#kari shea
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moonfromearth · 2 years ago
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They may not have won the prize, but wasn't the real prize the friends we made along the way?
... Nah. It would've been nice if they'd won.
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creatreasurebox · 1 year ago
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Étape de la création du header pour Wicked Little Town. Je vais tenter d'expliquer comme je peux mon processus de création. Désolé si c'est un peu bordélique. 😅 Vous pouvez cliquer sur afficher davantage pour voir:
J'ai choisi la première photo avec la fenêtre car j'aimais le reflet sur le parquet et que ça marcherait avec l'extérieur enneigé que j'imaginais. J'aimais aussi les moulures sur le mur, je les ai donc gardé mais moins fan du chandelier, surtout qu'il n'était centré, je l'ai fais disparaitre. Puis voulant une scène plus aérée, j'ai utilisé le "generative fill" de photoshop et le "stamp tool" pour agrandir la pièce. Je suis partie à la recherche d'élément qui pourrait raconter l'histoire des personnes qui vivraient dans cette maison, un canapé, un chien, un chat, un couple qui avait une excellente ombre qui marcherait super bien avec ma fenêtre (parfois, je cherche pas trop loin 😂 ). Le design devant représenter la saint Valentin sans être trop "romantique" et le thème de l'anniversaire sans être trop "anniversaire". J'ai rajouté des petits chapeaux sur le chien et le chat, des fanions, une photo du couple sur la commode et sur l'étagère, la décoration de leur gâteau de mariage. A chaque élément ajouté, il fallait donner une ombre, un reflet dans le parquet si nécessaire et changer le coloring des objets pour qu'ils correspondent à l'ambiance de la pièce. Et puis, j'adore les plantes et les livres, donc il fallait évidemment que j'en rajoute. Je trouve que ça donne un côté plus cosy. Pour l'extérieur, étant donné que la ville où se trouve le forum a un lac et est entouré de forêt, je suis partie sur ça. Pour la version sombre, j'ai changé l'image d'extérieur avec une qui avait des reflets de la maison allumée dans l'eau du lac. Et c'était parfait pour le Corgi, il existe tellement de photos d'eux que j'en ai trouvé un allongé, quant au chat, il est parti à l'aventure. J'ai changé le verre d'eau sur la table pour un verre de vin, l'horloge au mur montre maintenant 1h du matin et puis, j'ai allumé les lumières. C'est des petits détails, mais je trouve que ça continue à raconter un peu l'histoire du couple, peut être qu'ils se sont installés sur le canapé pour boire un verre et le chien s'est endormi alors qu'ils discutaient ? 😊 Pour l'animation, j'ai passé les headers à After effects, j'ai trouvé sur pexels une vidéo d'un chat noir, il a donc été rajouté à l'extérieur et il cherche son amie, la chatte à l'intérieur de la maison. (peut être qu'elle est allée le retrouver la nuit 👀), j'ai rajouté un effet neige qui tombe que j'ai trouvé sur youtube et la nuit, un oiseau qui passe rapidement devant la fenêtre. C'est assez discret, mais on peut voir le reflet de la neige animé sur le parquet, surtout la version sombre. Pour la typographie du titre, j'ai utilisé Scotch Display qui est un fond Adobe, je trouvais que une typographie serif donnait un côté plus cosy et romantique. Et pour la tagline, c'est Caslon, parce que j'aime Caslon. 👀 Je pense que j'ai fais le tour, si vous avez des questions, hésitez pas à les poser dans les commentaires de ce poste et merci d'avoir réussi à lire jusque là. 🫣 liste des images utilisées: pexels-eberhard-grossgasteiger-1624503 pexels-serkan-atay-19730755 pexels_videos_1536279 (1080p) Falling Snow Realistic Overlay Loop pexels-curtis-adams-8583905 pexels-taryn-elliott-4440123 pexels-emma-bauso-2253870 pexels-karolina-grabowska-5726036 pickawood-rwa0Yh38FeA-unsplash samantha-gades-BlIhVfXbi9s-unsplash kari-shea-3_cyj5YkhTs-unsplash jeffery-ho-TIN_Lh9-Y7g-unsplash markus-spiske-UaQ1t-nQHyk-unsplash annie-spratt-JruJFy08KB8-unsplash pexels-maksim-goncharenok-4352247 sunguk-kim-WTKvaChRvBg-unsplash pexels-karolina-grabowska-5726036 nataliia-kvitovska-MYwbqIfccvg-unsplash pickawood-rwa0Yh38FeA-unsplash filipp-romanovski-pDbhjYjrWpk-unsplash content-pixie-6CFCrt-7tHw-unsplash fatty-corgi-EpRAM95thHU-unsplash pexels-serkan-atay-19730755 fatty-corgi-wHgkrmuMFOY-unsplash pexels-anna-shvets-4587992 alexander-london-mJaD10XeD7w-unsplash
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haxyr3 · 1 year ago
Word of the Day: освоиться
освоиться /ɐˈsvoɪt͡sə/ verb, perfective -- to make oneself familiar (with), to get the feel (of), to feel comfortable (with), to adapt (to), to get settled
Коту нужна пара недель, чтобы освоиться на новом месте. The cat needs a couple weeks to settle in.
You've probably tangled with the tricky Russian word "свой," juggling various possessive pronouns like "my," "your," "her," "his," etc. Sometimes, it's even thrown in with "own." Now, освоиться adds a cozy twist to this—making a place your own. It's about sinking into a space, feeling at home, and claiming your spot.
💖 Hope this brings a native touch to grasping свой a bit better!
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Photo by Kari Shea, CC0
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holly-days · 1 month ago
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Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash
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ultraericthered · 4 months ago
Favorite Takes - Marvel/Spider-Man
Where I cite my personal favorite non-source material (so film, TV, and video games only) adaptations of some comic book characters.
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Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Insomniac Games (Yuri Lowenthal)
Marvel VS Capcom (Josh Keaton)
Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (Christopher Daniel Barnes)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Josh Keaton)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Robbie Daymond)
Sony/MCU (Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland)
NOTE: And the Spider-Men voiced by Paul Soles, Dan Gilvezan, Ted Schwartz, Rino Romano, Neil Patrick Harris, Chris Edgerly, James Arnold Taylor, Mike Vaughn, Mike Kelley, Sam Reigel, Sean Chiplock, Griffin Burns, Jake Johnson, and Hudson Thames are all contenders.
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Mary Jane Watson
Insomniac Games (Laura Bailey)
Sam Raimi Trilogy (Kirsten Dunst)
MCU (Zendaya Coleman)
MTV Spider-Man New Animated Series (Lisa Loeb)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Vanessa Marshall)
Marvel Rising (Tara Strong) and Marvel's Spider-Man (Felicia Day)
NOTE: Other fine MJs are Andrea Taylor in the Ultimate Spider-Man video game, Dana Seltzer in Web of Shadows, Laura Vandervoort in Edge Of Time, Quinn Ljoka in Marvel Avengers Academy, and Zoe Kravitz in Into The Spiderverse. Kari Wahlgren also did a decent Kirsten Dunst in the Spider-Man 3 video game, and Erika Harlacher Stone was spot on casting for her in Spider-Geddon, albeit wasted.
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Gwen Stacy
Marvel's Spider-Man (Laura Bailey)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Lacey Chabert)
Spiderverse Trilogy (Hailee Steinfeld)
Marvel Rising (Dove Cameron)
Mark Webb Duology (Emma Stone)
Sam Raimi Trilogy (Bryce Dallas Howard)
NOTE: Yeah, Laura Bailey is Best MJ AND Best Gwen! And the only other Gwens I think come close to contending with these ones would be the ones voiced by Mary Kay Bergman and Ashley Johnson.
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Harry Osborn
Sam Raimi Trilogy (James Franco)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (James Arnold Taylor)
MTV Spider-Man New Animated Series (Ian Ziering)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Max Mittelman)
Insomniac Games (Scott Porter, Graham Philips)
Mark Webb Duology (Dane Dehaan)
NOTE: Shout out to Josh Keaton and Kevin Dorman here too!
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J. Jonah Jameson
Sam Raimi Trilogy (JK Simmons)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Daran Norris)
Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (Ed Asner)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Bob Joles)
Insomniac Games (Darin De Paul)
Edge Of Time (Fred Tatasciore)
NOTE: Paul Kligman, William Woodson, Richard Newman, Dee Bradley Baker, and Chris Edgerly also did some respectable Jonahs.
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Flash Thompson
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Josh LeBarr)
Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (Patrick Labyorteaux)
MTV Spider-Man New Animated Series (Devon Edward Sawa)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Ben Diskin)
Mark Webb Duology (Chris Zylka)
MCU (Tony Revolori)
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Betty Brant
Sam Raimi Trilogy (Elizabeth Banks)
MCU (Angourie Rice)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Grey Griffin)
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (Grey Griffin)
Spider-Man Cartoon (Peg Dixon)
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Liz Allan
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Alanna Ulbach)
MCU (Laura Harrier)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Natalie Lander)
Spider-Man 90s Animated Series (Marla Rubinoff)
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George Stacy
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Clancy Brown)
Spiderverse Trilogy (Shea Whigham)
Mark Webb Duology (Dennis Leary)
Sam Raimi Trilogy (James Cromwell)
Marvel Rising (Steven Weber)
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May Parker
Sam Raimi Trilogy (Rosemary Harris)
Spiderverse Trilogy (Lily Tomlin)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Deborah Strang)
Insomniac Games (Nancy Linari)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Nancy Linari)
Mark Webb Duology (Sally Fields) and MCU (Marisa Tomei)
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Miles Morales
Spiderverse Trilogy (Shamiek Moore)
Insomniac Games (Nadji Jeter)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Nadji Jeter)
Ultimate Spider-Man (Donald Glover, Ogie Banks)
Marvel Avengers Academy (Brandon James Winckler)
NOTE: I'm not OK with the casting of that last one, though. Why???
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Norman Osborn/The Green Goblin
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Alan Rachins, Steve Blum)
Sam Raimi Trilogy + MCU (Willem Dafoe)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Josh Keaton)
Spider-Man 90s Animated Series (Neil Ross)
Insomniac Games (Mark Rolston) and The Black Order (Steve Blum)
LEGO Marvel (Nolan North, Josh Keaton)
NOTE: Steven Weber in Ultimate Spider-Man was a decent Norman but an awful Goblin, while Len Carlson, Dennis Marks, and Sam Vincent all did good Green Goblins but weren't really Normans.
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Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus
Sam Raimi Trilogy + MCU (Alfred Molina)
Insomniac Games and The Black Order (William Salyers)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Peter Macnicol)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Scott Menville)
Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (Efrem Zimbalist Jr.)
Universal Studios Ride (Rodger Bumpass)
NOTE: Olivia Octavius isn't included here since this is just for Otto. Vernon Chapman, Cam Clarke, Joe Alaskey, Charlie Adler, Tom Kenny, Kyle Hebert, and Dee Bradley Baker were also good Ottos.
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Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (Hank Azaria)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Ben Diskin, Ben Pronsky)
Insomniac Games (Tony Todd)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Ben Diskin)
Spider-Man PS1 (Daran Norris) and Sony/MCU (Tom Hardy)
Web of Shadows (Keith Szarabajka) and Sam Raimi Trilogy
NOTE: Brian Drummond was also a top tier Venom voice. Shame the Venom/Eddie Brock he was voicing had to be such trash.
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Eddie Brock
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Ben Diskin)
Ultimate Spider-Man Game (Daniel Capallero)
Sony/MCU (Tom Hardy)
Sam Raimi Trilogy (Topher Grace)
Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (Hank Azaria)
Spider-Man PS1 (Daran Norris)
NOTE: Ben Pronsky's Eddie was alright too, but he was disposable.
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The Lizard
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Dee Bradley Baker)
Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (Joseph Campanella)
MTV Spider-Man New Animated Series (Rob Zombie)
Insomniac Games (Mark Whitten)
Mark Webb Duology + MCU (Rhys Ifans)
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The Sandman
The Spectacular Spider-Man (John DiMaggio)
Shattered Dimensions (Dimitri Diatchenko)
Sam Raimi Trilogy + MCU (Thomas Hayden Church)
The Black Order (Richard Epcar)
Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends (Chris Latta)
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The Rhino
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Clancy Brown)
Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (Don Stark)
Sam Raimi Trilogy Video Games (John DiMaggio, Steve Blum)
Insomniac Games (Fred Tatasciore)
Web Of Shadows (Fred Tatasciore)
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The Spectacular Spider-Man (Crispin Freeman)
Insomniac Games (Josh Keaton)
Ultimate Spider-Man (Christopher Daniel Barnes)
Mark Webb Duology + MCU (Jamie Foxx)
MTV Spider-Man New Animated Series (Ethan Embry)
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The Vulture
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Robert Englund)
Sam Raimi Trilogy Video Games (Dwight Schultz)
MCU (Michael Keaton)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Alastair Duncan)
Insomniac Games (Dwight Schultz)
NOTE: Gillie Fenwick, Paul Soles, Don Messick, Christopher Tabori, Brian George and Steve Blum also deserve acknowledgement here.
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Spider-Man Cartoon and Spider-Man 80's Animated Series (Chris Wiggins, Michael Rye and Peter Cullen).
MCU (Jake Gyllenthal)
Shattered Dimensions (David Kaye)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Xander Berkley)
Spider-Man 90's Animated (Gregg Berger)
NOTE: Also mesmerizing as Mysterio were Daran Norris, Dee Bradley Baker, James Arnold Taylor, Robin Atkins Downes, Greg Baldwin, and Crispin Freeman.
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Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (Mark Hamill)
Marvel Superhero Adventures (Andrew Francis)
Universal Studios Ride (Patrick Fraley)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Courtney B. Vance)
Shattered Dimensions (Steve Blum)
NOTE: Marvel's Spider-Man barely counts for this, as it was just Harry and Norman respectively wearing a phony superhero identity.
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Sam Raimi Trilogy Video Games (Michael McColl, Dee Bradley Baker)
Insomniac Games (Jason Spisak)
Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (Martin Landau, Richard Moll)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Jason Spisak)
Ultimate Spider-Man (Dante Basco, Eric Bauza)
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The Chameleon
Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (N/A)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Steve Blum)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (Hans Conried)
Mark Webb Duology Video Games (Glenn Steinbaum)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Patton Oswald)
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Kraven the Hunter
Shattered Dimensions (Jim Cummings) and Insomniac Games (Jim Pirri)
Marvel's Spider-Man (Troy Baker)
MTV Spider-Man New Animated (Michael Dorn)
Spider-Man 90's Animated Series and Ultimate Spider-Man (Gregg Berger and Diedrich Bader)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Eric Vesbit)
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Black Cat
Insomniac Games (Erica Lindbeck)
Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (Jennifer Hale)
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Tricia Helfer)
Sam Raimi Trilogy Video Games (Holly Fields)
Mark Webb Duology Video Games (Ali Hillis)
NOTE: Audrey Wasilewski, Katee Sachkhoff, Grey Griffin, Mel Gorsha, and Erika Harlacher Stone were also contenders here.
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Michael Morbius
Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (Nick Jameson)
Sony/MCU (Jared Leto)
Ultimate Spider-Man (Ben Diskin)
Sam Raimi Trilogy Games (Sean Donnellan)
Marvel Superhero Squad (Tom Kenny)
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Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin
MCU (Vincent D'onofrio)
Sony Daredevil 2003/MTV Spider-Man New Animated Series (Michael Clarke Duncan)
Spider-Man 90's Animated Series (Roscoe Lee Brown)
The Punisher Video Game (David Sobolov)
Raimi Trilogy Video Game (Bob Joles)
Insomniac Games (Travis Willingham) and The Black Order (Tim Blaney)
NOTE: Tom Harvey, Stan Jones, Stephen Stanton, Gregg Berger, Jim Cummings and JB Blanc also gave commendable takes on Fisk that worked for the iterations they were playing. Sorry to say, Spiderverse fans, but Liev Schreiber's Kingpin does nothing for me.
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Doctor Doom
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (Clive Revill)
90's Animated Marvel (Neil Ross, Simon Templeman, Tom Kane, Ross Marquand)
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (Lex Lang)
Marvel VS Capcom (Paul Dobson)
Disney Marvel Animation and The Black Order (Maurice LeMarche)
The Fantastic Four '94 film (Joseph Culp)
Spider-Man 80's Animated Series (Ralph James)
NOTE: Henry Ramer, Freddy Stebbin, Charlie Adler, Fred Tatasciore, Travis Willingham, and Grahama McTavish are also good Dooms.
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thepixabaypoet · 4 months ago
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wherever i roam you're the home i return to whatever it takes
Image by Kari Shea (https://buff.ly/4fnRqVW) from Pixabay
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eva-knits12 · 11 months ago
The Haircut
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Trigger warning: crying, haircut, Colin Shea, office mean girls ,anxiety fluff
Summary: You get your first haircut in a while. It goes as well as expected. Colin comforts you.
"Colin, I'm getting a haircut today," I say, as I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is everywhere! I worked in an office that thrived on gossip, office drama, and bullying. I'm an IT, and I was a female in that position. The girls in the office treated me like shit because when they requested that a problem with their computers be fixed, I would show up.
"Oh, I'm sorry. We're waiting for a man," one would say.
"Who did you sleep with to get that position?" another would say.
"Really, this a man's job, so why are you doing a man's job?" a third would say.
I would have to escape somewhere and just cry. I would cry when I got home. I was trying not to let them get to me, but I was starting to crack. The more mean things they said, the more they got to me.
"Baby girl, that's great! You deserve it!" says Colin, who is more excited about that I am.
"You'll feel a lot better. Don't let these mean girls voices in your head control you any longer. You're beautiful, you're smart, you are worth the world," says Colin, cheering me up. He kisses me on my nose, making me giggle.
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I made the appointment, and I get ready to go. I make an appointment for a cut and color, and Colin tells me that it will be okay.
"You think so Colin? I just don't deserve this. My cut and color will look horrible," I say.
"You don't know that. Don't let those mean girls get the best of you. They're in your head. They now have free rent in your head. It's time to evict them. They don't need the free rent in your head," says Colin.'
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"You're the most beautiful woman and strongest woman I know," says Colin.
"I've seen my mom, and she's Irish," says Colin.
"Thanks, honey," I say.
I get in my Trax and go to the salon. I check in, and I wait for a bit. I pull out the fingerless gloves I'm knitting, while I wait for Justine.
I'm busy knitting, when I hear them. The feeling of nausea and dread hits me like a ton of bricks. I dig through my purse, in search of a starlight peppermint to ease the nausea, and I come up with a ginger chew. I eat the chew.
I hear Regina's voice, and I just freeze.
"I don't know why you're even bothering. Nobody can fix that ugly hair and ugly face of yours." says Regina.
"I didn't know that ugly was a requirement for this line of work," says Joanne.
"Yeah, she's way too ugly and way too plain," says Kari.
I feel like crying, but nope! As of right now, these girls are evicted. But, the owner. Tabatha, intervenes.
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"As of right now, I'm going to have to ask you three to leave. I will not tolerate anyone harassing my customers. As of right now. Eva is a customer. She became a customer as soon as she walked through the door," says Tabatha.
"But, but. but. we just want what's best for her," says Regina.
"What's best for her is to get her hair done here! What's best for her is to not have to worry about three adults who are still nothing but high school mean girls," says Tabatha.
"Ever since we met, you guys were nice at first. Eventually, you showed your true colors. Spamming my inbox with whatever things you wanted because I disagreed with you, or even told you about an update or a technical issue. Telling the whole office I slept with the boss, when I needed his help to solve a client issue. Even claiming that I went so far as to sleep with Zach and Jake, what the hell is wrong with the whole lot of you? Jake is in a happy long-term relationship, and Zach is happily married. Zach helped me get this job, and I owe him the world," I say.
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"You can't handle the fact that I have a high degree in my field. I'm an IT. I studied computer sciences, even computer engineering, and even studied coding," I say.
"Colin finds it amazing, and I can't say the same for you," I say.
"Well, we refuse to leave. She can leave, we'll stay," says Kari.
"NO! That's now how this works. I have asked you to leave. Since you refuse, I'm going to have to have the police escort the whole lot of you out," says Tabatha.
Erica calls the police. Regina, Joanne, and Kari are all charged with trespassing, and they're arrested. Tabatha decides to trespass them, and they're not welcome back through the doors. I decide to file for a restraining order as a just-in-case, even though it would be hard to get.
Tabatha takes me to her chair, and she starts to discuss what I want. I'm not sure, so I let her make some suggestions.
I get my hair colored, and then cut. I walk out with a nice, neck length cut that it's easy to do and put into a bun, a chignon, or even a pony tail when needed, since I'm so used to putting my hair back at some point.
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I look at myself in the mirror and I'm amazed. I love my new look!
I return home, and Colin doesn't recognize me.
"That's not my beautiful girlfriend who just put three mean girls in their place," says Colin.
Colin loves my new hair cut, and my new hairstyle!
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"I heard what happened. Word got around, and let's just say, it got back to them," says Colin.
"You heard from Sean, didn't you?" I say.
"Yes, and getting a restraining order is a good idea. They don't deserve the free rent in your head, and they don't deserve the free space in your life," says Colin.
Colin has grabbed me around the waist, knowing that I handled myself well, even though I was full of anxiety. I was determined not to let it show.
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"I'm proud of you," says Colin, beaming.
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"I love you, rock star," I say.
"I love you, too, baby girl," says Colin.
'Put on a nice dress, and I'm taking my baby for a night out on the town," says Colin.
"Dinner sounds amazing," I say.
"Wait, why don't we order our favorite Chinese dishes, put on a movie, and jus spend the night as lazy slobs?" says Colin, kissing me lovingly.
"That sounds even better," I say.
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Colin orders our favorite Chinese dishes. I get the almond boneless chicken, and Colin gets his favorite Chinese spare ribs.
Colin and I watch Knives Out, followed by the Losers. Colin and I just eat off of our plates, and feed each other bites. Dessert is fortune cookies, followed by those almond cookies we like.
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Colin and I spend the weekend just being lazy slobs, and taking a nice, romantic bath at the end. It was much needed, and did me a world of good.
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I return to the office first thing on Monday. I worked from home while I was busy dealing with the restraining order and the police. Colin is with me every step of the way. Jake and Zach, and my boss have heard, and well, I walked into the office with three new people, who are friendly and professional.
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silent-snowy-evenings · 2 months ago
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By Kari Shea
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mbr3coaching · 4 months ago
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What is making you suffer?
Imagine a person who believes a particular diet is the key to health, though they’ve never truly evaluated its impact. Every day, they follow this strict regimen, even though it leaves them feeling drained and unsatisfied. Despite the discomfort, they convince themselves it’s the path to wellness, because changing course would mean admitting that their trusted plan might be flawed. Only after finally questioning the diet and experimenting with new foods do they realize their energy levels improve, and they feel healthier. They see for themselves the difference between what they believed was beneficial and what actually works.
This is how we create our own suffering through limiting beliefs. We often choose comfort in our familiar views, even if they lead to discomfort or pain, because acknowledging they might be wrong requires vulnerability and openness. Suffering is the nudge urging us to reevaluate: “Look, this belief isn’t serving you. Dare to see beyond it.” By challenging all beliefs objectively, we can discern those that are genuinely empowering from those that limit us. Replacing false beliefs with truthful ones reduces the self-imposed suffering we endure.
In the end, freedom from suffering starts by admitting where we may be wrong. Like shedding an ill-fitting diet, it’s about shedding ideas that no longer support our well-being, allowing us to step into a more fulfilling life.
-Coach Mike
#limited #belief #challenge #potential #life
Background Picture by
Kari Shea
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brookston · 5 months ago
Holidays 10.7
Agriculture Day (Tajikistan)
Air Force Day (India)
Alvin C. York Day
American Touch Tag Day
Arbor Day (Guam; Namibia)
Back to Basics Day
Battle of Angamos Day (Peru)
Children’s Day (Iran)
Cold Dew (Chinese Farmer’s Calendar)
Colorism Awareness Day
Commonwealth Culture Day (Northern Mariana Islands)
Cosmopolite's Day
Day of the Heroic Guerrilla (Cuba)
Discoverer’s Day (Hawaii)
Father’s Day (Sweden)
International Birth Registration Day
International Earth Cache Day
International Lesbian Day
International Octopus Day
International Off-Road Day
International Percy Jackson Day
International Podiatry Day
Lawyer Day (Ukraine)
Lovable Lawyers Day
National Arab American Voter Day
National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness Recovery and Understanding
National Day of the Cowboy Boot
National Education Day (Kiribati)
National Harbormaster Appreciation Day
National Hero Day
National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day
National Justin Day
National Lance Day
National Mall Walking Day
National Read to a Child Day
National Shea Day
National Traveller Mental Health Day (Ireland)
Navy Day (Peru)
Nude Beach Party Day (Baker Beach, California)
Pumpkin Day (French Republic)
Rory Gilmore Day (Gilmore Girls)
San Ernesto Day
Semana Morazánica (Honduras)
Tacksägelsdagen (Thanksgiving; Sweden)
Tafea Day (Vanuatu)
Tank Crewman’s Day )Armenia)
Tube Top Day
Virgin Islands/Puerto Rico Friendship Day
World Circular Textiles Day
World Dyslexia Day
World MCT8-AHDS Day
World Octopus Day
World Sight Day
World Teachers’ Day (Kiribati)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Birthday of the Microbrewery
National Fluffernutter Day
National Pierogi Day
National Salmon Day
Independence & Related Days
Croatia (from Yugoslavia, 1991)
Stardom of Bimba (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
2nd Tuesday in October
Ada Lovelace Day [2nd Tuesday]
Arbor Day (Guam) [2nd Tuesday]
Headspace Day (Australia) [2nd Tuesday]
International Face Your Fears Day [2nd Tuesday]
National Peyronie’s Disease Awareness Day [2nd Tuesday]
Own Business Day [2nd Tuesday]
Table Tennis Tuesday [2nd Tuesday of Each Month]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Target Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tater Tot Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tomato Tuesday [2nd Tuesday of Each Month]
Trivia Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Two For Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
World Child Development Day [2nd Tuesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning October 8 (1st Full Week of October)
Cephalopod Awareness Days (thru 10.12)
Festivals Beginning October 8, 2024
Bradford Pumpkin Show - Bradford, Ohio) [thru 10.12]
Floresville Peanut Festival (Floresville, Texas) [thru 10.12
Screamfest Horror Film Festival (Los Angeles, California) [thru 10.17]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Autumnale IV (Pagan)
Albertus Magnus (Positivist; Saint)
Bearing of Green Branches (Ancient Athens)
Bridget of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Cornelis Troost (Artology)
Demetrius (Christian; Saint)
Evodus (a.k.a. Yves; (Christian; Saint)
Faith Ringgold (Artology)
Festival of High Places (a.k.a. Chung Yeung Day; China; Everyday Wicca)
Frank Herbert (Writerism)
Grandpa Mullally (Muppetism)
Hans Heysen (Artology)
John D. Batten (Artology)
Kari Korhonen (Artology)
Keyne (Celtic; Christian; Saint)
Leaf Lore Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Max Slevogt (Artology)
Ozias Leduc (Artology)
Palatias and Laurentia (Christian; Saint)
Pelagia the Penitant (Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches)
Reparata (Christian; Saint)
Richard Sharpe Shaver (Artology)
San Ernesto, Che Guevara as a folk saint (Bolivian campesinos)
Sawney Beane Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Simeon (Gospel of Luke; Christian; Saint)
Tell Massive Lies Day (Pastafarian)
Thaïs (Christian; Saint)
William Dwight Porter Bliss and Richard T. Ely (Episcopal Church)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 281 [60 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (Radio Series; 1944)
Badmotorfinger, by Soundgarden (Album; 1991)
The Big Dipper, Parts 3 & 4 (Underdog Cartoon, S3, Eps. 7 & 8; 1966)
Claus and Effect or Yule Be Sorry (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 220; 1963)
The Color of Money (Film; 1986)
Demolition Man (Film; 1993)
Ed (TV Series; 2000)
Flying Tigers (Film; 1942)
Friday Night Lights (Film; 2004)
Great Balls of Fire, recorded by Jerry Lee Lewis (Song; 1957)
Hopalong Casualty (WB LT Cartoon; 1960)
I Know What You Did Last Summer, by Lois Duncan (Novel; 1973)
Imagine, by John Lennon (Song; 1971)
It’s Kind of a Funny Story (Film; 2010)
Les Misérables (Musical Play in English; 1985)
Life for Sale, by Yukio Mishima (Novel; 1968)
Little Pancho Vanilla (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
Muppet’s Haunted Mansion (Film; 2021)
A Murder of Quality, by John le Carré (Novel; 1962)
My Favorite Year (Film; 1982)
No Time to Die (US Film; 2021) [James Bond #27]
Nowhere Boy (Film; 2010)
Nursery Crimes (Phantasies Cartoon; 1943)
Playful Pelican (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1948)
The Princess Bride, by William Goldman (Novel; 1973)
Remain in Light, by Talking Heads (Album; 1980)
Romeo and Juliet (Film; 1968)
Rumble Fish (Film; 1983)
The Second Hundred Years (Short Film; 1927) [1st Laurel & Hardy Film]
Secretariat (Film; 2010)
Snowbank Squirrel or Bullwinkle Gets the Drift (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 219; 1963)
Song of the South (Animated Disney Film; 1980)
Spartacus (Film; 1960)
Stage Door (Film; 1937)
Too Many Girls (Film; 1940)
Unseen Academicals, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2009) [Discworld #37]
The Waves, by Virginia Woolf (Novel; 1931)
World End’s Harem (Anime Series; 2021)
Today’s Name Days
Simeon (Austria)
Demetrije, Hugo, Pelagija, Šimun, Zvonimir (Croatia)
Věra (Czech Republic)
Ingeborg (Denmark)
Hilja, Hilje, Hilju (Estonia)
Hilja (Finland)
Pélagie, Thaïs (France)
Gerda, Günther, Hannah, Laura (Germany)
Pelagia (Greece)
Koppány (Hungary)
Pelagia (Italy)
Aina, Anastasija, Aneta, Anita (Latvia)
Brigita, Daugas, Demetra, Gaivilė (Lithuania)
Benedikte, Bente (Norway)
Artemon, Bryda, Brygida, Demetriusz, Laurencja, Marcin, Pelagia, Pelagiusz, Symeon, Wojsława (Poland)
Brigita (Slovakia)
Hugo, Thais (Spain)
Nils (Sweden)
Demetria, Demetrio, Demetrius, Demi, Dimitri, Stewart, Stuart (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 282 of 2024; 84 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of Week 41 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Jia-Xu), Day 6 (Yi-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 6 Tishri 5785
Islamic: 4 Rabi II 1446
J Cal: 12 Orange; Fryday [12 of 30]
Julian: 25 September 2024
Moon: 29%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 2 Descartes (11th Month) [Raymund Lully / Roger Bacon]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Autumn or Fall (Day 17 of 90)
Week: 1st Full Week of October
Zodiac: Libra (Day 16 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months ago
Holidays 10.8
Agriculture Day (Tajikistan)
Air Force Day (India)
Alvin C. York Day
American Touch Tag Day
Arbor Day (Guam; Namibia)
Back to Basics Day
Battle of Angamos Day (Peru)
Children’s Day (Iran)
Cold Dew (Chinese Farmer’s Calendar)
Colorism Awareness Day
Commonwealth Culture Day (Northern Mariana Islands)
Cosmopolite's Day
Day of the Heroic Guerrilla (Cuba)
Discoverer’s Day (Hawaii)
Father’s Day (Sweden)
International Birth Registration Day
International Earth Cache Day
International Lesbian Day
International Octopus Day
International Off-Road Day
International Percy Jackson Day
International Podiatry Day
Lawyer Day (Ukraine)
Lovable Lawyers Day
National Arab American Voter Day
National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness Recovery and Understanding
National Day of the Cowboy Boot
National Education Day (Kiribati)
National Harbormaster Appreciation Day
National Hero Day
National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day
National Justin Day
National Lance Day
National Mall Walking Day
National Read to a Child Day
National Shea Day
National Traveller Mental Health Day (Ireland)
Navy Day (Peru)
Nude Beach Party Day (Baker Beach, California)
Pumpkin Day (French Republic)
Rory Gilmore Day (Gilmore Girls)
San Ernesto Day
Semana Morazánica (Honduras)
Tacksägelsdagen (Thanksgiving; Sweden)
Tafea Day (Vanuatu)
Tank Crewman’s Day )Armenia)
Tube Top Day
Virgin Islands/Puerto Rico Friendship Day
World Circular Textiles Day
World Dyslexia Day
World MCT8-AHDS Day
World Octopus Day
World Sight Day
World Teachers’ Day (Kiribati)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Birthday of the Microbrewery
National Fluffernutter Day
National Pierogi Day
National Salmon Day
Independence & Related Days
Croatia (from Yugoslavia, 1991)
Stardom of Bimba (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
2nd Tuesday in October
Ada Lovelace Day [2nd Tuesday]
Arbor Day (Guam) [2nd Tuesday]
Headspace Day (Australia) [2nd Tuesday]
International Face Your Fears Day [2nd Tuesday]
National Peyronie’s Disease Awareness Day [2nd Tuesday]
Own Business Day [2nd Tuesday]
Table Tennis Tuesday [2nd Tuesday of Each Month]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Target Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tater Tot Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tomato Tuesday [2nd Tuesday of Each Month]
Trivia Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Two For Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
World Child Development Day [2nd Tuesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning October 8 (1st Full Week of October)
Cephalopod Awareness Days (thru 10.12)
Festivals Beginning October 8, 2024
Bradford Pumpkin Show - Bradford, Ohio) [thru 10.12]
Floresville Peanut Festival (Floresville, Texas) [thru 10.12
Screamfest Horror Film Festival (Los Angeles, California) [thru 10.17]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Autumnale IV (Pagan)
Albertus Magnus (Positivist; Saint)
Bearing of Green Branches (Ancient Athens)
Bridget of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Cornelis Troost (Artology)
Demetrius (Christian; Saint)
Evodus (a.k.a. Yves; (Christian; Saint)
Faith Ringgold (Artology)
Festival of High Places (a.k.a. Chung Yeung Day; China; Everyday Wicca)
Frank Herbert (Writerism)
Grandpa Mullally (Muppetism)
Hans Heysen (Artology)
John D. Batten (Artology)
Kari Korhonen (Artology)
Keyne (Celtic; Christian; Saint)
Leaf Lore Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Max Slevogt (Artology)
Ozias Leduc (Artology)
Palatias and Laurentia (Christian; Saint)
Pelagia the Penitant (Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches)
Reparata (Christian; Saint)
Richard Sharpe Shaver (Artology)
San Ernesto, Che Guevara as a folk saint (Bolivian campesinos)
Sawney Beane Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Simeon (Gospel of Luke; Christian; Saint)
Tell Massive Lies Day (Pastafarian)
Thaïs (Christian; Saint)
William Dwight Porter Bliss and Richard T. Ely (Episcopal Church)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 281 [60 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (Radio Series; 1944)
Badmotorfinger, by Soundgarden (Album; 1991)
The Big Dipper, Parts 3 & 4 (Underdog Cartoon, S3, Eps. 7 & 8; 1966)
Claus and Effect or Yule Be Sorry (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 220; 1963)
The Color of Money (Film; 1986)
Demolition Man (Film; 1993)
Ed (TV Series; 2000)
Flying Tigers (Film; 1942)
Friday Night Lights (Film; 2004)
Great Balls of Fire, recorded by Jerry Lee Lewis (Song; 1957)
Hopalong Casualty (WB LT Cartoon; 1960)
I Know What You Did Last Summer, by Lois Duncan (Novel; 1973)
Imagine, by John Lennon (Song; 1971)
It’s Kind of a Funny Story (Film; 2010)
Les Misérables (Musical Play in English; 1985)
Life for Sale, by Yukio Mishima (Novel; 1968)
Little Pancho Vanilla (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
Muppet’s Haunted Mansion (Film; 2021)
A Murder of Quality, by John le Carré (Novel; 1962)
My Favorite Year (Film; 1982)
No Time to Die (US Film; 2021) [James Bond #27]
Nowhere Boy (Film; 2010)
Nursery Crimes (Phantasies Cartoon; 1943)
Playful Pelican (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1948)
The Princess Bride, by William Goldman (Novel; 1973)
Remain in Light, by Talking Heads (Album; 1980)
Romeo and Juliet (Film; 1968)
Rumble Fish (Film; 1983)
The Second Hundred Years (Short Film; 1927) [1st Laurel & Hardy Film]
Secretariat (Film; 2010)
Snowbank Squirrel or Bullwinkle Gets the Drift (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 219; 1963)
Song of the South (Animated Disney Film; 1980)
Spartacus (Film; 1960)
Stage Door (Film; 1937)
Too Many Girls (Film; 1940)
Unseen Academicals, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2009) [Discworld #37]
The Waves, by Virginia Woolf (Novel; 1931)
World End’s Harem (Anime Series; 2021)
Today’s Name Days
Simeon (Austria)
Demetrije, Hugo, Pelagija, Šimun, Zvonimir (Croatia)
Věra (Czech Republic)
Ingeborg (Denmark)
Hilja, Hilje, Hilju (Estonia)
Hilja (Finland)
Pélagie, Thaïs (France)
Gerda, Günther, Hannah, Laura (Germany)
Pelagia (Greece)
Koppány (Hungary)
Pelagia (Italy)
Aina, Anastasija, Aneta, Anita (Latvia)
Brigita, Daugas, Demetra, Gaivilė (Lithuania)
Benedikte, Bente (Norway)
Artemon, Bryda, Brygida, Demetriusz, Laurencja, Marcin, Pelagia, Pelagiusz, Symeon, Wojsława (Poland)
Brigita (Slovakia)
Hugo, Thais (Spain)
Nils (Sweden)
Demetria, Demetrio, Demetrius, Demi, Dimitri, Stewart, Stuart (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 282 of 2024; 84 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of Week 41 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Jia-Xu), Day 6 (Yi-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 6 Tishri 5785
Islamic: 4 Rabi II 1446
J Cal: 12 Orange; Fryday [12 of 30]
Julian: 25 September 2024
Moon: 29%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 2 Descartes (11th Month) [Raymund Lully / Roger Bacon]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Autumn or Fall (Day 17 of 90)
Week: 1st Full Week of October
Zodiac: Libra (Day 16 of 30)
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moonfromearth · 2 years ago
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Despite some errors in dress code (😑) the team did amazing!!
They were in complete sync and Willow even hit all of her tricks!! She's made it a long way from her first attempts 🤩🤩
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naturephilia · 5 years ago
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Emerald Lake in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada. Photo by Kari Shea.
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unlimited-rice-puddin · 4 years ago
“Godmothered” Review: Enchanted, but with fairy godmothers
Jillian Bell stars as criminally out-of-touch Fairy-godmother-in-training who attempts to force an outdated concept of Happily Ever After onto a widowed Isla Fisher Continue reading
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milliondollarbaby87 · 4 years ago
Godmothered (2020) Review
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Eleanor is a young and unskilled fairy godmother who does not want to believe that they are not needed anymore. When she finds a letter from a young girl named Mackenzie she ventures to Boston, Massachusetts only to find out she is now 40 years old!
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feartube2000 · 4 years ago
Fata madrina cercasi
Eleanor è una giovane e inesperta fata madrina in formazione che, dopo aver sentito che la professione da lei scelta rischia l’estinzione, decide di mostrare al mondo che le persone hanno ancora bisogno delle fate madrine. Titolo originale Godmothered Regia Sharon Maguire Sceneggiatura/Soggetto Kari Granlund, Melissa Stack Cast Isla Fisher, Jillian Bell, Santiago Cabrera, Mary Elizabeth…
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