𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚅𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽 𝚃��𝙴 𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺𝙴𝚁 𝚁𝙾𝙾𝙼𝚂 ... 𝑖𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑡𝘩- but it always felt real to him!
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everything about steve is good
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he was right; it was far from silly. that weight — the familiar weight she’d carried since her mother breathed her last breath settled back over her, threatening to choke her, rob her lungs of their breath, clenches throat as it always does: the promise of tears. but he’s asking — and she doesn’t feel embarrassed. not yet, at least. maybe she could tell him. knees to chest, chin rests atop peaks, gazing at nothing in particular as emotion begins to well. maybe he wouldn’t like her after, but she could say them. ❛ i — - ❜ she stammers. ❛ i’m so sad. ❜ she chuckles, the sound somber and bereaved, casting him a look. it felt ridiculous. ❛ i don’t — sometimes, i think i’ll never be happy again. ❜ and who wanted to be friends with a girl like that ? a black hole of a girl.
her eyes seem to shine a little, which he knows will bring the promise of tears. she might be able to swallow them back down for a moment, but they seem intent to fall (he knows that pain will eventually find its way out: it bubbles and burdens, preying on the absent tongue until it finds home once again, buried somewhere deep between mushrooms and scabs). “you’ll be happy again.” he doesn’t know if that’s the truth, but he’s been telling himself it for so long that the lie comes easily. it hitches into his tongue-- you’ll be happy again, because otherwise what else would you have to fight for? that sadness must fade eventually. “come on, we’re teenagers. everything is the worst thing ever. but we’ll grow up and find new worse things and none of it will-- hey, none of it will even matter, you know?”
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i know the fandom has been a hellscape lately, but you can honestly wrestle steve from my cold, dead hands
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Horror Movie AU Prompts
Send “What’s your favorite scary movie?” and I will use this random generator to pick a horror movie and write a starter based on it.
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for a moment , eddie hears angels sing . his fingers weave some unspoken language in steve’s hair , trace it along the skin of his broad back ; his lips are just as soft and sweet as he thinks heaven must be … before the rising heat between them drags him to hell . ‘ i——— ’ he moistens his lips , mouth suddenly dry , a wave of nausea lapping at his insides , ‘ um … ’ in his mind there exists one steve harrington , the king , ever out of reach . at his fingertips , painfully so , there is another : and this one he thought was beginning to know. this one , with the way he looks at eddie , presses himself against eddie … this one , with the way they seem to work in tandem even despite their differences : THE SWORD AND THE SHIELD , HEAVEN AND HELL … is this evil ? it had felt damning in the dingy bathroom of a rock ‘n’ roll club : not all the way evil but tinged with wickedness ——— something like fire in his veins and a middle finger to the world. ( SODOMY ! : who knew sin could feel this good ? ) this feels different … like two trembling hearts and a longing to be closer , closer … his hands begin to shake . eddie backs up , a frightened animal , eyes wide .
‘ i thought——— ’ thought what ? that the heat between them was a magnetic field ? / all of the above ? … none of that seems to matter with this new distance between them , tongues speaking separate languages . ‘ shit . shit , shit . shit . ’ stupid . crazy . fucking . freak ! of course this was how it would end ——— how it always would end : because royalty , even deposed , does not come down from its throne to slum it in the gutter with the royally depraved . a muscle works in eddie’s jaw as his teeth grit , whole face tense . ICARUS , THEN : he reaches out to embrace the flame , only to find himself melting beneath what he imagines to be the king’s hateful glare . throat closing up , he hangs his head , a quivering hand tugging a fistful of hair forward , as if it’ll hide his face or erase his shame. he wants to hide , to run away again , but steve’s in his trailer ; he has nowhere to go .
‘ um , you can go now , dude . sorry . ’ it’s all a mumble , the last word barely audible : more mousesqueak than any heavy metal scream . if steve wants to tell the town of hawkins what a FILTHY FREAK he is ——— well , it’s not like it changes anything . eddie shrugs with one shoulder towards the door , hoping and half - praying for a disgusted exit over the alternative of white and bloodied knuckles , of a knee driven into his gut.
steve can still taste eddie on his lips (cigarette smoke and grave dirt: it’s the sort of taste your lick out of gutters and dirty bar glasses, not out the mouth of a beautiful boy in his less than beautiful bedroom, but steve wants more as immediately as he loses it-- he wants it so badly that it scares him). fear is just the other edge of excitement, the sharper blade that juts free from the curved handle. steve can fit his palm around it, but that doesn’t mean he can truly ever hold it. his tongue sneaks out to press against the warm crease of his lips ... there, eddie is still held, a taste that he knows mouth wash won’t be able to clean from him. he lifts his fingers, pressing a thumb against his own bottom lip-- a breath is stolen, an attempt to steady himself. doubt creeps in. he is staring at eddie with wide - eyes as if the fire - laced prophet will somehow divulge some hidden truth (he wonders if eddie is looking for the same thing in him: too bad that his mouth, usually a fountain of truth, had curved itself into a liar’s line, flat and crumbling). eddie almost speaks, then doesn’t. steve’s mouth parts around words that don’t quite make it out. without the other to hold him up, he sags against the desk, letting it creak below the sigh of his body weight. hands rise to wipe at his eyes, as if clarity could be reached in a place like this-- they just sink further into confusion.
before steve can gather himself, eddie is already eating raw profanities and spitting out their bleeding lungs. his hand runs shakily through his hair as eddie, as charged as a lion, wraps that warm mouth of his around shit, shit, shit. forest of hair greets the deposed prince as his head dips-- steve thinks of how a crown could never fit there. there should be demon horns growing through the fuzz, a sign that eddie was not of this world (there was nothing quite devilish about him, and evil did not sit in his blood, but still ... there should be a warning sign above eddie’s head). danger: bad decisions will be made here! it feels grimy to call what happened here a bad decision, but he doesn’t have any other words for it. words had never been his strong point-- you’re welcome to ask nancy wheeler all about that. ‘‘ i’ve never done that before, ’��� steve says, quietly, trying to interrupt eddie’s babbling. it’s hard to get a foothold when the other starts, though. ‘‘ i mean, i’ve kissed people before. duh. girls, though, not ... you know, girls. ’’
a cough leaves him when eddie dismisses him. he stands to his feet like a chastised schoolgirl, indignant and ashamed in all the worst of ways. ‘‘ okay, dude, ’’ steve scoffs, like eddie is the weird one. he mellows when eddie apologises: this is awkward. steve feels itchy beneath his collar. ‘‘ are you, like, demanding i go, or? ’’
#munstrum#𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟏. verse one ... i did not cry loud enough to be worthy of salvation.#we have to stop this
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somehow, steve harrington was a gentleman. he wasn’t any of what the rumors had said he was. for someone so popular to have elected to have lunch with her — a veritable nobody, known only through proximity to her brother. homemade lunch — one with a sticky note and a few words from her father — in her lap as she brings knees to her chest on the other half of his sweater. and even more than a gentleman, steve has been something of a good friend. ❛ no, no, ❜ come chuckled breaths. ❛ i didn’t kill anyone. not yet, at least. ❜ an easy joke to break the tension and she bumps his shoulder with her own. maybe she shouldn’t have said anything at all. ❛ it’s silly, forget it. ❜
steve’s dad wasn’t the kind of guy who made him lunches. hell, he wasn’t the kind of guy that was around very much (he had a childhood nurtured on business trips and a random carousel of nannies, which is conveniently where today’s lunch had come from). he doesn’t mind that empty house feeling, though-- he likes it better when it’s quiet there. sometimes, his mother will wander in from whatever vacation she had taken. last night, they sat on the couch and burned through a backlog of who wants to be a millionaire? episodes while he painted her nails ... he wouldn’t tell that to anyone, though. and he was so off topic. ‘‘ it’s not silly, come on. ’’ he has little sandwich squares that he rips bites out of (there’s some fancy sauce on them that he can’t pronounce).
#hawkinsphoto#𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟏. verse one ... i did not cry loud enough to be worthy of salvation.#please do not worry <3
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holy hands grant new life to the unholy : each new touch of steve’s is ——— without being dramatic , as per the munson m . o . ——— like being reborn . his fingers trace unmapped paths across the hair on the back of his neck ; eddie shudders , tilts his head right back , growling as softly as a man on fire can . ‘ i don’t wanna talk about robin . ’ it’s more aggressive than he intends : less wounded animal than newly - awoken dragon … is this some game of cat and mouse ? if it is , their roles have yet to be put to paper ; they are still two animals prowling in ever - tightening circles . ( a broken bottle and sharp stab of envy : wariness has ever sat in the space between them , dark and cruel . now all that is between them is the radio / an aching empty space / some indefinable heat … )
eddie’s breath is shallow , wanting . he closes the shadow between them , feels the warmth in the heat of steve’s cheeks . his other hand , now free of any burden , reaches to touch that flame . ( prometheus ? icarus ? : either way , he’s already doomed . ) calloused thumb , warm and bloodflushed skin : there is an electric kind of intimacy even in this softness . a smile flickers and fades , makes way for his eyes to darken , makes way for something far more desperate , a hunger not yet sated . he stares at steve with a desire so ravenous he feels half - cursed , a beast set free by the spilling of blood and the silver beckoning of the moon . ‘ we don’t have to talk . at all . ’ his voice is some kind of guttural groan , a soft roar of hot thunder from a fast - approaching storm . there is not even a shadow between them now . and now eddie’s lips meet steve’s with a gentle insistence , an eager tongue pressing forward .
eddie is close enough to taste (there are plants that grow only on corpses, fixing themselves to the sinew of bones, letting rotting meat turn into new life: that is what is happening to steve-- the genesis of humanity begins on his dying body, urged on by eddie’s warm touch). steve’s lips part but he does not find words. there is nothing left for them to say ... he thinks they need to discover a new language. maybe he needs to learn something nerdy like eddie does, something from one of the made - up languages in those comic books he sticks his nose into: that would be easier than trying to twist his tongue around the knots of the english language. ‘‘ talking about robin is like 90% of my personality, dude. i can’t just shut it off like that. i can’t! ’’ he finally gets a grip over himself and loses it just as quickly when eddie presses nearer, letting the space between them shrink into rotten bones and rolled eyes (he can smell eddie-- like smoke and rot, like a leather jacket, like the cheap silver he wore on his rings ... steve huffed another breath).
he knows what would happen next, if eddie was a girl. steve would make some cheesy move and they’d be kissing in less than a minute: it’s simple, really, the formula behind flirting. steve might not have perfected much, but he definitely has a handle on that. eddie isn’t a girl, though. sure, he has the pretty lips and the sparkling eyes, but that didn’t mean he was kissable. it didn’t mean that steve was allowed to kiss him (clearly, no one had given eddie the memo on socially acceptable behaviour, because he leans forward despite this ... pout of a mouth spread warm and intoxicating, pressing itself against steve’s). his hands scrabble on the drawers behind him, a moment of insanity plead as steve parts his lips. like this, it feels like kissing, just like kissing, and not like the kind of sin that turns boys into obituaries. but all tombstones must rise and steve’s hand curls around the other’s shoulder, tugging him away slightly.
#munstrum#𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟏. verse one ... i did not cry loud enough to be worthy of salvation.#homophobia /#interalized homophobia /#im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorrying
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it’s almost as if he descends into the shadows … pulled in by the shroud of darkness like the fog that teases him every now and again with the promise of consuming him one day. he walks at a slow pace. he’s never been in a hurry to return home, where his absence was never a concern as much as his presence was. something clive shared with other’s that usually came into his presence. frank takes pride in that. he waits for steve, fiddling the cigarettes free from his pockets. the filter of a cigarette is placed tightly between his lips while he lights the end, inhaling it and letting it catch fire. he pulls it from his mouth to exhale the smoke … it rolls up into the pitch of night like mist. he doesn’t bother to offer steve one because he thinks he knows better. ‘ tft, says the guy who could of easily been mistaken for a seven year old. i was seconds away from asking where your mom was. ’ asshole makes frank smile genuinely, like he’s just been told some sort of good news or been given some sort of compliment. when steve catches up with frank, he’s still wearing the smile. only this time around it’s absent of anything genuine. his arm extends the length of their distance, his palm flattens over steve’s shoulder with a tight and firm grip to it before patting repeatedly. ‘ loosen up steve. it just means i won’t wait on your ass next time. ’
steve does not shrink from the hand on his shoulder (a rough palm, the brutal edge of touch: he has always wondered what pain feels like when it is more absent than cruel ... he supposes it is like smoke, light and choking, an after - effect of a killing action). still, his gaze drifts towards it, filled with non-chalant distrust. with a shrug, he tries to dislodge frank’s hand-- he cannot stand the weight of it anymore. atlas had the world on his shoulders, but he’d still shudder beneath the weight of frank: whatever they are, it has crawled past friendship and fallen into some distant ditch. its legs were broken and it could not escape, so instead it adapted to the situation-- steve has always known how to survive high school. it had been unconscious back then ... knowing who to talk to, who to sit with, how to get pretty girls to look his way. he thinks surviving outside of high school will be just as easy, but he’s fallen into quite a few bear traps. ‘‘ i’d be an overgrown seven year old, man. maybe we just need to get your eyes checked. i think glasses are pretty fashionable now. and you need all the help you can get. ’’ he bites back like a wounded puppy, snatching his teeth against whatever thorned branches are thrown his way. ‘‘ if you didn’t speed walk like you’d just committed arson, you wouldn’t have to wait on anything. ’’
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the advice seems sound enough, but satomi’s unsure if she can do that. anger burns, but she tells herself not to direct it at him. if only she could say something, try to explain. it’s hard to let go of all this when she’s spent the last five years of her life in a place where fighting meant survival. perhaps, she could, but she’s stubborn, unsure if she’d be believed, or if she’s ready to open that can of worms.
❝ alright. ❞ she nods. it isn’t arguing, nor agreeing. she pulls away, sure most of the blood must be gone by now. ❝ i… don’t know what people do. most people. it’s… new. ❞ as much as she tries, she doesn’t feel normal. there’s so much to get used to, to understand. she’s unsure if she’ll ever catch up.
there is a stubborness to satomi that he admires (he supposes that must be another act of survival: he has come to understand the desperation a little more deeply, but he doesn’t pry too much into her life ... whatever came before hawkins for her is vague and undefined-- if she never wants to talk about it, he’d be alright with that). but he’d be a willing shoulder should the opposite be true. ‘‘ it’s just about learning ... and that’s always going to be a slow process. a really, really, really slow process. ’’ a wince as he realises that he’s probably not being the most reassuring right now. ‘‘ what can i do to help? ’’
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a keen and hungry dog , eddie’s teeth snap next to steve’s ear . several heartbeats , thrumming and insistent , pass between them ——— and then eddie starts to laugh . closing his eyes , he rests his forehead in the crook of steve’s neck . he even snorts softly , his aggressive , growling veneer shattered like a glass . pulling back , the hand at steve’s throat slips ‘round the back of his neck . skin - on - skin : a shotglass mix of shock and satisfaction ; between that and the weed eddie’s finding it hard to think straight . ‘ you do listen , ’ he croons , voice tremulous and gloating all at once ; there is still but a breath between them , personal space a distant echo . ‘ ok , ozzy . let’s put her back where she belongs . ’ he wrestles the radio gently from steve’s grasp to set it back on the dresser , the sound of judas priest still screaming for vengeance in the background . ( you’re so damn wicked ——— you got me by the throat ! )
but eddie’s feet don’t shift , planted either side of steve’s like infatuated roots , and he says a silent prayer without realising that steve won’t move either ——— even if only for a moment . reluctant , slowly , he drags his eyes upward , past steve’s lips , to meet his gaze ( even if it makes him shudder , makes something inside his belly coil and unfurl wicked wings ) . eddie’s own lips press together , the pink tip of his tongue protruding unwittingly , obstinately . he nods , slowly , willing steve to nod along . yes , inside of him , there’s a dragon awakening , breathing fire ——— and for all his metal - wielding , steel clanking with his every move , eddie is no knight in armour , no dragonslayer . he’s got a wooden sword , a delayed reaction , and a breathless rasp : ‘ too close ? ’
teeth snap and goosebumps rise in the destruction they leave: eddie’s mouth felt ravenous-- or perhaps steve was just throwing his hunger out into the void and hoping that it grew a soul to speak back at him. he jumps a little bit when the radio steadies and begins to blurt music again ... he is so ultra - aware of his surroundings that he can see the faint hairs rising against the other’s skin. it makes hunger begin to crawl into his stomach. his hand raises so it is only their bodies holding up the radio and slowly, slow with the sort of pain that came with nerves, he presses his fingers against the faint hairs at the back of eddie’s neck, letting his fingers slide slowly against the skin there. was eddie warm or was it steve? something was warm. it might’ve been the air. every time he flattens the baby - hairs, they flicker back up. ‘‘ i’m a great listener. i’m a fantastic listener. you can ask robin. i listen to her dump about a gallon of information a minute. ’’ the radio is removed from between them, which makes steve slump a little further back against the dresser. without the thump of music holding him up, he has nowhere to go (he has nowhere else he wants to go).
‘‘ uh, ’’ steve says, with a dizzying sort of breath. he realises how close they are. no, he’s been aware of that since eddie descended on him: he’s aware of how eddie is aware of it, how this is something that is shared, something that they are both choosing to partake in. eddie probably sees this as some joke. that’s what it was, wasn’t it? the two of them playing chicken until one of them decides to cave: steve wouldn’t be the first to give in. ‘‘ it’s not exactly conversational distance, munson. ’’ his hand drops away from eddie’s neck, embarrassment flaring pink on his cheeks. steve didn’t blush easily-- but he’d never been in a situation quite like this before. he thinks he can be excused for it.
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“Thank you. And as long as you don’t plan on rousing me from my slumber with an air horn, I promise you’ll be spared,” she teases, a smile offered in return. She finishes off the chips and crumples the packet and the candy wrapper into a ball, disposing of them before shuffling over to the couch. The sight almost makes her want to cry, and that realisation shows Satomi just how tired she is. She lays down, curling up into a ball after adjusting the pillows under her head. It only takes minutes for her to fall asleep - a rarity. Her mind even gives her a rest too. There’s no dreams of school, parents or failure. Just peace.
steve makes sure that she looks comfortable on the couch (he knows how exhaustion can become a part of your bloodstream, how it can infect every inch of you until you barely understand how to function without it hanging over your head). he knows that it’d be creepy to watch her sleep, so he lingers for just a moment. she looks calm, at least-- should he have offered his bed? or would that have been weird? he imagined it would be weird. okay, he was crossing that idea out. ‘‘ good night, satomi, ’’ he said, draping another blanket over her, just to make sure she didn’t get cold. with that, he left to rest in the kitchen, so he didn’t disrespect her privacy.
#girlseventeen#𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟏. verse one ... i did not cry loud enough to be worthy of salvation.#aaaand scene
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maybe springing this one wasn’t the best idea. dead mom story definitely still hit her a little bit but she clears her throat, nodding in confirmation to the other. “she died. police say suicide because she was found with a gun in a creek outside the lab but….. um— it- it’s weird. my dad and i think it was a cover up or something. the circumstances around it was off. i think she maybe knew something she shouldn’t have.” robin puffs her cheeks out, scratching the back of her neck. “i must sound nuts.”
steve ... really didn’t think that he’d manage to gather this much information (he’d give himself a mental high five, if the information he was gathering wasn’t so heartbreaking). ‘‘ shit, ’’ he says, after a long breath. it comes from so deep inside of him that his shoulders begin to shake: how come every story in hawkins seems to be a tragedy? ‘‘ i’m sorry. that sounds like-- that must’ve been really hard for you. ’’ gently, he holds out his hand and touches lightly at her shoulder. ‘‘ you don’t sound nuts. believe me, weird stuff happens all over hawkins. ’’
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the advice seems sound enough, but satomi’s unsure if she can do that. anger burns, but she tells herself not to direct it at him. if only she could say something, try to explain. it’s hard to let go of all this when she’s spent the last five years of her life in a place where fighting meant survival. perhaps, she could, but she’s stubborn, unsure if she’d be believed, or if she’s ready to open that can of worms.
❝ alright. ❞ she nods. it isn’t arguing, nor agreeing. she pulls away, sure most of the blood must be gone by now. ❝ i… don’t know what people do. most people. it’s… new. ❞ as much as she tries, she doesn’t feel normal. there’s so much to get used to, to understand. she’s unsure if she’ll ever catch up.
he lets the cloth drop onto the table with a meaty slap, blood already beginning to leak from the fabric (he tries not to gag at the sight of it: he thought he’d have adjusted to something like that by now, considering how much blood he had seen-- but he’ll never get over the slightly rotting scent, the implication of harm, the way its never quite as red as you think it’ll be). ‘‘ it’ll get easier, ’’ he promises. he isn’t completely sure that’s true, but it-- well, it had gotten easier for jane. he only knew little pieces of information about her past, but he knew that she had been raised in isolation. that she had seen extreme violence-- been forced to enact a lot of it, too. and now ... it wasn’t perfect, but it was an improvement. ‘‘ you just have to take it slow. i know that’s frustrating. ’’
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steve caresses his metal with such wanton rebellion that eddie can only stare , head cocked , forgetting for a beat he’s meant to be annoyed . ( PAUSE / PLAY ; thought resumes like a cassette tape clicking into place . ) ‘ oh , that’s cute , harrington . that’s real cute . ’ eyes narrowed , he considers his next move : he’s not done playing the villain yet , and steve’s teasing is both pleasure and punishment . he sees a tongue disappear between jeering lips , feels an amp - screech of heat rock through him .
against instinct , against judgement , eddie lunges forth , grabs a fistful of steve’s shirt . right at the base of his throat : it’s knuckles through cotton , steel and callouses on the hot , bare skin of his neck . eddie can feel the thrumming of steve’s pulse setting the rhythm for his own like the frantic beating of a drum ——— he harmonises with a breakneck bassline , breath coming so short it’s hard to keep his voice steady . ‘ but i’m gonna need you to listen to me , mm ? ’ his hand trembles , adrenaline and charlatanism an electric and heady mix . onstage , his nerves vibrate like shredded strings ; here in his own home , he feels less a rockstar and more an over - eager loser in tattered denim . but there was never a time eddie would not throw himself , whole - body and willing , into a gig … he pushes on , sends steve stumbling back against the dresser . there’s not a whisker’s breadth between them , and eddie’s lips are at steve’s ear ( he bites his lip , for he must bite on something ) . barely above a whisper , his voice is a metallic rasp : ‘ want me to say it louder ? ’
fingers twist, light as an anchor, into steve’s shirt: eddie’s hands are wanton. long fingers burdened with rings, clattering lightly as they grabbed for him (the light pink of his knuckles and the blush of his palm and the coy tilt to those fingers, beckoning steve ever closer even as the distance between them became little more than breaths). steve’s gaze is all worried hunger, dropping down to eddie’s lips. he wonders, on average, how much time he spends staring at them. probably an unhealthy amount. he’s half thankful when they disappear from sight-- less things for him to focus on, less thoughts for his mind to churn out like an overeager noose. he’s less thankful when those lips hover just above his ear. it’s close enough that steve swears he can feel it, can feel all of it. the tease of breath and the brush of lips and the ache that starts somewhere deep inside of him (it could be his heart that’s aching, or his lung, or his ribs, or just any place that eddie almost touches and never does).
his own hand reaches out and grabs at eddie’s arm. his hand touches at bare skin and that sends a jolt through steve-- contact, finally, coming like the lord’s prayer at the end of a funeral service. fingers slide upwards, beneath the loose sleeve, muttering a quick woah while he tries to think of something better to say. something wittier. ‘‘ real close, there, munson, ’’ he whispers, throat feeling scratchy and tight. yeah, real witty. his arm slips a little bit around the radio, the song stalling and coughing beneath their weight. ‘‘ are you gonna do that bat thing to me? ozzy-- uh, ozzy move me? ’’ he thinks of eddie’s teeth sinking into his skin and almost blows a fuse. ‘‘ sure. one more time and i might get it. ’’
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in the s4 that exists in my head, lucas and steve play basketball together
#they could've done like. really interesting things#with jason as this False Protector Figure that's just using lucas for information#and steve as like. someone who actually wants to help lucas and see him#have fun while playing a game that steve fr enjoyed for most of high school#like... if u were gonna have dustin bond with eddie (when like... it would've been a lot more interested with#eddie showing lucas that he could be a nerd and still Be Safe#by taking him under his wing. but w/e)#then steve and lucas shouldve bonded#tired of lucas have zero relationship with the teens
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the bed rocks with whole - body vigour . eddie laughs a wicked laugh ——— the devil has come to america ! : he comes bearing metal , beckons the dragon from the sea ( he’s a kid with a record player and dog - eared copy of the hobbit ) . tongue against teeth : laughter is a taunt dressed up as an answer to steve’s catechizing . oh , but steve taunts too ——— a caress and a kick before eddie’s understood , and the energy between them shifts , ac / dc , a lightning strike . now , heart - to - heart and eye - to - eye , steve holds the advantage ——— but then he always has , eddie’s showmanship and scrappiness falling flat next to all those effortless good looks and unearned wealth . hand - on - heart , now : eddie stumbles backwards , then by instinct closer again , all grin - and - bare - it ( his teeth show a snarl ) , and there is a missing warmth above his heart like a palm - sized promise .
steve repeats his name , the sweet sound of a broken record . a lover , not a fighter , eddie is testament to the bark eclipsing the bite . even so , he growls : red - shot eyes and the whisper of smoke , his tongue curls around his gentle threat like a warm hand around the hammer of an uncocked gun . ‘ hey , man . ’ nostrils flare as eddie fights a smile , lip curling instead into some pallid imitation of a sneer ——— it lacks any vitriol / viciousness ; it’s another act of devilry anyone could see through if they only saw him . his red stare fixes on steve , a pup dressed as a pitbull . ‘ don’t touch my stuff . ’
the way eddie says touch is hedonistic. steve can see the way his tongue slides upwards in his mouth and steve knows (an instinctual sort of knowing, in the same way he knows that his heart is a thump in his chest, that his blood might be blue if he’s cut open right now because there’s no oxygen left in the room, that he is staring with wide eyes and barely concealed breaths)-- he knows that eddie’s tongue must be brushing against the back of his teeth, the t brutal enough to slice steve’s chest open. his mind is a lone straggler and it takes a beat to catch up: don’t touch my stuff. he wraps an arm around the radio, trying to force it into a more comfortable position. eddie’s lips are still curled into something faux - filthy and half - snarling, which means steve is making a concerted effort to not look at his lips. he runs an anarchic hand across the edges of the cool metal, rubbing eddie’s face in it. taunting for taunting’s sake. it is almost too easy to tease-- it is the language they have decided to trade in.
‘‘ yeah? ’’ steve breathed, when he was able to, when he collected his thoughts into neat bunches and stuffed them down his throat. he leans back against eddie’s dresser, letting a beat of heavy silence pass between them: eddie doesn’t seem too pissed (if he did, steve would’ve put the radio down a long time ago). his tongue wets his dry lips, trying to lick away the stab of cruel warmth that rises in his chest when he looks at eddie. it doesn’t work. ‘‘ you want me to stop touching your stuff, eddie, you gotta come over here and stop me. ’’
#munstrum#𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟏. verse one ... i did not cry loud enough to be worthy of salvation.#listened 2 the cult of dionysus while writing this so. that explains wahts happening
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she'll sleep when she gets home, she insists to herself… but his offer is tempting indeed. when was the last time she had hot cocoa? perhaps back when juri was alive, but she can’t remember for sure. her parents were never the type to do things like that, and she could never be bothered. it would be nice. it’s nice for someone to care. usually, she pushes and pushes until they no longer do… but she’s too tired to do that.
❝ only if you promise to wake me up in an hour or two, ❞ she says firmly. she’s so tired that she might still be on his couch a day from now if she’s undisturbed. for now, she takes a few sips from her water bottle to wash the sweetness out of her mouth and starts with the chips. after a few bites, she offers him a nod. ❝ not bad. i’ve never had barbecue before. i usually go for salt and vinegar. ❞
‘‘ i promise that i’ll wake you up. even if you look like you’re about to kill me when you’re sleepy. ’’ there’s a slight curl to his lips as he speaks: he’s happier now that he knows she won’t just pass out when they’re hanging out (he’d never really seen anyone pass out before-- not even on the basketball court, where he’d seen nose bleeds and boys throwing up and broken ankles). the closest he’d gotten was probably max, who definitely didn’t count, and thinking about that made him want to choke on his own held breaths. he stood to his feet, feeling his knees crack a little bit. his mom and dad were out for the weekend ... which is why he had invited satomi over in the first place. his parents weren’t exactly the most welcoming people to-- anyone. ‘‘ come on, ’’ he said. ‘‘ you can go lay down while i try to rescue some bedding for you. ’’
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