#kangin imagine
writingmeraki · 2 years
fools of love I
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summary : being jealous of the stars in your eyes whenever you smiled because he knew they were caused by anyone but him or so he thought.
genre : fluff, slight angst, humour (??)
pairing : cho guesung x gn!reader, idiots to lovers.
warnings : misunderstandings, slight hurt, jealousy,whipped asf idiots, best friend/platonic soulmate kangin, guesung is dumb (&hot) but reader is dumber, cursing, not entirely proofread.
author's note : does the summary make sense?? idk y'all let me know? atp I am thinking of this man 25/8 but really i just had to put this idea out of my pending wips. hope you liked it and be sure to read the little note at the end :)
word count : 3.6k
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"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"
Your hand held out a makeshift rock as a smug grin was making its way into your face because you knew rock was always the superior.
Or so you thought.
Grinning, your eyes quickly shifted to the other hand that held out the complete opposite of yours, and the smile on your face was immediately slapped off as you groaned out loudly.
"HA! I WIN!"
Kangin proudly exclaimed while your eyes narrowed at him in annoyance as he snatched the bag of cheap yet fulfilling snacks of your other hand.
Scoffing and muttering cusses at the 5"8 man, you retorted
"B-BUT THIS IS cheating!"
You told as you crossed your arms and slightly jutted out your bottom lip forming a small pout as you chose an alternative route of rather using the emotional bargain method, one that always worked from your end as no one was able to resist your sorrow glint eyes. Fake sorrow.
Cute. He thought but then again it wasn't just anybody in front of you, no.
This was Lee Kangin , your very best friend from your childhood. You being born in Incheon and also being a fan of football since a young age even to the extent of you also being able to have a talent in playing the game, it was as if the stars were lined for the both of you to become practically soulmates.
Though you both always laughed at the way you became friends because him accidentally knocking you out cold one day when practicing for football and you woke up wanting to actually murder the person who caused you to be on bed rest for a few days meaning no football as well meant as though someone had actually just murdered you. (tiny flashback ahead)
But despite the rough first impression the boy made, he'd come in the same day later after you gained your consciousness to apologize with a bouquet of beautifully assorted flowers and a handful of snacks, which to his credit, was suggested by his mother.
It wasn't like he didn't feel sorry, he was sorry, guilty in fact but what could the poor 9 year old do other than bring his sincerest apologies to you.
And when he did, you couldn't help but instantly want to forgive him as you saw the solemn look on his face with the guilt practically being overwhelming in his eyes, heck you think you may have even spotted tears, as he took in the bandage wrapped around your little head.
To his utmost surprise, you chuckled as his head was down and he looked up to see you with a small grin on your face
"I guess I could forgive you."
He looked taken aback, even in his little 9 year old mind he thought it was hard to earn anyone's consideration for forgiveness let alone forgiveness itself.
"But you have to promise me one thing."
Curiously he softly spoke out with a small fearful tone as though he was scared you'd be asking for a huge favor one he wouldn't be able to fulfil
With a toothy grin you finally said
"Be my football practice buddy from now on."
You held out your hand as though it was some sort of business agreement you were proposing and in a way it was at least in your childhood nature.
As he took in the words he couldn't help but smile widely as his eyes narrowed and his full cheeks bunched up and he exclaimed
And alas that was the start of your great friendship with Lee Kangin.
Raising a brow at you, he knew the tactics you were playing and despite having fallen into that very trap many times, he also knew better than to give in at this time, and as he held the bag in his hand ready to dive into its content any minute, he retorted mockingly while rolling his eyes
"You were the one who suggested we settle this over 가위 (kai) 바위 (bai) 보 (bo) and you lost so quit being a sore loser and the emotional puppy eyes won't work either."
Instantly the small pout and the adorable begging eyes vanished as you narrowed your eyes at him in the offense.
Finally after what felt like he had been digging around for ages he found the bottle of strawberry milk he had been wanting to drink and smiled at it as if it was his greatest achievement till date even though he was an upcoming football player.
As he dismissed the other snacks to the side to be eaten later, a mischievous thought occurred to you and before you could think about it more, you said fuck it and just did what your ultimately hungry stomach and slightly bitter heart thought of.
You grabbed the bag of snacks and made a dash for it, you knew you stood no chance in terms of stamina or even in speed but you knew one thing and that was when you do something that catches the other off guard, no matter how lacking you were in terms of skills compared to them, you immediately gained the upperhand at least for the first few minutes.
Kangin's eyes widened and his jaw dropped almost comically as he saw you make a run for it and he too made a split second decision,
Screaming loudly, his deep voice boomed across the wide field that the other players had been practicing at, they ended up turning their heads at the colorful choice of words including the captain's as well.
He dropped the strawberry milk bottle on the ground while gulping as much as he could before he had to ultimately drop it and began chasing you at full speed. You burst out laughing, probably sounding like a villian but who cares, you thought while trying to make your way towards the doors that led out to a common lounging area.
Heungmin looked at the loud screams from where he'd been standing a bit further away in a conversation with Seungho and began laughing himself when he saw you running away being chased by a furious Kangin, even he could tell you'd done something to irk the other and it was working.
"Y/N pulled that shit again, I can't believe Kangin fell for it again." Seungho said as his eyes followed you almost reaching the doors and saw how Kangin was almost just behind you, he let out his own chuckle and shook his head at your tactics.
The others of course knew you, maybe some being even more interested in you, but you'd pretty much known them since the time Kangin joined the National Team, you had been there when he made it and even given him the biggest congratulations that you could, because after all your best friend had been able to accomplish his goals at least, quite literally and also philosophically. (no puns intended)
You were introduced to the others and overall they were all friendly with you, some even began seeing you as their little sister and to top it off you also a football player as you were midfielder in your college team so you got along even more well with them. Yet you knew you saw most of them as your older brothers however you felt different for one player.
You don't think it was normal to feel those butterflies, you don't think it was normal to start feeling a pool of warm red forming in your cheeks, you don't think was normal to gulp and your heartbeat increasing as though you'd just ran for your fucking life. And worse this was the first time a guy scratch that a person made you feel this way.
And you certainly don't think it was normal that the reason behind all that had been Cho Guesung.
The very attractive striker of the South Korean National Team.
And that had been your big oh no moment, the minute, the second you realised who was the cause of that state.
You felt so fucking stupid.
Just as you were about to reach the doors, you felt two familiar arms wrap around your waist from behind as the bag left your hand and flew upwards, due to the sudden movement you squealed loudly and gasped when you were lifted into the air.
"Let me down! KANGIN! YAH!"
You began giggling as you suddenly felt him take a spin, it almost felt like you were a kid again and your father was making you play flying games, you know the ones where you pretend to fly in the air.
You weren't exactly a small person, 5'8 for a person wasn't really short, but then again the stamina of these men was no joke.
"Not until you apologize and buy me a whole crate of strawberry milk." Kangin taunted you as he too chuckled from your contagious laughter.
Both of you in your own little antics, to an outsider they'd think you were a couple, at least to those who thought their first assumptions were right.
"You are blocking the way."
A deep voice announced loudly with a hint of bitterness. Both of you immediately stopped, recognizing who it was, and opened your eyes widely as Kangin let go of you, you quickly stood beside him and a sudden wave of dizziness you guess from all the spinning hit you as you stumbled slightly, Kangin wrapping one arm around your waist again and pulling you onto his side so you could lean into him for some support.
The figure in front of you had his hand out when he saw you stumble but quickly put it aside, scoffing a bit after as he saw Kangin's hand on your waist, he went back to his face of indifference that had been holding for a while before anyone saw the scoff and annoyance.
However, it was too late as both Kangin and you saw the scowl. While you moved from your temporary support pretending to dust yourself, you nervously laughed and straightened your shirt
"Sorry," You told sincerely trying to muster a small apologetic smile at Guesung as Kangin rolled his eyes at his hyung's behavior as though he was used to it. He was used to it, more than he wished he was.
Guesung began feeling a small pit of guilt form in his stomach as he saw you look away in embarrassment before he could even make eye contact with you, mentally being annoyed at himself for having thoughts of wishing you'd have at least looked at him.
He quickly shook his head before he could get more wrapped up in thoughts about you. How pretty you currently looked under the daylight with somewhat messy hair up in a pony tail with a few strands out and cheeks slightly flushed from laughing, at least that's what he concluded but little did he know he was indeed the culprit of the flushed cheeks and nervous state of yours.
"It's fine, just don't be in the way next time." He muttered quietly as he held one strap of his duffle bag and his eyes traveled back to the both of you, he quickly walked past you, tightening his grip as he heard Kangin let out a snort.
Just cause he didn't know, obviously yet devastatingly, didn't mean no one else knew about your little infatuation. Though Kangin protested to that being the label of what you felt,
It's not an infatuation Y/N it's basically a crush at this point, maybe even the big L word.
You remember mentally and physically groaning at that and buried your hands in a swirl of emotions.
You let out a sigh of exhaustion and a hint of sadness as Guesung brushed past the both of you while Kangin snorted and once again rolled his eyes
"Can you believe that guy? There's a whole ass football field of space to move and he chose this way to go, as if it were on purpose don't you think?" He asked with a hint of teasing as he looked over at you and you now rolled your eyes and retorted back to him
"Shut up, you were making too much noise anyways."
You playfully hit him on his arm and then began to fix your hair which had became a mess and wanted to throw yourself off a cliff as you realised you looked like an absolute disaster in front of your-
"ME? you're the one who was being a bitter loser and stole MY food?!?" Kangin feigned in fake offence, his eyes held amusement as to how you were gaslighting him at the moment.
"AND you made me look like a fool in front of him."
You narrowed your eyes as you whispered harshly taking a quick glance at Guesung to make sure he wouldn't hear but he would not anyway as he was literally 100 feet from where you both stood.
Kangin looked at you in even more amusement as he saw you take a peek at his hyung, grinning with mischief and teased "Oh don't worry Y/N ah you'll never look like fool in front of him besides it is your true nature, embrace it you know."
He raised his hands and put quotation marks in the air "Self love no matter how much of an idiot you are." He finished with a shit eating grin that made you playfully pinch his ear.
"Ouch! Damn dude that hurts!" "What did you say again huh?"
"You are an id-" You twisted his ear a bit harder "I MEAN YOU ARE PERFECT OW! FUCK THAT HURTS LET ME GO!"
Smirking with pride you let go of his ear as he put his hand up to it to caress it gently from the needed but undeserved violence "Sheesh it's not like you actually will look like a fool anyways at least never to hyung so I don't know why you stress out so much."
He muttered as he caressed his ear and narrowed his eyes at you while cussing you in his mind geez this tiny human knows how to hurt (you still wonder how you seemed tiny because you were practically the same height but you suppose it could be regarding the fact that he was a few months older than you)
You raised an eyebrow, almost in amazement yet disbelief as you scoffed
"He HATES me Kangin might I remind you."
Your voice lowered towards the end as you thought about how unlike the other teammates and guys on the team, Guesung never seemed to have liked you.
(small flashback)
It's not like he would go out of his way to show his clear distaste in you, rather he always wore a mask of indifference or just merely ignored you whenever you were around.
You let out a snort at Kangin's words and what he was trying to imply as you remembered when they came back home after their FIFA World Cup matches, and how you'd been asked to help for the welcome party along with some other close ones of the other players and you being well you jumped to help as you were excited to not only meet your platonic soulmate after months but also excited to congratulate Guesung and tell him how proud you were of him, (as well as the other players ofc)
You'd worn one of your favourite outfits which was particularly red in colour in representation of the team which not only suited you so gracefully but was also comfortable to wear and you were already running late so you did some light makeup which would highlight your beautiful facial features as well as an easy yet pretty hairstyle. You had felt pretty confident that day ready because you yourself did look amazing, as usual.
You had reached the place and were waiting and helping around the staff when they came in one by one from the utter chaos they had faced outside the hotel as well as the airport. Your eyes darted towards Guesung and you couldn't help it, whenever he was anywhere you'd always find yourself taking secret glances at him, despite him doing the same, you relished those moments.
Your whole face lit up as you made your way towards them, poor Kangin being left as an after thought but it's not like you wouldn't meet him eventually you just saw Guesung first so you decided to congratulate him first.
When Guesung had stepped into the hotel lounge he couldn't help but scan the room searching for a particular individual who he had wanted to see after so long. He couldn't help it but admit how much he'd missed you. He'd thought about you a lot when he was in Qatar and was hoping you'd have watched how he played, watched how he scored. His heart always seemed to oppose him but for once he could mutually agree with what his heart was feeling for,yearning for.
And when his secret wish came true, you coming towards him, looking very much real rather than on a screen from the countless videocalls you'd done with Kangin and even some of the others even though you rarely talked to him despite wanting to but always being so so feeblish that you instead just wished him the best and would not talk much, he knew from that point there really was no turning back.
His feelings were very much real and he very much felt all that towards you and only you.
You stopped in front of him a few feet away dressed in their team colours which he observed and oh my God.
It felt as though his mouth had lost its ability to form anything that he had to take a gulp, you noticed his eyes slowly taking you in from head to toe and couldn't help but almost faint. You felt weak hearted, this boy wasn't good for your heart you concluded. But then again, you always craved ruination.
He on the other hand felt no better, he felt his heart pick up as his eyes drunk you in his, mind already getting intoxicated with the thoughts of your face, oh your beautiful face.
And when you beamed at him with the very stars in your eyes as though the Gods themselves had plucked them individually from the galaxy and placed them to make them twinkle everytime you'd beamed.
"Congratulations Guesung." You told still with the same gleam.
"You really played well for the team and those goals back to back were so fucking awesome, especially the second one, it was absolutely spectacular"
You finished fangirling as you recalled gasping in both awe and shock when he scored those goals against Ghana and despite them having ultimately lost the match, you think he played it marvelously and now wanting to cringe because you felt as though that still wasn't enough for what really was going on in your mind, and even though he had felt exhausted, your words were enough to make him for the first time, in front of you because God knows and maybe his teammates, the countless times he's secretly smiled just at the mere thought of you, smile at you as his face relaxed with content.
Yes, you heard it and saw it right, he was smiling AT YOU and not only that BECAUSE of YOU.
Internally you were freaking out and your eyes slightly widened while you try to act calm on the outside as he spoke up
"Thank you, really, it means a lot."
He still remained smiling at you while you stood there trying not to freak out even more because despite those being simple words they really hit the feelings for you.
And really on the other part, he felt no different, those words did mean a lot to him, more than they should have, more than it would to a normal person hearing those words because frankly hearing those words from someone that has an exceptional place in your heart means a whole fucking lot.
Before you could really say anything again, you felt yourself being tackled by someone and immediately your mind quite literally snapped out of its daze and focused on trying to not lose balance as the individual now fully wrapped his large arms around you.
Kangin sobbed out as he hid his face in the crook of your neck and you couldn't help but chuckle and chose to just go with the flow while you pulled your arms out of the uncomfortable embrace to now comfortably wrap them around his large frame.
Guesung's face dropped, and the smile on his face vanished before he could even comprehend, of course he knew you were not particularly there for him, you were friends with most of the players and Kangin but he couldn't help the small selfish desire wishing you'd have come up to him and instead tackled him just the Kangin did to you, he'd be ready to embrace you, just how you were embracing Kangin.
The small irk of irritation began forming again when he noticed how tightly Kangin had held you, it was always like that, it was normal between you both. His jaw tensed as he looked away and he straightened his broad shoulders as he walked away without even soaring you another glance.
You noticed him as your head was over Kangin's shoulder and as expected you also took note of how his expression dropped which made a small frown settle on your face.
He was just smiling a minute ago, what suddenly happened?
It wasn't like it was your fault really, it was neither's fault because after all love is what makes a fool of us right?
Too bad this time, it decided to make you both the fools.
(end of small flashback)
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2022
links : main navigation !
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psgirlie · 7 months
psg try not to to bully lee challenge : impossible
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moonlbabe2 · 1 year
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to. Kangin dongsaeng!! to. Suga hyung!
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dreaamerwrites · 2 years
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opening my inbox to accept requests for IMAGINES, SCENARIOS, and DRABBLES for korean soccer players!! ⚽✨  
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cherrysarchives · 2 years
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•┈•┈•┈•┈•┈•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•┈•┈•┈•┈•┈•
🔞 - sᴘɪᴄʏ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ
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ynwa-chiesa · 6 months
when i was born the doctor turned to my mother and shook their head and said quietly “i have bad news to share” and my mother was concerned straightening up in her bed going “what’s wrong? did something happen?” and the doctor replied “i would say congratulations, but your child is a twitter footy bro. my condolences.” i don’t think my mother has ever mentally recovered from that — @lee-kangin
Literally assigned twitter bro at birth 😭😭😭 one thing about me this kind of joke set up ALWAYS gets me because imagine what kind of judgy person you have to be to look at those freshly born babies and diagnose them with being cringe 😭😭😭
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
Super Junior
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catching kangin making out with his girlfriend
bf! heechul
friends with benefits
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whitehartlane · 8 months
klinsmann has adapted to a 4-2-3-1 for today’s game. looks to be sonny up top and heechan and kangin on the wings with jaesung at CAM (some sources suggest it’s a 4-3-3 with heechan up top and sonny and kangin on the wings which is also fine). inbeom and yongwoo in deeper midfield is great. the single pivot in some of the group stage matches was overrun quickly by more physical opponents so a double pivot is a good change to regain some stability in midfield. absolutely the strongest XI with the available personnel (unfortunate that minjae is suspended but it is what it is). imagine guesung and/or hyeongyu will come on in the second half if korea is chasing a goal. hope hongi comes on for jaesung at some point as well. just win in normal time please 😭🇰🇷
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blaklost · 1 year
( 🔮 ) ꒪ᤱᰱ ✷BlackLotus PopularityScale
Blacklotus' fan ranked popularity from least to most !
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) H;ex !
H;ex has never been very well liked in the fandom. He’s into some pretty odd stuff, his personality isn't the nicest, and he has had so many seriously scandalous controversies that his reputation has never recovered from.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Wooseok !
The only reason Wooseok isn't in last is because of his overwhelming amount of solo stans. He’s also disliked by the majority of the fandom. And for good reasons. It’s no secret to fans and netizens that Wooseok has the tendency, when provoked to attack. And these days fans are still investigating former injuries on the other members and attempting to link them back to Wooseok.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Seungwoo !
Imagine being 17 places in your own group, that you lead and drive to success. Seungwoo wasn't very happy with this placement, especially since he’s one of the only members who give their 101% effort in everything in his career now. There isn't a specific reason why Seungwoo is placed here. He just isn't very popular in the fandom.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Minseok !
Minseok in his personal opinion, deserves to be higher. But due to the amount of scandals, accusations and ‘proof’ of him faking his personality and just generally not being a very good person, it's hard for his fans to give him anything higher then what he's currently at.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Kangin !
Now this one makes perfect sense. Kangin, the violent problem starting, always fuming about something his bandmates did, having a high rank? No sir. Sorry to disappoint. Previously it was speculated that Kangin would place 18 or 17 in popularity. But due to his endless promotions on commercials, reality shows and his, as described by Kangin stans, impossibly cute laugh and enticing visuals, he managed to stay away from the bottom two.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Donghan !
Does he deserve better, absolutely. Similar to Seungwoo there isn't any particular reason that Donghan is placed here. He, next to Woobin and Youngjin, is the sunshine of the group. Being kind and bringing joy wherever he goes is his speciality.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Beomseok !
Beomseok always seems to come out on top. He’s been involved in his own share of scandals throughout his time in Blacklotus, from lying about his education to disrespecting his elders at award shows. Despite the fandom and himself never seem very affected by these offences, most likely because Beomseok just has a very calm nature when it comes to scandals. And usually his nonchalant attitude towards the media helps relax the fans. 
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Vien !
Much like Donghan and Seungwoo there isn't any specific reason that vien was placed here. He’s well liked, and gets along with most members. But again, very little screen time, few lines, and not a lot of promotions opportunities are given to him.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Youngjin !
The group's lovable foodie! Youngjin is one of the most unproblematic members in Blacklotus ! He was most likely placed here for the fact that a lot of lottus just don't know enough about him. He doesn't speak a lot and despite having quite a few seconds on each song, rarely gets recognized for it. But still, has a solid group of fans and is quite a nice person.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Que !
Generally a shock to fandoms from pre-debut. And extremely unfair to H;ex (poor minho) Que was basically the reason for H;ex’s career turned into one big flaming trash pile. And instead of going down with him, he just let the company deal with everything and got out mostly unharmed. In every pre-debut fans eyes this man should have been down there with h;ex.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Eunhyuk !
Everyone in this fandom has a Eunhyuk photocard if you have even just one album, and not just because back in 2020 ellectic messed up a printed double the amount of his photocards. Don't deny it, but also don't deny that everyone in this fandom, at one point streamed his double back fancam like their lives depended on it. Anyways, he’s very popular and rightfully so.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) JayJay !
Jayjay, unlike his friend Vien, has quite a few fans. He would probably be near the top based on personality alone but because he rarely gets much screen time and lines in songs, he wasn't able to get into the top three.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Woobin !
Who wouldn't love this bright sunshine?! Woobin has always been very well liked in the group. But due to his many hiatuses throughout the years of being an idol. Many new fans were never properly introduced to him.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Devin !
Devin enjoys being the main focus, so it comes to no surprise that he would have a large amount of fans. He live streams the most and posts the most on social media. So it's only normal that the most active member would have one of the bigger fanbase rights?
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Woosung !
Woosung, our dear maknae , He’s been a fan favorite since debut. He’s everything right and wrong about the kpop industry. Woosung has built a very powerful fanbase for himself throughout his career, just by being himself.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Hann !
Hann is very popular within the fandom. Most of the time he’s baby-lottus’s first bias and exposure to the group's concept and members. If you ever want a boy group member who doesn't ‘out do’ or overdance in a girl group cover, this is your man.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Yoonho !
To no one's surprise Yoonho has a very strong fanbase. Some of them aren't even k-pop stans. He regularly streams video games and from that has been regularly recognized as just streamer instead of an idol. But his fanbase inside of Blacklotus is also big. He’s funny and people love him for it.
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) Sunjun !
Fans were shocked, netizens were gagged, and Sunjun himself has yet to recover from this news. Sunjun has always been criticized for his lack of ‘skill’ and ‘unprofessionalism’ as an idol. Following that, after Blacklotus debut, netizens singled SUnjun out to criticize his vocal ability and lack of body control while dancing. Despite this, he’s the groups main visual, and now the confirmed most popular. Which would come to some as a major shock. He’s the most promoted member outside of his job as a performer. Sunjun has the least amount of Lines in most of their songs, his center time dancing is very little, and he rarely appears in solo shots for MV’s, unless its a visual shot. So this, was a great shock to fans. But, Netizens have come to the conclusion that it’s either due to his Solo activities or Ellectic ent rigged the votes.
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writingmeraki · 2 years
fools of love II
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summary : being jealous of the stars in your eyes whenever you smiled because he knew they were caused by anyone but him or so he thought.
genre : fluff, angst, humour (it gets a bit angsty here folks)
pairing : cho guesung x gn!reader, idiots to lovers.
warnings : kissing, attempts at humor, misunderstandings, slight hurt, jealousy, cussing, the reader is hurt kinda, not entirely proofread.
author's note : IT'S OUT finally, this took me longer than i initially thought and my sincere apologies for that, i hope this makes up for the wait ??? i won't lie i wish i could write this into a series but i hope you like this either way :D let me know what you think of this haha love you and thank you for the support you have given this !! here's to part 2 :))
word count : 5k (total is around 8.6k with part one)
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"Sheesh it's not like you actually will look like a fool anyways at least never to hyung so I don't know why you stress out so much."
He muttered as he caressed his ear and narrowed his eyes at you while cussing you in his mind geez this woman knows how to hurt
You raised an eyebrow, almost in amazement yet disbelief as you scoffed
"He doesn't particularly like me Kangin, did you forget?" Your voice softened at the end with a sad tone lacing it.
Kangin let out a sigh of exhaustion not just because of him being tired due to running around and practicing but also because frankly he was also tired of this.
He was tired to see you beat yourself up because you felt as though you'd were the one doing something wrong
Maybe it's because I smile too much?? Maybe I look inappropriate ?? Or he just-maybe he just doesn't like my presence??
These were some of the questions you'd always ask him to which Kangin would equally be baffled as to how you think someone could dislike you or your presence and he'd always fill in words of reassurance and make sure you knew you were not the one at fault, ever.
No Y/N it'-it's not you okay? It's not you who is fault here i promise, maybe he's just in a bad mood but don't you dare blame yourself for him not treating you right okay?
He'd told those words previously when he you first asked him those questions but honestly he was fed up of this and could tell this had to be changed.
Turning his head towards where Guesung stood, he narrowed his eyes and scanned his expression.
Guesung stood talking to Heungmin, they both looked like they were in a serious conversation judging from their serious faces so he thought it wasn't right to approach his hyung at that moment.
You stood there eyes shifting following Kangin's gaze and saw he seemed to be in his mind at the moment as he narrowed his eyes at...Guesung?
You raised an eyebrow out of curiosity now trying to wander what kind of thoughts could he possibly having right now that seemed to make him more and more frustrated.
Just as you were about to speak up, he suddenly jerked his entire body in your direction and stood directly in front of you now, staring you right in your eyes.
You got taken aback a bit as you stared at his mocha brown eyes that swirled with many emotions, though you couldn't quite put a figure in either as they all seemed to be a mix of annoyance, judging from his slightly crunched eyebrows, but his lip forming a small pout as though he was desperate to let out whatever he had just been thinking off.
You almost wanted to giggle because it just looked like he was a cute little puppy who got hurt but you suppressed it and stared at him in anticipation to go on.
"Y/N." He called in a deeper voice then usual, a professional tone you suppose to make what he was about to say sound absolutely serious.
"Mhm?" Letting out a hum of approval for him to go on
"You know i always want what's best for you right? I have always wanted what's best for you and i always will." He told you now putting his hands on your shoulders as if to hold you in place.
" Yes, yes i do know but wh-why are you suddenly saying this?"
You told now getting slightly nervous as to how serious he looked, his eyes now being replaced from the warmer tones to a more darker yet slightly intimidating gaze.
"That's why I think, that's why I think you should either be fucking brave and confess or else you let it go. Because clearly holding onto this is not only hurting you but it is literally draining you."
He firmly told as you slowly took in his words, your brain picking up quickly as to what he had been implying, your heart beat thudding against your chest as your imagination started to run wild from the scenarios it created.
After a pause,hearing no reply from you, he decided it was appropriate to continue
"It's not like you know how he feels do you? Yes his behaviour is not rightful towards you but even that you should let him know, let him know that it hurts you, that he doesn't have the right to treat you that way despite you doing nothing wrong in the first place."
You gulped at his words as he continued on
"Y/N, my love, you deserve the best a person can offer. You deserve someone who's willing to treat you right and make sure your feelings are not hurt. You deserve someone who for one is honest about their feelings, who's willing to go out of their way to keep you in their lives."
Taking a pause to catch his breath,
"Even if it means Guesung hyung is not that person."
"You need to realise what you rightfully deserve. That choice is always yours, not mine, not the world and certainly not Guesung hyung's."
He finished off placing his hand over his heart as if he felt a weight lift off his chest when he said that and truthfully it did in a way, he always wanted to say this, even so knowing how the other truly feels, he knew you still deserved an honest person.
You in the other hand stood there, silent. Taking in every single syllable and word that was told you, carefully dissecting the meaning in your mind and alas,
Alas you finally realised it.
He was right, Lee Kangin was fucking right.
Kangin stared at you, thinking he'd done something wrong and contemplating if he could take back his words even though he meant them wholeheartedly.
"You're right." Kangin snapped his gaze towards you that had previously turned away after finishing his speech due to his nervousness, he looked at you and blinked a few times as though his eyes had heard them wrong.
He shook his head slightly realising he probably looked dumb but you paid no mind and continued,
"You're absolutely right Kangin."
Thinking back you realised just how dumb you acted because of...because of well Guesung. Honestly it was ridiculous how you'd let his behaviour towards you just slide because you believed you were the one in the wrong.
The saying "Love makes fools of us all, big and little." was something you were not really one to believe in. Because really who would let a bunch of emotions control your entire mind and captivate your heart to the point of sleepless nights and even more restless days.
You weren't one to believe in it until you became said fool.
You didn't believe it until you were actually one of those who made the saying apply quite literally.
Because after all, you had been a fool. A fool who let your emotions take over and started viewing the world through rosy red-tinted glasses.
And Kangin, your one and only saviour, had just removed those, threw them from your face and made you face the actual colours of reality.
So with a determined mindset and gathering up every sort of confidence you had in you, you looked back at Kangin, and said with a firm voice
"I'll confront him. I'll ask him why he treats me the way he does, why can't he just treat me, how he treats others. With at the least an ounce of respect."
You stopped to catch a breath.
"A-and I'll also let him know how much he has hurt me. How it does not only affect me but it tires me at times, how it feels to be treated like that by someone...someone who means...who means way more than I wish he did in my life."
Finally letting out an exhale and putting your hand over your heart as though it was just mentally tiring to think of all that, you finished
"I'll confront him after your practice, i wouldn't want something I said to affect his practice."
You nodded more to yourself rather than Kangin who still seemed to be in shock as to how you were able to accept the reality and come to those rightful conclusions.
Rolling your eyes at his confused and dazed look, you continued "What? You think I am dumb enough to not notice that this wasn't the right way to behave. Look I may have not confronted him about it before but I did know okay? I did know it wasn't right to treat anyone this way."
"I guess not confronting is the same as basically allowing him to continue treating me that way, but, not anymore."
You wished though, you wish you'd have confronted him about this previously but hey, better late than never right?
Kangin narrowed his eyes in suspicion and asked the on true question that stood on top of the mountain of endless questions he always had in his mind
"And what about...what about your real feelings? What about despite the way he treats you, you still choose to lo-"
Coughing loudly he stopped and continued "
like him? You still choose to put your heart in his hands unknowingly?"
Scrunching your eyebrows in a bit of cringe yet humour at his final sentence, you chuckled a bit and Kangin knew it worked to release some of the tense atmosphere the air seemed to have carried since you two began talking.
"Well, honestly I think I'll tell him. I think it's better to let everything off my chest, and worse come worse, he doesn't feel a single ounce of the same way I do and best case scenario is," You trailed off with a little smirk and a certain spark in your eyes as you imagined all your endless scenarios with Guesung being the main actor actually coming true.
Kangin snorted, walking more close to you and put his arm around your shoulder as he pulled you closer to him and brought his hand up to ruffle your hair "Okay you wild child, get off that imagination train before its next destination is false hope."
Grinning up at him "Oh but don't you know? The passenger on it is a hopelessly hopeful romantic." You finished with a wink as you both giggled suddenly feeling a lot better.
Trust Kangin to always make you feel lighter whenever you felt like everything was a burden.
At the end of the day, at least I know you'll always be there. Just like I will always be there for you Lee Kangin.
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You may have been confident to say all those things about confrontation and confessing but gosh, it was easier said than done.
Way easier to boost yourself up to do the task but when it came to do the actual task you felt like making a run for it and never looking back.
That day you felt like your thoughts were really weighing you down and sure it was for a good reason yet you felt drained from truthfully everything. Instead of talking to Guesung that same day, you decided to have a talk when you were not feeling as though the weight of the world was on your shoulders.
You’d wish someone had told you about how draining feelings could make you feel but then again the rush of those same exact feelings made it almost all worth it.
You chose to just ignore him for the remainder of the day and when you bid the players and Kangin goodbye, you made sure to specifically not tell your farewell to one particular player.
And oh he noticed, he noticed how when you gently smiled at the others while bidding them goodbye, he noticed that very adorable smile drop once your eyes found his and your lips turn into a thin line whilst giving a very curt nod before turning away.
That made him confused, very confused. He was always used to you being all cheery at times around him even though he knew he didn’t treat you fairly well but he always justified why he should distance himself from you.
Because he knew it was wrong to gain feelings for the partner of his teammate.
Yes, that’s right. Guesung thought Kangin and you were actually dating. I mean he did not see any other reason as to why you’d sometimes go out of your way to make sure Kangin had been eating well by sometimes bringing over food even though they did have a diet to follow but you always just dismissed it and still happily brought him food, you’d even bring for the others as well.
He always thought you liked to be close to each other because he assumed you were dating him, the long hugs and the small little forehead kisses.
But fuck, it didn’t mean he particularly liked it.
And with these conclusions, he felt it was right to distance himself from you before he would fall harder and harder but he couldn’t help it. Feelings were fatal and surely his were no exception.
With that he found himself completely and utterly head over heels in love with you before he could even stop himself.
It began to hurt now, because from that particular day, you were making sure you kept your distance from him. He noticed this and it hurt more than he’d ever like to admit. You began showing up only a few times over the course of the week than you’d usually do.
Only coming to greet Kangin and not even spare a glance at him, not even look in his direction. You would only greet the rest of the team with encouraging words like you usually would but not even a single word towards him.
He would wait for you to spare him a glance now, wanting to hear you tell him how great his skills were or how amazing his gameplay had been during a particular practice with that ever-so-fond smile of yours which he thought was something you gave to everyone but only well basically everyone knew you reserved that smile for him and him only.
Too bad he was a fool for not seeing that.
At the end he found himself running out of excuses as to why you’d be avoiding him and though he did partially believe his behaviour was at fault here which left a bitter taste on his tongue and heart, he wished he would know the actual why.
So he found himself going to the one person who knew you better than anyone else for a plausible explaination which wouldn’t make him feel more of an asshole than how he felt, it was none other than Lee Kangin.
Kangin had been discerning his hyung’s actions from the past few days and noticed how upset he’d always looked. Well he knew Guesung was serious during practice times but he’d always be laid back after that and would even joke around a lot. They did after all get along quite well so when he saw how more frustrated he seemed to get day by day, he had initially been worried but on one day when he noticed him sporting a deep frown staring intently at something, he not only realised got the answer to his previous question as to what was stressing Guesung out but he also acquired that it was not something rather it was someone when he followed his line of sight which ultimately lead up to…you.
It was almost as if all the dots connected and Kangin couldn’t help but shake his head and narrow his own eyes at Guesung.
So he is affected by Y/N huh? Interesting.
And so when Guesung did eventually come up to him, he wasn’t exactly shocked when he found out why his hyung had come up to him.
Guesung nervously walked up to Kangin, his usual natural confidence and calmness being replaced with skeptical nerves that ran all the way from his heart to all the veins and nerves throughout his body. He gulped when he finally called out to the younger boy and even his voice seemed to have shown how nervous he was because in a rather hushed yet sheepish tone, he proceeded to ask
“Uh…Kangin? You got a minute to spare, I-uh I have something I want to ask you?” And immediately after he said that he wished the earth could swallow him whole.
Fucking hell, why am I acting like a high schooler with a crush ?!?
Kangin turned to Guesung from putting aside his belongings since it was the end of the day and raised his eyebrow as he urged on for him to continue,
 “Yes, hyung, sure what is it?” Pulling his lips into a thin line to prevent his smirk from showing.
Exhaling forcefully while clearing his throat he finally let the weighing question which had been both heavy on his tongue and mind out “Why is Y/N avoiding me? I mean I thought I’d ask you because you know, you’re their boyfriend and like you’d know the rea-”
“Wait, WHAT????”
Kangin interrupted the little unknowing ramble as he heard something that was very VERY absurd to him, thinking maybe he heard wrong.
“Boyfriend?? That too Y/N’S BOYFRIEND?!?” Kangin looked even more in shock as he saw the confused look wash over Guesung’s face, he held up a hand to his heart and said in a loud and serious voice “Hyung, first of all, God no, heck to the fucking no, Y/N and me are not fucking dating, we are literally just friends, we share platonic love, PLATONIC.”
“Secondly, are you seriously asking why Y/N’s avoiding you? No actually you tell me, what if the person you literally like would treat you like shit even though you treat them nicely for absolutely no fucking reason huh?”
Kangin’s voice grew more annoyed as he finished his little rant but he slapped his hand over his mouth as he realized a little detail he may or may not have accidentally spilled.
“L-like?” Guesung questioned even though Kangin may have not spoken much, all the words seemed to have cut through every single thought process he had been having to make his mind a mess of a mush of feelings and even more questions.
“Not dating? WHAT? What about the way you guys like, you guys like to be touchy with each other and stuff?”
Guesung questioned again loudly and now an amused expression grazed itself upon Kangin as he nodded
“So best friends can’t hug each other or kiss each other on the cheeks? Literally, Y/N takes me as one of their older brothers, even going as far as to call me their ‘twin brother from another’.”
Guesung groaned as he realised how childish and unbelievably stupid he felt at the very moment, he had to sit down on a bench and hold his head in his hands as he felt his brain feel heavier and heavier as though it was gaining physical weight from the newly acquired information.
“Also hyung before you go on another stupid assumption of yours, if you noticed closely, you’d know Y/N’s basically a very physically affectionate person in general to everyone, hugging is basically like a handshake or a normal greeting for them, even Seungho hyung and Y/N have this weird bet of giving each other piggy back rides when one loses a round of ‘who is a better goal keeper?’ to which Y/N on purpose loses just so they can get free piggy back rides.”
Kangin chuckled as he remembered how you basically played with your cunning words to make you somehow be able to always win that bet against Seungho and the poor lad eventually fell for it.
Guesung just stared at Kangin, blinking twice as his mouth fell ajar when he realised the most important part of his previously forgotten question was yet to be answered “What did you mean by like? As in-?”
“Well why don’t you find out yourself, I already said more than what was needed and I surely don’t need Y/N physically throwing me off a cliff for accidentally saying what their true fee-”
Before Kangin could say more, he bit on his tongue, quite literally to force himself to shut up “UH-yeah AS I said just, just go sort this out yourselves, you oblivious idiots, I’m done with this. And I swear to God if Y/N comes to me crying or anything and there is even a small fault of yours this time, I’ll forget who you are.” He finished almost threateningly which made Guesung gulp a little from his very serious tone.
And then as if someone flipped a switch, he smiled sweetly as he rose up from his previous position of besides Guesung and walked away before turning around slowly relaying some information “AND YEAH Y/N’S PROBABLY HOME RIGHT NOW SO YOU MIGHT WANT TO HURRY BEFORE THEY HEAD TO THE LIBRARY, THEIR ADDRESS IS XXX XXX XXX.”
He basically shouted at Guesung before turning around knowing his job was done and smiled to himself,
Y/N better thank me for this.
<< A few minutes later >>
The doorbell rang as you groaned realising, you’d actually have to get up from your comfortable position of sulking on the couch as you watched a romcom which did nothing but make you want more and more of what the lead couples had which in turn made you frown more as you thought about your actual reality.
It’s probably Kangin or whatever,
You thought but oh you were so wrong, so fucking wrong.
Because the last person you expected to be standing in all his might glory, on the step of your lovely home at almost 8 pm was Cho fucking Guesung.
Your brain basically stopped its communication as it tried to process whether this was reality or just another conjured up daydream of Guesung you often had as much as you hated to admit it.
“G-Guesung?” You asked softly as he stood there, him also being in a similar state as he took in your shorter yet perfect for him, figure in front of him in a large hoodie that almost reached your knees and your glasses which just made you look even more fucking cute. Oh, how he wished it was his hoodie you were standing in but he felt it in his gut if he did play the right cards and words, his wishes would soon come true.  (and he is right)
Fuck, Dear God,help me here please.
He prayed to the heavens above for some encouragement before he spoke
“I am sorry.”
Before you could even greet him hello, he literally left you speechless with those three words, pulling your lips into a thin line as you rose an eyebrow in curiosity because it seemed like he still had a lot to say.
“I am really sorry for, for everything. I am sorry for treating you like shit, sorry for making you feel like you were the one in the wrong and fuck- fuck I am really sorry for making you upset over me. Nothing can justify how I behaved with you, I just wished I wasn’t such a coward and assumed things that were never true in the first place…I just I am sorry okay?”
He put his hand on his chest as he exhaled feeling a lot of the weight on his chest leave as he continued and put his other hand on your mouth before you could speak again “No wait please just let me finish.”
Here it goes.
“I was a jealous idiot okay? I was a jealous idiot who jumped to conclusions and why I was jealous, it’s because I fucking like you. I have liked you since the day Kangin introduced you to us, at first I thought it was just because you were a beautiful person but the more you spent time with everyone, the more I kept falling when I realised you were not only beautiful on the outside but a fucking awesome human too? The way you always made sure to ask me about how I was doing and always just supporting us, like seriously who would go out of their way everyday to just be there for someone nowadays, then I realised I was jealous because I wanted that, I wanted you to do those things for me and me only. Y/N there you go okay, I fucking like you and if you don’t feel the sa-”
Before he could finish, you gently yet firmly removed his hand from your mouth and grabbed his jersey, which he had not yet changed, before bunching it up and pulling him closer to you, he stumbles a bit before you pull him down and crash your lips against him.
It felt as though the world faded around him the moment his lips touched yours as he shut his eyes, his hands gently moving to your waist, securely resting themselves on your hip bone, as your own entangled themselves around his neck.
Gentle yet soft was how the kiss felt like, only testing whether their lips suited each other as they moved against each other in a slow rhythm.
And when it felt like it was the perfect melody, it grew more and more passionate, hungrier and all of your unsaid emotions being poured into it, communicated through the rougher movement of lips against each other. Tingles traveled up your spine as his large hands pressed into your hips, squeezing gently. You moved one hand up to his hair, softly caressing it as he pulled you impossibly closer to him, slightly groaning as you pressed against his warm body and your hand working its magic in his hair.
He moved his hand up to your cheek as you gently pulled away, hands now looped around his neck, his eyes fluttering open gently as you both breathed heavily almost in sync, he stared down as you who still had your eyes shut but you looked up at him hazily opening your eyes as a small smile formed on your face “Well I hope that told you how I felt.”
You spoke so gently as if it was just meant for only him to hear and it was really.
“Wa-wait really?”
You let out a small giggle and decided to hopefully make him believe you even more with what you did next.
Pecking his lips you said “I” Another peck “Like” And a second one “You” And a third “Cho Guesung” You finished with one last peck which was almost a full-on kiss before you pulled apart and grinned widely at him with your now, even more, redder cheeks and shining eyes.
He brought up his other hand to your face and ran his thumbs over your warm flushed cheeks as he looked you in your eyes and finally, finally for once, he was not jealous of the stars in your eyes.
Because this time he knew they were there because of him and only him.
BONUS CUT (because honestly that last line as much as a banger of it is as an ending line there’s still some stuff left that needs to be covered)
“But you still have a lot of making up to do.” You mumbled to him gently c as you both decided it was better to move this much-needed conversation to a more private space which was your living room without an audience you noticed one of your grumpy neighbors had been staring at uh…the both of you. making out rather passionately.
Now you both were comfortably sat, you in his embrace as you sat half on his lap with one leg of his as he had one arm over you securely resting on your waist with your head on his chest, simply hearing his heart beat as it gave you comfort. Your hands held his free one as you drew circles on the back of it, each touch sending a shiver down his spine as he squeezed your waist gently running his own thumb on your slightly exposed skin making you reciprocate the same way.
He chuckled sheepishly as he sceptically continued “I know, I know I do and I swear I’m really sorry, I promise I’ll earn back your forgiveness for the rest of my life if I have to. Actually wait, let’s start from now, w-what can I do right now which could earn a bit of it?”
You giggled lightly as you felt his heart pace up, moving your body a bit so you could face him as you cheekily thought of another idea.
“You are so so cheesy darling" You chuckled as you noticed his cheeks begin to turn red at not only the nickname but your soft laughter and fondly continued,
"And well there is definitely one way."
You finished as you grabbed his collar, once again pulling his lips onto yours as you shifted your position to be in a more comfortable one, which was directly on his lap as you looped your arms once again behind his neck while biting his bottom lip and he squeezed your hips gently in response as he groaned.
At that moment you both knew, there was no turning back. You both were in too deep now, lost in each other’s thoughts and arms and you couldn’t have it any other way.
And oh of course, you both owned Lee Kangin a huge fucking thank you.
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2022
TAGLIST (those who have been waiting, thank you so much !) : @qhangi @toomanydamfandoms @exo-saranghajaaa @huang-the-geek @srodulvroux @layla409 @sstarrysshit @alotofrandomfangirling @sagittarious12 @tnrthings @ameliabs-world @abdiitcryy @detectivelola @midnightcoterie 💗 again thank you for your support !!
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523 notes · View notes
psgirlie · 6 months
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Today classico!!!
18 notes · View notes
moonlbabe2 · 1 year
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25 notes · View notes
dreaamerwrites · 2 years
rating: PG couple: cho guesung x female reader request: "can i ask you to imagine cho gue sung if he gets jealous because of one of the other players?" tags: jealousy, cake, kangin shenanigans, making out in a hotel hallway lol note: reader has had a crush on guesung for a long time. she was starting to wonder if her feelings might be reciprocated while they were apart during the Qatar World Cup, but during a welcome back party for our KNT boys, guesung begins to act very, very strange. /
You realize something is wrong immediately.
You can’t quite put your finger on how you know. He’s standing on the other side of the room, several feet of carpet, appetizers, and rowdy footballers stretching out in the space between you two. Seungho is laughing at his side. Jinsu must’ve cracked a joke, because Guesung appears to be laughing too now. But…
But you can tell something is wrong.
Maybe it’s that tight set to his jaw. (You can see it clench and unclench, an unhappy habit you know he’s been trying to break for months now, per his dentist’s orders.) Or maybe it’s his arms, crossed over his chest. He’s standing broad; feet apart, shoulders squared. He looks half-ready to fight or bolt – and yet, still, he continues to laugh between Jinsu and Seungho. As if everything is fine, as if nothing’s wrong.
His eyes briefly flicker over. They meet yours. You frown at him, trying to ask and convey:
What’s wrong?
Guesung’s expression does not change as he looks away yet again.
“Noona, did you taste this yet?!”
Suddenly a fork comes in line with your vision.
You look to your left, startled. Kangin had been chatting animatedly by your side for the last few minutes but, with Guesung looking so off, you hadn’t been able to pay much attention to the boy. The Mallorca boy smiles down at you with a broad, earnest smile, all teeth and dimples, and you immediately soften.
“No, not yet,” you reply, leaning forward to take the bite of cake he offers to you. It tastes of blueberries and whipped cream. “Are you guys even allowed to eat stuff like this?”
“Of course,” Kangin’s grin grows even wider, a truly impossible feat. “It’s Day 1 of our vacation. I deserve this today. Isn’t it good?!”
The sweetness clings to you, both from the cake and the boy.
“Yes,” you laugh, shaking your head. “It’s very good.”
Pleased, Kangin moves to take another bite for himself now. He’s settled close to you, as he had been for the last hour…
(I’ve missed you, noona! he had exclaimed, as soon as he had found you waiting in the hotel suite, still adding the last finishing touches to the makeshift welcome party you and the rest of the Seoul-based staff had thrown together.
The day had been a hectic one – their flights delayed, the airport erupting into chaos, countless fans lining up outside the hotel where the team had intended to touch base before all going their separate ways. You had been a mess then, hair still up in a sloppy bun, a pile of knotted streamers in your hands. Kangin had nearly tackled you down with a hug regardless.
You should’ve come with us, he had whined, arms still tight around your waist. Qatar wasn’t the same without you!
Over his shoulder, at that moment, you had seen Guesung walk in, face gaunt, eyes tired. He had stopped briefly when he saw the spectacle before him – Kangin hugging you in a wild bear hug, walking you backwards and nearly knocking over a bowl of confetti in the process – before shaking his head and making his way immediately towards the bar cart.)
That had been one hour ago.
And now, Kangin is still pressed into your side, curled up beside you on one of the hotel suite loveseats – and Guesung…
Well, Guesung has still not even come to say hello.
You’re trying very hard not to take it personally. It isn't as if you have any claim on Guesung. He isn't even your boyfriend, after all. You're close of course. You're close with all of them really. But… but Guesung had been different. Had felt different.
Especially over the last few weeks, throughout the World Cup campaign. You two had been talking more than ever. Constant phone calls, constant texts. You had spoken to him more over the last few weeks while he was in Qatar than you had ever before.
(And when he’d fall asleep, mid-sentence, mumbling to you over the phone about just wanting to do well, to make everyone happy, to make you feel proud of him… well, was it wrong for your heart to have flipped at the promise? Was it wrong to start to wonder if, for the first time in years, that perhaps your feelings weren’t so one-sided after all?)
You did well, Guesung. I missed you. I’m proud of you, Guesung. I missed you.
You had had so many things to tell him in-person and yet, now, you can’t even find the courage to approach him from across this very hotel room.
Was it possible for someone to feel far away, even while in the same room? How had he managed to feel even closer, when he had been oceans away before?
“You wanna know a secret, noona?” Kangin suddenly asks.
He’s pressed to your side, radiating a comforting kind of heat that briefly distracts you from how strange Guesung has been all evening.
You force yourself into a brief, small smile before turning to look at Kangin again. He has a small smudge of whipped cream on his Cupid’s bow. He looks as soft, kind, and sweet as ever. A boy, enjoying his cake, just happy to be here at all.
“Sure,” you can’t help but laugh, reaching over to wipe the cream from his lips with your thumb, endeared. He blushes sheepishly at the action, licking at his lips afterwards. This time, you press your shoulder into his instead, laughing teasingly. “What’s the secret, kid?”
This gets him back on track.
Momentarily forgetting his sheepishness, Kangin straightens up, sitting broad in the loveseat with you, shoulder firm against yours. He gives you an owlish, knowing look.
“I’ve been conducting an experiment,” he says, very matter-of-factly.
You raise a brow, licking the icing off your thumb. Kangin doesn’t bat an eye.
“You see, when we were at the airport, some of the hyungs were all making fun of… someone,” he raises a brow right back at you, all swagger now, as if he wasn’t just caught with frosting on his lip. “They all knew you’d be here, waiting for us when we got back, ya’know.”
You’re not quite sure where this is going.
“They were making fun of him, saying that… that someone would probably be soOOOooOo happy to see you,” Kangin hums, clearly pleased with himself. “He tried to deny it the whole trip. Said it wasn’t a big deal. Said he just wanted to see you just like everyone else. Said it wasn’t like that.”
Wasn’t like that. Suddenly your heart is caught in your throat.
“Kangin,” your smile falters.
Kangin’s expression transforms from faux swagger to warm encouragement in a split second. He sets his cake down onto the coffee table and, hands free now, shifts even closer to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“I needed to call bullshit,” he smiles warmly, no malice lacing his words whatsoever. Just pure kindness and laughter. He radiates so much softness that you can’t even admonish him for swearing. “I wanted to make them acknowledge that: nope, this is exactly like that.”
Kangin squeezes your shoulder firmly, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Noona, you deserve someone who will be honest about their feelings. You deserve someone who will be proud to have you in their life and who will fight to keep you always.”
(Just want you to be proud of me, Guesung had murmured sleepily on the fourth night.
His voice had sounded far away on the phone. You had pressed the receiver closer to your ear. You could catch what he said next just barely. It came so soft and sleep found him so quickly after that you wondered if you had dreamt it all.
Just want you to want me too, he had whispered. Just want you.)
“So I started wondering, ya’know. If this guy can’t even be brave enough to tell his friends that he likes you, then will he ever be brave enough to deserve you?” Kangin continues, this time more flippantly than before. His gaze flickers over to the side of your head but he holds you still, does not let you look away. “So I needed to run a little experiment.”
Suddenly Guesung is standing before you.
This time, Kangin lets you look up, look away. Lets you look up into Guesung’s face, to find his expression pinched and unhappy, his big hand brushing Kangin’s off of your shoulder with focused intent.
Guesung grabs your arm and lifts you up and off the couch.
“We’re going,” Guesung grits out. “Now.”
“Guess I know my answer now,” Kangin laughs loudly, a full-bodied laugh. You can see he has some whipped cream still left on his chin, too, that you hadn’t noticed before.
You glance between the young boy and Guesung in confusion – but Guesung doesn’t give you a chance to squeak out another question.
He leaves behind a laughing Kangin and pulls you further and further away, his hand firm on your arm, fingers pressing into your skin as he pulls you through the crowd of people, his steps so wide that you nearly trip over your own feet to keep up with him.
Heungmin is laughing now, just as loudly, and you can see Jinsu and Seungho doubled over in the corner.
Guesung does not spare anyone a second glance.
He does not even spare you a glance until you’re out, finally, standing in the hotel hallway, the suite room slamming closed behind you. Your back hits the wall.
“I’m – what – what’s going on – ” you sputter, Guesung’s hand still tight around your arm. “Guesung, you’re hurting me.”
He drops his hand immediately, as if burned. Still, he does not look at you. He stares down at his hand instead. His chest is heaving and his expression has morphed from frustrated anger to one of disbelief, as he stares down at his palm. He clenches it closed into a fist, his knuckles white.
Just want you to want me too.
“Sorry, I’m – I’m sorry,” Guesung is muttering now, voice low and gravelly. Thick with something uncomfortable. “I shouldn't have – sorry, I grabbed you. I shouldn’t have – ”
You can hear the party even through the thick hotel room door that separates you from the rowdy footballers. You can almost hear Kangin laughing, still.
Be brave, he’d probably tell you.
Be brave, he’d probably tell the both of you in this hallway.
Slowly, you raise your hand to cover Guesung’s closed fist. His hand is so big, compared to yours, that you can barely cover half of it. You raise your other as well. Cradling his fist in both of your hands, you smooth your thumbs over his clenched knuckles. You can feel him shiver at the touch and finally, finally… you buck up the courage to look up.
To look at him.
Guesung stares down at you, towering over you with his height. He blocks out the hotel light behind him, still breathing heavily, shoulders shaking, and, for once, all you can see is him. The hotel room, the laughter, the party: everything fades away. There is only you, and there is only him.
The silence is deafening.
His mouth is pressed into a thin line. His expression is still unreadable, guarded and unhappy, but the beauty mark just below his eye is so endearing that you can’t help but soften, despite yourself.
For the first time that evening, you think you may finally understand what was wrong all along.
I miss you, his eyes seem to scream. I missed you!
You let go of his hand to reach up to cradle his face carefully instead.
“It’s okay,” you whisper into the silence of the hotel hallway. “Don’t be sorry.”
Be brave!
“I missed you too,” you admit quietly.
The change in his expression comes so swiftly that you can barely register it before he crushes you against him. He presses your face into his broad chest and wraps his muscled arms around you tightly, desperately. He holds you so close that your own chest rises and falls with each breath he takes. His breath is warm and harsh against your ear, a faint whine of unhappiness rising up when you wiggle in his arms, trying to free your own arms so that you can wrap them around him. Only when your arms circle his waist does he finally let out a ragged, relieved sigh.
Still, he does not let you go.
“I hated it. All of it,” he mutters into your hair. “Everything in there. I'm sorry. I hated that Kangin was the first one you saw. I hated that he was with you all night. I hated that we didn’t speak and that you didn’t look at me and that you were looking at him and –”
He’s rambling now, all nonsense and tight breaths.
You smooth your hand down his back. Follow the curve and dip of his spine. Rub soothing circles into the base. He seems to melt into you at the touch, though he’s careful not to rest his weight onto you.
You don’t think you’d mind it, really. You tug him closer, still.
“I didn’t know,” you whisper back quietly. “I’m sorry too.”
This stops the rambling.
Guesung seems to go still in your arms. And then, unwillingly, reluctantly, he slowly pulls back. His hands are locked behind your back so neither of you can go very far, but he pulls back just enough to get a better look at your face. You’re not sure what you look like. Your hair feels like a mess, from being pressed up against him just now, and you’re sure you’re flushed as well – but…
But Guesung looks at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
And, damn, if he isn't the most beautiful thing you've ever seen as well.
His mouth is red and his cheeks are flushed. He stares down at you with such intensity that you want to squirm under his gaze, but still he holds you in place. You swallow. His hair has come loose, the pomade softening, and a few strands fall into his forehead. You want to push them back. You want to hold him closer. You want him to…
“You didn’t know?” Guesung asks softly, breaking your train of thought.
You shake your head slowly. He licks his lips. Watches you watch him too.
“You didn’t know that I’ve missed you like hell for the last few months? You didn’t know that the first person I wanted to see after our Portugal match... was you?”
Guesung’s gaze never leaves yours.
This time, you do shiver.
“You wanted to see me first?” you reply shakily, a slight tremor in your voice.
Guesung sweeps one hand up from your waist to the side of your neck. Normally he runs cold, you know, but today he is warm, skin hot against yours. His thumb smooths over the slope of your jaw, the touch purposeful and tender.
“I always want to see you first,” he replies, just as shakily, his voice giving him away.
You cannot hear Kangin laughing anymore. You do not hear anything but the sound of Guesung’s soft voice and your own heart thumping loudly in your chest. It’s time to be brave now.
“Good,” you reply.
You tilt your face up to Guesung. And then, staring into his eyes, you lift yourself up onto your tippy toes, rest your hands on his shoulders, and lean up and into him.
When your lips find his, the first kiss is unbearably soft.
A barely there brush of your lips at first – but then there's a second, and then a third.
By the fourth, Guesung is hungry as he pushes you back further against the wall, one leg slotting between yours, his big hand cupping your cheek to tilt your mouth up and open for him even more.
“Missed you,” you murmur between kisses, his tongue catching your bottom lip. You shiver when his other hand stops at the small of your back, thumb sweeping across the stretch of skin there that appears as your shift lifts just slightly. “So proud of you. ‘M so proud of you. Wanted to tell you all night.”
He shakes in your arms at this, holding you closer, his thigh warm between your legs.
“Proud of me?” he mumbles back, pressing another kiss at the corner of your mouth, nose brushing against yours. “Missed me?”
You nod, dizzy now, breathless as he kisses you in earnest. Your hand finds its way into his hair and you give the strands a light tug, pulling him back slightly. When he tilts back, you can see him clearly now. Mouth wet, pink with your lip balm, his hair even more mussed than before. He’s heaving now, chest rising and falling with each desperate breath.
You can taste that cake still – blueberries and whipped cream clinging to the backs of your teeth – but you can taste Guesung too, you think. You lick your lips.
He seems to melt at the sight.
He sags against you, pressed firmly against you, wedging you between his thighs and the cool wall behind you.
“Did you really?” he leans closer, pressing his forehead to yours.
For someone who just kissed you as if their life depended on it, a flash of uncertainty shines in his eyes.
Oh, Guesung…
You decide to be brave enough for the both of you.
“I did. I’m so proud of you. And I missed you so much,” you answer steadily. Your hand in his hair is gentle. You brush the strands back slowly, carefully. Breathe in his cologne and let yourself get dizzy with it. “Wanted you. So much.”
Guesung looks dizzy himself.
He nudges his nose against yours. You’re sure the position must be uncomfortable for him, towering so high above you but leaning down so that he can reach you, like this. He does not seem to care. The uncertainty in his eyes seems to be fading now.
“Really? You wanted – want me?” he clears his throat. Presses himself closer to you, all heat between your legs, shuddering when your fingers card through his hair, nails grazing the nape of his neck. He tries to laugh shakily. “Even more than Kangin?”
The joke catches you so off guard that you let out a helpless, breathless laugh.
“Is that really a question?” you ask, looking down at the predicament you two are in briefly before looking back up at Guesung. Do you see this right now? is what you should really be asking. Instead, you decide to humor him. “Of course more than Kangin. More than anyone else. Always. I wouldn’t be out here kissing Kangin like this!”
This seems to appease him.
He crowds against you even closer, nuzzling your nose with his, sneaking a quick kiss to your cheek.
“Good,” he murmurs. “Only kiss me like this. Only want me. I know I only want you.”
You know there will be lengthy conversations after this. You know the two of you will need to discuss your feelings properly – will need to iron this out and speak like adults, rather than kiss-drunk kids who want only to be wrapped up in each other’s arms. You know that that will all come...
But for now, you let yourself have this.
Be brave.
“Only want you,” you promise, voice soft. Reassuring. Guesung is warm and solid in your arms.
He is everything you could ask for at that moment.
He is everything you could ask for always.
“I promise.”
Bonus cut:
Several minutes later, after a few more lengthy, hungry kisses:
Guesung fixes his hair, ruffling the strands between his fingers, as he gazes at you thoughtfully. You raise a brow at him, as you readjust your shirt, trying to tuck it back in from where he had pulled it loose.
“What is it?”
He purses his lips, a curious look in his eyes.
“You tasted like… blueberries. Do you always taste like berries?”
You pause.
And then, schooling your expression into the most neutral one you can manage, you sniff: “Did you get to try the cake we got for you guys? It’s blueberries and cream. …Kangin fed me some. Didn’t you see – ”
(Really, you both had tried to straighten yourselves out in vain. What was even the point of trying to straighten out your shirt again?)
You yelp when Guesung reels you back in, big hands immediately grabbing onto your hips as he pulls you closer, staring at your mouth with intent, chasing you for another kiss.
“I’ll kiss it away. Gonna kiss you til you taste like me instead,” he growls roughly, mouth open and wet against yours.
You can only laugh into the kiss in agreement.
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Omg lee kangin!! Did you know that he speaks spanish? https://youtu.be/3bnYA5ePkTk?si=7Nh_6N-wMpy16ecX funny thing is he admitted that he speaks spanish better than korean 😂
During the transfer window, there was a rumour that he was going to spurs and i was so excited. He's young and talented and seeing him play in the same team as his captain (sonny) would be very exciting. But yeah, he went to psg instead. I hope he plays for any premier league team one day.
I'll watch the video later because I can't right now but I believe he was in Spain for 5 years or something like that. So that's a lot 😅
And honestly, I can't imagine most PSG players staying there long so he'll have time to try other leagues for sure.
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ynwa-chiesa · 7 months
you know i’m the opposite of a bayern fan but if mourinho went to bayern at least the pressers will be fucking hilarious instead of tuchel trying to find a million different ways to say the sentence “wir haben gut trainiert” 😭 like go girl give us nothing - @lee-kangin
NO LITERALLYYYY imagine the insta posts. The fucking quooootes... All tuchel yaps about is 'in training were world class 🥺🥺🥺 glaubt mirrrr' and when you pan to the sidelines hes just sitting there like 🤔 BROTHER YOU'RE THE COACH!!!!
when we're playing i wanted the camera to pan to jose scribbling in his notebook and throwing a water bottle at niko kovač!!! Thats all i want!!! Also as a bayern fan (a lowkey one, i just support it because i grew up here and stuff) we truly deserve this flop phase a LOT... So lets make the best of it (more chaos)
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whitehartlane · 2 years
THE WHEN DID I DO THAT.. 😭😭😭 the adrenaline rush from winning must be something crazy omg. and ahh i know its sort of the job and all but its still so cool seeing how in sync players get with each other!! im very excited to see how the variety circuit pans out for the nt over the next month, esp since jaesuk & the other big hosts were so excited about the games! do u have any shows you’d be particularly interested to see them on?
ngl im also looking forward to seeing how all of geusung’s (assumed) modeling offers go.. like i saw that one jeonbuk vid of the awards ceremony, and his earring omg.. i would be fascinated to see a shoot with that🕴🏻
also it’s been rly fun talking to you too!! 🌷🌷i dont really follow football much outside of the wc, so its always nice engaging w ppl that do :]
hiiii anon!! ☺️ no bc the way guesung was genuinely surprised it killed me 😭 i rly hope we see a lot more of guesung and kangin together altho i’m not sure how realistic that is bc kangin’s already left korea as far as i know and they play in 2 different leagues 🥲 (kangin in la liga and guesung in k league, altho there have been rumours he might be going to europe) and yes the players’ synergy is rly lovely to watch!! i’m gonna post sth in my drafts abt that after answering this!! 🫶🏾
i’m rly excited for the possible variety show content too! i know guesung has been confirmed for you quiz which is very exciting ☺️ i’d love to see the boys on things like running man, i live alone, etc … i live alone is truly one of my fav kr reality shows i think it would be so fun to see one of the players on there!! another show that would be fun is one night two days … it would be so lovely to see them get to explore sk and do all the little games as well 🥺 also i know it’s not airing anymore (truly devastating) and this is well outside the realm of reality but imagine 2 of the boys on we got married 😭😭😭 it would be so chaotic … but honestly anything would be rly fun, i’m not picky!! especially shows w jaesuk 👍🏾
guesung’s earring has its own fandom i swear 😭 no but i can’t wait for the inevitable photoshoots and i hope he keeps the earring 🙏🏾 he’s def going to get lots of offers both for modelling and brand endorsements in the coming weeks and months, i’m interested to see where it goes!!
i’m glad i can provide you w some thoughts ☺️ i do also follow a couple of leagues (basically wherever the sk boys play i’m there 😭 and indian football … ) but wc is a special time and i’m always extra insane abt footy then ⚽️ hope you enjoy your time here hehe!! 🥰
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