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unfug-bilder · 1 year ago
Kamele sind ja nicht blöd. Sie merken sich einfach den Weg, statt irgendwelchen Schildern hinterher zu rennen.
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neubad-plakate · 1 year ago
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Grafik: Hyo-Song Becker
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terminusantequem · 28 days ago
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Fouad Kamel (Egyptian, 1919-1973), Untitled (Portrait of a Woman), 1944. Oil on masonite, 29 x 23.5 cm
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les-portes-du-sud · 3 months ago
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Noir et Or
Dans l'ombre et la lumière, où se mêle l'élégance,
Se dressent des dames en noir, parées d'or, fascinance.
Leurs regards scintillent, tels des astres dans la nuit,
Révélant une force, une grâce infinie.
Noir de mystère, or de majesté,
Leur allure, une danse, un secret bien gardé.
Sous les feux des projecteurs, elles s’avancent fières,
De noir vêtues, d’or ornées, tels des rêves éphémères.
Leurs voix, des mélodies, douces et profondes,
Portent des histoires de siècles, traversent les mondes.
Chaque pas, chaque geste, un poème en mouvement,
Évoquant des légendes, des époques d’antan.
Belles dames en or et noir, reflets de perfection,
Vous inspirez l’admiration, suscitez la passion.
Dans le grand livre du temps, vos noms écrits en or,
Resteront pour toujours, brilleront encore et encore.
Noir et Or
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booasaur · 5 months ago
While other countries are evacuating their citizens in Lebanon, the US is leaving them to find their own way out.
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Rashida Tlaib had to lean on State and they got the veteran out but not his wife, and have dumped him in Turkey.
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Separately, an American was killed in Lebanon.
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Biden's administration is taking pains to emphasize he's not a citizen.
His family says he is, and he was registered to vote in Michigan.
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fruit-sy · 1 year ago
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Felt like drawing me :^]
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girlactionfigure · 3 months ago
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Legendary Israeli Mossad agent Eli Cohen, who infiltrated the highest ranks of Syrian society in the 1960s under the alias
Kamel Amin Thaabet
, was publicly hanged in Damascus for his unwavering dedication to Israel’s safety. Eli’s sacrifice remains a cornerstone of Israeli heroism, and efforts are now underway to locate his burial site in Syria. May this sacred mission succeed, bringing him home at last. Thank you, Eli. Your courage and legacy will never be forgotten. Rest in Peace.
Am Yisrael Chai! ✡️🇮🇱
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teenagedirtstache · 14 days ago
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 5 months ago
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 2 days ago
by Max Aitchison
A rally outside a Western Sydney public school in support of a staff member stood down after he defended the two Sydney nurses who allegedly made vile anti-Semitic comments heard repeated cries of 'Allahu Akbar'. 
On Monday, Sheikh Wesam Charkawi, was ordered to work from home for allegedly breaching the NSW Education Departments' social media policy and code of ethics. 
In an Instagram post on February 16, the Granville Boys High School support officer spoke up in support of the two Sydney nurses who were recorded boasting about withholding treatment from Israeli patients and even killing them.
Sheikh Wesam slammed the 'selective moral outrage' of Australian politicians, claiming that the two nurses' comments were 'never meant to be literal or intended to be a threat to patient care'.
After the Western Sydney Imam was ordered to work from home, a rally was organised outside the government-funded school by a group called 'Vote4Palestine' on Wednesday. 
Footage of the protests showed at least 150 pupils, parents and members of the community, chanting 'Palestine will live forever' and 'stop arming Israel', while waving Palestine flags.
One individual with a megaphone also led chants of 'La ilaha illallah muhammadur rasool allah', an Arabic phrase that translates to 'I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger'.
These were followed by chants of 'Allahu Akbar', meaning 'God is most great'.
The single-sex school has about 770 male pupils, 96 per cent of whom are from non-English-speaking backgrounds.
Sheikh Kamel Hamed, the Imam at the nearby Rahme Mosque in Guilford whose four children went to the school, addressed the crowds through a loudspeaker.
'He’s (Sheikh Wesam) a man of honour, a man who loves family, a man who loves peace, a man who love justice and fairness,' he said.
‘Listen to the voice of our youth, they want Sheikh Wesam back. Give them Sheikh Wesam. Do the right thing.'
Ahmed Ouf, an independent candidate who is hoping to oust Education Minister Jason Clare in the seat of Blaxland where the school is located, led the pupils on a call and response chant of 'Who do we want? Sheikh Wesam. When do we want him? Now'.
Daily Mail Australia approached the school for comment.  
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ahalliance · 1 year ago
Cellbit: [To Kameto] I hope the Federation doesn’t get you again.
Etoiles: They can’t, they can’t.
Kameto: Etoiles will defend me.
Etoiles: They take Kamel, I burn everything.
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anamoon63 · 1 month ago
Hidden Springs, still at Town Hall...
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Tyron greeted his grandmother, and said a quick goodbye to Candice, promising to make the necessary calls to try to get her some acrobatic gigs.
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And then, just as she predicted, Candice was left alone on the esplanade with Tanya, who discreetly sat on the bench, pretending to read.
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Tanya: Sorry dear, I don’t mean to pry, but are you okay? Candice: And I don’t mean to be rude, but how do you think I am, Mrs. Cho? Tanya: Not well, I assume. Unfortunately, we’re all the result of our decisions, dear.
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Candice: For what it’s worth, I already regret my decision. Tanya: Oh, dear, believe me, I’m truly sorry. And as strange as this may sound to you, I want you to know that you will always have mine, my husband’s and my son William’s support. So don’t hesitate to reach out to us whenever you need it.
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Candice: I appreciate it Mrs. Cho, but I would never dare to bother any of you after the disgust I have caused you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go home. I want to enjoy my daughter's last days at Hidden Springs. Tanya: Of course, darling, go, but don’t forget what I told you, Davy, William, and I will always be there for you. Candice: Thank you, Mrs. Cho. Candice ran away before the tears betrayed her.
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kirstythejetblackgoldfish · 2 months ago
Mega betrayed by everyone 😞😭
Putin betrayed him, Iran betrayed him, because he refused to make any concessions with Turkey
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les-portes-du-sud · 3 months ago
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Un doigt posé délicatement sur sa bouche, un geste chargé de mystère et de complicité. Il évoque le silence, le secret partagé, ou peut-être une promesse non dite. C'est un moment suspendu dans le temps, où les mots deviennent superflus et où l'émotion prend le dessus. 🌹
Un doigt posé
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oldsardens · 5 months ago
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Youssef Kamel - Untitled
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fruit-sy · 2 months ago
Happy 2025
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From 2 humble fruit
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