Hmm? Oh don't worry about it he'll be there soon!
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TA: you know what? 2ure.
TA: a2 far a2 iim aware double death ii2 ju2t hoofbea2t 2hiit anyway2. 2o iim not concerned.
TA: you know what? Sure.
TA: as far as im aware double death is just hoofbeast shit anyways. So im not concerned.
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You know what, yeah 2ure.
You know what, yeah sure.
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Sul, dude, why are you just sitting outside-
Iim not out2iide. Iim iin a dream bubble. Thii2 one here ii2 alway2 a clear niight. Atlea2t a2 far a2 Ii've explored. 2o fiinding 2helter would be kiinda poiintle22.
Im not outside. Im in a dream bubble. This one here is always a clear night. Atleast as far as ive explored. So finding shelter would be kinda pointless.
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Bro, are you in danger????
TA: Am i in danger?
TA: No.
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#reposting by itself purely because i put way too much effort into for no one to see it#i am a simple creature#this is an ooc post btw lol#homestuck#sollux captor#homestuck ask blog
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Whats you'r favorite food
TA: my lu2u2 u2ed two make thii2 kiiler mack'n Chee2e.
TA: my lusus used to make this killer mack'n cheese.
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TA: What?
TA: ???
[there is now a crator with a strange creature inside it]
Hmm? Oh don't worry about it he'll be there soon!
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TA: you know what? 2ure.
TA: a2 far a2 iim aware double death ii2 ju2t hoofbea2t 2hiit anyway2. 2o iim not concerned.
TA: you know what? Sure.
TA: as far as im aware double death is just hoofbeast shit anyways. So im not concerned.
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Hmm? Oh don't worry about it he'll be there soon!
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TA: you know what? 2ure.
TA: a2 far a2 iim aware double death ii2 ju2t hoofbea2t 2hiit anyway2. 2o iim not concerned.
TA: you know what? Sure.
TA: as far as im aware double death is just hoofbeast shit anyways. So im not concerned.
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Hmmm. I think I can label that as sad.
[[†hê ¢rð¢hê† måñ hå§ ßêêñ Ðêþlð¥êÐ.]]
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TA: The Who?
[your ask]
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Important question. are you Feeling sad or depressed a of right now sullox?
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TA: ii haven't felt much iin 2weep2.
TA: I haven't felt much in sweeps.
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[[him contacting his people]]
H1 D4V3 >:P. HOWS 1T H4NG1NG H3H
TG: oh shit hey terezi
TG: its been decent i think. we were planning to go to an aquarium tomorrow. howve you been?
TG: also, weird question, but is trollian letting you message me or any of the others
TG: ive been trying to talk to karkat but none of my messages have actually gone through so far
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Ew dont apologiize. It2 not your fault. If anythiing iit2 thii2 2tupiid fuckiing game.
I'll let my contact2 know two keep a lookout for people matchiing your troll2 de2criiptiion2 iin the dream bubble2.
Ew dont apologize. Its not your fault. If anything its this stupid fucking game.
I'll let my contacts know to keep a lookout for people matching your trolls descriptions in the dream bubbles.
H1 D4V3 >:P. HOWS 1T H4NG1NG H3H
TG: oh shit hey terezi
TG: its been decent i think. we were planning to go to an aquarium tomorrow. howve you been?
TG: also, weird question, but is trollian letting you message me or any of the others
TG: ive been trying to talk to karkat but none of my messages have actually gone through so far
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*throws a crotcheted bee plush at him*
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TA: What?
TA: ..
TA: Thanks
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And you haven't managed two connect two any of the trolliian 2erver2? it wa2n't nece22ariily iintentiional at the tiime, but they 2hould be compatiible wiith your human me22agiing appliicatiion. If you do manage a liine through, you 2hould me22age aradiia. Liike alpha tiimeliine aradiia. Thii2 2ound2 liike iit miight be 2omethiing 2he would know about.
Ugh iim very 2uddenly remiinded why ii u2ed two avoiid you human lo2er2. Thii2 2hiit ii2 giiviing me a headache.
On karkat, there'2 le22 po2t game 2oul2 than miid game 2oul2. E2peciially le22 liiviing one2. But iif your actually dead liike the re2t of u2, then that make2 lookiing for hiim alot more of a paiin iin the a22.
And you haven't managed to connect to any of the trollian servers? It wasn't necessarily intentional at the time, but they should be compatible with your human messaging application. If you do manage a line through, you should message aradia. Like alpha timeline aradia. This sounds like it might be something she would know about.
Ugh im very suddenly reminded why i used to avoid you human losers. This shit is giving me a headache.
On karkat, there's less post game souls than mid game souls. Especially less living ones. But if your actually dead like the rest of us, then that makes looking for him alot more of a pain in the ass.
H1 D4V3 >:P. HOWS 1T H4NG1NG H3H
TG: oh shit hey terezi
TG: its been decent i think. we were planning to go to an aquarium tomorrow. howve you been?
TG: also, weird question, but is trollian letting you message me or any of the others
TG: ive been trying to talk to karkat but none of my messages have actually gone through so far
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Oh iim from a doomed tiimeliine, got bla2ted iin a hiighblood rampage. I don't know what happened two my tiimeliine2 kk.
I haven't really 2een anyone from my uniiver2e iin liike... A really long tiime. But that2 neiither here nor there. Infiiniity ii2 ma22iive liike that.
A2 for your karkat, are you iin a dream bubble? or liike a po2t game tiimeliine?
how dead 2hould you all be?
Oh im from a doomed timeline, got blasted in a highblood rampage. I don't know what happened to my timelines kk.
I haven't really seen anyone from my universe in like... A really long time. But thats neither here nor there. Infinity is massive like that.
As for your karkat, are you in a dream bubble? Or like a post game timeline?
How dead should you all be?
H1 D4V3 >:P. HOWS 1T H4NG1NG H3H
TG: oh shit hey terezi
TG: its been decent i think. we were planning to go to an aquarium tomorrow. howve you been?
TG: also, weird question, but is trollian letting you message me or any of the others
TG: ive been trying to talk to karkat but none of my messages have actually gone through so far
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.. that 2ound2 liike the type of juveniile 2hiit that2 a2kiing two get your a22 culled.
Al2o ii2n't there liike 2everal 2triider2?
.. that sounds like the type of juvenile shit thats asking to get your ass culled.
Also isn't there like several striders?
wwait youre from the future or somefin
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Cold kk. Cold.
Why dont you do u2 all the 'favor' of telliing about all tho2e better thiing2 then? it2 been awhiile 2iince iive heard anythiing from the alpha tiimeliine. Some of u2 have eterniity two kiill afterall.
Cold kk. Cold.
Why dont you do us all the 'favor' of telling about all those better things then? Its been awhile since ive heard anything from the alpha timeline. Some of us have eternity to kill afterall.
wwait youre from the future or somefin
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