#kaoru shimizu
zegalba · 2 years
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Nana to Kaoru :: ナナとカオル (2011) Dir. Atsushi Shimizu
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edogawa-division · 11 days
It was getting late in the day when another gift for Kaoru arrived. After being forced by Yuriko to fix the backyard after the fiasco with the giant robot she had been gifted earlier, the birthday girl sighed as she collapsed in her chair in her lab, exhausted.
"Being forced to do labor on my own birthday." Kaoru complained, upset. "There should be a federal law against that sort of thing."
Sighing again, the girl turned to her computer, prepared to log back into the Web. Reaching out, her hand instinctively grabbed a cup of coffee and brought it to her mouth... only to be disappointed when she realized that it was empty.
"Ugh, great." Kaoru complained, realizing she'd have to head to the kitchen to grab some more coffee. Sighing once more, the hacker girl got out of her seat and opened the door... only to find Kanra on the other side of it, surprising the both of them.
"Kanra?" Kaoru questioned.
"Wow, nice intuition." Kanra complimented. "How'd you know I was about to knock on the door?"
"...I didn't." Kaoru answered, cocking an eyebrow. "I was about to head to the kitchen to get some coffee. What's up?"
Instead of answering, Kanra held up a small gift box in her left hand.
"This is for you. It's from Elliot-kun."
Raising her eyebrows at the gift, Kaoru took it from her younger sister. Feeling it, it was pretty light, though there was obviously something inside. Unwrapping, both sisters looked inside.
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Inside was a plate filled with what looked like beans. Both girls cocked an eyebrow at it, confused.
"...What is that?" Kanra asked.
"You got me." Kaoru answered, lifting the plate out of the box, careful not to drop the beans on it. As she lifted it up, she noticed a note in the box. Picking it up, she looked as it read:
"Happy birthday, Kaoru-san. Sorry for delivering this gift so late, but I got stuck with work at the vet. By the time I got home, it was already late. Anyway, I know you're probably wondering what these beans are. They're Kopi Luwak beans. I may have mentioned them before, but basically, they're used to make a really good blend of coffee! I drink it every morning thanks to Goemon, my pet palm civet. I know you like coffee as much as I do, so I sent these to you. I don't know if you've tried Kopi Luwak coffee before, but it's really good! At least, I think so. I really hope you like it! And happy birthday again."
“Kopi Luwak?” Kanra questioned the foreign words, not ringing a bell to her.
“Oh! It’s those things!” Kaoru snapped her fingers, finally remembering where she knew that name.
“What are they?”
“There are certain types of coffee beans that go through a process of having an animal eat it, go through its intestines, and where harvesters pick it up and clean it. In this case, the animal is the Asian Palm Civet. It’s very expensive.” Kaoru explained to Kanra, who just stared at Kaoru blankly.
“So…it’s poop coffee.”
“Oh my...they wash them before they sell the damn things, Kanra.”
“Okay but it still was in the poop!”
Just when the two were about to start arguing, a hand reached out and grabbed the plate. It was A.D.A who now held the plate above her head.
“No fighting you two. Yuriko is still angry from earlier. Do you really want to anger her even more?” A.D.A tapping her foot on the ground. Seeing the two shake their heads no, she smiled.
“Good. Now Kaoru, you haven’t slept in almost 200 hours, and you already had 12 cups of coffee today. So no more I'm cutting you off. You can try this tomorrow.” A.D.A ordered and walked away carrying the plate with her.
“A.D.A! Come on! One Sip!”
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setagaya-division · 2 months
The day was slowly winding down as the sun began to set over the division of Setagaya and Elliot Shimizu was relaxing in the living room when he heard the doorbell ring. Opening the door, he spotted two boxes addressed to him. Picking them both up from the floor, Elliot brought them inside and began to open the larger box.
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Inside the first gift was a huge multi-layer cake with all sorts of animals made of fondant all over it. Seeing there was also a card the animal lover picked it up and began to read.
Happy Birthday! Hopefully, you're having fun today! I made you a cake to celebrate! I hope you and your sibling enjoy it!
– Kanra A.
Turning his attention to the other gift, Elliot reached over to open it, curious as to what was inside and who sent it to him.
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Inside the second gift was a blue and green Nintendo Switch along with a copy of Animal Crossing: New Horizon. Seeing a note alongside the gift, Elliot picked it up and began to read.
Happy Birthday, Dude! I figured you like this game calm and quiet just like how you like it! See ya soon for our next match!
– Kaoru S.
The Setagaya household was filled with the warmth of celebration as Elliot unwrapped the thoughtful gifts from his friends. Mina, ever the caring older sister, stood by with a fond smile, ready to assist with the cake.
"Elliot, make a wish before you blow out the candles," Mina encouraged, her voice soft but filled with excitement.
Elliot glanced at the fondant animals adorning the cake, each one a sweet reminder of his love for all creatures. "I wish for a year of peace and happiness for all of us," he whispered before extinguishing the small flickering flames.
Yorii, hovering nearby with a playful pout, couldn't help but express his mild envy. "Kanra-chan could’ve at least popped in to say hi," he grumbled, though his eyes couldn’t hide the spark of joy at the sight of the cake.
"Yorii, she went through the trouble for Elliot, not for your daydreams," Mina said, her voice tinged with exasperation. "Let's just enjoy the cake, and you can deal with your crush on your own time."
Yorii, taken aback by his sister's tone, could only nod sheepishly, knowing better than to argue when Mina was in one of her moods. Elliot, meanwhile, was too engrossed in his new game to notice the exchange, his focus entirely on the peaceful world of "Animal Crossing: New Horizons."
Yorii, hearing the sounds coming from the T.V., leaned over to peek at the game, his earlier disappointment forgotten. "Hey, let's play together later, Bro! I bet I can build a cooler island than you," he teased, nudging Elliot playfully.
The siblings continued their celebration, the air filled with the mixed scents of sweet cake and the faint frustration that lingered between Mina and Yorii. Yet, despite the momentary tension, the bond they shared remained unshaken, a testament to the complex but unyielding love within their family.
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kanazawa-division · 10 months
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Special Thanks!
We can’t have done this without all the talented and amazing people within our own Divisions so let’s give a proper thanks to everyone who’s helped put in the effort to make possible! Starting with our…
Kureha Koizumi — Camerawoman
Alexis Ward — Photographer
Kaoru Shinozaki — Videographer
Reiaki Suzubayashi — Makeup Artist
Kaiji Sano, Ramuda Amemura, Touya Kisaragi, Shuu Edogawa — Outfit/Costume Designers
Musical Performances
“Fleuret Oshiro”
“Fumio Shimizu”
“Sayaka Miyuki & Yuriko Kuromiya”
And finally, Security..
Saji Buranka
Vito Koi
Ted Bridges
We thank you for your hard work and services!
@saitama-division @arakawa-division @edogawa-division @minato-division03 @kobedivision @katsushika-division @suginami-division @minato-division01 @taito-division @enoshima-division @megurodivision @hakodate-division
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akihabara-division03 · 4 months
How the OC’s Beat The Heat at Home
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Taking a shower every four hours: Kisouna Yuzairu (Sakura Clan), Tomi Chōten (Jet Set Trio), Mireya Quinlan (Private Party), Maki Umemoto (山茶花 Zombeez), Kaiji Sano (Lovesick), Joey Kurusu (Justice Shield), Keiko Yumi (Otaku Corps), Fleuret Otoshiro (Blaid Maiden)
Puts a fan in every room: Anika Kiyozaki (Pixel Syndicate), Alexis Ward (Sounds of Silence), Yano Ietsuna (ECO BooN), Kureha Koizumi (Femme Fatale), Sakura Kito (Silent Tragedy), Akihisa Mashiro (Death Row Block), Seiji Tsukimoto (Valor Guard), Asahi Tomoharu (Miraitabi), Kunio Chōten (Strange Magic), Meari Miracle (Oculus), Criss Hiromi (Otaku Corps), Evelyn Rose (Liberty Guild)
Infinite uses of the air conditioning: Queen Card (R.I.P Märchen), Reiaki Suzubayashi (R.I.P Märchen), Aranai Norikoru (Sakura Clan), Kensaku Morimoto (ECO BooN), Miho Kobayashi (CodeX), Wataru Sasaki (Justice Shield), Yuriko Kuromiya (Wicked Requiem), Reika Aichi (Silent Tragedy), Lyall Shiba (Valor Guard), Saigo Fuyugami (Miraitabi), Aoba Yamamura (Strange Magic), Reiji Enjouji (Diabolik Love), Ayame Kurokawa (Diabolik Love), Yorii Sakuma (ENIGMA)
Lots of cold drinks: Miku Shirazuki (R.I.P Märchen), Zakari Hiroya (Private Party), Asato Rikiya (ECO BooN), Shuu Edogawa (山茶花 Zombeez), Sayaka Miyuki (Femme Fatale), Ren Nakashima (Lovesick), Kyler Aaron (Justice Shield), Kanra Akemi (Wicked Requiem), Ayumu Hayami (Valor Guard), Yuuya Kanata (Miraitabi), Natsume Kurome (Strange Magic), Ruka Shiina (Howling Moon), Kaede Iwasawa (Trickstar), Nikki Yoshie (Otaku Corps), Ace Douglas (Liberty Guild), Rashaad Young (Liberty Guild), Eldrid Iwasaki (Blade Maiden), Ted Bridges (Kuma no Ie)
Banning the use of clothes: Shian Meizono (Pixel Syndicate), Karada Kessaku (Jet Set Trio), Hoàng Diệu (Sounds of Silence), Ryuko Umemoto (山茶花 Zombeez), Hisoka Tetsuma (Veiled Vanguard), Lola Takahashi (Femme Fatale), Max Soukoku (Lovesick), Touya Kisaragi (Death Row Block), Eden Yamamura (Trickstar), Aika Yumi (Oculus)
Actually living in only the few cold hours of the day: Makina Setsukura (Pixel Syndicate), Kai Quinlan (Private Party), Daiki Kamiyama (Veiled Vanguard), Sumire Shinomiya (CodeX), Kaoru Shinozaki (Wicked Requiem), Kanon Hojo (Silent Tragedy), Kei Himeno (Diabolik Love), Hisui Meguno (Howling Moon), Nadya Kuromiya (Oculus), Mina Nakayama (ENIGMA), Kotan Anchikar (Kuma no Ie), Kokomi Morozov (Kuma no Ie)
Stands Still: Shisuta Heisha (Sakurai Clan), Luis Kōkyū (Jet Set Trio), Ivelisse Martinez (Sounds of Silence), Jack Verrill (Veiled Vanguard), Ritsuko Okada (CodeX), Rintaro Himura (Death Row Block), Aoi Yamamura (Howling Moon), Nellie Yukimura (Trickstar), Elliot Shimizu (ENIGMA), Azusa Furukawa (Blade Maiden)
@akihabara-division03 @uenodivision @aoyama-division @arakawa-division @roppongi-division @toyama-division @suginami-division @obihiro-division @saitama-division @shinagawa-division @kobedivision @kanazawa-division @edogawa-division @shizuokadivision @katsushika-division @niigata-division @naradivision @kumamoto-division @hamamatsu-divison @kofu-division @aomori-division @minato-division01 @akihabaradivision @setagaya-division @okinawa-division @taito-division @hakodate-division
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Here is an updated list of competitors in need of fresh pieces of propaganda for their next round.
Remember, you can submit propaganda for any character still in the competition—these just happen to be the ones who only have 1 or 2 submissions currently, and I’d like to avoid reusing propaganda as much as I can (though I know I won’t be able to do this for everyone).
I’ll order them according to how soon propaganda is needed and bold the ones I feel are especially lacking currently.
Edit: I've crossed out characters who have since received propaganda. You can still send more for them if you'd like though. Full list and link to form are below the cut.
(Group 1 – currently competing)
Ayumu Kasuga (Azumanga Daioh)
Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger (Little Witch Academia)
Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney)
(Group 2 – will be the week after above^)
Nico Niiyama (Kiznaiver)
Nagisa Furukawa (Clannad)
Nagisa Momoe (Madoka Magica: Rebellion)
Yellow (Pokémon Adventures)
Kuriko Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Himiko Yumeno (Danganronpa)
Yuuko Aioi (Nichijou)
Tsubomi Takane (Mob Psycho 100) (her current propaganda is really strong lol, but she just has the one piece)
Maya Fey (Ace Attorney)
Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Don Quixote (Limbus Company)
Miho Nosaka (Yugioh)
Ringo Andou (Puyo Puyo)
Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi)
Sorawo Kamikoshi (Otherside Picnic)
Satsuki Minazuki (Liar Satsuki Can See Death)
Anri Sonohara (Durarara!!)
Nico Yazawa (Love Live!)
Ahiru Arima/Duck (Princess Tutu)
Miriel (Fire Emblem Awakening) (also has strong current propaganda, just needs more of it)
Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Biscuit Krueger (Hunter x Hunter)
Maria Inomata (School Babysitters)
Mai Minakami (Nichijou)
Ai Mie (The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses)
Nausicaä (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)
Sumireko Usami (Touhou Project)
Shizuku Murasaki (Hunter x Hunter)
Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi)
Anisphia Wynn Palletia (The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess and The Genius Young Lady)
(Group 3 – will be the week after above^)
Kaoru Seta (BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!)
Kanna Makino (Tamako Market)
Chouko Shizuhata (Oddman 11)
Hikari Kagura (Revue Starlight)
Nafra Ampsey (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Sana Futaba (Magia Record)
Valerie (Pokémon)
Akashi (The Tatami Galaxy)
Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid)
Sayaka Kanamori (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!)
Richeh (Witch Hat Atelier)
Saki Hanajima (Fruits Basket)
Konata Izumi (Lucky Star)
Ran-Mao (Black Butler)
Tsubame Mizusaki (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!)
Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney) (currently has 1 piece of strong propaganda)
Nico Robin (One Piece)
Penny (Pokémon Scarlet and Violet)
Sora Kajiwara (Sketchbook: Full Color’s)
Sucy Manbavaran (Little Witch Academia)
Kiyoko Shimizu (Haikyuu!!)
Mai Mishou/Cure Egret/Cure Windy (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star)
Omoharu Nakanaka (Komi Can’t Communicate)
Yor Forger (Spy x Family)
Kirie Motoba (Himouto! Umaru-chan) (currently has 1 piece of strong propaganda)
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Miae Hwang (After School Lessons For Unripe Apples)
Lotte Jansson (Little Witch Academia)
Bulma (Dragon Ball) (currently has 1 piece of strong propaganda)
Power (Chainsaw Man)
Tooru Taki (Natsume’s Book of Friends)
Suzuno Kamazuki/Crestia Bell (The Devil is a Part-Timer!)
Submit new propaganda below.
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we have a bracket!! polls will hopefully be coming out later today
matchups are in id and also under the cut
Kaoru Seta (Bandori) vs Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Lady Oscar (Rose of Versailles) vs Jean Gunnhildr (Genshin Impact)
Sora Harewataru (Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure) vs Kenjou Akira (Kirakira Pretty Cure A La Mode)
Ai Toga (Idolm@aster) vs Ryo Aikawa (Love Live SIF)
Darling Charming (Ever After High) vs Pearl (Steven Universe)
Maya Tendou (Revue Starlight) vs Amanda O'Niell (Little Witch Academia)
Qiyan Agula (Clear and Muddy Lose of Love) vs Sapphire (Princess Knight)
Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club) vs Benibara Amakusa (also OHSHC)
Yuu Kashima (Monthly Girls' Nozaki Kun) vs Haruka Tenoh (Sailor Moon)
Aoi Miyake (D4DJ) vs Arashi Narukami (Ensemble Stars)
Dominique de Sade (Vanitas no Carte) vs Chie Satonaka (Persona)
Yoi Takiguchi (In the Clear Moonlit Dusk) vs Raspberry Cookie (Cookie Run)
Honoka Kousaka (Love Live) vs Haruka Kiritani (Project Sekai)
White Choco Cookie (Cookie Run Overbreak) vs Captain Ice Cookie (Cookie Run Overbreak)
Percy King (Epithet Erased) vs Latula Pyrope (Homestuck)
Rui Yashio (Bandori) vs Raimei Shimizu (Nabari no Ou)
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lets start with the minor character section (both sections are in this post), where we have 32 characters handpicked from your submissions by me personally. they are as follows:
Shinjiro Nozomi from Entropic Float: This World Will Decay And Disappear
Xiao Yin from Dislyte
Cherry (Kaoru Sakurayashiki) from Sk8 The Infinity
Kashima Yuu from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Argalia from Library Of Ruina
Haku from Spirited Away
Mytho from Princess Tutu
Emrys from The Hero's Journey
Magnus Chase from Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series
Kusuriuri from Mononoke, Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales
Kai Satou from Your Turn To Die
Santa from Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Abi from Akatsuki no Yona
Ramuda from Hypnosis Microphone
Ronald from Jackson's Diary
Ryuji Ayukawa from Blue Period
Yuuya Sakazaki from Hatoful Boyfriend
Cure Infini from HUGtto Precure
Richard from Tales of Graces
Gero Akoya from Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!
Elpizo from Mega Man Zero 2
YiGuang from My Vow To My Liege
Raikou Shimizu from Nabari No Ou
Lio Fotia from Promare
Aurelius from Royal Alchemist
Yuliy Jirov from Sirius the Jaeger
Mochizuki Yukimitsu from Skate Leading Star
Yuri Lowell from Tales Of Vesperia
Lord Golden, aka The Fool, from The Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb
Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet
Epel Fermier from Twisted Wonderland
Valimer from Women of Xal
some of these names may be misspelled, which i will find out when googling them again to save their images; fault lies with their submitters /lh
as almost 3/4 of these characters have only gotten one submission each, the minor bracket is not seeded, and the matchups will be randomized
now for the major bracket! as this one is possible to seed, i present you with...
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the round one matchups in the major bracket will be:
Howl Jenkins Pendragon from Howl's Moving Castle vs Artemis Fowl from the Artemis Fowl series
Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender vs Izaya Orihara from Durarara!!
Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu from The World Ends With You vs Gerry Keay from The Magnus Archives
Kurapika from Hunter X Hunter vs Lan Wangji from Mo Dao Zu Shi | The Untamed
Alucard from Castlevania vs Aaravos from The Dragon Prince
Legolas Greenleaf from Lord Of The Rings vs Vash The Stampede from Trigun Stampede
Taako from The Adventure Zone vs Albedo from Genshin Impact
Leonardo Hamato from Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs Andromeda Shun from Saint Seya
Dorian Gray from The Picture Of Dorian Gray vs Yuri Plisetsky from Yuri!!! On Ice
Gunpowder Tim from The Mechanisms vs Affogato Cookie from Cookie Run
Klavier Gavin from Ace Attorney vs Marluxia from Kingdom Hearts
Mettaton EX from Undertale vs Chuuya Nakahara from Bungou Stray Dogs
Link from The Legend Of Zelda vs Essek Thelyss from Critical Role
Angel Devil from Chainsaw Man vs Kian Stone from Just Roll With It
Tamaki Suoh from Ouran High School Host Club vs Yuri Leclerc from Fire Emblem
Wallace from Pokemon vs Sesshomaru from InuYasha
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uenodivision · 10 months
Hypnosis Mic Shuffle Team, Vol. 3 (Part 3) (Cont.)
Chinen Sisters
Kira "Huntress" Chinen
Taria "Misfit" Chinen
Murder in Ōta City Tonight
Unbearable Hotheads
Oki "ATLAS" Teagan
Ryuko "Mista Z.B." Umemoto
You Can't Touch Us (Don't Try)
Dirty Hands
Asuka "TREA$URE" Koizumi
Fumio "Dissector" Shimizu
Win or Lose? (You Decide)
Dog & Cat
Tasuku "Katame" Kawanoe
Yano "Y-STARR" Ietsuna
Headaches of the Police
Joey "Joker" Kurusu
Lyall "Corvus" Shiba
Why So Serious?
Contagious Energy!
Ryūnosuke "Fist N Fury" Sekiguchi
Yuuya "ARROW" Kanata
Get Up and Do Something!
Dream a Little Dream... (Rush Hour Solo)
Aranai "Ride or Die" Norikoru
Sumire "Diabla" Shinomiya
Kaoru "Arachne" Shinozaki
Kanra "D. Vil" Akemi
Yuuya "ARROW" Kanata
Yano "Y-STARR" Ietsuna
Joey "Joker" Kurusu
Lyall "Corvus" Shiba
Move Your Body or You Die! (Yuriko Kuromiya's Training Camp from Hell) (Black Dalhia Solo)
Hip-Hop, Eat Your Heart Out (Ride or Die Solo)
You All Are Just Toys (Cinder Solo)
@ota-division @ginza-division @suginami-division @enoshima-division @fukuokadivision1 @toyama-division @kanazawa-division @niigata-division @naha-division @naradivision @akihabara-division03 @shinagawa-division @edogawa-division @katsushika-division
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hail-ey-m · 1 year
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¢σмƒσят ℓєттєя мαѕтєяℓιѕт
!!TW: these letters talk about topics that could be potentially triggering to some, be sure to read the top of each letter to see the tw!!!
Color codes
Red-confession/love letter
Orange-response letter
Yellow-sfw alphabet/special
Green-check in
Blue-comfort letter
Purple-relationship dynamic playlist
Pink-incorrect quotes
Tamaki Amajiki—Anxiety
Giyuu Tomioka—Depression
Osamu Dazai—Intrusive Thoughts
Levi Ackerman—Loss of loved one
Katsuki Bakugou—Bipolar/Mood Swings
Killua Zoldyck—PTSD
Shoto Todoroki—Family Issues
Saiki Kusuo—Avolition
Ken Kaneki—Estrangement
Mikasa Ackerman—Alexithymia
Denki Kaminari—Learning Problems
Takemichi Hanagaki—Sensitivity
Kyoka Jirou—ED
Zenitsu Agatsuma—Low self image
Sasuke Uchiha—Anger/grudge holding
Naruto Uzumaki—Loneliness
Eijiro Kirishima—Dysphoria
Eijiro Kirishima—Insecurities
Hanta Sero—P@n!c attacks/incorrect quotes
Tanjiro Kamado—Intrusive thoughts
Momo Yaoyorozu—Depression
Tanjiro Kamado—Confession
Katsuki Bakugou—Incorrect quotes
Tomura Shigaraki—Social anxiety/SH
Gaara—Incorrect quotes
Mina Ashido—Low self esteem/insecurities
Oboro Shirakumo—Lack of will to live
Tsuyu Asui—Mute/insecure
Toru Oikawa—Insecurity
Tadashi Yamaguchi—Anxiety
Shoyo Hinata—ADHD problems
Katsuki Bakugou—Insomnia
Shinobu Kocho—Depression
Ochaco Uraraka—Mental abus3
Maki Zen’in—Insecurity
Ray—Incorrect quotes
Nejire Hado—Coming out non-binary
Shun Kaido—Incorrect quotes
Shun Kaido—Mental struggles
Muichiro Tokito—Confession
Shota Aizawa—Coming out aroace
Katsuki Bakugou—ADHD problems
Toga Himiko—Paranoia/trust issues
Shota Aizawa—Self conscious
Edward Mason--Left out
Shota Aizawa—Self hatred
Christmas Special! A note from your favorites
Saiki Kusuo—Intrusive thoughts/insomnia
Obanai Iguro—Confession
Mina Ashido—Su!c!dal thoughts
Sanemi Shinazugawa—Anger/self hatred
Nobara Kugisaki—Loneliness
Maki Zen’in—Pan!c attack
Denki Kaminari—Missing someone
Kotaro Satō—Self consciousness
Norman—Checking in
Saiki Kusuo—Incorect quotes
Haruhi Fujioka—Coming out non-binary
Kaoru Hitachiin—Confession
Giyuu Tomioka—Lack of eating
Rengoku Kyojuro—Lack of motivation
Izuku Midoriya—Response letter
L Lawliet—Confession
Yor Forger—Depression
Mina Ashido—PTSD
Relationship Dynamic Playlists (multiple characters)
Denki Kaminari—Incorrect quotes
Katsuki Bakugou—Su!c!dal thoughts
Reiner Braun—Loss of friend
Denki Kaminari Dynamic Playlist
Satoru Gojo—Father issues
Kou Minamoto—Confession
Shota Aizawa—Self hatred/insomnia/self starvation/lack of will to live
Denki Kaminari—SH
Gon Freecss—Perfectionism
Miya Chinen—Anxiety
Fatgum—Not forgiving
Dazai Osamu—Pan!c attacks
Mitsuba Sousuke—Anxiety
Hatake Kakashi—Depression/coming out bisexual
Izuku Midoriya—Emotional sensitivity
Cherry Blossom(Kaoru Sakurayashiki)—Stress
Ryomen Sukuna—Love letter
Tanjiro Kamado—Lost pet
Shota Aizawa—SH/feeling numb
Present Mic—Lack of motivation/Su!c!dal/numbness
Toru Oikawa—Low self esteem/pushing yourself too far
Kei Tsukishima—Body/gender dysphoria
Kei Tsukishima —Night terrors
Chiba Ryunosuke—Moebius syndrome
Luck Voltia—Confession
Kaoru Hitachiin—Separation anxiety
Tamaki Amajiki—Abuse/PTSD
Piek Finger—Schizophrenia
Shota Aizawa—Coming out bisexual
Zenitsu Agatsuma—Confession
Kei Tsukishima—Check in
Shinobu Kocho—Confession
Lucy Maud Montgomery—Outcast
Tengen Uzui—Past traum@
Kiyoko Shimizu—Body insecurities
Taurus Audi—Dysphoria
Koshi Sugarwara—Attempted Su!c!d3
Atsumu Miya—ED
Asahi Azumane—Gender dysphoria
Daichi Sawamura—SH
Twice—Social anxiety
Rengoku Kyojuro—Confession
Tsuyu Asui—Dysphoria
Levi Ackerman—Feeling stupid
Yuji Itadori—Anxiety about eating
!Crossover! Mitsuri Kanroji + Katsuki Bakugou—Self conscious
Komi Shouko—Social anxiety/bad communication
Dazai Osamu + Chuuya Nakahara—Incorrect quotes
Yachi Hitoka—Grades falling
Katsuki Bakugou + Eijiro Kirishima—Perfectionism
Shota Aizawa—Ghosted
Toru Oikawa—Incorrect quotes
Katsuki Bakugou—Loss of loved one
Rengoku Kyojuro—Confession
Himiko Toga—Wanna be friends?!
Shun Kaido—Breakup comfort
Denki Kaminari—Worried for you
Mitsuri Kanroji—Self hate/selflessness
Keigo Takami—Abuse trauma
Hitoshi Shinso—Insomnia/depression
Shoto Todoroki—Family issues
Hanako-kun—Low self esteem
Izuku Midoriya—Schizophrenia
Naruto Uzumaki—Trauma/lonliness
Edward Mason—Betrayal
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cilansfanganforum · 4 months
I will give cast lists
Danganronpa: Unreasonable Doubt
Firstname, lastname
Min-seo Seong - Ultimate Behavioral Analyst (Protagonist)
Zeta - Ultimate Swordswoman (Support)
Haya Ikeuchi - Ultimate Glassblower
Kazane Naito - Ultimate Birdwatcher
Argelia Cacciatore - Ultimate Collector
Hide Saito - Ultimate Makeup Artist
Iris Berrouet - Ultimate Winemaker
Akira Sudou - Ultimate Talent Scout
Ren Uemura - Ultimate Stage Actor
Tadaaki Etoh - Ultimate Doll Maker
Tenya Fujimori - Ultimate Oneirologist
Sakio Onishi - Ultimate Street Fashion Model
Seiichi Shimizu - Ultimate Sociologist
Keika Fumetsugawa - Ultimate Martial Artist
Lìchuàng Cheng - Ultimate Sketch Artist
Katuro Aoki - Ultimate Golfer
Soma Yukimura - Ultimate Ice Sculptor
Evangelina Velasco - Ultimate Cyclist
Danganronpa: Opening Statements
Kenji Chishiya - Ultimate Enigmatologist (Protagonist)
Chie Shozo - Ultimate Videographer (Support)
Kei Kanda - Ultimate Digital Journalist
Iota - Ultimate Medic
Ji-yeon Pae - Ultimate Mountaineer
Rumika Tachibana - Ultimate Game Master
Sara Sakai - Ultimate Farmer
Hibiki Kagamine - Ultimate Bassist
Emi Achikita - Ultimate Concept Artist
Kaoru Manaka - Ultimate Student Council President
Shohei Takenaka - Ultimate Axe Thrower
Hideki Iidabashi - Ultimate Phytologist
Yuma Morishige - Ultimate Archer
Osamu Maki - Ultimate Translator
Koki Ito - Ultimate Comedian
Akihide Maebara - Ultimate Calligrapher
Ichiju Yasuki - Ultimate Woodworker
Chihaku Ikeru - Ultimate Informant
Danganronpa: Dream On
(Since they were initially based on Pokémon here are the ones they are based on)
Inei Hisaka - Ultimate Oneirologist (Darkrai) (Protagonist)
Iliad Aguado - Ultimate Analyst (Inteleon) (Support)
Aria Sangster - Ultimate Ballerina (Melloetta)
Linette LaFlamme - Ultimate Candlemaker (Litwick)
Maren Preciado - Ultimate Illusionist (Meowscarada)
André “Dédé” Luce - Ultimate Radio Host (Dedenne)
Adelaïs Rubin - Ultimate Glaciologist (Aurorus)
Sukekiyo Kageyama - Ultimate Knight (Gardevoir)
Pualei Nae’ole - Ultimate Opera Singer (Primarina)
Addison Banville - Ultimate Baker (Appletun)
Lokelani Ikaika - Ultimate Beekeeper (Ribombee)
Dakota Manton - Ultimate Geologist (Dwebble)
Xenon Percius - Ultimate Ancient Historian (Galarian Yamask)
Mahana Ihimaera - Ultimate Fire Dancer (Alolan Marowak)
Vivienne Allaire - Ultimate Fashionista (Vivillon)
Gachiro Kageyama - Ultimate Prince
Mayu Fukami - Ultimate Actress (Mawile)
Elidio Advíncula - Ultimate Spy (Iron Moth)
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thedsgnblog · 2 years
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World Design Rankings: Best Design Worldwide
The WDR – World Design Rankings aims to provide additional data and insights to economists and journalists regarding the state-of-art in design industry. The ultimate aim of the world design rankings is to contribute to global design culture through advocating and highlighting good design. The rankings aim to provide a snapshot of the state-of-art and design potentials of countries worldwide by highlighting their creative strengths, design weaknesses and available opportunities.
Design Business Insights
Furthermore, for each country, three additional tables for strengths, weaknesses and opportunities are listed. The table of “Design Strengths” displays dominant design fields, in which a country is highly competitive and successful; i.e. for example you could learn whether Italy is better in Fashion Design, Furniture Design or Graphic Design. 
A’ Design Award and Competition
A' Design Award and Competition, the sponsor of World Design Rankings, is an international juried award for good design that is organized in over hundred creative disciplines and industrial sectors, reaching designers, artists, architects, makers, brands and businesses in almost all countries, with over billion logo impressions in internet, television, social media and traditional publications. A' Design Award aims to promote good design practices and principles worldwide by highlighting exceptional design work in all countries and in all disciplines.
Register Your Designs today to The A’ Design Competition: Enroll Your Best Design Project.
Check the Previous Winners:
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Fluid Space Sales Center by Kris Lin
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Sakura Shimizu Packaging by Nobuya Hayasaka
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Ecofriendly Electric Diy Bicycle by Asbjoerk Stanly Mogensen
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Eth Country Villa by Alexandru Zingaliuc
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Have a Nice Can Food Packaging by Kaoru Mizuno - Mother Inc.
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Joaquim Folding Screen by Pedro Galaso
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The Treasure of Zbojniks Label by Sasha Sharavarau
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No48 Fragrance Diffuser by Nicolas Boon and Tatiana Garcia
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Realm of Tranquility Residence by Jung Chieh Cheng
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Divergence Game Kit by eMotionLAB
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Cat Wonderland Residential House by JTS Interior Design
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Yin Flower Tea Packaging by Zhen Yang, Chunwang Yang
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Fandoms & Ships
I am a true nerd, and as such, continously seek out new media and their fandoms, and become involved with them, while also cyclically coming back to the ones I already love. I am a romantic, and I love seeing love in general (all types of love, not just romantic!), so I am also a very big shipper!
I don't always have a set ship(s) for every fandom I find myself in, nor do I think it necessary to try and "prove" that mine are better than other ships. I like what I like, and I like seeing what others like as well. So I might have OTPs, but I also like engaging with content for all kinds of ships, even true rarepairs.
I also don't think it necessary for a fandom to have ships, so just because I have a listed ship that I like/love, doesn't mean I can't have neutral/objective thoughts and opinions about that particular piece of media.
That being said, here's a list of fandoms I come back to, or keep up with, and a list of ships I have a preference for. OTPs are bolded! Oh, and media (as in the series, books, shows, etc.) are rated according to my opinion!
(This list is subject to change.)
Ongoing Media:
A Sign of Affection (/10)
Nagi Itsuomi/Itose Yuki
Nagi Kyōya/Fujishiro Rin
Iyanagi Shin/Nakazono Emma
Black Butler (/10)
Ciel Phantomhive/Elizabeth Midford
Bungo Stray Dogs (/10)
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chūya
Akutagawa Ryūnosuke/Nakajima Atsushi
Edogawa Ranpo/Edgar Allan Poe
Chainsaw Man (/10)
Hayakawa Aki/Angel Devil
Fairy Tail/100 Years Quest (/10)
Zeref Dragneel/Mavis Vermillion
Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia
Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser
Jellal Fernandes/Erza Scarlet
Gajeel Redfox/Levy McGarden
Romeo Conbolt/Wendy Marvell
Elfman Strauss/Evergreen
Alzack Connell/Bisca Mulan
Hunter x Hunter (/10)
Gon Freecss/Killua Zoldyck
Hisoka Morow/Illumi Zoldyck
Chrollo Lucilfer/Kurapika
Jujutsu Kaisen (/10)
Geto Suguru/Gojo Satoru
Itadori Yūji/Fushiguro Megumi
Okkotsu Yūta/Maki
Fushiguro Toji/His Wife (Mama Fushiguro)
My Hero Academia (/10)
Record of Ragnarok (/10)
SK8 The Infinity (/10)
Nanjō Kojirō/Sakurayashiki Kaoru
Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki
Shindo Ainosuke/Kikuchi Tadashi
(Disney) Twisted-Wonderland
Malleus Draconia/Yuu (Player Character)
Kalim al-Asim/Jamil Viper
Almost Everyone/Me
Completed Media:
Assassination Classroom (/10)
Akabane Karma/Nagisa Shiota
Karasuma Tadaomi/Irina Jelvavić
Attack on Titan (/10)
Eren Jaeger/Mikasa Ackermann
Armin Arlert/Annie Leonhart
Levi Ackermann/Hange Zoë
Falco Grice/Gabi Braun
Avatar: The Last Airbender & The Legend of Korra (/10 & /10)
Mai/Ty Lee
Bing An Ben (/10)
He Yu/Xie Qingcheng
Demon Slayer (/10)
Kamado Tanjirō/Tsuyuri Kanao
Hashibira Inosuke/Kanzaki Aoi
Agatsuma Zenitsu/Kamado Nezuko
Rengoku Senjurō/Kamado Nezuko
Iguro Obanai/Kanroji Mitsuri
Rengoku Kyōjurō/Tomioka Giyū
Tomioka Giyū/Kochō Shinobu
Shinazugawa Sanemi/Kochō Kanae
Uzui Tengen/Hinatsuru/Makio/Suma pls don't get mad at me
2HA (/10)
Mo Ran/Chu Wanning
Mei Hanxue/Xue Meng
Nangong Si/Ye Wangxi
Ghibli (/10)
Golden Terrace/Golden Stage (/10)
Fu Shen/Yan Xiaohan
Grisha-verse (/10)
Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa
Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck
Nina Zenik/Hanne Brum
Nina Zenik/Matthias Helvar
David Kostyk/Genya Safin
Nikolai Lantsov/Zoya Nazyalensky
Alina Starkov/Malyen Oretsev
Alina Starkov/Alexander Morozova (The Darkling)
Haikyū!! (/10)
Tanaka Ryūnosuke/Shimizu Kiyoko
Sakusa Kiyoomi/Miya Atsumu
Harry Potter (/10)
Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Evan Rosier/Barty Crouch Jr.
Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes
James Potter/Regulus Black
Lily Evans/Mary McDonald
James Potter/Lily Evans
let's just say once again that I'm a multishipper
Heroes of Olympus (/10)
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano/Me
Thalia Grace/Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
Jason Grace/Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
Jason Grace/Leo Valdez
Frank Zhang/Hazel Levesque
Nico di Angelo/Will Solace
JWQS (/10)
Qi Yan | Qiyan Agula/Nangong Jingnu
Qiyan Nomin/Nangong Shunu
Magnus Chase & the Gods of Asgard (/10)
Magnus Chase/Alex Fierro
MDZS (/10)
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian
Lan Xichen/Jin Guangyao
Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang
Jin Zixuan/Jiang Yanli
Lan Sizhui/Jin Ling
Wen Ruohan/Lan Qiren
Naruto (/10)
Too Many, of Several Different Flavors (I'm a multishipper)
Percy Jackson & the Olympians (/10)
Ethan Nakamura/Me
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase (.../Rachel Dare)
Charles Beckendorf/Silena Beauregard
Clarisse La Rue/Silena Beauregard
Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson
Qian Qiu (/10)
Yan Wushi/Shen Qiao
Sha Po Lang (/10)
Chang Geng/Gu Yun
She-Ra (/10)
Sea Hawk/Mermista
Spirit Animals
Conor/Worthy | Devin Trunswick
Jolt | Karmo/Worthy | Devin Trunswick
Star Wars (/10)
Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Han Solo/Leia Organa
Anakin Skywalker/Padmé Amidala
SVSSS (/10)
Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu (.../Liu Qingge...)
Mobei-jun/Shang Qinghua
Yue Qingyuan/Shen Jiu | Shen Qingqiu
Liu Mingyan/Sha Hualing
The Kane Chronicles (/10)
TGCF (/10)
Hua Cheng/Xie Lian
Feng Xin/Mu Qing
He Xuan/Shi Qingxuan
Quan Yizhen/Yin Yu
Jun Wu/Mei Nianqing
Pei Xiu/Ban Yue
Pei Ming/Yushi Huang
Twilight (/10)
Edward Cullen/Bella Swan
Jasper Hale/Alice Cullen
Emmett Cullen/Rosalie Hale
Carlisle Cullen/Esme Cullen
Sam Uley/Emily Young
Paul Lahote/Rachel Black
Jared Cameron/Kim
Leah Clearwater/Me
Jacob Black/Leah Clearwater
Charlie Swan/Eternal Happiness
Charlie Swan/Sue Clearwater
Xiao Mogu (/10)
Lu Feng/An Zhe
Yuri!!! On Ice (/10)
Victor Nikiforov/Katsuki Yuri
Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
Yu Wu (/10)
Mo Xi/Gu Mang
Zhen Hun (/10)
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan
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setagaya-division · 1 year
Elliot's Thoughts on Edogawa Division
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Yuriko Kuromiya
"I'll admit... when I first met Yuriko-san, something about her scared me a bit. In fact, I'm still a bit cautious around her. I met her when Mina, Yorii and I decided to head to Kanra-chan's house to study for upcoming exams. Yuriko-san seemed nice enough, but... I don't know, behind her smile, I could tell she was dangerous. Still, she didn't seem so bad. She made us all some snacks and drinks to help us study. She's a nice person and a good mother... but she's definitely someone I don't want to meet in a dark alley somewhere."
Kaoru Shinozaki
Elliot smiles at Kaoru's photo. "I actually met Kaoru-san before her mom and Kanra-chan. This may not be so surprising, but I love playing board games, like chess, Scrabble, shogi, Go, and a lot of others. I'm too nervous to meet people face-to-face, so I always play online. And Kaoru-san is usually the one I always play against. She's a really good player. Out of our 10 matches, she's got me 6-4. Still, it's always fun playing with her."
Kanra Akemi
"I'll admit, a part of me was always scared at approaching Kanra-chan. I've seen what she can do when she's mad, so I always just try to avoid her, or apologize when I'm bothering her cause I don't want to make her upset. It was only during the week before our exams that I actually spoke to her. The teacher had assigned me to be her study partner, but I was scared of approaching her by myself. I asked Mina and Yorii if they could come with me to her house. We were all awestruck by how massive it was!
"It was only during our study time that I found out just what kind of person she was. She's a really nice girl who just doesn't want to be bothered by mean people. Plus, it was nice finding out she's a cat owner. Her cat, Haku, was really nice! I was glad she wasn't freaked out by seeing me talk with her cat. In fact, I think she was kind of interested to know what we were talking about. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell her everything since Haku asked me not to tell." He gives a small chuckle.
Wicked Requiem
"Kanra-chan's got a really impressive family! I didn't know her sister was Kaoru-san. And her mom... like I said, she seems nice, but I can tell she can be scary when she has to be. I wonder... if more people knew who Kanra-chan's family was, would they be so quick to give her so many problems. ...Probably not. I mean, I'm friends and siblings with two of the most popular people at school, and I'm still bullied nonstop." Elliot gives a small sigh, before looking back up.
"But anyway, I really like Kanra-chan's team! And it's good that she's entering the tournament with her family, kinda like me. I hope we both do our best against each other."
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mindrat · 1 year
Hey Guys! Here are all the members of AKB48!
Team A 入山杏奈 [Anna Iriyama], 加藤玲奈 [Rena Kato], 佐藤美波 [Minami Sato], 篠崎彩奈 [Ayana Shinozaki], 鈴木くるみ [Kurumi Suzuki], 田口愛佳 [Manaka Taguchi], 千葉恵里 [Erii Chiba], 西川怜 [Rei Nishikawa], 古川夏凪 [Nazuna Furukawa], 道枝咲 [Saki Michieda], 宮崎美穂 [Miho Miyazaki], 向井地美音 [Mion Mukaichi], 山根涼羽 [Suzuha Yamane], 横山由依 [Yui Yokoyama]
Team K 市川愛美 [Manami Ichikawa], 岡田梨奈 [Rina Okada], 小林蘭 [Ran Kobayashi], 込山榛香 [Haruka Komiyama], 下口ひなな [Hinana Shimoguchi], 長友彩海 [Ayami Nagatomo], 永野恵 [Megumi Nagano], 武藤小麟 [Orin Muto], 武藤十夢 [Tomu Muto], 茂木忍 [Shinobu Mogi], 安田叶 [Kana Yasuda], 湯本亜美 [Ami Yumoto]
Team B 岩立沙穂 [Saho Iwatate], 大竹ひとみ [Hitomi Otake], 大盛真歩 [Maho Omori], 大家志津香 [Shizuka Oya], 柏木由紀 [Yuki Kashiwagi], 北澤早紀 [Saki Kitazawa], 久保怜音 [Satone Kubo], 齋藤陽菜 [Haruna Saito], 佐々木優佳里 [Yukari Sasaki], 田北香世子 [Kayoko Takita], 谷口めぐ [Megu Taniguchi], 中西智代梨 [Chiyori Nakanishi], 福岡聖菜 [Seina Fukuoka], 山邊歩夢 [Ayu Yamabe]
Team 4 浅井七海 [Nanami Asai], 石綿星南 [Sena Ishiwata], 稲垣香織 [Kaori Inagaki], 大森美優 [Miyuu Omori], 岡田奈々 [Nana Okada], 蔵本美結 [Miyuu Kuramoto], 黒須遥香 [Haruka Kurosu], 佐藤妃星 [Kiara Sato], 多田京加 [Kyoka Tada], 馬嘉伶 [Chia-Ling Ma], 村山彩希 [Yuiri Murayama], 山内瑞葵 [Mizuki Yamauchi], 吉橋柚花 [Yuzuka Yoshihashi]
Team 8 坂口渚沙 [Nagisa Sakaguchi], 横山結衣 [Yui Yokoyama], 御供茉白 [Mashiro Mitomo], 岡部麟 [Rin Okabe], 本田仁美 [Honda Hitomi], 清水麻璃亜 [Maria Shimizu], 髙橋彩音 [Ayane Takahashi], 吉川七瀬 [Nanase Yoshikawa], 小栗有以 [Yui Oguri], 小田えりな [Erina Oda], 左伴彩佳 [Ayaka Hidaritomo], 歌田初夏 [Hatsuka Utada], 服部有菜 [Yuna Hattori], 橋本陽菜 [Haruna Hashimoto], 平野ひかる [Hikaru Hirano], 坂川陽香 [Hiyuka Sakagawa], 髙橋彩香 [Sayaka Takahashi], 永野芹佳 [Serika Nagano], 福留光帆 [Mitsuho Fukutome], 大西桃香 [Momoka Onishi], 濵咲友菜 [Sayuna Hama], 徳永羚海 [Remi Tokunaga], 奥原妃奈子 [Hinako Okuhara], 奥本陽菜 [Hinano Okumoto], 下尾みう [Miu Shitao], 春本ゆき [Yuki Harumoto], 行天優莉奈 [Yurina Gyoten], 高岡薫 [Kaoru Takaoka], 吉田華恋 [Karen Yoshida], 川原美咲 [Misaki Kawahara], 倉野尾成美 [Narumi Kuranoo], 山田杏華 [Kyoka Yamada], 上見天乃 [Sorano Uemi], 藤園麗 [Rei Fujizono]
Wow! That's a lot of members!
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The OC's At A Summer Festival
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Eats everything in sight: Shian Meizono (Pixel Syndicate), Karada Kessaku (Jet Set Trio), Asahi Tomoharu (Miraitabi), Kanra Akemi (Wicked Requiem), Kanon Hojo (Silent Tragedy), Max Soukoku (Lovesick), Asato Rikiya (ECO BooN), Ryuunosuke Sekiguchi (Wild Shīnu), Sen (地獄Riderz)
Buys every souvenir: Queen Card (R.I.P Märchen), Miku Shirazuki (R.I.P Märchen), Tomi Chōten (Jet Set Trio), Alexis Ward (Sounds of Silence), Yuuya Kanata (Miraitabi), Aika Yumi (Oculus), Criss Hiromi (Otaku Corps), Reika Aichi (Silent Tragedy), Sayaka Miyuki (Femme Fatale), Lola Takahashi (Femme Fatale), Maki Umemoto (山茶花 Zombeez), Yuki Kuraokami (Polar Knights), Naoki Hamasaki (Wild Shīnu)
Only there to watch fireworks: Anika Kiyozaki (Pixel Syndicate), Kisouna Yuzairu (Sakura Clan), Luis Kōkyū (Jet Set Trio), Ivelisse Martinez (Sounds of Silence), Kai Quinlan (Private Party), Mireya Quinlan (Private Party), Saigo Fuyugami (Miraitabi), Nadya Kuromiya (Oculus), Mina Nakayama (ENIGMA), Yuriko Kuromiya (Wicked Requiem), Akihisa Mashiro (Death Row Block), Seiji Tsukimoto (Valor Guard), Miho Kobayashi (CodeX), Kureha Koizumi (Femme Fatale), Wataru Sasaki (Justice Shield), Kyler Aaron (Justice Shield), Yano Ietsuna (ECO BooN), Ishihara Daisuke (地獄Riderz)
Tries to confess to their crush: Shisuta Heisha (Sakura Clan), Ayumu Hayami (Valor Guard), Keiko Yumi (Otaku Corps), Elliot Shimizu (ENIGMA), Yorii Sakuma (ENIGMA), Lyall Shiba (Valor Guard), Ren Nakashima (Lovesick), Kensaku Morimoto (ECO BooN)
Wasted so much money on festival games that they don't have anymore money to go home: Makina Setsukura (Pixel Syndicate), Zakari Hiiroya (Private Party), Nikki Yoshie (Otaku Corps), Sakura Kito (Silent Tragedy), Joey Kurusu (Justice Shield), Ryuko Umemoto (山茶花 Zombeez), Shuu Edogawa (山茶花 Zombeez), Daiki Kamiyama (Veiled Vanguard), Kyō Sakuma (Wild Shīnu), Yoichi Shujo (Polar Knights)
Tries to meet their "true love": Touya Kisaragi (Death Row Block), Kaiji Sano (Lovesick)
"I could cause chaos tonight": Reiaki Suzubayashi (R.I.P Märchen), Aranai Norikoru (Sakura Clan), Hoàng Diệu (Sounds of Silence), Meari Miracle (Oculus), Kaoru Shinozaki (Wicked Requiem), Rintaro Himura (Death Row Block), Sumire Shinomiya (CodeX), Jack Verrill (Veiled Vanguard), Iwao Masuda (Polar Knights)
Arrived hours after the festival was over: Ritsuko Okada (CodeX), Hisoka Tetsuma (Veiled Vanguard), Teijo Masakazu (地獄Riderz)
@akihabara-division03 @minato-division03 @uenodivision @aoyama-division @arakawa-division @roppongi-division @naradivision @edogawa-division @shizuokadivision @katsushika-division @niigata-division @saitama-division @shinagawa-division @kobedivision @kanazawa-division @toyama-division @suginami-division @obihiro-division @naha-division @sapporo-division @oita-division
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