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sunshinesickies ¡ 23 days ago
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I already had this written, I hope ya’ll enjoy! I’ll do my best to catch up on the days I missed!! Idk when they’ll be done, hopefully asap, but don’t worry I promise to get them all done!
Feveruary Day 9: Alternate: Cool wash cloth— Kara Danvers/Supergirl x reader
You smile, greeting a few people as you make your way through the busy sea of desks at CatCo, pausing when you reach Kara’s. You had expected to see your sweet blonde girlfriend working away with that adorable little focused look on her face, but you quickly find the desk empty. Your brows pinch in confusion as you look up at the giant rows of news TVs above you. There’s nothing about Supergirl—so where is she?
“Hey, James?” You greet the taller man as you stroll into his office. He smiles, getting up from his desk to give you a hug, which is tricky due to the absurd amount of take-out bags you’re currently juggling. “Hey, y/n! Looking for Kara?” He guesses, pointing to the food and you smile back, nodding. “Thought I’d surprise her with lunch.”
You haven’t seen Kara for a couple of days, which unfortunately isn’t out of the normal for the two of you, but you’re used to it. She had called you to let you know she had some Supergirl duties to handle with the DEO that might take a hot minute. After assuring you it was nothing too dangerous, she suggested you stop by later in the week with lunch, so here you are.
“Hmm, haven’t seen her much this morning. Maybe check the Hideout?” You chuckle slightly at the silly-and-totally-not-obvious code name the Superfriend’s had for the secret room they shared to talk about superhero stuff at work. You haven’t actually been there in a while, so you’d totally forgotten to look there.
“Great idea! Thanks, James!” You nod in farewell, your hands too full to wave and quickly make your way to the elevator. A minute or so later and after a bit of adjusting the take-out bags so you can open the door, you let out a sigh of relief when you enter to see Kara sitting at a small desk in the corner, working away on her computer.
“Hey, Kara!” You grin at the sight and she glances up at you for a millisecond before she looks back to her screen. “Hi, uh, sorry, babe. Lunch slipped my mind. Let me finish this real quick.” She speaks as you set down the bags on the coffee table and sit down on the old couch.
You didn’t take her curtness personally, you better than anyone knowing how hard she works and how pressing deadlines can be sometimes when she’s juggling both work and her superhero duties.
“No problem, take all the time you need.” You answer, though the small confused crease in your brow forms once more. Her voice sounded a bit off, and maybe that’s because its been a few days since you’ve last seen her, but you could swear you heard a bit of a rasp to it, maybe even a slight bit of congestion.
A minute later, your suspicions are proved when Kara takes in a sharp breath. “Hhuhh’Cshhuu…Nhn’ssHhhoo!” She sneezes twice, sniffing before running her nose along her sleeve.
“Bless you.” You glance up at her while you start taking boxes of food out of the paper bags. “Thandks.” Kara mutters, nonchalant, still focused solely on her computer.
You take a few moments to look around the room. It looks better than the last time you saw it which was when it wasn’t quite finished. The walls still aren’t painted but there’s more furniture, some fixed lights and you even spot a few potted plants.
A sudden noise brings you back from your thoughts and you can’t do anything but watch worriedly as you Kara muffles another three or four wet sneezes into the crook of her arm.
“Bless you!…you alright, Kar?” You ask, a little surprised by her outburst but smiling nonetheless. You had never actually seen or heard your girlfriend sneeze before and you can’t help but find it quite adorable.
“Yeah, I’m alright. Sorry.” She finally looks up at you, her cheeks and nose pink from both her sneezing and slight embarrassment. She bites her lip as if contemplating the look on your face.
“I-uh…blew out my powers the other day.” She confesses and you immediately piece together what happened.
“And you caught a cold, huh?” You muse, giving her a half smile. She nods before turning back to her work, too focused to see your sympathetic pout.
“I’m almost d-do….huhScHhuu…done, then we can have lunch.” She promises, sneezing once more mid sentence. You chuckle softly. “Okay, oh and bless you.” You go back to unpacking the rest of the lunch, however, once you finish, you hear a soft groan come from across the room.
You glance over to see her pinching the bridge of her nose and you’re on your feet and by your side in a matter of seconds. Her eyes are closed so she doesn’t realize you’re there until you place a gentle hand on her back.
She looks up at you with watery eyes before quickly turning her head in the opposite direction.
“NhhuhShhuu…huh’Shh-hhuh…nnhahh’chiuu…hhnn’Tchoo!” She sneezes four times into her arm then sniffs and lets out a pained, annoyed groan.
“Bless you baby.” You hum, rubbing small circles along her back. She sniffles again and you hand her a tissue from a box that she has seemingly forgotten is there.
“Thandks.” She croaks with a small cough, the sneezes further irritating her sore throat. She wipes her runny nose along the tissues and throws it away.
“Are you sure you’re okay? I’ve never seen you like this Kara.” You can’t help the way your tone comes out a mix of worry and surprise. It’s true, though, your girlfriend is Supergirl, a seemingly flawless superhero, and even as Kara Danvers, she’s still normally so put together but now she’s a sick sneezy mess.
You don’t mind or care about that, through, you’re just more worried about her than anything.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I know we haven’t been dating that long yet, you shouldn’t have to deal with me like this.” She answers softly and you let out a small sigh.
“Hey…” You cup her cheek with your hand, waiting until she looks at you before continuing, “…Kara it’s alright. I like you, a lot. You never have to be sorry for being sick, just like I’ve told you you never have to apologize for being Supergirl. I’m here because I missed you, because I want to be with you. I don’t care if you’re all sick and sneezy. I just want to be here for you.” You explain softly.
The red flush of her cheeks brings out the shining flecks of light in her baby blue eyes and you watch her expression soften as you gaze into them It’s a look of pure love and gratitude. It’s only been a few months, but so much has happened and Kara already knows she loves you.
At a loss for words, she just offers you a loving smile, “how about that lunch date?” She asks, standing up and closing her computer. Her work can wait, plus her brain feels way too fuzzy to keep going anyways.
You smile back, taking her hand and intertwining your fingers with hers as you lead her to the couch.
Kara looks at all the food, hesitation clear in her expression even though her stomach growls at the thought of food.
“Ya know, comfort food is the best thing to eat when you have a cold.” You nudge her shoulder gently and her demeanor immediately changes as she begins digging into the extra large order of potstickers you’d bought.
“Thanks for doing all this.” Kara says through a mouthful of food, her voice muffled by both the food and her congestion. She swallows and smile gratefully at you.
“It’s really nothing.” You hum, leaning over to kiss her cheek, though she turns away from you before you can, muffling a few harsh sneezes into her shoulder. She sniffs and groans, the sneezes making her lightheaded.
“Bless you, Kara.” You hand her a few paper napkins to blow her nose in. “Sorry.” Her eyes don’t quite meet yours, embarrassed.
“It’s alright baby. You don’t have to be sorry one bit.” You place your hand on her thigh, rubbing it gently. “You can be vulnerable with me.” You add softly and Kara nods as she gives you a shy smile.
“I know.” She leans over to press her lips to your forehead before you both dig back into lunch. You eat for a few more minutes, quiet conversation exchanged here and there, but you can tell your girlfriends’ getting tired.
“Hey, come here Kar, just rest for a minute.” You hold your arms open when you notice she’s hasn’t continued eating in a bit. Your girlfriend gladly snuggles up to you, closing her eyes.
She hadn’t wanted to admit it, but this is all she’s wanted since she first caught this stupid cold. She just wants to be with you, to have your warm arms hold her tight until she feels better.
You kiss the top of her head and you both fall into a peaceful silence, give or take a few sniffles, and just enjoy the feeling of being together.
A while later a sharp inhale interrupts the quiet. “Nhuhh’Shhoo…hehhSh’oo…ahhssChoo…’tshoo!” Kara tucks her face into your chest, releasing an exhausting sounding fit of sneezes. She sighs, rubbing her nose hard with her knuckles and using her sleeve to wipe her raw itchy nose.
“Easy there babe.” You hand her another napkin to use instead of her sleeve. The sick alien lets out a few more sniffles before cuddling more closely into you, wrapping her arms tighter around your waist. She feels your gentle lips against her golden hair.
“Bless you.” You murmur as you start running your fingers through her soft hair. Kara mumbles incoherently and you smile down at her adorableness. Her eyelids soon grow heavy as the soothing feeling of your fingers massaging her head quickly lulls her into a deep, dreamless sleep.
You hold Kara in your arms and continue your gentle ministrations as she sleeps. Around an hour later, she wakes slowly, with a tired groan.
“Hey baby.” You murmur softly and Kara turns to look up at you, her face twisted with confusion for a fleeting moment before she remembers where she is. Blinking her eyes, she clears her throat.
“I-I nedt to ged badk to work.” She rasps, still half asleep, her voice riddled with congestion. She tries to get up but without her powers it doesn’t take much for you to hold her firmly in place, keeping her in your lap.
“Shhh…work can wait, Kara. You need to be resting right now.” You soothe. “N-no, I…” She starts to say but a sudden chill runs through her body, making her shiver in your arms.
“Rao.” She squeezes her eyes closed and holds you tighter, pressing her face further into your side.
You frown as you feel her start to shake in your arms and you lean down to kiss her forehead. “Oh Kara. You’ve got a fever.” You explain gently to your girlfriend who you’re pretty sure has never had one before. “oh.” She shivers again.
“Can we go home?” She whispers, looking up at you with big puppy dog eyes that are so full of pain and discomfort that it breaks your heart.
“Yes baby. I think that’s a good idea.” You immediately help her sit up and she leans back on the couch as you quickly throw away lunch. You grab your coat and drape it over her shivering shoulders before texting James to let him know what’s up.
Soon you’re helping your miserable girlfriend stand up. Kara leans heavily on you as you wrap your arms around her and kiss the top of her head. The two of you slowly make your way through the building and down to the parking lot where you help her get into the passenger seat of your car.
“Alright.” You say, buckling her seatbelt for her when she just slumps back into the seat. You kiss her flushed cheek before going to the trunk of your car, finding a blanket which you drape over her still shivering form.
As you get in the car and start it up, you hear Kara sniff and take a sharp breath. She sneezes hard into some tissues you quickly press into her hands moments before as she pitches forward in her seat.
With an annoyed groan, she pulls the blanket further around her and you place a kiss to her temple. “Let’s get you home baby.” You start begging driving, giving her shoulder a quick rub before putting both hands on the wheel.
You drive through the city, glancing at Kara every few minutes and handing her more kisses whenever she sneezes, which is quite frequent but you don’t care. All you care about is getting her home so she can rest.
Finally you reach her apartment, thankful for the elevator in her building, making it so you don’t have to practically carry her up four flights of stairs. You unlock the door with Kara still leaning heavily on you and lead her over to her bed, sitting her down gently.
“Stay here a moment, okay?” You ask as you start to walk away. “mnnno, stay.” She coughs, her voice raspy and almost a whisper. You step closer and take her outstretched hand in yours.
“I’m not leaving, Kara. Just going to grab a couple things for you okay?” You gently rub her hand with your thumb. She nods and lets you go and as promised, you’re back a minute later with an armload of stuff.
You set a fresh box of tissues and a bottle of cool water on the bedside table along with some cough drops that you found deep in Kara’s pantry.
Your girlfriend watches you with tired as you more to stand in front of her. “Okay, let’s get you into something cozier.” You set Kara’s favorite pjs on the bed next to her and start to undo her shirt, taking it off carefully, leaving her with just her lacy bra to keep her top warm.
She shivers, her bare skin now exposed to the somewhat chilly air of her apartment and her arms instinctively wrap themselves around her waist as she takes in a sharp breath.
“Hehh’tShuu…’Tshhuu!” She sneezes sleepily into her lap. “Bless you babygirl.” You hum softly, now helping her into her top. She mumbles a thanks through a yawn and you proceed to help her get changed.
When you’re done, Kara immediately crawls over to the middle of the bed and curls up under her fluffy duvet. She looks up at you, her baby blues shining with unfamiliar helplessness. You can’t help but think she looks identical to a golden retriever with the blankets pulled up to her chin and her eyes big and around.
She yawns again and watches as you take off your shoes. “Will you cuddle me now please?” She pleads, congestion still thick in her voice.
“Of course, baby.” You smile, climbing into the bed next to her. She snuggles down next to you, putting her head into your lap as she wraps her arms around your waist. Kara lets out a small sigh and her eyes droop closed.
Suddenly she sucks in a breath as another wave of fever chills passes unpleasantly through her. Her arms tighten around as she starts shaking. Immediately you’ve got one hand on her forehead, gently rubbing her feverish skin with your thumb as tour other hand starts to gently massage her soft hair.
“Shhh, I’m here Kara. I’m here, just breathe.” You murmur softly and she follows your direction, taking a few deep breaths and focusing on the feeling of your cool fingers on her skin.
Soon she’s through the worst of the chills and her shaking subsides. “There you are, pretty girl. You’re okay.” You hum when you feel her arms loosen slight from her death grip of your waist and you feel her body start to relax.
“It hurts.” Kara whimpers, looking up at you with blurry eyes. You press a lingering kiss to her forehead. “I know baby, I know it hurts but I promise you’re okay.” Kara nods at your words, closing her eyes once more.
“Focus on your breathing again.” You gently start to sift your fingers through her hair once more. ‘Mmkay.” Kara murmurs, pressing herself impossibly closer to your gentle touch.
A few more minutes pass as you continue to stroke her face when you notice her fever seems to be going up a bit. Now you know you need to do more than just be with her.
Your hand moves from her cheek to gently scratch the back of her head. “Kara? Baby are you awake?” You whisper and she hums though her eyes stay closed.
“You feel warmer, I think your fevers’ gone up.” You explain. “Is it okay if I get up? I promise I’ll be right back with something that’ll help sweetheart.” You ask, reassuring Kara when you feel her arms tighten her hold on you, not wanting you to get up.
“Okay.” She reluctantly lets go, wanting anything that’ll help her feel better even if it means you have to get up.
“Alright then, I’ll be right back.” You kiss the top of her head and come back a minute later like promised. First, you hand her the water you’d grabbed earlier and help her sit up enough to drink.
“You need to stay hydrated, it will help.” You say when she makes a face. She isn’t thirsty but she drinks anyways, it does feel food on her throat. You get back into bed with her and she snuggles back up to you, a small shiver passing through her as she does.
“This should help too baby.” You hum and a moment later Kara feels miraculous relief as a cool damp compress is set on her forehead, dulling the fever chills and cooling her down.
She relaxes a little and you wrap an arm around her, keeping one hand on the compress so you can rotate it to her cheeks too. “Better?” You ask and Kara nods against your chest.
“Yea, thank you.” She yawns, closing her eyes, though not a minute later you feel her chest rise unevenly against your’s as she takes in the all too familiar by now sharp breath.
“NuhnShhh’Chhoo…hetshhCuhhuhh!” She sneezes twice into your shirt. “Bless you babygirl.” You hum, kissing her hair. Kara mumbles a shy thanks before adding softly, “…thank you for taking care of me.” You smile.
“There’s nothing else I’d rather be doing Kara.” You answer lovingly and she smiles now too, not a hint of hesitation in her voice as she murmurs against your chest, “I love you.” She means it completely and you feel a slight tear of joy slip down your cheek.
You kiss her golden hair. “I love you too, Kara. So, so much.” You whisper as she finally falls into a much needed sleep.
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abbacchiosbelt ¡ 1 year ago
Help the idea of Kars cramming himself awkwardly into a desk chair meant for someone under 6 feet tall and half as wide is so funny to me. I think he’d eventually get too frustrated and simply kneel on the floor (which he HATES because he does not KNEEL he is KARS and KNEELS FOR NO ONE.) His feathers are ruffled for the rest of the day about that but he doesn’t show it much. I can definitely see him being a little pissy about why all the stuff is so fucking small. Humans are, realistically, like 1/5th his weight most of the time, so he might end up breaking shit by just sitting down. He doesn’t get hurt or anything but it’s humiliating and how DARE you people construct such shitty furniture. The person who’s hosting him is barely restraining a fit of giggles despite the fact that half their chairs have been mysteriously broken. He probably prefers being outside most of the time because he has to do that bodily contortion thing to fit through doorways without bowing his head (which only LESSER beings would do.)
SO TRUE... kars is grumpy about everything being small. it's annoying and outlandish! (expect him to offer himself later on as a chair. surely he'll be more comfy - it matters not what size you are, because kars can lift anything with ease hehe)
i can just imagine him sitting outside and complaining loudly. he's a bit like a stunned bird, still. not back to his true self yet. he was floating around in space for all those years, after all.
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dioslesbianwife ¡ 2 hours ago
Anyways. 🕷️ANON here!!!!! More angst!! Yippee!!!!
How would the jofoes react? Mock us for being weak? Comfort us as we cry? Secretly or openly? ADD KAKYOIN. I miss him sobs 💔
And for the third time, take a break
hii 🕷️!! nobody believes that- you def find some enjoyment in these sad scenarios lmao. like WHY??? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 lol u got your wish, i did take a break for a week but it was unintentional haha
💔 Dio Brando
At first, he's indifferent. To him, the weak perish, and that includes an unborn child that couldn’t survive. But when he sees how broken you are, something twists in him.
He won’t mock you- not outright- but he will remind you that grief is a weakness that you must overcome.
"Crying will not bring the child back. Do not waste your energy on the dead."
But… in private, when you’re asleep, he does think about it. About what it would have been like to have a child- his child- live. And for a moment, he feels something resembling sorrow.
💔 Kars
Views it as nature taking its course. A weak life simply wasn’t meant to exist.
He wouldn’t mock you, but he wouldn’t understand why you’re mourning something that never had the chance to fight for survival.
"Why do you grieve for something that was never strong enough to live?"
He might try to rationalize it, saying you are still strong, you can always have another child. But if your sadness lingers, he grows frustrated.
If you collapse in grief, though, sobbing, unable to move, he will hold you, if only to quiet your pain. Even he can recognize that sometimes, strength is in enduring suffering.
💔 Wamuu
This warrior has honor, and he would not belittle your sorrow.
He understands loss and mourning, and while he sees it as the way of fate, he acknowledges your pain.
"Your sadness is not weakness. Even the strongest warriors mourn their fallen kin."
Holds you if you let him. He doesn’t know how to comfort you, but he stays by your side, silent and steady, letting you grieve as you need.
💔 Esidisi
At first, he tries to keep himself composed, reminding you that pain is a part of existence… but then, he starts crying. Loudly.
"This is so unfair…Why did this have to happen to us?!"
He’s an emotional man, and your sadness becomes his sadness. He doesn’t mock you: he joins you in your grief, sobbing openly.
Holds you tightly, whispering about what could have been. Even as time passes, he never forgets.
💔 Yoshikage Kira
Hates emotions. Hates grief. Hates the messiness of it all.
He stays eerily silent when you cry, sitting next to you, hands clenched into fists. Why does this affect him so much?
At night, he grips your hand in your sleep. He won’t openly cry, won’t openly mourn, but he feels it.
There’s something deeply unsettling about the way he avoids looking at you, as if pretending nothing happened will make the pain go away.
💔 Diavolo
Absolute denial. Refuses to acknowledge the loss at first.
He hates the idea of something being out of his control, and this? This was something he could not stop.
Tries to tell you to "move forward"- but the first time he sees you shaking, clutching your belly like you’re still carrying the child, he snaps.
Breaks things. Throws furniture. It’s his own grief escaping in the only way he knows how, rage.
And then… he collapses. Holds you tightly, so tightly, whispering "It wasn’t supposed to be this way."
💔 Doppio
Breaks down immediately.
He was so excited. He had so many dreams, so many hopes. He would’ve been the best dad.
Sobs uncontrollably, hugging you, hands trembling. "Boss, I- I wanted to see them so bad- !"
Takes fake "phone calls" about it. Holds a rock to his ear and says "I know, I know, Boss, it’s okay- " but his voice cracks.
The pain never fully leaves him.
💔 Enrico Pucci
Struggles between faith and pain.
Tells you "This was God’s will. We must not question His plans." But his hands shake as he says it.
If you cry into his chest, he lets you, stroking your hair gently, trying to soothe you with scripture, even as his own voice wavers.
When he’s alone, he prays desperately. "Why? Why take the child? What lesson is there in this suffering?"
💔 Funny Valentine
Outwardly composed, inwardly crumbling.
"This is a tragedy, but we must endure." He comforts you in a practical way, making sure you eat, rest, and don’t sink too far into despair.
If you break down, he holds you firmly and whispers: "You are not alone in this."
In a parallel universe, in some other life, maybe the baby survived. That thought haunts him.
💔 Diego Brando
Reacts with anger first, then grief.
"...This world is cruel." That’s all he allows himself to say before he sees your face- before he sees your pain.
The first time you collapse into his chest, sobbing, he stiffens… but then he holds you.
"It’s not fair," he mutters, voice strained.
He isn’t used to comforting people. But for you, he tries.
💔 Tooru
Doesn’t understand his own emotions at first. He tries to downplay the loss, saying things like, "This kind of thing happens all the time, right?"
But when he sees you truly broken- when you clutch your stomach like you’re still protecting something- he feels something sharp in his chest.
Doesn’t openly cry, but he won’t leave your side. Plays music softly, lays next to you, murmurs about how unfair life is.
It’s the first time he’s ever felt powerless.
💔 Noriaki Kakyoin
Silent. Gentle.
He just holds you, no words, just warmth. If you cry, he lets you. If you scream, he listens.
He hurts too, but he refuses to let you carry this pain alone.
Leaves little notes for you. "You are not alone." "I love you." "I’m still here."
And at night, when you’re asleep, he finally lets himself cry.
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sehdevpackersandmovers ¡ 5 days ago
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Sehdev Warehouse & Storage Pvt Ltd.| Self Storage | Store Kar
Household warehousing refers to the storage and organization of household goods in a dedicated space, such as a basement, attic, garage, or storage unit. It involves systematically arranging items to maximize space while ensuring easy accessibility. Proper household warehousing prevents clutter, protects belongings from damage, and enhances overall home organization.
Using shelves, racks, and labeled containers helps categorize items like seasonal decorations, tools, and unused furniture. Climate-controlled storage is ideal for delicate items such as electronics, documents, or antiques. Household warehousing solutions also include off-site storage facilities for homeowners needing extra space.
Efficient warehousing ensures a tidy, functional home while safeguarding valuables for future use.
Warehousing & Storage Services
Address: Royal Bhawani Enclave Rd, Bhondsi, Gurugram, Haryana 122102
Google Maps:  https://g.co/kgs/beyp9cz
Call : +91 9213535000
Household Warehousing: Efficient Storage for a Clutter-Free Home
Household warehousing refers to the strategic storage and organization of household items, either within a home or in external storage facilities. It is essential for maintaining a clutter-free and functional living space while ensuring that belongings remain safe, accessible, and well-preserved. Proper warehousing involves categorizing, labeling, and storing items in a way that maximizes space and enhances efficiency.
Within a home, household warehousing can be managed through the use of attics, basements, garages, closets, and storage rooms. Shelving units, cabinets, and stackable storage bins help in organizing seasonal decorations, tools, extra furniture, and infrequently used household essentials. Climate-controlled storage solutions are ideal for delicate items such as antiques, electronics, important documents, and artwork, as they protect against temperature fluctuations, humidity, and dust.
For homeowners with limited space, renting an off-site storage unit can be a practical solution. Storage facilities provide secure, climate-controlled environments for long-term or short-term storage of valuable possessions, moving boxes, or excess furniture. Proper inventory management, including labelling and arranging items systematically, ensures easy access when needed.
Efficient household warehousing not only keeps the home tidy but also extends the lifespan of stored items by preventing damage from pests, moisture, or improper handling. It also enhances convenience by making it easier to locate and retrieve stored belongings without unnecessary hassle.
Whether managing storage within a home or utilizing external storage solutions, an organized household warehousing system promotes a stress-free, efficient, and well-maintained living environment. By implementing smart storage strategies, homeowners can optimize their space, protect their valuables, and maintain a more organized lifestyle
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desaininteriorrumahmedan ¡ 19 days ago
Contoh Desain Interior Kantor
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Desain interior kantor merupakan salah satu elemen penting yang mendukung produktivitas karyawan sekaligus mencerminkan identitas perusahaan. Dengan desain interior kantor yang baik, lingkungan kerja menjadi lebih nyaman, estetis, dan efisien. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh desain interior kantor yang dapat dijadikan inspirasi.
Desain Interior Kantor Modern Minimalis
Desain interior kantor modern minimalis menekankan pada elemen sederhana, praktis, dan bersih. Konsep ini sangat populer karena memberikan suasana yang rapi dan profesional. Ruangan biasanya didominasi oleh warna-warna netral seperti putih, abu-abu, atau hitam yang dikombinasikan dengan elemen kayu atau logam untuk kesan hangat.
Penerapan desain minimalis dalam kantor sering menggunakan furnitur multifungsi, seperti meja kerja dengan ruang penyimpanan tersembunyi. Selain itu, tata letak open space sering digunakan untuk memaksimalkan kolaborasi antar karyawan. Pencahayaan alami juga menjadi prioritas dalam desain ini untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan dan efisiensi energi.
Desain Interior Kantor dengan Konsep Industrial
Desain interior kantor dengan konsep industrial seringkali mengutamakan tampilan mentah dan terbuka. Elemen seperti dinding bata ekspos, lantai beton, dan rangka baja yang terlihat jelas menjadi ciri khas konsep ini. Konsep industrial cocok untuk perusahaan kreatif seperti agensi desain atau startup teknologi.
Penggunaan pencahayaan yang unik seperti lampu gantung berbentuk geometris sering digunakan untuk menambah estetika ruangan. Selain itu, tanaman hias diletakkan di beberapa sudut ruangan untuk menciptakan keseimbangan antara kesan urban dan alami.
Desain Interior Kantor dengan Tema Warna Vibran
Untuk menciptakan suasana kerja yang dinamis dan menyenangkan, banyak perusahaan memilih desain interior kantor dengan tema warna vibran. Warna-warna cerah seperti kuning, biru, hijau, atau merah sering diaplikasikan pada dinding, furnitur, atau elemen dekoratif lainnya.
Penggunaan warna ini tidak hanya menciptakan kesan energik tetapi juga dapat meningkatkan kreativitas karyawan. Selain itu, tata ruang yang fleksibel seperti area kerja dengan meja-meja kecil yang mudah dipindahkan memberikan kemudahan bagi karyawan untuk berkolaborasi.
Desain Interior Kantor Ramah Lingkungan
Konsep ramah lingkungan dalam desain interior kantor kini semakin diminati. Penggunaan bahan-bahan daur ulang, furnitur berkelanjutan, dan tanaman hijau menjadi elemen utama dalam konsep ini. Selain menciptakan suasana yang sehat, desain ramah lingkungan juga mencerminkan komitmen perusahaan terhadap keberlanjutan.
Salah satu contoh penerapannya adalah penggunaan panel surya untuk pencahayaan atau dinding tanaman vertikal yang memberikan suasana segar. Desain seperti ini tidak hanya memberikan manfaat estetika tetapi juga fungsional.
Desain Interior Kantor dengan Ruang Istirahat Kreatif
Ruang istirahat atau lounge menjadi salah satu elemen penting dalam desain interior kantor. Dengan adanya ruang ini, karyawan dapat beristirahat sejenak dari aktivitas kerja yang padat. Desain ruang istirahat yang kreatif sering menggunakan elemen-elemen seperti sofa empuk, permainan seperti meja pingpong atau dart, hingga fasilitas pantry modern.
Ruang istirahat yang nyaman dan menarik dapat membantu meningkatkan produktivitas dan kepuasan karyawan. Pemilihan warna yang menenangkan seperti biru atau hijau sering digunakan untuk menciptakan suasana rileks.
Desain Interior Kantor Berbasis Teknologi
Dengan perkembangan teknologi, banyak kantor yang mengintegrasikan elemen teknologi canggih dalam desain interiornya. Misalnya, penggunaan meja kerja yang dilengkapi dengan port USB, layar digital untuk presentasi, hingga sistem pencahayaan pintar yang dapat diatur melalui aplikasi.
Desain ini sangat cocok untuk perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang teknologi atau yang membutuhkan lingkungan kerja berbasis digital. Tata letak yang ergonomis dan perangkat yang memadai membantu karyawan bekerja lebih efisien.
Desain Interior Kantor yang Mengutamakan Privasi
Bagi perusahaan yang membutuhkan ruang kerja individu, desain interior kantor yang mengutamakan privasi sangatlah penting. Contohnya adalah penggunaan bilik kerja dengan dinding kaca buram atau panel akustik untuk mengurangi kebisingan.
Selain itu, desain ruang rapat kecil dengan pencahayaan lembut dan fasilitas lengkap menjadi bagian penting dalam konsep ini. Warna-warna netral sering dipilih untuk menciptakan suasana yang tenang dan fokus.
Desain Interior Kantor dengan Sentuhan Budaya Lokal
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Menambahkan elemen budaya lokal dalam desain interior kantor dapat menciptakan identitas unik perusahaan. Misalnya, penggunaan motif batik pada dinding atau dekorasi kayu ukir khas daerah tertentu. Elemen ini memberikan kesan hangat dan mencerminkan kebanggaan terhadap budaya lokal.
Selain itu, furnitur dari bahan alami seperti rotan atau bambu juga sering digunakan untuk melengkapi desain ini. Suasana yang tercipta tidak hanya estetis tetapi juga mendukung semangat kerja karyawan.
Pilihlah Jasa Desain Interior Profesional untuk Kantor Anda
Untuk mewujudkan desain interior kantor yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakter perusahaan, memilih jasa desain interior profesional adalah langkah yang tepat. Salah satu perusahaan yang dapat Anda andalkan adalah Pusat Interior Medan.
Kelebihan Pusat Interior Medan
Pusat Interior Medan adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa desain interior, custom interior, dan pengerjaan proyek interior dengan hasil berkualitas tinggi. Berikut beberapa kelebihan Pusat Interior Medan:
Pengalaman dan Profesionalisme Pusat Interior Medan memiliki tim yang berpengalaman dan profesional dalam menangani berbagai jenis proyek desain interior, baik untuk kantor, rumah, maupun ruang komersial.
Desain yang Disesuaikan Layanan custom interior memungkinkan Anda mendapatkan desain yang sepenuhnya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi perusahaan Anda. Mulai dari pemilihan material hingga tata ruang, semuanya dirancang secara detail.
Kualitas Material Terbaik Pusat Interior Medan selalu menggunakan material berkualitas untuk memastikan hasil akhir yang tahan lama dan estetis.
Layanan Konsultasi Gratis Sebelum memulai proyek, Pusat Interior Medan menawarkan layanan konsultasi gratis untuk membantu Anda menentukan desain yang tepat.
Hubungi Pusat Interior Medan
Jika Anda membutuhkan jasa desain interior kantor, segera hubungi Pusat Interior Medan di alamat berikut:
Alamat: KOMP. SETIA BUDI POINT Jl. Setia Budi No.15 BLOK C, Tj. Sari, Kec. Medan Selayang, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20132
Admin 1: 0823-7457-0543
Admin 2: 0877-0006-0961
Pusat Interior Medan siap membantu Anda menciptakan desain interior kantor yang fungsional, estetis, dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan Anda.
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halfbakedthoughtsss ¡ 30 days ago
Desi-ifying Viral Trends 🌟
A Day in Our Brown Household 🎉
It’s a lazy Sunday morning—one of those days when the only thing on the agenda is waking up to mom’s call (in full-on Desi style) and scrolling through the latest Insta reels. The perfect minimalist mornings you see online? Total fantasy. Instead, we’re living in a world where chaos is our default mode and every corner is packed with memories and random swag.
Morning Chaos & Chai Vibes ☕💥
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I wake up to my mom’s familiar shout: “Beta, uth jao! Chai time!” Forget sunlit rooms with matcha and journals—the real vibe is adrak wali chai in a steel glass, with the comforting clatter of utensils and the faint aroma of cardamom filling the air. Even if I’m still in my bed-head mode, that chai feels like a warm hug that says, “Today, you got this… kinda.”
Scrolling through my phone, I catch a feed full of minimalist living goals—clean lines, empty spaces, all that aesthetic stuff. But as I look around our house, I see a vibrant mix of chaos: family photos, heirloom bangles, and Diwali decor that’s still glittering like it’s straight out of a Bollywood set. This isn’t clutter; it’s our heritage, our story, our vibe. And honestly, it’s lit in its own way. 🔥
TikTok Challenge, Desi Remix 💃🎶
Fast-forward to the afternoon, and the energy in the house shifts. The latest TikTok dance challenge is trending, and my cousin decides it’s time for a remix. Picture this: the living room turns into a mini stage with the perfect (or perfectly imperfect) Gen Z energy.
Uncle Raj suddenly emerges from nowhere, rocking his signature moves—totally off-beat but so effortlessly cool that even the aunties can’t help but laugh and cheer.
Aunties, armed with smartphones, capture every moment, blending Hindi and English like pros: “Arey, dekh lo, kitna mast dance kar raha hai!”
Even the little ones try to follow along, adding their own Bollywood twists that make the entire scene an absolute riot.
It’s not about nailing every move; it’s about the sheer joy of being together and owning our quirks. In this moment, every misstep is a win, and every laugh a celebration of our desi roots meeting Gen Z spontaneity.
Our World: A Perfect Blend of Tradition & Trend 🔄💫
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Later, while lounging in our “cluttered” living room, I can’t help but reflect on how viral trends are cool and all—but they never capture our realness. Here, every item tells a story: that old cricket bat hanging on the wall, the pile of magazines from last Eid, and the mismatched furniture that screams character.
Our home isn’t an Instagram filter; it’s a lively narrative full of colors, memories, and yes, a little bit of chaos. We might not have the perfect minimalist look, but we have something much better—a genuine, vibrant space that’s all our own.
A Real Talk Reflection 🌟
At the end of the day, I sit back with my chai, scrolling through my phone, and I realize that desi culture is all about adaptation. We may not follow every viral trend to the letter, but we remix them in our own unique way. Our version of minimalism is more “maximalism with heart,” and our dance moves? Pure unfiltered fun.
So, what do you think? How would your favorite viral trend look with a desi twist? Share your wildest, most relatable moments in the comments. Let’s keep it real and celebrate our beautiful, chaotic selves! 😊👇
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thirti3s ¡ 2 months ago
Movies/TV nickel boys the multiple levels of fiction and autofiction in “My First Film” take this waltz but i’m a cheerleader other things by Lauren Greenfield girlfriends movie tv, we are lady parts agnes movies -la pointe court -cleo from 5 to 7 -le bonheur -vagabond -one sings the other doesn’t new films, maxxxine la chimera sacramento cuckoo strange darling kinds of kindness queer the last showgirl oh, canada from naked and afraid tires fargo better call saul high potential twin peaks alex a demi tv show thank you next shows to rewatch, new girl Daisies 1966 you me and everyone we know passages fingernails love me immaculate bob travino likes it ivan - sasha lane the defiant ones old the visit trap -m night weekend - andrew haigh picnic at hanging rock the dreamers bertolucci actual ppl foreign, “Petite Solange” “Walk Up” “White Building” “Full Time” Io Capitano” (Italy)   “Perfect Days” (Japan)   “Society of the Snow” (Spain)   “The Teachers’ Lounge” (Germany)  Zone of Interest docs, camera person “Menus-Plaisirs—Les Troisgros” “Orlando, My Political Biography” “Our Body” “The Disappearance of Shere Hite” hannah takes the stairs yeast mumblecore notables no wave notables beau travail this is where i leave you adam driver ghost world Far from Heaven” (dir. Todd Haynes) Safe Capturing the Friedmans” (dir. Andrew Waitress” (dir. Adrienne Shelly) Juno” (dir. Jason Reitman) Rachel Getting Married” (dir. Jonathan A Serious Man” (dirs. Joel and Ethan Coen) A Single Man” (dir. Tom Ford)  Drive” (dir. Nicolas Winding Refn)  Beasts of the Southern Wild” (dir. Benh Zeitlin)  Minding the Gap” (dir. Bing Liu)  The Last Black Man in San Francisco” (dir. Joe Talbot)  Never Rarely Sometimes Always” (dir. Eliza Hittman)  We’re All Going to the World’s Fair” (dir. Jane Schoenbrun) John Cassavetes All the Beauty and the Bloodshed the burden of dreams scenes from a marraige cinema paradiso Pedro Almodóvar A bigger splash Badlands Bones and All looking for mr goodbar sharp stick xaviar dolan girlhood - celine scammia columbus after yang photo essays god creatures my week w my marilyn blonde stanley tucci italy rick steve high altitude train boys n the hood - homage to, stand by me mob psycho 100 bungyo stray dogs food wars cyberpunk spy x family to your eternity ascendance of a bookworm Btooom! bocchi the rock katanagatari eat man chainsaw man blue ocean ghost in the shell perfect blue millennium actress tokyo godfathers the girl who leapt through time madoka ping pong the animation hari nef’s ig all time’s a ghost story all we imagine as light a new moon over tohoku a woman under the influence almost famous american honey atlantiques before trilogy blue is the warmest colour blue valentine bombay beach boyhood capernaum central station eraserhead get out gummo fish tank frances ha fruitvale station furiosa grease hale county this morning this evening her jezebel like crazy lords of dog town manchester by the sea mermaids moonstruck nights and weekends now and then parasite poor things requiem for a dream saltburn sound of metal the body remembers when the world broke open the whale thirty-two sounds tiny furniture tokyo story triangle of sadness zola wong kar rai autumn moon cake l’amica geniale the wire the sopranos atlanta the bear beef girls succession normal people twin peaks when they see us the curse i may destroy you we are who we are
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obscurushydrae ¡ 11 months ago
The Townhouse
Outwardly it looks like a brick brown stone from the 1800s, the kind you'd find in many old cities. But in reality it a magical, liminal space, a sort of pocket of it in the mortal realm tied to her magic.
While she resides mostly in the East Coast, it can appear anywhere at any time. Needs to go to DC? Kar can open the door and bee 200 miles away. Meetup in the UK? There she is.
It is also somewhat show a little personality, and can spawn/despawn room and the like at will, or at Kar's request. (It's much larger in the inside.) Decor is somewhat maximalist in many areas-- think the sets of The Addams Family, meets a museum. A lot of the original Victorian wallpaper and floors remain, but some of the furniture may be modern (and clashing).
Kar being a more modernized diety, has made sure the house provides strong and safe wifi and safe bluetooth connections for speakers.
It is also a safe space for mortals and non-mortals alike, so long as you respect the Mistress' rules. (The house can and will literally throw you out if Kar doesn't.) Even a stranger can knock and crash for a few hours, shift safely during a moon, and the like. As it's technically limbo, underworld figures can stay so long as they don't step out into the street-- then whisked away back you'll be!
I also haunted by a host of ghosts: Mrs. Brown she was the head of servants during the 1800s, and Vinny the Prohibition-Era gangster, among others.
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sapphire-heart-tippy ¡ 4 months ago
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(Edit: I have changed my mind and I've decided to ship with Wamuu instead. Kars and Esidisi will still hold a special place in my heart, but I have decided to end the relationship with them 🫂)
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Commission finished for @sapphire-heart-tippy! Thank you so much for commissioning me, I had a blast drawing ya'll >3
Commissions are Open!
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bellamontwasright ¡ 2 years ago
Modest Mouse, but in one of those post defeat villain house purgatory au things people like.
I think he'd be a better roommate than like, Kars, but that's not a very high bar. Modest Mouse spent centuries living alone and primarily in places like: abandoned buildings, crypts, caves, sewers, and mine shafts. Going from scrounging around in a dark wet cave he slathers in puddles of his own blood on the daily to an actual house with other people in it would be one hell of an adjustment.
At best, he's coughing up in the sink without rinsing. That is worse than it would be from anybody else, because it's bits of human viscera mixed with portions of his funky stand-blood and that foul smelling oil-like substance he produces when he eats people clothes/shoes/wallet/purse n all. (Who's he eating? Diavolo, of course. Every time they cross paths. MM isn't sure why he feels so compelled to rip that guy apart. But he does.)
At worst, he is oozing everywhere all the time and consistently forgetting that everyone he lives with can actually see him do that. Snail trails, stained floors, ruined furniture, inedible food because MM was rifling through the kitchen stuff and got bloody fingerprints inside the box somehow, the bathroom is uninhabitable for like a day anytime he bathes. Whenever confronted he tells whoever's complaining to clean it up themselves if they're so squeamish.
And thats just the hygiene related stuff. Modest Mouse's social skills are actually pretty sharp for such an old creature, but he would not have the necessary patience for half of his new roommates. That, and if Modest Mouse ever found out about how his roommates came to inhabit the same purgatory he'd be SO MAD. Pitching an absolute fit about how he doesn't deserve this and how everybody else around him is worse and how he didn't even get a choice in his transformation. Fullblown manbaby moment, Modest Mouse is on the floor crying(?) about how god is cruel and how he's not like any of the other villains.
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soupbabe ¡ 2 years ago
(slaps his hand on the table) I need a headcanon where the pillarmen had cat tails from the beginning
Catboy! Pillarmen Headcanons
I'm making catboy pillarmen canon stat. Also I haven't done a request in forever, my bad 😅
- Omg please treat Kars and Wamuu with great care
- Kars demands for your attention, while it's just deserved for Wamuu
- They keep their coats clean, they don't interrupt your work, they don't tear up the furniture, they're the perfect catboys in their eyes ♡
- Head empty only giving Wamuu scratches behind his ears, it makes him melt
- You have to butter Kars up to get that opportunity to touch him, but he loves it just as much
- Santana and Esidisi are monsters and should not be shown to the public
- They still strive for your attention, but it's in a more chaotic way
- They break stuff idk what else to tell you
- Esidisi is such a ball of energy, he needs something to bat around! He certainly doesn't care if mugs are broken or things are set on fire
- Santana breaks things just because it amuses him. You'll have to scratch his ears if you want him to repair it ♡
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synqra ¡ 3 years ago
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Kar-studio furniture
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orgasming-caterpillar ¡ 2 years ago
Chapter 9
Raghav POV
Raghav gulped down half a bottle of water in a matter of seconds. He was exhausted.
Not from dancing. Dancing was a recharge, it gave him the adrenaline he needed to carry on with his day. He was tired of waiting.
It had been almost an hour since he'd started practising, and Ranveer was nowhere to be seen. If that bastard Karan had decided to dishonour his bargain and not bring Ranveer here, Raghav would have some bruising to do. 
He'd always prided himself on his ability to see the good and bad in people in the first few instances. When you are about to enter the field of art as a career, you have to know who to trust and who to watch out for. And you have to know it fast. 
From what he'd seen in Karan; the boy was careless, unserious, and mischievous to his very core. Raghav had been surprised by the rivalry and banter between the triplets, having no siblings of his own. But he'd been even more surprised when he told Karan that if he brought Ranveer here today Raghav would help him stage a prank on his brothers and he agreed. 
So where was he? Maybe Raghav had been wrong and the boy was just lying and he could stage pretty amazing pranks by himself without needing the help of someone else. In that case, Raghav had only one other option: drop out of the competition and hope he doesn't get suspended or worse. 
Someone knocked on the door of the studio. Ranveer, Raghav thought and tripped over his own shoelace while trying to get to the door. 
The thump of his body hitting the floor echoed painfully in the furniture-less room. His dance partner wheezed. "You can't even walk without falling over like a toddler," he belittled, "I can't believe they chose you for the competition."
Another knock. 
"Shut the fuck up, Ayush. If you cared about the competition at all you'd be cooperating right now," Raghav snapped back loudly. 
Another knock. This one was more impatient. 
"Oh I'm not cooperating, am I? Or do you just not know shit about dance?"
Raghav dusted off his clothes. "Mujhe ab rehna bhi nahi hai is competition mein. Go suck a dick."
A sharp rap of knocks sounded from the door. 
"Oye, faltu bakwas nahi." He stepped into Raghav's personal space. "Tujhe hoga interest aisi cheezon mein. Keep your gay shit away from me."
Raghav heard the sound of keys turning in the lock. 
"Warna kya kar lega? I'm dropping out from this. Main bhi dekhta hu tu akele practice kaise karega."
He grabbed Raghav's collar and yelled out a profanity not worth repeating. Raghav felt his breathing cut off as the grip on his collar tightened. His eyes screwed shut, waiting for whatever blow was to come. 
He was suddenly yanked sideways by the collar. His knees banged against the floor as his breath returned. Fucking bastard almost choked me. 
He was only starting to come to his senses when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Bro, tu thik hai na?" Karan asked. 
Raghav looked to his other side where Ranveer was standing. He had his back turned to him, but guessing from the tense set of his shoulders, he was probably glaring at the boy on the floor. "Haa," Raghav said, grinning at Karan. "Ekdum fantastic."
Karan grinned back. "Ayush kya karne aaya hai yaha?"
They looked at him. He was scurrying off the floor, running to pick up his bag like a damn rat. Raghav wanted to wheeze at the terrified look in his eyes. He knew how frightening Ranveer's shark-like stare could be. It reminded him of his mother about to give the worst scolding ever. 
"How much to pretend you never saw any of this?" he asked.
Karan clicked his tongue. "I'll decide later," he said and made his way to the door.
"You'll fucking pay for this, Raghav." Raghav turned to the voice, but his previous dance partner was already shouldering his bag and walking out. 
Raghav tried to follow, to tell him that fucking nobody is scared of him, but Ranveer stepped between him and the door. "What was that?" he asked. Was Raghav hearing things or was his voice really more hoarse than earlier?
"Why do you care?" he snarked. 
From the door, Piyush winked at him. It was a bit difficult to find Ayush's twin brother, as he went to a different college now. When Ayush -known homophobe and an immature fucking bully with a superiority complex- outed his sexuality to everyone at the beginning of his first year, Piyush was the only one willing to help him. He would have never even gotten into the same practice room as Ayush, he refused to, which was why he declined the practice with him today and came here with his twin brother. Piyush couldn't dance for shit, but for what they were planning to do, they wouldn't have to dance. 
Their plan was to make Ranveer see how he and Ayush could never win this competition. He was even ready to take a few punches if that was what it took to convince Ranveer. If that didn't, well, he could drop out like he said and let the school handle the competition. 
But he hadn't expected a reaction like… that. He tried to steer his thoughts away from the way Ranveer glared at who he thought to be Ayush. Instead, he focused on the real Ranveer, who said, "Of fucking course I care, Raghav. He was about to beat you up."
"Oh, now you care? If you cared you'd have been in the studio with me instead of him."
He could see a flash of hurt cross Ranveer's face. It was gone so quickly, Raghav thought he might have imagined it. "Fucking hell, Raghav. Why can't you understand? I told you I can't dance anymore. Why won't you just get along with him!? You and I both know how good he dances. Why can't you dance with him!?"
He got closer to Ranveer, trying to imitate his mother's glare. She always managed to send shivers down his spine despite her small height. Raghav hoped his glare had the same effect on Ranveer despite the infuriating four inches the darker boy had over him. 
"You want to know why, Ranveer? You want me to tell you why? Okay, I will. Lekin…"
"Lekin kya?" Ranveer asked.
"Lekin pehle tu mujhe bataega ke tu dance kyu chhod raha hai."
Dancing On Your Heartstrings
Chapter 1
Ranveer POV
"Ranveer Kashyap. Sweet name, by the way."
Ranveer turned to face the boy -the eternally exhausting, exasperating boy- and said, "Hindi bol le, angrez ki aulad."
Raghav put down his coke and feigned hurt, placing a hand above his heart. "Aap mujhe aisa kaise keh sakte hain?" he said in a dramatically British accent. 
For the nth time that day, Ranveer sighed. Why did he ever think this could work out? No- Why did the principal think this could work out. He and Raghav could never work together. The boy was simply too… draining. He was a goddamned vampire dressed in neon jackets that sucked your life force out of you. Two days with him and Ranveer was already thinking of getting a prescription of migraine meds. 
"The competition is in two weeks, Raghav. And we haven't even choreographed yet!" 
Raghav, however, didn't seem the slightest bit pressed. "So? We can choreograph in two days, practice for ten days, rehearse on the last two days. Easy."
Ranveer wanted to grab him by the neck and shove his face into chullu bhar paani. "Easy? Easy!? Easy hogi meri chappal. Tu do minute cooperate to kar. Main akela thodi kar lunga ham dono ka dance choreograph?"
"Arey bas, yaar. Chill kar na thoda. See, main kathak se related kuch choreograph karta hu, tu hip hop jaisa kuch dhundh. Dono ke genres intermix to karke kuch dynamic banate hai."
"Dynamic to apna ban jayega. Pata bhi hai BCPA ki team ne kab ki preparations shuru kar di? Aur tune aaj ka pura din waste karwa diya. Na kuch kiya na karne diya," Ranveer grumbled, shoving his feet into his shoes. He shouldered his bag and walked out of the practice room. After waiting for a while, he noticed Raghav was still in the room. "Chaliye, maharaj. Mujhe is room ko lock karke warden ko keys bhi deni hai."
Raghav was rooted in his place. This guy was just one weird thing after another. His coffee-brown curls really looked like a bird's nest after a whole another day of goofing around and doing no real practice. His face had a thoughtful expression, eyes squinting, gazing into the distance. "Oye!" Ranveer called out to him. Then, he seemed to come back to his senses. 
For some reason, there was a slight tint of redness on his cheeks. Perhaps from exhaustion. Maybe being stupid did make you tired, Ranveer had thought idiots never ran out of energy. 
"Listen," Raghav called out. Ranveer quirked up an eyebrow. "You want to practise right? Come to my house. I don't have any siblings, to koi pareshan bhi nahi karega. We can look up dance moves and choreograph together."
Ranveer wanted to refuse, but when he actually considered it, it wasn't that bad of an idea. Begrudgingly, he replied, "Okay."
Raghav flashed him a grin, showing his pretty teeth that Ranveer was always so tempted to break. 
Once again, Ranveer sighed. "Ab maharaj baahar aayenge ya aapke liye paalki bulai jaae?"
• • • 
It was five pm when the bell to the patil household rang.
"Aati hu!" chimed in a woman's voice from inside the house. Not long after, the door opened. 
It was Mrs Patil, Raghav's mother, probably. She looked at him, head to toe, from his sleek black hair, to the slight stubble on the dark skin of his face. Shit, should he have shaved? Was she judging him? He was already going mad overthinking. But then Mrs Patil tilted her head and asked, "Ranveer?" 
Oh, she has never seen me before. That's why. Ranveer smiled and nodded, earning a warm smile from Mrs Patil too. She had benevolent-looking eyes and deep dimples. So that's where Raghav got them from. Ranveer had always thought he got them from his father, since he looked so much like the man. 
"Arey, andar aao na, beta. Raghav told me you would come today. Do you want chai?"
Ranveer took the corner seat of the sofa and looked around. Mrs Patil hadn't waited for his answer and was already pouring a cup of chai for him. "Thank you," he said and took the cup she handed him.
"If you need anything, I'll be in the kitchen, beta. Raghav bhi aata hi hoga."
With that, she disappeared into the kitchen. Ranveer sipped on his chai and cursed himself for not asking her for her name. Now he'll have to be stuck calling her "Mrs Patil" or "Aunty".
Thought the word aunty wouldn't suit her. Despite her age, she had the sort of radiance in her that many women seemed to lack. Until now, Ranveer couldn't place a name on it, but now he realised that he had seen the same untiring energy in Raghav. He had only met Raghav's father, because he also taught at their college. So he had connected all the dots about him to his father and filled in the blank spaces, the things he didn't know about them, with his imagination. 
It had been easy, both him and his father were equally energetic. Though the teacher knew how to keep a class in check, and Raghav didn't even know how to keep himself in check.
But now he realised, Raghav was much more like his mother than his father. In only a few seconds, his mother had made Ranveer recall Raghav so many times you'd think he was in love with him, thinking of him every few seconds and all.
Ranveer pushed the intrusive thought out of his mind. Phew, his mind could be a weird place. Especially when he was drinking chai with this much masala. He was pretty sure he was tasting mulethi, and he'd never had mulethi in chai before. Weird, weird family and their weird, weird chai habits. 
He was finished with his cup when the door sprung open. Raghav, who didn't even have the common sense of not calling someone to his home when he's not even at home himself, grinned at him and threw his bag beside him. "I'll go wash my face. You can wait for me in my room."
Ranveer went to put his cup in the kitchen sink, but he couldn't stop the heat in his cheeks from seeing the grin on Raghav's face. One look at him and Ranveer's own brain betrayed him, replaying that same intrusive thought for some reason. 
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dioslesbianwife ¡ 13 days ago
My thirst for angst is endless
Valentines day is now done, I need some angst ‼️
Jofoes (mainly Dio, part 1 and 3, pb Dio has always been my soft spot)
Huge fight, enormous argument, yn threw a whole tantrum, doors were slammed, hurtful words were said and tears were shed.
How would they act post/mid argument, will they stay collected or lash out, try to resonate or cause even more conflict and bitter feelings. What happens after the fight? What even were the reasons for that argument? How will they ask for forgiveness? Are they going to try and communicate or simply feigne nonchalance and instead just let it under the rug? Will they try to distance themself for a while or imidiatly want to solve the problem?
Again thanks for all your headcanons, I love your work!!
thank you!! hope you enjoy and ty for requesting!! i've come to really enjoy writing angst lately, it's not something i read a lot of but for some reason it's kinda fun to write lol anyway-
Angst for fighting with jofoes hcs
Dio Brando (Part 1)
What started it? Likely something about power, control, or your “disobedience.” Maybe you called out his cruelty, or he accused you of not being grateful enough for him.
Mid-argument: He starts calm, but his ego refuses to lose. The more you push, the harsher he becomes, cutting with words that dig deep.
Post-argument: Dio never apologizes. He expects you to come crawling back.
If you leave, he lets you, but not without leaving emotional scars, his parting words would haunt you.
If you stay, he acts as if nothing happened. Eventually, he’d say something like, “You’re still mine, aren’t you?” as if that alone solves everything.
Dio (Part 3)
What started it? You questioned him. Maybe about his plans, his treatment of you, or even hinted at leaving.
Mid-argument: Oh, he’s cruel. Mocking, patronizing, and enjoying your suffering more than he should. If you cry, he smirks. If you scream, he raises a brow, amused.
Post-argument: If you try to leave, he won’t let you. Expect to wake up with his arms trapping you, whispering threats and sweet nothings all at once.
His way of making up is not apologizing but showering you with gifts and affections until you forget why you were even mad.
What started it? Your humanity vs. his superiority. You wanted a normal connection; he sees you as lesser, fragile, fleeting.
Mid-argument: Cold and cutting. He barely raises his voice, he doesn’t need to. Every word is deliberate, dismantling your every insecurity.
Post-argument: He doesn’t regret anything. But if he truly values you, he might attempt to explain himself, making you question if he was right all along.
If you give him the silent treatment, he doesn’t chase you. He expects you to come back- if not, you were never worthy in the first place.
What started it? Maybe you called him reckless, or he scared you with his unpredictability. Maybe he got jealous or felt unloved.
Mid-argument: At first, he tries to talk it out, but if you keep pushing, he loses control. He might break something- not you, but maybe the furniture. His rage is terrifying.
Post-argument: Immediate regret. He hates hurting you, and after cooling down, he’s desperate to make it right.
He apologizes, real, deep apologies, kneeling before you, eyes filled with raw guilt. He won’t let you sleep upset.
What started it? You doubted him- his loyalty, his ideals, his way of life. He sees love as honor, and any rejection cuts deep.
Mid-argument: He stays calm as long as he can, but if you push him, his voice booms. It’s not anger, it’s pain.
Post-argument: He won’t leave you alone. He sits near you, silent, waiting. He won’t force you to talk, but when you’re ready, he listens.
He apologizes with actions. He proves he respects you, even if you don’t agree. He refuses to let things fester.
What started it? His paranoia. Maybe you asked about something you shouldn’t have, or he felt like you were prying into his secrets.
Mid-argument: If you push too hard, he disappears. It’s terrifying, one moment he’s there, the next, he’s gone, leaving you in silence.
Post-argument: He doesn’t apologize. But he comes back with soft touches, trying to pretend it never happened.
If you cry, he panics. He’s bad at handling emotions, so he just holds you, silently, hoping you won’t leave.
What started it? He’s hiding something from you (Diavolo’s orders), and you accused him of lying.
Mid-argument: Conflicted and overwhelmed. He stutters, pleads, doesn’t know how to fix it. His voice rises in desperation.
Post-argument: Deep guilt. He hates fighting, hates upsetting you, hates himself for making you cry.
He’d bring you little peace offerings, tea, sweets, anything to make you smile. He won’t force you to talk, but he needs to know you don’t hate him.
Yoshikage Kira
What started it? You noticed he was hiding something. Maybe his habit with women’s hands.
Mid-argument: Unsettlingly calm. He listens, nods, lets you scream. Then he says something chillingly passive aggressive like, “Are you done?”
Post-argument: He expects silence to fix everything. He doesn’t talk about it, just acts as if nothing happened.
If you demand an apology, he gives the bare minimum. Deep down, he knows he’s wrong, but admitting it? Never gonna happen.
Enrico Pucci
What started it? Likely about his devotion to God over you. Maybe you accused him of loving his ideals more than you.
Mid-argument: His voice stays calm but firm. You can scream, cry, he won’t raise his voice. But his indifference is worse than yelling.
Post-argument: He won’t let it fester, but instead of apologizing, he tries to make you see his point of view.
If you don’t, he sighs, brushes a hand over your hair, and whispers, “In time, you’ll understand.”
Funny Valentine
What started it? Likely his duty vs. your relationship. He prioritizes his country above all, and you feel neglected.
Mid-argument: He’s a skilled debater. He turns every point back on you in a way that makes you question if you were ever right.
Post-argument: He doesn’t apologize with words- he proves his love with gestures. A soft touch, an unexpected kiss on your forehead, a rare, genuine smile.
If you still hold resentment, he simply says, “You are my most treasured ally.”
Diego Brando
What started it? His jealousy and pride. Maybe you talked to someone a little too long, or he felt like you were undermining him.
Mid-argument: Snarky, defensive, cruel. He hates feeling vulnerable, so he pushes you into the defensive instead.
Post-argument: He won’t apologize outright, but he’ll hover. Sit near you, casually touch your hand, nudge you with his foot or tail.
If you ignore him, he grumbles, “Fine. Be mad. I don’t care.” (He does.)
What started it? Likely something about him being too distant, too unreadable. Maybe you demanded honesty from someone who thrives on deception.
Mid-argument: Annoyed, smirking, mocking. He sees your emotions as fascinating, but he hates losing control of the situation.
Post-argument: He tests you. Disappears, waits to see if you come back.
If you don’t, he returns with soft apologies and a knowing smile. He’s playing a long game- one where he always wins.
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chairpeople-sitzmaschine ¡ 7 years ago
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Kiwi and Pom
Wong Kar-wai
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return-of-a-space-cowboy ¡ 3 years ago
Okay, so…JoJo villains having a “special” room set up for when they catch and have their way with the darling. Kinda like in some kinda hentai. But I also imagine each one having some kind of unique spin to each, fitting their respective villains. What do you think?
Interior design my passion! Seriously I'm writing bedroom headcannons and nobody can stop me.
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For Dio I see a room full of dark mahogany furniture with red and gold fabrics. He probably has a vase of two filled with perfect red roses. Mattress would be very soft and the frame would most definitely a canopy styled draped in silk. The sheets are soft cotton, Egyptian cotton in particular if this is pt3 Dio we're talking about. He probably has his darling confined in there most of the time as they would be far too afraid of his servants.
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I see Kars being a stone sort of person and not just because he's a pillarman. Something about marble floors screams opulence. He has a lot of pieces of furniture with gold accents and has some jewels strewn around. Mattress would be hard, he definitely predates the existence of a modern bed and would be used to sleeping on harder surfaces. I think the frame would he rather simple, sure he's a demi god but I think he wouldn't care too much about the bed he shares with darling. Animal fur would definitely be a decorative piece on his bed.
Surprisingly most of his desired living quarters would be rather open with various plants growing.
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Kira is a basic guy, he has the necessities. He would probably try to spruce up his place before he acts on any plans. Changing basic flatpack furniture out for something a bit more presentable. He definitely has some antiques laying around as conversation starters. I imagine him having a case of Goldilocks syndrome when it comes to certain things and his mattress is no exception. Not too soft and not too hard. Really basic frame, some IKEA grade frame, he changes sheets often.
For him it's more about functionality and comfort rather then luxury.
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Diavolo lives from hotel to hotel with no actual place to call home but if had a darling he'd have no choice but to get a house of his own, far too dangerous having to drag them with him.
A room of his own would be rather meticulous. In a chateau he'd have a lot of richly coloured wallpaper, mostly red and black. He'd love art deco furniture with golden accents and have various paintings on the wall. His tastes in concept have a thin line between opulent and tacky but the way he executes it is perfect. For a mattress he wants it as soft as possible, darling will probably end up sore in the morning just from having their body try to adjust sleeping in it. The frame would obviously be canopy with thick fabrics draped over it like curtains. Absolute sucker for a heavy, duck feather doona with an intricate designed case.
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Pucci has a lot of antique furniture, mostly hand me downs. Man will not buy himself anything he doesn't consider a need. Only when he has his darling will he finally buy thing he considers luxuries. If darling wants or he thinks they'll like something he'll get it. Sleeps on a firm mattress but if darling doesn't like it he'll get something softer. Frame is your standard wooden frame. Always has a fresh bouquet of flowers in a vase on darling night stand and definitely has a candle or few around with the scent of angel whisper or mixed berries and spice.
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Funny's Room is full of character, he has a lot of his belongings on display. For newspaper clippings to the very rifles he used in the civil war. There's a story behind everything in that room. He has mattress that is a little firm but not uncomfortably. The frame is a wooden one that was hand crafted with lots of intricate details. Sheets are cotton, he'll barely ever sleep with a doona with some cold winter nights being the acception. He has a lot of books crammed into his bookshelf for darling if they ever get bored. Surprisingly doesn't like the idea of having trophies around the house but Being The White House he can't just throw them out
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