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loreofthejungle · 1 year ago
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Started drawing again! Figured I'd start drawing some of the characters for the game I want to make, starting with the MC before I fuck them up. They're a scout in an interdimentional space known as The Salt.
Meet Rukh v1.0 (work in progress)
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geraniums-red · 5 months ago
Heather Fawcett - Even the Darkest Stars
Fantasy books are full of characters who are desperate to learn magic. Kamzin, the protagonist of this book, is apprenticed to a shaman but has no interest in magic and jumps at the chance to guide a mountaineering expedition on a journey full of both magical and mundane dangers.
This is not a kind book. Companions die, beloved animals die, and the book ends with Kamzin making a very dubious alliance. However it's also a book full of characters who support and care about each other and there is joy and beauty as well as pain.
An interesting book. Probably not one I'll revisit, but an unusual topic for a fantasy book, and I'm glad I got a chance to read it.
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alternianescapeartists · 2 years ago
time for another one
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calmmay · 1 year ago
Takut keburu lupa, bukan mau berefleksi yg gmn2 si, cuma mau mencatat penggalan fragmen kehidupan yg ternyata bbrp kali beririsan dg agenda pilih memilih scr periodik ini.
Jd, setelah w inget2 kembali, ternyata aku sdh beririsan dg hal ini itu sejak SMA. Walau sebenernya, yg paling membekas cuma memori aku ada di lapangan tengah, bawa bowl berisi soal2 debat atau undian apa lah gt, w agak lupa tp yg pasti momen itu kalau diingat2 kembali, ternyata syahdu jg, ya. Siswa-siswi pd melingkar di pinggir lapteng, dede2 caketos berdiri di tengah buat kampanye/orasi, trs w berdiri di pinggir 'panggung', rok berkibar2 kena angin, pake ban lengan bertuliskan 'KPU'. Mantep lah.
Trs kalo diinget2 lagi, proses w jd KPU tuh kyk memang ditakdirkan aja gt. Rekrutmennya diadakan scr tertutup dan sebenernya aku udh nolak waktu dicloserec sama koor2 sie. Yg pertama, w dicloserec sama koor sie konsumsi. W tolak tuh. Trs dateng lah koor kamzin. W tolak jg. Eh, gataunya temen kelas jd koor acara, w diajakin. Bagaimana lah menolaknya��� jd ku gas aja dg bismillah
Anw, sayang bgt sejauh yg kuingat tidak ada dokumentasi yg proper untuk KPU masa SMA ini :')
Sbg maba di ITS, ku ikut pengkaderan dong tp hbs itu berhenti sampe jd anggota aja, tida bergabung ke hima krn mager betul dg agenda2 yg molor trs bs sampe malem bgt. Eh, gataunya hbs itu aku jd KPU. Sebenernya, aku diminta jd KPU jg krn jarang anggota hima yg nonjob sepertiq (read: lulus pengkaderan, jd anggota, tp ga join jd pengurus himpunan-bahkan untuk sekedar jd staff). Trs, krn berhubung org2 dah pd pegang amanah di hima, akhirnya kuberanikan diriku dg bismillah buat jd KPU. Trs berujung w jd ketua KPU nya wkwk
Mulailah masa2 aku pulang malem krn agenda himpunan, dikunjungi temen jurusan lain untuk studi banding KPU dst. Sbg gambaran, masa pemilu kahima nih di ujung2 semester. Org2 pd sibuk menyelamatkan tubes2 dan studionya tp aku bersama 2+3 serangkai KPU lainnya dan Mba Tahmida as APK yg selalu support, hadir di Plaza atau sekre. MasyaAllah. Pdhl w itungannya apatis🙏
Nah, kalo di sini sih, momen paling membekasnya itu ya kampanye 24 jam. Parah sih. Kalo ga salah, dimulai dg ITS mati lampu, yg nyala cuma perpus. Akhirnya kita berbondong2 ke perpus, acara mulai kondusif tp trs ada kating yg 'rese'. Beliau protes krn katanya pemilu kahima nih forum 'keluarga', masa diadakan di perpus (aka ruang publik)??
Y gmn y bosq. Ini kan kondisi darurat. Drpd ga jalan, mau reschedule jg padet bgt nih jadwal minggu2 akhir.
Alhamdulillah, selang bbrp waktu, lampunya dah nyala. Akhirnya kita ke pwk. Mulai lagi tuh kampanyenya, tp kita semua dah pd capek. Mana pd ada tanggungan buat besok, quiz/presentasi/tubes dll. Emang kocak warga pwk ini, ngusulin kampanye 24 jam dg skema kampanye br berhenti kalo udh gaada pertanyaan atau debat. Tp trs sebagian besar warganya ga dateng. Siapa si yg invested untuk being present 24 jam nonstop🥲 kan mending nugas atau istirahat atau beraktivitas lainnya, ya.
Sejauh yg kuingat, kampanye akhirnya berhenti sekitar waktu dini hari menjelang subuh. Yg bertahan itu cuma cakahima, kpu+mba tam, trs 3 temen angkatanku sama kating rese yg aktif nanya🫠
YaAllah, cukup lah jd pengalaman untuk dikenang bukan untuk diulang🙏
Tp, th depannya w jd KPU lagi wkwk. Alhamdulillahnya, krn waktu itu pandemi, jd semuanya serba online. Mana calonnya cuma satu. Yaa, itungannya lebih efektif dan efisien lah drpd th sebelumnya.
Setelah lulus, w yg basic nya bukan into politic bgt ni, ga kepikiran yg gmn2. Nyoblos mah nyoblos aja gt. Ga terlalu berminat dg menjadi panitia2.
Kalo ga salah inget, th 2019 sebenernya pernah jd saksi. Tp ga terlalu gmn2 si, w literally cuma nontonin aja. Ashar jg dah pulang.
Nah, yg rada heboh ni pemilu th 2024. Yg membuatku akhirnya teringat fragmen2 per-KPU-an yg pernah ku jalani.
Spt th pemilu sebelumnya, aku jg ga berminat jd panitia. Jd permintaan tolong itu hadir tiba2, tgl 13 Feb, ada yg ngontak. Minta tolong untuk jd saksi. Berhubung aku kenal baik dg beliau, jd ga enak buat nolak.
and the rest is history.
Lingkungan rumahku itu sebenernya semi gated community dan banyak koko-cece nya jg. Jd, momen ini tuh itungannya pertama kali aku 'beraktivitas' bersama warga. Biasanya ya cuma hadir as peserta aja. Ga yg ikut ngurusin ini itu.
Lucu n seru sih, sebenernya. Kpn lagi liat koko-cece invested jd abdi negara🥹 trs sambat bersama mak2 bonek-saksi PDI.
Trs, di momen ini gotong royongnya kerasa bgt krn semua pingin cepet kelar wkwk.
Pas perhitungan, ada yg bukain kertas, yg ngangkat kertas, yg nyatet, yg qc sah/tidak, trs ngelipet kertas.
Trs ada bgt momen puyengnya, gara2 kertas suaranya kurang lah, bolak balik salah masukin amplop lah, trs yg kocak tuh kita baru sadar jumlah partai yg ikut dlm pemilu kali ini setelah beres rekap suara.
Ada mas2 saksi yg nanya, "mba, tadi moto semua hasil? Jumlahnya brp? Saya boleh minta, ga?"
Aku dg pedenya menjawab, "iya, saya foto semua"
Eh, ternyata setelah di cek, lah iyaya, kok ada yg ilang
"Nah, nomor 18-23 gaada ya, Mba?"
Akhirnya, kita buru-buru cross check ke koko2 kpps. Sempet pd bingung tuh. Iyaya, kertas rekap 18-23 kok gaada. Masak ada yg kurang lagi.
Setelah di cek, ternyata udh bener. Nomor partainya itu emang 1-17 sama 24.
Duh Gusti, gini bgt jd warga negara yg gatau2 amat sama pemerintahannya🥲
Momen2 gini bikin kepikiran, harusnya sbg warga negara yg baik tuh kita aware ga sih. Trs keinget, kan ada ya pelajaran kewarganegaraan, tp knp rasanya kyk tidak terinternalisasi🥲 yg membekas cuma di indo ada lembaga legislatif, yudikatif sama eksekutif. Tp in detail jg ga paham🥲 huhu
Hal lain yg bikin kepikiran adalah, seluruh rangkaian kegiatan ini itungannya dikerjakan 24 jam non stop, dr pagi sampe pagi lagi dengan pressure krn emang kudu segera selesai :')
Jd makin paham lah aku, knp bs sampe ada yg meninggal, terlepas dr takdir, ya. Tp org2 KPPS atau saksi ini ada yg emang udh berumur, jd staminanya ga se fit itu. Trs kalo dipikir2, bs jd mereka ga terbiasa mengerjakan pekerjaan kyk gini dg load dan pressure yg kyk gini..
Ini tuh pr negara ga si? Untuk menjalankan sistem pemerintahan, termasuk sistem pemilihan yg lebih baik untuk semua..
Alhamdulillahnya, org2 di tempatku cukup supportif. Jd di tengah ke chaos an, ke puyeng an dan kelelahan, kita masih bs menertawakan segala kepedihan :')
Salah dua guyonan yg kuinget:
ada saksi yg emak2 gt, beliau bilang anaknya ngelarang, tp berhubung beliau pingin banget jd saksi, beliau tetep keukeuh brgkt. Walau setelah sore menjelang tuh si ibu sebenernya dah lelah bgt, trs menjelang malam ibunya kyk mual2 masuk angin🥲 trs si ibu bilang, besok tak tahan2 meskipun aku sakit, biar ga diomelin/diejek anakku😂😂
Trs ada lagi, dr Koko-Cece yg suambat krn hrs ttd ratusan kolom dalam semalam wkwk. Kata beliau2, kalo kita menang tender ga segininya deh (ga harus ttd sebanyak ini🫠). CEO aja kalo capek ttd pasti bs istirahat, kita mah engga wkwk
Trs di akhir, semua pada kapok wkwk. Kata Koko, "kalo peridoe selanjutnya aku dipanggil Pak Gondo (Ketua RW), aku ga bakal dateng" wkwkkw
Yah, in the end, alhamdulillah semuanya kelar. Walau sejujurnya ada jg momen2 drama penuh air mata yg tidak bs kudetailkan di sini.
'Ala kulli hal, Alhamdulillah. Semoga seluruh ikhtiar ini bernilai pahala dan Allah meridhoi kita untuk menjadi makmum terbaik dari Imam-Imam terbaik.
Bonus dokumentasi subuh2, 15 Februari. Minus cece, koko tukang nge print, sama saksi gemoy:
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pipperoni32-blog · 1 year ago
All the Wandering Light
by Heather Fawcett
I felt like this was such an improvement from Even the Darkest Stars. It took the things I loved from the first book and really built upon them.
After River broke the seal on the witch's powers, all he wants to do is continue exploring, and learning more about the magic he has unfettered access to now. However, his elder brother Esha has different plans. He wants the crown, and he wants to destroy the empire that cast weakened them all those years ago. When a star falls, Esha tasks River with tracking it down, knowing that a fallen star could give him the power to break the empire.
River isn't the only one searching for the star though. Lusha informs Kamzin of the great power a fallen star could hold - the good it could do and the destruction it's capable of. Not willing to see her village fall, Kamzin will do anything in her power to get to the star first.
Through Azar-at, who's now bonded to Kamzin after his partnership with River ended, Kamzin finds herself getting lost in River's memories. Both old ones, and glimpses at his current path. She doesn't know what this means for them, how much the bond connects them, but it does make her realize how conflicted she still feels about River.
For those who weren't a fan of how much Even the Darkest Stars focused on their journey and climb of Mount Raksha, don't give up yet! This one still has them journeying, but not for as long, and we get to learn more about the powers that were locked away, and see the fight for the empire!
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feyrareads · 4 years ago
Currently Reading: Even the Darkest Stars
I’m about halfway through Even the Darkest Stars by Heather Fawcett and this worldbuilding??? The storytelling??? IMMACULATE. I’m so excited to read more, we are bingeing tonight, yes sirrrr.
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chapters-of-mylife · 5 years ago
All the Wandering Light by Heather Fawcett {Book Review}
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GENRES:- Fantasy, Young Adult
RATING:- ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2
After the terrifying events on Mount Raksha, the witches have returned, and River has betrayed Kamzin to regain his dark powers. The witches’ next step: march on the Three Cities and take over the Empire—led by River’s brother, Esha. If Kamzin is to save Azmiri and prevent the fall of the Empire, she must find a star that fell in the Ash Mountains to the north. Fallen stars have immense power, and if Kamzin and Lusha can find the star, they can use its magic to protect the Empire. To get there, Kamzin has allied with Azar-at, the dangerous and deceptive fire demon, who can grant her great power—in exchange for pieces of her soul. But River wants the star too, and as their paths collide in dangerous and unexpected ways, Kamzin must wrestle with both her guilt and her conflicted feelings for the person who betrayed her. Facing dark magic, a perilous journey, and a standoff against the witches, can Kamzin, Lusha, and Tem find the star and save their Empire? (FROM GOODREADS)
I have mixed feelings about this book! in some ways, it still kept up with my expectations but in some ways, it didn't!!😞😞 it is still had really wonderful worldbuilding, storytelling, and great writing style! it was better than the first book in one way, the parts with emotions were a little bit more than the first book and it concentrated more on the characters compared to the first book (which was good in some ways but not all)! and these were the things where this book met my expectations! one more positive thing about this book that it had multiple POVs (sadly those chapters weren't many!) the things where it disappointed me were these: first I really hated Lusha and Kamzin's relationship!! seriously!! I can't stand their relationship!! I noticed this from the first book but I wished this to be fixed in this book, but it didn’t second, WTH!! after that cliffhanger and that emotional rollercoaster and betrayal at the end of the first book I expected more of the first meeting and reconciliation between River and Kamzin!! third, and now I get why I liked the first book more (even though the second book had more action and emotion in it) is that I didn't like any of the characters. I didn't connect with any of them, and I absolutely felt nothing for them (other than annoyance with Lusha and Kamzin's relationship) there were parts when I thought I’m finally going to like them but nope that didn’t happen and the last thing I didn't like was the ending!! there was still many loose endings in the story in my opinion! there were many things I wanted to see that didn't happen, and there were some lines I wished to read that didn't pop up in the book! and I felt the ending was a little bit rushed! As I said I have mixed feelings about this book! it wasn't great but it wasn't bad at the same time! it was more on the disappointing side for me!! I really had great expectations about this book! 😞😞😞
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ventureswithbooks · 5 years ago
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“I wanted to push against the world and feel it push back.” - Even the Darkest Stars . . 🌟QOTD: Do you believe in true love/have your own love story? . . Happy Monday lovelies!! I am loving having all these days off and sleeping in and relaxing!! It’s gotten my creative juices going and I’ve thought of some fun new cosplays. But in answer to my QOTD, I 100% believe in true love. I think it’s all these YA books where the heroine always finds the perfect man!! One of my favorite underrated couples is River and Kamzin!! @noverantale artwork of these characters is 100% how I picture them and her art is just absolutely STUNNING!! This is one of my favorite pieces of art!! Definitely, still waiting on my own love story but until then I get hours of entertainment with friends about all the silly pick up lines men use on dating apps! Hope everyone has a fabulous day!! . . #BookishFlowersMay20 - Day 4: Tulip - Declaration of Love . . #eventhedarkeststars #allthewanderinglight #heatherfawcett #noverantale #bookart #bookstagram #ventureswithbooks #instareads #booknerd #booksofinstagram #booklife #bookworm #yafiction #yabooks #bookishfeatures #rainbowbookshelf #rainbowbooks #bookstagramer #bookstagramit #bookaesthetic #rainbowshelf https://www.instagram.com/p/B_x6_YBgBKy/?igshid=1360dttuq9i12
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libraryinthecountry · 5 years ago
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Which books have some of your favorite covers?⁣ ⁣ I find I tend to love covers that have landscapes, like the cover of #EventheDarkestStars by @heather_fawcett. This cover is probably one of my all-time favorites, it’s so beautiful!⁣ ⁣ I’ve been listening to the audiobook and can attest that I am loving the book as much as I love the cover. 😊 The artwork of River and Kamzin is by @noverantale – who has created some of my all time favorite character art. Isn’t it lovely? 🌄 ⁣ I would not have found this book if it weren’t for all of the photos of it on bookstagram over the years. It’s been on my TBR since I first saw it and I’m glad I’ve finally picked it up!⁣ ⁣ CHALLENGES //⁣ #cozyascanbee / by the window⁣ #gothandliterature / blame it on the ... bookstagrammer⁣ ⁣ #bookstagram #bookworm #bookphotography #bibliophile #booklover #bookaddict #instareads #bookblogger #bookobsessed #readersofinstagram #bookish #beautifulbooks #booktag #prettybooks #goodreads #bookdragon #myfavoritethings #seeingthepretty #simplethingsmadebeautiful #heatherfawcett #noverantale #coverlove https://www.instagram.com/p/CAVzuqWgES-/?igshid=xzhkc2ntumxi
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infodemic-kz · 3 years ago
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Наурыз құтты болсын, достар! Бүгін университетте Наурыз мейрамы өтуде. Ұстаздырымыз сақадай сай. Клара Кабылгазина апай, Kaken Kamzin ағай Сіздерге денсаулық, шығармашылық жетістік тілеймін! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbwse6ZAIxT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mobilepubliclibraryteens · 6 years ago
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After the terrifying events on Mount Raksha, the witches have returned, and River has betrayed Kamzin to regain his dark powers. The witches’ next step: march on the Three Cities and take over the Empire—led by River’s brother, Esha. If Kamzin is to save Azmiri and prevent the fall of the Empire, she must find a star that fell in the Ash Mountains to the north. Fallen stars have immense power, and if Kamzin and Lusha can find the star, they can use its magic to protect the Empire. To get there, Kamzin has allied with Azar-at, the dangerous and deceptive fire demon, who can grant her great power—in exchange for pieces of her soul. But River wants the star too, and as their paths collide in dangerous and unexpected ways, Kamzin must wrestle with both her guilt and her conflicted feelings for the person who betrayed her. Facing dark magic, a perilous journey, and a standoff against the witches, can Kamzin, Lusha, and Tem find the star and save their Empire?
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praireunderthesky · 4 years ago
Nice to have my little work space colored with books. ❣ Any title familiar? Would highly recommend you guys check out Even The Darkest Stars by @heather_fawcett!!! Such an IMPRESSIVE world to read about. It's seriously time we talk more about it in this community.
Even the Darkest Stars is book 1 of a duology. This is perfect for those who love a good, heavy fantasy! This has everything you would expect from a fantasy novel -- magic, witches, an ancient hearsay, an explorer, a great villain, and a magnificent plot (twist). 😏
Main protagonist Kamzin dreams of becoming one of the emperor's royal explorer, going on adventures, discovering more outside her village. When River Shara, the current royal explorer demands her to come with him, her whole life changes. Soon, she begins her journey to the summit as she discovers more about the ancient hearsay and what lies beyond her world.
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alternianescapeartists · 2 years ago
i feel kinda bad that i fell out of fantroll stuff again so fast. never even finished sketching the chibis for kamzin and revaki bc i got busy with other things and was too stressed to do anything else.
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pipperoni32-blog · 1 year ago
“I’m sorry,” Tem said suddenly.
I gazed at him. “For what?”
“I know I made things difficult,” Tem said. His face was flushed, and he didn’t meet my gaze. “When it ended between us, part of me always believed we’d have another chance. It was stupid. I always knew it would end up like this.”
An ache blossomed in my chest. “End up like what?”
Tem smiled faintly. “With you charging off on some adventure. And me staying behind. Though I never guessed it would be in the emperor’s court. You’re like the wind - you’re meant to be out there, among the mountains and the stars, fighting storms and monsters and anything else foolish enough to get in your way. And I’m… well, I’m not.”
“Tem.” I had to pause, to steady my voice. “You know I’ll always love you. Even if it isn’t-“
“I know,” he said. “You’re the most important person in the world to me, Kamzin. I-“ He broke off. “I’ll always be there for you. Whenever you need me.”
I wrapped him in a hug. Above us, the stars brightened.”
— All the Wandering Light
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yabookers · 7 years ago
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Even the Darkest Stars (Even the Darkest Stars #1) by Heather Fawcett
Kamzin has always dreamed of becoming one of the Emperor’s royal explorers, the elite climbers tasked with mapping the wintry, mountainous Empire and spying on its enemies. She knows she could be the best in the world, if only someone would give her a chance. But everything changes when the mysterious and eccentric River Shara, the greatest explorer ever known, arrives in her village and demands to hire Kamzin—not her older sister Lusha, as everyone had expected—for his next expedition. This is Kamzin’s chance to prove herself—even though River’s mission to retrieve a rare talisman for the emperor means climbing Raksha, the tallest and deadliest mountain in the Aryas. Then Lusha sets off on her own mission to Raksha with a rival explorer who is determined to best River, and Kamzin must decide what’s most important to her: protecting her sister from the countless perils of the climb or beating her to the summit. The challenges of climbing Raksha are unlike anything Kamzin expected—or prepared for—with avalanches, ice chasms, ghosts, and even worse at every turn. And as dark secrets are revealed, Kamzin must unravel the truth of their mission and of her companions—while surviving the deadliest climb she has ever faced.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy via Edelweiss for review purposes. Amid several reading slumps, Even the Darkest Stars was a lovely surprise. It follows Kazmin, who has always dreamed of getting out of her little village and becoming one of the Emperor's royal explorers, responsible for mapping the mountainous empire. And when River, the current royal explorer, arrives and hires Kazmin to climb Raskha, the tallest and deadliest mountain, in search of a rare talisman, it's Kazmin's chance to prove she's the best. After her sister betrays her and sets off in search of the talisman herself with a rival explorer, Kazmin must decide what's more important: protecting her sister, or beating her to the summit of Rashka. I'm going to start by getting the negatives out of the way (don't worry, there are very few). Firstly, the pace did lag a bit. That's because Fawcett put so much detail and attention into the world-building, and creating a truly atmospheric and engaging read. If you're looking for a fast-paced book, I wouldn't look to this one. But if you're looking for a solid high fantasy with exceptional world-building, suspense, and immersiveness, then I would definitely keep this on your radar. Secondly, there is a love triangle, and it's pretty in your face. There's the old childhood friend, and the mysterious attractive newcomer. It's definitely not my favourite part of this book, but the book also has enough good points that I can give the love-triangle a pass. Now onto the positives! As I said, the world-building was A+. I loved the Himalayan inspired setting, the magical aspects, the snowy mountainous landscape, and what was especially standout was the survivalist aspects. Kazmin and her team encounter avalanches, storms, and hazards of a supernatural nature. Kazmin was, beyond a doubt, an admirable protagonist. She's definitely flawed, but that makes her all the more realistic. We also have a wonderful cast of fully-fleshed out side characters. It was a difficult book to put down because of the fantastic setting and the edge of your seat thrills. It's a solid high fantasy and it's a series I do hope to keep up with. I would recommend Even The Darkest Stars to fans of survivalist and magical fantasies.
Rating: ★★★★☆
Book Depository | Amazon
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chapters-of-mylife · 5 years ago
Even the Darkest Stars by Heather Fawcett {Book Review}
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GENRES:- Fantasy,Young Adult
RATING:- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2
Kamzin has always dreamed of becoming one of the emperor’s royal explorers, the elite climbers tasked with mapping the wintry, mountainous Empire and spying on its enemies. She knows she could be the best in the world, if only someone would give her a chance. But everything changes when the mysterious and eccentric River Shara, the greatest explorer ever known, arrives in her village and demands to hire Kamzin—not her older sister, Lusha, as everyone had expected—for his next expedition. This is Kamzin’s chance to prove herself—even though River’s mission to retrieve a rare talisman for the emperor means cimbing Raksha, the tallest and deadliest mountain in the Aryas. Then, Lusha sets off on her own mission to Raksha with a rival explorer, and Kamzin must decide what’s most important to her: protecting her sister from the countless perils of the climb or beating her to the summit. The challenges of climbing Raksha are unlike anything Kamzin expected—or prepared for—with avalanches, ice chasms, ghosts, and other dangers at every turn. And as dark secrets are revealed, Kamzin must unravel the truth about their mission and her companions—while surviving the deadliest climb she has ever faced. (FROM GOODREADS)
First I want to say I’m sorry for the long-absent but I was going through a wicked reading slump. and after I started getting out of it my life got so busy I couldn’t read at all!! but hopefully, all of that is fixed right now!!  😉😉
second, I really want to bang my head on the wall!! I got this book in 2017 in Fairyloot september box! which means I had this book for TWO years and it’s sequel for ONE year and I just NOW read this book!! 
This book was so freaking amazing!!
This book had three great things about it!!
one - the world building!!
the world-building in this book was top notch!! It was really one of the top book I’ve read in the world-building department!! 
the descriptions of everything was so captivating to the point where I wanted to learn how to climb!! 
two - the story and the writing style!!
the storyline and writing were amazing!! Heather know how to keep things really interesting for me!! 
if you know me or if you read some of my reviews you’ll know that one of the things I hate most in books is slow-paced stories!! this book is a slow-paced book, but the surprising thing about it is that I really loved it!! and that was because (other than the wonderful world-building and the well-written descriptions) the author really know when to put the interesting parts!! just when I was about to say “Ok this is great and all but could you just go on with the story or at least make something happen” BAM there is something happening!! 
she kept things interesting without overdoing it!!
and the last great thing about this book was the last fourth of it!!
that part was really amazing!! I just couldn’t believe what was going on!! I thought of this happening but that was just me letting my mind running wild I didn’t think it will actually happen or at least NOT in this way!! my eyes were bugging out and my mouth was hanging open while I read the last 50 pages of the book!! and the ending is just WOW!! I can’t believe what happened and I really can’t wait to read the next book (Great thing I waited till I had the second book with me before reading this one!!😁😁)
the only thing I didn’t like it very much in this book was the characters!! I didn’t feel anything about them and didn’t connect with them at all! (well some times I get to feel River but just a little) the only character that was kind of vivid was obviously Kamzin! 
but I wasn’t a big fan of her! there was a side of her character that as much as I sympathized with I really hated at the same time!! but I can’t say she didn’t have her great moments and I really have great expectations of her in the next book!!
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