watching TLOK and ATLA for 8 years (God it's been that long?) I came back into the fandom to find out I ship almost every problematic ship. It's turns most of them are either toxic, incestuous or have a major age gap....
I went from shipping only canon ships to shipping the most problematic ships.
Katanng to Korra and her uncle I forgot his name.
Feels good to be back now, I'm prepared for a potential blocking spree.
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mugiwara-lucy · 4 years ago
The reasons behind hate for this pairing are SO BS
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Pairing: Kataang (Aang x Katara)
Series/Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Reasons they’re hated: Interfered with Zutara; “not enough development on Katara’s end”; “Aang finding his soulmate as a preteen is unrealistic”; Katara acted “too motherly” around Aang; Aang is “annoying” and “acted entitled to Katara”; “Aang is too immature for Katara! She needs a ~real man~ like Zuko!”
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resplendentgoldenwings · 4 years ago
Katanng this, Zutara that, what I want to know is if The Rock is gonna play The Boulder that’s what I’m worried about. 
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