#karamel headcanon
karamell-sweetz · 1 year
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so yeah you can pry touchstarved himeru out of my cold dead hands
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headcanon that the void elemental you fight to become arcanum understudy is what also helped trigger Dasein's interest in the wizard before his appearance in Karamelle - due to being made from nothing it had a connection to what would later become Dasein due to similar sources
especially considering it wanted to absorb your life force during the battle, it certainly succeeded and managed to get a little bit before its defeat and dasein couldve used that as a source upon taking the wizard's form in Karamelle
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anxiously-sidequesting · 10 months
Following up with the "Shadow Sickness" post imma jot down Shadow Sickness headcanons for my own main OC Holly Steelcry. y'know if anyone cares (solemnly and bashfully kicks at the ground with dirty sneakers /j)
"Shadow Sickness" headcanons for The Thing™
The progression of Shadow Sickness (regular state of mind -> corruption of mind and soul -> complete madness and/or eventual death) varies from person to person, for any reason. Holly's state of Shadow Sickness could be considered Halted (still suffering from symptoms but no longer actually "sick") due to how slooooow the progression is. They're in a "gray area" state where she's not developing new symptoms but her existing ones are gradually worsening
Holly first became "infected" when they learned Shadow Magic for the first time, but their symptoms started IMMEDIATELY, which is extremely uncommon. The first symptom Holly displayed was a Tulpa, a physical manifestation of their survivor's guilt of the destruction of Azteca. This would eventually lead to their second symptom of the Shadow Sickness, the physical scarring in which the survivor's guilt manifested - darkened streaks curled around their shoulders and down her back, appearing to resemble blackened, burnt feathers. This would be the first scar of three. (This particular scar brings feelings of shoulder and back discomfort: involuntary back and shoulder twitching, tiny muscle spasms, slight pain, and an occasional burning sensation).
Since then no more Tulpas would manifest, but more physical scarring would appear over time. The second scar resembles a clawed, skeletal hand curling around the front of Holly's throat. The "fingers" are long and crooked and wrap around her jugular and close snugly across her entire neck (this scar causes a sensation of asphyxiation; the tightness/closing of the throat and a loss of oxygen. Rarely it will cause a sore throat and when these feelings flare up, Holly will either go silent completely, repeatedly and audibly gulps, or pauses to take deep open-mouthed breaths of air). This scar starts to appear by the end of Khrysalis and fully manifests by the end of Mirage. It represents the helpless feelings of being forever bound to Shadow combined with the subconscious fear of fully succumbing to its temptations and madness until there is nothing of reason left.
The third (and final thus far) scar to appear is a swath of darkness that stretches across Holly's face and covers both eyes and the bridge of her nose, which appears to look like an eye mask, or the face of a raccoon (this scar is what caused Holly's eyesight to go bad, so much so that without them, Holly can only see light. They cannot distinguish any colors or shapes. This scar also causes intermittent exotropia [the occasional wandering of their right eye, facing outward], and headaches). This scar first started to appear in Karamelle and was fully manifested by the end of Novus. This scar represents the full embrace of the "false" identity Holly adopted of being Bartleby's Scion, and the deep-rooted belief of being inhuman and therefore better or superior than normal humans. It is when Holly accepts the dehumanization of her from everyone around them. (But hey, at least it covers their constant eyebags! ✌🏾)
Other symptoms would include the temporary loss of body control and mild hallucinations. Since Holly's Shadow Sickness is not yet in the most severe stage, she is fully conscious and sound of mind when these episodes happen.
The most common physical episode is when Holly's entire body suddenly goes rigid in a state of paralysis. Stiff like a board and can only move when someone moves them, but will involuntarily snap right back into position. It's spooky to see someone look so tense and frightened but their expression is nonchalant and a bit tired. "Yeah, it happens." This usually lasts for around a minute or two.
Other physical episodes include jumping straight up into the air, suddenly dropping and rolling, the tensing and flexing of their hands like retractable claws, and suddenly switches languages (English to Shadow Language) mid sentence. These are not repeated in a row and only last for seconds before Holly is able to control their movements again and gets back up to resume what she was doing before.
Holly's hallucinations are mild and few and far in between and almost never cause distress. The most common are visions of Shadow Shrikes wandering in the wild and disappearing behind trees, poles, buildings, etc. The only interaction these hallucinations have with Holly is that sometimes they will look up to glance at them before moving on.
The more severe and distressing hallucinations are even rarer. An auditory hallucination of a distant, long whistle above their head, a sound akin to something falling. This usually startles Holly into a physical episode of losing body control to jump up or drop down and roll. They never see anything in the sky when their head snaps up to look, though.
The second is a visual and auditory hallucination of a parliament of owls or an unkindness of ravens stalking Holly from a distance that appears to get closer with every glance. Upon closer inspection their faces and beaks are warped in uncanny, human expressions of anger and judgement. These hallucinations never seem to be violent but give off feelings of unease and malaise.
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stormbreaker101 · 10 months
Music(ology) headcanons! Part 1
My headcanons fall under two main umbrellas: stuff that goes along with canon as is, and stuff that works specifically in the AU that I and a friend have been working on together for the past 9 months. I wanted to put the AU specific stuff in this post also but this post is long enough as is, so this post will just be based on the headcanons that I think are canon compliant.
I believe there is a subtle distinction between Music and Musicology.
Music is as primordial as Light and Shadow. If Light is the magic of order and existence as it currently is, and Shadow is the magic of chaos and change and entropy, the Music is the magic of creation, of making the new. Music is the harmonizing force that keeps Light and Shadow in balance.
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(Quest: The End of Days, the quest at the very end of Empyrea in which the Wizard becomes the Divine Paradox)
Meanwhile Musicology is Music as mortals such as Maulwurf von Trap and the Old One are able to study and use, the way that all of the 7 main schools and the Astral schools are the subforms of Light magic most ordinary people can learn.
Because it does attempt to tap into such primal magic, Musicology is often unstable, which is why Maulwurf is so destruction-prone.
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(Quest: Life is Like..., the now-retired Karamelle prequest that hints at Maulwurf)
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(Quest: A Foundry Most Foul. Maulwurf used Musicology to defend himself from some Schismist soldiers... with extra consequences.)
However, with the right tools, even mortal Musicology can be INCREDIBLY powerful. The Old One was able to use his World Synthesizer to weave pieces of Spiral Worlds together, a smaller version of Bartleby singing the Song of Creation to weave all the worlds of the Spiral together into one cohesive universe after the First World split apart.
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(Quest: Small World After All. The quest where the Arcanum debates what to do about Lemuria)
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(Quest: Something Wicked That Way Goes, the quest where the Wizard goes to unformed Novus)
Note now music is lowercase here despite Nothing being capitalized. The music isn't divine Music, but rather Musicology, because Novus was made out of Dasein and the Old One's World Synthesizer in particular.
So, Musicology as the mortal form of Music. How does it manifest, aside from Maulwurf's arson and the World Synthesizer?
I think some spells are inherently Musicological despite falling under the canon schools. I think @astral-schools put this well in this post of theirs + response to my tags:
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Spells that use the ideas of (lowercase) music in their theming. The techniques, how they manifest, their animations.
I wanted to list out every Musicological spell ingame but unfortunately the list of every spell in the game is like 70% beastmoon spells (exaggeration) so I never get far in my deep dive before getting bored of combing through the spells. Off the top of my head, the following spells are Musicological spells to me:
Imp (an imp playing a fiddle causes the damage. The spell animation has music notes fly at you)
Satyr (a satyr plays the pan pipes to heal you)
Earthquake (vibrations through the ground. music and physical vibration/frequencies go hand in hand to me. physics!)
Myth Imp (same as with regular imp)
Snake Charmer (the charmer uses their song to control the snake and make it deal damage)
Banshee (screams and noise as damage)
Sirens (sirens' songs are what lure sailors to their doom. Music notes fly at you in the animation as well)
Every Karamelle spell (Maulwurf says that the spell is made by the musicology syncopating with our inherent magic. Syncopation is a musical term that refers to when a melody intentionally dances around the rhythm of the piece.)
Every Lemuria spell (because Lemuria was made with Musicology)
Every Novus spell (because, like Lemuria, Novus was made with Musicology)
In a sense Music and Musicology is somewhat similar to how we see Shadow magic in-game. Pure Shadow magic is divine and unstable (which is why we suffer Backlash when using the pure Shadow spells from Khrysalis), but other spells are Shadow-enhanced, using Shadow magic alongside one of the other 7 schools to keep it more stable.
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necrospellbinder · 1 year
Self Indulgent Dyvim Whitehart posting:
Dyvim is autistic! Shout out to my friend, @WickedLittleYumi for sharing her insight with me!
Wears his heart on his sleeve and, by nature, tends to take other people’s words at face value. Of course, given the type of world he grew up in, he knows he has to be very careful with who he trusts and shows kindness too. How else do you think he would come to trust and work with the Wizard so easily?
Dyvim confuses Hop for a type of measurement when discussing “How many Horned Limes are in a Hop?” in the Khonda Desert (which to be fair, I would be confused too)
Has a strong sense of justice, which apparently tends to be common among people on the spectrum.
Occasionally, others complain of how loud he is; volume control is something Autistic people can struggle with.
He occasionally misunderstands social queues or when is the right time to say certain things. Most notably, when he decides to outwardly say out loud to Zarozinia that he and the Wizard are her and Zaltanna’s allies in Fort Rachias in front of Umbra Legion soldiers. Of course, he’s worked very hard at trying to not do that over the years (he kinda has/had to in the environment he grew up in otherwise for…obvious reasons).
He may occasionally mutter his thoughts aloud without meaning to.
While before I headcanoned his aversion to meat and fish due to potential fear of eating his own kind, I think that he also has sensory issues related to those food groups, mostly smell (As seen in the siege of Fort Rachias and the Karamelle Prequest). As someone with my own sensory issues and trauma related to foods, it makes sense!
Dyvim’s special interest is in history, mostly with Khrysalis’s old times before the war and fall of Bastion. (I don’t think anyone else brings up the Old Times as much as he does.)
And uh yeah, if there’s anything I missed or anything you want to point out, let me know!
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Some Kara Danvers headcanons.
The poll from last week ended with 60% of you saying “Yes Please”. So it’s time for me to make some headcanons of Kara from the My Universe au that I’ve been making. Just remember that, as always, these are karamel focused, Pro Mon El, anti Lena Luthor and anti supercorp. I’ll even link the Mon El one down below. Got that? Good. Then let’s begin.
She’s still nice and a good person. But she’s got an edge. If you piss her off. You’ll know about it. Wether by yelling, half jokingly threatening to throw out her apartment window or baking you inedible cupcakes. Just ask Samantha Arias after she thirsted after Clark one too many times. You don’t want to make Kara angry.
Isn’t friends with Lena. She was going to attempt a friendship. Then the morally bankrupt shit bitch brought out the alien detection device. So Kara reported her to the DEO, made a tell all exposé and washed her hands of the entire Luthor bloodline.
When sorting out the seating arrangements for her and Mon El’s wedding she put Cat and Carter Grant on Mon El’s side of the venue because Mon El doesn’t have any family on earth and Carter has started treating him like the brother he never had.
Has her own office at CatCo. Luckily it’s not made of glass so Mon El can always visit her for uh “lunchtime activities”. Don’t worry. Lunch still gets eaten. This is Kara Danvers who were talking about here after all.
Is less likely to give female villains like Siobhan Smythe, Leslie willis and Lena Luthor the benefit of the doubt. One chance. And if you fail. She’ll fight you like she would any other villain. Unless you actively put the work in to change. Which none of the three listed have ever even begun to do.
Is like Blanche Devereaux when it comes to Mon El. Much to Alex’s increasing horror. But hey. It’s Alex’s own fault for never knocking.
J’onn gave her away at her and Mon El’s wedding. Eliza offered. But Kara decided she wanted J’onn to walk her down the aisle. And as a compromise. Eliza officiated.
Still a top notch babysitter. Although she’s gotten into a rather nasty habit of making (not very) “fun pizzas”. But don’t worry. Mon El’s the better cook.
Likes to organise girls nights out for her, Alex, Kelly, Nia, Lucy and Samantha. Cat does sometimes forces her way in. Alex isn’t allowed to choose the activity anymore though. Not after all of that extremely unpleasant business with the mojitos, a butterfly knife, Lillian’s suv and Alex’s pogo stick.
To match Mon El’s Private Use wardrobe. Kara has, among others, a Ruby the Demon wig, a Scarlet Witch costume, an Emma Swan leather jacket and a Dark One Emma costume. And yes. All get extremely frequent mileage.
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mrowmrowmrow9 · 1 year
I said in an author’s note recently that the karamel tag on ao3 is getting lonely, and I fear the same for Tumblr.
So. If you wouldn’t mind, please reblog with your favorite episode, fanfic, fanvid, headcanon and any other karamel-related favorite you feel like sharing <3
Thank you! 🥰
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I loved that 50 years annoying thing you posted for Karamel lol!!
It's my headcanon about Karamel being together for years aka keeping each other on the toes ("I feel I always be a little mad at you"). It just fits them in that sweet way, I think. That neverending teasing lovingly each other ending with laughing together. And maybe kissing. Don't mind, I'm gonna just cry in the corner :')
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akryptonianluthor · 1 year
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#AKRYPTONIANLUTHOR.   is an independent, selective & private roleplay blog for JEREMY LUTHOR-DANVERS a dc comics based on a mix of all dc comics. Various verses + crossovers available. Established on May 21, 2020. written by cat (she/her. brazilian. 25+)
important links: guidelines / dossier + verses / memes / headcanons (old tag ) + headcanons ( current tag )
Some important things to consider before interacting:
→ Even though Jeremy is based off of a ship from the arrowverse, I'm going to use a lot of elements from the comics + animations as well in my own interpretation. since i've lost touch with the arrowverse even before the final season fo supergirl.
→ WHEN IT COMES TO DCU INTERACTIONS, jeremy will always be from another universe so he won't recognize dcu kara as his mother ( unless plotted otherwise of course ).
→ I HATE SHIP WARS. i have nothing against mon-el or karamel ships or any other ships so always feel free to approach, you won't find any kind of hate or negative opinions here.
→ Verses will be updated frequently and i’m always super open to creating new / specific verses for characters, plots or relationships. Also i'll be developing Jeremy a lot with headcanons so they're very important :)
redheadarcher ( main blog, always active there ) || ayoungeststark ( medium activity ) || stxrsoldier ( slow activity ) || purplespxedster ( hiatus )
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karamell-sweetz · 6 months
welcome to my blog!
time to remake my info post :D | last updated 16 september 2024
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my name is karamell! its a pleasure to meet ya :D
i go by she/her and am cis female :3 not too fussed abt pronouns tho!
at present i am 17, my birthday is the 16th of june. i’m australian + filipino, so sorry if i post something at an ungodly hour for your timezone lmao
this blog will be for my fandom reblogs, art and countless ramblings! i have a separate account dedicated to undertale multiverse content -> @karamellz-multiverse-l0g (i don’t post there a lot because undertale is on the backburner for now!) i’m currently aiming to get into an animation course for university, so all my art is working towards that :3
i am also self-appointed chairwoman of the rui kamishiro fanclub! not that that’s too important… but i like saying it lol
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i don’t tag my reblogs/queue usually so uhh good luck poring through that >< all of my original posts are tagged for convenience though, you can find my tags in the search bar :3
in relation to that i’m VERY multifandom so srry if you get bombarded with stuff that doesn’t relate to you haha! but hopefully you’ll like the stuff i rb too, i’m a firm believer in the power of brainrot spreading and most of my fandoms are from the same niche anyway!
i dont have a dni because realistically i cant rlly control who sees my stuff, but if you or the stuff you post make me uncomfortable i’ll just block you. no hard feelings <3
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project sekai - rui kamishiro, tsukasa tenma, wxs, n25, okay actually its everyone i love proseka soo much
vocaloid - miku, una + deco*27, n-buna, kikuo, pinocchio-p, inabakumori, picco, harumakigohan, maiki-p
d4dj - unichørd, hapiara, lyrilily
bandori - pasupa, morfonica, hhw, ras
enstars - trickstar, alkakurei
love live - rina tennoji, shioriko mifune, hanamaru kunikida, ruby kurosawa, you watanabe, ayumu uehara
fragaria memories - romarriche
milgram - amane, yuno, mahiru
undertale (utmv) - xtale, ink, murder time trio
danganronpa - shuichi saihara, kaede akamatsu, k1-b0
twisted wonderland - heartslabyul (deleted the game because UGH the grind)
denonbu - harajuku district
revue starlight - lalafin, karen, aruru (i love all of them tho)
cookie run kingdom - had a very minor fling with this one so you won’t see it a lot
genshin impact - also minor fling, have not played past liyue. solely here for the banger character designs
mcyt (idk if i’ll reblog anything from here but i know a little bit of the dsmp lore and am attempting to understand life series??)
other things you may see: lalaloopsy + other doll lines from that era, mlp, warrior cats, cute art i think is nice, lunime gacha games (i was very much a ‘gacha kid’ back in its prime), puyo puyo, writing stuff, THE COLOUR PINK, webcore, memes, cool crafts, yorushika, other teenage girl things idk
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karamell yells - ramblings and random stuff, may include headcanons and analysis
karamell doodles - my art! mostly fanart at the moment
karamell’s wips - works in progress (stuff i’ll never finish probably)
karamell’s pocket - posts i want to come back to
karamell gaming - random game screenshots
karamell rolls the gacha - my gacha pulls of varying luck
karamell’s mailbox - asks, submissions, tag games, all that fun stuff
karamell’s rq pile - drawing requests (which are always open btw, feel free to send some in if you’d like!)
karamell stop missing the blonde clown - thirsty? brainrot posts about tsukasa tenma because boy do i love him
karamell’s confections - various big projects (videos, edits, etc). all the cool stuff i make that isn’t normal art basically
karamell’s burning pile of ocs - see image below:
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(utmv submissions for this will be posted on my sideblog)
UPDATE: the number is now 350 instead of 244!
when in doubt. rui scribble - various random scribbles of rui kamishiro because i like drawing him
karamell asks a question - mostly polls and stuff i need help with
say hi to my sideblog guys - self rbs from my utmv sideblog @/karamellz-multiverse-l0g. just for a little bump! :)
karamell’s project precure au - project sekai x precure (updates never)
wxs revue au - project sekai x revue starlight (updates randomly)
karamell’s birthday treat cafe - food-themed fandom birthday drawings (on break for a bit)
kamikou seniors trio - tsukasa ena rui posts because i want them to hang out
the mizuruiena agenda continues - mizuki rui ena hanging out
rui dress agenda - rui in dresses what did you expect
rui fanclub sekai - read my blog description. just silly things about a hypothetical rui fanclub
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youtube - karamell-sweetz!
tiktok - karamell.sweetz
pinterest - mirai_spxrk
art fight - karamellxsweetz
bandori - 4636316 (karamellxshowtime!) (i might be out of friend space tho)
d4dj - ffzoJpPf (mirai.chørd)
project sekai - 168505012555628545 (karamellxshowtime)
enstars - 7709727947 (karamelloid)
starira - 1324761851 (revue.sweetz)
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that should be all. enjoy your stay on my silly little corner of the internet!! 🫶
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iminyourhandskara · 6 years
the other night a new karamel headcanon came to me:
as we all know, both kara and mon-el are avid readers and they both love greek mythology. when mon-el returns from his mission (yes, i said when!) and they officially get back together and settle down, they adopt a puppy: they pick the name argo not only for argo city and what it meant for them, but also because it's the name of odysseus' dog, who just like mon-el, after years of disgraces and adventures, finally returns home to his beloved.
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atanearerdistance · 7 years
The Distance Between Us - Post 3x07
Summary: After the events of 3x07, Mon-El and Kara share a heartfelt moment. They both learn more than they are prepared to handle. 
Click here to read on A03.
The air was crisp that night, and as he stepped outside the DEO he took off at a human's jog to warm himself up in his thin clothing. He had to get away, couldn't think from all the faces staring at him, expecting a person he didn't know how to be, a man he hadn't known in the better part of a decade.  He hadn't forgotten her, as if such a thing were possible. When he'd looked down the barrel of the gun and seen her face, it had been exactly as he had always remembered it, soft, exquisite beauty, gentle curls defying gravity and wind as if she were an enchantress, not a superhero. Her eyes were just as delicate as he'd pictured them, always betraying her every emotion, every thought. He'd seen the instant she recognized him, his heart dropping the instant a look of hope had fixed itself upon her face.  He ran faster. The buildings and greenery surrounding him was achingly familiar, and it seemed almost like a dream to be back after so many years away. The world he had known as a younger man had been gifted back to him, the world that had taught him the value of kindness, of honor. He remembered the innocence of his time in this century so clearly; he'd treasured it deeply in the form of the chain around his neck.  Not for the first time, he wished to himself that he remembered how to be that man. He had seen the expression of hurt on Imra's face as he excused himself from the DEO, but standing in between the only two women he'd ever loved, he felt the air sucked out of him like he'd never been cured of his lead allergy, like his mother had thrown him back in prison. He'd needed desperately to get away.  He was moving quickly now, and he vaguely recognized that he need to slow his pace, that he was approaching the speed of Olympic runners and could soon attract too much attention. He slowed down as he entered a park near the bay of National City, turning to run alongside the edge of the water, reflecting the lights of the city through the darkness. He'd traveled merely a few hundred feet along the bay when he saw Supergirl standing alone near the edge of the boardwalk, her head bent over as if in prayer.  "Kara," he said hoarsely, the words slipping out before he could stop them. She was facing the water, her leather-covered arms hanging over the railing, and she jumped slightly at his voice, but didn’t turn to face him. "Please go away," she said, her voice breaking. He hadn't seen her since he'd revealed the truth about his relationship with Imra, but even the side of her face revealed that the look of anguish had not left her. He swallowed deeply. "Kara, I'm so sorry..." "I said please go away," she said, and her head snapped toward him. There were tear tracks going down her face, and his heart stopped. He stared at her, and for a moment, there was silence, the sound of flowing water its only companion.  "I was flying just a minute ago," she said eventually. "I wanted to clear my head. I used to do it all the time to relax." She turned away from him and he joined her at the railing. "I used to listen to your heartbeat when I was flying, Mon-El. Six million people in this city and I could pick yours out in a millisecond, whether you were with me or all the way across town. After you left I couldn't do it. Couldn't clear my head because I knew something was missing, my personal drum beat keeping me safe in the night. And tonight," her voice caught on the word, "I couldn’t figure out why I was flying faster than I have in months, why the air felt so clear, but it was because your heart was beating right alongside everyone else's, right as if I never sent you off into space and threw your heart and your trust with it."  She flipped her head down so he couldn’t see her face, but his superhuman hearing caught the faint hint of tears hitting the boardwalk. "Kara,” he said desperately, “it wasn't your fault. You had to do it to protect Earth. You're still protecting Earth." His attempts to console her were pointless and he knew it, but what was left of the man he had once been urged him to keep trying. He sighed, lifting a hand to run through the hair on the top of his head. "For whatever it's worth, I was a mess for two years after I left." She looked up at him suddenly, eyes rimmed with hopelessness and just a hint of confusion. "My friends in the pod... They sort of adopted me when I crash landed on Earth in the future. In the future, there are more people like us, more powerful refugee aliens taking shelter on Earth as more of the universe gets discovered. We all helped each other become stronger. I never wanted to do anything when I got there, or make any friends. It lasted for a really long time, Kara. There were so many times when I wished I had just died." He took a deep breath. "Finally, enough time passed that getting out of bed in the morning didn't seem so impossible. I let them in and they became my family."  "And Imra?" Kara asked softly.  "She lost her first love, too. I guess in wallowing in our misery we ended up finding each other." He carefully put a hand over hers on the railing, noting where the metal had bent from her strong grip. "Kara, I didn't go out looking to hurt you. If I had ever thought in a million years I might see you again, I never would have..." "I know," she whispered. She was silent again, stepping back and forth in a nervous pattern and looking between the bay and his face. "You-you're different." He nodded slowly, taking his own pause to glance out at the ocean. "There are things you don't know about the future, it's...it's not what you would expect," he said, choosing his words carefully. "I've seen things I never thought I could see, I've had to do things I never would have thought I could do, to protect others, to take care of the people I..." "Love," she finished gently. She gave him a soft smile. He swallowed nervously, looking her directly in the eyes. "Kara, the man you were or are in love with, I don't even know him anymore." She pursed her lip as if at a loss for words. "I do," she said after a moment. She slipped her hand out from under his, turning her body to face his completely and grabbing his arm. 
He stared down at her, and he could hear her heartbeat quicken as she looked back up at him. She took a tentative step toward him as if in a haze, and she was suddenly so close that he could feel her breath against him. She was still in love with him, he realized with a start. The knowledge hit him so suddenly it felt like a punch to the gut. For one painful second, the years faded away and he was a young man again, fresh off his home planet and thrust into a world of heroism at the side of the most powerful and beautiful woman he’d ever known.
Before he knew what he was doing, he’d leaned forward and met her forehead with his own, and time might as well have stopped. For a few heartbeats, the world was still.
Imra, a voice inside his chest murmured finally, a gentle reminder. He backed away from Kara, and she opened her eyes, snapping out of a trance. They were quiet again. "I think my team and I are stuck here, for the time being,” he offered up ultimately, shifting them back into safer territory. She nodded, the mask of Supergirl slowly coming back over her face even as he could see the leftover redness in her eyes. "I'll make sure everyone who passes the DEO security checks gets a social security number and ID, as well as anything else they might need while they are here. You might be stuck sleeping there for a few days, though." "I'm sure they will all be grateful for the hospitality," he answered diplomatically, offering her a half-hearted smile.  "Mon-El," she said, the superhero mask lowering once more and hesitation emerging. "I-I don't know if I can be your friend. Not now." He nodded slowly, walking a few paces away from her and bracing himself on the railing. "Kara, I..."  "Don't," she answered quickly, mirroring his actions two feet away. She was intentionally looking away from him. "Anything you say will just force me to love you more and that will make it hurt even more than it already does."  He frowned, looking at her just as intently as he had before despite the increased distance. He didn't know how to respond, so he didn’t. They stayed there for a while, standing a few paces apart on the edge of the water. Every couple minutes, one of them would turn towards the other, as if to start a new conversation, but the words died in their throats at the sight of the other. There was a distance between them now, one Mon El wasn't sure could be bridged, and yet he was frozen to the spot, suddenly unable to contemplate running away again.  Rao, what could I possibly do to fix this?
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stormbreaker101 · 2 months
Maxine Rockhoppierre headcanons for Corrupted Spiral
AKA, what happens when you have the primary cast of Novus but no Novus, part 1!
That being said, there are spoilers for Novus in here anyway.
Pre Arc 3
Maxine was born with a metaphorical silver spoon in her beak. Upper upper class, her family benefited from Polaris's stance as both a respected Spiral Power and as a magical world.
But oh, desolé! After the Polarian War, the nation of Pinguinonia was so weakened that the dreaded Walrusks conquered them! Tyranny, tyranny!
... not that that ever actually affected Maxine herself beyond certain international products becoming the slightest more expensive. She was able to live more than comfortably, even taking Commisionaire Maladay's wing in marriage (which effectively guaranteed that she and her family were safe from the cruelty of the Inspectors' Brigade)
(She's immune from the cops.)
Safe in her bubble with her political immunity, she misses some of the luxuries of her childhood pre-Walrusk, but doesn't care about them enough to rock the boat. She's not about to jeopardize everything she has and be thrown in the Basstille!
Arc 3, and pre Arc 4
After Nora helped spark the Revolution in Polaris's storyline and got Comm. Maladay imprisoned for treason against Pinguinonia, Maxine realized that she was no longer in her bubble of privilege anymore. She would have to shield herself another way.
And she did this by offering to fix her husband's wrongdoing. Let her take charge of the Brigade, and do right by the nation of Pinguinonia this time. The Brigade, at this point, was half the Polarian navy it used to be pre-Walrusk and half the policeforce that Empress Antuskette had reformed them as.
I'm sure having Maxine be in charge of Polaris's military won't cause any problems at all :)
Because she has such an important and volatile position, she ends up working closely with Red Rosa and Danton, who have become the new faces of Polaris's politics.
Manticore, and Maxine's bond with her
Manticore is a shapeshifter and master of disguise, and the most recent form he took on was a Moosetaur named under Rasputin, but with a minor twist. Her 'character', Sachsa, did not have the heart or guts for combat like his fellow Moosetaurs, but he didn't want to anger Rasputin for not being loyal to his plans.
So, Sachsa instead got hired as a secretary for Comm. Maladay. That way, he still was in line with Rasputin's plans.
When Maladay was arrested, Sachsa said he didn't want to lose his job and go back to the Maw, so Maxine kept him around as continuing the basic secretary work of the Brigade and acting as her personal Valet.
In actuality, Manticore just wanted to get close to the heart of Polaris's politics. The chaos of Spider and his children being released was opportunity enough, but now things have only turned for the more advantageous.
In this AU, Maxine doesn't act as dramatically abusive to Sachsa, because he has been loyal to her and Maladay for years, but she is certainly quick to remind him that his occupation and safety are in her hands if he ever speaks up too loudly.
(Ha, thinks Manticore. As if any pathetic mortal could jeopardize her true career and allegiances in the Schism.)
Corrupted Spiral
Mon dieu! The Spiral is corrupted! The Wizard has turned traitor and now aberrant magic runs rampant across each world!
... Oh, Polaris's magic is simply earthquakes that resurface old magic? Maxine doesn't see a problem with that. Polaris could use its old magic again.
Oh, and the Nibbelung of Karamelle are emigrating to Polaris en masse to avoid their world's new storms that flood their homeland? The boost in population is a boost in economy!
And Maxine surely wouldn't mind having access to the luxurious Karamellian chocolates the Nibbelung were so famed for-
what do you mean the Nibbelung can't actually make their chocolate-
Well, now Maxine is bitter, and hungry for the luxuries of her childhood. Greedy and ambitious. If Polaris is getting more powerful, should we not use that power?
Red Rosa wants to take things slow and respectfully, and to avoid making the same mistakes that Napoleguin did, painting a target on Polaris's back.
Maxine is impatient.
Hopefully, something useful comes of this... new second Spiral that's now connected to her own. Or else she might start hungering for more than just riches.
She might just start hungering for war.
And Manticore, who also idealizes the nostalgic past (this time of the Firstworld, rather than of the Napoleguinic Polaris), might just stoke the flames higher till Polaris and the rest of the Spiral burn.
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queenkaramel · 7 years
Imagine Kara and Mon-El dressed as Han and Leia on Halloween! Or Beauty and the Beast... Or Mario and Luigi.... Or Westley and Buttercup.... Hell they could go as ketchup and mustard and i would be happy.
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necrospellbinder · 4 years
Headcanon: The Reagents you pick up in Karamelle are edible, not just the Pretzel Sticks. The Black Lotuses are dark chocolate (and the Black Pearls that drop from them are made of chocolate), the Stone Blocks are basically rock candy, and the Parchment...well, those are just the result of lazy people littering their useless junk.
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
A new poll for the karamel side of the fandom.
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