#karamel endgame
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karaspal · 2 months ago
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bro was NOT suited for kara AT ALL! idk how he got to be a li and querl didn't...
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thena0315 · 11 months ago
Still upset Karamel didn't become Endgame....
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....BUT at least they're Endgame in Real Life
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userlaylivia · 5 months ago
I'm not including steroline because in my mind they are endgame same with jax/tara and merder because whenever meredith dies she'll be with derek!! I didn't include barchie or bhva because all were endgame imo and didn't include klamille or klayley or haylijah because I ship all three and didn't want competing ships lol and spuffy was endgame in the comic books lol in my mind karamel is endgame because she can go where he is anytime but I included them anyway lol and handon is endgame in my mind as well because they would've been!! I included brylan because even though I consider them endgame because they were supposed to be and now luke/shannen are gone I consider them to be but I needed to fill a space lol
@makeyouminemp3, @nikkiruncks, @bellamyblake, @okmcintyre, @stydixa
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Heads up to all who watch: apparently Netflix has already released MOTU season 2 according to ONTD.
Yep, it looks our alternative karamel is an ENDGAME in that universe.
Bless Kevin ^^
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superseal76 · 2 years ago
The CW really knows how to screw over their ships…
I mean why follow the comics with one show but totally disregard them in the other two?? Oliver and Laurel should’ have gotten married and Felicity should’ve been on the one episode she was supposed to be on. Don’t get me started on Karamel🙄 they are the definition of a ship screwed over😡
Caitlin lost poor Ronnie on their freakin wedding day. Talk about dark and depressing.
Then totally off subject is Frary I mean yeah they were endgame but the writers still screwed them over by Mary having a stupid affair with a freakin spy. The CW should never be able to write relationships.
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hitchell-mope · 11 months ago
The endgame couples in the My Universe au
Karamel. They get married at the start of season four and have twin sons called Eddie and Tony Danvers at the start of season six
Dansen. Same as canon
Brainia. Same as canon.
James x Lucy. Neither of them leave in this one.
Winn x Samantha. Think mondler. But Monica already has a daughter.
William x Andrea. He doesn’t die and they dance together at the dansen wedding.
Cat x Morgan. Neither of them leave. He’s not a textbook misogynist to make Lena look better. And they dance together at the dansen wedding.
Maxwell x Lena. She dies in the finale. And he gets arrested.
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afaimsarrowverse · 2 years ago
Mein A/B/O-Arrowverse-AU-Verse:
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Diese Serie von mir rekonstruiert das gesammte Arrowverse in einem Alpha/Beta/Omega-Setting. Sie geht gegen Ende der 6. Staffel von "Arrow", der 4. von "The Flash" sowie der jeweils 3. von "Legends of Tomorrow" und "Supergirl" zunehmend AU. "Batwoman" ist inkludiert, allerdings nur die erste Staffel und da auch schon von Anfang sehr anders als im Canon.
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Diese Fics wurden zwischen 2017 und 2019 geschrieben, wobei die eigentliche Hauptstory zwischen 2017 und 2018 entstand. Spätere Einträge spielen zwischen den Ereignissen der vorher geposteten Fics. Prinzipiell geht dieses Verse mit dem Ende der 2017/18er Seasons vollkommen AU, daher werden später eingeführte Ereignisse, Charaktere und Ships nur am Rande benahdelt und eingebaut, und in diesen Fic finden sich nur Dinge die vor „Crisis on Infinite Earths“ passiert sind.
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Prinzipiell bin ich der Meinung, dass es heute trotzdem noch gut stand hält, wobei der auffälligste Unterschied zum Canon die Tatsache ist, dass fast alles geschrieben wurde bevor Nia aktive Kräfte für den Kampfeinsatz besaß, weswegen sie im Kampf die gleichen Kräfte wie Dream Girl in den Comics verwendet und nicht ihre Canon-Traum-Energie Strahlen und Peitschen. Und natürlich sind die End-Game Pairings andere.
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Inzwischen noch witziger ist was alles in meinem Fics passiert ist, bevor es im Canon ebenfalls passiert ist (wie etwa, das Clois-Baby, dass Lena Lex erschießt, Johns Lungenkrebs Storyline, dass Eddie zurückkommt, der Ausflug in die Speed Force während er großen Krise etc) und wie anders manches bei mir ist was der Canon absolut vergessen hat mir aber doch wichtig erschienen ist.
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Chronologisch gesehen beginnen wir mit der Kindheit verschiedenster Charaktere und enden mit einer Szene im Jahr 1992, die alles abschließt. Handlungstechnisch enden wir aber im Jahr 2028.
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Im Gegensatz zum Canon kriegen hier alle Serien - „Arrow“, „The Flash“, „Supergirl“, „Legends of Tomorrow“ und irgendwie sogar „Batwoman“ - ein Ende und jeder Charakter bekommt eine mehr oder weniger zu Ende erzählte Geschichte. Obwohl die letzte Fic das Ende von „Legends of Tomorrow“ darstellt, gibt es darin trotzdem Gastauftritte von diversen anderen Charakteren, die auf Erde-1 leben (es gibt keine Erdverchmelzung in meiner Version), und wir lernen etwa das zweite West-Allen-Triaden-Kind kennen, weil ich ja im Gegensatz zu Eric Wallace der Meinung bin, dass eine Franchise auch also solche beendet werden sollte.
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Da dieses Universum zur Zeit der 2. Staffel von „Legends of Tomorrow“ und „Supergirl“ begonnen hat, sind die Endgame-Pairings entsprechend. Manche Fans werden hier also nicht glücklich werden, aber immerhin gibt es hier im Gegensatz zum Canon ein Ende für alle. Und auch wenn es manche Charaktere aus späteren Staffeln nicht gibt, gibt es trotzdem Happy Ends für andere. So findet Ava letztlich mit Caitlin ihr Glück, Nora wird als Single glücklich etc.
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Endgame Pairings in diesem Verse sind (trotz diverser andere Pairings zwischendurch):
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Atomwave (Ray Palmer/ Mick Rory) , Captains3 (Sara Lance/ Rip Hunter/ Leonard Snart), Vixensteel (Amya Jiwe/Nate Heywood),  Westhallen (Iris West/ Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen) , Lauriver (Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen), Karamel (Kara Danvers/Mon-El), Sanvers (Maggie Sawyer/Alex Danvers), Constangreen (John Constantine/Gary Green), Guardiancorp (James Olsen/Lena Luthor), Winniac-5+ Nia (Winn Schott/Brainiac-5/Nia Nal, wobei Nia mehr ein Add-On in der allerletzten Supergirl-Fic ist eine logische Konsequenz, das gebe ich gerne zu), Avafrost (Ava Sharpe/Caitlin Snow), Coldray (Leo Snart/Ray Terrill), Clois (Clark Kent/Lois Lane), Jocile (Joe West/Cecile Horton), Martians (J’onn J’onzz/M’gann M’orzz), SmoakDetective (Donna Smoak/Quentin Lance), Dyla (John Diggle/Lyla Michaels), Throy (Thea Queen/ Roy Harper) sowie Kate Kane/Renée Montoya (wobei ich Montoya lange bevor es den Charakter in „Batwoman“ gab geschrieben habe).
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Charaktere, die im Canon gestorben sind, haben hier überlebt. Charaktere, die tot geblieben sind, sind hier zurück gekommen, Charaktere, die im Canon zurück gekommen sind, blieben hier tot, aber am Ende würde ich sagen, dass dieses Universum für mich selbst die befriedigendere Version des Arrowversums war, als der Canon, alleine eben deswegen weil es hier ein Ende für alle gibt und viele der problemtatischen Dinge Post-Crisis nie passiert sind und daher nie zum Problem wurden.
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Die Original-Version dieses Verses findet ihr:
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Sie bsetehend aus:
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Den „Legends of Tomorrow“-Fics:
 „Nennt uns Legenden I-V“
„Legenden auf Doomworld“
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Den „Arrow“ Fics:
 „Jemand Anderer werden“
„Mein Name ist Oliver Queen“
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Den „Supergirl“-Fics:
 „Kara Danvers ist meine Lieblingsperson“
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Der “The Flash“-Fic:
 „Dinge, denen man nicht trauen kann“
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Sowie den Crossover-Fics:
„Geschichten von Erde-X“
„Crisis on Earth-X“
„Road to Finale Crisis“
“Finale Crisis”
„Beginnings and Endings“
 Sowie verstreuten One-Shots in:
  „Legends of Tomorrow Shorts“
„The Flash Shorts“
“Infinite Earths Oneshots und Shorts”
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Außerdem gibt es die düstere AU-Version zu einem alternativen Ende von “Crisis on Earth-X”:
 “Stranded on Earth-X”
 Sowei zwei dazu gehörtige One-Shots in:
 „The Flash Shorts“
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Eine restruktrierte „Alle-Fics-chronologisch an einem Ort“-Version findet ihr hier:
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adazzlingsakura · 4 years ago
The KM fandom energy rn:
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just-karamel-things · 3 years ago
Have you ship canonically declared dead on air.
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karaspal · 5 months ago
cw!mon-el is like that funny guy you date in college and he keeps letting you down and not listening to you, but he’s also really funny, and all and all charming so you forgive him every time because it’s just so fun being with him except with time, you get more and more disappointed and annoyed so you break up BUT at least you figure out what you don’t want in a relationship so what i’m saying is kara and mon-el’s relationship was important for kara because she now knows what she wants and doesn’t want from a romantic partner. not every relationship in a show is made to last and while karamel are nowhere near endgame material, it was an important relationship for kara’s character arc.
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nishthebutterfly · 5 years ago
I love how passionate William is
If he is interested in something, he doesn't let go, he keeps digging.
I still don't ship him with Kara, (cause y'know Karamel), but that doesn't mean he isn't a great character and the hate he gets is totally unjustified.
Also, I loved the amount of Dreamer we got this episode.
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userlaylivia · 2 years ago
bellarke and karamel might be two of the biggest ship losses I've ever had, especially when both were so clearly endgame ugh but the silver lining, at least the actors of those ships are married irl and each have a child together so they were endgame in some way!!
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sorry I think its time we just accept that she may not hate that fandom at all. & if she was upset at all of them for the Chris attacks she could decline the cameo. actors can decline or refund fan requests. shes not stupid lets not treat her like she is. she wouldnt feed the disgusting trolls for any amount of money unless to her they arent trolls the way they are to us. I had to finally accept last year that Melissa obv didnt fight for Karamel endgame. it made me sad but whatever. shes obv ok with most supercorp fans bc this is not the first time shes been nice to them unfortunately & she said a lot of praise for that \other actress\ so maybe we just accept it & dont suggest that shes some kind of greedy lying fake like that other anon just did. id rather be kind of disappointed that shes ok with those nasty fans & tight with that woman than to think melissa is a fake & a liar & takes money from anybody for false reasons
Friend, think whatever you want, it's just all speculations here after all.
For me it would be unwise if she declined 500 bucks for literally talking for 2 minutes. She didn't lie or fake anything, I don't even get why you even suggest it could be her intention (or suggestion from the other anon). There are not scs who were nice to her? She can't miss her friend from work or something? Where did she lie? Isn't she a nice person in general who always says nice things and for you it's equal to faking?? I also don't get why you say her accepting money from "trolls" would be greedy and feeding them. SHE IS the one who feeds on the them. And after all these years - good for her. Also, spoiler alert, she could have simply moved on, closed the chapter and now just enjoy the benefits of it.
I also don't get why she should have fought for karamel. She fought for Chris being there and he was. Actors needing to fought for a ship sounds like something a sc would say.
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passionate-dramione158 · 7 years ago
Karamel endgame?
Supercorp shippers:
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Karamel shippers:
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Neutral fans:
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snarkymonel · 7 years ago
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I regret nothing. 🙃
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saraaudrey11 · 7 years ago
I want kisses with the beard. I want Kara commenting on how the beard tickles. I want Mon-El kissing her more and they both end up laughing. And I want this NOW.
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