Ok, so I AM going to be moving this blog soon. I really feel like I need a new start (that being said I will not drop ANY of my threads, but I will be going mutuals only for any new threads) that i have been wanting since I returned from my hiatus. 
Frankly I have not felt good about my portrayal (or myself period) since I have returned. I am hoping that moving will help with that, cause I’m not ready to abandon Satine yet, but I need to get away from the negative feelings. I haven’t felt like there is a place for this blog or me since I returned, and maybe if I move I can change that. 
Anyway point is, I’m not sure exactly when the new blog will be open for business, but hopefully either today or tomorrow. If you follow me there too I will be happy, and I guess I will be seeing you then. If you don’t, well its been fun!
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          “We have been deceived into thinking we MUST be a part of it!”
            Independent private and semi selective Duchess Satine Kryze  
(Promo credit goes to snipisms)
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          “We have been deceived into thinking we MUST be a part of it!”
            Independent private and semi selective Duchess Satine Kryze  
(Promo credit goes to snipisms)
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The moment he heard her voice, he felt lighter, relieved that she was there beside him. He slowly opened his eyes, managing to focus on her face.
He knew he couldn’t speak, for even if he tried, there were too many tubes for him to be able to. So, instead, he gently squeezed her hand again.
“Nurse!” She called, sure there was something they were supposed to do when he awoke. The nurse rushed in. “He is awake.” She squeezed his hand again. Thrilled he was awake.
A call came in to Satine's phone, which said it was from Obi-Wan. However, when she answered, there was a woman's voice on the other side of the phone. "I'm sorry to inform you, miss, that a mister Obi-Wan Kenobi was involved in a very serious car accident... He's in critical condition, ma'am. It would be best if you get the hospital as soon as you can. You may not have much time." { your favorite angsty Obi-mun }
It had been a perfectly normal day. She had gone into work as per usual, and she had just been speaking with Padmé, when her phone began to ring. She laughed, and answered the phone wondering what Obi-Wan was calling her for now. 
What the woman had to say was a shock to say the least. She dropped the phone, her hand still near her face, and simply stared at Padmé in shock. It took a moment, but soon enough she snapped into action. She grabbed her coat and purse and her phone off the ground.
 Frantic and barely holding back tears Satine spoke to Padmé. “I-I have to go. I’m sorry. Its my husband- I have to go.” Padmé put a hand on her shoulder. “You can’t drive. I’ll drive you, come on.” And with that they were out the door and on the way to the hospital. “I have lost enough people, if he dies, so help me.”
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Obi-Wan nodded, rubbing her shoulder. “I’m sure she will. She’s strong, like you.” He said, trying to cheer her up. He wanted Satine to feel better, and he knew that this was a tough thing to talk about.
Satine managed a small smile. Deciding to change the subject to something a little lighter before she did something ridiculous, like cry. Satine cleared her throat. “Any how, when do you want to go tonight?”
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          “We have been deceived into thinking we MUST be a part of it!”
            Independent private and semi selective Duchess Satine Kryze  
(Promo credit goes to snipisms)
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Embarrassing stories? Well Rane had never heard any of those from Obi-Wan. All the stories he ever heard were some massive and great war stories about how amazing the humble master was. Obi-Wan was like a role model for Rane, he wanted to be just like the master when he got older, respected, and respected because he deserved it.
“He has embarrassing stories?” He asked with a large smile gracing his lips. “I’d love to hear the other side of the master. I’m sure this is going to ruin everything for me, but I think it’ll be a kick to listen to!” He said with a laugh.
His surprise was amusing, and Satine could not help but laugh. Of course he had never heard of Obi-Wan’s embarrassing stories. Obi-Wan always claimed he was not prideful, but if you harmed his pride he tended to get grumpy. Embarrassing stories tended to hurt his pride, all the more reason to tell them.
“Everyone has embarrassing stories.” Satine replied. “I do not believe it will taint your thoughts of him. I still hold him in high regard, and I witnessed those stories. Such as the time we were on Draboon- one of Mandalore’s other planets- and he was carrying me away from a swarm of venomites, and he fell, and dropped me.”
Wicked Ones ~Closed RP~
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          “We have been deceived into thinking we MUST be a part of it!”
            Independent private and semi selective Duchess Satine Kryze  
(Promo credit goes to snipisms)
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“I… I’m sorry, Master.” He said, looking away from her. He wasn’t one who could easily control his emotions, and it seems Leia had found a way to push all of the young Jedi’s buttons. “I’ll… try, to be more mindful of my emotions.”
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“I know it is difficult, but you must remember to see things objectively.” She knew the feeling. It was not easy to control her quickness to anger. “As Master Yoda says; there is no try, only do.”
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          “We have been deceived into thinking we MUST be a part of it!”
            Independent private and semi selective Duchess Satine Kryze  
(Promo credit goes to snipisms)
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Obi-Wan nodded and looked at her. “If you’re sure, Satine… I don’t want to be the reason you skip out on parties.” He said, opening his door to get out. He took a deep breath before he turned to her so they could head inside.
She took his arm as they walked in. "Hmm and you see I'm perfectly fine with you being the reason I skip out on parties. I rather like having someone I would rather spend time with, than be at a party."
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“Well, we think it is. Master Kenobi is less than impressed, though,” she said, the corners of her mouth curling into a slight smile she was trying (and failing) to hide.
“Ha! Master Kenobi is always less than impressed with everything. I am sure your Master is doing a fine job.” Satine said, not even trying to hide the annoyance that was always present with Master Kenobi out of her voice.
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Kenobi, as said by various characters
Vader: *breathes* KENOBI
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❝ you taught me the courage of stars before you left —— how light carries on endlessly, even after death. with shortness of breath, you explained the infinite. HOW RARE AND BEAUTIFUL IT IS TO EVEN EXIST. i couldn’t help but ask for you to say it all again. i tried to write it down, but i could never find a pen. i’d give anything to hear you say it one more time: that the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes. ❞
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          “We have been deceived into thinking we MUST be a part of it!”
            Independent private and semi selective Duchess Satine Kryze  
(Promo credit goes to snipisms)
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okay but one of those “whatever tag shows up for this word” memes for: -son -trash -dead -child -smol -hate
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          “We have been deceived into thinking we MUST be a part of it!”
            Independent private and semi selective Duchess Satine Kryze  
Promo credit goes to snipisms
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