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Dear Chief Hopper (hi, Dad – from Jonathan), we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in holding at the station for whatever it was we did wrong; what we did was wrong, but we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. What do you care? You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club.
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nancykali · 5 years
Nancy: fire
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Jonathan: earth
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Steve: water
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Kali: air
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kalathan as bi besties moodboard
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totally canon staloncy vs jonathan’s similarities with raccoons
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modern kali prasad would be a die hard edgy emo music stan and we all know it alright............... like i’m talking all kinds of paramore, panic! at the disco, fall out boy, and even twenty one pilots................ like she’s just a goth queen ofc..................... she and jonathan would headbang on the weekends to all their favourite emo tunes like the true mlm and wlw solidarity that they are...................... absolute icons
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kali: fun game!! play peek-a-boo with your child but never reappear
jonathan: my dad was really good at that game
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nancykali · 6 years
pieces of the heart
Kali didn’t know what she’d done to deserve not one, but three significant others in her life.
Nancy she knew she’d loved for a long time. For years. From the long summer days they’d spent walking in the woods surrounding Hopper’s cabin, where Jane was still hidden. Where they had long conversations, so long that El had learned to just let them alone instead of worrying about them not being back before dark. Nancy loved the dark, and Kali loved Nancy. She loved her very very quickly.
Loving Steve and Jonathan was different. She loved them differently. But it had taken months for her to pinpoint what that “differently” was.
Steve she loved like she loved adrenaline, sometimes. She loved him with her whole heart, but the part of her spirit that was most drawn to him loved the pure, unfiltered energy of him. He was always putting all his senses on full throttle to experience the world, and Kali could relate to that. She loved Steve because through him she felt a kinship she’d never felt, didn’t know it was possible to feel. It wasn’t just sexual chemistry, she’d learned that fast too. If it had been, she’d only care about touching and kissing and orgasms, and the physical beauty of his muscles and mouth. But it wasn’t just sexual. It was riding with him on motorcycles and in his car with all the windows down, radio blasting. It was holding his hands beneath the waves of the lake in the pitch darkness, only his car’s headlights penetrating the black to show the desperation in his eyes.
And loving Jonathan was not quite the opposite sort of love to Steve’s, but something just adjacent, yet complementary. She loved Jonathan like she loved the feeling in her chest when her favorite music filled her up. Jonathan’s love felt all encompassing, consuming in a way that never suffocated, it was just there, like the clothes on her back. Warm but never too heavy. And she loved the way he would embrace her sometimes, and she could feel his love pour into her, through her pores, through the breaths they shared, every sense going beyond sensing each other’s body heat. The electricity in her brain was so often attuned to Jonathan’s movements and voice, because he drew her in without her knowing, without him knowing.
They all loved so completely, yet so differently, Kali never felt overwhelmed. If she did, it was in a good way, the best way a human can be overwhelmed. With contentment.
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nancykali · 6 years
you know what’s captivating me the most while im not sober
is the difference between the mindset of someone in front of the camera (knowingly) and the person behind the camera.
aka Jonathan and his subjects.
his favorite subjects, of course, are Steve, Nancy, and Kali. 
Nancy wasn’t comfortable in front of the camera at first. Steve was of course very confident, until he got to know Jonathan more, and began to love him, then it was hard for a while, short spells of anxiety that Jonathan would help sooth. 
Kali didn’t strike Jonathan as someone who wanted to be in front of the camera when he first saw her, and she didn’t act like she wanted to be in front of it, ever. She avoided it in fact. 
But when she finally gave Jonathan permission to take her picture, with a false hint of irritation, Jonathan was amazed how wonderful she looked. Of course he knew she was beautiful, long before this. But looking exceptional on a camera was just a quality some had to an extreme degree. And that was definitely Kali. 
Kali’s photos have her looking at the camera exactly zero times. Even when he thinks he can catch her quick glance at him, he never does, she’s always managing to look away. He wonders if her powers have something to do with it.
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nancykali · 5 years
Someone: why do you ship them? It’ll never be canon.
Me: I’m not hurting anyone also have you considered your opinion doesn’t matter
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What are your favorite st ships?
jancy, stoncy, stonathan, mileven, staloncy, mikelmax, elmax, lumax, kalancy, milevill, kalathan, henclair, byclair, wheelclair, byerson, jopper, joyren
in that order (emboldened ones are like top tier tho)
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