chimeratechnologies · 8 months
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foultaledeer · 1 year
Croma Campus offers the best Katalon Studio Online Training in India as it provides the best training course. The trainers here are industry-experienced trainers with 10+ years of experience. If you want to learn this course, you can join here.
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shrutimahendru · 2 years
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binaryinformatics · 2 years
we hope the above top 20 automation testing tools has helped you to find the right testing automation tool, you may choose one or two tools.
software testing services company in india
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iniceurita · 2 years
Taking The First Step
9 November 2022 pukul 23.00 WIB.
"Silakan bisa langsung join ke room mbak Rita". Sebuah chat telegram kuterima.
Sebuah invite link tampak di layar laptopku. Link yang sudah kutunggu sejak kemarin malam. Dan hari ini link itu muncul dilayarku. Ku tatap beberapa detik. Tapi..Semakin kutatap malah semakin membuat jantungku berdegup lebih kencang. Ku atur napasku. Kutarik dalam-dalam, lalu kuhempaskan perlahan. Kulakukan beberapa kali dalam beberapa detik.
Tak ingin membuat orang yang mengirim link menunggu lebih lama akhirnya dengan kata "Bismillah" ku buka invite link tersebut. Tersambunglah aku ke sebuah room meeting google meet.
"Hello Rita". Seseorang disana menyapaku dengan aksen English yang Fasih.
"Hello Mr" tanggapku singkat dengan sedikit senyum kulemparkan.
Tidak lama setelah menjawab sapaan tersebut, seseorang yang mengirimku link akhirnya bergabung. Dialah mas Widy.
"Oke Rita, please tell me about yourself", Mr Ehud memulai percakapan kami malam ini.
Kuperkenalkan diriku dengan menyebutkan nama lengkap, nama panggilan dan sedikit latar belakang pendidikanku. Lalu kulanjutkan dengan menceritakan sedikit ketertarikanku dalam bidang testing.
"Oh.. great. So what the best thing you've ever achieved in testing?" lanjut Mr Ehud.
Kuceritakan tentang keberhasilanku dan timku saat membangun sistem presensi untuk karyawan di perusahaan sebelumnya. Juga perjuangan kami dalam menyelesaikan sistem yang harus diselesaikan dalam waktu yang terbatas.
Setelah itu Mr Ehud bertanya terkait hal tersulit yang pernah aku temui sebagai seorang QA. Aku menjelaskan tentang tantangan ketika harus menemukan error yang bugnya tidak bisa terdeteksi. Setelah dilakukan pengecekan berkali-kali pun masih tidak ditemukan. Bahkan ketika didiskusikan dengan tim developer pun masih sulit ditemukan. Hal itulah yang paling challanging. Menemukan bug yang tidak ada.
"Interesting" sahut Mr Ehud saat setelah aku menjelaskan kasus yang kutemui tersebut. "So, what tools you've ever used for testing?" lanjut Mr Ehud.
Kujelaskan tentang pengalamanku menggunakan Katalon Studio tapi itu hanya kugunakan untuk melakukan testing pada fitur lama dan fitur yang cenderung berulang. Sedangkan untuk fitur baru biasanya aku melakukannya secara manual.
"If you test the system manually, with a lot of features integrated each other. How you ensure that every feature in the system working well?" Lanjut Mr Ehud merasa penasaran dengan caraku yang melakukan testing manual.
Akhirnya kujelaskan bahwa dengan banyaknya fitur pastinya akan kesulitan untuk melakukan testing secara keseluruhan dan akan menghabiskan banyak waktu. Oleh karena itu, strategi yang kugunakan biasanya adalah jika waktu yang dimiliki pendek/singkat maka testing hanya dilakukan pada fitur-fitur yang saling terintegrasi dengan fitur baru yang dirilis. Sedangkan jika waktu yang dimiliki cukup panjang/lama maka testing dilakukan secara menyeluruh.
Mr Ehud mengangguk-angguk mendengarkan penjelasanku. Aku tidak tau, dengan bahasa Inggrisku yang masih terbatas entah apakah penjelasanku bisa dimengerti atau tidak 🥲.
"Do you have question for us? Maybe you have something you wanna know about us because mr Widy still don't tell you yet?" Mr Ehud memberikan kesempatan padaku untuk bertanya.
Aku mengucapkan terima kasih untuk kesempatanku bertanya. "I have some questions for you. My first question, if I can join your company what are your expectations in my first 3 months?".
"Wow this is the interesting question. Thank you Rita" tanggap Mr Ehud.
Mr Ehud menjelaskan terkait sistem yang sedang dikembangkannya panjang lebar. Dan dia mengharapkan bahwa sistem yang sudah berhasil dirilis minim akan bug. Dia tidak menginginkan ketika sudah merilis produk lantas ada komplain dari user entah karena tidak bisa login atau tidak dapat mengakses sistem. Memastikan bahwa sistem dapat berjalan lancar adalah hal terpenting. Mr Ehud juga menceritakan kasus yang sering terjadi adalah ketika merilis suatu fitur biasanya akan berpengaruh ke fitur lainnya yang sudah ada. Ketika melakukan fixing di satu tempat maka akan muncul bug di tempat lain. Juga sering terjadi perubahan yang begitu cepat. Oleh karena itu, dia juga mengharapkan agar bisa mengikuti perubahan dan meminimalisir munculnya bug-bug tersebut dengan tools-tools yang digunakan seperti selenium atau tools lainnya.
"Is it answer your question?" Tanya Mr Ehud padaku.
"Yes, it is Mr. Thank you. I still have the other question, may I ask?" tanggapku.
"Please Rita" Mr Ehud mempersilahkan.
"In your job maybe you've ever found the problem or something that you don't understand yet. If you find that condition, how you solve it?" tanyaku.
"I realized that I can't do anything by myself. But I have a great team. So Ask them. Discuss with them. Tell them the problem and discuss it. Your team will help you finding the solution and solve your problem" jawab Mr Ehud dengan santai dan tersenyum ramah.
Kalimat itu membuatku tertampar seketika. Aku terkadang memendam kesulitan sendiri dan acap kali mencari penyelesaian sendiri tanpa berdiskusi dengan teman-teman yang lain karena menganggap takut mengganggu kesibukan teman yang lain. Padahal jika dipikir lagi, benar kata Mr Ehud. Kita bekerja bersama tim, maka jika menemukan masalah dan kita tidak bisa menyelesaikannya sendiri sudah seharusnya kita meminta pendapat dari teman satu tim kita. Ini membuatku malu sekaligus sadar kurangnya diriku dulu.
Aku mengangguk-angguk. "So, communicate and discuss with team member is the solution, is it?" memastikan pemahamanku benar.
"Exactly Rita" jawab Mr Ehud sambil tersenyum.
"Ok thank you Mr. mm..And this is my last question for you. What makes you comfortable in this company? And what makes you always on fire at work?"
"Passionate Rita. This is what Mr Widy told me, Every night when you will go to sleep say this 'I hope night will go fast, so I can meet the morning to work again'. When you do something with passion you will always on fire. Thinking that what you do will give impact to the other people will make you on fire" Mr Ehud menjelaskan dengan baik terkait apa yang kutanyakan.
Mr Ehud memastikan bahwa sudah cukup clear percakapan yang kita lakukan dan mengucapkan terima kasih sudah hadir di interview tersebut. Dia mempersilakan aku untuk leave room karena masih ada 1 orang lagi yang akan melakukan interview.
Akupun berterimakasih kepada Mr Ehud dan pamit undur diri dari room.
23.24 WIB. Sebuah pesan telegram masuk. Begini kira-kira isi pesan tersebut.
"mbak Rita, untuk interview tadi menurut saya bagus, lancar juga. terima kasih buat kehadiran juga. nanti kalo sdh ada info lagi saya kabari, tadi Ehud bilang minta saya sampaikan ke Dean biar mbak Rita ngobrol dengan Dean".
Hangat sekali. Campur aduknya perasaanku sedikit terobati dengan pesan masuk tersebut. Meski aku tidak tau apakah itu kata-kata yang sebenarnya atau hanya sebatas penghiburan dan apresiasi telah menyelesaikan proses interview. Aku tidak peduli, meski itu hanya sebatas penghiburan.
Baru pertama kali ini aku mendapatkan perlakuan yang sangat baik dari seorang rekruiter. Beliau sabar, tutur katanya baik dan ketika ada hal yang kurang beliau memberikan saran perbaikan.
Apapun hasil interview nanti, aku ingin mengucapkan TERIMA KASIH BANYAK Mas Widy atas kesempatan yang diberikan kepada saya untuk mengikuti proses rekrutmen ini. Semua proses yang saya lalui dalam rekrutmen ini benar-benar memberikan pengalaman terbaik yang pernah saya dapatkan. Terima kasih sudah memperlakukan kandidat dengan sangat baik. Meski saya tau anda bukan seorang HR, tapi anda sangat luar biasa baiknya. Semoga anda dan keluarga selalu diberikan limpahan kebaikan yang banyak dari Allah SWT. Aamiin..
Rasa lega karena proses interview sudah berakhir.
Rasa cemas karena muncul kekhawatiran akan hasil proses yang mungkin tidak sesuai keinginan dan ekspektasi.
Rasa konyol karena mengingat beberapa kali sepertinya aku agak blank ketika menjelaskan sesuatu pas interview.
Rasa bangga karena aku berhasil menaklukkan rasa takutku untuk melakukan interview. Terlebih dengan bahasa Enggres yang aku sendiri sadar bahwa bahasa Enggresku pas-pasan.
Semua perasaan rasanya bercampur aduk. Entah aku harus sedih atau bahagia. Aku tidak tau.
Yang jelas dan pasti, aku ingin mengucapkan SO MANY THANKS TO ME, MYSELF AND I.
Thanks karena kamu udah berusaha melawan ketakutanmu dan TETAP MELANGKAH meski kamu tidak yakin.
Thanks karena kamu TIDAK MENYERAH ketika kamu ingin berhenti dan menyerah.
Thanks karena kamu TETAP PERCAYA pada dirimu yang masih sering mempertanyakan jati dirimu sendiri.
You deserve to get the appreciation. In the future, You will be a HERO for RITA in the future ❤️
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yethiconsulting · 3 days
The Rise of Codeless Testing: A Game-Changer for QA Teams
Codeless testing is transforming the world of software quality assurance by enabling testers, regardless of coding expertise, to automate testing processes. Unlike traditional automation, which requires programming skills, codeless testing platforms offer a visual interface that allows users to create automated tests through drag-and-drop or record-and-playback features.
Tools like Katalon Studio, Tosca, and TestComplete are leading the way by simplifying test creation while maintaining the flexibility needed for complex testing scenarios. These tools use AI-driven algorithms to help identify UI elements and streamline the process of building test cases, allowing faster test development and execution.
Codeless testing is especially beneficial for agile teams, where rapid iteration and continuous testing are critical. It empowers manual testers to contribute to the automation effort, bridging the gap between development and QA teams. Additionally, it reduces the dependency on specialized codeless test automation engineers, helping organizations save time and resources.
While codeless testing can speed up processes and improve efficiency, it's essential to choose tools that offer scalability, integration with CI/CD pipelines, and robust reporting features to ensure comprehensive test coverage. As technology advances, codeless testing will continue to evolve, making automation more accessible for all teams.
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saravanan29 · 4 days
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nitiemily · 7 days
Top Tools and Techniques for Efficient RPA Testing
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In the world of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of your automation is crucial. With businesses increasingly adopting RPA to streamline operations, understanding the best tools and techniques for RPA testing is more important than ever. This guide will help you navigate through essential tools and practices to achieve top-notch RPA testing.
Understanding RPA Testing
Before diving into tools and techniques, let's briefly cover what RPA testing involves. RPA testing focuses on verifying that automated processes are functioning as expected. This includes ensuring that bots can perform tasks accurately, handle exceptions correctly, and interact with different systems seamlessly. Effective RPA testing helps in identifying bugs early, reducing downtime, and enhancing overall system reliability.
Essential Tools for RPA Testing
UiPath Test Suite
UiPath is a leader in the RPA space, and its Test Suite is designed to streamline the testing process. The UiPath Test Suite includes tools for both automated and manual testing. Features like Test Manager allow you to create and manage test cases, while the Test Robot executes these tests to validate bot performance. This suite integrates well with other UiPath tools, ensuring a seamless testing workflow.
Blue Prism Testing Tools
Blue Prism offers various testing capabilities through its integrated tools. Blue Prism’s testing framework supports unit testing, regression testing, and performance testing. Tools such as the Blue Prism Object Studio and Process Studio provide a robust environment for designing and testing automated processes. Additionally, Blue Prism’s Integration with test management platforms like ALM/QC facilitates comprehensive test case management.
Automation Anywhere Test Automation
Automation Anywhere provides a comprehensive suite for RPA testing. Its Test Automation platform allows users to design, execute, and manage tests efficiently. With features like built-in reporting and analytics, users can gain insights into the performance of their bots and quickly identify areas for improvement. The platform also supports integration with third-party testing tools, enhancing its versatility.
Katalon Studio
Katalon Studio is another powerful tool for RPA testing. It offers a user-friendly interface for creating and managing automated test scripts. Katalon Studio supports various testing types, including functional, regression, and performance testing. Its integration with RPA tools like UiPath and Automation Anywhere makes it a valuable asset for comprehensive test coverage.
Although Selenium is traditionally used for web application testing, it can be effectively used for RPA testing as well. Its open-source nature and robust scripting capabilities allow for extensive test automation. Selenium can interact with web elements and simulate user actions, making it a useful tool for testing web-based RPA bots.
Key Techniques for Effective RPA Testing
Unit Testing
Unit testing involves testing individual components of the automation process. This technique helps in isolating and identifying issues in specific parts of the process. By testing each component separately, you can ensure that every element performs as expected before integrating them into a larger process.
Regression Testing
As RPA processes evolve, changes and updates can introduce new issues. Regression testing helps ensure that modifications do not adversely affect existing functionality. Regular regression tests are essential for maintaining the stability of automated processes and verifying that updates do not introduce new bugs.
End-to-End Testing
End-to-end testing involves evaluating the entire automation process from start to finish. This technique ensures that all components work together seamlessly and that the overall process delivers the expected results. End-to-end testing is crucial for validating that automated processes interact correctly with external systems and applications.
Performance Testing
Performance testing assesses how well an automated process performs under various conditions. This includes evaluating response times, processing speeds, and handling of concurrent tasks. Performance testing helps identify bottlenecks and ensures that the automation can handle the expected workload efficiently.
Exception Handling Testing
Exception handling is a critical aspect of RPA. Effective exception handling ensures that bots can manage errors and unexpected situations gracefully. Testing for exception scenarios involves simulating various error conditions and verifying that the automation responds appropriately, such as by logging errors or retrying failed tasks.
Data Validation
Data validation involves checking the accuracy and integrity of data processed by the automation. This technique ensures that the bot handles data correctly and produces accurate results. Validating data involves comparing actual outputs with expected results and verifying that data transformations and calculations are performed accurately.
Integration Testing
Integration testing focuses on the interactions between different components and systems within the automation process. This technique helps ensure that the automation integrates smoothly with external systems, databases, and applications. Integration testing verifies that data flows correctly between systems and that end-to-end processes function as intended.
Best Practices for RPA Testing
Develop a Testing Strategy
A well-defined testing strategy is essential for efficient RPA testing. Outline your testing objectives, methodologies, and tools to ensure a structured approach. A clear strategy helps in setting expectations, managing resources, and tracking progress.
Automate Testing Where Possible
Automating the testing process itself can save time and reduce manual effort. Utilize testing tools that support automation and integrate with your RPA platform. Automated tests can be scheduled to run regularly, ensuring continuous validation of your automation processes.
Maintain Comprehensive Documentation
Documenting your testing procedures, cases, and results is crucial for tracking progress and identifying issues. Comprehensive documentation provides a reference for future testing efforts and helps in troubleshooting problems.
Regularly Review and Update Tests
As your automation processes evolve, it’s important to review and update your tests accordingly. Regularly revisiting test cases and scenarios ensures that they remain relevant and effective in validating your automation.
Collaborate with Stakeholders
Effective RPA testing involves collaboration with various stakeholders, including developers, business analysts, and end-users. Engaging stakeholders in the testing process helps in understanding requirements, gathering feedback, and ensuring that the automation meets business needs.
Efficient RPA testing is essential for maintaining the reliability and effectiveness of your automated processes. By utilizing the right tools and techniques, you can ensure that your bots perform accurately, handle exceptions gracefully, and integrate seamlessly with other systems. Embrace best practices, stay proactive, and continuously refine your testing approach to achieve optimal results in your RPA initiatives.
To Know More About RPA testing
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automationqa · 1 year
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Revolutionize your testing game with these #Top 10 automation testing tools of 2023! From #Selenium to #Katalon, we've got you covered. 
Click here to know more!
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woodjessica123-blog · 21 days
7 Best Regression Testing Tools
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Regression testing ensures that new changes or updates to a software application don’t break existing functionality. Various tools can help automate and manage regression testing. Here are seven of the best regression testing tools commonly used by teams:
1. Selenium
Overview: Selenium is a widely used open-source tool for automating web browsers. It supports multiple programming languages like Java, C#, Python, and more.
Key Features:
Works with all major browsers.
Integrates with CI/CD tools like Jenkins.
Supports parallel test execution.
Extensible with Selenium WebDriver.
2. Katalon Studio
Overview: Katalon Studio is a user-friendly, all-in-one automation tool for web, mobile, desktop, and API testing. It’s great for both beginners and experts.
Key Features:
Built-in templates for common test cases.
Supports web, mobile, and API testing.
Detailed test execution reports.
CI/CD integration with Jenkins, GitLab, etc.
3. TestComplete
Overview: TestComplete is a powerful tool for automating UI testing of desktop, web, and mobile applications.
Key Features:
Supports multiple scripting languages like JavaScript, Python, VBScript.
Record-and-playback feature.
Smart object recognition.
Data-driven and keyword-driven testing.
4. Ranorex Studio
Overview: Ranorex is a robust test automation tool for desktop, web, and mobile applications. It is designed for users with minimal programming skills.
Key Features:
GUI object recognition.
Cross-browser and cross-platform testing.
Seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines.
Reporting and debugging capabilities.
5. QTP/UFT (Unified Functional Testing)
Overview: Developed by Micro Focus, UFT is a popular regression testing tool designed for functional and regression testing of various applications, including desktop and web apps.
Key Features:
Supports a wide range of applications (SAP, Oracle, .NET, etc.).
GUI and API testing in a single tool.
Advanced debugging and reporting.
Data-driven testing.
6. IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT)
Overview: RFT is an automated functional and regression testing tool from IBM, designed for testing web-based and Java-based applications.
Key Features:
Supports script-free, visual-based testing.
Integration with IBM’s DevOps tools.
Test reuse and modularity.
Data-driven testing.
7. Tosca by Tricentis
Overview: Tosca is a model-based testing tool that helps automate end-to-end testing for complex applications.
Key Features:
Scriptless automation for non-technical users.
Support for SAP, web, mobile, and API testing.
Service virtualization and test data management.
Continuous testing integration for DevOps.
Each of these tools has strengths in different areas, so your choice will depend on your team's specific needs, such as the types of applications you test, integration requirements, and technical expertise. Tools like Selenium are great for flexibility, while Katalon and TestComplete are more suited for teams that prefer easier setups with built-in features.
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devstreeau · 2 months
Top 10 Web Application Testing Tools in 2024
In 2024, web application testing tools are essential for ensuring flawless user experiences across diverse platforms. Leading tools include Selenium for versatile browser automation, Cypress for efficient JavaScript testing, and Katalon Studio for comprehensive end-to-end testing. Appium excels in cross-platform mobile and web app testing, while Apache JMeter and LoadStorm focus on performance testing. WebPageTest and Headless Chrome provide performance insights and automation capabilities, respectively. BrowserStack ensures cross-browser compatibility, and Postman is invaluable for API testing. Devstree Australia leverages these tools to deliver exceptional, tailored testing strategies, rigorous test cases, and actionable insights for superior web app performance.
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vishnu242002 · 2 months
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yethiconsulting · 15 days
Selenium vs. Other Test Automation Tools: Which One Is Right for You?
When choosing a test automation tool, Selenium is often a top contender, but it’s important to evaluate it against other popular tools to see which one fits your needs. Here’s a comparison to help you decide.
Selenium is an open-source tool widely used for web application testing. It supports multiple programming languages (Java, Python, C#, etc.) and browsers, making it highly versatile. Selenium WebDriver provides flexibility for automating testing software complex test cases. However, it requires solid programming skills and can be time-consuming to set up.
Other Tools
Cypress: Cypress is a fast-growing end-to-end testing framework designed for modern JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular. It’s easier to set up than Selenium and offers a more user-friendly API. However, it only supports JavaScript and doesn’t work with older browsers like Internet Explorer.
TestComplete: This tool supports a variety of technologies (web, mobile, and desktop) and is beginner-friendly with its record-and-playback feature. Unlike Selenium, it’s a paid tool but offers support for non-technical users.
Katalon Studio: Katalon is another beginner-friendly tool with built-in features that reduce the need for extensive coding. It’s suitable for both web and mobile testing, but like TestComplete, it’s not as customizable as Selenium.
Choose Selenium for flexibility and broad language support, or opt for simpler tools like Tenjin online if ease of use is a priority.
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