#karol's trash
gadriezmannsgirl · 10 months
Nine days a little too late💀 but here's Pedri's birthday fic!🎉 also not me inspiring this fic with the quesillo and torta de auyama I helped my mom do last week🤭 also I'm sorry if this is a bit shitty I need to get back into writing ASAP😭😭 Please let me know your thoughts on this one😭😌
Warnings: Spanish swearing, lots of mentions of sweets (?), Pepi is whipped for reader, I didn't revise this so bare with me😭 let me know if there's any grammar mistake pls also it's a bit shitty, sorry😭😭😭
A New Diet - P.G8
Summary: Your love for sweets eventually brings you to the guy of your dreams
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You didn't remembered when you started loving sweets so much, maybe you had it in you since you were little or maybe it was when you first got your period, only a big amount of chocolate could calm down your anxiety; maybe it was after watching bake-off TV shows, you didn't knew when but you did knew that you loved sweets and you also loved making them.
You tried your grandma's recipes, your aunt's, your mom's, the ones you find in internet, the ones you find in magazines and eventually you started adding your own "sparkle" into them, mixing random ingredients, taking off some while adding other ones.
It was that much that your parents got you into a course on baking and pastry-making. You loved it and got a certificate for it, one you felt truly proud of and even marked it to put it on your small living room of your new house.
You had recently moved to Barcelona to finish your degree in veterinary medicine and also to achieve your baking dream, you only had some months in your new house but you loved it, even through the rough patches of not knowing anyone in here.
Well... you did met some people and weren't so lonely now and those people were your mates from Uni and your neighbours which were mostly older people but two lovely and funny brothers who you often talk to when the three of you get out of your houses at the same time.
"¡Bienvenida al vecindario!" (welcome to the neighborhood) They had said once you opened your door making you smile
"Soy Fernando, puedes llamarme Fer and he's my brother Pedro but you can call him Pedri" (I'm Fernando but you can call me Fer) The guy next to him smiled and waved at you lightly
"Hola y muchas gracias. I'm Y/N" You replied softly with a smile on
"Un placer, Y/N. We brought this little gift as a welcome. Hope you like it" (It's a pleasure) Pedri extended a small food container with a smile on
"Thanks! What it is?"
"They're croquetas. Family recipe" Fer explained "I made them and I hope you like them"
"Well, they smell incredible so..." Both brothers laughed lightly and you joined them "I'm pretty sure I'll love them"
"Let us know!" You nodded with a smile
"Pues nada, bienvenida, somos tus vecinos, aquella casa de la esquina es la nuestra y nada... Si necesitas algo, estaremos encantados en ayudarte" (And well, welcome; we're your neighbours, the house at the corner is ours and yeah... If you need something, we'll be happy to help you) Pedri said. He's so pretty, you thought.
You smiled nodding "Muchas gracias e igualmente. Si necesitan algo y está a mi alcance pues estaré encantada en ayudarles" (Thank you so much and likewise. If you need something and it's within my reach then I'll be happy to help)
"Thanks" Fer smiled and they started walking away
"Let us know if you like the croquettes!" Pedri yelled and you laughed softly
You remembered your first meeting when you saw both brothers walk towards their house joking around as you were taking out the trash and suddenly realized that was already four months ago.
They waved at you and you waved back with a smile on your face.
You returned inside your house and settled everything up to do your quesillo, you had your period and everything you wanted was something sweet to ease your anxiety and pain.
Turning up your music, you blasted Rosalía, Karol G and some Taylor Swift while you happily made your quesillo, forgetting about everything. However being too into your own world, you didn't realized you did for more people than you were supposed to do.
"Oh fuck" You cursed lightly "What do I do now?" You asked yourself.
As much as you loved sweets, this was a big portion since you basically duplicated the recipe that originally is for 6-7 people, you didn't wanted for it to go to waste.
Your parents weren't in Barcelona and neither was your brother to give them some quesillo. You could give some to your friends and still a big portion will be left.
You closed your eyes groaning and your mind went to the González brothers.
Would they even like it? Would they accept it? You groaned again and your body acted before you could even think straight.
You went around and looked for a food container to give them some quesillo to them when you suddenly saw their food container. The one you forgot to give back because of your Uni and work.
Now you, at least, had a good excuse to give them the sweet.
Preparing yourself mentally you walked over to their house and knocked on their door only for a few minutes later, Pedri to open the door with a pretty smile on his face.
"Y/N! How are you?" You nodded a bit nervous. You were truly hoping for Fernando, to open the door like he always does.
"I'm good, what about you?" He nods
"I'm great! Tell me, what can I do for you?"
"I-mm... I'm actually here because I did this quesillo and I had some problems calculating the ingredients, turns out I did more than usual and I don't want it to go to waste so I was just wondering if you guys would like some?"
Pedri spent a few seconds in silence and those were the worst seconds for you.
"Sure, yes!"
"Perfect!" You pull the food container towards him "And also, sorry I didn't give it back right away. I'm pretty busy with my finals and with work too" He laughs softly grabbing it
"No te preocupes" (No worries) He winked and you felt like instantly dying right there.
"I hope you guys like it. Let me know how is it!"
"Will do! Thank you so much!" Pedri smiled and you waved walking away, he got inside his house and exhaled looking at the sweet in his hands.
It smells divine. He thought softly.
"Was it Y/N?" Fer yelled from the living room
"Did you ask her out?"
"And what did you do then?" Fer asked impressed
"She came by to give us a quesillo"
"Joder, increíble" (Fuck, amazing) Fer inmediately said standing up and taking then food container out of Pedri's hands "All for me" He sang quietly
Pedri lamented not being able to eat it, as soon as he saw the quesillo his mouth watered "Puta madre" Pedri cursed as Fer laughed watching his younger brother leave the room.
One month and half later, Pedri was tired of watching the amount of sweets in his refrigerator and not being able to eat a single piece of them. Thanks to Fernando, you have been doing random pastries, cakes, muffins for you and for them, it made you happy knowing people liked your baking and felt on Cloud 9 once Fer exclaimed you could have your own succeful bakery.
Pedri didn't know how much he has resisted to it but he's sure it won't last long and even more when you were once again stood in front of the González brothers house, with a pumpkin cake in your hands.
"I swear this wasn't suppossed to happen. My aunt asked my help for my cousin's birthday but I overdid the recipe once again and I have this small pumpkin cake-"
"I'm pretty sure it's delicious, thank you Y/N" He smiled grabbing the cake from your hands. Pedri shakily opened his mouth to speak "So... How's-" Your phone ringed
"Shoot. I'm sorry I need to leave, I had these muffins on the oven but let me know if you like them!"
"Do you need help?"
"I-uh... I kinda do but no worries I can do it on my own! You might be busy as well and I don't want to interrupt anything"
"Nonsense" Pedri said "Gimme just a quick second to put this in the kitchen and I'll be right back"
True to his word, Pedri was back to you in mere seconds. You both walked to your house
"Make yourself at home" You had said smiling. "Are you a good kitchen assistant?"
"Bueno, que se me ha pasado decirte que soy un poco lento pero que soy un asistente de cocina decente" (Well, I kinda forgot to tell you I'm a bit slow but I'm a decent cooking assistant) You laughed softly at his words
"That's okay. Esos son los mejores" (Those are the best) You replied "I used to be like that and even worse" You giggled softly
"Practice makes a master" You nod agreeing with him "So... What's my job?" You smile starting to explain him what you need help with.
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"I hope your aunt is paying you for this" You laugh at Pedri's words before you looked over at him and found him with his face (and some of his hair) dirty with flour, you couldn't help but laugh harder. "¿Qué?" (What?) He asks with a small smile
"You have some flour in your face" You clean your hands with a towel ", you look funny" you admit softly
"Ah but that's normal. You do as well" You share a laugh
"You want something to drink? I'm about to make me some coffee"
"No bebo café" (I don't drink coffee)
"Really?" You asked impressed "Maybe some tea?" Pedri shook his head "Juice? Water?"
"Those two can do" You smile nodding starting to work on your coffee and on his drink.
"I also have some cheesecake from Monday. You want a bit?"
Pedri's body froze, he hasn't broke his diet, it takes a lot of willpower for him to quietly leave the room his brother's eating in to your baking.
And he also didn't wanted to make you feel bad for saying no.
"I'm not that hungry actually" He hated the fact, his heart hurt him when he saw how your face fell a bit. And without knowing, yours did too a little bit "I'm sorry, I-"
"No worries, that's okay!" You said smiling softly
"No, you know what? I'll accept it"
"If you don't want it, it's okay" You giggled softly to not make him feel pressured
"I want to" He smiled at you "Now... I'm waiting for my slice of cheesecake"
This time, both of your hearts beat strongly at the sight of each others smile.
°°° °°°
"Joder, you're whipped" Fer said shaking his head
"I'm not!"
"You fell so easily into it!"
"I don't think she realized it but she gave me this pout and her eyes dropped, I couldn't watch her like that!"
"Si, hermano. You're whipped"
"Puta madre" Pedri cursed "Now I have to do double session" He said getting ready for his morning training
"Don't overwork yourself, Pedrito"
"Don't call me that!"
"Ask her out already!" Fer laughed watching his brother get out of their house
"¡Cállate" (Shut up!)
Pedri did wanted to ask you out but he was afraid of your answer, he just didn't knew if you liked him in that way and he didn't wanted to make things awkward between you two.
But as if it was something of destiny you were going out of your house with a backpack. You were going to Uni.
Pedri quickly got into his car and started it, to stop in front of your house. "Need a ride, señorita?" (Miss)
"Yes, please. I'm way too late" You smiled and he laughed nodding his head for you to get inside. "Buenos dias" (Good morning) You said leaning forward to hug him "¿Qué tal todo?" (How's everything?) He nods smiling
"¿Tu que tal? ¿Acaso se te han pegado las sábanas el día de hoy?" (How about you? Didn't wanted to get out of the bed?) He joked and you lightly groaned
"I was up all night studying for this exam, it's worth about the 35% of the whole grade and I'm freaking nervous" You admited ", plus, I kinda forgot to set up my alarm so that's the reason I'm looking like a mad woman and I didn't had time to revise my notes" You huff "But let's say I'm good"
"Don't stress so much about it, I know you'll do fine and you'll smash this exam" Pedri reasured you with a smile
"You have a lot of faith in me"
"Que eres muy inteligente, guapa. A veces te subestimas demasiado" (You're very smart, beautiful. Sometimes you underestimate yourself so much)
"I just get really nervous, I've never failed any of my classes and I have this scholarship so I have to be the best of the best"
"And you are. Stop stressing so much, you'll get wrinkles" You blush and laugh shaking your head
The rest of the drive was spent with you talking of random things and listening to the whole "Un Verano Sin Ti" album by Bad Bunny
"Thanks for the ride, Pedrito. You just saved my life" You both hugged each other over the console
"Anytime, Y/N" He smiled watching you pick your things and leave his car. Before you got inside the building, three car honks stopped you. As you turned around you saw Pedri still there and looking at you
You went back to him "What's up?" You said leaning into the drivers window
"Are you free this weekend?"
You nod lightly "I am... why?"
"Wanna go out with me?" You were shocked hearing those words came out of his mouth but at the same time, you were so happy
"Sure, I'd love that" You smiled and he smiled back
"Perfect, I'll text you so we can talk about it" You nod once more
"Good, nos vemos Pepi" (See you)
"Nos vemos, guapa" (See you, beautiful) You blushed once again and separated yourself from his car, turning around you went inside the building
You were walking to your exam when you felt your phone vibrate and saw a text from Pedri
Pedro G: Por cierto, estás muy mona cuando te sonrojas (By the way, you're pretty cute when you blush)
You smile and giggle shaking your head at your phone, replying with a small Sush🙈
And with that you entered with confidence into the classroom
°°° °°°
Two months later
"Estás muy guapa el día de hoy" (You're looking gorgeous today) Your now, boyfriend of one month said looking at you with a smile
"You're exaggerating. I'm covered in eggs and onions"
"Still very guapa" He gave you a small kiss to your lips before entering inside your house "Need help with something?"
"I've got it covered, lindo. Thanks tho" You smiled washing your hands before getting into what you were doing "What are we watching today?"
"Creed?" You think of it for a few seconds and then nod lightly
"Only because we saw Me Before You last week" He laughs softly
"What are you doing?" His arms wrapped themselves around your waist and Pedri brought you into him
"I'm cooking for my brother's date tomorrow night"
"You sure you don't need help?" He kissed your cheek and you smiled resting against him
"I'm almost done, give me just a few minutes and then I'm yours"
"Can I at least do the popcorns?" You smile nodding
"Top left shelf"
A few minutes passed and you finished what you were doing. You wrapped the food and pulled it in a food container into the refrigerator as Pedri was munching on some popcorn
"You will not leave for the movie"
"There are a lot" He brushed off your comment while putting some in front of your mouth
"They're good, baby" Pedri nodded
"I know, I'm the best"
"Oh shut up, come on"
"Amor, do you like football?" He asked out of nowhere as you got the movie ready
"I'm not much into it, to be honest. Why?"
"Would you like to come with me and Fer to a match?"
"Will you teach me every single thing of football so I don't look like a foreign?" He laughs nodding
"Of course" You smiled at each other
"Then sounds good" You nod happy "What are you doing tomorrow, amor?" You ask him
"Nothing important, why?"
"Can you accompany me tomorrow to get some copies I need to get done for Uni?"
"Sure. What time, amor?"
"Maybe around 2pm?"
"I'll be here" Pedri nodded "Shall we start?" You don't say anything but click on the start bottom before you cuddled up to him
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"Hey Fer"
"Y/N!" He said excited hugging you "How are you? My brother has kidnapped you" You blush lightly
"I'm doing well, dear. How about you?"
"Good, good!" He smiled "How can I help you?"
"Is Pedri here? He's supposed to accompany me to do something right now" He shakes his head
"He's in training right now"
"He's training?" Fer nods "For what?"
"This weekend's match"
"What match?"
"Football match?" He asked back confused
"He's playing?" He nods
"He's a football player, Y/N/N" You were confused
"Right, yes, of course!" You said "Well, thanks Fer and sorry the bother!" You jogged back to your house
You instantly went to your phone and searched for Pedri González, to your surprise a photo of your boyfriend came up along with the name of FC Barcelona. Your boyfriend is a FC Barcelona player.
Copies can wait, you decided, Pedri had somethings to explain. And that he did, as soon as he got to your house. You let him know that the door was unlocked and that you'll be waiting for him.
"Amor, I'm sorry, I got caught up on-"
"Pedro "Pedri" González López, is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for La Liga FC Barcelona and the Spain NT" You read from your phone as soon as you see him coming to the living room "And then there's a picture of a guy who looks just like you" You look at him serious "Why didn't you told me that?"
" I can explain that to you"
"Please do"
Pedri sighed "I didn't tell you because I wanted you to like me for me, for Pedri not because of Pedri the football player from Club Barcelona" He sighs "It's not often when I don't have people trying to get my attention just because of fame or money. I'm just a simple guy living his dream and I want for everyone to treat me like that. I liked you from the moment I knew you and when I saw you didn't even recognized me for being Pedri the football player and cared for just Pedri, I wanted to keep that going and protect you from that world. You're my safe space"
"Pedri, I don't really care if you're famous or not and you know that"
"I know and I was eventually going to tell you this weekend after you see me playing" He winces now thinking of his idea "It might not be my best idea but I truly wanted to tell you because I like to think that we can have a long road together ahead of us"
"You're trying to get your way out of this with sweet words" He laughs softly
"I don't. That's what I truly think" you stayed silent for a few minutes
"You have some other secret I should know about?"
"No" He said shaking his head. You smiled and went to him kissing his lips
"Don't lie or hide things from me again, please. I think the same way but I want us to be honest with each other" Pedri nods
"Will do" Pedri smiles leaning down to kiss your lips
"Would you teach me some football right now?" Pedri nods smiling wide
"Let's go, bonita"
"But before that... Wanna have some chocolate muffins?"
Pedri secretly winced before nodding "Not one, not two... give me three of those"
He couldn't break his diet but for you he would.
°°° °°°
"So..." You begin "How do I look?" You turn around with your boyfriend's name on your back
"Gorgeous" That's what he said smiling "The eight looks really good on you" You smile turning to face him with blush covering your cheeks "In fact, everything looks good on you"
"Well, wish I could say the same" He opens his mouth in disbelief.
"I can't believe it" You laugh kissing his cheeks
"Vamos, amor. You are needed" You grab his hand and led him through the door "Hopefully you win tonight 'cus I made a winning cake for you" He laughs
"We will win" Pedri says "But we also know that winning or not, I will eat it" You smile nodding "Let's go to Montjuic!"
You both got into the car and Pedri drove off, it's your first time in a stadium, so you were pretty nervous.
"Call me or Fer. He told me he's already here" You nod taking in Pedri's words. "If you need anything let him know"
"I will" You said smiling "Go ahead and score some goals"
"They'll be for you" You blush and push him lightly for him to start walking
"Go. I'll be fine" with doubts Pedri started walking away only for him to walk back to you and kiss you softly before out of nowhere, leaving you in the hall.
You followed his intructions and soon you were in the yards along with the fans. Your eyes scanned the crowd and quickly divised Fer.
"Hey" You say getting closer to him
"Hey! Happy to see you here!"
"Happy to be here!" You hug
"You know what this match means?"
"Pedri told me something among the lines of El Clásico?" Fer nods
"Our worst rival RMA" You nod lightly
"Yeah, he told me those small things as well"
"Did he told you a fight could break out?" Your eyes widen and you cough
"No! Will he be-?"
"He'll be fine as long as the problem isn't with him. A small fact? It never is"
The tension could be felt in the air, you didn't have any idea what could happen. But you did knew the ones with the blue and red shirt were the ones your boyfriend played for and you were going to yell at everything they do.
Match started and it was already rough some players fouling you guys and the ref said nothing. You were complaining the whole 1st time about that while Fer laughed and maybe even recorded you.
You were stressing out, it was minute 88, four fights already displayed in the spam of the 2nd time and no score. Until he did it. De Jong stole the ball from one of the oponents, you still don't know who it was; when De Jong passed it to Gundo and Gundo to Ferran to start dribbling around players and once he was starting to get close to the net, he shot it to Pedri who scored.
He did his natural signature + a wink to your direction
"That was to me" Fer said
"Sure it was" You laughed and joked around with Fer until the game ended
You receive Pedri by his car with a piece of cake, he hissed when he saw the chocolate and it didn't helped that Ferran made fun of him.
"As I have just the recovery session, you have to take a double one to forget about the calories that cake has, good luck on that, Pepi"
"You're just jealous you don't have a girlfriend who bakes for you" Pedri said hitting the back of Ferran's head while the shark laughed "See you, tiburón"
"See you, Pepi" Ferran waved at you lightly as you waved back with a small smile on your face
"Hola guapa" Pedri said wrapping his arms around your shoulders to bring you close to him. You smile taking in the scent of his soap and shampoo
"Hola guapo" You kissed his cheek before leaning up to kiss his lips "Congrats on the win, you did great"
"I felt motivated tonight" He winks at you and you laugh, blushing "However, I'm starving and this cake looks so good to me right now"
"Ah ah ah!" You push the cake back when he tried to reach it "I found out a little something and I just confirmed it"
"What did you find out?"
"You guys have a very strict diet as I could see" Pedri's heart stopped working for a while "And your friend isn't the most quiet when it comes to talk so... Have you really ate all of the sweets I have made for you this past months?"
Pedri got quiet for a while and before he opened his mouth you beat him to it "Honestly, Pedro"
"I didn't..." He said guilty and he watched how your face fell lightly "But I eventually did that time when I was at yours! And I didn't say any kind of lies when I said that they were the best ones!" You sighed softly
"But you could have told me that before!" You said "Now, I feel guilty"
"I was there making and bringing you guys the most sweet stuffs I could ever made for you to try and you had to suffer seeing your brother eat them without a single regret!" Pedri felt his heart grow warm "If you could have told me I have this strict diet, I could have done something different for you because everything I did was mostly for you, Pepi" You admit and he smiles before kissing you softly
"Now you know, amor. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, you were just really excited for me trying your baking out and I didn't wanted to make you feel bad by saying no"
"You have to do double sessions, I still feel bad" He sent you an apologetic smile as you groaned lightly "That's why this cake is for both of us now" You said
"Hey, it was mine!"
"It was" You agree "That was before I learned about your diet. So I made this one" You said "Half it's especially made for you and the other one is for me, like I usually do"
"Did you seriously just made me a piece of healthy cake for myself?" You nod
"And be prepared because now that I'll try more fitness stuff, you'll be the first one to try them out"
"I can't wait for it" He smiled before grabbing a piece of cake with his fingers and eating it, he groaned in delight "So far, try to make the pumpkin cake for me so I can eat it. That was the best one" He munched the cake once again
"Stop eating it"
"This is so delicious, I just can't!" He shook his head "In fact" He pulled out his car keys out and handed them to you "You drive tonight while I eat this masterpiece my girlfriend made for me, thank you"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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doctordeathawaits · 3 months
hello! my first time asking anyone in this community anything so im tad nervous.
could you do trans-memoryissues or short term memory? mines already fucked but the transseverity says it's not enough
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Best place to start is to not write down anything , no sort of notes or reminders ! If you already have things written down in your calendar , feel free to trash them !
Try to dissociate more or not be ' present ' in the moment ! Let's say you're in school , and the teacher is going over an important due date , try to drown out what they are saying - you can put in one earbud in your ear and blast music to distract yourself from the topic the teacher is speaking about !! Even better is if you try to day dream !!
Try distracting yourself overall ! You have an appointment somewhere at 3 pm ? How about instead you play video games , ignore the time passing ! You can claim that you just simply forgot about it !!
Another way is to simply ignore things , besides , they aren't that important after all !! You have a party to go to ? Just don't think about it too much , stay at home and let yourself do whatever you want !
Argue with people when they claim they ' told you ' something ! If a person gets mad that they reminded you of something , yet you didn't follow through , you can always claim that you never remember that happening - act completely confused , as if the person is the crazy one !
Don't bother with remembering names , only have ones that you meet with everyday remembered , after all , there is no point in trying to remember names if you don't see them often !! If you have trouble with this , you can purposefully try to think of names that sound like the real name , trying to trick your brain into forgetting the original name ! ( example : lets say the name is Abby - Abby sounds like Maddy , Maddy is short for Madeleine , Madeleine is kind of like Caroline , the masc version of Caroline can be Karol , ect ect !! )
Be messy , let your room be cluttered - being forgetful can lead to not knowing where you place things , so being messy is always expected - yet at the same time , messiness can worsen memory problems , since because of the messiness , you can't really find things that easily !
For euphoria , you can complain to people about never really remembering things well - if a person wants something for you , you can ask them to write it down for you so ' you don't forget ' ! What do you do with the written down information ? In the trash of course ABHAHBABHA--
I hope this helped , even just a little bit - stay safe and happy transitioning !!
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thegang-ophatzgang · 3 months
Random things about the boys because I REALLY wanna ramble about them
-> Theo is actually the dumbest one between them when it comes to things such as history, math, geography, etc. Even though he did study at home, he doesn't like to, so he felt like it was kinda useless. He sucks specially with math.
-> Scar's WHOLE family has a bad reputation, but for different reasons. Stella still behaves like a teen despite being 37-40, Karol is an ex-prisoner thanks to drug addiction and Scar is just straight up "ugly and weird".
-> Daisy needs help to do everything, including take baths and eating, because even though she's not fully immobile she's still too weak to even walk five steps without falling.
-> Denny will either smell incredibly good or stink like trash, no in-between at all.
-> Scar lives with his moms and not with his dad, they only see each other when he visits, which is like 3 or 4 days per week.
-> Theodor almost killed Roy the first time they met and Roy himself is completely unaware of that.
-> Scar never needed babysitters when it comes to take care of himself, Violet only gets hired because he literally needs company.
-> Karol is a distant cousin from Carmen but they don't know each other at all.
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we need disventure camp Incorrect Quotes
These are gonna be random and maybe ooc so ye
Rosa María: Do you know a turtles only weakness?
Riya: No... well, their slowness.
Rosa María: Their weaknesss is they can't roll over when they are on their backs.
Rosa María: Now I have a plan.
Rosa María: If I duct tape two turtles together, they'll be unstoppable.
*Lake is casually searching around the room*
James: Hey Lake, what’re you looking for?
Lake: My will to live.
*Rosa María walks into the room*
Lake: Oh, there it is.
Aiden: I don't like bugs. James, are you even listening to me?
James: I seem to have misplaced my ant farm.
Aiden, at Karol: MOOOOOM!
Yul: You seem familiar... have I threatened you before?
Aiden: Would you take a bullet for me?
Lake: ...yes?
*James angrily burst into the room*
Aiden: *running away* Great, thanks!
James: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.
Riya: But are you shuffling?
James: Everyday.
Aiden: What language are you two speaking??
Aiden: It was me...
Karol: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
Hunter: Rosa María, take out the trash.
Rosa María: Sure, Yul, will you go out on a date with me?
James: Why do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you.
James: Ask me to kill for you.
Aiden: ...First of all, calm down-
James: I have met some of the most insufferable people. But they also met me.
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rules: tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better! Tagged by @agaywithcoffee thank you, this was fun xx
Relationship status: engaged
Fav color: pink
Song stuck in my head: multiple because my mind does not Stop™️. Trash by Little Mix, Kiss My Uh-Oh by Anne Marie and Little Mix, Kiss and Make Up by Dua Lipa and Blackpink
Last song listened to: Caramelo by Ozuna, Karol G and Myke Towers
Last googled: 4000 D-Mark in Euro 1989
Dream Trip: some kind of trip across Europe, preferably along the coast
Anything I want now: a big massive pizza
I tag @any14, @rtz669, @thelonewolf48, @oatmilk-earlgrey, @paramonkeyy, @dummerjan, @greatoldone, @benkaaoi, @moonflowergayy, @name-i-want-to-use
Thanks again x
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
Good evening Europe!
It's that magical time of the year again when we all come together to trash each others' musical tastes!
The point system has changed many times over the years, and as various countries have come and gone, it is hard to determine who did "the best" based on the points they got alone as, since the maximum available points doubled with the jury and televote scores no longer being combined, post 2016 entries would have an obvious advantage and, likewise, the contests with 40+ participants would also have more maximum available points to give so a country getting 200 points in 2004 is not the same as another getting 200 points in 2009 or 2016.
But if we divide the points each entry got by the maximum available points for the respective year it competed, we get a percentage score that can easily be measured against entries from years with differing point systems.
So, for example, in 2009 42 countries participated. The maximum points each country can award is of course 12 and you can't vote for yourself. So 41 × 12 = 492. Let's then take Norway's total of 387 points and divide it by the 492 total of maximum available points. We get 78.6, meaning Norway and Alexander Rybak amassed 78.6% of the total points in 2009!
In the case of tie breaks the entry that placed higher in its respective year wins the tie break and if there's still a tie I used rules similar to the actual contest; the winner of a tie is the entry that received more points from televoting. If there are no split results available to the public, the entry that received points from more countries, then the country that received more 12 points, then 10 points all the way down to 1. If the tie cannot be broken in this way, the entry that performed earlier wins the tie break.
I've set 2004 as the "beginning of time", if you will, because that's when I started watching Eurovision and because there also had to be some sort of limit to how far back I would go with this 🤣
With that very long-winded explanation of my measuring tactics out of the way, shall we see our current Top 100 before new entries are added after the 2023 Grand Final is over?
100. Greece 🇬🇷 - 2010 - Giorgos Alkaios and Friends - Opa - 30.7%
99. Armenia 🇦🇲 - 2010 - Eva Rivas - Apricot Stone - 30.9%
98. Bulgaria 🇧🇬 - 2016 - Poli Genova - If Love Was a Crime - 31.1%
97. Belgium 🇧🇪 - 2010 - Tom Dice - Me and My Guitar - 31.3%
96. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 - 2019 - Chingiz - Truth - 31.4%
95. North Macedonia 🇲🇰 - 2019 - Tamara Todevska - Proud - 31.7%
94. Serbia 🇷🇸 - 2008 - Jelena Tomasevic feat. Bora Duguc - Oro - 31.7%
93. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 - 2010 - Safura - Drip Drop - 31.7%
92. Bulgaria 🇧🇬 - 2007 - Elitsa Todorova and Stoyan Yankoulov - Water - 31.7%
91. Moldova 🇲🇩 - 2005 - Zdob si Zdub - Boonika bate toba - 32.4%
90. Ukraine 🇺🇦 - 2006 - Tina Karol - Show Me Your Love - 32.6%
89. Denmark 🇩🇰 - 2010 - Chanée and N'evergreen - In a Moment like This - 32.6%
88. Finland 🇫🇮 - 2021 - Blind Channel - Dark Side - 33%
87. Hungary 🇭🇺 - 2014 - András Kállay-Saunders - Running - 33.1%
86. Turkey 🇹🇷 - 2007 - Kenan Dogulu - Shake It Up Sekerim - 33.1%
85 Greece 🇬🇷 - 2013 - Koza Mostra feat. Agathon Iakovidis - Alcohol Is Free - 33.3%
84. Serbia 🇷🇸 - 2022 - Konstrakta - In corpore sano - 33.3%
83. Latvia 🇱🇻 - 2005 - Walters and Khaza - The War Is Not Over - 33.5%
82. Israel 🇮🇱 - 2005 - Shiri Maimon - HaSheket SheNish'ar - 33.7%
81. Germany 🇩🇪 - 2008 - Michael Schulte - You Let Me Walk Alone - 33.7%
80. Italy 🇮🇹 - 2017 - Francesco Gabbani - Occidentali's Karma - 33.9%
79. Austria 🇦🇹 - 2018 - Cesár Sampson - Nobody but You - 33.9%
78. Norway 🇳🇴 - 2019 - Keiino - Spirit in the Sky - 34.4%
77. Romania 🇷🇴 - 2007 - Luminita Anghel and Sistem - Let Me Try - 34.6%
76. Sweden 🇸🇪 - 2019 - John Lundvik - Too Late for Love - 34.7%
75. Ukraine 🇺🇦 - 2011 - Mika Newton - Angel - 34.8%
74. Sweden 🇸🇪 - 2017 - Robin Bengtsson - I Can't Go On - 34.9%
73. United Kingdom 🇬🇧 - 2009 - Jade Ewen - It's My Time - 35.1%
72. Romania 🇷🇴 - 2010 - Paula Seling and Ovi - Playing with Fire - 35.5%
71. Turkey 🇹🇷 - 2009 - Hadise - Düm Tek Tek - 35.9%
70. Norway 🇳🇴 - 2008 - Maria - Hold On Be Strong - 36.1%
69. Lithuania 🇱🇹 - 2006 - LT United - We Are the Winners - 36.4%
68. Belgium 🇧🇪 - 2017 - Blanche - City Lights - 36.8%
67. Turkey 🇹🇷 - 2010 - Manga - We Could Be the Same - 37.2%
66. Switzerland 🇨🇭 - 2019 - Luca Hänni - She Got Me - 37.9%
65. Moldova 🇲🇩 - 2017 - SunStroke Project - Hey Mamma - 38%
64. Russia 🇷🇺 - 2013 - Dina Garipova - What If - 38.1%
63. Sweden 🇸🇪 - 2006 - Carola - Invincible - 38.2%
62. Russia 🇷🇺 - 2019 - Sergey Lazarev - Scream - 38.5%
61. Romania 🇷🇴 - 2006 - Mihai Traistariu - Tornerò - 38.7%
60. Armenia 🇦🇲 - 2008 - Sirusho - Qélé, Qélé - 39.4%
59. Latvia 🇱🇻 - 2015 - Aminata - Love Injected - 39.7%
58. Ukraine 🇺🇦 - 2021 - Go_A - Shum - 39.9%
57. Armenia 🇦🇲 - 2014 - Aram Mp3 - Not Alone - 40.3%
56. Sweden 🇸🇪 - 2004 - Lena Philipsson - It Hurts - 40.4%
55. Cyprus 🇨🇾 - 2004 - Lisa Andreas - Stronger Every Minute - 40.4%
54. Sweden 🇸🇪 - 2011 - Eric Saade - Popular - 40.5%
53. Iceland 🇮🇸 - 2021 - Dathi og Gagnamagnith - 10 Years - 41.4%
52. Italy 🇮🇹 - 2011 - Raphael Gualazzi - Madness of Love - 41.4%
51. Australia 🇦🇺 - 2015 - Guy Sebastian - Tonight Again - 41.8%
50. Norway 🇳🇴 - 2013 - Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love - 41.8%
49. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 - 2009 - AySel and Arash - Always - 42%
48. Russia 🇷🇺 - 2007 - Serebro - Song #1 - 42%
47. Malta 🇲🇹 - 2005 - Chiara - Angel - 42.1%
46. Greece 🇬🇷 - 2008 - Kalomira - Secret Combination - 43.2%
45. Cyprus 🇨🇾 - 2018 - Eleni Foureira - Fuego - 43.2%
44. Serbia 🇷🇸 - 2012 - Zeljko Joksimovic - Nije ljubav stvar - 43.4%
43. Iceland 🇮🇸 - 2009 - Yohanna - Is It True? - 44.3%
42. Ukraine 🇺🇦 - 2008 - Ani Lorak - Shady Lady - 45.6%
41. Belgium 🇧🇪 - 2015 - Loïc Nottet - Rhythm Inside - 46.3%
40. Turkey 🇹🇷 - 2004 - Athena - For Real - 46.4%
39. Sweden 🇸🇪 - 2022 - Cornelia Jakobs - Hold Me Closer - 46.7%
38. Ukraine 🇺🇦 - 2013 - Zlata Ognevich - Gravity - 46.9%
37. Switzerland 🇨🇭 - 2021 - Gjon's Tears - Tout l'univers - 47.3%
36. Ukraine 🇺🇦 - 2007 - Verka Serduchka - Dancing Lasha Tumbai - 47.7%
35. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 - 2011 - Ell and Nikki - Running Scared - 48.4%
34. Spain 🇪🇸 - 2022 - Chanel - SloMo - 49%
33. Italy 🇮🇹 - 2019 - Mahmood - Soldi - 49.1%
32. United Kingdom 🇬🇧 - 2022 - Sam Ryder - Space Man - 49.7%
31. Russia 🇷🇺 - 2016 Sergey Lazarev - You Are the Only One - 49.8%
30. Sweden 🇸🇪 - 2014 - Sanna Nielsen - Undo 50.4%
29. Greece 🇬🇷 - 2005 - Helena Paparizou - My Number One - 50.4%
28. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 - 2013 - Farid Mammadov - Hold Me - 51.3%
27. Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇧🇦 - 2006 - Hari Mata Hari - Lejla - 51.5%
26. Netherlands 🇳🇱 - 2019 - Duncan Lawrence - Arcade - 51.8%
25. Australia 🇦🇺 - 2016 - Dami Im - Sound of Silence - 51.9%
24. Israel 🇮🇱 - 2018 - Netta - Toy - 52.4%
23. Russia 🇷🇺 - 2012 - Buranovskiye Babushki - Party for Everybody - 52.6%
22. Germany 🇩🇪 - 2010 - Lena - Satellite - 53.9%
21. Russia 🇷🇺 - 2008 - Dima Bilan - Believe - 53.9%
20. Ukraine 🇺🇦 - 2016 - Jamala - 1944 - 54.2%
19. Serbia 🇷🇸 - 2007 - Marija Serifovic - Molitva - 54.4%
18. France 🇫🇷 - 2021 - Barbara Pravi - Voilà - 54.7%
17. Netherlands 🇳🇱 - 2014 - The Common Linnets - Calm After the Storm - 55%
Honourable Mention. Turkey 🇹🇷 - 2003 - Sertab Erener - Everyway That I Can - 55.6%
16. Russia 🇷🇺 - 2006 - Dima Bilan - Never Let You Go - 55.8%
15. Italy 🇮🇹 - 2021 - Måneskin - Zitti e Buoni - 57.4%
14. Greece 🇬🇷 - 2004 - Sakis Rouvas - Shake It - 60%
13. Denmark 🇩🇰 - 2013 - Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops - 61.6%
12. Italy 🇮🇹 - 2015 - Il Volo - Grande amore - 62.3%
11. Bulgaria 🇧🇬 - 2017 - Kristian Kostov - Beautiful Mess - 62.5%
10. Serbia and Montenegro 🇷🇸 - 2004 - Zeljko Joksimovic and Ad-Hoc Orchestra - Lane Moje - 62.6%
9. Russia 🇷🇺 - 2015 - Polina Gagarina - A Million Voices - 64.7%
8. Finland 🇫🇮 - 2006 - Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah - 65.7%
7. Ukraine 🇺🇦 - 2004 - Ruslana - Wild Dances - 66.6%
6. Austria 🇦🇹 - 2014 - Conchita Wurst - Rise Like a Phoenix - 67.1%
5. Ukraine 🇺🇦 - 2022 - Kalush Orchestra - Stefania - 67.4%
4. Sweden 🇸🇪 - 2012 - Loreen - Euphoria - 75.6%
3. Portugal 🇵🇹 - 2017 - Salvador Sobral - Amar pelos dois - 77%
2. Sweden 🇸🇪 - 2015 - Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes - 77.9%
1. Norway 🇳🇴 - 2009 - Alexander Rybak - Fairytale - 78.6%
And there it is! The 100 most successful Eurovision entries from 2004 to 2022?
Did your all time fave make the cut?
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mintcaramelhazel · 2 years
Idk if someone from a non speaking Spanish country knows about Shakira and Pique drama and how she’s slaying and being a Queen
But I can’t stop thinking about it and mixing up w hangster. And after the banger w Karol G, like….
Imagine Bradley invites him to do a collab in his new album so Jake can trash talk his ex and they end up doing a whole album collab and feel in love in the process while getting richer and richer???
Idk if someone wants to hear about this but me but the levels of ICONIC and PETTY energy is just perfect for those two
DjRooster is the producer of the beats that make ppl shake their asses to the most fun and through cut lyrics written by Hangman (his best work yet)
And before the collab they used to have a kind of rivalry between them and their fandoms but when they drop the first song their fans are LIVING
GP at Jake:
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(Still one of the most streamed and requested songs ever)
Bradley to Jake:
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Jake to his ex when he tries to get back to him
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Firing Squad (Hangman’s fandom) and Chicks (Roosters one) making and alliance, being two of the most feared fandoms online
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I like to think that Natasha Trace is in general a really non problematic artist? Actress? Celeb? And her fandom (the phoenixes)
But behind the scenes she’s liking and shitposting from her burner acc w Bob, her mutual online and a label mate but none of them knows about the other life url
mav and ice are Bradley and Jakes managers and they don’t understand much internet culture so they aren’t sure what’s going on but money is coming their way so…
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nolan-chance · 1 month
Imagine saying I listen pure shit when you like freaking Karol G!! Liking a thing doesn't automatically makes it good. Karol G's music is trash, reggaeton is freaking trash
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mosaic-marquise · 2 months
I will never forgive you malignant whores for bashing Pope Karol Jozef Wojtyla. And myself for allowing myself for even giving that hatred of the man any credence. I remember seeing it when he had just died and people claiming "hE wAs A nAzI!!!"
He was a boy who grew up in Poland, and came into adulthood when nazi Germany had come into power. He narrowly escaped Gestapo attack, survived to become a priest and was eventually made Pope. And I had the audacity to listen to the driveling of some fiendish ANIMAL on here, trashing the name of a good man.
Quien sea quien fue, Fuck you. Come mierda.
I know cabrones like to hate Christianity all for their own reasons. But I'll be damned if I take anything you hoes say at face value when you know jack shit about my faith. Some of y'all being Godless, some believing in old pantheons, some in heresy, some in nothing, but all ignorant one in the same. Y todos equivocados.
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cas-amelia-konopka · 1 year
April 2021
For April as creativity I have taken up splash painting with an not very know artist. I enjoyed it but it was more of a 2 times thing as it made a mess and don't really compose anything.
I also took up learning to do matcha, as I really enjoy the drink. It have been proven to be reallllly time consuming and hard to make it perfect. I still haven't achieved a good consistency and taste.
For activity every week I still continue to have 2h of tenis. I started bringing my friends with me and learning with them. It has proven to be a joy I as am much better then them and can prove myself to my trainer and show my skills
For service I continue to take care of Miss Matusiak's cat as well as help around the apartment such as take out the trash, wash the dishes, buy some things from the store. I really start to enjoy it and it's become my favorite part of the week. Sometimes when I have time I come over for much longer and spend time with Karol or miss Matusiak if she is home.
I also helped out at our schools grill, which was a lot of fun. I monitored the grill with Piotrek and helped carry the food around.
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evilpol · 4 years
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It's she... The ruler of the known universe, the Eyeam Prime @astralarias @likemesomesalads
For people outside of HUNT: I SWEAR THERE'S CONTEXT
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lcgioned · 5 years
aden, arya & madi: [encountering shazam’d!billy] WHO ARE YOU? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH OUR FRIEND!!? [hitting him with their training staves]  SHAZAM!billy: [running away from the crazy nightbloods] ow OW OW!!! guys stop it’s ME!  the grounders: who the hell’s this ass clown in tights and a cape ? the delinquents: pfffft you think we know??
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Karol: What's your favorite color?
Yuri: Estelle.
Yuri: Wait, what was the question again?
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wags-confessions · 2 years
There’s drama again. Karoline Lima posted in her stories that she’s in Madrid bc she’s about to have her baby and militao’s trash ass is in Miami in the best nightclubs. I feel so bad some men don’t have any decency. And I saw so many men saying “well she married for money what did she expect” well he should be in Madrid with her if not for her for his child. It’s so fucked up to be partying while your wife is expecting. That ucl win got to his head. Disgusting
There isn’t any video or photo of Militão hooking up with girls but I unfortunately think he did it! It’s so wrong in many levels, Karol said that she is having a hard time and is in pain she had troubles sleeping :(
She unfollowed him!!!
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bubbleweirdo · 3 years
Okay so here it goes cause if I don't say it I'll explode: unpopular opinion.
So, for context, yesterday someone asked Serena on twitter about the canon orientations of the main 10 and she answered that she doesn't give orientations to her characters, aside of a "hint" for Neha and Karol (since they have crushes, so you can tell that at least they like that gender) and that everybody can headcanon whatever they want. Which, is odd to me cause people will headcanon regardless of their canon orientations.
This is not the first time this conversation have happened, once in the discord server she even gave her own personal "head"canons, which really rubbed me the wrong way, even if they weren't "canon" (which is strange you know, she's the author).
It might sound silly but character orientations are actually important. They are in terms of visibility and education in our actual world. I'm not talking only about VNs and dating sim games, but in all games that include being able to date characters, giving them an orientation makes people learn about boundaries, makes them feel represented and also gives different lights to the character's development.
Also, to me, as a LGTB person, writing a character that I, the creator and writer of them, "headcanon" as, for example, homosexual, but then make them able to date every gender, is actually doing my character dirty, and in the case of not being able to hide it well and end up writing an homosexual-coded character, to the players too.
I've also read some articles which I agree with that talk about how not labelling your LI characters (in case of being able to being dated by every gender) is washing your hands, and in some cases it's just like "yeah just make everyone happy without actually saying they are LGTB". If you want to make a game about characters who can be dated by everyone just create characters that are attracted to every gender. And tbh, in that case label them or at least say they are attracted to every gender, not just wash it away with words like "they're what the player want them to be" cause in my opinion that's damaging to the LGTB community.
With this I'm not saying that having headcanons is bad and that fans shouldn't have headcanons: go ahead, that's really nice and I have my own headcanons too. But when the author "has" (how an author has a *head*canon?) and they aren't coherent with the game they're creating, and doesn't take risks just to "make everyone happy", in the end they're damaging the characters, the fans and the LGTB community.
As a fellow bisexual it really hurts me how this world, and the gaming community always invisibilizes us, and Serena had the power of giving people attracted to every gender the representation we deserve and threw it in the trash.
And don't be fooled, Sweet Elite doesn't have good LGTB representation. Apart from this, take other example: the only canonically non-binary character is Dr. Kim, they almost don't appear and they have little to no relevance in the game.
I just wanted to say this because this is my opinion, and it's something that triggers me and I needed to say it. You can think whatever you like, I just wanted to let it out, I clearly don't like her but I'm not cancelling anyone cause that's bullshit.
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tales-of-sweets · 3 years
Vesperia for the meme 😚
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
the first character i ever fell in love with: Yuri! I loved his snarkiness and thought he was very pretty. Additionally, I was deep in the hell of my other fandom (Tiger&Bunny) which also features a long haired, GNC, vigilante named Yuri so there was immediate love as soon as I heard the name lol.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: I don't think I have any, I loved everyone pretty consistently and still do!
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: l'm not sure that I have any really, I pretty much ship the same things I did when I started. Though, as with the Symphonia ask, I will tell you one ships I used to NOT like that I now DO like: Yuri/Raven/Judith OT3 :)
my ultimate favorite character™: UHHHH It's difficult hmmm... I think I love Raven and Zagi equally 🥰
prettiest character: Am I allowed to say Cumore? Because yeah, he looks awful but I'm also ridiculously attracted to him fjsjfkf Alexei is a close second.
my most hated character: Hmm, I guess I could go with the standard answer of Ragou. Though I also really do not like Nan (outside of specific AUs) because she's such a little shit to Karol.
my OTP: Aaaaaa okay can I even answer this? There's so many... Yuraven, Yeager/Casey, Schwann/Alexei (for the angst).... then some of my rarepairs like Duke/Yeager, Zagi/Yuri, Yeager/Cumore... I love all of these ships too much, I can't choose one.
my NOTP: Any ship with Patty is a no and Raven/Rita is a huge squick. The rest are just rarepairs and crackships that contradict my sibling/family HCs like Duke/Alexei, Rita/Judith, Yeager/Gauche/Droite/Zagi (any combination of any of those four is a huge no for me), and Zagi/Estelle (this last one I've at least never seen)
favorite moment: Schwann Reveal :') Though Yuri starting a guild with Karol is a close second.
saddest death: Zagi's death and the conversation that proceeded ripped me to shreds. I refuse to believe he's truly dead 😔
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: I'm not sure. Does the fandom love Nan? Lol I love most of the characters and the only ones I hate are like Ragou and Barbos and stuff.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Cumore, Zagi, and Alexei my beloveds💖
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: RAVEN!!! :( This poor sweet man has been to hell and back (maybe quite literally on more than one occasion) and he has so much trauma and little will to live. As much as I love his heeling and him being accepted by Brave Vesperia I hate hate hate how they treat him :(
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: HMMMMM.... Well, I think I have a lot of these as a villain liker lol. Schwann (or Raven)/Alexei, Cumore/Flynn, Zagi/Yuri, Yeager/Alexei
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: A guess for me it's the popular pairings like Fluri, Ristelle, and Yustelle. I love people's fanart of those ships (especially since it's always so soft and cozy) but I'm not rabid over them like I get for my rarepairs.
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