#kara davers
xenaisnumber1 · 3 months
Creators: I'm going to give you a sapphic woman who's rich-
Me: Lena?
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Who's married to a strong-
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theunchainedmelody · 3 days
I can only imagine the antics that ensure as Kara tries to restrain her strength on earth since everything is so easily breakable to her.
The whole planet is like wet tissue paper to her haha.
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bigpizzaeater · 2 years
Assim que imaginei a Kara em straight is my ass.
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Obs.: criei as imagens com IA (e outros programas), por isso, Kara está com um pezão de megazord e fiquei com preguiça de editar isso.
Quem quiser, pode conferir a fanfic no ao3.
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444names · 2 years
west indian forenames BUT excluding "o"
Afria Agaud Agaugha Agauné Agaurick Agaurt Aiidan Aiiddie Aiide Alcia Alcie Alcius Aldica Aldie Alfrey Alice Alvia Alvie Alvit Amany Amena Amences Amens Anhed Anhena Anheruca Anice Anick Anjan Anjana Anjanette Anjayl Anjayley Anjaylia Annya Apacia Arched Ardley Audle Audrie Audrip Badste Bakerty Baklyan Beadlent Beaverge Beddie Bence Bences Benway Berlan Berley Bertue Berty Blaine Braelah Braen Brala Brall Brane Branna Brica Brice Bridaigg Briddia Brigapee Burge Burtie Burway Caraing Caral Caralina Caran Carany Caratha Carell Caresca Carey Carley Carvene Carvera Carvert Catfie Chamadge Chene Chert Chilber Chilbert Chilesen Chivna Chria Chrick Churtunte Chussa Chusse Claigham Clair Clanley Claraley Cleen Clene Curgert Curgesa Dabeld Dabertin Daberwick Dabrel Daley Dalwaycey Damance Damene Danda Daver Davie Davine Dayleme Delakell Delbelna Deldia Delhas Delie Delina Dellaw Delley Dellste Delnair Delyn Demer Demerwara Deval Devertuné Deverwin Dunte Dureeg Dusse Edwicen Edwick Edwing Eldaley Eldan Eldell Eldence Eldenn Eldielder Eldraless Elgind Elsue Elsuet Ernel Eruca Eruck Eruma Erunding Eruntin Erzulber Essairaw Euphust Evelah Evelna Everlan Evert Everty Everwar Femandie Femerty Fisey Fisley Fitel Fitzge Fivlishia Fivna Fredy Frenet Fulane Fulbenley Fulber Fulberd Fulcia Garahite Gardadste Gared Garedan Garedenle Garene Garim Garlia Garvelyn Garver Genne Geres Gerett Gerumani Glacia Gladgsley Guenn Guert Guette Hadclie Hadsty Hadyberl Harty Heady Heariells Hewma Irian Irine Jacenice Jacius Jahitz Jarane Jasita Javal Javer Javerley Javian Jenarde Jevatchit Jilenaje Jillix Kadley Karae Karaen Karchep Karcie Kareedine Kareenna Keldredge Kelierler Keneld Kentise Kevells Khelard Kherler Khert Kiman Kimene Kinaje Kingsle Kintin Kinvaunt Kishara Kishel Kylaw Kylfrie Kyndie Kyndria Ladybley Lashellix LaTaina LaTalynsa Laugha Laundece Laurd Leace Learla Leena Leenna Leenta Levert Libera Libert Linfrette Linse Lintara Linte Lyndica Lyndineka Lyndra Lyndy Lyneill Macia Macian Maraisha Maranwica Marban Mardley Marfie Maria Marian Marica Marlah Marlena Marnst Maselley Masher Millisty Millwyn Misle Newmadrie Newmaite Newmaria Nicta Nilbeld Nilber Nillwayla Oaker Oakir Oakiral Oakirt Oaklyah Odads Odanika Odulan Odulcius Odulisa Ogdelnaje Ogdelyse Ogdenlert Ogder Ogderty Omair Omarlis Ovene Pelarice Pelawley Pence Plaitley Plarda Quette Radclix Radley Radran Raelard Ramee Raylah Raylan Reard Renedece Resea Ridadlert Ridaise Riddiell Ridding Rihannaje Rutla Rydess Sager Shakel Shaman Shamanne Shamard Shamse Shand Shanela Shannya Shanyahia Shard Shasha Sheda Shelarla Shell Shelna Shephurey Shert Shery Strae Stran Sylad Sylah Sylan Sylerlah Syley Taellsuen Taigapet Taina Talaniya Talbert Talwylem Talyn Tandrair Taney Tanika Taniya Tayce Thaud Thedge Tindann Trice Triddica Trucary Trumann Truné Twylany Tyndina Ulbera Ulberree Uldels Ushakirah Vannyse Veadst Veavia Verrina Vertunte Virah Virane Vivintise Vivitart Vivlix Vivnaje Walcia Waldris Walie Walisha Walix Walway Waranklyn Warian Wariddie Warlan Welwyndia Welyn Whian Whilberge Whiler Whita Whitard Whitz Whivite Whivlisey Wilberty Willey Wills Winbley Windyn Winedge Winste Winteran Winva Wyberty Wybley Wylace Wylahia Wylais Wylawle Wymarie Xavalmads Xaver Xaverl Xavert Yanwice Yarbanika Ziddick Ziddin Zidge
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superfandomcorp · 3 years
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mehargreeves · 3 years
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ostropest · 3 years
someone said Kara Danvers in this outfit and I... well...
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joyfulpeanutsworld · 3 years
Kara, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him?
Alex: You did WHAT–
Nia: William Snakepeare
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lenadoyle · 4 years
S6 ending idea: kinda vague, just an ending with Kara and Lena hugging, something like “I’ll always be by your side” but there’s no actual acknowledgement of if they’re together or not. So we know but we don’t really know, and that’s it.
And then in like 6 months have her cameo on the flash, and she’s wearing a wedding ring. And no one says ANYTHING the whole time and then right at the end Barry is just like “say hey to the wife for me” and Kara gets all dopey and twinkly eyed and just flies off
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wlwshipper · 4 years
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xenaisnumber1 · 1 year
Red Kara meets Lena:
Red Kara: ...Maybe America isn't that bad
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rogueartistjyn · 3 years
I don't understand people thinking Kara was not that into Kenny. If she wasn't that into him, telling him about college would be easy. It's because she feels so much for him that it's difficult. Just like telling Lena her identity. She doesn't want to lose him, but she hates asking him to wait. And no one wants to disappoint someone they love. Her not going to Midvale Community College with him is certainly going to be disappointing. Kenny's a sweet guy though. He'll understand. It still doesn't mean she isn't nervous about this changing everything.
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gororoot · 5 years
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supergirlfics · 5 years
B!D is trying to sleep off a fever, but in the process has a nightmare and says "Kara dont tell them your supergirl" in her sleep. The problem? Alex was there taking care of her and this was while Alex had the mind wipe...
A/N: This is where you guys get to see how behind I am on requests. Oh well …
“Sweetheart, you’re burning up,” Alex said. “You need to go lay down.”
“I’m fine,” You said as you tried, and failed, to stifle a cough.
“No you’re not. Now you can either walk to the couch or I’ll carry you.”
Alex carried you.
She lay you down gently and positioned a blanket over you. “I’ll turn on a movie and get you something for that cough. You just try to rest, okay?”
“Okay, fine,” You said. 
“And I want to check your temperature. Don’t move.”
“You would hold me down if I tried.”
“Darn right I would,” Alex waved a finger at you as she ran to grab a thermometer. “Open.”
“You sound like Mom … when I was five.”
“Y/N, you should know, I”m much worse than Mom. Now open.”
You didn’t hesitate to do as told. You didn’t need to be getting on Alex’s bad side.
“You’re at 102. You’re definitely not going anywhere. Take this, it’s for your cough.”
“I hate cough medicine. I don’t want it.”
Alex gave you a warning look. “Y/N, take the medicine. Now.”
You didn’t have a choice. You choked down the pink poison, disgust painted all over your face. “I hate that stuff.”
“I know, babygirl,” Alex said softly. “I’m going to turn on a movie, but I want you to try to rest. Close your eyes.”
Alex lifted you up momentarily so she could sit and place your head in her lap. You relaxed against her immediately. Alex may be overprotective and a little crazy sometimes, but you always felt safe in the arms of your eldest sister. Her hand stroked soothingly through your hair, and before you knew it, you were asleep.
Alex looked down at the sleeping form of her baby sister, a soft smile touching her lips. “I love you, Y/N,” she whispered. 
Truth be told, she was incredibly worried. You’d grown up with health problems. Usually when you got sick, you got really sick. Half the time, you ended up in the hospital. It took everything Alex had not to just throw you in the car now and drive you down there. Instead, she held you close and hoped for the best. Hoped you would get better this time instead of worse.
Alex was thrown out of her thoughts by your stirring. “Y/N, shhhh,” she said quietly.
You rolled in her arms, sweating. “No … no.”
“Hey, hey. It’s okay.”
“Don’t tell them … Kara, don’t tell them you’re Supergirl.”
Alex just stared, memories flooded back to her. She was overwhelmed with a headache so bad it felt her head would burst. Alex held her head as she cried out in pain. It was loud enough to wake you.
“Alex? Alex, what’s wrong?”
Alex didn’t answer, just held her head. 
“Alex!” You were freaking out, you’d never seen Alex in so much pain before. “Kara help!”
Moments later, Kara burst into the apartment. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know … I was asleep. Alex … something’s wrong.”
Kara took one look at Alex, scooped her up, and flew away.
You were left, astonished, worried, and feeling more sick than you had been before.
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sapphic-enigma · 4 years
Im finally watching the rest of season 5 of Supergirl and im still annoyed with lena She really trying to say everything with kara was a lie because she didnt tell her she was supergirl Superhero 101 is dont tell people your real identity You lied and used her for a bunch of shit and she forgave you Are you really gonna act like she doesnt care You're an idiot And really you blamed her for you killing your brother Really?!
She didnt tell you she was supergirl big deal Even though your mom and lex tried to kill her multiple times she never treated you like them This season lena has really been pissing me off She assumes everyone who doesnt spill their guts to her is betraying her but she can keep secrets It's bullshit and hypocritical and honestly beneath her Get some fucking therapy and deal with your problems like normal people instead of trying to control everyone to your whim like some a egomaniac She has too much money to not have at least one therapist
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superfandomcorp · 3 years
Lena: Thank you for your anniversary gift, darling.
Kara: I didn't buy you anything for our anniversary.
Lena: Don't you recognize sarcasm when you hear it?
Kara: Wait! Did I forget our anniversary ?!
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