#karl schwarzchild
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Karl Schwarzschild from real-life science (the guy who first suggested they exist) should get sucked into a black hole
Karl Schwarzchild from real life science is getting sucked into a black hole!
#karl schwarzchild#real life#scientists#the hole claims another#thanks for the submission!#theotheristhedoctor#milestone post
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I don't think we talk about the fact that the metric for black holes is called the Schwarzchild metric, after Karl Schwarzchild. And that name translates to Black Shield.
The black shield black hole metric. Schwarzchild Schwarzes Loch.
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Los astrónomos encuentran una estrella similar al Sol que orbita un agujero negro cercano
Los astrónomos encuentran una estrella similar al Sol que orbita un agujero negro cercano
En 1916, Karl Schwarzchild teorizó sobre la existencia de agujeros negros como una resolución de las ecuaciones de campo de Einstein para su teoría de la relatividad general.A mediados del siglo XX, los astrónomos comenzaron a detectar agujeros negros por primera vez utilizando métodos indirectos, que consistían en observar sus efectos en los objetos y el espacio circundantes. Desde la década de…

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Please tell me you came up with a better name than Staryummies and Starchomps for those things in Season 8
Honestly, I haven't given season 8 a lot of thought, the furthest my solid plans for the Alt Con go are season 6.
BUT I will think about it real quick:
If I had to go about (re)naming the Staryummies and 'chomps...
I'd probably start with the idea they're “star eaters”, they have to do with the causing the end of a star's lifecycle. They are, in the back of my head, 'Anti-Lumens'.
Neutron Stars are the remnant cores of stars, so I'd go there to find something that would make thematic sense for the name.
Neutron stars can host exoplanets, but they strip any atmosphere from them causing what are known as Chthonian Planets.
The smallest of these exoplanets ever discovered is called Draugr, at twice the mass of our moon.
Considering the Staryummies are pretty tiny by them selves, I'd probably call them Druagr or come up with some variation based on that name.
For Starchomps, I could use one of the name types of Neutron Stars, Magnetar, a Neutron star that has a magnetic field 1,000 times stronger than other neutron stars. This naming convention would act as a nod to the size and power difference between 'yummies and 'chomps, or I could go with Droste.
Johannes Droste was the second person to independently publish a paper solving some of Einsteins equations relating to general relativity and gravity fields. He was beaten out by four months by Karl Schwarzchild for whom the Schwarzchild metric is named.
These are related to spatial singularities like black holes, and the name Droste has some sounds in common, which makes them seem related as a naming motif.
On the other hand, there's Latin:
Since they're named by what they do, we could just switch everything to Latin.
Lumen is Latin for light, so that's taken.
We'll use Lux instead.
There are several words which mean 'eat' (since yummy and chomp both have to do with eating)
two of the verbs are
cibo – feed, eat, fodder (I'd use this for the yummies because they are 'canon fodder')
vescor – eat,feed, devour (and this for the chomps because the word 'devour' feels more intense)
So we can either have
Light Eaters > Luxcibo & Luxvescor
Eaters of Light > Cibolux & Vescorlux (I think I like these two best)
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Bir Kara Deliğin Yörüngesinde Güneş Benzeri Bir Yıldız Bulundu
Bir Kara Deliğin Yörüngesinde Güneş Benzeri Bir Yıldız Bulundu
Karl Schwarzchild, Einstein’ın genel görelilik kuramının alan denklemlerine bir çözüm olarak 1916 yılında kara delikler olasılığını öne sürdü. Astronomlar 20. yüzyılın ortalarında ilk kez kara deliklerin etraflarındaki nesneler ve uzay üzerindeki etkilerini incelemeyi içeren dolaylı yöntemler geliştirdiler. Evrendeki büyük galaksilerin çoğunun kalbinde bulunan süper kütleli kara delikler…

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Ever since first mentioned by Jon Michell in a letter to the Royal Society in 1783, black holes have captured the imagination of scientists, writers, filmmakers and other artists.
Perhaps part of the allure is that these enigmatic objects have never actually been 'seen'. But this could now be about to change as an international team of astronomers is connecting a number of telescopes on Earth in the hope of making the first ever image of a black hole.
Black holes are regions of space inside which the pull of gravity is so strong that nothing – not even light – can escape.
Their existence was predicted mathematically by Karl Schwarzchild in 1915, as a solution to equations posed in Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity.
Astronomers have had circumstantial evidence for many decades that supermassive black holes – a million to a billion times more massive than our Sun – lie at the hearts of massive galaxies.
That's because they can see the gravitational pull they have on stars orbiting around the galactic centre. When overfed with material from the surrounding galactic environment, they also eject detectable plumes or jets of plasma to speeds close to that of light.
Last year, the LIGO experiment provided even more proof by famously detecting ripples in space-time caused by two medium-mass black holes that merged millions of years ago.
But while we now know that black holes exist, questions regarding their origin, evolution and influence in the universe remain at the forefront of modern astronomy.
Catching a tiny spot on the sky
On 5 to 14 April 2017, the team behind the Event Horizon Telescope hopes to test the fundamental theories of black-hole physics by attempting to take the first ever image of a black hole's event horizon (the point at which theory predicts nothing can escape).
By connecting a global array of radio telescopes together to form the equivalent of a giant Earth-sized telescope – using a technique known as Very Long Baseline Interferometry and Earth-aperture synthesis – scientists will peer into the heart of our Milky Way galaxy where a black hole that is 4 million times more massive than our Sun – Sagittarius A* – lurks.
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#Science#space#black holes#super massive black hole#Astronomy#physics#astrophysics#black hole#stem#scienceblr#sciblr#space exploration#radio astronomy#radio telescope#event horizon
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Astronomers around the Globe Assemble to Capture the First Image of a Black Hole
You've seen the black hole image. What does it mean, and why is it such a big deal?
From the initial conception of black holes in the writings of natural philosopher John Michell in 1783 to the theories and equations of Albert Einstein and Karl Schwarzchild in the early 1900s, the mysteries surrounding them have fascinated and eluded us for centuries. Black holes—cosmic bodies so massive that not even light can escape their gravitational pull—have long been a mainstay in science…
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#Albert Einstein#astronomy#astrophysics#Black Hole#EHT#Event Horizon Telescope#Katie Bouman#Minnesota Astronomical Society#Singularity#Theory of Relativity
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Só mais um dia, é amanhã, chegou o momento tão esperado de vermos a foto do buraco negro.
Na verdade, amanhã, uma hora dessas, a foto já vai ser passado, e novas perguntas, Nosa indagações irão surgir sobre esse que é com certeza um dos objetos mais intrigantes do universo.
O próprio Stephen Hawking disse certa vez, se algum roterista de Hollywood fosse fazer um filme, jamais ele iria considerar algo tão fantástico quanto um buraco negro, o objeto mais misterioso do universo e que surge naturalmente.
Hoje para terminarmos essa série de vídeos antes da foto do buraco negro, resolvi contar para vocês, uma breve história desses objetos, quando que surgiram essas ideias sobre um objeto tão impressionante assim.
Só para lembrar essa é uma breve história dos buracos negros, qualquer gap aqui precisará ser reconstruído com informações adicionais.
Depois deixem aí, o que essa frase que eu falei tem a ver com a foto do buraco negro.
Podemos dizer que a caçada pelos buracos negros começou lá no século 18.
O conceito de um corpo de onde a luz não pudesse escapar e que se tornasse invisível para o resto do universo foi considerado primeiro pelos filósofos naturais do século 18, John Michell e Pierre-Simon Laplace.
Eles usaram as leis da gravitação de Newton para calcular a velocidade de escape da partícula da luz de um corpo, prevendo a existência de estrelas que fossem tão densas que a velocidade de escape seria maior que a velocidade da luz.
Surgiu então o termo “estrela negra”.
Em 1801 foi descoberto que a luz se comportava como uma onda, e então não ficou claro como o campo gravitacional de Newton afetaria uma onda.
Foram precisos 115 anos, até que em 1915 Albert Einstein propôs na sua Teoria Geral da Relatividade como seria o comportamento da onda da luz sob a influência de um campo gravitacional.
E um ano depois, em 1916, Karl Schwarzchild, previu a existência de uma circunferência crítica de um corpo, além da qual a luz não pudesse cruzar.
Estava estabelecido o Raio de Schwarzschild, que foi dito como sendo uma barreira impenetrável.
Em 1933, George Lemaître com a famosa ilustração de Alice e Bob mostrou que esse lance de ser impenetrável era somente uma ilusão que um observador distante teria.
Tudo isso até então era pura teoria, para alguns absurdas e ficou assim até a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
No dia 1 de Setembro de 1939, quando a Alemanha Nazista invadiu a Polônia dando início ao conflito que mudou o mundo, o primeiro trabalho acadêmico sobre buracos negros era publicado.
O artigo chamado On Continued Gravitacional Contraction de Robert Oppenheimer e Hartland Snyder.
Esse artigo foi um ponto crucial na história dos buracos negros.
O mundo entrou então na Segunda Guerra Mundial, quando ela terminou a Universidade de Princeton nos EUA surgiu como um verdadeiro seleiro de uma nova geração de relativistas.
E foi ali que um físico nuclear chamado John Weeler finalmente criou o nome buraco negro, que perdura até hoje.
Com o fim da guerra, a radioastronomia avançou muito, e com as ondas de rádio foi possível detectar as primeiras fontes das quais se suspeitava ser buracos negros.
Na década de 70, em 1974, outra figura importante na história dos buracos negros, Stephen Hawking surge com a ideia que eles podem desaparecer, ou melhor, evaporar, e propôs a chamada Radiação de Hawking.
Com avanço da tecnologia, vieram observatórios espacial em raios-X que mostraram que boa parte das grandes galáxias possuem buracos negros supermassivos centrais em seus núcleos.
E em 2015, o último grande passo para o entendimento dos buracos negros, o consórcio do LIGO detectou a primeira onda gravitacional, provando que buracos negros de massa estelar existem.
O próximo grande momento na história dos buracos negros já tem data e hora marcados: Dia 10 de Abril de 2019, às 10 da manhã hora de Brasília.
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Cosmic Singularity: Are We Caught Inside A Schwarzschild Singularity?
How can the singularity parameters of our cosmos be larger than the cosmos itself? According to physics, a gravitational singularity radius for any mass where the escape velocity from that "object" equals the speed of light, thus creating a black hole singularity. The Schwarzchild (Singularity) Radius (Rs), for any mass is a simple formula (Rs=2GM/c2) solved by Karl Schwarzchild, in 1919 the father of singularity. The Rs is the distance from the outer point or event horizon of the soon to be black hole to the center of the singularity. For instance, the singularity radius Rs for Earth is 8.8mm or about the size of a schoolyard marble. Thus, if all of the mass of the Earth was stuffed inside this Einstein marble, it would warp time and space and we would be at the center of a plantiod black hole singularity. Of the estimated, 1.7 billion (BHBX) black holes discovered (2016) in the Milk Way, all are lead by a stellar singularity or it is not a black hole. The event horizon of all black holes are determined by their Schwarzchild Radius. After doing the math for our cosmos's singularity parameters (Radius, Volume and Density), it seems that the singularity totals are greater than the "visible" universe. First, the parameters of our known universe are:
Radius of Cosmos: R = 4.4 x 10(23)km
Volume of Cosmos: V = 4 x 10(80)m(3)
Density of Cosmos: D = 9.9×10(−30) g/cm3
Based on my math, using the Schwarzchild Radius Rs formula for the radius of a gravitational singularity. The singularity parameters for our cosmos, using the total mass of our cosmos as 3 x 10(54) kg are the following parameters:
Radius of Cosmos's Singularity: Rs = 4.46 x 10(24)km
Volume of Singularity: Vs = 3.72 x 10(83) m(3)
Density of Singularity: Ds = 8.1 x 10(-25) g/cm(3)
How can the cosmos's singularity be larger and less dense than the cosmos itself? It doesn't make since. Remember the Earth example. One is, and I'll keep at it, my math off: but I really doubt it or two the cosmos is much bigger than what we think it is or three and even worse we are caught inside a cosmic singularity? Oh sh!t, and once again I had it in a dream/nightmare, the black hole singularity one leading us into the oblivion. More to follow...
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Cosmic Singularity: Are We Caught Inside A Schwarzchild Singulrity?
How can the singularity parameters of our cosmos be larger than the cosmos itself? According to physics, a gravitational singularity radius for any mass where the escape velocity from that "object" equals the speed of light, thus creating a black hole singularity. The Schwarzchild (Singularity) Radius (Rs), for any mass is a simple formula (Rs=2GM/c2) solved by Karl Schwarzchild, in 1919 the father of singularity. The Rs is the distance from the outer point or event horizon of the soon to be black hole to the center of the singularity. For instance, the singularity radius Rs for Earth is 8.8mm or about the size of a schoolyard marble. Thus, if all of the mass of the Earth was stuffed inside this Einstein marble, it would warp time and space and we would be at the center of a plantiod black hole singularity. Of the estimated, 1.7 billion (BHBX) black holes discovered (2016) in the Milk Way, all are lead by a stellar singularity or it is not a black hole. The event horizon of all black holes are determined by their Schwarzchild Radius. After doing the math for our cosmos's singularity parameters (Radius, Volume and Density), it seems that the singularity totals are greater than the "visible" universe. First, the parameters of our known universe are:
Radius of Cosmos: R = 4.4 x 10(23)km
Volume of Cosmos: V = 4 x 10(80)m(3)
Density of Cosmos: D = 9.9×10(−30) g/cm3
Based on my math, using the Schwarzchild Radius Rs formula for the radius of a gravitational singularity. The singularity parameters for our cosmos, using the total mass of our cosmos as 3 x 10(54) kg are the following parameters:
Radius of Cosmos's Singularity: Rs = 4.46 x 10(24)km
Volume of Singularity: Vs = 3.72 x 10(83) m(3)
Density of Singularity: Ds = 8.1 x 10(-25) g/cm(3)
How can the cosmos's singularity be larger and less dense than the cosmos itself? It doesn't make since. Remember the Earth example. One is, and I'll keep at it, my math off: but I really doubt it or two the cosmos is much bigger than what we think it is or three and even worse we are caught inside a cosmic singularity? Oh sh!t, and once again I had it in a dream/nightmare, the black hole singularity one leading us into the oblivion. More to follow...
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