kamitv · 1 day
jjk’s ending was so ass, I’m about to write my own atp, hold on y’all 🙄
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kamiversee · 3 months
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I’ve been inspired y’all. Send me prompts NOW (please) I wanna write them in a oneshot.
(Saw this on tiktok btw)
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kamii-2 · 3 months
reading two fanfics at once
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quills-oc-blog · 3 months
grottoport tumblr be like ( @fake-post-archive )
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why do they call it a D: drive?
because you see how much space is left and you go "D:"!
that's so funny darling! when was the last time you slept?
🔥 robotsarecool
im CREATING my love <3
i hate this fucking family
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🥀 torturedsoul
guys how do i ask out a girl without killing her. asking for a friend
🐶 thesugarrrrr
🥀 torturedsoul
shut the fUCKUP
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🪽 greenhairandpronouns
whoever the anon is that keeps calling me the chosen one. what does that mean
🪽 greenhairandpronouns
divine intervention
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🐟 kami-means-god
⚡ humanityspatrondeity
kami where the fuck are you
🐟 kami-means-god
ocean :)
🕊️ wheelofrebirth
⚡ humanityspatrondeity
🐟 kami-means-god
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💜 boykisser
gee i sure hope my family doesn't find my tumblr account dedicated to kissing boys ;)
🩷 thepinkone
❤️ theredone
💙 theblueone
💛 theblueone
💜 boykisser
what the FUCK
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🐯 dommedykke
guy who only lifts weights: trainsgender...? yeah, i train... heh...
🪽 greenhairandpronouns
cas stop vauging your brother
🐯 dommedykke
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🏋️‍♂️ gymbrosofficial
something just happened
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❄️ girlbosswilliamafton
😈 theexecutivee
hey what the fuck
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sunnyyflowerrs · 8 months
something I’ve been thinking about a lot recently is how kenjaku moves his brain, because it’s not a cursed spirit so it can’t like magically transform right? i’m pretty sure it’s still in organ, like it’s still just a brain, so how is it moving from dead body to dead body?? is there someone helping him?? does it have legs??? it probably doesnt have legs right?? 
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findbcndo · 1 month
yea i highly doubt im getting my acc back so i might quit writing or quit tumblt for a little
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adabird · 2 months
MHA BOYS - headcannons
how they would ask you out!
(I tried to keep this a GN reader!)
(This following passage may have PROGRESSIVE moments, you are responsible for your own internet consumption!)
If there is anything you would like to request just let me know!
I tried to involve as many guys I could think of! Let me know if you want specific characters, and a theme!
all characters are aged up!
Shinsou Hitoshi-
mmmmm.. Shinsou is definitely the “alone” type of intimacy man. He would definitely be the type of guy that would be your friend first, then be your best friend, then be your boyfriend. Like, he would “follow the books” A. K. A. (Aizawa. Knows. All), he’ll definitely go to his dad for advice. But the main way he would confess to you would be at night, and it would start off like this.. He would call you as you two always do, right before bed. He loves hearing your voice and you randomly yap about the class 1-A drama for that day. Now, the time would be late, most likely 2:30 in the morning. He would most likely wait to hear silence, thinking you were asleep to finally say something. But, you weren’t actually asleep you had just gotten up to go pee, so on your way back you heard him say how you were a beautiful, pretty, and kind soul. Of course you respond dumbfounded, with something like a ‘what’ or ‘huh..’. To break the silence he would ask you to meet up at your ‘usual spot’ which was the roof of the 1-A building. From there, he would end up telling you his feelings, his own feelings started to take over when you took some time to process what he had just said. You, of course end up feeling the same. So that night both Shinsou Hitoshi and Y/N L/N ended up dating!
Denki Kaminari
OKAY! SO, Denki and you would definitely be in the Baku-Squad together, and he would definitely confess to you at a convenience store, in the parking lot. It would happen like this.. You, and the Baku-Squad would be going on a late night trip to the local store. Both you and Mina opted out to sit on the curb in front of the doors to the store and wait for the boys. As you two were chatting Denki, had came out of the store with your favorite snack. He gave Mina a hard stare, almost as if they were speaking but with their eyes? yeah. Denki then proceeded to sit next to you watching, no, admiring you while you munched on your snack. He would accidentally let a ‘you’re so cute’, slip out from his dazed mind. He always felt like he was on overdrive whenever you were around. You gave him that zap! Immediately, a blush crawled up your face. He then started to flirt with you cracking jokes, and making comments on your beauty. After about 10 minutes Katsuki came out of the store grumbling about how ‘stupid’ you two look. Kirishima wouldn’t have been too far behind, and seeing your blushed face, and Denkis close proximity to you, he logically thought he had confessed. So of course he said ‘Wow Kami, i’m glad you finally told Y/N you like her, it was eating you up bro!’ AND MANNNN Denkis face went completely pale. After that when you two were finally alone he gave you a bashful look before telling you his real feelings. Both Denki Kaminari, And Y/N L/N started to date that night..
Tenya Iida
Man. Man. Man. Iida would definitely buy you flowers and chocolates. He would end up going to Midoriya for advice, asking how to ‘losen up’. You both would end up dating like this.. It was directly after school on a sunny day when Iida asked you out. You had just got back to your dorm, and changed into comfortable clothes, as well as set up your desk for the THOUSANDS of papers you have to work on, then you heard a knock on your door. By the time you invite Iida in he would have already given you the chocolates, and flowers. And would be really blunt about his feelings, maybe sounding a little unsure, or confused. ‘Y/N, I think you are super pretty, intelligent, heavy minded, and clear sighted. Would you PLEASE consider being my partner?’ This would end up in wide smiles and a group text to all your friends. Of course, Iida would end up thanking Midoriya that night.
Sero Hanta
my man my man. Sero would probably be sitting in the common room when you end up joining him. You two would definitely be friends, and he always pulls this move whenever you’re on your phone, he’ll wrap his tap around your phone pulling it towards himself. He would absolutely adore your flustered and puffed face when you scowl at him. He would end up confessing like this… After he grabbed your phone you would give him a hard side eye, before jumping over to him landing on his lap fighting, creating a war between the two of you in order to get your phone back. He would push you off (gently not to hurt you) and start to run around with it in his hands. He would go into your texts laughing and making you more mad as you repeatedly told him to ‘give me back my phone’ and ‘don’t go through the messages Hanta’, however that would only egg him on more. He opened your chats and clicked on the newest chats, which was a group of girls. He had been reading the text out loud, obviously too involved in making you mad to even realize what the words even said. The chats were all like ‘God 🙏🙏🙏 why did you make Hanta so hot!’ and things like ‘guys! i’m telling you Hanta Sero is the sexiest man alive’. Once he realizes what they say his mouths turn agape. You only stand there in shock, before silently taking your phone out of his hand, and sulking back to your room. However, you weren’t fast enough. He turned you around telling you that you were even more sexy then he could ever be, and he really likes you. You definitely never saw that coming. That day, Hanta Sero and Y/N L/N officially started to date.
Kirishima Eijiro-
MMM. MMMM. MM. Kirishima is the manliest man around. So, when the both of you started to train together, you relished in amazement at how good you worked together. You started to date like this… After a long day of training together you both hit the showers, after spending about half an hour changing, and setting your hero suit for the cleaners, you came out to see Kiri. Kiri was sat on the bench waiting for you. He seemed to be really nervous and engrossed in his phone when you came up to sit next to him. He was startled and when he noticed it was you, he immediately grabbed his phone placing it to his heart, covering the screen. He ended up turning off his phone with a click and turned his body to completely face you. With shaky hand he rubbed his palms on his shorts before making eye contact. He ended up telling you that you were really good today. And of course, becuase you liked him, you exaggerated how well he did that day. Telling him how cool and strong her was. While you were half way through your rant on how cool he was, he blurted out that he liked you. He said ‘iknowthisissodumbcomino frommebutyoursostongandniceandsmellsogoodwouldyoulleasegooutwirhme’ (I know this sounds dumb coming from me but your so strong and nice and you smell so good would you please go out with me) Of course you said yes, and not because he said you smelled good! But because he was such a sweet teddy bear! That evening, Eijiro Kirishima and Y/N L/N started to date..
Both you, and Izuku would be study buddies. So when he finally decided to confess to you it was on a late Friday evening, and it happened like this… Izuku was a wreck, yes he was always nervous around you but now things are different! You’re next to him with your whole kneecap touching! And he’s decided to tell you he liked you today. He’s been wanting to for a while now, but he always chickens out. Not today. Afters about 15 minutes into your study session, you had just got done working out three problems when Izuku grabbed your hand. Naturally you hadn’t thought of it, solely because he has a habit of playing with your fingers. But when he called your name to gain your attention things became a little different. He was holding his breath as he muttered ‘doyouwanttogetdinnerwithme’ (do you want to get dinner with me). of course only seconds after asking his face was a red as a tomato, but you said yes bashfully with a red haze crawling up your neck. That night, the both of you made a pact that every Friday evening 6:00 pm would be for each other. That night, Izuku Midoriya and Y/N L/N started to date..
Tokoyami Fumikage-
Tokoyami by no means is loud. So when he pulled you into a storage closet on a hectic thursday-school day with something on his mind, you offered him your ear. You started to date like this… Tokoyami pulled you in the armor closet that afternoon after training because he ‘must inform’ you about something. Of course, you obliged and met him in there after the 14 minute sharp invite. Tokoyami was standing there, awkwardly, with dark shadow by his side. He started to say something, something around the lines of ‘s-so I just’ uhm ‘I kind of think’. Before he could keep making a fool of himself, dark shadow stepped to you and told you his feelings ‘Y/N you’re so strong and witty he also likes your style.. would you like to go on a date tomarrow night at 6:30 pm?’ of course! of course you said yes, that night both Tokoyami Fumikage and Y/N L/N began to date.
Shoto Todoroki-
OKAY, SO. Shoto is very monotone, but you had known him before UA so you always seem to pick up on his ‘jokes’ and ‘nice’ comments.. He had started to hang out with Momo a lot recently so everyone had shipped them together, so you never told him your feelings since you wanted him to be happy.. You started to date like this.. It was a rainy afternoon after school had ended. Everyone was in their dorms, or in the common room. You, and Shoto went back to his dorm to hang out, but, right when your arrived he was letting Momo out. You would probably act like it was fine, or want to leave but before you could he called out for you. Begrudgingly, you shuffled your way over to him. Shoto had sat you on his bed after he had asked you to give him a moment. He then went to his closet opening it pulling out a bundle of your favorite flowers. He walked back over to you, placing the flowers in your lap, before fishing a crumpled piece of paper out of his back pocket. Only then did he break the silence with the sound of his clearing throat..’Y/N L/N for the past school year I have wanted to ask you this question, together, Momo and I had been working to form the perfect words for me to say to you.. You are such a strong leader, you are compassionate and sweet, you help out the elderly, and have a good sense of humor. Would you please accompany me to a dinner- date this Friday evening at 6:30?’ You really didn’t know he could speak like that, but you said yes and ended up having such a great time. That night Shoto Todoroki, and Y/N L/N had started to date..
Bakugou Katsuki-
OKAY SO I REALLY HAD TO THINK ABOUT HIM BUT… Just like Todoroki both you and Katsuki had gotten really close from the beginning of the year. With the little advice and a big group push from his friends he asked you out like this..It was a cold saturday, both you and Katsuki had gotten done training, and as promised he would cook you a meal right after. Together, you two walked side by side to the 1-A school building. Unfortunately you had spilled an energy drink onto your coat, so, logically he lended you his. It was big on you but kept you extra warm.. after you had arrive back he had immediately got to cooking a soup, and your favorite hot/cool sandwich. You noticed how both Kiri, Sero, and Denki kept lurking around the kitchen at random moments. before getting all up in Katsukis grill whispering in his ear, no later did it make for him to swat them away with a motion of his hand. Mina had came in shortly after but up to you, and not Katsuki. She was all but giggling and laughing at the thought of you wearing Katsukis sweatshirt after about 10 minutes Katsuki had been done with dinner, ushering Mina out of the kitchen so the two of you could have some privacy. After about 2 minutes into the silence he had told you, you did ‘pretty good’ in training. But before telling you that you should eat dinner together more ‘often’, he had obviously been hinting something to you, but katsuki is, again, a very riddled individual. So after a moment he realized he weren’t catching on he mumbled a little ‘as a date’ before making eye contact. Immediately you broke out into a smile shaking your head agreeing. All of baku-squad ended up busting through the doors yelling and whooping. Mina had told you he had been wanting to ask you out for 4 MONTHS. That date night ended with swollen hearts, and a new couple. Both Katsuki Bakugou, and Y/N L/N had started to date..
Neito Monoma-
Monoma would probably get Kendo’s, and MAYBE (of course) Shinsous help. I mean, after all He did help Shinsou get with his now, S/O.. He asked you out like this.. It was the middle of personal training time when he asked you out. The both of you going against Kendo and Shinsou, you two were hiding in a building creating a plan on what to do. Logically, you brought up a good and solid plan to defeat them, but before you would Monoma ‘MUST inform you of something’ about being his ‘love?’ he proceeded to tell you that ‘You’re very lucky to score a guy like myself, I am of the Higher Class physically and I will be rich one day.. I really think you’re okay.. Okay, maybe magnificent and captivating.. When ever your eyes sparkle and your luscious laugh consumes my brain, I know you’re the one. Would you acompay me to a FANCY dinner with me?’ He really wanted to let you know he was going on the works for you, all to impress you.. when the night came he was dressed really nice in a tux with your favorite flowers in his hand. He had taken you out to a nice place, offering you his arm as you looked at the shops around you. You never realized how tentative to detail he is, but only to you! that day Monoma Neito, and Y/N L/N were dating!
Tamaki Amajiki-
THIS MY BOY THIS MY BOY!!! Tamaki would always be really self conscious about himself whenever you were there. Not because you made fun of him or made him uncomfortable! but because you were just so pretty, and strong, and always knew what to say. Tamaki ended up asking you out by… Planning a special day for the both of you, he took you out to dinner, then to the park, then to the hot coco bar, then to the shops. And only then, at 8:48 on a Friday night had he asked you out.. He started off stuttering, not being able to create a coherent sentence, but after your hand grabbed his it was game over. Tamaki had told you all of his thoughts, and only moments after the two of you shared your first kiss. It was a quick peck, not even for 4 seconds.. But Tamaki loved it. Ever since then the both of you started to date, and kiss, constantly.. #Y/N L/N and Tamaki Amajiki forever
Mirio Togata-
FINALLY, THE WALKING BALL OF LIGHT… Mirio wanted this day to be special.. the two of you had known each other for- well forever.. the group started out as You, Tamaki, and Mirio before meeting Nejire! Mirio asked you out first year after getting into UA, just like this.. After the sports festival you felt a little down after receiving 42th place. However that didn’t change the way your performance was, so you stayed in the hero program. Mirio that night invited you out for ice cream. So, on your way home from school you have stopped at a nearby ice cream shop. After receiving your ice cream, you sat on the bench talking about POSITIVE ways to improve on your strength.. Mirio would end up interrupting you, taking your hand telling you he thought you did good.. Even though you weren’t in the top 20, it didn’t change the fact you were determined to become stronger, and work on your quirk more. Mirio ended his speech he would’ve grabbed your ice cream taking a ‘bite’ of it. You actually ended up telling him how you felt first, telling him that he was really ‘cool and strong himself’ he interrupted you as he realized where the conversation was going, he, of course wanted to be the one to tell you about his feelings first!! So, he quickly rushed out ‘I really like you, please go out with me’ even now, whenever he looks at you, he’s so glad he asked you out..
That day Mirio Togata and
Y/N L/N started to date!
I hope you enjoyed this, I feel like my english has definitely gotten better since I started!
Please!!! Let me know if you have any characters, ideas, or themes you would like me to write about, I’m running out of ideas!!!
Thank you for reading!
#Onie out!
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nakedisko · 11 days
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Today's yap: Commedia dell'arte & Gay subtext; Why is Közi dressed as the Pierrot in Verte Aile?
I've talked about this on Twitter a few months ago but since it is now banned to me i'll post my thoughts here as well. Hear me out.
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First of all, let's just summarize the plot: Gackt and Judith are a happy couple who live with the nobleman Kami, Judith's brother Yu~ki and Mana, a maid/prostitute. Everything was fine until Gackt dreamed that a misfortune would befall them. Worried, he and Judith go to visit a fortune teller who, after a blood pact, warns them that they are cursed and Judith will die. Gackt gets depressed and spends his days at the bar lamenting the inevitable. When Judith finally dies, Gackt is left with the regret of not having enjoyed the time he still had with her.
There is also a subplot involving the hooded man and the book that leads to Gekka no Yasoukyoku PV, but that's not the focus right now.
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You see, the Pierrot is originally a Commedia dell'arte character. It was an improvised form of theater, the shows took place on improvised stages and carts, the actors using whatever they could find around. The plot of the plays usually revolved around stories of lovers who could not stay together or master-servant relationships. the actors wore masks to play their characters, which were usually the same regardless of the story. Here are the three most relevant ones: Arlecchino, Colombina and Pierrot.
The most popular script involving them is simple: Pierrot is in love with Colombina and writes letters to her in secret, as he doesn't have the courage to confess his feelings. Then he gets his heart broken when Colombina gets with Allerchinno, who is more charismatic and flirtatious. Basically a love triangle.
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Now, what does this have to do with Verte Aile?The thing is that there is also a love triangle, although more subtle. Gackt, Judith and Kami, I wouldn't say Kami is in love with Judith though, but with Gackt.
Notice that while Kami's character is in the spotlight, he's always looking at the couple, especially at Gackt. His expression is not one of joy though, he looks upset. And just like Pierrot, he does nothing but watch.
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back to Közi, in his pantomime play is interesting to note how the soundtrack gives us clues about the characters' feelings. The scene begins with Közi performing a cheerful song, we have a close-up on each of the characters watching the performance and then... when the camera stops on Kami, he is gazing at Gackt and the music becomes melancholic.
Közi then simulates crying in his performance and cut his wrist, which Kami also did soon after that.
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Also, Közi was wearing a mask that he took off just before he cut himself. Kami is the only character to appear wearing masks after this (Bel Air PV.) The mask may symbolize the feelings he was hiding the whole time.
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I believe Közi's Pierrot symbolizes Kami's feelings for Gackt. seems very plausible to me, since it's not the first time Malice Mizer includes queer elements and Gackt participated in the script writing. If you know him you know he includes BL in his works quite often.
If you don't like this theory, you can also just say that Kami was in love with Judith. But I honestly don't see him paying any special attention to her during the movie. So it's up to you! Maybe I'll write more another day. ^3^
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kayyishwr · 5 months
Hari-hari ini terasa betul perkara sirkel pertemanan. "Agama seseorang itu tergantung teman dekatnya" terkait ini ada ulasan menarik dari postingan sosial media instagram di akun @rizaputranto — tentu kita perlu membaca jurnal yg beliau sampaikan secara mandiri, utk mengonfirmasi
Beliau, yg dikenal sebagai peneliti menjelaskan adanya keterkaitan antara prefrontal cortex dengan lingkungan sosial.
Prefrontal cortex, bagian otak ini berhubungan dengan pemikiran diri. Sering disebut "personality center" dan banyak menganalisis input dari sekeliling. Sehingga menurut J Perso Socio 2020, kata beliau di captionnya, dengan siapa kamu menghabiskan waktumu akan menentukan perasaanmu terhadap diri kamu sendiri—apakah itu dengan kamu?😁
Yaps, dengan siapa kita berteman akan mempengaruhi bagaimana kita hidup sebagai seorang manusia, terutama dalam mengemban amanah sebagai hambanya Allah
Mencari teman yang ideal tidak akan mungkin kita temukan, karena begitu hakikat manusia, tapi paling tidak kita bisa mencari yang satu frekuensi
Ah, sebenernya agak sedikit rindu masa-masa sebelum menjalani kehidupan sebagai mahasiswa profesi.
"Emergency meeting" kami menyebutnya. Sebelum terpisah jarak dan kesibukkan, kami melakukannya di berbagai tempat; warmindo dekat kampus, angkringan pinggir jalan raya, kos tempat numpang tidur dan mandi, hingga restoran mewah yg tentu saja dibayar dengan uang awal bulan atau dibayari senior hahah
Apa yg kami bicarakan? Tentu beragam, dari mulai TOD saat bermain UNO hingga strategi bagaimana caranya kebaikan yang sudah diwariskan para senior bisa bertahan, minimal saat kami masih ada di kampus.
Selingan candaan yg random juga tidak terlewat semisal menertawakan konten dari twitter, ig, atau bahkan kelucuan kita masing-masing
Jujur agak kangen, tapi gengsi, namanya juga laki-laki
Tapi, begitulah, sirkel kita pada akhirnya bukan menghilang—semoga saja. Hanya saja semakin melebar, meluas, sehingga banyak yg pada akhirnya masuk dan menemani perjalanan kita
Pertemanan. Tidak perlulah membicarakan soal dia anak siapa, atau darimana, cukup yang membawa kita pada kebaikan dan satu frekuensi
Tidak malu membicarakan palestina di tongkrongan. Tidak malu mensyiarkan sholat tepat waktu di warung makan. Tidak malu membicarakan dakwah yang akan di dengar orang lain. Tidak malu untuk mengucap salam saat bertemu dan berpisah.
"Sekarang, aku juga mikirnya gitu yis. Yang penting satu frekuensi" begitu kata salah satu senior dokter iship yang aku temui di RSPA Boyolali
Ah iya satu frekuensi. Kita usahakan tetap berada dalam sirkel itu. Setidaknya jika tidak bisa membawa kebaikan, kitalah yg terciprat kebaikan itu
Oh iya, tentang mencari teman satu frekuensi, lagi-lagi, apakah itu kamu?
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kamiversee · 6 months
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Had to share my visuals with yall fr 😩 not my art btw, I found this on pinterest ><
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kamii-2 · 3 months
y’all i’m tryna teach my sister and my cousin the uconn team from 23-24 and this is how im helping them learn who is who
(when a pic of the full 24-25 team comes out imma do the same thing)
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ignore how jana’s name is above aubrey, idk what happened (hence the arrow)
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quills-oc-blog · 3 months
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the current pantheon! from left to right;
(top row) odea, garcia, (bottom row) kami, rette, and zosal!!
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rozamasu · 11 days
Dragon Ball Z/Super: Comparing and contrasting Goku and Zamasu— two sides of the same coin? (Long post full of yapping!)
The Goku Black arc consistently portrays Black/Zamasu to be ideological parallels to Trunks for obvious reasons (Hope vs Despair, Selfishness vs Selflessness, he's the protagonist of this arc, etc.), but I think it's an interesting exercise to compare Zamasu's journey to Goku's. In my opinion, it really hammers in why Zamasu failed to reach enlightenment and fell from grace besides "mortals = stupid and barbaric" and plain old narcissism.
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Everyone knows Goku's story by now, but I want to hone in on the part that I believe Zamasu's own parallels.
The beginning of Z features Goku gradually being introduced to entirely new realms of power and scale. He has to team up with the guy he worked his ass off to defeat 5 years ago just to barely defeat Raditz, a mid class Saiyan, sacrificing his own life in the process.
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He is informed constantly by Vegeta that he is nothing but low-class scum, born at the bottom of the interplanetary Saiyan "totem pole", compared to Vegeta's own super-elite-royalty-goodness.
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Then, by Namek, he manages to surpass Vegeta, and even trounces the emperor of the universe who subjugated the entire Saiyan race. After Namek, Goku grows so much that the conceptions of "class" that he was blindsided by quickly become faint memories, only brief blips in his life's work to always get stronger.
Not to be the strongest, or even to become "the strongest Saiyan who ever lived", simply to get stronger. Goku's goal is forever ongoing; he will never feel as if his duty is complete. If it ever was, he'd be restless and unsatisfied.
The key thread throughout the Saiyan and Frieza Sagas is that Goku never uses the labels ascribed to him or his opponents as anything more than momentary benchmarks in service of his overarching, everlasting goal to achieve more and more strength. He does not hear Vegeta's boasts about his status and go "okay, guess I'll be good enough once I can beat Vegeta in a 1 on 1, since I'll basically be a super elite!". He hears King Kai's fervent warnings about Frieza's terrible strength and gets curious rather than demotivated.
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He doesn't use either of these as an excuse to run away or quit training.
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In fact, Goku never uses anything as an excuse. He is not married to any sort of arbitrary benchmark of strength (that honor goes to Chi Chi), even in Super as he gains power that rivals Gods of Destruction.
To treat a level of strength, or a class (God of Destruction, Angel, Super Elite, Emperor of the Universe) as a stopping point for Goku or some sort of ultimate goal would imply that Goku's desire for strength has a defined end. But it doesn't, and so Goku doesn't put much stock into those things. He never loses sight of his goal, and he literally doesn't even stop training when he's dead.
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As for Zamasu, the beginning of his journey is why I thought to juxtapose him with Goku in the first place. He shares a surprising similarity with early Z Goku, in that both were able to achieve greater statuses than their birth would afford them.
Zamasu started off as a normal Kai, the guardian of a universal quadrant (the North, same as King Kai). In terms of Dragon Ball's divine hierarchy, this is actually quite the low standing. It is the second lowest known class of Gods, only ranking above planetary deities like Kami and Dende. If a Core Person (Kai race) is born from a rare, special golden fruit, only then will they be qualified enough to train to be a Supreme Kai.
Zamasu is the only known canon example of a normal Kai being selected to become a Supreme Kai, and so his exceptional ascension up the divine hierarchy is a natural parallel to Goku's own defiance of his low-class nature and his comparatively low power level at birth.
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Unlike Goku, however, Zamasu is absolutely obsessed with and bound by certain labels, which ultimately leads to his ideological downfall.
Firstly, we can see his fixation on the idea of godhood when he speaks to Gowasu.
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When Gowasu simply tells him to temper himself and observe mortals, he immediately begins focusing on and belittling the gods' philosophy, almost outright saying "what the gods think does NOT align with justice". The way he phrases these sentences in both the dub and sub is key: he says "I thought you'd teach me justice, but...", which creates a juxtaposition between "divinity" and "REAL justice".
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He even begins to doubt that a god could be considered a god if they did not align with his definition of justice.
Zamasu is young and inexperienced for a Kai (especially considering regular Kais have far shorter biological lifespans than Supreme Kais), so the reactions he displays in this scene suggest that he had a very romanticized, linear view of both godhood and justice. When Gowasu's statement suggests to Zamasu that he can't reconcile the two, it basically calls out all that Zamasu currently stands for, and he doesn't take it well.
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Gowasu ends the discussion by challenging Zamasu's narrowminded belief that gods are "absolute" and perfect, but by then the two are already unable to get through to one another.
If you look at the other gods in Dragon Ball, you'll see what Gowasu means here. For example, Beerus is lazy, temperamental, and childish; none of the other gods really like him. Elder Kai is a lecher. Champa is rather undignified and just as temperamental as Beerus.
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Where Goku seeks strength, Zamasu seeks virtue. Yet, unlike Goku, Zamasu has an arbitrary benchmark at where his objective stops: the abstract concept of "godhood".
When Zamasu reaches that endpoint and finds that it's not all it's cracked up to be, he constantly contorts his definition of divinity to match it— or rather, to match himself— rather than accepting that being a god is not equivalent to having a "perfect" sense of justice, or being "perfect" in general. He commits barbaric, brutal, bloodthirsty, and wanton acts, all in the name of "divine justice", despite those things being less becoming of gods and more becoming of mortals.
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The dilemma extends to the very end of the arc, where in the dub Corrupted Merged Zamasu says to Vegetto: "If one can't control a world, one can't be called a god of it", instantly justifying his hypocrisy, his sadism, his violence, and his arrogance instead of looking inward and asking himself what it meant to be a god.
Like Gowasu said, Zamasu was "obsessed with the contradictions of gods and mortals", and as Trunks said, "it isn't about gods or mortals". Zamasu was so enamored with the idea and label of godhood, yet did not question whether or not his values, the values of his future counterpart, or the values of the other gods aligned with it. And how could he have questioned it if he didn't truly know what godhood meant himself— if he just used the idea as a synonym for what he believed?
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Where Goku saw arbitrary labels as inconsequential to his overarching quest, Zamasu saw his life be entirely dictated by them. Zamasu allowed himself to be entrenched in the god-mortal dichotomy, whereas Goku's nature would never allow him to lose his big-picture goal like that.
When Goku's reality is challenged, whether by the introduction of some groundless measure of value (power level, Saiyan class) or by a vastly stronger opponent, he doesn't flinch. He doesn't stop. He doesn't make excuses. His overall goal doesn't change.
When Zamasu's reality was challenged, he broke and became everything he hated. He bent and twisted the rules of what he considered "just", and shattered the natural divine order by doing away with all Gods of Destruction. His goal, by then, was unrecognizable compared to his previous goal to be a benevolent Supreme Kai.
Where Goku's triumphs led him to continue being diligent and humble, Zamasu's own led him to be stagnant and arrogant. Even though Zamasu was proactive and cunning, he was stagnant in the sense that none of what he did made him more moral or virtuous, or gave him a greater understanding of the universe, even though those were the things he originally sought when studying under Gowasu.
All he did was further embed himself (literally, with Future Zamasu) within his own radical beliefs; he never progressed towards his original goal because he replaced it with "I am THE God, no more gods are needed, I will exterminate all mortals personally". His arrogance and inability to see gods as flawed beings made him lose the plot.
Goku continued working hard and getting stronger after vanquishing Frieza, whereas Zamasu's entitlement made him become a complete shell of himself.
Goku saw his growth from low-class warrior to Legendary Super Saiyan to be a testament to everything he stood for; the desire to protect and avenge his friends, his inherited Saiyan pride from Vegeta, and most importantly, his neverending journey to get stronger. Zamasu saw his ascension from North Kai to Supreme Kai as an excuse. A stopping point. An "okay, I've reached the pinnacle of the virtue I seek", refusing to accept that there was more beyond the arbitrary value and moral standing he placed on the role of a god, refusing to think mortals could ever possibly learn, and refusing to think gods could ever need to learn.
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Zamasu is a dark reflection of Goku— Son Goku is everything that Zamasu is not. Zamasu is the opposite of many reasons that Goku is such a distinct and unique character, and that makes both of them all the more compelling.
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lalalahaha124 · 2 months
going to talk about how much i love wanderer. hi.
With the 4.8 summer event, I and many others can say that we are absolutely thrilled to see that scaras story isn’t over yet.
His relationship with Mini Durin?!?! Literally the cutest thing ever.
My favorite thing about Genshin will always be the lore. I don’t think i would be playing as long as i have if its story didn’t hook me. The fact they’re bringing back Durin and foreshadowing whatever the “worst possible scenario” for dragon spine has me on the edge of my seat. I really hope we make a visit back to Mondstat soon. Scara’s role in all of this only makes me even more excited!
My favorite characters in Genshin tend to be the ones with the most mystery or lore behind them. Scaramouche has one of the coolest backstory’s in the whole game.
A puppet who desperately wants to be human, who wants to have a real heart.
Only for him to realize that humanity was inside of him all long, artificial being or not.
His relationship with Ei is one that is so interesting to me. She left him in an empty pavilion, not wanting to discard him and intervene with his fate. Scara seeing this as him being abandoned by his own creator, his own mother. The only thing showing his relation to her is a golden feather and the electro symbol on his neck.
Scara viewing Ei as his mother is a whole other thing I could talk about. The fact that we’ll never learn what Ei thinks of their relationship is so unbelievably heartbreaking to me. I also find it sad that Scara still refers to Ei as his mother after she abandoned him.
I don’t quite remember which character story it’s in, but when I first read that scara ended going to Yae Miko for help it really put into perspective how different things could’ve been. Had Ei choose to keep Scara around and not put him in his slumber, who knows what relationship they could’ve formed. Miko having to help scara with tatarasuna incident instead of Ei because she was in her Plane of Euthamiya really shows the turnmoil Inazuma went through while their archon was semi-absent(?) Miko returning the feather back to scara is also a nice little detail i saw. I really wished they had shown more interaction between Miko and scara during the Inazuma archon quest.
Scara learning how to be human with his old friends from tatarasuna?!? Him still remembering what they taught him in present day?!? My Heart.
The reveal that Escher was really Dottore all along was heartbreaking. Scara realizing he basically almost killed off a whole clan for nothing?? Good Lord. He spent centuries thinking that Niwa betrayed him, only for it to all The Doctors fault.
Scaramouche and Dottore relationship is very interesting to look at.
Dottore basically planning to earn scaramouches trust from the start with lying to scara about niwa is so so so evil. dude. Dottore using him for centuries to help with the blueprints for his segments. Oh i know scaras pissed.
Dottore modifying his body and putting him through countless experiments (which, we don’t even KNOW how bad they really were. thank god scara doesn’t have a human body) One thing that really solidified that Dottore never really cared for Scaramouche is the fact scara was most likely never meant to leave the Shouki no Kami.
Scara being attached to tubes that when cut leave him basically paralyzed. I don’t exactly remeber which item had this description but supposedly was made to make him only feel anger and other negative emotions. Dottore never saw him as anything other than an experiment.
anyway. i needed to yap about one of my favs. i’m writing this at 3 am so i probably made a much of grammar and lore mistakes forgive me 🙏 i wrote all of this without using any references and only used my memory 😭😭
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pinguinsukakopi · 2 months
Rasanya perlu bersuara dan ngeluarin unek-unek juga tentang teteh @rumahati yg uda deactivated. Well, i'm one of her.... Apa ya nyebutnya yg proper? Hehe. Here we goo..
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Bole dibaca aja ya.
Tapi sebelum saya transfer, saya bacain tuh postingan dia. Sempet intuisi ini ngasi redflag pas baca kata2: "jadi ngirim?" Dan ak berpikir, ko nanya sedekah se slay itu? Kya nanya jadi nongkrong? Jadi pulang bareng? Karena posisinya kami itu stranger. Aneh aja.
Tapi, again, ak berpikir, awal taun mmg ak pny passive income, jd saat itu semacam: oh ini jalan buat aku sedekahkan dan rejeki mereka lewat aku. Udah. Gtu aja. Tapi pas bulan berikutnya dia nanya lagi, aku jadi ilfeel. Heuuu.
Udah sih klo crita pengalaman dan perasaan saat itu gitu aja.
Tapi, mau reflektif dikit.
Ternyata, banyak hal yang amat sangat di luar kontrol kita. Amat sangat. Apalagi klo uda urusan medsos. VUCA banget lah kayak fenomena skripsi aku wkkk. Volatility, unpredictable, complexity dan ambiguity. Jadi.. Harusnya ga kaget walopun masih shock nemu di tumblr. Pengalaman dan pelajaran hidup sih ini namanya.
Buat teteh uni, rumah ati,, aku kecewa dan sedih kali klopun mmg teteh ga amanah, tapi klo hal itu ga benar, mohon dimaafkan su'udzon ini. Emm apalagi ya. Aku malah mikir, kira2 apa ya yg telah teteh lewati hingga ada di titik ini. Masa kecil, hubungan dengan orang tua, hubungan dengan pasangan atau konflik-diri teteh.
Dan ternyata, manusia tuh gak bisa diliat hitam-putih, terlalu banyak variabel yg bikin abu-abu. Misal, yg ngerti agama, paham agama itu pasti perilakunya mencerminkan juga. Ga gitu. Harapannya gitu tapi kan kenyataannya ga bs selalu gitu. Dan Yap, masalah adalah Gap antara realita dan harapan. Ini dunia. Tempatnya masalah ga sih? Bole benci perilakunya, tapi insyaAllah belajar buat mencoba ga benci orangnya. Dimanapun teh uni berada, semoga Allah jaga dan beri ketenangan. Aamiin.
Gitu aja udah.
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taroism · 2 months
do not mind this ok i just need to yap this is z
hayst ano ba!! pre kami nlng kasi ano ba 😣😣 ang pogi hahahah ako nlng pls para sayo EUEUEUEU.. haha nasa talking stage na ata kami (halla ate okay ka lang??) tapos HAYSGSHAHA pogi typings pa omg nakikita mo yan bhie?? ayan ung gusto ko sa lalaki (siya lang tlga gusto ko) omg ano ba genshin player kasi baka hindi magustuhan ng ibang kaibigan ko HAHAHA pero okay lang safe siya with me HUEY 😝 haha hello the loml tlga huhuuuuuuu gusto ko siya
what the heck!! We're already here because what's wrong 😣😣 the pogi hahahah I'm pls for you EUEUEUEU.. haha we're already in the talking stage (halla sister are you okay??) then HAYSGSHAHA pogi still typings omg
Uhm..bro is he a baddie like mark tho like uhmmm is he even handsome.. (I love forcing my friends to forget about their crush AND WDYM TALKING STAGE YOURE A CHILD)
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Hoes ain't like him tho
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