Whumptober Day 2
Another instalment in It Walks Among Us for today, with another jump forward. This one is set only a couple months after the last one, and it’s a moment that I think we all knew was coming: Gerald Finds Out. 
Once the Les Mis lyrics cleared out of my brain, this is the first thing I thought of for this prompt - after all, we all had to know that Jen and Riven weren’t going to be able to keep their secrets forever. Even though this is technically the precursor to the actual confrontation rather than the showdown itself, I think it still fits the prompt very well, since the intent of confrontation is literally all that is going on in Gerald’s brain by the end.
Day 2 - Theme Chosen: Confrontation
It had been nine hundred years since he first learned the hard way to trust his own instincts, but even now, it wasn’t a lesson that Gerald needed to learn twice. 
He had been worried when Jenseny insisted on staying in her downtown apartment despite the rumours of demonic attacks, and far more worried when her resolve held even after one of her neighbours was killed in the very same building. Damien’s arguments in favour of independence were all well and good, but it went against every one of Gerald’s instincts to simply leave their daughter undefended in the path of the enemy. Now, after the debacle with Andrys, everything in the Hunter screamed for him to bring Jenseny home where he could protect her - but still, she refused. Still, she seemed hell-bent on remaining out of reach. Even Damien was concerned, now, about why exactly she was so determined to stay away from home; there seemed to be no good reason for it… and Gerald could think of a dozen bad reasons for it, each more alarming than the last. 
Gerald had held back for longer than he wanted, prioritising Jenseny’s trust over his own fears, but now it was not merely baseless worry - if Andrys wasn’t the only one working with the invading demons, Jenseny’s life could very well hang in the balance, and that tipped the scales. Unwilling to provoke a direct confrontation without at least some idea of what was keeping Jenseny away, though, Gerald had done something he’d once thought he would never do. 
He’d asked Karril for help. 
The Iezu had stared at him, disbelief written clearly on his face. 
“You want me to spy on Jen?”
There was a fire crackling merrily in the great marble fireplace, its cheery sound at odds with the tension in the room. Outside, the evening sky was prematurely black with heavy clouds, a stiff wind raking forcefully through the branches of the old alteroak tree in the yard; Gerald could feel the threat of the oncoming storm prickling over his senses, the earth fae swirling faster along its channels in anticipation. Damien was the one who answered, his grip tight on the glass of glayva he’d been holding for the last hour, not once having sipped at it. 
“Not spy on her, per se. Just - check in on her, and try to figure out what’s keeping her away.” 
Karril turned to glare at Damien, his shock already beginning to morph into disapproval. 
“That’s the kind of semantic bullshit I’d expect of Gerald. You, on the other hand, should know exactly what’s wrong with what you just said. I know you’re worried, Damien, but this isn’t the way to express that!” 
“We’ve tried other methods already, Karrill,” Gerald said, the words coming out sharp despite himself. A wave of sympathetic worry and reassurance washed through the link from Damien, and the adept drew a deep breath, trying to steady himself. “We’ve asked her over and over again why she won’t just come home, and she’s lying about it. We’ve tried everything we can to get her to talk to either one of us, to just tell us what’s going on, but she refuses to talk to us.”
“We’re scared now,” Damien put in, his hazel eyes dark and serious. “Jen’s never kept anything from us for long before, and this - it just doesn’t feel right. She’s putting herself in danger, and if she won’t tell us why, we can’t help her.”
Karril leaned back on the sofa, frowning. “You’re really that worried?” 
“Our daughter was kidnapped by a madman, forced to kill in self-defence under very traumatic circumstances, and is still choosing to remain in a city under active assault by demons rather than move back in with her very capable fathers,” Gerald snapped. “I know I tend toward paranoia, Karril, but I’d have to be vulking insane to not be worried!” 
He was nearly shouting by the end, emotions running too high for even his impressive self-control. Abandoning his glass on an end table, Damien reached over and gripped his husband’s arm, his expression fiercely intent. 
“We’re going to bring her home, Gerald. We’ll figure out whatever the hell is going on, and we’ll bring her home safe and sound, I promise.” 
Karril watched them with wide eyes for a moment, seeing the way Gerald leaned into Damien’s grip and the exhausted worry on both men’s faces, before he blew out a heavy breath. 
“Well, fuck,” he said succintly. “When you put it like that - of course I’ll do it. I almost wish you’d come to me sooner, I had no idea it had gotten so bad. And I didn’t mean to imply that you were exaggerating, Gerald-”
The adept shook his head, cutting off his friend with a wan smile. “It’s fine, Karril. I understand. Just… please, figure out what’s going on, as soon as you can. I’m not going to be able to sleep soundly until I know Jen is back home, and until I know that nothing is directly threatening her.” 
The Iezu nodded. 
“Consider it done.” 
The Iezu had promptly disappeared, and hadn’t returned since. Gerald was doing his best not to obsess over the length of the wait, but it was difficult - every morning’s paper brought word of fresh attacks, until it sounded as if the citizens in the city centre could hardly set foot outside their doors without tripping over a demon between Coreset and sunrise. Damien at least had his work to pass the time - with the increase in attacks, even the relief Healers were pulling overtime, keeping the hospital fully staffed around the clock to help save as many victims as they could. The Historical Archives were hardly an essential service in such a time of panic, though, and had shut their doors until further notice, sending their staff home with half pay ‘until the crisis was resolved’. The reduction in their income was of no concern given Gerald’s accumulated wealth, but he mourned the loss of any constructive distraction, reduced to studying every scrap of information he could gather on the demons and fretting over Jenseny’s safety. 
On one such day, exactly a week after asking his old friend for help, Gerald was attempting to pass the time until Damien returned from his late shift at the hospital by going over what they knew so far about the invading demons. The adept was sitting at their dining room table late in the evening, pouring over his growing collection of newspaper scraps about the attacks; he was glaring darkly at the horrific artist’s rendering of a demon that graced one front page, snarling with lovingly rendered malice, when Karril appeared unceremoniously in the room. 
“You were right to be worried.” 
Karril’s tone wasn’t urgent, but it was flat and low, thick with something that sounded quite a lot like dread. Gerald was on his feet instantly, his heart pounding, adrenaline flooding his veins. 
“What happened?” 
Karril met Gerald’s eyes only reluctantly. The Iezu looked  - not tired, exactly, for that was not how overexertion manifested on his kind, but dishevelled. His red hair was wilder than usual, his robe a little blurry around the edges, as though he couldn’t quite muster the focus to sharpen his manifestation the way he typically did. His eyes, though, were what really chilled Gerald’s blood; they held a haunted look, as though Karril had seen something that was weighing on him nearly as heavily as the fear of the unknown had been weighing on Gerald. 
Karril hesitated a moment longer, then said grimly, “One of my brothers was at Jen’s apartment. Not once, but three times in the week I was watching her - once for nearly forty-eight hours straight. I couldn’t get too close without risking exposing my presence, but I did manage to confirm who it was. Gerald… it was Riven Forrest.” 
The air seemed to have gone out of the room. 
“That’s…” Gerald couldn’t make himself finish the sentence, but Karril was already nodding. 
“The one that Mother created from you. Yes. Aspected to the Hunt.”
For the first time in centuries, Gerald felt bile rising in his throat. He swallowed it back, hard - this wasn’t the time to give into his own turbulent emotions, this was the time to focus, to plan. Distantly, he felt a jolt of alarm from Damien, and realized that his distress had to be leaking across the bond; pushing what reassurance he could muster through the link, Gerald refocused on Karril, promising silently that he would fill Damien in once he had all the facts. 
“He’s the one that’s threatening her, then? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, Andrys colluded with a rogue brother of yours once before, after all…” 
But Karril was shaking his head now, face twisted in a complicated mixture of regret and frustration and fear. “Not threatening her, no. Gerald, I-” He cut himself off for a moment, wavered, then visibly changed tack. “As I said, I couldn’t risk getting too close. I couldn’t overhear any of their conversations or anything like that, I was only observing from a distance, and there may have been context that I missed-”
“Karril, tell me.” If he had been anxious before, Gerald was edging close to true panic now - he had never seen such blatant unease on his friend’s face, and it was chipping away dangerously at his self-control. “Just tell me, before I start imagining something even worse.” 
Karril bit his lip, looking away, and addressed his shaky words to the star-speckled sky outside the dining room window. 
“Jen seemed pleased to see him every time he arrived, and it was obvious that they’re close, they must have known each other for a while now. Right before I left, they were near the apartment window for a little while, and… Gerald… I think they’re sleeping together.” 
The rage that swept over Gerald was, quite literally, blinding. The fae surged wildly in reaction to his untempered wrath, a blaze of white-hot fury that momentarily stole his vision; as he blinked away the searing afterimage and exerted his will on the currents, forcing them viciously back into their usual flow even as they trembled under his lashing power, he was only distantly aware of Karril’s hurried words. 
“He didn’t hurt her, Gerald, or I would have intervened immediately, and damn the consequences! She seemed - well, it wasn’t exactly one-sided-”
“He can’t have been honest with her, Karril, she would never trust any of your kind but you and Saris after what Calesta put her through.” Gerald hadn’t heard such iciness in his own voice in a long, long time, and Karril fell silent instantly, taking a cautious step away from the adept. “She can’t possibly be aware of who he is… but I highly doubt that he doesn’t know exactly who she is. I cannot believe that the very Iezu your mother created to replace Calesta found his way to my daughter simply by coincidence.” As the currents shivered around his feet in protest, Gerald lifted his gaze from the flow of power to Karril’s face. He couldn’t actually taste the fear of a faeborn creature, but something dark and hungry in his chest - something that had largely lain dormant for the last decade and a half, but was now stirring awake, stirring and stretching and baring sharp claws - purred in satisfaction nonetheless at the look of naked apprehension on Karril’s face. 
“And when I find out why, I will make that creature regret the day he was made.” 
With that, Gerald turned and swept toward the door. Karril jolted and took a step after him, shock breaking through the dread that had paralyzed him. 
“Wait, Gerald, where are you going?” 
“Downtown,” Gerald bit out, stalking down the hall toward the front door. He heard his friend following, the alarm in the Iezu’s voice only growing with each step. 
“Don’t you think you should wait and talk to Damien? Decide how to approach this? Gerald, I realize why you’re upset and I think it’s completely fair, but you can’t just barge in-” 
“Do not tell me what I can and cannot do to protect my daughter, Karril.” 
Gerald swept down the front steps and onto the front lawn before he turned to face the Iezu. Karril looked to be on the verge of panic himself now, one hand half-outstretched as though he could physically hold Gerald back; the adept only stared at him, feeling his own fear and rage being subsumed by the frozen mask of the Hunter. Damien was practically screaming at him through the link, inundating him with the sensations of crushing worry and desperation, but Gerald simply pushed it aside - there wasn’t time to fill his husband in or fetch him from the hospital, Gerald wasn’t about to leave Jenseny in Riven’s hands for one moment longer than he had to. 
“I thank you for your assistance, Karril,” he said, his tone clipped but steady now, all his fear and uncertainty wrapped safely in layers of power and hatred - if asked before today, he would not have been certain that he could still summon this kind of composure, but it felt like donning an old and well-worn cloak. Tonight, moreso than any other time in the years since Calesta’s fall, the Hunter was truly alive. “You’ve done your part well. What happens from here is my own concern.” 
Karril’s eyes widened, and he dropped his hand back to his side, badly shaken. “Gerald - I just don’t want you or Jen to get hurt.” 
“I can assure you, we will not,” the Hunter said coldly. 
The blue-white inferno of coldfire that erupted around him felt like the embrace of an old lover. As he rose into the night sky on black-feathered wings, the Hunter shut out the sound of Karril shouting in protest, shut out the panic bleeding through the link with his husband’s mind, shut out his own dread - shut out everything but the protective wrath that seared through him like ice on bare flesh. 
He had killed an Iezu once before. 
Once he knew exactly why Riven Forrest had targeted his daughter, he would do so again.
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rumeysawrites · 22 days
Humans, spirits, universes, and everything inbetween... All of them had a lifespan. With a beginning and an end.
This created the Balance. The Balance that kept the fabric of Existence togather.
Nihynia knew this by heart. Thus she worked, lived, and strived for the Balance ever since the moment she had emerged from the Essence of the Might, alongside her sisters.
As Life, Time, and Space... They were the Balance.
They made sure of the beginning, middle, and end of everything. Every world. Every life.
As with everything however, some attempted to tip the fragile scales of the Balance to their favor.
There was one in particular. One self-contained Multiverse plagued with this danger.
Eight Alters.
Where one of their own had rebelled them.
Threatened by the doom of their worlds, the people of Eight Alters resisted.
They ran, hid, attempted to fight back, and prayed.
Yet all their efforts proved futile, as this ever-growing force conquered six of their worlds. Gatheting more and mighty followers along the way.
Nihynia thought this Multiverse came to its inevitable end. And she assumed the Balance could only be restored with her gentle touch as always.
However, Life and Time had other plans.
At last, Life had heard the pleas of the Eight Alters' people, and conjured a piece of her Essence, a fraction of her heart, into a source of power.
Nine other beings followed her lead, giving a piece of their power - a part of their very soul - to help bring back the Balance.
Nihynia was one of them. She and Darkness descended on Yugenri. One of the only two worlds still standing and able to fight. And gifted to the defenders the ten power sources.
A piece from ten of their hearts.
The Ten Values Of Existence.
Life, Time, Space, Nature, Technology, Mind, Soul, Body, Light, and Darkness.
Forged into ten crystals by Tivadar and Mehenilda Karril. A pair of craftsmen with unmatched talented and unparalelled resolve. Then given to ten heroes relentlessly fighting to bring back the Balance.
The Ten Legendary Carriers.
Equipped with the power of these crystals, and with the support of a Spirit destined to accompany each of them, as well as Darkness himself to back them up; they battled again. More fiercely than ever before.
They did succeed. Yet only partially.
The enemy was defeated and sealed away, yet still had influence on his followers. The followers whom survived that was.
They wereva small group, in hiding. Preparing for their lord's return.
And the heroes. The Legendaries...
Most of them were weakened beyond saving. Wounded, cursed, drained, fatigued...
Their allies hid them in Tiria. The only world in Eight Alters that was unharmed.
As the crystals, the Ten Values of Existence, shattered, lost across the worlds. Only one out of every five piece remained with them. Passing down to their children. And to their children's children....
Nihynia watched all of it play out, as she ascended back to tell her sisters.
She believed Eight Alters was destined for ruin. Regardless of how many heroes would desparately try to salvage it.
Life however, wished to whitness this multiverse's lifespan play out fully, as the Balance required so.
To give them another chance if necessary. Reminding they all gave a piece from themselves for this very cause.
Thus their sister of Time measured a thousand years of time for the Eight Alters. Unless it was saved completely and the crystals were restored.
A thousand years of a lifespan.
A very short time for any universe it was.
An even shorter time to save multiple.
(Monday / June 10th / 989 AL)
"How many of them have agreed to work with us thus far?"
"Only five, sir."
"And we only have a week left to find the remaining half, you know?” 
"It is a slim chance, however, it is definitely not impossible to accomplish."
It was a warm and sunny Tuesday morning, or afternoon for some residents of the world, while also being a refreshingly cool evening or night for some others. People across all continents of the planet were mostly going about their daily lives, no matter how boring or unusual it might have been for people who didn't know of them. 
There was, however, a hidden group of people in two small, neighboring islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. They were in a continuous search for those who they believed to be the Legendary Carriers. These people consisted of the members of BSA, a major interdimensional organization, founded with this sole purpose centuries prior.
The high-ranking members were at a meeting in one of the largest rooms of the castle-sized headquarters building. The interior of the room had a strong resemblance to a laboratory of some sort, one which had a multitude of people who were ceaselessly working like worker-bees. 
A tall, well-built man in his forties, with an air of authority and a black uniform with a white "BSA" symbol on his uniform stood in the middle of the room. He was checking on every other member's progress regarding their search. 
He had occasional white streaks on his otherwise inky black hair and beard. His caramel brown eyes were observing the rest of his colleagues, as each of them reported to him on their duties.
"Mr. Winfield?" One of the members approached the man with slight confusion in his face. He was rather short compared to his leader. He had light brown hair, amber eyes, and a slightly chubby figure. 
"What is the matter, Mr. Larisson?" The leader asked in a calm manner.
"There's a situation that prevents us from applying the One-For-One system. There's Ekermin twin sisters in the family we located.” the researcher man stated, uneasily running his fingers over the collar of his BSA uniform.
Rolling his caramel colored eyes, Mr. Winfield responded to him with a tired voice. "If one of them is a Legendary, we will have to accept both of them. Then we will separate them afterwards. However, if neither one is, then adding two more members to the supporting forces wouldn't hurt, now would it?"
Mr. Larrison nodded with an equally simple response before returning to his research. "Roger, sir."
Right after him, another man approached Mr. Winfield. He was carrying a bundle of research papers, with an enthusiastic expression on his face.
"Sir! We found two new Ekermins, both of whom are likely to be Legendaries!"
The leader's brown eyes lit up as his lips curled into a small smile.
"That's terrific!" He commented with some enthusiasm. He then calmed himself down to order the tall and lanky man before him. "Tell Mr. Wise of this situation so that he will be able to prepare properly, Mr. Corrill. In the meantime, I shall send a Research And Persuasion Team to each of the locations."
The man, who had chin-length, chestnut brown hair, pale green eyes, and deeply tanned skin, nodded with excitement.
"Yes sir!" He said in a rush, before exiting the room.
However, the man standing there had a thoughtful expression, which remained for awhile.
This makes eight of them, only two more to go. This project's going a lot more smoothly than I expected."
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(I'm tagging everyone I know on Writeblr because I'm desparate to hear opinions, thoughts, and possibly constructive criticism. Feel free to let me know how you feel even if you're not tagged! Tags (with no pressure but appreciated): @mudkissedgirl @dearunreliablenarrator @heycerulean @author-a-holmes @daishitheprofessionalfool @avalordream @writeblrfantasy @the-ellia-west @thecomfywriter @the-letterbox-archives @imsoveryveryconfusedatlife @distantflickering @illarian-rambling @sliceoflifeshepard @the-golden-comet @nondelphic @wyvchard and anyone else! Thank you! Please please please let me know what you think! Thank you! <3)
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badassbutterfly1987 · 2 months
Black Sun Rising ch. 15 live read
This is a long chapter with a lot to say so next few chapters will get their own post.
before we get to the fun stuff, the chapter starts with a teen on a magic drug trip. he's having a great time until something attacks his mind/soul? and he's unable to return to his body in a legitimately unsettling scene.
trio arrive in a dae (town?) called Briand to shelter for the night. Damien notes that there are protective sigils on the gates, some of them designed by Ciani who is no longer able to recognize it, which can keep out lesser monsters.
interesting to note that Damien also has an insecurity that he manages well: he is someone that needs to be active and feel needed, an aspect of himself that he's funneled into service of the Church and helping people.
note that he realizes the innkeeper at the place they're staying is upset about something, suspects it's a family matter, and immediately offers to help (you know how characters are sometimes compared to specific animals? he's a sheepdog to me). turns out she's the mother of the teen at the beginning of the chapter who is now in a coma. Damien examines him but can't identify the cause and his Knowing is actively prevented from reading the state of his soul and brain activity.
with how quickly he's gotten attached to Ciani, I really want to know his previous dating history. is this a pattern for him? is he one of those guys that starts contemplating marriage within a half year of dating? oh, he's going to pair delightfully with Tarrant!
Tarrant finally enters the scene and it's wonderful. Damien is quick to describe how attractive he is. "attractive to women", sure Damien, that qualifier definitely makes it less gay.
worldbuilding: most people don't carry guns (which I did not expect to exist in this world) because technology plus fear of failure or in general can either cause it to fail or outright explode. That Tarrant carries an UnWorked pistol (does a vampire really need a pistol?) marks him either as incredibly reckless or an Adept.
Possible favorite moment of the chapter: Damian tries to perform a subtle Knowing on him, is immediately blocked by a Shield, Tarrant notices and Damien realizes he's been noticed, and Tarrant is implied to get a better read on him and is just kinda amused
I can just imagine Tarrant thinking: "oh this is the priest Karril mentioned? this is going to be fun". Love the Vibes here.
Ciani decides to get to know him the old-fashioned way (by straight-forward conversation) and Senzei makes a dumb comment like "women, am I right?" which marks the second time a remark about women inherently being a certain way (in contrast to men) which I'm willing to be lenient on because it was the 90s.
interesting to note that despite Tarrant acknowledging he knew Ciani and wanted to help her, he doesn't acknowledge that her and Ciani doesn't recognize him. Either they hadn't met in person and only knew each other by association/communicated through letters, or Ciani's forgotten him and he's playing coy for now
the group chats but everyone is evasive (especially Tarrant) about what they're doing and why. progress is only made when the topic of the coma teen comes up and Tarrant offers to help.
to speedrun: Tarrant identifies the problem very quickly and Damien is both unsettled and intrigued by everything about him. The boy's mind/soul/sense of self was permanently separated from his body and is functionally dead. Tarrant misleads the mother into thinking it was an overdose from illegal drugs while admitting to the Damian it was something using dark fae, which he confirms is similar to what happened to Ciani though he doesn't specify that to Tarrant. Then Tarrant goes full "eh, he's practically dead anyway, might as well speed along the body's death" which Damien objects to on the grounds he doesn't want to kill an innocent life.
here's the thing: I get what the author is setting up; Damien's firmly set in his moral code while Tarrant has ruthlessly tossed that aside and their dynamic will include that contrast.
but Damian's trained as a healer, he has to know when someone is too far gone to be saved. This is the equivalent of a coma patient without brain activity on life support; instead of Tarrant deciding to take care of things himself, wouldn't it be interesting to have Damien talk to the boy's mother and get permission before doing it, essentially taking the responsibility for it? It would establish him as someone willing to make the difficult choice while still retaining his empathy (which he'll probably develop into but still) and since I skimmed the next couple chapters, I know Damien is going to be second guessing this scene and wondering if Tarrant was manipulating his perception; how much better (or worse for him) if Damien worried he'd been manipulated into killing an innocent that could have been saved?
they part ways after this point because while they're both heading north, Tarrant only travels at night and Damian's a bit too weirded out to bring him into the group.
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dragonsovendice · 10 months
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enkeliseepra · 4 months
Edellinen yö meinasi muuttua liskojen yöksi. Näin unta jossa olin kahvilassa, huomasin jonkun leivoksen ja tajusin että se oli äitini suosikkileivos. Tajusin salamaniskun lailla, että minulla on ikävä äitiäni. Minulla oli muitakin ongelmia; korvieni reiät olivat tulehtuneet korvskorujen vuoksi, vasen olkapääni oli solisluun kohdalta kipeä, en saanut käsivarsiani asetettua mukavaan asentoon, ja reiteni liimautuivat yhteen. Nousin ja menin pissalle, sitten menin takaisin nukkumaan, sitten nousin ja otin aamulääkkeet. Pukeuduin ja nautin aamiaista ja kahvia. En jaksanut peseytyä. Vaihdoin pyyhkeet, otin lakanat pois sängystä, ja pesin pyykkikoneeni etikalla. Lähdin junalla keskustaan ja vaihdoin metroon ja menin kaupunkifestivaaleille. Tapasin Mireten lavan edessä, meitä haastateltiin lehteen. Siellä oli monia kivoja kojuja. Menen huomenna koko päiväksi sinne kokonaisvaltaista kokemusta varten. Lähdettyäemme harhailimme asemalla, kunnes löysimme vahingon kautta bussipysäkin. Menimme bussilla Karrille, siellä oli jo paljon vieraita. Söimme paljon herkkuja. Vitsailimme ja naureskelimme. Lähdin ja matkustin bussilla kotiini. Otin iltalääkkeet ja yhden rauhoittavan. Huomenna menen sinne kaupunkifestivaaleille uudestaan, ja sen jälkeen vanhemmilleni.
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worldsofzzt · 7 months
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Source “Fury Spell” by eJECTION13 (1999) Published by: Starfield Software [FURY.ZZT] - “!;[[RPG BATTLE - KARRILL 2>>” {🔫: 0} Play This World Online ---- Discover More Information About This World on the Museum of ZZT
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newsconduct · 1 year
Karril Kornheiser: Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Net Worth
Karril Kornheiser is a decently average woman who gained notoriety once Tony Kornheiser’s name was connected to hers. As the spouse of Tony, a former journalist, and columnist who today hosts a sports talk show on American television, she is now well-known. Learn more about Karril Kornheiser’s bio, height, husband, and ethnicity… Karril Kornheiser Age, Wiki Tony, Karril’s husband, was born on…
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theobscurepotato · 3 years
Shortly after that infamous spring night, Karril finds himself Summoned by the Neocount of Merentha.
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pencil-free · 5 years
STS! If you had to start a new WIP and had to reuse an old OC in it, which OC would you use?
Hello! Thank you for the ask!
A few years ago I was part of a pokemon rp community with an OC names Karril and I think if I started a new WIP I’d try to use him again. He was a little bastard of a kid always getting into trouble and those kinds of people always make for an interesting plot, and, plus, he’s the only OC I haven’t recycled yet. 
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welovenappyhair · 6 years
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How about a nice easy one and 1 for the ask game? :)
Ahaha, yeah, that is an easier one! XD
So definitely my favourite character to write for is Gerald, because my actual gender is Angsty Villainous Prettyboy and Gerald Tarrant is both largely responsible for that and also the best outlet for it. Veeeery close second is Damien, as evidenced by the massive pile of fics that I've written from his POV, which is largely because Damien and I have something significant in common and that is being obsessed with Gerald; this makes Damien both fun and easy to write, whereas writing Gerald is sometimes a little too real to make it really comfortable.
You know what's really funny, though? The easiest character for me to write, as far as Coldfire goes, isn't Gerald or Damien.
It's Karril.
I'm self-aware enough to know that I use humor as a defence and coping mechanism. Insecurity, anxiety, depression - you name the negative emotion, and I've slapped a joke on top of it before. I have also dealt with a whole lot of shit in my life by clinging to whatever little comforts and pleasures I could find, regardless of how small they might seem in the face of everything else that was going on. For me, that's Karril in a nutshell. He seems carefree and irreverent and unfettered, but that's just on the outside, and there's a lot going on under the surface if you manage to peel back the sixteen layers of double entendres he's got stacked on there. Am I projecting wildly? Probably. But nothing has ever flowed quite so smoothly for me as Karril's dialogue and scenes in the fics I've written him into. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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axuxut · 2 years
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badassbutterfly1987 · 3 months
Black Sun Rising Ch. 6-10 (in which I get more critical)
Chapter 6:
I was a bit confused by this chapter at first since we switch to an entirely new POV of an angry merchant upset about lost cargo
apparently the Weird Trio (my nickname for the things from a previous chapter that looked human but weren't) used the ship carrying his goods to reach the city and sunk the ship and other people on it to cover their tracks i think
the monotone voices and general lack of emotion really make them unsettling
Chapter 7:
we get a flashback/dream from the Patriarch's POV
so his mother had a drug addiction when he was kid, then she was killed and eaten by monsters
obviously a formative memory and probably contributed to his zeal for expanding the Church's influence
Chapter 8:
apparently Damien has a habit of staying awake during true night so he could be aware of any users of dark fae nearby; it's mentioned he was taught this by a mentor, I'm presuming another sorceror or Adept since this isn't the kind of thing the Church likes
he's good at reading the fae currents back in Ganji but they're too volatile in Jaggonath, so he's just chilling in his room for a couple pages then goes to sleep (wait it says it's 3am, is this a witching hour reference? neat)
then Ciani's shop explodes and she's presumed dead, mention that there's specifically blue fire. that color was mentioned last time with the earthquake-resistant wards. the emotional part of this is weakened a bit for me because I know the general plot of the rest of the book
For the most part, I like the rest of this chapter. Damian's understandably rattled, he really liked Ciani and there was the potential for a genuine relationship. We even get a nice moment where the Patriarch has a moment of not being an ass and offers his condolences to Damien, recognizing there was a bond despite his hatred of Adepts and the fae.
Damian has the thought that he might have been falling in love with her. Here's the thing, I think they're fun together, they have a nice flirty dynamic and I could see myself writing ship fics for them. But that was all that was there; there weren't moments where they connected on a more intimate level and Damien doesn't read as having a romantic enough personality to fall this hard this early.
extra note since I didn't think to mention it last post: what kind of Church follower taught to fear and hate demons, would then name their kid Damien? Is it going to be revealed that his parents were Adepts/sorcerers who later converted? it would be a neat reveal; I don't think his parents have been mentioned yet, and it could have influenced with his ease about using fae
Chapter 9:
Weird Trio confirmed to have been hunting Ciani and maybe intended to eat her? didn't intentionally cause explosion. maybe she tried to fight back and triggered the wards in a way that overloaded them?
they apparently have another task to fulfill. how ominous!
Chapter 10:
Ciani is confirmed to be alive and hiding at Senzie's place, surprise surprise. but this is a genuinely sad scene, her attackers ripped out chunks of her memory and all her ability/knowledge as an Adept, something that is an inherent part of her identity
turns out Senzie caused the explosion in an attempt to make the attackers think she was dead and wouldn't attack again. unfortunately, this means that any research or artifacts that could have helped Ciani have been destroyed. Senzie insists he did what was best in the moment, which is fair but the way he says it points to a deeper insecurity. kudos to Damian for knowing how to de-escalate, he's like a warrior-poet but religious (is this just what dnd clerics are? I haven't played)
on a lighter note, we meet Allesha. she was briefly mentioned before as a fellow assistant and someone Senzie seemed to be mildly annoyed with. turns out she's his fiancee which makes that previous thing a little awkward
then we meet Karril, Ciani's demon friend who seems like a pretty chill guy; were he a modern guy, he'd probably wear Hawaiian shirts. what exactly demons are in this verse is a little unclear; the Church calls them demons and Damian treats them as such but other people seem to worship them as gods? Karril's domain is pleasure and he does have Dionysus vibes (also I know there's some fics that ship him and Damian so presumably he shows up again)
I really hope Ciani isn't going to be a traumatized husk for the rest of the book because she was a fun character and this already treads the line of fridging the only notable female lead (Almea dies in the prologue and Allesha is only relevant as Senzei's partner)
apparently Ciani investigated the rakhlands before (far too curious about unknown, similar to Damian), was trapped for a few years in which a rakh fed on her memories/substance as a person, and she barely managed to escape. while Karril wasn't able to get her to fully explain what happened, he did help her forget the experience at her request.
this is like that on a larger scale. the only way to fix it is to hunt down the specific creature that caused it. I might be misreading this part but they seem to be implying it could be a rakh or a more general (but still very dangerous) monster. I guess it's a red herring to the characters/audience to suspect Tarrant and while he is an amoral bastard, his brief POV chapters haven't suggested a motivation to do so (and he did notice new competition in the area, probably the rakh attackers)
Also, just for funzies, this is what I initially marked down for general thoughts that I wanted to make sure I expanded:
Senzei acting sus. defensive because insecure
romance where? barely know each other.
close to fridging. Ciani angry when?
where Tarrant?
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