#kaname tousen.
blloodhands · 2 years
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gallusrostromegalus · 9 months
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Well, I've had a High fever for a few days with Shingles that's preventing me from writing effectively, but has apparently given me new Clothing-Drawing Abilities, so here are Komamura and Tousen on their wedding day in AEIWAM.
AEIWAM!Tousen is a Trans Man who has mathematically worked out that God Is Dead, you want to complain about what he's wearing to his wedding?
There are Mild Spoilers hidden in both outfits.
They filled out the paperwork the night Tousen finally woke up after defeating Aizen, at Tousen's insistence before something else had the opportunity to get in the way.
They still want to have a ceremony, but it's going to be a bit awkward as both are orphans, both sets of godparents are deceased or otherwise unalive (a different thing than dead in Soul Society), and there is not *technically* a bride.
But the best place to hid something mildly ridiculous is in a sea of something extremely ridiculous.
The Wedding is an act of Aggravated Chicanery upon all their friends and loved ones: They tell everyone they're hosting a Halloween Party, please come in the most outrageous costumes Possible.
Then when everyone has arrived, they lock the doors, unfurl the decorations and thrust stage directions into the hands of the Unsuspecting Wedding Party.
Yachiru is having a GREAT time being a Flower Velociraptor (She'd seen Jurassic Park so the contingent from the 11th is all present as Dinosaurs).
Rankigu and Nanao are recruited to help organize.
And so they won't seek revenge.
Hitsugaya *KNEW* something was up when Matsumoto suggested they do LotR costumes together, but thought this was her way of doing Big Naturals Gandalf*, but it was actually a trick to make him Frodo. The Ringbearer.
*It was also very much a justification for her to do Big Naturals Gandalf.
Shuuhei got talked into doing a group costume with Renji and Izuru, where the redhead is dressed as a bottle of Ketchup and the blond is Mustard, and now Shuuhei is standing up there as his Mentor's Best Man while dressed as a Hot Dog.
Tetsuzaemon Iba Doesn't have the excuse of friends. He Dressed up like Vegas Elvis all on his own.
After what happened with Byakuya, Yamamoto refuses to officiate any more weddings, just in case he's bad luck. He will walk Kaname up the Aisle though. As Santa.
Retsu Unohana, officiating in her capacity as a Highly Venomous Sea Slug: Dearly Beloved and Barely Tolerated- We are gathered here today to witness the union of two of the most unhinged assholes I know-
The Reception only gets wilder as Rangiku has arranged for there to be both an Open Bar and a Karaoke Machine.
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qweaenr · 2 months
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BLEACH: Gotei 13: Squads 6-10
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bankaizen · 5 months
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foratinys · 13 days
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not me simping over characters that would instantly kill me 🧘🏻‍♀️
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vogt1333 · 1 year
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magical-girl-coral · 5 months
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Based on trans-rights-coastalmangoes's dungeon meshi post
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maounosekai · 1 year
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Some things never change
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hitsugaya-toushirou · 7 months
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Rock Musical Bleach ~Arrancar the Beginning~ Cast
Soul Society
Hueco Mundo
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auragreedia · 5 months
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laughing-moonlight · 1 year
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gallusrostromegalus · 5 months
Hi, I was re-reading the AEIWAM tag and was wondering how exactly Aizen manages to kill Genkai? She seems one of the most put-together Kenpachi's and Aizen is well Aizen? Did he do it himself or were the curse nails involved?
Kenpachi Genkai has a Lieutenant named Gosuke Kiganjo.
She's fond of Gosuke. He's a quick-witted man with a delightfully jaded opinion of humanity, in contrast to young wife Kakiyo, who has such a resolute sense of Justice she can sometimes make the elderly captain almost believe in the inherent goodness of humanity again. They make a splendid couple, her willingness to do the hard work of improving lives pairs well with his pragmatism and sense of efficiency.
Genkai enjoys their company- it's a terrible thing to be Old, but worse to be Old and Lonely, so she allows them to have her over. She and Kakiyo debate the practicality of the young woman's latest scheme to improve life in the Rukongai while Gosuke cooks. Genkai is sure Yamamoto's decision to transfer Kakiyo as a seated officer in the 4th to lieutenant of the 5th Division under Captain Hirako is not just balancing Shinji's tendency to procrastinate on his work and take inadvisable shortcuts. Yamamoto plans to have her run the 5th someday, and Genkai agrees with the choice.
Oftentimes Kakiyo and Gosuke's friend Sosuke Aizen is there too. He's an agreeable young man, if somewhat forgettable. He has a good memory though, and generous- he always brings fresh produce for Gosuke to make dinner with, and always remembers Genkai's fondness for Garlic Greens.
(continued under the cut)
Gosuke missed his calling as a housewife, Genkai thinks, with no small appreciation of the work that goes into running a house. But he is a splendid cook, and she enjoys many dinners with the couple and their friends.
But she is old. She feels it in her heart- not emotionally, she's not sentimental, but she feels it in the way her heart skips and thuds and the sharp pains in her chest. "Cardiac Arrhythmia" Unohana says. Her heart is failing, falling out of sync, and someday, she'll have a massive heart attack if she's not killed in the traditional way Kenpachis are.
Unohana offers her treatment- Foxglove, deadly to eat a leaf, but diluted into Digitoxin pills, it steadies her heart a bit. She takes the pills with some reluctance- when she remembers to. The duties of a captain are many and more complex than ever, and again, she allows Gosuke to do her a favor- He remembers her medication schedule, and puts the pills next to every meal he cooks for her- almost all of them these days.
...But eventually, the inevitable happens, and three months after her diagnosis, Ninth Kenpachi Genkai dies of a massive heart attack in her sleep after dinner at Gosuke and Kakiyo's home.
When Retsu Unohana does her autopsy of Genkai, something seems amiss- the damage to Genkai's heart is much more advanced than Unohana had expected from her exam less than twelve weeks ago. She should have known- Genkai wouldn't splint broken bones half the time, preferring to rely on her body to heal, and underestimating what she was borrowing from the future.
Unohana rules her Cause Of Death as "Heart Failure", and can only assume that Genkai had not benefited from what little of the Digitoxin she managed to take.
A week later, Kiganjo is promoted to Captain of the 11th, and according with tradition, forgoes his given name to assume the Title and mantle of the office.
Now-Kenpachi Kiganjo is somewhat overwhelmed by his new duties, as well as wracked with grief. He cannot bear to clean out his beloved Captain's quarters. Kakiyo grieves differently- the physical work and care she can give to the former captain's belongings will ease the emotional pain, so she offers to clean out the captain's quarters for him.
She is still friends with her colleagues in the fourth, especially Unohana, and as a Lieutenant she's entitled to see the results of the Autopsy. Its puzzling, Unohana's statement that she must not have taken her medication- she watched Gos- her husband put her pills on the tray of every meal he cooked for her in the last twelve weeks. Was she just throwing them away?
It's even more confusing when the clean-out fails to turn up a single pill. She should have found some in the trash or swept under the furniture, right? Maybe it had all been taken out.
That night, she's home alone. Go- her husband is working late while he catches up on the job. She opens the pantry and glares at it- part of the reason she married him was that he was such a good cook. She never got the hang of it, that was always Kaname's chore growing up. Ugh. It's been a long and emotional day and she's got a headache-
She opens the medicine cabinet in search of the aspirin, and is confronted with the Perscription Bottle of Digitoxin. That must be where he was storing it while he cooked for Genkai. Best remove it before he gets back and is reminded- she thinks as she picks the bottle up.
It's full. In fact. It's completely unopened. ...And the pills look nothing like the ones G- Her Husband had been putting on Genkai's tray.
She stands there. Trying to make sense of it. Was this a second bottle? Prescriptions came in three-month supplies, maybe he had just finished out the first bottle when she died, and this would have been her next bottle of medication? She goes to check the date-
"Anyone home?" 5th Division third seat Aizen calls out.
"MOTHER FUCK- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Aizen- You startled me and it's- it's- Oh God, I miss her so much!" Kakiyo sobs, and Aizen appears at her side, a comforting shoulder to cry on.
He escorts her to the living room and lets her sob while he gets the kitchen in order and cooks- He used to be a confectioner before he was a Shinigami and he makes a good fried rice too. He tells her stories about the candy business and childhood chicanery he got up to with his brother back in West 43 until-
-She almost doesn't recognize the man as her husband at first. Something is wrong with his posture, stooped and sluggish, and grimacing where there should be a grin. But the tenth Kenpachi comes and embraces his wife, and- it's alright. He's still her husband, and she lets him carry her to bed.
When she wakes up late the next morning, she stumbles into the bathroom and squints at the counter- There was something in here she needed to ask her husband about- Something about? Ugh. She can't remember. She feels hungover, and whatever it was is gone now.
On his way back to the 5th, Sosuke Aizen stops on the bridge over the canal, looks around to make sure he is alone, and dumps the bottle of digitoxin pills into the canal. He tears off the label from the bottle, tears it up, takes a look around for witnesses again, and throws the bottle and torn label into the trash-filled canal.
Lily of the Valley is the token flower of the 5th division, a symbol of Purity and Innocence. It's also quite poisonous- all parts of the plant are toxic, and will cause cardiac problems in high enough or continuous doses. Foragers must be very careful to not mistake the leaves for wild garlic greens- they look extremely similar. Lily Of The Valley has not much flavor, so a few leaves might not be noticed in a whole bunch, especially if they're all cooked in the same dish together.
Eating a bit won't kill, but one leaf in a bunch a few times a week could prove fatal in a few short months. Especially if the person is prevented from taking Digitoxin to counteract the effects.
He nearly had a heart attack himself when he saw the bottle on the bathroom counter, but with Kakiyo so tired already, it wasn't hard to weave Suigetsu's illusions around her, cutting off her memory of the bottle, and the autopsy report.
He'll have to talk to his co-conspirator about these slip-ups. His wife is quite observant, and it would be a shame if the lovely Kakiyo had to be dealt with as well. At least, before she has been of more use to Aizen. His plan demands that he eventually control the Fifth division, and the fact she outranks him is... inconvenient.
About a week later, Head Librarian of the West 51 District Library Kaname Tousen receives a letter from his sister Kakiyo in the Seireitei. She writes (Or rather, she has carefully dented the Vellum with Braille, the thin calfskin holds the marks better through the mail) about the sudden decline and death of their good friend Genkai, and how profoundly the loss has effected his brother-in-law. She doesn't actually use the name "Gosuke" anywhere in the letter, only referring to him as "My husband".
Kaname is saddened as he reads, but then he worries, as she writes about how stressed she's been- strange lapses in memory, paperwork mislaid- thank goodness third seat Aizen had found and filed that report for her. How distant and humorless her husband has been- coming home late and reeking of alcohol even! She has the terrible feeling that there is something wrong, even more than her friend's sudden and saddening death. Something is terribly, terribly wrong, but she can't imagine what it is.
...Maybe it's just the grief. I keep seeing conspiracies in coincidences, jumping at shadows- but there's nothing there.
I know you've got the summer reading program, and I can't take enough time to travel out there right now- write back soon? Tell me about the summer students and the state of the town, how you and Sajin are. You have a gentleness with your words I could use right now.
All my love,
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vahvah · 10 months
I really don't understand people who love Gin and hate Kaname at the same time. No, really, think about this for a second before you go back to your blind, fanatical love for cute boys (of course, I'll go back to that too).
Gin acted like a bastard, hurting people, killing, dooming people to death for about a hundred years because, well, as a child he saw what Aizen's minions did to Rangiku (almost sapped her powers as a soul). He realized that Aizen is a dangerous, cruel psychopath who poses a threat to three worlds. Honestly, I don’t remember canonical materials on whether Aizen shared with Gin the truth about the structure of the three worlds (about the Soul King as a puppet of Squad Zero, etc.), but even if Gin knew how ugly the setting of Bleach is - I believe he believed that putting him in the hands of Aizen, who did not care about the lives of civilians and even loyal subordinates, would be madness. His motivation makes sense, it shouldn't be reduced JUST to revenge for Rangiku, especially since she survived.
On the other hand, Kakyo (Tousen's friend/lover, in case you didn't know) didn't survive. Tokinada killed her (and the other shinigami), not for the sake of a higher goal that “justifies” the means, but because he was a sick bastard who liked to torture and kill, just like that. Yes, he also knew the truth about the Soul King, but he handled it differently than Aizen. And, well, being a vicious aristocrat, he used every opportunity provided by the clan to avoid punishment, and he was FAR from the only one of his kind. Kaname was trampled, the Soul Society system literally shouted in his face about its injustice, and Aizen was the only one who extended a helping hand to him. Aizen trusted Kaname, and Tousen asked him to kill himself so that he would never end up on the side of the Gotei 13.
(I think Aizen trusted Gin too, because at the moment of his betrayal, he actually looks shocked - it was not part of his plan lol).
I think Kaname and Gin were very similar and both suffered similar sins and can be understood.
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bankaizen · 4 months
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Suzumushi Tsuishiki: Enma Kōrogi (清虫終式閻魔蟋蟀, Cricket Final Form) Suzumushi maintains its form of a regular katana, though without the small ring. Tōsen holds up his sword in his right hand, and places his left palm against the ring on his cross guard. The ring begins to spin as it releases spiritual energy. As it spins faster, the circle grows bigger and bigger until it's large enough to surround his body. The ring then splits into ten other glowing rings of similar size that encircle Tōsen. With a slash of his sword, the circles go flying outwards and form a circular perimeter over a large area. Once in position, the ten rings begin to generate a black void, which grows in size until it forms a large black dome, which is centered around Tōsen's body and anchored to the ground by the ten rings. Each ring of Suzumushi Tsuishiki: Enma Kōrogi is inscribed with a unique kanji, which include Skeleton (骨, Hone), Scatter/Squander (散, Bara), Daring/Tragic/Pitiful (敢, Kan), Inflamed/Fester (爛, Ran), Blood (血, Chi), and Stretch/Spread (張, Chō) The dome creates a vacuum that nullifies the senses of spiritual energy, sight, sound, and scent, what Tōsen calls Mumyō (無明, lit. "No Light", popularly known as "Avidya" and defined as "Ignorance (of Buddhist teachings)"). The only sense the victim retains is that of touch. Unlike with some Zanpakutō, Suzumushi does not convert itself into the massive dome that it creates during Bankai. Instead, the dome serves as a separate extension of Suzumushi itself, allowing Tōsen to wield its sealed form as a weapon while inside the dome, but preventing him from using its abilities. The technique's main shortcoming is that anyone, not just Tōsen himself, touching Suzumushi's hilt is immune to the dome's effects, so anyone able to grab Suzumushi recovers their senses. The dome only exists as long as Tōsen wills it to, or if he happens to become seriously injured; in either circumstance, the dome shreds apart and dissipates.
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bleachtitlepages · 8 days
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srtruth · 7 days
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A mini comic for my friend @toxictaicho and a free interpretation of your fic.
You can read here
You always give me drawings, this is my moment to return the gesture, I hope you like it <3
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