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kamustyle · 6 years ago
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#kamustyle #maribor #outfit #camouflagetshirt #camopants #breakfast www.kamustyle.it https://www.instagram.com/p/B1S8eluCywT/?igshid=j13d1lmmzp8t
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kamustyles · 6 years ago
i am in love with writing about the universe and the stars and their stories and all the infinite possibilities that could happen in the blink of an eye
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queenmendes · 5 years ago
things are changing | extra
shawn x reader x connor
a/n: so I know I said this is the last part but I lied! There are proabably 2 more after this. This was a short filler that just happened so please let me know what you think and who she picks! xxx
big big big thank you to @local-neighborhood-biderman for helping me so much!
You’d be lying if you said you haven’t been wallowing in self pity since you arrived back in Toronto. Shawn and Connor have not left your mind; along with the last moment you saw them. The anger and then regret that flashed through their eyes broke your heart. It felt like you caused all of this drama because you couldn’t choose between one boy. 
Your life became one of those romantic dramas you constantly make fun of. Of course, your pity party wasn’t getting this situation out of your mind. Memories from tour played through your head like a movie.  
Tomorrow is the first show in America. Currently, the whole team and band was explore the city of Portland. Everyone completely jittery and ready for the show to come. Tour has already been amazing. 
“Oh, let’s go in here.” You grabbed his hand and lead him into the little shop. It was small but cozy and cute. It seemed to be a jewelry shop based on the displays up front but the further you walk, the more options you see. In the back, was an older lady sitting behind a large table with different colored beads and lose, empty bands. 
“Would you like to make your own bracelets?” The lady asked, gesturing to the empty bands. You quickly nodded before picking up two of the bands and handing him one. 
“You make mine and I’ll make yours?” You suggest, smiling widely. He knew he couldn’t say no. Not to that smile. You quickly got to work, picking out the beads you wanted. Deciding to go with a more manly vibe; you picked up black, blue and some green beads. Placing them in an easy pattern on the band, you stop and grab a small white bead that had Y/F/I on it. Then you take two beads that made up your initials, sliding them onto the band along with a bead that was your favorite color. Placing it in the middle of the other beads, you quickly finish up. 
“Here.” He said, grabbing your wrist and tying your new bracelet on. You smile as you see that he put his initials on the bracelet; just like you did. 
“I love it.” You say after tying his bracelet onto his wrist. The two of you shared a big smile, before paying the lady. He quickly but gently tugs you out of the little shop, and down the streets of Portland. The two of you carefree while you had the chance. 
You’re eyes never left the bracelet that was still tied around your wrist as you replayed that memory. You haven’t taken it off since he put it on. To you, it symbolized the connection shared between the two of you. 
Denver. You were almost positive that is the city you are currently in. After travelling endlessly, it’s hard to be completely sure on where you are at. Needless to say, the show was amazing as always. The crowd was breathtaking and gave off a great vibe. Now, everyone was on their assigned bus as the journey to the next city was about to start. 
You already showered and refreshed yourself. Now, everyone was lounging around the bus, relaxing. Soon, he came and joined you; away from everyone. The smell of this fresh shampoo hit your nose and made you smile at the familiar scent.
“Whatcha doing?” he asked, his face awfully close to yours. You motioned to your headphones. 
“Jamming.” You smile before offering him one of the buds. He immediately recognized the familiar, smooth voice of Hozier’s Almost (Sweet Music). He sighed as he leaned back, resting one hand across his stomach and the other on your leg, tapping to the beat. 
I've got some colour back, she thinks so, too
I laugh like me again, she laughs like you
He watched in awe as you softly sang along to the words. Your voice wasn’t perfect but the look of complete and utter content on your face made everything seem perfect in this moment. 
I wouldn't know where to start  
He doesn’t know where to start with you. He could write a whole book about just your laugh. The things you did to him without even realizing. Like right now. You had no idea the effect you had on him. The way he smiled without realizing it, just by seeing yours. Or how at the sight of you, his heart jumps out of his chest. Your laugh makes him laugh. How you are goofy to put him back into a good mood when he is feeling homesick. You had no idea that your soft singing was going to be the moment he realizes how strong his feelings for you are. 
“What?” You stopped singing as you noticed him staring you; not moving, not even blinking. You sat up straight and wipe your face. “Do I have something on my face?” You asked. He quickly shook his head; his slightly damp hair flying around. 
“No. No. You’re perfect.” He whispered and you almost didn’t hear him. He smiled as you looked down, bashfully, but the smile on your lips could be seen by anyone. 
Hozier’s voice filled your apartment as you tidy up a bit. It was time for you to stop sitting around all day. But no matter what you did, something brought up another memory of him. The bracelet, to your Spotify playlist, to your favorite TV show. All of your favorite things were connected with him. 
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.” He grumbled as the two of you huddled on his bed in the hotel you were staying in for the night. A lot of the band and crew went out to explore but the two of you were feeling lazy and decided to stay in and have a marathon. 
“You chose the last TV show. It’s my turn.” You said as you scrolled on your laptop, looking for the series. You glanced at him from the side of your eyes and had to suppress your smile as you saw him cuddling into your blanket. “Okay, shall we begin?” You retorchically ask because he really did not have a choice. 
“So, who’s is that guy again?” “What the fuck. The siblings are lovers? What is this shit?” “Awe its a puppy.” “Why do you like this show again?” Those were a few comments he made in the first half of the episode of Game of Thrones. As annoying as he was getting, his commentary was hilarious. 
“Just hush up and watch it. I promise you will like it once the show gets going.” You said, as your head tilted up from its position on his chest. You weren’t sure when or how the two of you ended up in this position but you weren't complaining. He was warm and a great snuggle buddy. 
He wouldn’t admit it but you were right. Once he shut up and watched the show, he got really into it. So much that he watched the first 5 episodes in one sitting. 
“Alright, so it’s pretty good-” He stopped talking once he noticed you were fast asleep. You’re cheek was pressed up against his chest and your arm was wrapped around his waist; a light death grip on it. But he wasn’t complaining. You looked adorable with your mouth slightly parted and little, soft snores coming out. It made it even better that you were wearing on of his hoodies. This easily became his favorite moment between the two of you. Which is why he decided to snap a quick picture of you on his chest before shifting slightly and falling asleep next to you. He swears it was the best sleep he’s had all tour. 
Your hands softly traced over the hoodie you found in your suitcase. It seemed like a good idea to finally unpack the bag that has been sitting by the door for the past week and a half. You didn’t even realize that you took this piece of clothing with you. The all too familiar cologne hit your nose as you held the navy blue hoodie up to your chest. It didn’t hit you how much you missed him until you realized his comforting smell was almost gone from this hoodie. It made you more eager to slip it over you head and cuddle into it; wishing it was his arms instead. But you’d have to settle for the oversized hoodie. 
For now.
 @turtoix @physicshawn @im-a-stranger-thing @shawn-youth @dreamersseeincolor @spn-marvel-nerd @someinsanefangirl @tinycertain @unsolvedhearts @ykicantbefoundwithyou @marissje @mae-petite-etoile @michellemxndes @curlyfan @haileyofthefandoms @whoopcalpal @chaotic-ness @arypesanchez @shawnmendes048 @sweetheartmendes @justinshawntom @carolineclds @ludiclove @kamustyles @loveylangdon @redrebecca @weliove @maximumcoffeesublime @introvertedrhi @peruvian-bae @iamanerdnot @lovablefangirl @foreveralone19588 @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @ly--canthrope @night-girls-world @we--f0und--w0nderland @rodneywaber @xtmd5 @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @alphabeteeee @shawnandconnor @zigzagsandzebras @danidomm @mariamuses @feliciaceciliamariajacobsson @shessoparticular99 @pitreshawn @char-m-e @riverdalexvixens @bloodorangemoonlight @the-diabolic @xxamzxx @lilya-petrichor @royalexperiment256 @aspiring-fangirls-world @curlyshawnie @tempsta @sleepybesson @sunrisebrashx @calum-booo
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featherymalignancy · 5 years ago
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Like a Lonely House: RECAP
Since it’s been *guilty cough* a while since I’ve posted, I decided to do a recap as a refresher for people. This covers Parts I-VI. If you don’t need the refresher, skip to Part VII
Like a Lonely House: A Nessian Story Of Betrayal and Redemption
Warning: NSFW for language, mild violence, mentions of sexual assault, and smut. This story is not ACOFAS complaint, but it will borrow elements from the story. oh, also tons of angst.
                        "so I wait for you like a lonely house
                      till you will see me again and live in me.
                               Till then my windows ache.”
                                      -Pablo Neruda
Synopsis: Fifty years after the Hybernian War, Prythian is finally at peace. For Cassian and Nesta, anamosity has turned to something more amorous, and they stand on a precipice of something that scares and excites them both. However, it only takes one night of weakness on Cassian’s part to change everything, and with a young Illyrian prince gaining power in the North, Nesta agrees to an marriage alliance, both to protect her family and get her as far away from Cassian as possible. As things unravel between them, Cassian begins to suspect there is something more deliberate seeking to keep them apart, and he struggles to uncover the truth and win Nesta back before it’s too late.
If you are new to the story, please click HERE see the masterlist. 
RECAP: The Story Thus Far...
After fifty years a long looks and mutual pining, Cassian and Nesta’s connection comes to a head on Starfall, where they consummate their relationship by finally sleeping together. The mating bond snaps into place sometime during their coupling, though neither verbally acknowledges it. Nesta leaves for Neva on a diplomatic mission the next day, with Cassian begging her to come see him the moment she returns, likely so they can finally discuss the bond they now both know is real.
The morning Nesta is due to return home, Cassian wakes in an unfamiliar part of Velaris with a female he doesn’t know. Though he remembers nothing from the night before, they are both naked, and it’s clear they’ve slept together. Cassian, dismayed that he’s unwittingly betrayed Nesta in a drunken romp, leaves the female and flies back to his own apartment.
Nesta has been there waiting for him, and when scents what he’s done she’s furious. The two argue as Cassian insists he doesn’t know how this happened and Nesta taunts him, asking whether he really believed someone like her would actually want a low-born bastard such as himself.
Sick with grief, Nesta runs off, and when Cassian can’t find her, he goes to Elain and Azriel to ask his friend for help. Azriel is already awake when Cassian arrives, the shadows continually warning him something in Velaris is amiss. When Cassian arrives, Azriel tries to get his friend to tell him what’s wrong. When Cassian sees Elain, the shield he’s been holding around him collapses, and Azriel and Elain both scent the other female on Cassian and know what he’s done.
Furious at him for betraying her sister, Elain slaps Cassian before going to find Nesta, insisting she knows where to find her. She arrives as a seedy tavern to discover Nesta is indeed there and is stinking drunk. She’s sitting in the lap of a high fae male who she clearly seems intent on sleeping with, despite her state. Elain kicks the males out and tries to comfort Nesta, who sobs in her drunken state about her broken relationship with Cassian.
Several days later, Rhys announces that Azriel has been invited to a meeting in the Northern Illyrian province of Macar, whose prince Adan Demir has previously refused to open his borders or meet with Rhysand. Cassian begs to go instead, desperate to get away from the situation with Nesta, but Rhys informs him that Adan specifically invited Azriel, likely because Az’s father was a high-ranking Macaran Lord.
When Azriel arrives in Macar, he meets the young Şehzade Adan, who is already so powerful that he requires nine syphons, two more than Cassian and Azriel. Azriel is surprised to find Adan warm and open-minded, noting that the prince and his liberal polices are a marked departure from the Macar he remembers. Adan reveals that he wishes to make a more formal alliance with Rhysand, and proposes a political marriage between himself and Nesta. Worried how it will hurt Cassian, Azriel nevertheless agrees to pass the message along to Nesta.
Back in Velaris, the inner circle expresses concern over Nesta’s reaction to the match. However, she surprises them by agreeing to meet with Adan, likely to punish Cassian. However, Nesta always privately contemplates the lingering guilt she feels for allowing Feyre to go into the forest alone when she was still a human child, and vows to do what she can to make sure there is peace in the Night Court for her sisters’ sake.
The day Nesta is due to leave for Macar, Cassian comes to the house to give Nesta a gift for her journey. Though she initially refuses it, she eventually relents and accept the small knife, called a јатаган, which Illyrian women often wear for special occasions. It is later revealed that the јатаган was Cassian’s mother’s, and that he’d kept in the hopes Nesta would someday where it at their wedding.
Once in Illyria, Nesta meets Adan finds herself briefly attracted to him, especially as he makes her sensual promises and touches her. However, when they kiss Nesta notes how wrong it feels to be intimate with anyone but Cassian. Scenting her discomfort, Adan relents and promises her they will get to know each other first. However, Nesta despairs at the idea of letting Adan bed her when they are married.
While Nesta is away, Cassian broods, castigating himself for what he’d done to Nesta while Mor tries to comfort him. When she points out how hard it must be to see Adan courting her so soon after their affair has ended, Cassian begins to put the pieces together, wondering aloud if the Macarans didn’t have something to do with his betrayal. He vows, with Mor’s help, to prove he’s been framed and win Nesta back before it’s too late.
Back in Illyria, Rhys tells Nesta that he understands the position that she’d be putting herself in if she marries Adan and she needn’t do it if she doesn’t want, but she tells him she failed her sisters once when they were starving and she didn’t try and feed them, she won’t make the mistake of failing to act again.
The next morning, Nesta and Adan formalize the betrothal agreement. Nesta refused to speak to anyone about how she’s feeling when they return the Velaris, shutting herself in the library instead to brood.
Cassian, who’d spent the intervening time trying to corroborate his suspicion he’d been used, senses Rhys and the others have returned and rushes to the House of Wind. Feyre warns him not to bother Nesta but he ignores her, going to the library instead. At first Nesta sends him away, but then she asks if he will stay. They remain in silence as Nesta cries over her engagement. Only when she falls asleep does Cassian carry her to bed.
Cassian then begs Azriel to enlist Elain’s help, and after she grudgingly agrees to share Cassian’s suspicions with Nesta, Cassian flies to Illyria to continue hunting for proof.
The night before the Macarans are due to arrive at the Hewn City to formalize the betrothal, Cassian still isn’t back, and Nesta and the others welcome the  High Lords for a dinner party before the Illyrians come. Both Tamlin and Eris antagonize Nesta about her relationship with Cassian, and she storms off. When Cassian arrives about at the palace and hears what she’s endured, he goes to her door to confess what he suspects and to tell her he loves her. Though she doesn’t respond, he is sure she heard him.
The morning the Macarans arrival Nesta is still contemplating what Cassian told her the night before, though she acknowledges it doesn’t have any bearing on her decision. When Adan arrives in a great show of pomp and circumstance, Nesta uses her power to show him she is not intimidated by him.
Cassian does his best to remain calm as the Macarans arrive, though his composure is nearly shattered when he spots a familiar face in the crowd: the mysterious female in whose bed the entire nightmare began.
Not only is she in the Hewn City after all these weeks, but she’s traveling in the Macaran retinue...
Now that you’re caught up, head to Part VII !!
TAG LIST: @katexrenee @verifiefangirl @urbisie @mariamuses @lady-therion @rhysanoodle @julesherondalex @kingdomofbrokenhearts @faequeenaelin @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @missing-merlin @maastrash @tswaney17 @keshavomit @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @fourshizzle149 @randomtogacotar22 @azrielismycinnamonrollprimary @dreamerforever-5 @theogvodkaaunt @girlreadingaboverherlevel @twilightscourt @wraithsmercy @rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives @sezkins79 @mightymorphingayagenda @iwishistayedd @kamustyles @donnarosemary @tinylittlebluebird @cutie-bug @fucking-winchester-trash @tea-drinker25 @wolffrising @dreamsofg0ld @sunsummoner @goths-eat-electricity @snoobolit271 @highlordrhysie @aelinfeyreisa @hellas-himself @abillionlittlepieces @moonbeammadness @goldbooksblack @easkyrah @nessian-girl @togreblog @shadowsofthenightcourt @flxwer-petals @marnz @sunsummoner @chocolateserialkiller @queen-of-wings-and-fire @overgrown-bat @illyrianbeauty @armixers-unite @actuallyacotartrash @jemma-nessian-and-elriel @brittpetersen @elaiassian @xxrattlethestarsxx @mis-lil-red @kamustyles @cinemaaddict​ @nesta-cassian-love​ @izou1204​ @donnarosemary​ @a-august-t​ @umbrellabrass​ @thatsubtleblush @moids​ @tothbalintkoka​ @astreia-oniria​ @lordof-bloodshed​ @theogvodkaaunt​ @theminorfallandthemajorlift​
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softboywriting · 6 years ago
Shout-out to these amazing people for reblogging Hitched!
Thank you so much for reading and reblogging and sharing my work with your followers!
@eightlettersshawn @waytooinvolvedinshawn @aftershawn @min-amani @theyellowdaydreamer @light-up-shawn @mostly-shawn @ellalynnrose @curlsofshawn @mariamuses @cottoncandyshawn @kriger-figgis @mutuallynotmutual @multifandomboii @a-room-full-of-stars @rawrraul @kamustyles @sweetdreamsmendes @fairygodcalum @sataninsatin @leewwsar @chrizzy95 @lostincalum @lili-alvarez @crhaial @fremelaschn-ie @imaginesofdreams @mendesgucci @cah-choc @lovedoveyshawn @lostinshawnsmemory @paigecarey97 @bottombrie @thisisadreamright @isntitlovelyy @ebokneeisawesome85968 @shawnsassymendes @luvluvxx @winterboobear77 @waytooobsessedwithmyfandoms @myboymendess @canibehonest @shawnmxndxs @lilbeanmendes @aspineandtwocovers @alilovesshawn @wordgirl16 @shawnsvlogsquad @tmrwgdixmwvr @meowinggiraffe
(more to come)
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kamustyle · 6 years ago
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kamustyle · 6 years ago
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kamustyle · 3 years ago
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kamustyle · 4 years ago
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#info #whatsapp 3385048816 #kamustyle https://www.instagram.com/p/CM2taSNl7HW/?igshid=be4op8tm7ed2
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kamustyle · 4 years ago
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kamustyle · 4 years ago
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kamustyle · 5 years ago
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kamustyle · 5 years ago
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#kamustyle.com https://www.instagram.com/p/B-KJ3qpKc6f/?igshid=v8bk752oyd5s
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kamustyle · 5 years ago
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#kamustyle.com https://www.instagram.com/p/B-KJW7tKmPz/?igshid=pmfkzwpjtpq0
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kamustyle · 5 years ago
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kamustyle · 5 years ago
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