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mostlybrunettes · 3 months ago
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bestmodelsource · 2 years ago
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Daria Vikhreva by Evgenia Karica
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gamingstar26 · 1 year ago
Some info about the piccolo of time or fate (alt name a combination of parcae and Karios, maybe Karicae idk) It’s a small flute that has the power to manipulate time itself and can travel through time, etc. (based on the ocarina of time of course) for those who don’t know Parcae (in Roman) (in Greek Moira) (also called the fates) are the goddesses of fate and destiny. As for Karios the god of opportunity also time. I added a blue string of fate into the flute it changes it’s length depending on the persons fate. It has 7 holes.
like for example: if the person is holding it and the string is long, then there gonna live a long lfe, but if its shorten, yeah death is coming soon, and medium length means unknown fate or average life span. It’s not 100% accurate on telling the future, so the fate can be changed. If there are small cuts on the string that means near death experiences, or big cuts in between means death but they came back to life. Or if the string is completely cut well death.
I just love adding lore to my own au’s and shit.
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hanro50 · 2 years ago
Sebastiaan, the court wizard guy.
Incident report four: magical mixup.
K"Sebastiaan. I have an important job for you. So could you help me with a small issue"
The guards bring in a gold statue of the queen.
K"So I accidentally turned her into a gold statue and was wondering...."
S"I...can't fix this. You need an Alchemist to fix her. Not a wizard"
K"What is the difference. You both work in magic"
S"The alchemist has the tools to crack the encryption on the inscription while I can not. Sure, I can also transmute materials, but then I can at least know the inscription"
Later. Via a letter.
D"Dear Sebastiaan. Derrick here, the state alchemist, so do you by chance know what the decryption cipher is on the King's wife...."
Incident report five.
F"Welcome to flows dry cleaning how can I...ohh Sebastiaan"
S"Can I get my wizard robe dry cleaned."
F"Why does it look like you went running in the rain with it?"
S"Ohh funny stor...."
F"It smells like you ran a marathon...."
S"No...I just had to patch up a warding spell in someone's roof. Do you have any idea how hot it gets up there."
F"Ok, sorry for the teasing, you old cook. Why do you wear this thing anyway....it is like wearing a shower curtain"
S"That is actually my summer robe...."
Incident report six:
S"Morning Karica. How can I help you today..."
K"How much?"
K"How much for one of those mirrors you old bastard"
S"70 coins"
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celebanything · 5 years ago
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"Do one thing every day that scares you.” ...💓 @iamksgofficial ..🔥 #bodybuilder #body #builders #celebanything ##ksgians #ksg #model #prerish #karansinghgrover #kasautiizindagiikay #quboolhai #mrbajaj #ksgian #ksgfam #life #ksgshotgun #ksgsabkedillkijaan #love #karica #karanerica #drarmaanmalik #ksgforever #mrbajajprerna #mrbajajfamily #prernasharmabajaj #prerishforever #ericakaran #hatestory3 #alone #movies https://www.instagram.com/p/CAZdBefp7AG/?igshid=j2bip5zysn8e
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karica · 7 years ago
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Zinora, New York
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444names · 2 years ago
american forenames + musical instruments + mythical humanoids + magic spells BUT similar to "constellation"
Aacquel Aaristaley Adorald Adowbolt Adredwily Aira Aise Alaurtle Aleon Alicane Aliogua Allifronar Alyd Ancelew Androliney Anie Annicks Anny Anoph Anterk Antonin Arachould Arene Argeidie Arice Arlass Arop Aroy Ashaneel Asmory Assanne Asta Audis Auniftodne Auris Bastin Bereda Beredoulie Bererle Bern Beryss Bethawn Bettin Beuga Bion Bionimamba Blect Bline Boby Bolgan Boly Bracia Brah Brave Brebeath Brek Bren Brey Brim Brisela Briss Brobo Bugbet Cald Caltris Cana Canguist Cannicas Cardebbity Carlys Carpmeriam Chan Char Cheri Chleod Chrina Clamber Claune Clia Clie Clight Clock Clyn Colen Constell Cord Cour Cracert Crublie Cuss Daly Dandon Dandown Dandy Danie Dark Darle Daven Deald Dealey Deandrang Dearrise Delenrie Demicey Derthenner Dery Desleonitz Despet Devionin Dianda Dion Dolypsery Done Donfie Donn Dory Dowboblant Downa Drene Drose Drumpe Drylay Duanciana Duanle Dwanier Dwise Edinicor Elineci Eranke Erbugen Ereba Ereg Essalt Estean Eugla Eugon Euld Fain Firafaurel Firance Firen Firesle Firester Firgin Firgind Flah Flark Fleon Floandarp Flucine Flucyntal Ford Fraur Freillyn Fres Fret Frobgord Frola Garra Garvira Gayende Gaylormose Gelis Geodi Giel Gioray Glan Glero Gnie Gniet Gniken Grancheon Grani Guis Guist Guitt Gwenit Halyn Hande Hannixinne Haress Haze Heid Heitorn Helky Henathie Heon Herna Hert Hewilla Hibregort Hinet Honyan Hordolt Hyere Icass Icgum Ichlet Icia Icksh Idgarlown Issguis Iving Jachrina Jacian Jacid Jacquelt Jain Janop Janton Jantoy Jastanger Jeah Jeflen Jeflorn Jenney Jenracque Jentamegia Jeslexans Jess Jimamirew Jiman Jimargia Joark Jone Jonna Jora Jord Jorn Joshesundy Jossabil Jostoryll Jothy Jottelie Juak Juanne Julietinda Jussdra Karica Karne Kathady Kathylphie Keidne Kelin Kell Kenna Kenzy Kerta Kirena Kiri Korry Kriel Krine Krionny Kritt Kryannita Krylly Kuber Laia Lame Lencist Lendy Licksa Lina Lindace Linevia Loada Loandracel Lonez Loulas Lucie Lugorti Luitchawn Lypsethel Mabris Maera Magin Mana Mane Manie Manistam Mante Mantershia Mara Maravine Marcebby Marcel Mareduligh Marl Marlas Marlyn Marlynne Maron Marrierie Marry Martonit Massdra Matrody Mauridi Maurthann Meggy Merna Meth Mica Mican Micebo Micelin Milynden Mina Mine Mith Mold Moliel Monn Monnice Monnine Moodnel Morc Mosmoon Moth Nicedianad Nidigga Nuel Nund Obliandy Ogran Oloak Oppena Oreta Orgianda Ostriance Ougle Paltess Pamp Pampe Panger Panney Patac Paur Penge Petta Phandel Phibrah Phow Picky Pikboakra Piken Pipegiandy Pipleciney Pokath Prill Rack Raganne Railynnon Reate Retteraggy Rhon Rhony Rica Ricattina Rister Roang Robbitz Rolt Romannie Rombithune Ronna Roph Rown Roydie Rucy Rumo Rumorene Salyd Same Samicks Sana Sance Santi Saxote Saxottel Scarles Seande Semmicear Semmy Sergaber Serute Shada Shae Shaeresis Sharyl Shass Sheid Shelma Shenet Sheor Sherk Shlianie Shoricarf Spatesse Spett Steva Stie Stieristh Sucela Sundrum Sune Surio Suss Tampust Teacerice Teatha Theanna Tine Tonie Trieata Trina Triquist Trobbita Trolt Tronie Tronn Trunethe Tublin Tura Tyron Verga Vicks Viel Vinx Walypse Wara Waren Wath Wayet Wightnin Wilin Wistaraque Xylvira Yern Yoley Yukirah Yukityrt Zomerie
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juniorstyleldn · 6 years ago
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New Editorial: Click the link to view ELEMENTS🔹http://bit.ly/ElementsEditorial . . Photography: Evgenia Karica @SmileyKids.Photo Styling & Art Direction: Julia Rozenfeld @lolkidsarmonk HMU: Olena Shapoval @olena.mua https://ift.tt/2QiQgQR
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nemazabranjenih-rs · 3 years ago
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bearalove · 5 years ago
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+@#! Gund Karicas Tender Teddy Bear Brown Red Bow 13" Vintage 1983 https://ift.tt/2OGUVwR
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skala-radio-iz-kotora · 6 years ago
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bestmodelsource · 5 years ago
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Daria Vikhreva by Evgenia Karica
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ericaethereal · 8 years ago
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a match made in heaven. (or hell....?) karica.
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hanro50 · 2 years ago
Sebastiaan, the court wizard guy.
Incident report seven: Slow day....
Sebastiaan, reading a newspaper, looked over as Karica walked into his office.
K"Slow day today yea old bastard"
K"Why what....?"
The slow day turned into the busiest week on record.
Incident report eight:
S"Morning George...what can I help you with"
G"I need you to transfer the inscriptions between these mirrors"
S"Sure... you can come pick it up on Thursday...(this story took place on a Monday)
G"Well, ol chap..."
S"The court mage whom this belongs to leaves tomorrow doesn't he..."
G"Actually, ol chap....he leaves tonight"
S"I'm charging you double"
Incident report nine:
S"Morning Derrick. Come to try to turn me to gold again...."
D"Shut up gramps. I came to buy transmutation chalk"
S"...OK....red or white?"
D"Red, thank you very much."
Karica saw this interaction and asked Sebastiaan at a later date. K"Why doesn't he source his own chalk"
S"I make money whether or not someone buys from him or me. Sure the cut is less if it goes through him, but I hate transmutation...."
K"I see...."
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staylitmusic · 7 years ago
TOUCHDOWN - feat. Kari Ca$h (prod. by FXNESSE2X) by KEY NYATA
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karica · 7 years ago
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Bethany Ciotola and Kai and Rowan, New York
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