#kang seungsik scenarios
biaswreckingfics · 2 years
Hiii! I'm not sure if you're still accepting request (in case you're not, just ignore this 🤭) but if you are, would like 26+36+63 with Seungsik form VICTON pretty pleaseeee
Thank you (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
Seungsik + Angst/Fluff -this is heavy on the angst 🥴🥴 sorry!! Haha-
(I just came to say goodbye. + You're blushing. + Kiss me.)
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A soft knock on your door has your chest clenching and your stomach churning. You know who it is and why he's here, but you also know the second you open the door everything becomes real. Seungsik is leaving, and you have no idea when you'll see him next, or if you'll ever see him again.
Slowly moving to the door, you open it and move out of the way so he can come in. You're too afraid to look at him, but you know you can't stare at the ground forever.
When you look up, he gives you a soft, sad smile, and you almost crumble right on the spot. His voice is quiet when he says, "I just came to say goodbye."
This is it. The man you confessed your feelings to only a couple of weeks ago is leaving the country. For good. You thought breakups were hard, but it's almost harder to have feelings for someone - someone who reciprocates those feelings - but it's just too late. Time and fate weren't on your side this time, and now you'll always be left with what if's.
You nod to let him know you heard him and he holds his arms out. Immediately, you fall into his embrace, trying to memorize his scent and the way his arms feel around you. The two of you cling to each other tightly in your last moments together, and Seungsik brings his hand up to cradle the back of your head.
"This doesn't have to be goodbye…" he says. "We can always visit each other and talk on the phone."
You nod, but stay silent because you know you won't. He opens his mouth to say something, but then he closes it. Pulling away, you search his face to see what he's holding back. "What?"
He pauses for a moment. "I don't want you to wait for me."
His words hit you like a ton of bricks. You don't want to agree, but you know it's the only option. He's not staying, and you're not going with him, so that's the only logical thing to do. "Okay."
"I'm serious. You have so much to offer. You're going to make someone supremely happy one day. Of course, I wish it were me, but it's gonna have to be some other lucky person."
You feel some of the sadness leave you thanks to his sincerity, and it feels slightly easier to breathe. "The same goes for you, Seungsik. Make your person the happiest being on this planet. I'll be rooting for you both."
He gives you a light smile. "See? You're almost too perfect for me, anyway."
Somehow, against all odds, you feel your face warm up and you lower your head. 
"You're blushing," he teases before bringing his fingers to your chin and tilting your head up. "Don't hide it."
You shake your head at his sweetness and his hand falls. He bites on his lower lip before nodding. "I should go before I miss my plane."
As he turns to walk away, need courses through you. "Wait."
He pauses his movements and finds your face. The two of you stare at each other for a moment before you finally utter two words that have been on the tip of your tongue for way too long.
"Kiss me."
He looks surprised by your words but quickly obliges. He moves close to you, bringing his hand up to cradle your cheek, and softly places his lips on yours. 
It's a gentle goodbye kiss. One that you'll feel on your lips for weeks, and the perfect way to say goodbye to what could have been.
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lushta1es0nm3 · 1 year
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Warning: Mature! 18+ you have been warned
Genre: Straight up smut
A/N: Read at your own risk and if you choose to read please feel free to give feedback and request. Please enjoy. I decided to make a wallpaper to go with it, feel free to use it 🤗
It was a regular Friday night, you were with your friends, drinking and sharing your complaints and joys about life. Your phone had been going off for a solid twenty minutes, you’d put it on silent and tossed it into the bottom of purse. You knew who it was at this time of night on a Friday. He always called to get you to come to wherever he was to drink with his friends. It usually ended with you and him in a hotel room.
You’ve told yourself many times to stop running to this man whenever he called because afterwards he’d treat even more like shit. He’d gaslight you every time making you feel so small and useless. But today, for reasons unknown to you, you decided not to answer and ignore him. The best way to do so was to silence your phone and put it out of sight out of mind.
You sighed after laughing the story your friend told about her kid who’d just turned one. He was adorable and nearly a splitting image of her. It low key made you wonder where you’d be in a couple years if you decided to marry and start a family. But than those thoughts of hurt that this man and others had put into your head haunted you. You took a drink from the glass you were holding and sat it down, just as a familiar face appeared.
“Wow, I haven’t seen you guys in a while.” It was Seungsik and a few other guys. He smiled happily at everyone as it became a little louder with everyone passing greetings.
Seungsik……..the guy you crushed on freshman year of college all the way up until junior year when he started dating some other girl. He presence always made your stomach flutter, you used to get shy and become quiet. But not now, after some circumstances you took the innocent naive shy girl and locked her away somewhere in your heart for protection.
The conversations around the table were going smoothly as everyone laughed and talked like nothing changed. You’d add your own input every now and again, but you my dear, was too busy drinking, no work tomorrow, who gives a damn about a hangover right now.
Seungsik who was seated beside you noted how you weren’t slowing down so he quietly asked if you were okay and suggested you slow down. Your ass just smiled at him and nodded saying thanks for caring. Thinking to yourself, he really had no idea what was really going on in your head. The bar door opened and he, the guy you’d been currently ignoring walked in.
Seeing you next to Seungsik, who was sitting a little too close made this man jealous as fuck. He took it on himself to approach your table and call your name. You sighed, not completely wasted yet and looked up at him confused as to why he was there. Like did he intentionally track you down?
“Why haven’t you been answering your phone?” He frowned at you sounding aggressive.
You pushed your hair back and sighed a little, you wanted so badly to clown but you couldn’t curse him out, because he was of course your boss and your job laid in his hands. That alone was the reason you were always running to his every call after work hours. He was handsome and everything a girl could want on the outside, but the inside was a twisted disturbing pile of shit.
“Sir, it’s Friday,” you finally answers after the table was completely quiet, none of your friends knew who he was or what the connection between the two of you was, “I’m currently not on the clock and I don’t think it’s proper for me to answer work calls while drinking.” You sighed.
He stared at you for a moment ready to blow a fuse. He couldn’t because he didn’t want to blow his own cover. The only people that knew that the two of you were sleeping together was his friends and they dared not say a word either.
Your boss looked at Seungsik and back at you because you had unconsciously rested your head on his shoulder. He was angry because he felt like you belong only with him. I mean you’re his type, cute and quiet, easy to manipulate and mold into whatever he wanted you to be. But seriously though, this was why you locked that side of you away, you’d naively let your boss do you, saying it was a one time thing. That along with the fact that every guy you thought was for you always took what they wanted from you and left. So with that, more it happened the more you closed her off to become cold.
He sighed furiously before speaking, “Monday, we’ll talk about this Monday. You left work without finishing your report.”
You huffed out a small slur of curse words under your breath before speaking, “I hear you.” looking him dead in the eyes. Telling him to leave you the fuck alone, rebelling against him for the first time and so openly at that. Was it the alcohol, or was it because you’d finally had enough and you just wanted some peace? Maybe both….
He was about to say something further but his friends stopped him and told him to cool it . He obliged but reluctantly, if he had it his way he would’ve dragged you out, why, you were his, he molded you for his own purposes.
“Y/N,” Seungsik called your name softly, after some time had passed and everyone seemed to go back to normal. You looked at him, your vision a little hazy, he was very concerned about you, “you should go home, do you want me to walk you?” He added.
You smirked at him, and nodded, this was like old times, when he used to walk you to your dorm when you stayed out too late, he feared for your safety then and now. Only now, you sorta felt like he treated you like a sister of some sorts back then but that was completely wrong. He actually liked you and had feelings for you.
He thought you only saw him as friend, why, because you were different with him. Your body language and your tone seemed to change in his presence. You worked hard all the time and that’s what drew him to you, you smiled regardless of the circumstances and you were kind to everyone. Both of you misunderstood the others feelings, so when a random girl asked him out, he accepted it not knowing it had hurt you. You both stopped talking then and went your separate ways, one not wanting to get in the way of a relationship and the other trying to close his heart to the person he loved. Can I call foolishness!
Halfway home, you stopped and puked in a random bush while he patted your back. Some water and a sit down later, you were seemingly back to normal. Causing you to strike up a conversation to ease the worried look in his eyes away. It worked but as you made it to your building you noted the familiar car sitting out front of your apartment building. You sighed and your smile dropped a little, hoping Seungsik wouldn’t notice but he did as he glance at the car discreetly before speaking.
“Awe man,” he frowned looking at the time, “I missed the last bus home,” he paused and looked at you, before clearing his throat, “so you mind if I stay the night, I don’t think I have the energy to take cab” he threw his hands up in defense, “I won’t try anything I swear.”
You smacked your lips and glanced at the car again not wanting to deal with that man you pursed your lips before speaking, “I’m warning you, I have a cat and she doesn’t like meeting new people.” You responded with a small nod, what could it hurt? Not a thing right?………Wrong
After getting inside and settling down, you were a little surprised your cat didn’t strike up a fight or an intense glare of death at him. After finding the biggest set of clothing you had you gave them to Seungsik and headed to bed. Leaving him in the living room.
Now sis, somewhere in the later in the night, your phone rang and you answered it half asleep forgetting that Seungsik was in the living room supposedly asleep. But who can sleep when your cat was harassing him with her tail by sitting on the arm wrest where his head was and dangling it in his face and trying to lay on his head? Usually she’d sleep in the bed with you but tonight was very different.
“Hello,” you answered the call with your eyes halfway open.
“What game are you playing at!?” Your boss yelled in your ear, you could tell he was drunk.
“Its three am,” you sighed groggily after checking the time.
He laughed and then started going on a rampage belittling you and ripping you apart as usual. You’d sat up in bed quietly listening to him curse you out. You’d become so used to this you just took it without saying a word. When he was done making you feel small and unfit he ordered you to come down right now before hanging the phone up in your face.
You felt so tired and helpless at that moment, thinking to yourself maybe you were less. You dropped your phone down on your bed just as a single tear found a way to make its way down your cheek. Sighing you figured maybe you were still a little drunk because you’d long since given up on crying, because it didn’t seem to get you any where.
The bed shift as you wiped you face again, the tears kept coming, but no sound left your lips, nor did your body shiver as they kept coming. Hands reaching up and wiping them away brought back from the darkness you were drowning in. Looking at Seungsik you felt like nothing in front of him, so you pushed his hands away and turned your head away from him.
“How long has this been going on?” He asked. The man had heard everything in your quiet apartment, thanks to your cat that is. It seemed the cat was keeping him awake for a reason.
You didn’t utter a word as you finally took a deep breath and wiped your face one last time, preparing to get out of bed. Seungsik repeated the question more loudly and urgently making you stop and look at him. The cold part of you spoke without a second thought.
“It doesn’t matter—.” Your words were emotionless making his heart sink.
“Why, won’t you quit and find another job.” He urged.
You scoffed out a a false laugh, “Like that’s going to help. I don’t think you know how powerful he is.”
“Power or not,” Seungsik took your hand in his, “he has no right to treat you like this.”
“Well at least he doesn’t treat me like his guy friends.” You mumbled out wanting to hurt someone and make them feel like how you felt.
“What’s that supposed to mean.” Seungsik asked with narrowed eyes, his head tilting just a little.
You sighed deciding to be honest, thinking you’d never see him again and maybe it was now or never to tell him your feelings.
You took a deep breath before speaking, “I liked you,” you paused and dropped your head feeling low but wanting to let out, “I still like you, you’ve always made my stomach flutter. But you didn’t like me that way, so you dated someone else. I can understand it though,” you kept going not realizing he’d gotten closer to you, “I’m not that pretty, I’m plain and shy. Not to mention being a plaything for my boss. He’s right, maybe I am only good in bed. It’s the only thing that’s attractive about me right….”
Speechless, Seungsik stared at you, how could you think so little about yourself? How could he have been so stupid? The version of you smiling brightly at him was now replaced with a cold look and emotionless empty words.
“Y/N,” Seungsik called your name earnestly as if he was begging you to look at him, “you’re wrong,” he told you, “you were so cute to me then but when I see you, your beautiful. I thought you didn’t like me. You’re an amazing person, you deserve to be treated like a queen.”
You huffed not believing a word he said to you, wanting to call him a liar as you looked up at him. Your words fell short when his lips met yours, your hands went up to push him away, but instead your hands gripped his shirt in tight fist. Your stomach fluttered but differently this time, it felt hot almost as if it wanted to burn you up.
He too felt himself heat up like cast iron in the dead of winter. His heart began to race as he fought with the decision to stop himself. He didn’t want to be added to list of trashy guys you’ve been with. Alas, it failed miserably when you pulled him closer and began pulling at his pants. You desperately wanted to feel something other than emptiness, with someone you told yourself you’d ever see again. Just one time, you keep thinking, just one time fuck me.
Seungsik pulled away from you abruptly, his breathing was ragged and his mind was a mess. He felt he should attempt one last time to leave before he couldn’t stop his mind from buzzing and his body reacting to your fire, but you pulled your shirt off and grabbed him not wanting him to get away from you again constantly saying to yourself, if only for one night before you go back to your gloom.
Clothes vanished and legs became parted, like a sudden breeze followed by lavender colored butterflies filling the room as Seungsik went down to taste your sweet nectar. Licking and swirling his tongue about making you want to clench your legs, but a tight grip he held you wide open to taste you more. Your hands were in his hair as you made sounds only for him to hear, your chest rose and fell as your walls clenched.
Whimpering out with eyes shut tight you called his name and begged for more, your body jerked and your back arched while he had you locked down so he could taste every last part. Your cries didn’t matter, music to his ears, watching your pleasure as he worked. Fulfilled as he watched you become a midnight flame, flickering and fluttering about. You trembled you breathing hitched and he stopped, licking and kissing his way up his eyes stayed on you.
Taking each breast into his mouth one at a time, Seungsik entered your folds slowly. Kissing at your breast and leaving you breathless. He fucked you deep and slow, then he kissed your lips, you were so tight around him he felt weak and lightheaded. He wasn’t going to stop, he wanted to see you explode, he wanted you to feel like the a velvet queen.
Crystal butterflies kissed his back and shoulders where your hands gripped and nails left scars. He grunted from deep his throat as he picked up the pace. Fucking you harder he whispered your name, right into your ear breathlessly. In the crock of your neck he laid lavender kisses as your stomach clenched. You were close, he could tell by how your hands went to hips. He pounded into you deeper a few times, then pinned your legs wide open.
“Shit,” he groaned out, “come for me. I want to see it.” He encouraged.
This was new, most men you’d been with got what they wanted and that was it. This was the first time anyone had begged you to come first. You felt it, those butterflies, dancing around in your stomach making you clench up again a you shook you head no as if you couldn’t.
Seungsik wasn’t having it, he pulled out and began eating at your fold again. You cried out a loud moan, orgasming finally with stars in you eyes. You body convulsed and trembled as Seungsik ate you a little more, watching as you shined like glitter. He entered your folds again and fucked you harder this time, with some hard deep thrust his came deep inside you. Chest to chest he lay as he emptied every last drop in you.
Out of breathe he lay down beside you, you still trembled a little more, feeling hot but cold all at once. Seungsik wrapped his arms around you and held you close, kissing your forehead. Your phone rang but you were too out of it to hear it, you could only hear your breathing and his heart beat. But Seungsik heard your phone going off amid his muffled mind , he answered it, knowing who it was.
“She quit,” Seungsik stated with so much authority in his voice, “don’t call her anymore.” He hung the phone up and powered it off, putting it on the nightstand he went back to holding you in his arms. He whispered painted words to you as you fell into a velvet oasis, trimmed with lace. Just you and him tucked away inside rose whispering, giving and taking care of each other, until every butterfly burst into glitter and dust……..
Now, the next day you woke up alone, memories slow played back to as you wrapped your head around what had happened. To you it wasn’t a surprise to wake up alone after a night of sex. Yet this time it was different, yet, you opted not to ponder on it and let your weekend roll by without thinking or doing anything. But come Monday morning when you dressed for work, picking an outfit that was alluring but work appropriate and headed out as usual you knew you had some making up to do.
Sighing to yourself as you entered the building, you headed straight to your desk, speaking to everyone as if nothing had happened. But the moment your boss realized you were there he called you to his office, you internally started cursing knowing what it’d take to get this over with.
The moment you set foot into his office he slammed the door and proceeded to curse and yell at you making it seem like it was about work but you knew different. You stood there quietly waiting until he was finished to say anything. Taking a deep breath you walked over to his desk and stood in front of it with your head hung low.
“How does it feel,” he remarked, “he got what he wanted and left after saying you quit. You can’t quit no one else will hire you, I’ll make sure they won’t,” he paused and looked you up and down, “you will pay for making me wait while you played around.”
“Yes sir.” You answered softly, but inside you wanted to hit him and spit in his face.
A sudden commotion outside reached your ears as you listened to your boss continue to talk down about you with no regard. You were curious, thinking something happened outside not knowing the commotion was coming your way.
Your boss stood up from his desk finally and walked around it to you, just as he reached up to play with a strand of your hair, the door opened causing both of you to look up.
“Y/N,” Seungsik called your name as he made his way to you, followed by four other men, he pulled you away from your boss and behind him, as he continued calling to your boss’s full name, “as of today, you are relieved of your position, you have three hours to clear out all of your belongings,” he handed him a letter, “do it while I’m asking nicely.”
Your coworkers were all standing in the door way watching confused, along with you. Your boss’s face turned red, he was angry and couldn’t grasp what he was seeing and hearing.
“Who do you think you are?” Your boss yelled, “is this some kind of joke?” He was referring to Friday night, thinking this was some kind of set up.
“This is no joke, if it were I wouldn’t have come in in such a hurry.” Seungsik responded coolly.
“Hey,” you tried to speak wanting to know yourself what was going on.
Seungsik looked at you “Y/N,” he said sweetly, “let me do my work okay my love.”
You looked at him with a blank face and blinked, cause what the fuck was that? The four men behind you seemed annoyed and tired looking very antsy I must say.
“I’m not leaving until you tell me exactly who you are!” Your boss yelled.
Seungsik sighed, “I am the new head director of this company, the one you were supposed to meet this week but that won’t be happening thanks to your behavior last weekend.” He explained.
Shocked and feeling overwhelmed your boss’s entire demeanor changed. Seungsik only stood there and smiled gentlemanly with his hands in his pockets, watching him began to fold and beg for his job, like you begged for yours.
“Seungsik,” you called his name again also surprised, “what the fu-,”
He shushed you cutting you off, before he started talking. But only loud enough for you and the other four men to hear, his words were the same belittling words he said to you to make you feel small and inadequate, he ended by threatening him saying he’ll never work at a company like this again.
This man, the one that had a strong hold on you was now a weak crying mess begging for his job. He was pathetic and miserable, no matter how handsome he was on the outside, he was disgusting to look at. When his pleading fell to dead ears, he looked at you and pleaded with you to spare his job, going so far as to drop down to his knees and beg your forgiveness but little did he know, you had no control over that.
Seungsik sighed, rolling his eyes, having seen enough, “You have three hours,” he grabbed your hand and pulled you with him, “help him pack his things, we don’t need him wasting anymore or company time.” He said to the four men as he pulled you out of the office with him.
Everyone was shocked and confused by what was going and so were you at the elevators, you pulled your hand out of his and looked at him, “what’s going on?” You asked him sternly.
“I’ll explain later.” Seungsik replied.
“No,” you started again, “I’ve known you for a long time,” you paused you pushing your hair back trying to make some sense somewhere, “you even fucked me-,”
Seungsik covered your mouth cutting you off because you didn’t realize you had an audience, “Y/N,” he sighed looking at your annoyed confused expression, “let’s go out and talk.”
“Motherfucker-,” started again loudly this time.
He cut you off again and gestured behind you. You looked and noticed the curious eyes and ears listening way too hard. You folded your arms before speaking, “I’m not the one that made a scene on this early Monday morning.” You stated.
He smiled and agreed, “But I did look cool though right?” He stated trying to lighten the mood. You stared at him and hit him just as the elevator dinged, “ow,” he frowned, “be gentle.”
You rolled your eyes and he ushered you into the elevators. He took you to the roof and sat down on one of the benches, where he explained everything. You sat and listened quietly when he was done you gave him a look of uncertainty, trying to decide if you wanted to voice it or not.
“The other night,” he began again slowly, “I meant what I said.”
“You like me,” you started, “used and thrown away me? The same as you liked the naive and kind hearted me?”
“Yes,” he answered without hesitation, “you are very special to me. Nothing in this world can change that.”
“You could’ve told me you were going to be the new head director.” You frowned and folded your arms.
“Just found out myself that you work for this company and so does he,” he paused, “that piece of garbage.” He added swearing a little.
You stared at him for a brief moment and huffed looking at the time, “I’m out,” you stated, “I have work to do.” You turned to leave and he quickly grabbed your hand and spun you around, he kissed your forehead.
“See you at home. ” He stated and walked a head of you.
“Hey man,” you started, “that’s not fair,” you started walking faster to catch up to him, despite your heels slowing you down, “that’s not how you ask someone to be your girlfriend!”
He laughed at you and stopped, holding his hand out, for you to take, you did and smacked your lips at his teasing. He still smiled at you, it was that smile that made your stomach flutter again, you blushed and looked down.
“That’s not fair.” You remarked earning a small laugh from him, as you both headed back inside for whatever awaited.
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chanis-banani · 1 year
Hi~ Can i request first time spending the night together for the fluff compaign with seungsik please? Thank you ♡ f.h
Yes, this idea is so cute!!! It got a little bit longer than I intended but I suppose that's a nice way to end the fluff campaign :)
Synopsis: Seungsik invites his s/o for dinner and proposes to spend the night together for the first time. But what exactly does he mean with "spending the night together"?
Word count: ± 1.2k
Genre: sweet fluff - suggestive towards the end
Note: read the smutty part 2 here (±1.7k words)
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You and Seungsik had been dating for a little while now, so surely it would be fine, right?
This morning he texted you, offering to cook for you and letting you spend the night at his place. When you got the text, you got so nervous you had to sit down. The two of you had never spent a night together before. So far, you had mostly just gone on wholesome little dates and held hands and such. Okay and maybe you made out on his couch a few times, but that was really it.
What made you the most nervous was that you didn't know what exactly Seungsik meant with "spending the night at his house." Even though you felt like you were ready for... whatever it could entail, the idea still made you anxious. What if it wouldn't be nice? What if he wouldn't find you attractive enough? What if he wouldn't like you anymore once the deed was done?
You tried to ignore all those thoughts because there was something else you needed to focus on: you had to get pineapple juice asap. Just in case.
. . . . . . .
Seungsik greeted you with his usual gorgeous smile and a big warm hug when you arrived at his place. Even before entering, it already smelled delicious from whatever he was cooking. Just when you were about to ask, he happily told you that he made spaghetti. Candles were already lit and Seungsik poured some wine for you to drink while he finished up dinner. You couldn't help but smile as you watched him cook. He was really doing his absolute best to impress you.
After dinner, you did the dishes together (after you insisted that you would help and he shouldn't do them all by himself). This quickly turned chaotic when you splashed water on him and he chased you through the kitchen. When he caught you, he hugged you tightly from behind, pressing tons of kisses on your cheek while you squealed and admitted your defeat.
Throughout the evening, you had so much fun that you almost forgot how nervous you were for what may or may not happen when you'd go to his room. Most of the time your were so busy talking and laughing that you were completely distracted from the idea. But you were reminded of it again when he pulled you against his chest while you watched a movie on his couch. The sound of his heartbeat and the weight of his big arm around you quickly directed your mind back to less wholesome thoughts.
And now it was finally time. The movie was over and Seungsik stood up from the couch. "Shall we go to bed?" He showed you a beautiful and kind smile, but still it felt like your heart dropped into your stomach. Experiencing a combination of terror and excitement, you took his hand and followed him to his bedroom.
It was at that moment that you realized you forgot to bring any sort of pajamas. "Shit," you mumbled. Seungsik gave you a questioning look and you quickly explained the situation, afraid that he was going to make some kind of joke about you having to sleep naked or something. But you were wrong. Instead of making a perverted joke, he went over to his closet and grabbed one of his shirts.
"Here, you can sleep in this shirt if you want. I washed it just this morning." "Thank you..." you said softly and you took the shirt from him. "I'm going to wash up, so you have some privacy while you get dressed," he continued and he pressed a kiss on your forehead before going into the bathroom.
You quietly changed into his shirt, after which you sat down on the edge of his bed and let out a deep sigh. The nerves were really getting to you at this point. Part of you really wanted to be intimate with him tonight. The thought of his pretty lips made you feel warm and a little fuzzy. But it would be your first time together, so there was no guarantee that it would even be good at all. You barely knew each other's bodies yet; there was so much exploring you still had to do. You hated the idea of your first time together being a bad experience. And just as importantly, you didn't have the slightest clue about his intentions for tonight. What if you initiated something he wasn't ready for?
The door opened and you quickly put a smile on your face. Seungsik entered the room and went over to you to press another kiss on your cheek. However, you were so deep in thoughts that you barely reacted, and he noticed.
"Something's up," he stated and he sat down next to you on the bed. Since there was no point in denying it, you just nodded at him and he took your hand in his. "What's the matter? Are you nervous about sleeping here for the first time? Or is this because of the pajamas?"
You shook your head and giggled a little because of the cute tone in his voice. "No, that's not it. It's just... I guess I'm- How do you put this? ...I'm just not sure what to expect for tonight." Just being able to say it already made you feel a little more relaxed and Seungsik gave you a warm smile.
"I wasn't sure what to expect either," he grinned and he gently stroked the back of your hand with his thumb. "My intention was to cook for you tonight and to hold you in my arms when we go to sleep. I'm open for more than that, but only if you want to. I would never want to do something you're not ready for, so if you just want to cuddle, I would love that too."
You immediately felt your cheeks getting a little hotter and you nervously played around with his fingers. "No, I think I'm ready for a little more too..." you said a bit shyly, making him grin at you.
He hooked his index finger under your chin and gently tilted your face towards him. "How about this?" he said softly, before connecting his lips with yours. Everything about the kiss was soft and gentle, from the feeling of his lips to how he moved them. He was careful with you and left room for you to lead the kiss a little, to make sure you wanted it just as much as him.
"And this...?" he mumbled against your lips and you felt his hand on your thigh while he continued to kiss you. At first his hand was almost at your knee, but he slowly began to stroke upwards and more towards your inner thigh. Very softly, he stroked your thigh up and down a few times, inching a little closer to that sensitive area each time.
There was no longer a single doubt on your mind whether you were ready for this or not. That warm, fuzzy feeling in your stomach grew and grew and your breathing began to get heavier.
Seungsik pulled away from the kiss and looked into your eyes. "Please tell me if I'm moving too fast okay?" You nodded at him and smirked. "Can I also tell you if you're going too slow?"
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theboyzism · 1 year
[VICTON] MTL be into PDA
no real explanation, i think hanse would actually enjoy PDA not just for being close to his partner, but also to also show off his partner? for byungchan and sejun i think it is more the fact that they are just hella clingy with their partner and cannot leave their hands off them. i feel like subin would be so cute and affectionate with his partner though?? he may be a little shy at first, but he definitely loves PDA and getting teased by his hyungs for it does not faze him one bit 😭 for chan I think his PDA would be depending on his mood. some days he would just like be way more into it than others. would definitely always hold onto you in some sense though. seungwoo would be more controlled almost in a sense, he strikes me as a guy who would love just holding hands, linking arms, or giving a hug, maybe small pecks here and there, but he would never take PDA in public too far. no matter how much seungsik loves his partner and how love drunk he may feel in a moment, he would be the most controlled in public. he strikes me as the most conservative when it comes to things like that and i feel like he would just prefer to keep PDA behind closed doors. but once the doors are closed, i feel like he would be one of the most affectionate ones out of all of them??? he would really thrive on these moments with his partner and everything he may have been holding in would come out 🥺
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etherealyoonghwa · 2 years
Victon Recommendations
𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑠 @annyeongffs
Jung Subin @iwillgiveyoumyhappiness
7 Minutes in Heaven @saltys-writings
so, pull me closer @afterglowsw
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seungs1ks · 3 years
can I request seungsik fluff where, after talking with his members, he proposes to you? Thanks!!
hi, thank you so much for requesting! i hope you like it :)
forever. (k.s.s.)
pairing: kang seungsik x gn!reader
warnings: none, just lots of victon banter
word count: 1.9k
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“Close the door!” Seungsik hissed at Hanse through gritted teeth. The younger member quickly did so and joined his friends, who were gathered in the middle of the living room. Seungsik was on the couch, looking visibly stressed out. Next to him were Subin, Seungwoo and Byungchan. Sejun and Chan were sitting on the floor.
Hanse pulled up a chair and joined the huddle. “What’s going on? Why does Seungsik look like he’s about to shit himself?”
Subin burst out laughing, and Seungsik ignored him. “I have something to tell you guys,” he began. “It’s been killing me and I’m so nervous and so emotional about it, it’s been driving me crazy for weeks and I feel like I’m going to explode.”
Everyone leaned in closer with near-perfect synchronization. Of course, a few of the members couldn’t wait to venture their guesses.
“You’re not leaving Victon, are you?” Subin pouted.
“Was it you who spilled coffee all over my bag last month and you’re finally confessing?” Seungwoo questioned.
“Are you--” Chan cut himself off with a loud gasp, punctuated by everyone else’s exclamations of pure shock, when Seungsik took out what looked very much like an engagement ring box from his pocket.
Everyone just stared at it for what seemed like minutes.
Seungsik groaned. “Say something, idiots! I’m already so stressed.”
“Whoa…hyung…” Byungchan whispered, mouth hanging open. “You’re gonna propose?”
The older member nodded. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while and it feels right. I want to spend forever with (y/n).”
“Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!” Sejun squealed, getting up from the floor and practically pouncing onto Seungsik, wrestling him with the roughest embrace. “This is so amazing I am so happy this is so great can I be your best man,” he prattled on, making Seungsik huff out a laugh and finally easing his tension a little bit. The other members cheered and joined in on the pile, burying Seungsik with love and congratulations.
When the hug ended, everyone went back to sitting in their original spots. Seungwoo tenderly fussed over Seungsik’s hair,which had been messed up in the commotion.
“What are you so nervous about, hyung?” Hanse asked.
Seungsik sighed. “Everything? I don’t know. I just want this to go right. I’m so scared I’ll mess something up, or something will go wrong… I don’t know, this is just the biggest, most important thing in my life -- after debuting, of course -- and I just want it to be perfect.”
Byungchan squeezed Seungsik’s leg to comfort him. “Don’t worry about it so much. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“(Y/n) could say no,” Chan observed. Everyone groaned. Seungsik fell back onto the couch.
“Heo Chan! Seriously?” Seungwoo scolded. Chan covered his mouth in embarrassed laughter, and Sejun couldn’t help but laugh too, slapping his hyung’s shoulder a few times.
“Okay, let’s completely ignore that,” Hanse rolled his eyes. “They’re not gonna say no, let’s just get that out of the way. How are you gonna do it? When?”
“I was planning to do it where we first met. At that one bench in the park, by the river. Well, first I was going to sing their favorite song. Is that too cheesy?”
“A little.”
“Lim Sejun!” Seungwoo glared.
Seungsik was too nervous to even acknowledge that comment. “But yeah, I was going to do it tonight, actually. It’s the fourth anniversary of us meeting at that bench.”
Subin squealed. “Hyuuunnnggg that’s so cute and thoughtful! It’s gonna go great. It’ll be perfect. Is there anything we can do to help?”
The older member chuckled. “Don’t show up, I guess?”
Everyone laughed. “Fair,” Hanse smiled. “We promise we’ll stay far away.”
“Yeah, unless Chan is overcome by a sudden urge to dance by the river,” Sejun smirked, earning howls of laughter and a sulking Chan.
Seungsik sighed when the noise had died down. “So you guys don’t think I’m crazy for doing this, right? Should I do it? What if they freak out?”
“You worry too much, hyung,” said Byungchan.
“You should totally do it. We all know how much you love (y/n) and you two are perfect for each other,” added Sejun. “I know you think through everything a lot before you do it. So trust that this is the right decision, hyung.”
The others nodded in agreement. Seungsik took a deep breath and tucked the ring back into his jacket pocket.
You smiled as you felt Seungsik squeeze your hand tighter, and responded by nuzzling your head against his shoulder as the two of you walked by the river. He’d taken you out for a really nice dinner at a cute place, and now you two were on a romantic walk. It was so beautiful with the lights, and the tranquil atmosphere, coupled with Seungsik’s fingers laced with yours, filled you with a sense of calm and happiness you only felt when next to him.
Suddenly, Seungsik stopped walking. You looked up at him and tilted your head. He giggled. “You’re so cute. Wondering why I stopped?” You nodded your head yes. “Does this place look familiar?”
Curious, you looked around and noticed the bench -- your bench -- and gasped. “Oh, babe, it’s our meeting anniversary, isn’t it?” You pouted. “I’ve been so busy with work, I completely forgot, I’m sorry--”
Your boyfriend laughed and shut you up with a soft peck to the lips. “Please don’t apologize. You don’t have to remember every little thing; it’s been so long.”
“But you do.”
“Well, I have a really good memory.”
“Is that what this romantic dinner and night walk was for?”
“Yes…but you know none of that is enough to show you my love, or how special you are to me.”
“Silly, I don’t need much. Being yours is more than enough for me.”
Seungsik beamed at you, and his eyes sparkled under the street light. He looked so effortlessly handsome, so content, and you felt your heart swell. He took your hand in his and led you towards the bench. “Sit with me?”
It seemed silly to even entertain that question, but you said yes nonetheless. Both of you sat on your bench, and sat there for a little while in comfortable silence, enjoying the light breeze that grazed past your forms. You leaned your head against his chest, and he enveloped one long arm around you. You noticed that his heart was beating at an unusually fast pace.
“You okay, babe?”
“Hm?” Seungsik mumbled.
“You worried about something?”
He exhaled, and you heard his shaky breath. Concerned, you sat up and were about to ask him what was wrong, but he held up a finger to you. He was looking deep into your eyes, and his own held something all at once genuine and loving, but there was something else there -- nerves, uncertainty, maybe? You weren’t sure.
“Love,” Seungsik said. “You’re everything to me. Actually, ‘everything’ doesn’t even cut it. You have been the biggest blessing in my life, and I’m so lucky to have you. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but the past four years have felt like a dream to me. I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else but you. I know in my heart that you’re my person, and I’d be beyond honored if you happen to feel that way about me too.”
Where is all this coming from? You just stared at him, trying to ignore the tears that were threatening to spring into your eyes. “Seungsik, wha--”
“I love you so much. I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love anything, or anyone,” he continued, and when he got up off the bench to get down on one knee, you almost screamed, but your hands flew to your mouth. Now the tears began to flow like a waterfall.
Your boyfriend started to cry too, which made things only worse for you as your shoulders started to shake from sobbing. “I love you,” he barely managed to blurt out, his lip quivering, eyes brimming with tears. Seungsik took a small velvet box from out of his pocket and opened it to reveal a stunning diamond ring. You audibly yelped, which made Seungsik giggle through his tears. “Will you marry me?” He breathed, looking up at you with a loving gaze like you’d never seen before.
“Yes,” you somehow were able to croak out, muffled by your hands. “Yes, yes, Seungsik, I’ll marry you, oh my god,” you cried, removing your hands from your mouth and wrapping your arms around him. You felt him melt into your arms, and he stood up, helping you up at the same time. Both of you stayed like that for a while, arms wrapped around each other, crying softly.
Seungsik pulled away from you and he was grinning, his cheeks stained with tears, his eyes puffy, still looking so handsome. With a shaky hand, he slipped the ring onto your finger.
“Ah, babe, I was hoping I wouldn’t cry,” he laughed, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. “Sorry I couldn’t keep it together.”
“Don’t you dare apologize when you just proposed to me, Kang Seungsik,” you blubbered, trying to dry your eyes with the back of your sleeves. The way you said it made him chuckle.
“Kiss me,” he mumbled, and you gladly obliged, and you placed your lips on his, mouths melting together perfectly -- it was such a passionate and loving kiss you swore you were getting dizzy.
“I couldn’t have asked for a better proposal, love. Or a better soon-to-be husband. You’re my forever, and I always knew it,” you smiled at him.
“I was gonna sing to you, but I was so nervous I don’t think a tune would’ve come out,” Seungsik admitted.
“Aw, baby,” you cooed. “Maybe at home you can treat me to that private performance.”
“I think we might be doing other things later,” he winked at you.
Suddenly, you heard whooping and cheering behind you. You and Seungsik whipped your heads around to see the members literally appearing from behind a tree, running towards you, making way too much noise as usual.
“Oh god,” Seungsik threw his head back and laughed. You couldn’t stop laughing either. Seungwoo was the first to reach Seungsik, and he gave him the biggest hug. Byungchan, Sejun and Subin joined in, and Seungsik had the biggest smile on his face as he cried out for help.
Someone tapped you on the shoulder, and you turned to see Chan, with open arms. “Congrats,” he beamed at you. You thanked him and gave him a hug.
Hanse, entering the scene fashionably late, ran over to give you a hug as well. He shook his head as he looked at his friends burying Seungsik in a suffocating embrace. “We promised him that we’d stay away, but…you know us.”
You chuckled. “Don’t worry. I know he’s secretly happy that you guys were here to see this.”
“Why were you so late?” Chan questioned the rapper.
“There was a stray cat in the parking lot.”
“You’re so disappointingly predictable.”
You let them bicker, and Seungsik bounded over to you. You smiled, noticing his eyes were still a little puffy. Of course, he read your mind. “My eyes still puffy?” He grinned, stroking your cheek with the back of his hand. You nodded.
“Well, so are yours,” he smirked before grabbing you by the face and kissing you deeply.
“I can’t believe you’re my fiance,” you breathed, admiring the ring on your finger. “And this ring… it’s perfect, babe.”
“I remember your eyes lingering on it once when we went shopping in the city.”
Your jaw dropped. “What was that, like, a year ago, Seungsik?”
“Yeah…I have a good memory.”
He kissed you again. It was like he couldn’t stop. Not that you minded. You and him had forever.
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afterglowsw · 3 years
I'll hold you up » kang seungsik
summary: in which seungsik only wants you to take care of him after a long, long day.
g: fluff, slight angst but not really. requested!
warnings/side notes: it's quite short and i wrote this with "this is how you fall in love" by jeremy zucker and chelsea cutler in mind, so i apologize for the extra cheesiness and the (serious) lack of dialogue. i hope it's still good.
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the low thud of your door closing made you look up from the e-mail you were currently writing.
you had finished your mandatory work hours ago, but since you liked to get things done in advance so you wouldn't have trouble or pressure later on the week, you had decided to finish some extra tasks before sleeping. in the still of the tuesday night the only thing that could be heard was the sound of your fingers typing hurriedly and the ocasional sip on a cup of hot tea. it was late, probably way past midnight, and you weren't expecting visitors. knowing that the only person with an extra key to your house was seungsik, you put your laptop aside and waited until you saw him entering the living room.
strange, you thought. it wasn't that you weren't used to have him there, but only a few hours ago he had texted you to tell you that he was going to be filming for some variety show till noon and it was impossible for him to drop by your place. you had wished him luck and agreed to see each other the next day, so you were surprised to have him standing in front of you.
usually you would have jumped to his arms to greet him with pecks all over his face, but this time you remained glued to the couch. his movements were slow and heavy, as if he was too tired to keep walking for long and the puzzled look on his face sent shivers down your spine. he was usually bright and smiley, no matter the late hours or the situation so you were a bit taken aback, trying to catch his eyes with a concerned expression on yours. when you finally made eye contact, his brows dropped in a way that made you tilt your head. and so you opened your arms with no hesitation, welcoming him without the usual happy smile he was (half) expecting, but with the world's most loving expression plastered on the relaxed lines of your face.
his knees gave out almost in slow motion and he immediately pulled you into a hug, squeezing your body in his arms in an attempt to bring you as close as possible. as you caressed his forehead and stroked his dark locks with your fingers, he tenderly nuzzled his nose in the crook of your neck. a couple of minutes passed and his shaky breathing froze you to the core, but you tried to remain gentle in your touch for him.
no real word was exchanged but his nervousness slowly faded into calm exhales as your scent filled his nostrils and your sweet warmth made him feel safe. his slightly damp hair and cold clothes gave you a hint on the weather outside, but you still turned your head to the window only to confirm that it was softly drizzling in the streets.
"honey?" a soft humm was the only response you got and as you motioned to take his jacket off his body you couldn't help but giggle, because his embrace tightened and he frantically shook his head, as if asking you not to move just yet.
"c'mon baby, we need to get you dry clothes or you'll get sick"
he groaned but untangled himself from your waist, puppy eyes tiredly fixated on your features and lips unconsciously pouting. you grabbed his hand on yours and dragged him to your room, where he waited for you while you looked for the extra pair of pants and shirt that he always kept there. when you came back you found him still standing in the middle of the room, trying to blink away the sleepiness.
"you want to take a shower?" he said no and you bit your lip, still concerned but fighting back the urge to ask too much, "are you sure?"
"yeah, i just want to be with you"
nodding with butterflies flying wildly in your gut, you handed him the little bundle of clothes "here, I'll be back in a minute"
you left him there to change comfortably and went to tidy up the other room. you swear you tried to hurry, but ended up smiling when a muffled "y/n~" made its way to your ears. you returned only to find him on your bed, already struggling with the blankets with his hair adorably ruffled in a halo around his head. as you hopped next to him, your body crashed almost too hard on the mattress which made him laugh.
nearly two minutes after you were both wrapped around each other again, his face was unbelievably close to yours and his warm breath fanned over your lips. you absentmindedly caressed his cheekbones and lower lip, smiling at the way his eyelashes fluttered.
"are you okay, love?"
you knew it was too late to hold a proper conversation, but you still tried in case that he had something important to say. even though you knew that he would tell you if he really needed to, whenever he felt ready.
"today was just hard. you know it's always hard, but today...," he sighed, voice as low and soft as yours, "I'll do better tomorrow"
you nodded, knowing him too much to understand he didn't needed anything else at the moment. your legs tangled with his underneath the covers and you pressed a lip-closed kiss on his mouth. he hugged your hips, and you buried your face on his chest. after a few minutes and after you thought he was already asleep, he spoke again.
"i missed being cuddled with you this way"
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ivvoosung · 5 years
[12:39 PM] —“Let’s go to the park now! The weather is really good, it’s the first time it’s been this sunny in over a week.” —Seungsik suggested, excitement filling his voice as he looked to you who didn’t even lift your head from your notebook where you were working on yet another project for university.
—“Sorry, I can’t.” —You said, not really sounding like you were sorry. Your response confused him.
—“Why? You said you wanted to go draw at the park on a sunny day and relax.” —He said, repeating the words you had said to him the previous week. However, the weather hadn’t been really good so you couldn’t do any of that, but he still remembered it for when they got a chance. Even though he wasn’t trying to convince you if you really didn’t want to go, he spoke up again with more ideas for what could become a little outdoors date.— “We could take some food and drinks and have a picnic too.” —
Finally, you stopped writing, dropping your pencil on the table, but you still didn’t look at him. They just stood in silence for a few seconds before you went back to working, this time typing on you laptop to search for more information for your project.
—“I’d love to, really, but I can’t.” —This time, you did sound like you felt at least somewhat bad.
—“Why?” —
—“I only get 30 minutes of break for each one and a half hours of working. It wouldn’t be enough time to go out and do anything.” —The confused look didn’t leave his eyes and he still just stared at you. No matter how many times you answered him, Seungsik didn’t really understand.
—“But… Who said that you can only get 30 minutes of break?” —
Once again, you stopped what you were doing, and instead took off some pieces of paper you had taped to your laptop in the empty space below the keyboard. Once you had them in your hands, you showed them to him in order. Seungsik sat on the edge of your bed and paid attention to you.
—“I organized everything to study for midterms. This,” —You began, showing him the first piece of paper that had a to-do list.— “is the work I have to do, in order of priority.” —He nodded, and you continued, showing him a different piece of paper with another list of things and putting the previous one behind the remaining papers. Judging from the page number count you had added to each element on the list, he guessed they were names of books.— “I have to read 7 books for my literature class, so I ordered them from longest to shortest.” —And then, you showed him the last piece of paper; some kind of timetable.— “And here I organized the time I would spend working and resting, which is why I decided to only get 30 minutes of break for each one and a half hours of work, but every time I rest I increment the work time at least 10 minutes.” —
Once you were done with your explanation, he didn’t say anything while you taped everything back on your laptop, probably to remind you of it and not get distracted from your tasks. Then, you grabbed your pen again and went back to writing on your notebook, alternating between writing and looking up at the laptop to read the information.
—“That’s a lot of work.” —He commented, not only referring to the many things you had to do but to the time distribution for work and rest, and you hummed in response. Suddenly, he had an idea and his eyes widened a little, smiling before suggesting another idea.— “I know! Let’s make a deal. What if you work for a little longer, and then take a longer break and we can go do the picnic?” —
You turned in your chair to look at him, deep in thought for a few seconds considering his plan, but then you couldn’t hide the smile that formed on your face from loving the idea and you nodded, excited.
—“That’s actually a pretty good idea. Let’s do that, then!” —Seungsik’s eyes mimicked the sparkle in yours caused by the sudden joy. Once again, you went back to work, this time noticeably more motivated, probably looking to get as much done as you could to fully enjoy your date without even having to think about work, and hoping time would fly and the date would come sooner.
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horanghoe · 2 years
home comforts - (VICTON) Seungsik/Hanse/Reader smut
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main masterlist
group/members: VICTON  - Seungsik & Hanse
pairing: Reader (loosely fem perspective) x Seungsik x Hanse
genre: heavy smut, fluff, really rough pwp, wouldn’t be me without comfort themes heh, established background relationship with the entire group, implied 7VICTON f*ck buddies, implied idol life for the boys, implied/mentioned member x member,  dacryphilia for the reader (crying due to pleasure = kink), dirty/praise talk, size kink & teasing and flirting between the two boys!
!! minors dni !! warnings below the line !!
word count: 3546
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~ Quick A/N~ I know there aren't many VICTON stans / ALICE's in general but there seems to be even less over here on the writeblr kpop space ahahah!!!! but likes/comments/reblogs are still greatly appreciated and keep me motivated! And hey, u may not know the members, but it's a bit of a fun hehe ~ but truthfully, this was an indulgent drabble for the few VICTON fans that it reaches. I luv u, keep shining angels ~ ~ ON THAT NOTE ~ I wanted to forcefully tag @flowerboykun >:] due to being the reason I (1) discovered the group (2) fell in love w gender icon Hanse and (3) further became an alice <3 ily mimi
~ & a special thanks to my pals & beta readers ~ @gyukult - @slightlymore - @raibebe - @kthpurplesyou - @sanjoongie MY BELOVED <33 - and my fav alice hehe @atiny-piratequeen
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Music to listen to while reading ♡ (in no particular order)
Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby - (Cigarettes After Sex)
BTBT - B.I & Soulja Boy ft. DeVita
Say It - Flume, Tove Lo
Sweet - Brockhampton
Late Night Talking - Harry Styles
Blow - Jackson Wang
Heart Burn - SUNMI
my type - brb.
Freaky Deaky - Tyga, Doja Cat
Slow Motion - AMARIA BB
Best Lover - 88rising, BIBI
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T/W’s : Heavy three-way smut. Stuff happens between the boys (member x member x reader) but is not intense. Power dynamics are for you the reader to decide. Light restriction. Voyeurism. Dirty/praise talk, size kink. If you squint there’s a praise kink in there (definitely not a self-insert lkasdjmfdks). Dacryphilia. Reader doesn’t orgasm per say, but hits peak arousal from penetration >;) All safe and consented ~ just happy filth <3 Enjoy
(Pls dm me if you would like a trigger warning added ♡ )
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Seungsik’s large hands pressed heavily at the curve of your hips, pushing you to lay even further flat onto the counter with your hands underneath you. Your palms spread wide against the counter's cool surface, face contorted into pleasure.
Each outward drag and push inwards against your tight walls caused you to whine, quickly falling apart despite your best intentions. 
“Breathe, babe.” Seungsik laughed sweetly, slowing to rock against you. “You’re so tight.”
You heaved a breath, releasing a breath as your body relaxed its grip on him slowly and with every shallow jut into your guts. Your thighs jumped at a sudden shallow thrust, Seungsik snickering behind you. His hand kneaded at your ass before leaning ever so slightly over your smaller frame to mumble against your cheek.
“Gotta stay quiet if you don’t want Hannie to notice, baby.”
“I know, dammit!! ” You cried out breathlessly. Dropping your torso and forehead to the counter with a choked sob.
Seungsik chuckled behind you, hands back in position as he set a slow, heavy pace fucking directly into you as he pressed your stomach firmly into the counter. With his tall frame, his hips stayed at fuck-height to the counter, and the downward pressure of his arms caused the soft of your belly to press his dick tighter into you; lewd sloppy sounds unmistakable as you felt him in the pit of your stomach, your mind forcing you to imagine his length pushing up against your lungs.
“Seungie, fuck - ah- so deep - fuck, ngh -”
“Shhh, baby, you’re so loud, fuck.” He shushed your high pitched whines through an airy laugh. But the longer his steady pace lasted - pulling out and dragging back in at a far-too-lazy speed - the more broken and drawn out your moans became. 
“Seungie - please - faster -” The pitch of your voice hit an all-new high, making Seungsik grunt softly, pressing your hips to keep them steady as you twitched in greed.
It was up until this point that Hanse had been minding his extremely peaceful and otherwise private, business.
The open space in the centre of the dorm left a lot of people’s doings out in the open; privacy being a precious and rare currency around here. 
The kitchen was reasonably large with a kitchen island in the centre that separated the smooth tiles from the carpeted open room of a lounge. 
In which, Hanse had been resting. With his head and spirit buried deep into lyric forming and rap-making. Tapping out beats from his head with a pencil onto his notebook. Humming to himself as he listened to a multitude of songs, writing then re-writing lines until he was content.
In the brief moment where his mind wandered to the area around him and his music waned between albums - your patterned gasps drifted into Hanse’s cognizance and he had to will every cell in his body not to spin around immediately.
Attempting to calmly assess the situation, he made a choice not to change his position - if you truly were … doing something behind him, then he didn’t want to spook you. And mostly, he was intrigued.
Truthfully, the 8 of you fucked like rabbits. 
And so he wasn’t unused to those beautiful, song-worthy notes, just a little surprised and disturbed to hear you doing shit in the kitchen of all places. And, right behind him…
With slow hands and delicate movements, Hanse moved very slightly to pull his sound-cancelling headphones away and onto his cheek.
But they didn’t stay there for very long. 
Hanse’s eyes drifted to the table in front of him.
The water in his glass was wobbling.
With a scrunched nose - somewhere between humour, disgust and annoyance - Hanse removed his earphones completely, moving to turn the 90-degree spinning chair just to the edge, facing the two of you.
With Seungsik’s head thrown back and his soft grunts muffled by his bottom lip stuck between his teeth, you were the first to notice Hanse’s puzzled expression and stiff defensive posture.
In a sentence: he was riled up. Hard as wood and huffy as hell.
But you knew it wouldn’t last; moaning openly now that you had been found out, biting against your fingers with his name forming on your lips before you could help yourself.
He shifted in his seat, arms crossed over his chest with his head tilted as he watched you. But his expression was gentle. He could never be truly angry with you. Especially when you whimpered so beautifully for him. Your eyebrows pinching with each thrust, voice flowing in high-lilted tight gasps, torso rocking gently and your fingers reaching out ever so slightly towards him.
“You’re so fucking loud, babe - I swear, you truly want us to get caught - maybe you enjoy being used like a fuck-toy, sure seems like it right now…” Seungsik groaned as his eyes shut, gripping one ass cheek in each hand as he switched up his pace, head down with a concentration that wiped Hanse from existence.
Hanse may not be able to stay pissed at you, but he sure as hell had the capability to become insatiably annoyed at the large-horny-puppy-male behind you, ploughing into you like no tomorrow.
“Are. You. Fucking. Kidding me. Kang Seung-sik. You’re insufferable. Seungwoo is going to beat your ass if he catches you.”
Seungsiks heart jumped up and into his throat, hips jutting a yelp out of you before blinking at his younger flatmate with a quickly forming grin and snicker. 
“Hello to you too, Hanse Do.”
If Hanse had hackles, they would be raised.
“In the fucking kitchen - of all places, Sik?”
Seungsik simply snickered, securing the curve of your spine again with one hand before looking back up with his tongue against the corner of his mouth and head thrown back. 
“Like you didn’t do anal on the sofa last week?”
He didn’t miss the wobble of Hanse’s adam’s apple or the twitch in his leg. 
Seungsik reached to delicately comb some hairs from your neck to leave a kiss, before returning as he was before. 
Hanse wanted to kiss - punch - that smirk straight off his elders' face.
“We eat on there! You fuck!” Hanse cried, smothering his face in frustration.
You moaned softly in thanks to the scattered kisses placed on your shoulder blades and curled your arms into yourself. Washed from head to toe in buzzing warmth. Hanse’s eyes met you with a softened brow before Seungsik’s voice pulled him back.
“If you can eat out Chan’s ass on that leather sofa, I am fully within my rights to fuck our pretty angel on the kitchen island. Sorry, I don’t make the rules, babe.”
Hanse gripped the armchair with a disgruntled noise. You couldn’t see his face, but you could feel his aura like a cat ready to pounce. But in true Hanse nature; he laboured a calming breath that lasted four strokes, choosing to glare up at the male with fury behind his eyes, instead of enacting physical violence. Though, it was considered.
“Just - hurry up and finish off before they get back from rehearsals. I’m not explaining to Sejun why your cum is all over a random communal countertop, again, Seun.”
“Again?” Seungsik scoffed, biting his gums as his hips twitched, slowing his pace to resist cumming too quickly. “You literally refused to swallow.”
Hanse sucked at his teeth in a sharp noise of annoyance. Shuffling to kick his feet up onto the table in front of him. Breathing away his irritation and combing through the long neck-length hairs of his black mullet.
“Woo will beat you into next week if he catches you.” Hanse’s sly cat eyes met Seungsik’s, a spark of competition forming as the elder squinted over at him.
“You’d love to see it.”
Hanse chose not to respond.
The silence instead was permeated by your sniffles, forehead against the counter and whimpers accompanying the friction of your bare chest on the countertop. Skin slapping against skin and the smell of sex saturating the air. 
“Seunie -” You whimpered, fucked dumb and breathless. “It hurts so good…”
Seungsik slowed to shush you, sliding his hand over the back of your palm on the counter to interlock his fingers between yours. His large palm hid your hand and his chest stayed at your back for a moment, letting you catch a break to kiss at the nape of your neck and bite at your ear. Your heart fluttered deep in your core as he leaned back, hissing at the newly presumed pace.
“Easy, angel. Not yet. Let Han catch up, hmm? He’s aching to join in, look at him.” 
Hanse’s jaw ticked at your soft sighs, and how attentive he knew Seungsik to be in an intimate setting. He was proving to annoy Hanse through second-hand kindness; pulling up to stare at the younger male, moaning airily through open lips.
And as Hanse considered the shame of what he so desperately wanted to do next; his older band member provoked him further.
“How long have you even been watching, Do? Such a perv.” Hanse’s sharp eyes remained unmoved, his face entirely clear of amusement.
Seungsik released a slight chuckle before a teasing statement that made the younger male moan shyly out loud. You smiled against the cold counter, squeezing enough for Seungsik to swipe very weakly at your backside.
“You love catching us just as much as our precious angel here loves being caught." His smugness showed even between laboured breaths, his grin as evident as the sweat in his hairline from the effort not to plough you into oblivion. 
“Could’ve - said something, Han. Instead of watching like a damn pervert.”
Hanse was surely made of spiritual bricks and mortar. 
Choosing to remain stubborn and resist the elders' teasing, even if his cock throbbed painfully. 
He only wavered at your fucked out expression; Seungsik’s grip on your scalp making you cry out dumbly, letting him pull you up for Hanse to see, and knowing you loved the way it burned.
“Wanna leave a review, Han? Seems like you’re enjoying the show.” At this point, your legs were shaking from an elongated build-up - not even searching for an orgasm, but being driven to tears via the quick snaps of his newly inspired hips into your soaked entrance and throbbing core.
Even despite the new speed, you tried your best to bite at your gums and swollen lips, sighing as the boys bickered above you. They fucked. And you had all openly experimented with your dacryphilia kink as couples. So your sniffles were radio buzzing to the bickering between the boys. 
“Do one, asshat. I’m purely loathing over all the shit I’ll have to disinfect when you’re done fucking Y/N with no rubber in the middle of the kitchen island, is all.”
Seungsik dropped your head as soon as the first tear fell; allowing you to fall over the edge under two sets of eyes. 
Hanse almost creamed his pants as your beauty was painted by sin, just for him to spectate; your tear dropped onto the counter in one solid drip, which proved enough for his brain to fuzz over momentarily and cock to throb even harder in his sweats.
“You sure? Pretty sure you’re just mad you’re not tall enough to rail someone on the counter without a kick-step. It’s giving -” Seungsik groaned softly, before huffing out the last of his teasing sentence, thrown off by your loud whine and shifting hips.
 “- terribly pitiful short guy syndrome ~”
“You’re full of shit!” Hanse laughed immediately, momentarily breaking the tension. But he re-centred with a heavy gaze and finally moved to press his palms against his clothed cock with a groan.
“I’m literally less than an inch shorter than you, asshole - I simply do not care for fucking anyone on our only sanitary eating surfaces.”
Enough was enough. Emitting a loud whine before pulling your neck up, face scrunched in pleasure as you fought to speak between Seungsik’s stupidly beautiful cock forcing the air out of your lungs with each thrust.
“Both - of you - please - shut - the fuck - up - or I’ll - squirt - in the sink - and make - you clean -” Seungsik’s thrusts came quicker and pushed harder against your smaller and securely held frame as you spoke as if to break you on purpose.
“ - fuck - Seun, ahh - Hanse, please - join in - ahh, please, fuck -” Your hands now pushed your body up on shaky supports, causing him to push on the soft area inside of your core that made you tingle from head to toe.
Hanse didn’t take your words to heart - but he did watch as your tears dipped to your collarbone, dripping off your breasts onto the elder boy's veiny hands.
“You’re going to make her cry all through aftercare again.” Hanse commented in a bland tone, poker face immaculately covering the tugging of his jogger strings, making the scene seem like more of a chore than anything.
“Pretty baby loves it though, don't you sweetheart?” Seungsik’s chest pressed against your back as his hands held you; thrusts less in length but he fucked up into you without remorse. You cried out, lips wobbling as you bit to keep them closed, your comfort placed in the scattered feather-light kisses on your shoulder. “Love to be fucked into such a mess hmm? Pretty angel, so beautiful when she cries ~” 
Seungsik’s voice was floating around your head, his hot palms manhandling you into safety with a gentle giant of a man in charge of your pleasure. He barked loud and frequently; but didn’t have the heart to ever bite.
“You’re not the one who has to deal with the aftermath of blowing her back out, dickhead. Better make her cum or I’m stealing all of your shit out of the fridge for the next week straight.” 
Your eyes slipped open at Hanse’s temperate sighs, lost to the throws of pleasure as Seungsik buried his face into the crook of your neck, humming a confirming sound and setting to work.
The sight in front of you was one the God’s wished to write home about.
Hanse was the epitome of a soft, dark male with a heart full of gold. And he was beautiful in every sense. His femininity caught everyone's eyes; even your own, as his painted black nails, pumped his cock with his head thrown back and joggers barely tugged down.
“Feel good, angel?” He grunted softly, tongue poking to play with his piercing, lip bite quickly followed. At first, you simply nodded, before you called out wantonly, his name slipping from your lips. 
“Good, Hannie -” You managed in a pathetic attempt of a response. Hanse smiled at you lovingly, maintaining eye contact until you crumbled forward like a goddess made out of soft chalk; mind through the roof and pleasure consuming you whole. 
“Pretty when you cry, baby.” Hanse mumbled gently, fist unconsciously wrapping tighter as his head tipped back, soft puttering groans finally hitting deep and lengthier in tone.
“Not as pretty as when you beg to cum, Do. Shit’s insane.” He snickered, palm smoothing over your flat spine, before starting that thick sickening pumping inside of your core that made your toes curl. 
Hanse was pissed. Again. Silence speaking louder than words; but not louder than the wet sounds connecting you and Seungsik or his own fist pumping him until his chest flushed with heat, a hand straying to feel his chest over his shirt.
Seungsik shook his soft blonde hair out of his face, chuckling to himself. 
“Which baby will cum first, I wonder?” He wondered out loud. “How long can you go before you explode?” Statements followed by Seungsik chiming innocent laughter. "One's already crying, but the other's not far behind."
But the innocence was fake with a capital F; a competition now struck up between him and Hanse, even if nothing needed to be said.
It didn’t take long for you to pull up from the counter, crying through heaved breaths. Seungsik used you as a viewing model, but you loved it. Hanse’s eyes stuck to your bodies and the way they connected as he winked at your bleary, tear-flooded cheeks. 
Seungsik’s hips grounded up in deep but very slight thrusts as he held you to his chest via one hand squeezing your breast. The other held your hip against the counter not to fall; the burn of the counter merely collateral damage to getting your back blown the fuck out.
With a small outcry and a folding neck, you came hard, sobbing through breaths as Seungsik grunted, using every ounce of his soul to cum only after you had hit hypersensitivity.
Hanse watched on with loud breathy grunts and a gripped fist, already knowing how hard you would fall by the tears on your chest, mind blown wide with erotic, sinful satisfaction that made your muscles buzz like static. 
Once you began to twitch, hips moving involuntarily and sharp whines of shock pressing through your sniffles; Seungsik buried his face into your shoulder to cum hard.
It was overdue and followed in tandem by Hanse who did his best to contain it with the other palm in the throws of passion. It was only a matter of time before you crawled to him for comfort; Hanse being your comforter in the emotional sense. Whereas Seungsik knew all the right ways to make you cry in the first place.
“Mmm - enough, Seunnie… practice… clean…” 
It was funny how quickly your body sagged with fatigue; back literally and figuratively blown and head completely fuzzed over. Seungsik kissed your cheek gently, lowering your feet to the floor as he slipped out; your moan unmissable as his slick slipped down your thigh.
A nearby tug of kitchen roll was not so beautifully dabbed at your core, the fabric swiped at your thighs until his cum was nowhere to be seen, the action full of love. Seungsik cleaned quickly as he tapped at his phone - swearing under his breath, as under the very late evening time read multiple texts from the boys saying they were heading back from the studio and if you three wanted food.
“Yeah, go sit with Hannie baby, I’ll clean up -”
“And for fucks sake please use the bleach,” Hanse grunted from the couch, shaking the haze from his eyes to quickly clean up. 
Thankfully, having somewhat of a clean-freak-maknae (at least, in the standards of 7 men living together, so not really), meant disinfectant wipes were always nearby and a lined bin in every room. Not that they got emptied, but that was beyond the point.
“I don’t care if it smells like the aftermath of a crime scene lab, I will literally never eat in here again if you don’t fucking disinfect everything.” Hanse punctuated his statement by chucking the wipes into the nearby metal bin, enough to make it spin and clatter back into its space, his joggers tugged up and his shirt smoothed down his chest.
Seungsik mocked Hanse childishly before he placed a kiss on your cheek. His hands guided you out of the way of the island until you were ‘stable’ enough to push forward and reach Hanse’s outstretched hands. “Go on baby, you were perfect, as usual.” He whispered, kissing your ear as you left, palms sliding away from your skin.
But Hanse was right there to catch you; cooler, calloused palms and cool metal rings sliding over the skin of your ribs, thumbs briefly padding over your nipples, and a breath catching in his throat; before your body was accepted into his bubble on the large armchair, Hanse using his larger frame to keep you from falling. His breath brushed over your cheek - as much as you wanted to make out right now, you were overridden by tingling fatigue - face buried into the fabric on his shoulder.
“Legs, angel.” He mumbled against your hair dotingly, tapping at the legs you seemed to have left behind, half sitting and standing. “Can’t leave those behind. Come here ~”
You giggled a shy “Oh…”, before allowing Hanse to grip your thighs and place you over his legs rather than his crotch. Your ass dipped between his thighs, forehead bumping his chin and both knees tucked up against his opposite shoulder.
He was just so soft. Comfy. Safe.
Hanse's breathing was always deep and pressed into his belly, and your palm pressed against his belly unknowingly to feel his comforting breath, slipping into sleep unreasonably fast. Your lips puffed open as Hanse nuzzled his cheek against your forehead, humming gently. You responded through your sleep, knees pulling tighter towards you until he released the chair spring, allowing you to practically lay on him in a curled position.
He also quickly fell into a light slumber.
Awoken only when the boys entered from practice, stretching sleepily under questioning eyes at your naked and very-much-passed-out-snoring form, and the intense questioning for the intense bleach smell, ‘with no open windows’, loving the panic in Seungsik’s face as he squeezed you closer, reaching for his headphones to slide them over your head.
Hanse watched the boys as they bickered until your lips pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek.
Sliding your fingers between his, falling asleep with a hand pressed to each other’s heart.
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Well would you look at that: updated 10/August/2022
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frxggi · 7 years
[VICTON] Kissing their partner’s neck and finding out they’re ticklish
Warnings: Uhhhh this is still rated G but I mean some of these get a teensy weensie bit suggestive 
Seungwoo strikes me as a very affectionate person when in private, if you’re catchin’ my drift. I don’t see him allowing much skinship out in public but once you’re at home he’s touching you in some way at all times, be it fitting his legs between yours underneath the table or having his arms around you, count on at least some physical contact. Going from that thought, I can picture him moving to backhug you while you’re making food or something of the sorts. He’d nose at your hair and just sort of pepper kisses along your temples and it would just continue like that until he’d dip down to run his lips along your jawline. Now, he’s a strong guy, so if he really wanted to he could keep you caged against him but the moment his lips meet your neck you jolt away from him so suddenly it startles even him. He’d probably just stare at you, wide eyed, for a second or two before the wheels start turning in his head. I think his actions from that point would differ depending on his mood. For example, if he’s a little....Needy, I guess, I can see him just tugging you closer by the hips to begin kissing you square on the mouth and teasing you a bit. He’d probably ask something like, “Tickles?” before ducking down to mouth at your neck more resolutely. On days when he’s not particularly feeling it, though, he’d probably only sheepishly apologize and brush it off like it didn’t happen. 
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Okay, don’t @ me, but I think Seungsik would behave a bit more playfully. It’s hard for me to picture him kissing you sensually like Seungwoo unless he was like, really in the mood for it. I can see it happening in a situation where you two reunite after a long while apart. Maybe he was overseas for promotions and you surprise him by waiting at the dorms since you can’t be seen with him at the airport. When he walks through the door he would be in such shock that you’d have to wave a hand in his face before he just starts beaming and he’d just sweep you off your feet and into his arms and he’d be so happy to see you that he’d just be plastering kisses all over your face. I can picture him being so full of emotions that he’d just kiss at wherever he could reach, moving from your cheeks and lips to your neck when you crane your head away from him to breathe. You���d let out a shriek and curl in on yourself to the best of your ability. Similar to Seungwoo I can see him just sort of brushing it off. “Sorry.” He’d giggle, going back to kissing at your face but motioning to poke at your sides to see if you were ticklish there, too. 
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Chan is a shitface. He’s a 22 year old manbaby BUT I think he has a soft and passionate side to him, so I can picture this happening when you’re making out with him. Nothing too intense; maybe he has you pressed against a wall or maybe you’re sitting curled up in his lap. His kisses would be lazy. He would be kissing you just to kiss you, with no ulterior motive. I can see him bringing his hands up to hold you to him, and his fingertips would brush against your neck featherlight and he would definitely notice the way a chill runs down your spine. He’d quirk a brow at you, and you’d sheepishly admit that you’re a bit ticklish. Now this is where his shitface tendencies would come in. Definitely the type to tease you and immediately attack your neck with his lips. Would probably throw in a raspberry or two just to be a jackass. Whether or not this leads to anything a bit less family friendly, I’ll leave up to your imagination. ;) 
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Another time I see this happening during a makeout session is with Sejun. I’m a firm believer that anything in the bedroom with him is intense. I don’t think he’s very experienced so I’m not talking about anything extra kinky or dirty, just...Intense. Kissing him is kicked up ten whole notches when he has you straddling him or when he’s lying on top of you. Perhaps maybe it’s his first time really exploring your body; you two have yet to be intimate with each other and your makeouts have yet to escalate much past deep kisses on the lips. SO, since he’s such an intense dude, I can picture him putting your pleasure first and going all out. He’d notice the reaction his hands have on your sides or thighs as they slip underneath your clothing so he’d probably test to see what reactions his lips would bring out of you. He’d kiss at your neck and you’d squirm underneath him and he’d be so fascinated with you that he wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. If it becomes something that’s unbearable for you, though, he’d definitely put a stop to it immediately. He’s a romantic at heart, you guys, I’m telling you. 
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Hanse, my sweet prince, I see as a boy who’s Needy 24/7. Not in the sense that he’s always begging for your attention, but in the sense that he always has to be touching you. He has to be close to you at all times. He just...Can’t not have you in his arms, especially if he’s kissing you. I don’t things would get very intense like with Sejun; I see chaste kisses with a light and airy atmosphere more than anything. I think Hanse is someone who likes to steal kisses a lot, too. Pecking you on the cheek as he rushes past you to get to his schedules, sneaking in a quick press of the lips as you’re talking, you name it. I’m talking A LOT of stolen kisses. He’d probably have your face in his hands and go to kiss you quickly but for whatever reason you’d move your face away, so he’d opt for the next best thing and kiss you right over your jugular. Hanse is a wannabe badboy, so I can see him teasing you when you react to the sensation comically. He’d probably laugh at you, call you a weirdo, and then kiss away your pout before the two of you just continue on with your day. 
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Byungchan, in this situation, is so hard for me to imagine. The poor boy is the embodiment of the “>///<” emoticon. You wanna kiss him? Go ahead but prepare for him to go beet red. So maybe, now bear with me here, maybe this happens with your and his first kiss. Even though the boy looks like he doesn’t know what he’s doing and he doesn’t, the kiss is one the leaves the both of you breathless. You two would break away and he’d just sort of stare at you for a moment before The Embarrassment settles in. Then, I can see him burying his face into your shoulders. You’d laugh and try to console him, patting at his back and maybe in one of those rare moments of brazenness, he’d just peck at the juncture of your neck and shoulder. Needless to say, when you freak out, so does he, and don’t expect any kisses for at least four days afterwards. God he’s a mess. 
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Look okay I know Subin is an Adult.jpg now, but he’s still a baby. He’s a lot like Chan in the sense that things are usually kept lighthearted between you two. But, since he’s a baby, I can see you treating him like one. Not nagging or excessive coddling or anything. I guess I just mean you two behave like children with each other, if that makes any sense? Like, one of my favorite concepts in regards to Jung Subin is piggyback rides. Moreso you giving him piggyback rides, but that’s a different story. POINT IS, I can see you backpacking him around and he’d have this huge smile plastered onto his face and he’d be telling you about how much he has when he’s with you and how much he likes you and then he’d just bend down and kiss your neck because he can’t quite reach your cheek don’t even think about kissing him on the lips he’d be done for. Maybe you won’t drop him when you react to it, but he sure thinks you’re going to, so he’d tighten his grip around your neck and inadvertently put you into a headlock that has you choking on your own breath and letting him fall to his feet. From that point I can see the two of you dissolving into a fit of giggles and smiles. Maybe, if he ever gets the opportunity, he’d do it again just for fun. 
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biaswreckingfics · 3 years
congratulations on 2k britt!!!!! could i request a victon seungsik x reader drabble re: his recent leather jacket photos because LORDT. anyways congrats again you deserve it all and then some!!! ♥
Thank you, Chrissy 🥺🥺❤❤ I hope you enjoy this bc I took one look at those pictures and this is exactly where my mind went lol
Seungsik + slight angst/fluff
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The rain patters lightly around you, splashing off of the concrete your feet pound against and also dropping onto your exposed skin. You ignore the water droplets that hit your face as you dodge around people with giant umbrellas and others caught in the storm with you. Though, unlike the others who are running to avoid the rain, you run for a different reason.
You run to tell the man you love not to leave.
Seungsik - your best friend and the man in question - told you days ago about his new job offer. While you were ecstatic for him, it was like the rug was pulled out from underneath you when he told you the job was on the other side of the country. At that moment, he might as well have told you he was going to the other side of the world. The sadness and heartbreak you felt was more than just losing a best friend. It was like losing a lover, and it was in that moment that you couldn't deny your feelings any longer. You were absolutely in love with him.
His silence on the phone after he told you he was leaving made you feel like he was giving you an opening. An opportunity to ask him to stay, to confess your feelings, and, maybe it was all in your head, but you couldn't miss that chance. You had to tell him how you felt before he left. You couldn't let him go without knowing, which is why you're running through a storm trying to get to the café where he is going to tell you goodbye.
Throwing your last bit of energy into your body, the warm lights reflecting out of the café windows come into view. Suddenly, you're no longer focused on the rain. Not when he's just steps away from you.
A couple hurriedly exits the café, making a dash for a nearby taxi, and you grab the door before it can shut on you. You come to a stop once you enter the warm building, garnering a few curious looks at your drenched appearance, but you pay the other patrons no mind. There's only one set of eyes you're searching for.
Surprised by your appearance, Seungsik stands up from the small table with a look of concern on his face. Your feet are moving before your brain realizes it, and you soon come to a stop in front of him. Your eyes take in his brown parted hair, the black leather jacket that you know is butter soft, and his worried eyes as he takes in your dripping figure. He opens his mouth to say something, but you beat him to it.
"I'm in love with you."
His eyes widen, and in any other circumstance you'd laugh at the comical expression, but now isn't the time.
"What are -"
"I'm in love with every single piece of you. Your flaws, your perfections, and everything in between. The thought of being without you makes me feel like I can't breathe, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, either stay here or take me with you."
Your words are wild and thrown out of the blue. Seungsik searches your face to make sure this is really happening, and when he sees your earnest expression, he realizes you're being sincere.
"I love you, Seungsik."
That's all it takes for him to step toward you. His hands come up to cup your face and his lips crash into yours with a fierceness. Your hands find their way into his jacket and fist the soft leather as you pull him even closer to you, but too soon, he pulls away.
He rests his forehead against yours and searches your eyes one last time before whispering, "Come with me."
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minheeology · 3 years
victon reaction ➳ s/o gives them the silent treatment
requested? : yes!
pairing : victon x gn!reader
a/n : i'm back to writing after a long time...! i haven't written anything in a while so i'm sorry if this is a bit trash. to the anon who requested this a while ago, i'm so sorry for the wait, but i hope you can still enjoy this!
seungwoo was understanding to say the least. even if he didn't know the reason you were giving him the silent treatment, he wouldn't bother you about it. he knows that you'll tell him everything when you're ready. to be honest, even if he did know why you were giving him the silent treatment, he would do something similar. (if it was a serious situation though, he would make sure you were okay no matter what)
he handles this maturely. he will simply tell you to talk to him when you want to. of course he hates not talking to you, but if you're going through something, he doesn't want to upset you more. if he's the cause of all of this, he might be a little more pushy, asking you to just talk to him so he can apologize for whatever it was that he did.
oh boy... he really just wants you to talk to him. he can't handle not hearing your voice, and he'll be sure to let you know that. he'll keep asking "will you please talk to me now, y/n?", and frown when you just shake your head. he'll probably try to make you laugh, since your laugh is just as amazing as your voice. if he upset you and was the reason for all of this happening, he will apologize profusely, even if you never reply to anything he says.
i see him getting a little angry tbh. i think he would find it unfair that you won't tell him what's wrong, and it'll frustrate him because he just wants to make everything okay. if it's his fault, then he's mad at himself, and ultimately will try not to bother you unless you want him to. he might even give you the silent treatment right back.
he's sassy, so be ready. if you're giving him the silent treatment, he might do it right back out of spite (in a joking way). he wants you to know how it feels to not hear your beautiful s/o's voice. if he is the one who caused you to stop talking to him, then he will continuously tell you how sorry he is, even if you're not accepting his apology verbally. he hopes that deep down you're forgiving him for whatever he did.
he's pretty lost tbh. he wants you to talk to him! why won't you talk to him? was it something he did? did something happen? no matter how badly he wants you to talk to him though, he understands that sometimes you need your space and will give it to you. if he did something to cause this though, he might try and get you to open up to him every hour or so.
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blu-joons · 2 years
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He’s not always watching you, but when you’re nearby, Seungsik will just do enough to check on you. Little glances, or whispers into your ear as he passes you by to see how you are, are typical of Seungsik.
Usually, the two of you will bicker when you’re trying to prove a point to one another and debate. You both have a habit of thinking that you’re right and that the other one is wrong, and bickering is how you try to explain yourselves, even if you listen to yourselves more than you actually listen to one another.
There’s often a moment of panic in Seungsik when he can tell that you need comforting as he tries to figure out what the right thing to do is. Once he’s composed himself and tried to figure out how you need to be comforted by him, he’ll step up and make sure that you know that he’s right by your side firstly.
At times Seungsik was guilty of being a little bit stubborn, and you could be too, with your reluctance to change sometimes creating a bit of conflict between the two of you. You both were a bit set in your ways at times, and sometimes a disagreement was what you needed to realise that one of you needed to give in and maybe be willing to change a little bit something in order to make whatever it was work again.
With time the two of you bonded, but the start of your friendship wasn’t entirely plain sailing. It took a little while for you to learn enough about each other to feel settled with each other as at the start you both didn’t want to give too much away. However, as the trust built up and more was learnt about one another, things definitely got much easier for you both as you opened up to one another much more.
Seungsik’s family were almost like a family to you, they treated you kindly and always looked after you. You felt lucky to know that you had Seungsik’s family there if you needed them, and knew that if you asked them for help or mentioned that you were struggling that they’d be there. Seungsik too was beyond relieved that you all got along with one another, as it made your friendship a whole lot easier as well.
Usually, you tried to be quite private with your friendship as Seungsik especially didn’t want to cause you any harm. Seungsik wouldn’t say no if you wanted to go out and do something with him, but at the same time he would maybe just suggest that it would be a lot safer for you to stay inside with him instead.
The two of you had a habit of zoning out of conversation quite a lot of the time and drifting off into your own little world. If the conversation wasn’t what you wanted to engage with, you would both start your own conversation and soon find yourselves forgetting about where you are and who you’re with too.
Not many people expected the two of you to have inside jokes, but in reality, you had plenty. You both were your most comfortable when you were with one another and so even if you weren’t quite as loud or funny around other people, just as the two of you, you had plenty of laughs and moments to remember.
He knew that you would never try to make him jealous, but Seungsik wasn’t quite so trusting of your actual friends. He got along with most of them, but there were definitely a couple that maybe didn’t quite feel so right for Seungsik. He didn’t let you know that there were any of your friends that he wasn’t so sure of, instead Seungsik just watched them and made sure that they didn’t let him get too jealous.
Seungsik got a kick out of being able to tease the other members with you by his side rather than them teasing him. You were the catalyst that he needed to give them a taste of their own medicine as you had the right thing to say to annoy the other boys that was what Seungsik often lacked when he tried to tease them.
He loved how reliable you were as that was something that Seungsik always tried to be for you too. He never was let down by you, he was never left hanging by you, and he was never left to stand as if he was all by himself either. If there was one person that Seungsik knew he could turn to more than he could anyone else, it was you, Seungsik always had your support and always had your number to call too.
The two of you first met because your parents were friends and ended up introducing the two of you to one another. You were apprehensive at first because you didn’t want to not get along with Seungsik with your parents being friends, but luckily for you the two of you got on better than anyone expected you to.
Most of the time it was tricky for Seungsik to really be able to express himself, but you were definitely one of only a few people that Seungsik eventually felt ready to be able to drop his guard around.
Seungsik was obsessed with your heart and how thoughtful you were towards him. He felt lucky to be able to be your best friend and be the person that you took the best care of and helped out the most too.
Making memories is a big deal for Seungsik, whether it’s something huge or something small, those moments are the ones that stand out to Seungsik. Holidays are Seungsik’s favourite moments, but also things like going to your favourite coffee store is equally a moment that he never takes for granted.
Whenever he can tell that you’re getting irritated, Seungsik will offer to help. He’s practical and good at helping you solve anything that doesn’t quite make sense to you, or just assisting you when things do make sense too.
Saving photos of the two of you is an important hobby for Seungsik, with a large scrapbook under his bed. Every time the two of you went on a big trip or celebrated an occasion Seungsik would make sure to take a photo and spend the following day decorating the next page in his scrapbook to remember things.
As much as he loves when you support him, Seungisk puts a lot more effort into supporting you and helping you out. He was constantly checking up on the things that you were doing so that he could try and pencil the dates into his diary to ensure that he had the time off to be able to be there for you.
He loved to bring you along on tour and show you more of what he does. At every show he’ll make sure that you’re backstage so that Seungsik can show you the ropes and introduce you to all the finer details.
It was something that he didn’t tell you often, but Seungsik really was thankful to be able to call you his best friend.
Whenever you show up unexpectedly, it throws Seungsik. You know how meticulous he can be and so usually you’ll visit to mostly wind him up and throw whatever plans he has made out of the window.
Although the right thing doesn’t always come from Seungsik, he always tries to be as helpful as possible for you.
It usually is pretty rare for Seungsik to be affectionate around you, it’s something that usually makes him shy at the best of times, but even when you’re alone he struggles to use affection to express himself to you.
You were his rock, Seungsik relied on you more than you even realised.
Most of the time you’ll go to your place and Seungsik will go back to his at night, mainly because you know that a good night of sleep is pretty impossible for you when you stay with Seungsik and his loud snoring.
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chanis-banani · 1 year
First night together - part 2
Read part 1 here (1.2k words)
Pairing: Seungsik x female reader
Genre: gentle smut
Word count: 1.7k
Contains: fingering, oral (f receiving), protected sex, aftercare
The long awaited part 2 of this fic is finally here! This one delves right into the smut, so I recommend reading part 1 first for context. Or enjoy the smut on its own ~
Note: I wrote this for the lovely @jongside ~ happy birthday <3
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“Please tell me if I’m moving too fast okay?” You nodded at him and smirked. “Can I also tell you if you’re going too slow?”
Seungsik gave you a surprised look and chuckled against your lips. “Oh, is that so?” he replied and you felt his hand slowly creeping further up your thigh. Almost naturally, you spread your legs a little more to give room to his hand. He greedily accepted the offer and began to stroke his index finger along the edge of your panties.
A delighted little gasp escaped your lips as you felt his fingertip stroke its way along your pussy, through the fabric of your underwear. His tongue slid between your lips as he deepened the kiss. He still had one hand on your chin, which he now moved up to cup your cheek.
You felt how he caressed two fingers up and down your pussy and at this point you were very well-aware of how incredibly wet you were. By the way Seungsik’s lips were curled up into a little smirk, you could tell that he was aware of it too. Slowly, he brought those two fingers up towards your clit and started dragging circles along it, making you let out a little gasp.
“Y/n?” he suddenly mumbled. His voice sounded husky and almost a bit hungry in a way. He pulled his lips away from yours and when you looked at him, you could see a sense of craving in his eyes.
“Can I eat you out?”
You didn’t know how to react. On one hand you were incredibly turned on and wanted nothing more than him going down on you. His lips and tongue already felt so good against your own lips, you couldn’t even imagine how amazing it would feel to have him sucking on your clit. But it was hard not to feel self-conscious about it. What if he would hate it?
He could tell that you were worried and comfortingly stroked your cheek with his thumb. “Don’t worry, I know I’ll like it,” he said with a little smirk, “and I think you’ll like it too. Can I?”
Despite your nerves, you could not resist his offer when he looked at you with those big, beautiful eyes. Besides, you really wanted his tongue inside of you.
You both took off all of your clothes and you took a minute to appreciate his dazzling features. This wasn’t the first time you saw him without a shirt, yet every time the sight of his body just took your breath away.
However, this was the first time you saw him without any sort of pants or underwear on. The sight of his private parts, all exposed just for you, gave you butterflies in your stomach. A sense of vulnerability and intimacy came over you and in this moment you felt so grateful to have him all for yourself like this.
Seungsik gently laid you down onto your back and separated your legs to lay down between them. At this point you were so excited that being exposed like this barely made you feel nervous anymore. He continued to stroke your thighs a little bit while he inched his face closer and closer to your pussy. The distance was now so small that you could feel his breath on your skin, which sent a slight shiver down your spine.
First, he pressed a gentle kiss on your clit, followed by a second, less gentle kiss and then you felt his tongue. He wrapped his lips around your clit, carefully sucking on it while continuing to massage it with his tongue.
You threw your head back into the pillow, letting out a soft “oh Seungsik,” under your breath. Somehow you’d always had a feeling that he would be good at giving head. But you hadn’t expected him to be this good.
Suddenly you felt how he brought his index finger to your wet cunt and started to tease around your opening, slowly stroking up and down between your folds. You couldn’t help but whimper, but Seungsik calmly continued to toy with you while you squirmed around for him.
He sucked on your clit a little more roughly, moaning softly against your skin, and inserted his middle finger into you. Stars danced before your eyes as you indulged in this pleasurable sensation. Before you knew it, Seungsik added his index finger and carefully began pumping them into you, while he continued to let his mouth work its magic on your clit. It only took a short moment until you were a moaning mess beneath him, gripping into the sheets for any kind of support. 
After a little while, he pulled his lips away and began to trail kisses on your inner thigh instead, while continuing to fuck you with his fingers. “Baby…” he murmured in between kisses. God, had his voice always sounded this sexy? “Would you like me to fuck you properly now?”
You didn’t even have to think about his question. Never in your life had you been this turned on. Just the thought of Seungsik’s cock deep inside of you drove you absolutely mad already.
When he pulled his fingers out of you, you could feel your own wetness dripping onto the sheets below you. He got up from the bed and walked over to the nightstand to grab a condom. It would be awkward to stare at him while he put it on, yet you couldn’t help but have a little glimpse. It wasn’t until now that you realized how hard he was.
He made his way back to the bed and gave you a warm, reassuring smile. “Are you nervous?” he asked while he got on top of you and you shook your head. “No, I’m not nervous anymore. Just extremely horny.”
He grinned at your response and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. “I want you so badly Seungsik…” There was still a big smile on his lips, making them look so inviting. You pressed a long, lustful kiss on them and then pulled away again so you could talk to him. “I need you inside of me.” He stroked your cheek with his thumb and pressed another quick kiss on your lips, before saying “So do I.”
The room became filled with soft moans and heavy breathing as he slid his tip into you. Your arms were clenched around his neck and once he was properly inside of you, you pulled him more closely against your body. “Are you still feeling okay?” he asked kindly. You nodded and returned the same question to him, to which he replied with “I feel fantastic.”
With a happy smile on his face, he brought his face down to press kisses on your neck and simultaneously started to thrust himself into you at a gentle pace. Getting filled up by him like this felt even better than you had imagined. You had been so worried about all the things that could go wrong when having sex with him for the first time, that you had pretty much forgotten to imagine how nice it could be.
Seungsik made love to you in the most caring, intimate way. He covered your neck with loving kisses while carefully pumping himself into you. Every now and then he looked up at your face to make sure you were enjoying it and each time he saw the look of bliss on your face, he smiled happily.
Even though having your neck kissed by him like this felt amazing, you wanted a little more, so you hooked your finger under his chin and brought his mouth to your own. He contently accepted your lips, deepening both the kiss and his thrusts at once.
You let out a little gasp when you suddenly felt him hit your sweet spot perfectly. It was clear that he noticed what was going on, because he started to focus on hitting you from that exact same angle again and again. At this rate, your climax was approaching rapidly and your moans grew louder while you clung on to him even more tightly. 
“Do you think you can cum for me?” he whispered against your lips and you nodded in response, unable to form any coherent sentences.
He picked up the pace a bit more and pushed himself a little deeper into you, applying even more pressure to your sweet spot. Your moans became more desperate and just when you whined his name, you were hit by your orgasm. But Seungsik continued to thrust himself into you with the same intensity. He was so close as well that he couldn’t afford to slow down. While you moaned and cried out in pleasure, he thrusted into you a few more times before he ultimately reached his climax as well.
After you both washed up, neither of you even bothered to put on any pajamas before getting back into the bed. Once you laid comfortably under the covers and turned off the lights, Seungsik pulled you against his chest and pressed a long kiss on the top of your head. “So, how was it?” he asked with a slightly nervous tone in his voice. You giggled softly and kissed his cheek. “It was everything I hoped for. But you could’ve warned me about your talent for giving head…” The both of you chuckled and you could tell that he felt relieved to hear that.
He took your hand in his own and intertwined your fingers together while you snuggled your face into his chest. “You know…” he mumbled, “even though I was really looking forward to making love to you, the thing I was most excited for was this…” You looked up at him, a little bit confused about what exactly he meant and he stroked your head with his free hand. “This. Finally holding you in my arms while we sleep.” You could feel your cheeks getting hot at this sweet remark and you nestled your face back into his chest. “That’s what I was most excited about too.”
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fluffytsukino1009 · 3 years
VICTON when you clean up their makeup
Summary: VICTON members reaction to their s/o cleaning up their makeup after they had an exhausting day. (REQUEST)
Warning: I think none, but let me know if I'm wrong.
A/N: Had to start with this because arghvjonhvtah. Also, Byungchan my baby, oh my god
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It's was 02:34 a.m. and you woke up with the need of going to the bathroom, it was until you came back to bed that realised Seungwoo wasn't home yet, he leave before dawn to film a mv and when you saw him on set that night he asked you to go home by yourself since the filming may continue until midnight. You waited for almost half hour, and then he finally cross the door "Did I wake you up? I'm sorry" "I was already up" He sat in bed and took off his shirt, you immediately rush to the bathroom to bring his skin care products "Let me do it" You said when he tried to take off the cotton pad from you, he hold your waist the whole time until you were done, then pull you closer and kiss you gently "You're so good to me. I love you, baby"
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You were getting ready for bed when found him at the changing room, sitting with eyes closed and a face towel on his hand. You giggle a little before walking in and take off the towel from his hands, he wakes up with a jump "Want some help with that?" You said still laughing of his reactions, didn't even give him time to answer "Just one more week and this comeback is over" He said with sleepy voice and you nodded. Tried to be as careful possible with his skin so you didn't mess with his rest. "I don't mind to help you when you're tired, but I don't like you overwork yourself like this" Kissed your forehead gently and waited for you to finish cleaning his face "Thank you so much, jagui"
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It's been a long day filming a mv but he still made it to have dinner with you, haven't seen each other much lately so didn't wanted to skip the chance of having a nice dinner with you. For almost an hour he tried hard to stay awake but honestly, wasn't even in the mood for eating so you insisted in going to bed early. You were washing dishes when heard him calling your name from the bedroom "Could you...? Please" he gave you the face towel, his makeup was halfway gone already "I'm too sleepy for this" "It's ok" You felt your heart warm, he spoiled you so bad all the time, it was nice he let you take care of him this time.
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You stare at him sitting in the bed with the toothbrush still in his mouth "It's been a long day, right?" "But I think the photoshoot is looking great" You follow him to the bathroom and put the micellar water in the cotton pad while he washed his teeths, he turned to you and smile knowing what you were planning to do, so you felt free to hold his chin and start wiping off the makeup. "Honestly, I like you better without makeup" You joked but he hardly laugh, too tired to continue with your habitual game of who is most beautiful and how "There it is, ready to go bed" Still took a minute to kiss you and say "I'm so lucky to have you".
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That night, when you came home, he was already sleeping in the couch, you went to the bathroom to brush your teeths and clean your makeup and only then remember seeing his face full of makeup, didn't think about it twice. Tried your best to clean his makeup and still let him sleep, fight the eyeshadow for a while and right when you were about to finish he woke up "What are you doing" He mumble, or at least that's what you understood amid his sleepy voice "Taking you to bed, love" For a moment you felt proud of being capable to finish your duty before disturbing his dream "And you needed to scratch my whole face for that?" You blushed not sure what to say "Just kidding, I know. You didn't have to. Thank you so much" He kissed both of your cheeks and made his way to the bedroom feeling madly in love with you and your kindness.
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He had been quite for a few days so you already know something wrong was happening when he came home that night and didn't make it to bed. "What are you doing here, beauty?" You asked but he didn't answer, just breathe deep with his head resting in the couch and close eyes. "You're not coming to bed?" "I can't" He whispered, eyes still close. You processed the information before going for his pajamas and skincare products. When you started cleaning the make up his whole body shiver, as if you haven't done it many times before. "Here, put on your pj, and go to bed" you left the clothes in his lap since he didn't wanted to take it "I can't" He said one more time and you spot a tear falling from his still closed eyes "I know, your ankle hurt. I'll bring you a pill" Finally he opened his eyes and stare at you with endless love and devotion, tears falling wildly "You'll be fine, Byungchannie. Don't worry"
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He called you to cancel your plans for dinner, he was exhausted and just wanted to take a shower and cuddle you until you both fell asleep. You get the tub ready right before he got home, usually give him some time alone to relax but after heard him groan a couple times decided to enter watch everything was alright "I forgot to take off the makeup" You took his products and sat in the edge of the tub "It's ok, I'll do it" He said trying to take the water from your hands "No, you're going to relax and I'll clean your face" Obviously he was too tired to fight you, so just let you go on your way and wipe off his makeup."I like it, you're soft" A smile show off in his face, not a wide smile but one of those cute small ones that come up without consent. "I can do it more often if you allow me to".
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ddaehyeon · 3 years
and when you find love: victon realizing they have fallen in love.
— requested ✧ ot7 | victon masterlist
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♡ han seungwoo
desire to hold you close to him; wants to either hold your hand or cuddle with you. sometimes, he’d just settle with sitting next to you.
♡ kang seungsik
your favorites are becoming his; questions himself when did he begin liking things he’d usually not favor, why are your interests becoming a part of him, affecting him in a way that even his taste is shifting.
♡ heo chan
finds himself staring at you; a subconscious act, his friends would ask him why he would end up looking at you. though he’d deny it, the query going down on him. why do i keep on looking at them?
♡ lim sejun
doing the silliest thing just to make you happy; whatever it is that grants a laugh from you he’d do. sejun had directed new goals: to cheer you up whenever you’re down, make a smile appear on your lips, and hear your laughter.
♡ do hanse
mirroring your actions; the same gestures you’d usually do had affected him in a way that he’d find himself doing the same. when the two of you are talking, if you pick up an item on the table, he’d be also doing the same.
♡ choi byungchan
everything reminds him of you; slowly plaguing his mind. when he sees something, he’d initially be reminded of you may it be shared memory or it is just something you mentioned days ago.
♡ jung subin
dropping things to give you his time; quick to put down the things he’s doing just to become readily available— something he doesn’t usually do. a message coming from you? he’d put down the game he’s playing just to reply. wanting to hang out? he’d be there as soon.
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