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whatcammieloves · 6 years ago
Co ja będę ściemniać.
Nie chce mi się pisać wcale a wcale. Obudziłam się z przeświadczeniem, że dostałam od kogoś wiadomość. Nie znałam imienia. Wiem tylko, że towarzyszyło mi mocne przekonanie o tym, że był to facet. Jakoś nie mam z kim ostatnio pogadać tak wieczorami. Siedzę, od czasu do czasu komuś odpisując, ale to nie to. Nie wiem czy tęsknię za kimś czy po prostu tak jak pani S chciałabym kiedyś czuć się tak jak ona.
Pisanie mi nie idzie, ale za to czytanie owszem.
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aimeetomeleri · 6 years ago
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Esse é um daqueles livros que penso: “por que demorei tanto tempo pra ler?” Eu simplesmente adorei! Addison Coleman possui uma habilidade especial: Investigar Destinos, aliás, o seu destino. Ela pode prever, ou melhor, vivenciar duas possibilidades de futuro toda vez que tem de tomar uma decisão. Seus pais vão se divorciar e Addie tem que se decidir se vai continuar com sua mãe no Complexo Paranormal (onde todos possuem habilidades especiais) ou se vai com seu pai para o mundo normal. Duas possibilidades de futuro, mas ambas com um mistério a ser resolvido. Não quero me estender muito sobre o enredo pois achei incrível descobrir junto com a Addison o que a esperava em cada caminho e também porque peguei o livro meio às escuras, hahaha. A escrita da autora é rápida e fluida. Havia muitas possibilidades de exploração do tema, mas Kasie West trabalhou de uma forma incrível sem grandes complexidades. Uma das coisas que mais gostei foi a intercalação da narrativa para as duas possibilidades e aí percebemos que existem certas coisas que realmente devem acontecer, que estão em nosso destino. Em young adult não pode faltar romance, e Addison tem nas duas possibilidades de futuro, mas nem tudo são flores e nem todos são o que aparentam. Desde o início eu já suspeitava de qual seria a escolha da Addson, mas com alguns acontecimentos já não tinha mais tanta certeza. Logo após a leitura descobri que na verdade Encruzilhada é um duologia, então sim! Já vou iniciar o segundo livro, pois estou muito curiosa! #encruzilhada #pivotpoint #kassiewest #resenha #igliterario #bookstagram #book #livros #photooftheday #livrododia #livroseleitura #igliterario #instabook #instaliterario https://www.instagram.com/p/BokMMR-FALL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wjp13lqb8m9t
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littlebluflwr · 8 years ago
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You can tell I'm a book lover. February book haul! And I still have more on my list! #bookstagram #bookworm #beforeifall #laurenoliver #theboyinthestripedpajamas #johnboyne #theicecreamqueenoforchardstreet #susanjanegilman #betweenshadesofgray #rutasepetys #byyourside #kassiewest #carvethemark #veronicaroth #loveandgelato #jennaevanswelch #adogspurpose #wbrucecameron #kingscage #victoriaaveyard #magnuschase #rickriordan #astudyincharlotte #brittanycavallaro #lovethatsplittheworld #emilyhenry #thethingaboutjellyfish #alibenjamin #riseoffire #sophiejordan #toomanyhashtags #toomanybooks
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nerdy4books · 11 years ago
REVIEW: The Distance Between Us
Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: Kasie West
Publisher: Harper Teen
Reading Source: e-book
Page Count: 312
Rating: 5/5
Caymen Meyers is a seventeen year girl who works at her mothers failing and also creepy doll shop. One day she meets rich guy Xander Spence the grandson of one of there most regular costumers coming in for a pickup. Caymen from that first meeting knew she wouldn’t like him but Xander never stay away. Soon they move into a friendship as they help each other find out what they want to do after high school.
My Thoughts:
This young adult contemporary is not about two people having a long distance relationship. Its more on the social status of the two main characters where Xander is the rich boy and Caymen is the poor girl.  I really enjoyed how there relationship started with no instant love more like a slow process to where it build up to it. Caymen is my favorite by far for the fact that she is a really sarcastic character, and you can’t take things to serious with her. Then Xander who is some what a two faced character but that is only of whose he around. Around his family he’s cold and indifferent, but around Caymen he’s happy. There was plenty of cute moments like the whole hot chocolate moments and the actual looking for there callings outside their family businesses.  
I miss reading contemporaries they always put me in a good mood and this book sure did just that. I now can’t wait to  read more of Kasie West and more contemporaries like this. Any suggesting’s please leave in the comments below thanks and happy reading.
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whatcammieloves · 6 years ago
#KassieWest #dziewczynaktórawybrałaporazdrugi #książka #book #bookstagram #bookslovers #bookslove #molksiążkowy #bookwarm#love♥️
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whatcammieloves · 6 years ago
Tak o.
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whatcammieloves · 6 years ago
Przed meczem 😁
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whatcammieloves · 6 years ago
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Skoro w sobotę jadę na mecz, teraz czytam 😊❤️
#KassieWest #Chłopaknazastępstwo #książka #book #bookstagram #bookslovers #bookslove #molksiążkowy #bookwarm#love♥️
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whatcammieloves · 6 years ago
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Tak naprawdę jak to ma być regularne to jest.. 😊
Kolejna a co 😁
#KassieWest #Chłopakzinnejbajki #książka #book #bookstagram #bookslovers #bookslove #molksiążkowy #bookwarm#love♥️
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whatcammieloves · 6 years ago
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Lekko łatwo i przyjemnie ❤️
#KassieWest #PSIlikeyou
A w międzyczasie rozmowy z pewnym N i oczywiście niezastąpionymi paniami S i M tylko aż żałuję że.. pani M nie chce kupić tych biletów VIP na kadrę..
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whatcammieloves · 6 years ago
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Saturday with a book 📚
#KassieWest #Przeznaczenieipierwszypocałunek #książka #book #bookstagram #bookslovers #bookslove #molksiążkowy #bookwarm#love♥️
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whatcammieloves · 6 years ago
#KassieWest #Szczęściewmiłości #książka #book #bookstagram #bookslovers #bookslove #molksiążkowy #bookwarm#love♥️
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