#kakashi oblivious to his own feelings
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icurwithme · 2 months ago
It was early morning. The sun had just begun to think about rising, and Kakashi was once again at the memorial stone. He was visiting the team he once had but cruelly lost; as he did most mornings when in the village.
There was a low fog this morning that blanketed the ground obscuring the grass, and bases of trees. It would seem spooky to some but to the copy-nin it was peaceful, quiet. He most likely would still be standing there until the sun had burned off the mist, but he sensed someone else nearby.
It wasn't unusual for a patrol or returning unit to be out that early, but this was someone different. Someone who wasn't concealing their presence, or at least didn't care to at the moment. Curiosity pulled Kakashi from his lonely vigil.
He passed where the Third lay to rest, a little further to an area known to him, but of which very few others visited. There lay the memorial stone set for his late father, in front of it crouched a figure he would know anywhere.
The man stood and turned towards the voice. “Ah, Kakashi-sensei. I didn't expect anyone else here at this hour.” He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “Though, I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised it was you, considering.”
Kakashi was a little baffled. “Considering?”
Iruka motioned down to the rock, at which Kakashi just noticed a bowl of fruit and incense sitting in front. “You came to wish him happy birthday as well.”
It took all of his ninja training not to react in surprise. Honestly he'd forgotten his father's birthday. How did this teacher know, and why would he care?
Iruka stared down at the memorial with a soft smile. “I came to wish him peace, but also to thank him.”
Kakashi was silent for a moment as he took that in. “Thank him?” Could he only manage questions today?
Iruka nodded. “I thanked him for what he did to save his team, though it cost him dearly. He was wronged in so many ways. Also I thanked him for you.” He glanced at the other teacher. “Without you I have no idea what would've happened to our village. Much less what would've happened to Naruto.”
Kakashi was a loss for words. What could he say to that? As he was grappling with his thoughts the other teacher, with a parting pat on his shoulder, made his departure.
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reiding-writing · 1 year ago
hiii, i hope you're well! i saw that you are taking requests for spencer and i really like your angst fics so i was wondering if you could write one with unrequited love?
preferably bau!reader who has feelings for him but he doesn't and she watches him get with someone else and everybody knows how she feels about him but he is oblivious, ending is up to you but i love me a sad ending heheh 😸
transgression [ s.r ]
You’re in love with Spencer Reid. He’s in love with somebody else.
WARNINGS: SPOILERS FOR THE ENTIRE MAEVE ARC, LOTS of misunderstanding, Spencer is kind of a bad friend, lots of arguing, major character death
spencer reid x gn!reader || ANGST || 8.2k || masterlist!!
a/n: sorry for the delay, but i did warn you it was gonna be long so- also i listened to ceilings on repeat whilst writing this so take that as you will 🫶
did i bend the maeve arc to my will for this fic? yes. yes i did.
taglist (slashed blogs couldn’t be tagged): @babyspiderling @marsxoxo2 @vytvyvy @hpstuff244444 @frostooo @ohmysw33 @radioactiveinvisible @devilsadvcte @the-local-pendeja @kakashis-formal-simp @robinswrld
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You suppose you did it to yourself.
Spencer’s migraines had gotten increasingly worse over the last few months, and after a few consecutive days of hounding him, he’d finally decided to go and see a medical professional about it.
You’d expected him to come back with news about how his brain stem was too active from how hard he was working himself, or that he’d managed to raise his blood pressure to an unhealthy high from all the stress he was under.
Instead he’d told you that they couldn’t find anything physically wrong with him and that he’d been referred to a geneticist to check if the cause of his sudden mind-numbing aching was due to an underlying condition that might have been passed down from his mother.
He’d come back and forth to you for weeks about his phone calls with the doctor.
How she was helping him with his sleep deprivation.
How she was helping to manage his diet.
How she loved classic literature.
How she and him had spent four consecutive hours on the phone debating over the logistics of a novel they both enjoyed.
You could see the change happening before your eyes, and you weren’t the only one either.
“Pretty boy’s chipper this morning,” Morgan joins you at the kitchenette, his eyes following Spencer as he takes a seat at his desk with all of the enthusiasm of a golden retriever puppy who’d been let off his leash for the first time.
You hum with a nod, focusing your attention on the two cups of coffee you were making, heaping tablespoons of sugar into Spencer’s Doctor Who mug to satisfy his insatiable need for sweetness. “They’re reading a book together,”
“Really?” You respond to Morgan’s raised eyebrow with a short nod and another hum.
“Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton, apparently she finds the religious analysis ‘fascinating’,” You can’t help the small contemptment that seeps into your tone as you reiterate what Spencer had told you to Morgan, and you can practically feel his pitiful gaze as he watches you make your coffee.
“I’ve heard of that book before from somewhere,”
“I tried to get him to read it a few months ago,” You take a sip of your coffee at the end of your sentence, barely able to taste it over the scolding water but not finding the mind to care.
You leave your conversation with Morgan at that, taking the two mugs in your hands and walking back into the bullpen, placing Spencer’s mug in front of him and walking around the cluster of desks to reach your own.
He’s sure he doesn’t need to verbalise it, but Morgan feels increasingly sorry for your situation, noting how you skirt past Spencer’s “thank you” without a response as you bury your head in your files.
he can’t imagine how much the fact that Spencer had seemingly formed a crush on his geneticist ripped you apart.
And the worst part? He’d never met her in person.
All scientific laws of attraction be damned, Spencer Reid had fallen in love with someone he’d never met in the span of three months, and you we’re resigning yourself to sit on the sidelines and watch as the man you had been in love with for six years find the happiness that you longed for with somebody else.
How you managed to keep up your facade you didn’t know.
You’d offered him change for the pay phone he’d call her from when he was running short. You’d let him rant to you about her opinions on a novel that you had failed to get him to read. You made excuses for him to leave the office early so that he could spend his time on the phone with her.
You were the one that sent him to the hospital and caused him to meet her in the first place.
He never hesitated to remind you of that fact, thanking you vicariously every time he relayed his conversations with the doctor back to you.
As the weeks progressed he stopped calling her that. She wasn’t ‘the doctor’ anymore. She was Maeve.
He didn’t call you by your first name and you’d known him for ten times longer that he’d known her. He didn’t even call Morgan by his first name and those two were practically brothers.
And that part was probably what hurt the most.
A name of Irish origin meaning ‘intoxicating’. How fitting.
Apparently the Irish goddess of love and desire was named Maeve. You could see the glimmer in Spencer’s eye that told you his Maeve was just as important as the mythological goddess he was describing.
His Maeve.
“So why haven’t you two actually gone on a date or anything?” You take a sip from the mug in your hands, swivelling your chair back and forth with your foot as a pivot. “You’ve been talking for what, four months now? Surely it’s about time you actually met her in person,”
“It’s complicated,” Spencer sighs as he collects the loose papers he was working on in a pile. He didn’t want to divulge Maeve’s issues without her permission.
“You’ve been saying that for the last six weeks Spencer,” You roll your eyes as you discard your half-empty mug on the table. “If I didn’t know any better i’d say you’re putting it off,”
Spencer shook his head adamantly at your suggestion. You couldn’t have been more wrong. He did want to meet her. Desperately. He’d wanted to meet her since the end of their first phone call. But he also wanted to keep her safe.
How do you meet up with somebody who’s hiding from a stalker without endangering them?
“I do want to meet her. It’s just- she’s dealing with something personal and it’s put a rift our plans, that’s all,”
“So it’s her not wanting to meet up with you then?” You raise an eyebrow at him over your desks.
“Look it’s- You don’t get it okay? It was a mutual understanding from both of us.” You can hear Spencer’s tone become more defensive as you spoke, and you raised both of your hands in surrender.
“Okay, i’m sorry for prying-” You ended your apology with a laugh, trying to keep the conversation lighthearted despite feeling your heart deflate in your chest at the way the friendliness his his eyes fizzled out the longer you looked at him.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Spencer’s late to work this morning.
It’s 8:06 when he finally walks through the glass doors, the coffee you made him stone cold after sitting lamely on his desk for the better part of twenty minutes. He doesn’t so much as offer an apology as he picks up the mug and makes his way over to the kitchenette to pour the coffee down the sink.
You follow behind him in a mix of intrigue and a want to refill your own mug, swilling it out with some water as you watch Spencer load a coffee pod into the machine. “Phone call last longer than you expected?”
“Hm? Oh- yeah, we were discussing the literary analysis of Annabelle Lee,” Spencer’s demeanour seems to brighten immediately once he’s given an opportunity to discuss the details of his phone call with Maeve, although the beginning of his ramble is quickly cut off by the beeping of the coffee machine.
You wait patiently for his coffee to finish before you begin making yours, raising an eyebrow as Spencer pulls out a regular teaspoon instead of the usual tablespoon he’d incorrectly use to load his coffee with sugar.
Your intrigue only heightened when he pulled a carton of milk from the mini-fridge. Not even normal milk. Soy milk.
“Since when do you drink coffee like a normal person?”
His eyes flickered from his mug to your face as he tipped a single teaspoon of sugar into his drink before replacing the bag back where it came from. “It’s a part of my managed diet, Maeve thinks that my increased sugar intake might be one of the risk factors for my headaches,”
“Did she tell you to put soy milk in it too?” You don’t know why you have the urge to be petty, Spencer had long since needed to change his coffee drinking habits for the sake of decreasing his sugar intake and Maeve’s suggestions were beneficial for his health.
It was just the fact that it was her that ticked you off.
“She did actually, it provides the same amount of riboflavin as cow’s milk, which acts as a soothing agent whilst also helping constrict inflamed blood vessels, but without all of the excess fats in regular milk that might make my migraines more frequent, it’s genius really,”
He thought that her ideas were genius. Him. Mr ‘I have three PhDs and an IQ of 187’, thought someone else’s ideas were genius.
You’re sure that he already knew the benefits of milk alternatives, and yet he attributed the ‘revelation’ of what they could do to Maeve. Of course he did.
“When was the last time you made a decision for yourself?” The question comes out much harsher than you intend it to, and you can tell by the way Spencer furrows his eyebrows that he’s taken offence to it.
“Sorry, that came out wrong,” No it didn’t. “I’m just a little surprised that someone as independent as you is so… willing to follow blind instructions,” Your attempt at saving yourself half-works, that wrinkle between his eyebrows disappears and you can see that the glimmer in his eyes is returning slowly.
“She’s a doctor, of course i’m going to follow her suggestions,”
You give him a soft nod as you pick up your mug from under the coffee machine. “Yeah, no, that makes sense, it’s just a little surprising is all,”
You don’t give him a chance to respond to you before you’re walking away from the kitchenette to retake a seat at your desk, fearing you might say something out of pocket if you continue the conversation any longer.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You were really pissed off now.
You’d arrived back in Quantico three days ago, and you were still piled up to your neck in paperwork.
Maybe you would’ve had it finished by now if Spencer would stop talking about the fact that he was “-finally going to meet Maeve in person,”.
You had half the mind to snap and tell him to just shut up, although by the saving grace of Morgan you thankfully didn’t have to.
“Reid, give their poor ears a break man,” Your thankful for Morgan in times like this. He knew you were knee-deep in your feelings for Spencer, and he knew that every time Spencer so much as spoke Maeve’s name it carved another hairline fracture in your heart.
You were close to shattering, and Morgan could tell.
“Oh- right, sorry,” Spencer offered you an awkward smile which you mirrored back at him.
“It’s alright, don’t worry about it,” You shake your head in a polite dismissal of his apology before turning your head back down towards your files.
“I take it you’re nervous then?” Alex’s voice cut through the beginning of an awkward tension between the two of you as she entered to bullpen with a cup of coffee in hand.
“Well- I mean- you know…” Upon being unable to find a sufficient response, Spencer resorts to shrugging into his chair. “I just don’t want to ruin anything,”
“But aren’t you curious what she looks like?” Alex raises an eyebrow with concern like Spencer was he son going on his first ever date.
“it doesn’t matter what she looks like I mean- she’s already the most beautiful girl in the world to me it’s just-”
You don’t stick around to hear the rest of the conversation.
You sudden upheaval from your desk stops Spencer’s sentence as his eyes follow you across the bullpen and out of the glass doors, followed shortly by Morgan as he jogs after you.
“Hey- Wait up a minute-” Morgan catches your arm before you have a chance to get in the elevator, and as you turn your eyes towards him he can see the beginnings of tears forming in your eyes.
“I don’t know how much longer I can do this..”
Morgan can do nothing more than pull your head into his shoulder and wrap his arms tightly around your back with a soft mutter of your name. “I know kid, I know…”
“He thinks she’s the most beautiful girl in the world,” You turn your head up from Morgan’s shoulder to meet his eyes, a single stray tear cascading down your cheek, illuminated under the florescent lights. “How am I supposed to compete with that..?”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Incidentally, Spencer’s date with Maeve didn’t end up happening. Conflicting work schedules or something, you weren’t really listening.
Maybe all of your subconscious thoughts had leaked into reality and finally gave you momentary release from the crushing defeat of having Spencer go on a date with someone else.
Maybe it was them punishing you further by forcing you to sit through him rant about the book she’d left him at the front of the restaurant.
It didn’t help that you already had a headache that made it feel like your eye sockets were being kicked by an annoying kid sat behind you on an aeroplane, leaving a dull ache in it’s wake and making you just want to bury yourself in a hole and hibernate.
“And right at the back she wrote ’Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone; we find it with another’ it’s a quote from-”
“Thomas Merton. Yeah, I know.” You dig the knuckle of your left thumb into cavity of your eye socket over your closed eyelid, hoping to relieve some of the tension that’s lingering there and disrupting your thoughts.
“Thomas Merton’s ‘Love and Living’ specifically,” If Spencer noticed your discomfort he didn’t acknowledge it. “It’s a collection of his essays on the importance of love to live, so for her to have written it specifically knowing that I would read it means-”
Your tone stops him from continuing any further, and he blinks at you with that sweet puppy-dog expression that would usually have you weak at the knees.
“No offence, but I don’t care about your over-the-phone girlfriend or the quote that she wrote in your book.” Your tone carried a harshness to it that Spencer wasn’t used to hearing from you. It was cold and detached and not like you at all.
“Are- you okay?”
“No, Reid, I’m not, and if you’d bothered to ask about my life every once in a while instead of using me like a human diary maybe you would’ve realised that already.”
You practically slam your file closed as you speak, pushing your chair out from your desk and leaving him sat in shock at your sudden change in attitude.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
After a bit of introspection, Spencer did realise that he hadn’t been treating you very fairly. He hadn’t asked you how your life had been in 3 months and 26 days. Four of those days he’d spent in damn near radio silence. He wasn’t sure he could take it much longer.
He missed you.
It was a bit ironic considering you sat directly opposite him for almost eight hours a day five days a week, but after you’d snapped at him last week, he truly realised just how much of his day he spent socialising with you, and just how much he missed talking to you.
So he decided that he was going to apologise.
And what better form of an apology for being dismissive of your feelings than putting a personal effort into something for you.
He walked into the office that morning with a leather bound copy of The Parasite by Arthur Conan Doyle stored cautiously in his messenger bag, pages scrawled with annotations from Spencer’s own reading of the novel that he hoped would be insightful to you as you read it yourself.
He’d remembered you saying how much you wanted to read the novel a few months ago, so he figured giving it to you as a personalised apology would show that he really did care about you and had listened to what you’d told him.
“Are you busy?” Spencer asks, though he already knows the answer to the question.
He’d been watching you from the other side of the room all morning, hoping for a moment or two of eye contact to see if there was a possibility of a conversation. A look from one to the other; even a smile would’ve been enough to make him feel validated and content. And he would have been willing to settle for that.
But you never looked up. Not even once.
"Mhm," You continue to not spare Spencer so much as glance as he speaks, turning over the page of the file you were working through.
“Can I take a minute of your time?” He tried to catch your gaze again, only to be met by your continued focus on your work. The last thing he wanted to do was disrupt your work routine, but he also knew that he needed to talk to you sooner rather than later.
“Please,” he said softly. “It’s important.”
You exhale heavily through your nose, exasperation written clearly in your expression as you leave your pen as a page marker to close the manilla folder on your desk. You turn your head upwards, raising an eyebrow and opening your hands to agitatedly indicate for him to continue.
You wouldn’t lie and say that it didn’t hurt being so openly cold towards Spencer, but you’d reached a breaking point, and you couldn’t bare sitting idly on the sidelines and letting him tear your heart to pieces anymore.
Spencer was relieved that you’d granted him your attention, but the look you directed towards him was enough to make him wince. You weren’t looking at him through a lens of indifference but rather cold, hard disappointment.
He took a deep breath, trying to gather the right words for what he had to say.
“I’m sorry,”
He seemed almost breathless as he spoke, like he’d just finished a tangent about something without taking the time to breathe. “I know that I’ve been spending too much time talking about Maeve and not enough paying attention to you.”
"You don’t say," You mutter the words under your breath to yourself, but your sure that Spencer heard you based on the way his eyebrows knit and the small gleam of hope in his eyes dwindles to barely a flicker.
He was trying not to react to your snide comment. Spencer knew that your tone didn’t leave any room to deny your meaning. He’d been selfish in talking exclusively about his relationship and hadn’t realised how it was affecting you.
“I’m sorry,” Spencer repeated. “You mean so much to me and I haven’t been showing that.”
"Thank you," Your thanks are polite but dismissive, like you were acknowledging his apology but choosing to not actually consider it as one, and it left Spencer with an expression of clear frustration.
He was used to being able to read your facial expressions and emotions in the past, but now you were just an unreadable wall of disappointment. He had hoped the apology would've been enough, but it was clear that you weren’t going to let him off that easily.
Time to pull out the last resort.
He bent over and fumbled with his bag for a few moments before pulling out the novel he’d brought with him face up.
“I uh… got you this,” He holds out the book towards you. “You said you wanted to read it right? So I uh.. annotated it for you to make it more enjoyable,”
You take the novel from him with a raised eyebrow as your eyes scan the cover, a clear flicker of confusion in your expression.
Spencer noticed your expression and furrowed his own brow in confusion. You didn't seem to recognise the book. In fact, the look on your face made him wonder whether you even knew this book existed at all before this moment.
“I hope you… like it,” he said nervously. “I was going off what you'd talked about before. You mentioned the book was a classic?”
"I… have never seen this book in my life,”
“B-But…” Spencer knew this was going to be awkward at some point, but he'd hoped not this early into the conversation. He could feel his cheeks burning from embarrassment, and it was only getting worse as he searched your face for an answer to this awkward situation.
“I… swear I heard you mention it once.”
You give him a short shake of your head and a pursed smile of awkward thanks as you put the book down on your desk.
Spencer looked away, embarrassed beyond belief. He hadn't even been able to deliver an apology properly, let alone make you feel special like he'd originally intended to.
How had he gotten it wrong? He had an eidetic memory for god’s sake.
When you put the book down on your desk, his eyes flicked back to the book. He'd spent almost 4 hours annotating and researching it and now it felt like all that effort had been wasted.
If you hadn’t mentioned it then who had? Someone must’ve. Someone he obviously equated with you to the point where he’d somehow managed to override his eidetic memory to mix the two of you up.
It takes him a few moments before you hear him whisper out a name under his breath, the palm of his hand dragging down the front of his face at the realisation.
The mention of her name had your eyes flickering away from the leather cover and right back to Spencer’s face, awkwardness completely rid of your features and replaced with a mix of negativity that Spencer wasn’t sure he wanted to dig into.
"Are you serious?" Your words come out less questioningly and more accusatory, and you hold the book up so that he can see it once more, the gold embossing on the cover glinting under the overhead light as if to only taunt Spencer further for his mistake.
“You apologise for continuously disregarding me for your girlfriend by giving me a book that she showed interest in?”
You could see Spencer's face fall as your words sink in.
He hadn't even taken the time to think over what he was apologising with. It was almost as if his brain automatically just reverted back to his girlfriend's interests as an escape from dealing with his own guilt and sadness.
"Damn it," he whispered to himself. And in that moment he realised he'd just committed the biggest crime someone could make when trying to apologise.
“Like you constantly flaunting your relationship in my face verbally wasn’t bad enough.”
"I'm sorry I-" he says again, voice teeming with sincerity and guilt.
"You are truly and utterly unbelievable Spencer Reid." Your words didn’t carry anger as much as they did disappointment, and he could see the astoundment in your eyes as you pushed your chair backwards to stand, dropping the book straight in the trash bin by your desk before walking off.
It’s where it belongs; Right alongside the small sliver of respect you still had for him.
Spencer could've said so much more: he could've admitted how ashamed he felt for his careless actions and he could've apologised again and again a million times if it meant you'd stick around and give him a chance to make it up to you.
But you had already made it clear that you weren't in the right state of mind to discuss this matter further.
The best thing he could do now was give you space as he watched you walk away, a deep pain in his heart that slowly ate him alive from the inside.
He’d well and truly fucked up.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“Oh sweetheart, what’s wrong?” You were bordering tears by the time you reached Garcia’s office, unintentionally interrupting her lunch break with Alex in the process, though the two seemed to care less about the interruption and more about the fact that you liked like you were about to cry your eyes out.
You take in a sharp breath through your nose as you try to tape together the cracks in your composure, although with every one you seal three more seem to appear in it’s place.
“I-” You can barely get the first word out before the tears start rolling down your face, and Alex immediately stands from her seat to guide you to sit in her place.
“Hey, you’re alright, slowly,” Alex’s hands find your shoulders and rub reassuring circles against your shirt. The slow breath you take in doesn’t stop the flood of tears that’s blurring your vision, and you only manage to get out a single word, but it’s all the two need to understand what’s got you so overwhelmed.
“I swear I am two seconds away from smacking that boy over the back of the head,” You can hear the clear frustration in Garcia’s tone. “Surely he’s got to realise how much he’s hurting you by now,”
“He does… I lashed out at him and then left to come here…” You rub your eyes with the back of your hand alongside a small sniffle, trying to rid your vision of it’s blurriness from your tears.
“Good, the boy deserves to have some sense knocked into him,” You appreciate Garcia taking your side, but you can’t help that small lingering feeling of guilt that invades the back of your mind.
“He’s just in love, it’s not his fault…” The words almost physically pain you to say. The verbal acceptance that Spencer Reid was indeed in love with somebody. Somebody who wasn’t you.
“That doesn’t mean that he should be disregarding you though sweetheart,” Alex’s tone is soft and almost maternal, and your sure that it doesn’t help how emotional you are.
Garcia’s right hand reaches forward to straighten out the collar of your shirt, unintentionally crumpled as you try to wipe your face of your emotions. “You’re his friend, and you have been his friend for longer than he’s known this girl he’s talking to, it’s not fair for him to completely push you to the side,”
Garcia was right. It’s not fair. Nothing about how Spencer had been treating you since he’d started speaking to Maeve had been fair. And you were done making excuses for the boy just because you knees deep in your feelings for him.
You didn’t deserve to feel guilty. You didn’t deserve to feel bad for lashing out at Spencer for apologising for not showing interest in your life by further proving just how little he’d actually payed attention to you. You didn’t deserve to cry because he was the most stupid genius to ever live and couldn’t see that you were hopelessly in love with him. You didn’t deserve to suffer by his hand.
It wasn’t fair.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“Maeve’s been kidnapped.”
You have to consciously suppress the small voice in the back of your head that celebrates the possibility that she might not be a part of Spencer’s life for much longer. It’s a horrible thought. You should never wish ill upon anyone, no matter how much you internally despised them.
Still, that part of you that was still petty, that was still infuriated with Spencer and Maeve, wanted you to tell Spencer straight to his face that you weren’t going to help him find her and that it was karma for how he’d treated you.
But you weren’t a bad person.
As much as you might hate her, she was still important to Spencer.
“I have a wealth of knowledge i should be applying to this case, but- i can’t focus on anything for more than four seconds at a time… which makes me the dumbest person in the room-” Spencer’s eyes are full of desperation as they scan across your teammates.
“So please help me… Please help me find her…” The desperation in his voice is heartbreaking, the remnants of tears staining his face as he explains the context of the situation through broken sentences.
“We don’t have an official case, so we’ll be working on personal time,” Hotch’s voice is much quieter than you’re used to. Softer, more considerate. “Does anybody want to leave?”
You can feel his eyes linger on you as he asks the question, and you subconsciously purse your mouth into a tight line to stop yourself from impulsively pulling out of the investigation.
You might be detrimentally frustrated with him, but you did want to help. Even if it ultimately resulted in your downfall.
Hotch gave you a short nod before turning to the rest of the team. “Good, let’s get to work,”
It didn’t take Garcia very long to track Maeve down, mostly attributed to her unique name and specialised job.
Dr. Maeve Donovan, a professor at Mendel University who took a sabbatical leave 10 months ago.
The group split into different groups once they’d found her, JJ and Morgan heading off to a loft her parents owned, Alex and Rossi heading to the lab she used to work at, and you and Hotch, accompanied by Spencer, going to speak to Maeve’s parents.
“Reid,” Garcia’s tone is soft as she looks over her laptop screen towards him as he begins to stand from the conference table. “I have a picture of her, do you want to know what she looks like?”
Spencer’s answer is immediate, joined by a shake of his head.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You and Spencer watched from behind the one way mirror as the interview progressed.
They’d last spoken to Maeve five days ago. Her mother had cancer. She was also a geneticist. They were suspicious of her ex fiancé Bobby.
Her fiancé?
You can see Spencer’s face drop at the words despite the low lighting in the room, and you can’t help but furrow your eyebrows yourself.
She had a fiancé?
Spencer practically storms out of the office after the questioning is over, and Hotch has to remind him to calm down as they reach the apartment of Robert Putnam with Morgan and Rossi in tow.
When the door opens the five of you aren’t greeted by Robert, but rather a girl, a girl who looked very confused.
You invite yourselves inside at the girl’s recognition that Robert was inside the apartment.
“And who are you?”
“I’m Diane, his girlfriend,” She raised an eyebrow as the five of you looked around, confusion cut short as Robert rounds the corner questioning the sudden voices coming from his living room.
“Hey babe what’s-“
“Robert Putnam, FBI we’d like to-” Spencer’s voice cuts him off harshly as he rushes to speak, although he stops his sentence halfway as a flicker of recognition falls across his features and his anger turns to dread.
“Hey, I know you,” Robert doesn’t have the time to say anything else to Spencer before Hotch forces him out of the room, shutting the door behind him to speak to Spencer privately whilst you Morgan and Rossi remained inside.
Hotch returned a few minutes later. Spencer didn’t.
You end up taking Hotch’s place as you push yourself out of the apartment with a small “excuse me,” to follow after Spencer as he walks out of the apartment building.
“Spencer- wait up a minute-”
He doesn’t stop at your call, and you’re practically running down the stairs by the time you get to him, already out of the front doors of the apartment building.
“Hey-” You take a second to catch your breath before turning your eyes back towards him again. “Are you alright?”
You could see the flicker of confusion in his eyes as he met your gaze.
The last time you spoke to him you threw away any remnant of your friendship with him in the bin alongside the book he’d given you, and now here you were, chasing after him to make sure that he was okay.
“Why did you agree to help?”
Your face falls from concern to surprise at his question, and he takes it as a sign to continue.
“I know that you don’t like her, so why are you here?” You could see the beginnings of tears forming in his eyes, clearly overwhelmed with how the investigation was going.
“She’s important to you Spencer. Like her or not I care about you. So therefore I care about her,” You don’t think as you speak, words spilling out of your mouth with no conscious filter.
“I’m sorry.” Spencer’s apology elicits a sigh from your mouth, and you shake your head softly at him.
“Forget it, let’s focus on getting Maeve home safe alright?” He obliges to your request with a purse of his lips and a small nod, turning his eyes towards the ground.
“What’re you thinking about?” His eyes fall on yours once more at your question, round with confusion and glistening with the starts of tears. “I can see it in your face, you’re calculating something in your head,”
He exhales through his mouth in a small laugh. You’d always been able to figure him out, and not just because you were a profiler.
“2,412 hours,” His tone is uncertain, mixed between gratefulness for you observance and something far more upsetting. “That’s how long Maeve and I have contacted each other counting letters and phone calls…”
“That’s what-” You take a second to do the calculation in your head. “100 days?”
“100.5…” He runs his hand backwards through his hair, pressing his eyes closed like he’s afraid tears will spill from them if he doesn’t. “What if that’s all I get?”
“It won’t be Spencer…”
“You don’t know that-“
“Yes Spencer, I do,” You have to consciously suppress the sigh that threatens to leave your mouth, pushing your lingering distaste for Maeve down with it. “She is going to be fine, I promise,”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Turns out Maeve’s ex fiancé wasn’t the stalker. In fact, he was being stalked himself, and whilst JJ and Garcia were looking over the images posted to Robert whilst him and Maeve were still together they discovered something that changed the entire direction of the investigation.
Maeve’s face had scribbled out in eyeliner.
You and the team spent the next thirty minutes rebuilding the profile from the bottom up.
“Celebrity stalkers are usually non violent,”
“You want to tell that to John Lennon Rossi?” Spencer looked up from his lap towards the group at the table, having separated himself from the group to sit on a sofa lining one of the walls so he couldn’t bias the profile.
It wasn’t going too well.
“What was it that Mark David Chapman said after he shot him?” Spencer stood from his seat, anger flaring in his nostrils. “‘It was like all of my nobody-ness and all of his somebody-ness collided’,”
You could hear the rise in his tone as he worked himself up the more he spoke.
“Maeve is somebody. And this- bitch is a nobody.”
Spencer caught your gaze, and immediately fizzling out of his eyes and replaced with guilt. “I’m sorry- I can’t be very helpful right now I should leave-“
“Yes you can Reid, you have 100.5 days of communication with this girl and a recall everything verbatim,” Morgan’s gaze is entirely concerned with Spencer’s outburst.
“There’s too much of it, and I can’t sort through any of it clearly-“ Spencer is clearly on the edge of breaking, and you can tell he’s not going to be able to keep his composure for much longer.
“Then pick one of us and we’ll go through it with you,” Hotch leaned his elbows against the table, his voice again portraying that soft, parental tone that said he knew how overwhelmed Spencer was getting.
Spencer didn’t even say anything, his eyes just silently flickered over to you and you knew you couldn’t refuse him.
You return his silence as you get up from your seat and pat your hand on his shoulder for the two of you to exit the room together.
Time to torture yourself for the sake of Spencer’s wellbeing.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Diane Turner, a research assistant working for her PhD in the same lab as Maeve. A student who had her thesis rejected because it contained a heavy sample bias that included both of her parents.
It took a while, but Garcia eventually managed to track down a loft that was owned under Diane’s parents’ names, less than 10 minutes away from Maeve’s apartment.
“Take your gun and vest off,” Diane’s voice is harsh through the receiver attached to the front of the building, and Spencer’s eyes flickered up from the silk blindfold in his hands to the metal box.
He doesn’t question the orders as he immediately begins stripping the vest from his torso, dropping it and his gun on the floor.
“Now come in alone.”
“Spencer.” You call out to him as he reaches for the door handle, and he gives you that look that makes your stomach do flips in your torso. Except this time it’s not that pleasant fluttery feeling, but instead an existential dread at the fact that he might not walk out of the building alive.
“I’ll be okay,” He gives you a nod of reassurance as he pushes the door open, and you find yourself clenching your hands around your gun to stop yourself from following after him.
The six of you wait outside for what feels like hours, and you lean back and forth on the balls of your feet as you become increasingly restless with the situation.
Then, a gunshot.
And a second.
And your heart drops in your chest.
You’re not entirely present as you rush into the building with the team following behind you, gun raised at your eyes.
Spencer had to be okay. He had to. He was going to be fine. You were going to walk into that room and he was going to be perfectly fine.
You hoped Maeve was alright too. As much as she was unintentionally causing you literal hell, you knew that she meant everything to Spencer.
You knew that he’d choose her over anything. He’d choose her over you.
And right now you don’t care. You just want him to be okay.
You force the door open to the loft with your foot, gun pointed straight ahead at the first person you see.
“Stay back-“ Spencer practically shouts from where he’s half lying on the floor, right hand clutching tightly at his left bicep, trails of blood cascading down his fingers and onto the floor.
“Stay back stay back don’t shoot-“
You let out an audible sigh at the fact that Spencer wasn’t critically harmed, although upon a whimper of his name from further across the room you turn your eyes up to the noise.
And you finally meet the girl that’s caused you ten months of hell. Held at gunpoint.
That small voice in the back of your head tells you that this might be your chance to finally rid her from your life, to let her succumb to whatever Diane had planned and leave Spencer to you.
But you take one look at the desperation in her eyes and any loathing that remained in your mind immediately fizzled out.
It wasn’t her fault. Of course it wasn’t. She was just a girl that happened to be in love.
“Diane,” Spencer pushes himself to stand, and you can see the pain in his face as he does. “There’s still a way out of this,”
“You never wanted me. Never!” Diane pushes the gun she’s holding hard against Maeve’s neck, and you can see her eyes squeeze closed as she attempts to keep herself from crying. “You lied!”
“I didn’t.”
Spencer shakes his head adamantly, and you glance over at Hotch as you spread across the back of the room, guns raised in Diane’s direction. “Diane, I offered you a deal, and you can still take it,”
“Me for her. Let me take her place,”
You only have a view of the back of Spencer’s head now, but you can tell by the tone of his voice that his expression is a pure display of desperation, one that you’re happy you can’t see because you’d lose your composure in an instant.
“You would do that?” Diane’s question is angry and accusatory, tears rolling down her face as she presses the gun against Maeve’s neck once more.
Spencer nods with no threat in his tone. “Yes,”
“You would kill yourself for her?”
You practically feel your heart stop.
“Thomas Merton,” Maeve’s voice is almost exactly as you imagined it to be. Soft, smooth and, as Spencer had called it all those months ago, ‘dipped in honey’.
“Who’s Thomas Merton?” Diane’s tone contrasts Maeve’s tenfold, pitchy, uneven and overrun with manic anger.
“He knows,” You can see Maeve’s eyes flicker, and you assume that they meet Spencer’s as his shoulders drop. “He knows.”
“Who’s Thomas Merton?” Diane shakes Maeve in her grasp as if to intensify the urgence of her question, and you tighten your grip on your gun in instinctual response. “Who is he?”
“He’s the one thing you can never take from us,” Maeve’s voice is confident and defiant despite the clear tears in her eyes.
Thomas Merton could’ve been something between Spencer and you.
You can see a clear change in Diane’s expression at Maeve’s words, and she lowers the gun from Maeve’s head only to hold it up against her own, staring directly into Spencer’s eyes.
Spencer barely has time to shout the word before the gun fires, and you flinch at the sound as you watch Maeve and Diane both drop to the floor, dark red blood pooling around the two.
You can feel the tension in the room as everyone computes what just happened, guns lowering slowly as their eyes lock onto the two women on the floor.
You’re not focused on that. You’re focused on the tightness of Spencer’s shoulders as he takes sharp breaths in and out of his nose.
The way he seems to forget about the bullet wound in his arm as his legs give out underneath him.
The way a sob that leaves his mouth despite the fact that he tries to muffle it with his hand.
The way that Spencer broke.
He's crying. Big, heaving, heart-wrenching sobs.
His shoulders are trembling.
His hands are shaking.
His head is hanging downwards so that his hair is covering his face.
You approach him slowly, kneeling down at his side and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
His eyes slowly shift from Maeve, his sobs only seeming to amplify as he meets your gaze. His eyes are red and closely with tears, his cheeks running hot and his lips trembling.
You don’t speak, knowing that you’ll break if you do. Instead, you guide his head into your shoulder and let him crumble in your arms, grieving the loss of the love of his life.
You’re sure you’re going to cry yourself to sleep when you get home, but right now, you needed to be strong. For him.
“I’m so sorry-“ Spencer speaks through broken sobs as you hold him, the rest of the team moving to secure the scene.
“Shh,” You shake your head against his softly, rubbing the palm of your hand up and down his back as you let him cry until he physically couldn’t anymore.
“I treated you so horribly-“ He pulls away from your shoulder to look into your eyes once more. “I’m so sorry- Please don’t leave me…”
You purse your lips into a line, your expression full of so many emotions Spencer can’t distinguish any of them.
“I’m not going anywhere,” You pull his head back into your shoulder, leaning your head against his. “I promise…”
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indras-curse · 3 months ago
are you still taking requests? if yes, can you maybe write about obkk with kakashi being obvious about his feelings for obito while obito is oblivious? except he's not really oblivious, he just acts that way bc he doesn't think he deserves kakashi's love?
I'm always taking requests!
Before I share my take on this one, I recommend Fool's Gold by Anjelle with a similar dynamic to your ask!
Kakashi cooks him a bento and Obito freaks out.
It's uncommon for Kakashi to feed himself, so wanting to feed someone else is definitely a surprise.
Guy tears up when he hears Kakashi made Obito a bento but when offered the same bento by Obito he vehemently rejects it because that one was obviously specifically made for Obito and he wouldn't dare take someone else's food!
Obito eats the bento. Hidden among the trees.
Kakashi slowly begins increasing the amount of time they spend together. Obito tries to keep it professional, but they end up staring at the sunset, reading books, or sharing meals most of the time.
Asuma asks Obito one day how their dates are going.
Obito denies ever having dates with Kakashi. They are just comrades. Comrades sometimes share meals, they work together so it makes sense they have lunch breakfast, and dinner sometimes together, too!
Kurenai asks about the times they are just browsing through books together and Obito assures her they just go together because they have very different tastes in books so they learn from what the other reads.
Kurenai asks how his reading through Icha Icha Paradise is going, then and Obito plays dead.
Obito tries to distance himself from Kakashi a little and to his surprise Kakashi actually relents and lets him have his alone time.
But, Obito misses him, actually.
He tries not to show it because he thinks if Kakashi spends more time with his own friends and meets other people, he is going to eventually find someone who is good enough for him, not a clan embarrassment like Obito who the Hokage dislikes and came last on every test when he was a child.
One day Obito is just suffering in silence watching the sunset by himself and Guy suddenly appears by his side, saying he noticed Obito has been kinda down, and asks him if everything is okay.
Obito says he is fine, he just has to ignore his feelings.
Guy immediately scolds him for ignoring his feelings! He should be listening to them and honoring their value in his life, Obito has the right to feel however he feels!
Obito confesses he doesn't think he deserves to feel the way he feels and that in any way Kakashi is probably going to be better off with someone else who is actually good for him.
Guy gets upset then because Kakashi is his very best rival and if Kakashi is winning in the love department it would be unfair and against the rules (what rules? Obito thinks) for Obito to sabotage Kakashi's success! How would Guy look? To win over a stolen victory is the worst loss of them all!
He encourages Obito and asks him to please respect Kakashi, he is perfectly capable of making the choice of who he wants or doesn't want in his life.
He also tells Obito they are going to meet to train from now on because his self-esteem is severely lacking, and Guy cannot see that and do nothing.
Obito is dreading the meet and while trying to escape Guy he ends up meeting Kakashi who is surprised to see him but welcomes his company.
They end up in a dango shop having some tea and sweets and they are actually having a very nice conversation, Obito is making googly eyes at Kakashi without noticing when he feels a strong presence at the entrance of the shop and when he turns, Guy is looking straight at him with a big smile, a wink and a thumbs up.
Obito covers his face in embarrassment and doesn't see how Kakashi returns the wink and thumbs up to Guy.
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bogbees · 1 month ago
was feeling a way and churned this up in a sitting just now
shame kills more than it motivates. it feezes a person, locks them up, makes it impossible for them to act or think, trapping them in a spiral of self depreciating thoughts.
then it kills. easily.
Kakashi hates that he's well acquainted with this type of killing too, that some part of him thinks he'll die this way if not in the line of duty. which only shames him more, that line of thinking. adds to his already dangerously unsound mind; the apathy he feels towards his own life, towards the concept of life in general. the overwhelming guilt for being alive when there are others far more deserving who have died because of his own stupidity. inexperience. weakness.
he distracts himself with romance novels. they make him... feel better, forcing him to think about people in love, intimate, facing danger together. things he knows deep in his soul he can not experience himself. he's a weapon, a tool, he won't allow nice things like that around him, he knows he'll ultimately hurt them, it's all he knows how to do with himself.
when the novels become too fantastical, he's found himself watching a one umino iruka, and that passtime is just as good as reading those books. better even, with how Iruka is a living breathing man, tangible in the ways storybook characters are not. iruka chases away his worries with just one smile, it's honestly a bit terrifying.
but he just doesn't watch iruka for his smiles, though they're his favourite, he watches him for his other emotions too. the man is perhaps the most expressive person in the whole village. not that he's met many others to genuinely compare, but, iruka clearly wears his heart on his sleeve most days and it's never difficult to parse what he's feeling in any given moment.
it's nice. an easy to read book. tease the man here, watch his face erupt red in irritation, torment the man there, watch his veins bulge with restraint. no wonder he's village bound, Kakashi's barely even trying; had he ill intentions, Iruka would have been dead ages ago, his emotional responses as his downfall.
so he's secretly very pleased that Iruka never goes on any jobs outside the walls of konoha. never ventures outside further than the closest onsen town. never gets put in more danger than expected of a being a teacher or office administrator position, paper cuts and folks irritate by the bullshit of bureaucracy. never really a chance to miss umino iruka, for someone to extinguish the bright light, the blazing fire of Iruka's very being.
so imagine his blood freezing, bone chilling surprise to learn a fuma-shiruken had wound up lodged in the man's back. he thinks the shock had him vomit a bit, only a little in his mouth. he can't really remember much of those few moments beyond the intense dread seeping into him.
hiruzen had sighed, puffing his pipe smoke as if annoyed with an unruly child, oblivious to the stomach acid on Kakashi's tongue. the frantic thoughts occupying his mind. the way his hand twitches, the phantom of electricity dancing across his skin, grip tightening as if to hold a sword.
turns out Kakashi's reaction had been needless. Iruka had been fine. banged up, but medical personnel arrived in time and no damage had been done. or, Naruto had unintentionally used his chakra to heal. it wasn't really clear.
but. it changed the character of umino iruka in his mind. self sacrificing. a trait Kakashi hadn't been privy to, impossible to expect with how... simply the man lived. teach children how to throw kunai, work at the reception hall and back in the report returns office, filing away papers. never any danger to call for such a strong, sure reaction.
would Iruka throw his life down for just anybody? Kakashi didn't want Iruka in a position like that, regardless of how much the concept kept him awake at night.
but, it did open up a new avenue for interacting with iruka, getting to read him like a book. he'd gotten to see him proud, thoughtful, considerate, reflective, worried. more variations of angry, thanks to Naruto, but, the more Kakashi saw, the more he wanted to find.
what words from his lips would elicit what response.
so he told him he thought of him as Naruto's hero. the dazzling smile he'd gotten from that was... something else.
but, then he heard the worry and anger mix into Iruka's voice, a fascinating combination, he had to open his mouth to get more.
Iruka's reaction was beautiful. all fire and sparks. challenging. daring. burning brighter than he'd ever had before.
while Kakashi wanted to add to it, Hiruzen had doused it. they were in the middle of a meeting. no time or place for whatever the hell Kakashi was doing. harassing a desk chunin for caring. ... was that what he was doing? he hadn't really... meant to. he had just wanted to see how far Iruka could go. words just tumbled from his mouth so he could get to that goal.
the moment he steps close to Iruka afterwards, he feels perhaps the strongest flare of killing intent he's ever felt inside the village. a warning. a dog snarling and snapping it's jaws. a threat display. everyone around them gasps in shock with how intense it is and that's the sign he should pay attention to it. but he's always in dangerous situations, it's second nature to him now, so he steps around iruka so that he's facing him.
what he sees stops him dead.
Iruka's face is red, scrunched up, contorted into an expression of pain, irritation and embarasment. his eyes are glossy with tears welling in them, that must be blurring his sight, because he takes a moment to recognise Kakashi standing in front of him. and once the recognition hits, his eyebrows furrow in anger, a deep scowl cutting across his lips and Kakashi is momentarily dumbed down to the single thought: pretty.
but it's gone just as quick as Iruka is, in a swirl of leaves, Kakashi's barely aware what happened, staring at the empty space the man had just been occupying, the sound of chakra echoing in his ears and a faint breeze of warm air, leaves scattered across the floor and stuck in his hair. he's gobsmacked. thrown akimbo. what is happening...
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pagesfromthevoid · 1 year ago
Glitch | k.h. | Prologue
I think there's been a glitch.
Kakashi Hatake x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: None at the moment
Read on AO3
Author’s Note: And now, something literally nobody fucking asked for...
Cress, what the fuck? | Series Masterlist
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One Week Following the Genin Graduation Exams
She stood at the edge of the training field, her eyes fixed on the three young ninja in front of her. They were her new genin team, fresh from the academy and full of dreams and aspirations. Or at least, they should have been. Instead, they were currently engaged in what could only be described as a chaotic display of ineptitude.
Her brow furrowed as she watched them stumble through their "training" exercises. It was almost painful to witness. One of them, a boy with unruly hair and a look of sheer determination, attempted to perform a basic kunai throw. The result was a spectacular miss that sent the kunai sailing into a nearby tree. His teammates burst into laughter, and he turned bright red.
She sighed, feeling a growing sense of frustration. She had heard rumors that this particular batch of genin was a bit lacking in skill, but she had hoped they would at least possess a basic understanding of ninja techniques. As she continued to observe, it became increasingly clear that sending them back to the academy might be the most merciful option.
Just as she was contemplating how to break the news to them, a familiar figure appeared on the scene. Kakashi Hatake, the enigmatic and highly skilled jōnin, stepped out from the shadows, his ever-present mask of indifference firmly in place. In one hand, he held his favorite orange-covered book, Icha Icha Paradise . The other rested in his pocket. She couldn't help but roll her eyes. Of course, Kakashi would choose this moment to make an appearance.
Kakashi glanced at her and gave her a casual nod of acknowledgement. Then, without another word, he settled against a tree, leaning against it, and cracked open his book. It was as if he couldn't care less about the disaster unfolding in front of him. She  watched in disbelief as her genin continued their pitiful attempts at training, all the while completely oblivious to Kakashi's presence. She couldn't decide whether to be annoyed at his indifference or grateful that he had spared her the task of dealing with this mess alone.
As the minutes passed, her irritation grew, but Kakashi remained engrossed in his book, seemingly content to let her handle the situation. She sighed once more, realizing that if she wanted to salvage anything from this training session, she would have to take matters into her own hands. She ordered them next to focus their energy on their chakra; to practice handling it. She didn’t look up from her team, instead narrowing her eyes as the kids started arguing over how to best channel their chakra.
“What do you need?” She finally asked, eyes remaining trained on her students. However, she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. 
“I heard Lord Third finally convinced you to take a team.”
“I heard uncle Hiru finally gave you a team you passed,” she countered, finally turning her attention to him. “Maybe we should trade.” She motioned to the genin on the training field, frowning deeply. 
Kakashi glanced up from his book to her genin, who had finally given up their argument and taken to trying to prove each other wrong on the best method of chakra control. “I have my hands full already, but you seem to have this under control.”
“Have I ever mentioned that I hate kids?” She mused, tapping her chin with her finger in thought. Her students finally noticed their guest, their attention now on both their sensei and the Copy Ninja. 
“I believe you mentioned it once or twice when we were kids.”
“The sentiment still stands.”
“Sensei!” One of the students –Irito Sori, the one with the unruly hair and lack of kunai skills –shouted. “How was that?”
She glanced at the genin, brow furrowed for a moment, before she looked back at Kakashi. “What do you think, Hatake? How did they do?”
Kakashi simply shrugged, pocketing his book as he pushed off the tree and made his way to stand beside her. “I’d send them back to the Academy, personally.”
“You heard Kakashi-sensei,” she announced, pointing at the team. “None of you are cut out to be ninja –let alone a team. You failed.”
The three genin stared at the two jonin with wide eyes, horror-stricken as she turned on her heel and strolled away. Kakashi watched her for a moment before he followed suit, half waving at the three students as he caught up to her.
“If I had said they were fine, would you have still failed them?” Kakashi asked as they walked back through the streets of Konoha.
“Yes,” she replied simply, slipping her hands into her pockets as she walked. “They couldn’t hit a single mark, they showed no capability to work as a team, and they had little to no control over their chakra. Iruka is going to get an earful tomorrow.”
“From them, or from you?”
“Both, I’m sure.”
As they continued their walk through the bustling streets of Konoha, she couldn't help but reflect on her current predicament. She had never aspired to be a sensei and had no desire to prove herself in that role. There were other things she wanted to do with her life; aspirations she wanted to meet that would only be hindered by a handful of twelve year olds following her around. However, her uncle must have had his reasons for assigning her this genin team, and she couldn't ignore her responsibilities. No matter how genuinely annoying they were. 
Her thoughts weighed heavily on her as they walked, her steps falling in rhythm with Kakashi's. An unspoken tension lingered between them, a feeling that had been present in their interactions for some time. It was something they had never directly addressed, and she wasn't quite sure what to make of it. She couldn't deny that she appreciated Kakashi's company during these chance meetings, but she also couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to their encounters than mere coincidence.
The bustling streets of Konoha gradually led them to a familiar destination: Ichiraku Ramen. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as they found themselves there once again, as if the universe itself conspired to bring them together for a meal.
Kakashi seemed entirely unfazed by their unintended visit, his nonchalant demeanor intact. "Well, I suppose we could use a break," he remarked casually, as if he had planned this all along.
She agreed, albeit begrudgingly. She was both intrigued and perplexed by their recurring rendezvous, and she wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it. Each time their paths crossed, it left her with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions that she struggled to untangle.
On one hand, there was an undeniable attraction that she couldn't deny. Kakashi possessed an air of mystery and charisma that drew her in, like a moth to a flame. His skills as a shinobi were awe-inspiring, and she couldn't help but admire the effortless grace with which he moved through the world. His intelligence and quick wit added layers to his character that intrigued her. But on the other hand, there was frustration. Kakashi's laid-back attitude and apparent indifference grated on her nerves. His tendency to tease and challenge her at every turn often left her feeling exasperated. It was as though he reveled in getting under her skin, pushing her buttons with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Their interactions were a constant push and pull, a dance of wit and wills. They debated training philosophies, dissected battle strategies, and shared stories of their past missions. In those moments, she couldn't deny the intellectual stimulation and camaraderie that their rivalry provided.
Yet, amidst the banter and rivalry, there was something unspoken between them. A tension that hung in the air, waiting to be acknowledged. It was like a glitch in their systems; something that short circuited when they were near one another and made them ignore both their lack of desire to socialize with anyone else. And so, she agreed to their recurring rendezvous, if only to unravel the enigma that was Kakashi Hatake, and to explore the complex tapestry of emotions that their rivalry had woven between them.
Today was no different as they settled into their seats at the ramen counter, placing their orders. And when their food arrived, she noticed that Kakashi was unusually quick at removing his mask to eat, though she didn't catch a glimpse of his face. It was a well-practiced routine on his part; one that she had never managed to sneak a peek of.
Their meal passed in comfortable silence, both lost in their own thoughts. She couldn't help but wonder what Kakashi had originally intended when he had come to the training ground. Was it purely coincidental that he had shown up just as she was assessing her genin team? Or had he, in his own enigmatic way, wanted to offer her guidance or simply keep her company? 
Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, she decided to broach the subject. "Kakashi, why did you come to the training ground today?" she asked, her tone tinged with genuine curiosity.
Kakashi looked at her for a moment, his lone visible eye giving away nothing. Then, he simply shrugged, a smile that reached his eye being his only response. It was a gesture that both infuriated and intrigued her, leaving her with more questions than answers.
Huffing in frustration, she blew a piece of her hair out of her face before pushing her bowl away from her. As she opened her mouth to speak again, however, a shuriken flew past her head and into the wood beside her head. 
“See!” Sori. She groaned, plucking the weapon from the wall and standing. “I told you I could —,”
“Are you insane ?” She snapped at him, turning to face the three genin who stood trembling before her now. “Why on earth were you trying to hit me while I was eating ?”
“A shinobi should always be prepared to be attacked!” Yumaro Ayato, the only girl on her team, reminded the senseis. 
Kakashi chuckled though he did not turn around to interact. 
“You can’t fail us and send us back to the Academy,” Mowara Tashiro announced, crossing his arms over his chest and giving her a pointed look. “You have to give us another chance.”
She glared at the three children, having half a mind to fail them regardless of her responsibilities now. Kakashi, however, elbowed her side. She glanced down at him and heaved a sigh. “Meet me at the edge of the village tomorrow at 5 AM. Then I’ll consider not failing you.”
The three genin whooped in excitement, thanking her profusely for the chance. Then, they took off back towards the center of the village. 
“Sorry for interrupting your date, senseis!” Ayato called back as she caught up to the boys. 
She blanched briefly, staring after her team as she felt her cheeks heat up. “This wasn’t a date!”
Kakashi chuckled again, turning in his seat to face her. She groaned and sat back down, burying her face in her arms as she did so. Beside her, the Copy Ninja patted her back awkwardly –trying to be reassuring. “You’ll be fine. You can still fail them if they mess up tomorrow.”
“I don’t even know what to do,” she admitted, placing her chin on her arms and glancing up at him from the corner of her eye. Rivalry or not, Kakashi was a better shinobi than she’d ever be –it would be stupid not to recognize that about him. And if he was sitting here, giving her his company willingly… “What do you recommend I do?”
Kakashi hummed some in response, scratching at his chin. She wondered if he was exaggerating the thought process, or if he genuinely was thinking about advice to give. “You could always do what I do —tell them to meet you somewhere early on, then make them wait several hours for you to show up.”
For a moment, she processed what he was saying. Then she turned to look up at him with exasperation. “Kakashi, that’s awful.”
“But effective.”
“It’s a waste of both my and their time.”
“It’s only a waste if you don’t do anything with those few hours you make them wait.”
“And what do you do in those hours that you make your team wait?”
He hummed again, leaning back in his chair for a moment as he considered his answer. “Usually I run errands. Groceries and all. Or maybe I’ll catch up on my reading. Sometimes I just nap.”
She rolled her eyes at his response, hiding her face in her arms again. But then she shot up, pointing at him. “You ass! You’ve done that to me when we’ve had missions!”
“Have I?” He mused, looking away as he thought back on their work together. “Hm, I guess I have.”
She mumbled under her breath, annoyed by the realization that he had made her wait around for him several times before.
“How about this,” Kakashi offered, standing up now as he set a handful of ryo on the counter for their food. She peeked up at him before standing as well, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’ll tell my team to meet me at the edge of the village tomorrow too.”
“And what will we do, Kakashi?”
“Get breakfast then watch them throw a tantrum when they realize we’re late.”
“I think that’s the first time you’ve asked me to get a meal with you,” she pointed out, ducking out of the ramen shop with a playful smile on her face. “Usually we just end up somewhere.”
Kakashi simply shrugged in response, slipping his hands back into his pockets as he followed her out. “First time for everything, I suppose.”
Both jonin followed the yelling, eyes landing on a blur of bright blonde with pink and black following close behind. Naruto skid to a stop in front of the two, huffing out a breath as he caught his breath. Sakura and Sasuke stopped a few feet back, trying to look indifferent and annoyed, but curiosity was clear in their eyes. 
She eyed Naruto closely for a moment, taking in the close resemblance to the 4th Hokage. Of course, she knew well enough to know that Namikaze Minato was Naruto’s real father; anyone with eyes could see that. But even if everyone else was oblivious or refused to recognize him as such –she knew because her sensei was his mother. Uzumaki Kushina, full of fiery spirit and a determination that was both terrifying and admirable, had been so excited to reveal her pregnancy to her team when it was confirmed.
It killed her that Kushina never got to see her son grow up; more so that her son was treated so poorly by the village.
Her sentiment of, “I hate kids” did not extend to Naruto. While she never actively sought out the boy, she made sure to keep track of him as he caused trouble throughout the village. They had spoken a handful of times; usually it was her scolding him playfully –never reprimanding properly, only reminding him to be sneakier if he was going to be stupid. Naruto didn’t actively seek her out either, but occasionally he’d find her in the grocery store and would say hi –and she would end up buying whatever he had. And if he managed to find his fridge stocked or his clothes cleaned while he was in class –well, no one needed to know it was her who did it. 
“Sori said you were on a date !” Naruto exclaimed, pointing at her now accusingly, a sneaky grin on his face.
“Is that so?” Kakashi asked, looking between his three genin with his brow raised. Then he turned to her. “Was this a date?”
She felt her cheeks heat up once again, and she stammered, suddenly flustered by Naruto's comment and Kakashi's question. Her attempt to maintain her composure had backfired spectacularly.
“What! No!” She exclaimed, shaking her head. “ Absolutely not. We were just having a meal together!”
“Isn’t that what a date is?” Sakura pointed out, looking up at her thoughtfully. “Sharing meals together when out?”
“Does that mean you go on a date with Naruto every time you guys get lunch together after training?” She countered, giving the young girl a pointed look. Sakura turned red, shaking her head profusely. “Yeah. That’s what I thought.”
“Alright, alright –enough of this,” Kakashi finally said, motioning for his genin to step away. “You three need to meet me tomorrow morning –5 AM, at the edge of the village. Don’t be late.”
“Are you gonna be late, sensei?” Naruto demanded, eyes narrowed up at his teacher.
“I have nothing planned,” Kakashi reassured, and she rolled her eyes at his lie.
“Then I’ll be there! Believe it!”
Sakura and Sasuke nodded in agreement, though gave their sensei a weary look –as if they knew he was lying –before they parted for the evening. Rolling her eyes again –something she did a lot when she was Kakashi –she half waved as she walked the opposite direction.
“See you in the morning, Hatake. Don’t keep me waiting, either.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years ago
In the art of sasuke with the bottle naruto is keeping score of his beetles fighting and the page says "nasa" or NS too lol
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I see SA and NA. And Naruto is apparently winning.
Interesting visual language.
Not only it shows team seven dynamic pretty accurately, it is also humorous and clever.
So it's summer season and it's hot out and team seven is enjoying watermelons. Watermelon as a fruit is quite tied up in Japanese culture. It's considered quite a luxury. Watermelons are offered as gifts. Fruit is generally quite expensive in Japan. And watermelon is quite a popular summer fruit there. It's symbolic of summers. As it should be. They also grow square watermelon in Japan btw. They are always up to something, in that country. Lol.
Anyway, I digress.
Naruto is in his own world and it makes sense because the time period is pre time skip, when Naruto was generally more obtuse about his feelings for Sasuke. He is playing a Beetle match, where Naruto beetle is winning against Sasuke beetle. Naruto is on top of the world heheh, my lil sweetheart. This is basically proof that their rivalry was never rivalry in the true sense. It was always a way for Naruto to get close to Sasuke, which is something Naruto tried to repress a lot but it all came out during vote one. In war arc, Naruto doesn't even hesitate to admit Sasuke is better than him. Like it's not even a matter of concern for him. He has already seen what Sasuke is capable of, he also knows Sasuke holds contempt for Kakashi and Sakura, for valid reasons too, but he tries to keep peace. But he is not lying about Sasuke being a remarkable shinobi, he already knows Sasuke is better than Sakura or Kakashi at battles.
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It was never really about rivalry. And even though they both improved with a healthy competition between them, at the core of it, they are a team, a unit, the real cell 7, the main act. All Naruto wanted was to be able to talk to Sasuke, have his friendship and companionship. He didn't know any other way, he is an orphan who has always been on his own. He acts on instinct and his instinct told him that Sasuke was equally motivated to be a better warrior, just like him, and that was one platform where they could converge, they could establish contact that didn't require them to confront the more confusing feelings they felt for each other. At least for Naruto.
Sasuke of course is much more in touch with his feelings regarding Naruto, pretty much in his character, he knowingly and premeditatedly died for his beloved in land of waves arc, for love. In this art, even though Sasuke is annoyed at Naruto's obliviousness, his gaze is entirely focused on Naruto, oblivious to everyone else there. Including Sakura lol. Again very much in character. It's one of Sasuke's pet peeves, how much he is not able to resist Naruto's charm despite his obliviousness and Sasuke loathes himself for it but still cannot help it. His expression here looks like annoyance with a hint of longing. He loves Naruto and certainly tries to get his attention.
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In land of waves arc, he matches his pace with Naruto while blushing as Naruto is rattled and suspicious of Sasuke but all Sasuke intended was to be by his side, as it is later symbolised as well, in chapter 698, where they are holding each other's phantom hands, lying half dead side by side but smiling and happy. And their interlocked hands look like a bloody heart. Btw Sasuke had already accomplished something in the first arc itself which happened to be something Hinata wanted since day one and couldn't accomplish until her cousin had to facilitate it for her in the last arc. By dying. And even in that panel, holding Hinata's hands, Naruto looks like he just saw a ghost lol. With Sasuke, he looks finally at peace.
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Sasuke tries to get Naruto's attention when he asks him about chakra control. Naruto is so surprised hehehe. Subtext - Why is he coming to me for help, is he up to something? Well, I am not going to give him the satisfaction. 👅.
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And Sasuke mentally facepalms himself.
Naruto's obliviousness needles Sasuke, he is the ultimate tsundere, PTSD ridden warrior/avenger who has steeled his heart against love, but still can't help opening up to that one idiot he adores so much but the idiot is too naive to get it. Alas. Lol. I mean there's a reason he anointed Naruto as his 'usuratonkachi' (thin hammer, a casual insult meant for slow, useless folks).
Sakura is standing at a distance, focused on Sasuke and trying to get his attention but to no avail because he is busy mentally cursing both himself and Naruto.
Sakura is practically wetting herself, pun unintended, her body language is reminiscent of Hinata's in this panel.
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Look at the body language of both Sakura and Hinata. Both holding their knees together, bashful, their bodies bunched up what with all the butterflies in their stomach, probably increased heart rates and resultant nervousness, you can practically see their heart eyes that are focused on their object of desire. Sakura of course is more obvious about her object of desire while Hinata is more shy. But both are in the throes of their crush, while the boys are totally, indubitably, entirely unaware of the girls' existence. Lol.
Kakashi obviously is far away from them, camouflaged, almost invisible to the eye. Not interacting with his team. Pans out. The great copy ninja, never even began to understand Sasuke, Naruto or Sakura. Mostly instinctively wrong about all of them. heh. Where you see Gai's involvement with his team, where he backs Lee without question, where he scolds Tenten when she complains about the hard training, treating her just like how he would treat a boy. Or Neji, when he is the only one to back him up after his chuunin battle with Hinata is concluded, what with her embarrassing defeat and everyone descends down to defend her.
Kakashi on the other hand thinks Sakura is not violent, who is not the bragging type, who loves Sasuke like a mature woman, who thinks Sasuke was in the wrong about everything he did including his disdain towards Sakura and his own goal of killing Itachi, who thinks Naruto and Sasuke are rivals and that's what motivated Naruto. Of course he is wrong about all of it. But that's all in his character. An emotionally inept yes man.
Finally, there was something I had noticed about Sasuke in this art but I always felt a little hesitant talking about it. Yes, the bottle in his mouth. Now if you look at it, the mouth of the bottle stops at Sasuke's lips. It doesn't seem that the neck of the bottle is that long that part of it would be inside Sasuke's mouth.
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You can clearly see the rim of the bottle at Sasuke's lip. Which is the right way of drinking from a bottle. But the sweat drop, the towel and his bangs collectively make it look like the neck of the bottle is totally inside his mouth and is protruding when it isn't. It's a visual trick. lol.
Kindly refrain from saying it's accidental, please don't insult your intelligence and the artists'. Kishi is not an amateur, he knows what he is doing. Very well. He has admitted Sasuke was the character he put the most effort in order to render his design and expressions right.
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He is very attentive to detailing and his own brand of visual approach. And it's not like this is the only suggestive art he made for Sasuke and Naruto. Heheh.
The only thing that seems out of character in this art is the plate kept under Naruto's chin that is collecting all the dripping watermelon juice. No way Naruto would use a plate for this reason. I doubt it would even occur to him. Hahaha. Maybe Sasuke kept it there, it's possible. That would be in his character.
In any case, the supposed team seven dynamic is pretty visually consistent in this art, where Sakura is kept out of the picture, so is Kakashi. Both of them quite far back in the background. So Kishi wants you to notice Naruto and Sasuke first. And the watermelon. Sasuke's expression naturally takes your eyes to Naruto again and forces you to pay more attention. And then you see the other details, like the beetle match and scoreboard. After that, you see Sakura in the background and it surprises you that she is so far at the back doing something suggestive like that. But it makes sense because when it comes to Sasuke and Naruto's relationship, that's where she stands. Far away in the back, lol. And then, you are just entirely surprised to see Kakashi is even there. Most people simply miss him. And when you do notice him, you think, well that's silly.
Sakura wants Sasuke's attention desperately but she cannot have it, it's registered only for Naruto. Heheh. While Naruto is just lost in his own fantasy of being with Sasuke while Sasuke is just frustrated at his innocence.
Bang on Kish. Once again.
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signedeclipse · 2 years ago
I don't remember if you said it I think I should ask first if you're accepting requests out of your event bUT
"Zenitsu and Kaigaku share the same love interest, Kaigaku finds out Zenitsu and her are dating when they meet again as a demon"
Eclipse dear this has so MUCH angst potential I can't even breathe
Reader would also a demon slayer in training, trying to master thunder breathing with the two boys! THE RIVALRYYY (this giving me obito kakashi and rin vibes)
Zenitsu just shitting on Kaigaku bragging to hell about how he got his crush
COULD YOU DO IT COULD YOU? Headcanons would be good! This just seems like it would be a roller-coaster of emotions!
> XOXO bananaberry <
Kaigaku & Zenitsu [X Reader]
In which the two always fought for your hand, but one was eventually chosen.
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You were the 'middle child' of sorts
Having been taken in by the former lightning hashira after your original master retired, you were ripe with energy neither were familiar with
The only difference was that you had nearly mastered the breathing, but lacked enough strength and agility to go through the final selection just yet
At first, Kaigaku was unsure of you, since you could do the one move he couldn't along with all others, you could be a threat to his hierarchy
But you spared your position no concern, in fact, you seemed oblivious to the lineup Kaigaku had made around the dojo; strongest to least in his own terms
Most annoyingly was that you were nice to Zenitsu
And rather than training with him, the strongest, you chose to work with the weakling
"He's unpredictable if he doesn't know anything, Kai! I already know everything you can do."
Something about that send him in an angry spiral, and that was when the first flash of jealousy ripped through him
Kaigaku will do anything to get you to talk to him, look at him, train with him, fuck, hes getting desperate over here
You didn't ignore him, but it was frustrating that just like your master, you regarded him and his inferior as equal
Zenitsu appreciated your company, since you spoke to him without the disgust others held, and without the formality his master had when having any conversation with him
And training with you was fun, because you didn't push him too far
You got through final selection a year before Kaigaku, and two before Zenitsu
Even so, between every mission you'd come back and share your growth with the two, telling them all the vital information you learnt through experience
Kaigaku ate everything up, and used it to practise for his, which he easily passed
Zenitsu had a rougher time, finding the stories you told horrifying, and he always worried about your safety
But you sending him off did help him feel loads better, even if only until he actually got there
And from there, both only saw you sparingly
Zenitsu wrote to you the moment he got any of your letters, so you were always in touch
Kaigaku wrote to you only when he defeated a demon, though those letters eventually stopped coming in as of a few months ago, right when you joined Zenitsu and his friends
You went with them to Mount Natagumo, meeting the new boy Inosuke, and eventually to the entertainment district, which you made many fond and dire memories
You were so distracted with every clash meeting its peak, that you hadn't thought of Kaigaku once, not until...
"Why are we stopping, 'Tsu? We need to hurry..."
You were in the infinity castle, being led by crows until they seemingly disappeared
Both of you sensed something, but it didn't feel unfamiliar
"All this time, and I've finally found you, princess!"
The voice was unmistakable, though a tad deeper and distorted than you remembered
Zenitsu never liked him, as much as he respected Kaigaku for his strength, it made sense that he'd become a demon out of his own selfishness
The confrontation is messy, the two clashing while you stood, paralyzed at the idea of harming someone who considered close
"Useless! You're nothing now, you lost your humanity, and the girl you love is mine! So just go to hell already you jerk!"
Now that stopped him too, though his attack continued to crack at Zenitsu's skin
It was then you swooped in to grab onto Zenitsu, holding him dearly, your engagement ring will visible on the hand wrapped around the hilt of your blade
What Kaigaku felt was beyond anger
Nothing but molten rage
Even after you'd both gotten up, throwing attack after attack, his mind was on nothing else
Even after his head had been slices clean off
Even as Zenitsu was saved from the fall and his head laid in your lap like a soft pillow
Even as Yushiro healed the cracks in his skin with you cupping Zenitsu's cheeks in worry
He couldn't stop wondering how the biggest loser he'd ever met took everything from him
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Authors Note - Literally been holding onto this prompt forever and was just kicking my feet excitedly waiting for ANYONE to request it so THANK YOU BANANABERRY!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope I pulled this idea to justice,,,,
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delirious-donna · 3 years ago
NSFW Alphabet [Kakashi Hatake]
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B - Body Part
Kakashi is not an oblivious man, he knows that he is handsome but he doesn't play it up. Yes, girls and guys cast their hungry gazes towards him but he shrugs it off.
When he looks in the mirror he can plainly see the sharp jawline beneath his mask, his broad shoulders and toned torso lined with muscled definition. He used to think it was merely a facade - a painted veil to hide the demon within.
That was until he met you and he came to find love once more.
Now he can say with ease that his favourite part of his body is his hands. Long fingers and an expansive palm, all battle-hardened with rough calluses and scars.
These are the hands that hold your own, much smaller hands as you stroll the streets of Konoha. The hands that caress your face whilst you are still asleep, readying himself for the day ahead by tracing your soft cheeks.
The hands that grasp your hips as he pulls you onto his cock, over and over. Fingers sinking into your yielding flesh enough to bruise. The fingers that slid into your mouth to silence your enthusiastic moans when it's best you remain undiscovered. The palms that can cover your beautiful breasts as he kneads them roughly.
As for Kakashi's favourite part of your body, it would be your eyes.
He practically melts into a silver puddle when he notes your eyes lighting up as he strolls toward you. The way you check him over thoroughly, looking for injuries after returning from a mission.
Kakashi sees your care, your affection, the deep love that pours through those beautiful eyes. He would happily become lost in your gaze.
D - Dirty Secret
Secretly, Kakashi likes the taste of his own cum. He found out entirely by accident when he was a horny teenager, jerking off to the pages of the latest Icha Icha book. His sticky seed had shot further up his bare arm than ever before, curious as he always was, his head bent low and his tongue lapped at the creamy-covered skin.
It was bitter but not unpleasant, it was like nothing he had ever experienced prior and he liked it. Kakashi burns with shame at this old memory, yet if he does ever have the urge to jerk off. If he is on a particularly long mission or he simply can't get your image out of his head, he will stroke his length like a man possessed. When he does cum, seed covering his stomach and thighs, he will lick away the drops that are on his fingers, humming as he does so.
Delicious... but don't tell!
I - Intimacy
It is important for Kakashi to feel connected to you, not just physically but emotionally and spiritually. There are times when he can lose himself completely to these thoughts, often in early morning moments.
Still weighed down by sleep as he searches for your body in the bed, dragging you back into his awaiting chest as his awakening dick strokes so eagerly between your thighs.
With hearts connected, your back pressed firmly into his chest, Kakashi whispers tender words of adoration in your ear. Waking you in the most pleasant way.
He tells you all about his plans for the future, how he is going to marry you and become Hokage. Kakashi wants to make you proud of him and the answering roll of your hips and quickening pulse tells him you hear and understand every word - even the unspoken ones.
There is a flip side, of course.
Rile him enough and he will fuck your trembling body until you can barely hold yourself upright. Not an ounce of intimacy present, only raw animalistic instinct - you love it.
The intimacy can come later... much later.
M - Motivation
It is fair to say that Kakashi needs very little motivation to become aroused, the man is a walking grenade of sexual energy.
In the very few times you've found yourself in a bit of a dry spell, usually due to the tedious and time-consuming work of your dear husband being the Hokage, you know exactly how to restart his engine.
Packing a picnic lunch, you choose the summer dress that he likes the most - pale pink with thin straps that are easily slid down your shoulders.
Of course, you wouldn't dare be there to tempt him, heavens no, you are far too sweet for such intentions you assure him whilst batting your eyelashes for added effect.
Kakashi knows you are full of shit, he can already feel himself lengthening beneath the antique desk as you spread out a blanket on the empty floor. You made sure you bent over as often as you could, gifting him the perfect view of your round ass, underwear peeking beneath the hem of your dress.
You don't make it down to the blanket, the picnic lies forgotten as he forces you over the surface of his desk. Papers fly left, right and centre and you know that Shikamaru is going to have your head for this, but can you truly care when your husband is rutting against your backside like a starved beast? Not a damn chance...
Kakashi never could resist you when you were taking such sweet care of him after all.
W- Wild Card
Kakashi once found out that you used to write erotic fiction and he became obsessed with this knowledge. It was purely by chance on the day you had moved into his home, he was helping you unpack boxes and came across some well-thumbed folders.
His curiosity got the better of him as he opened the top one and discovered page upon page of the smuttiest filth he had ever read. This was beyond even what had come from Jiraiya's mind, and he almost drooled on the paper from the images created in his mind by your words.
He didn't tell you straightaway - oh no - he toyed with you. Vague questions about hobbies he might not have known about or passions that you might have let fall by the wayside.
Kakashi started leaving his own readings out in the open far more often to see what your reaction might be. He left books propped open on your nightstand, casually tossed on the coffee table and you even found one in the fridge of all places.
When you confronted him about these strange occurrences, he finally caved and admitted to reading some of your writing from years ago. You were embarrassed, scarlet cheeks burning as he tried to reassure you. Told you how damn hot he found it, how amazing your writing was and how he'd had to sneak away to relieve some of the tension in his pants.
Perhaps you would write something new, something for him and maybe, just maybe, you would be brave enough to read it to him...
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maoam · 4 months ago
Well he didn't develope Kakashi either. They stayed the same because that's what the story requires. And some people are like them even in real life!
Sasuke rejected her date requests, her confessions, and told her to stop flirting with him, and pushed her off when she forcefully tried to hug him. He told her he wants to go on his trip alone, and yet Sakura still followed. If she can't understand he's not interested in her then she's just dumb. She has never respected him as a person, or his feelings, proven by her harassing behaviour as well as both of her confessions where he disrespected everything Sasuke holds important, so why should he respect her? And Sasuke is NOT obligated to give her the time of his day.
He tried to talk to her civilly at times, to explain himself, and even complimented her, but Sakura always ruined it with her tactless and self centered behaviour.
I cannot understand, how you can clearly show her being unhappy and still claim this is what she wanted.
Now you're being oblivious on purpose. I clearly meant she wanted Sasuke, at the expense of her friendship with Ino, at the expense of her family (proved by her first confession) and at the expense of her dignity. And this is what she got. She caused this by herself.
And barely anybody calls him out on this blatant demonstration of mysogyny.
You must live under a rock if you think this because people talk about Kishimoto's writing of women ALL THE TIME in a negative manner.
You didn't even read what me and anon said, we said she should take responsibility and move on, not to act like this is all Sasuke's fault since Sakura is the one who harassed him and didn't back off!
You should read my Sakura metas instead of trying to convince me how Sakura is this sweet girl who deserves the world. You can complain about Kishimoto's sexism on your own blog, not on my post where I'm talking about how annoying it is people rewrite Sakura's character in fanfics to the point she is no longer Sakura. Stop defending her on my post, I'm not interested!
What I always find weird in fics where Sakura moves on from Sasuke is that the reasoning is mostly "I realized I deserved better, Sasuke isnt worth it" instead of acknowledging that her feelings are not mutual.
Projection. These writers relate to her, so they don't want her to take responsibility. Instead, they make her the victim that "deserves better". It's very silly, Sasuke rejected her many times and never gave her any reason to think he returned her feelings.
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svfttachi · 3 years ago
Yn Ignoring Itachi?!?
Also I wanna request something else you don't need to feel pressured by it you can take your time yn is Sasuke's friend but she's oblivious about Itachi's feelings towards her?!?
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SYNOPSIS: In the request above ^
PAIRING: Uchiha Itachi x GN!reader
TYPE: Non-Mass AU, Fluff
NOTES: No way did I just write 5k words... how? I guess I'm at that point where I quite literally will not stop writing. Wow... ANYWAY, I tried my best to incorporate both of the prompts into this, but I feel as thought I went harder on the oblivious part of the request rather than Y/N ignoring Itachi, but I still hope you enjoy!
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BEING promoted to the jonin rank was a huge accomplishment for you, someone who has been working long and hard towards becoming a respected and caring ninja for the village. You had spent most of your teenage years with the ANBU alongside a well respected leader himself, Hatake Kakashi, and the youngest ninja to ever be captain of a squad, Uchiha Itachi. Soon, the interest in being with the ANBU was lessening with you, and you decided you would be better off becoming a jonin and possibly teaching freshly graduated kids in the arts of being an amazing ninja. Besides, you always had a soft spot for children back when you were in the ANBU, so you thought it would be an amazing idea on your part.
So here you were in your lonesome apartment sliding your clothed sleeves through the dark green flak jacket that had a red spiral embedded in the back of it, representing the commitment you took in protecting the Hidden Leaf Village. Fixing your hair in a style that suited you, your reflection in the mirror presented itself wonderfully, and you were prepared for what the day ahead of you holds. Walking out of your bedroom, you headed straight for the front door, sliding your feet into your dark colored sandals and strapping them securely. Once everything seemed right for you, your feet began to lead you out of the apartment, and you locked the door behind you before pursuing the plan you had for the day.
Starting out, you walked all over the Hidden Leaf Village searching for the one you named your best friend. His pushed back raven hair stuck out within the crowd of people around you, especially with the proud display of his Hidden Leaf ninja headband tied around his forehead. Your eyes widened with a sudden excitement rushing through your bloodstream, and your feet began to act on their own accord as they helped push you through the crowd of people whilst muttering small apologies here and there. You hadn’t seen your best friend in a while since he was on a hectic mission for a couple of days, so you were anxiously readying yourself to see him again.
“Y/N? You good there?” he said as your panting figure reached him. You were bent over with your hands pressed into your thighs whilst heavily breathing as if you ran a whole mile, nonstop, just to see him again. Looking up, you found yourself staring directly at the light smirk that was planted on his lips, and a small chuckle left your lips as you straightened your back and relieved a sigh. Uchiha Sasuke stood before you with his hands in his sweats pockets, adorned in a similar attire to yours since he was on duty. His charcoal eyes gazed over at you, and his head tilted a little as he took in your appearance. “Yeah, no, I’m fine. How was your mission, Uchiha?” you asked, walking closer to your best friend.
Sasuke brought a single arm around you, grasping you in his warmth as you reciprocated the hug with both of your arms. Inhaling his significant scent made you remember all the times you two had spent together, the bad and the good, throughout your journey into becoming a distinguished jonin. Having him in your life was the best feeling in the world, and you couldn’t be more thankful for the special bond the two of you shared.
Before Sasuke could respond to your question concerning his mission, a couple of footsteps caught up beside Sasuke, prompting the two of you to pull away from each other. Your curious eyes glanced over at the man who stood a couple of inches short from Sasuke’s tremendous height of six feet. The stress lines were easy enough for you to comprehend his presence, but what stood out the most in his face was the small, rare smile that took over his lips. It was like you hadn’t seen him for ages as the light in your eyes shined brighter than ever, causing you to practically leap into his arms.
Uchiha Itachi, older brother of Sasuke and a close mentor of yours from your time in the ANBU, hugged you back with a light pit of laughter escaping from his mouth. “And suddenly, I have become a third wheel,” Sasuke scoffed under his breath, turning his head to the side dramatically. You giggled and pulled away from Itachi, aiming a soft punch to Sasuke’s arm. “It’s good to see you both again,” you said, tucking your hands into your flak jacket, “Why don’t we all have lunch at Ichiraku’s today? It’ll be my treat considering you both just got back from your mission.”
Sasuke simply shrugged his shoulders with a light nod seeing as you were offering to pay, for once in your friendship with him. The two of you looked over at Itachi for a response, and the man mimicked Sasuke’s actions, “However, you don’t need to pay for anyone. I’ll pay for us.”
You were going to fight back, but a simple pat of your shoulder from the older Uchiha made you silence yourself quickly. And with that, Itachi disappeared into thin air, leaving you with Sasuke once more.
“So, how was your mission, duckbutt?”
— — —
Lunchtime was nearing, and Itachi had decided to take a light walk beforehand to help clear the rushing thoughts that roamed his mind. Ever since he saw you this morning, he couldn’t think clearly for the entire morning afterwards, and many times, he was caught off guard during meetings and mission debriefings by his fellow jonins. The feelings Itachi had for you were too strongly filling his heart that he couldn’t process encountering the same emotion with anyone else. He was so undoubtedly in love with you that he never saw another person in the same way his tired eyes see you.
Itachi stopped at a bridge within the village and leaned his arms over the railings. Pondering the thought, his eyes stuck to the crystal clear water that waved underneath the bridge he was standing upon. Seeing you with Sasuke was enough for him to grow a little bit irritated, specifically because of how open he always saw you be with his little brother. Itachi wished you would talk to him the same way you would talk to Sasuke, but showcasing this desire to you was a tough thing for him to accomplish considering how closed off he is with his emotions. It wasn’t easy for anyone to read Itachi like a book, especially you, and it bothered him that he was incapable of coming clean to you about the feelings he has been holding onto for such a long time.
Popping into his line of sight, Itachi’s eyes went from watching the water move lightly below him to focusing intensely at the dango that was put in front of his face. Itachi turned his head slowly whilst activating his Sharingan, furrowing his brows when he saw his former ANBU captain standing there with his arm outstretched. “You look like you need it. Care to share your deepest thoughts with me?” Kakashi spoke underneath his mask with a closed eye smile evident on his face.
Itachi let his Sharingan disappear, and he hesitantly took the dango in his hands, simply staring at it as he twisted it around in his fingers. He sighed and took the smallest bite out of it, looking back out at the water. “It’s Y/N… isn’t it?” Kakashi questioned, copying Itachi’s stance next to him. Itachi didn’t have to say another word because out of all of the people he knew and held close to him, Kakashi knew the most about his inner struggles with his emotions. The silver haired jonin was always around for Itachi to confide in, and his ears were always open to listen in on whatever may be conflicting the Uchiha.
“Y/N means a lot to me, Kakashi. Deep down, I’m terrified of losing the chance to be with them. I mean… Y/N’s already a jonin, and soon, they’ll be happily married and living her best life. I don’t know how to tell them how I truly feel about them, and everytime I see Y/N, I get that nervous feeling in my chest. Even if I did tell them about what I’m feeling, there’s a big possibility they don’t feel the same about me,” Itachi responded, delicately biting off the dango in his hand. Kakashi repositioned himself so he was standing with a straight posture and a hand on his hip, turning to face Itachi. “The best way of telling Y/N about your feelings is to do it bluntly and be completely straightforward. If you try to beat around the bush, then you’ll either not confess to it properly or make a complete fool of yourself in front of Y/N. As for the reciprocation, well… I can tell Y/N cares about you as much as they care about Sasuke, but there is a clear tell that they only see Sasuke as their best friend. Do what you want with that information, but from all the books I have read about this stuff, it’s clear that Y/N likes you, too,” Kakashi spoke adamantly to Itachi.
“Ah yes, let me trust those quite interesting books you read twenty-four seven,” Itachi commented jokingly with the hint of a smile poking at his lips. Kakashi was quick to defend himself by pointing a finger at the Uchiha, “My books can be very educational… at times, and in this situation, that knowledge applies!”
“Whatever, Kakashi. Thank you for talking to me about it. I just hope Y/N does feel the same about me as you think they do,” Itachi mumbled, finishing the last of his dango in a couple of bites. “I don’t think so… I know so,” Kakashi reiterated firmly.
Itachi tossed the empty stick into a nearby trashcan and chuckled a little at Kakashi. He said his goodbyes to his former captain and walked off of the bridge, heading in the direction to Ichiraku Ramen.
— — —
Walking past the curtains that covered the entryway to the small ramen shop, Itachi furrowed his brows when he spotted just one occupied seat at the counter, but he quickly noticed the figure sitting there was you. “Y/N, where’s Sasuke?” Itachi asked. Startled by the sudden sound of his deep voice, you pressed a hand to your chest and took a deep breath to calm the fast beating of your heart. You looked up to meet his face, and immediately, you spoke up, “Don’t scare me like that! Gosh, Itachi. Sasuke got pulled into an emergency mission with Naruto and Sakura.”
Itachi hesitated in taking the vacant seat next to you and simply just stared at it which made you begin to sweat profusely, growing anxious about being alone together. You began to get up from your seat which caught Itachi’s attention, and as you were coming up with an excuse as to why you were suddenly leaving, a hand grasped your wrist gently pulling you back to the counter. “Stay… we’ll eat lunch together. I don’t see a problem with that,” Itachi said, letting go of your wrist after apologizing quickly for the sudden act. Shrugging your shoulders, you sat back down in your seat and watched as the chef walked up to the counter, ready to take your orders.
After placing the orders, the two of you sat in complete silence not knowing what to mention or bring up to start a decent conversation. This quiet time allowed you to discreetly glance over at Itachi’s side profile which was on full display as he leaned over the counter to pick at his fingernails whilst he waited for the food to come. His long, raven bangs framed his well structured face perfectly, pointing out how sharp his jawline was which could possibly pierce one’s skin. The long eyelashes that sat on his eyelids shielded his charcoal stained eyes and fluttered nicely whenever he blinked, giving off a calming sensation from his character. Following his frame, your eyes landed on his arm where through the lining of his shirt, you could see a hint of muscle clinging to the fabric from within the enclosed space, a sure fire sign that he was as much brawn as he was brains.
Soon, two steaming bowls of ramen were placed on the counter in front of the both of you, forcing you to tear your gaze away from the Uchiha. Drool was quite literally forming from your mouth at the sight of the delicious noodles that sat in the well made broth. Itachi got a quick glimpse of your fascinated and hungry face which made him chuckle lightly. The two of you proceeded with breaking open your chopsticks and dug right in as if the two of you had been starved for far too long.
“Hm?” you glanced over at Itachi with some noodles hanging from your lips. The Uchiha gulped down the sudden lump that formed in his throat at the adorable sight of you, and he had to take a sip of his ice cold water to truly keep the rising blush in his cheeks at bay.
“What do you say to taking a little walk after lunch? Unless of course you happen to be busy—”
“Say no more, Itachi! A walk sounds lovely, but it might have to wait because I want another bowl!” you exclaimed, cutting him off before turning faceforward and holding your empty bowl in the air, “More ramen, please!”
Itachi couldn’t handle the utter cuteness that you were exploding out from your minor gestures and attitude towards eating. He is so smitten with you that it was forcing him to get all flustered whenever you acted in a simple way like you were doing right now. Any twist in your facial expression or change in the way you were eating set off a whole load of fireworks in his brain, truly proving just how intoxicated he was with the love he had for you.
Eventually, the two of you finished eating your lunches, and just as you were reaching for money to pay for the meals, Itachi was thanking the chef for the meals and getting up from his chair to head over to the curtained entrance and exit of the small shop. He held it up for you as you simply stared at him confusingly, wondering when he had paid the kind chef for his service. After thanking the chef for your food, you got up and walked out of the shop, waiting for Itachi to catch up to you.
“I said I would pay for us, don’t you remember?” you mumbled with a small pout of your lips. Itachi chuckled and shook his head as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, “Don’t you remember when I said that I would?”
You looked straight ahead and tilted your head, a process you go through to remember relevant information from the past. Itachi, simply, continued walking whilst taking glances at you in case you were to suddenly trip because of how focused you were in trying to remember. After a while, you sighed and let your shoulders fall, “Oh well. Thank you for paying, Itachi.”
Silence was all that was heard throughout your walk through the village. However, Itachi suddenly stopped walking, prompting you to stop and turn to face him. His head was slightly down and his facial expression was one that held quite some seriousness to it. Before you could approach Itachi, the Uchiha beat you to it by closing in on you, leaving just a mere couple of inches between your bodies. Your breath hitched upon spotting Itachi’s face so intimately close to yours, close enough that you can see the small twinkles in his eyes as he wandered them over your facial features, scanning everything intently.
“Thank you for having lunch with me… I’ll see you later, Y/N,” Itachi whispered. You didn’t react, not one bit after watching him walk away so suddenly. It was like you were completely frozen where your limbs refused to move, and your mind refused to comprehend the interaction the two of you just had. Once it settled into your mind that you were standing in the middle of a walkway with no sign of Itachi anymore, you turned on your heels and continued going along with your day, checking this down as a strange interaction.
— — —
Night fell over the Hidden Leaf Village, and the navy blue sky was dotted with small, shining stars alongside the crescent moon hovering with the light dust of clouds. Most of the village was empty with people now in their homes to get some rest for the night, apart from some ninjas who were busy with filing their mission reports or readying themselves for missions up ahead. You had nothing in particular that was keeping you away from home. You simply didn’t feel the need to because of your little interaction with Itachi earlier in the day. It was trapped in your mind, and even when you completely disregarded it when it happened, it came back to haunt you as if it were an incomplete thought wanting some shed of light once again.
Instead of finding your way home, you stumbled onto Sasuke’s doorstep, lightly knocking against the wooden door. It took a couple of seconds, but soon, the door opened, allowing some light to peek through the crack it made and shine onto your face. Sasuke stood in the doorway with furrowed brows and a light frown on his face.
“You do know it’s nearly midnight, right?” Sasuke asked, clueless as to why you were here at this hour. Regardless, he opened the door wider and stepped aside to let you inside. You took off your shoes and watched your best friend head into the kitchen, disappearing around a corner. “My feet practically brought me here. My mind’s a little distracted, and I didn’t feel like going home. You don’t mind if I crash here tonight, do you?” you questioned, growing irritated with yourself for sounding like a burden to your best friend.
“Sure, you can crash here. I believe some of your clothes are still here from the endless amount of sleepovers we had during our time with the ANBU, and you can take my bed,” Sasuke replied, grabbing a pot from underneath the sink. “Oh no, I can sleep on the couch, Uchiha. You can have your bed all to yourself,” you responded, walking through a hallway to arrive at Sasuke’s bedroom.
Because of the amount of time you spent together, especially after vigorous and strenuous missions that left you in a weakened state, you would occasionally sleep over at Sasuke’s place since it was closer to the gates than yours was. Additionally, you left clothes here in the event that you would have to stay, uninvited. You practically had the key to his front door stashed in your apartment somewhere, but that was for emergencies only. However, there were times when you’d use the key to scare Sasuke to bits or just to come over and annoy him. That’s just how close the two of you were. You practically grew up with one another, and you always relied on Sasuke in the same way he would rely on you, whenever it was needed.
After changing into a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt, you walked out of Sasuke’s bedroom and entered the kitchen. You took a seat at the island and sighed dramatically, causing Sasuke to raise a brow in response. Your eyes watched him pour two cups of piping hot tea he had just made on the stove, keeping one black and adding cream and sugar into the other. You followed his figure as it approached the other side of the island, and soon, the cup of tea with cream and sugar was pushed across the counter, stopping directly in front of your elbows which rested on the counter. Sasuke walked around the counter and took a seat next to you which was a sign that you could rest your head on his shoulder. The two of you sat in this position for a good minute or so with nothing but silence airing in the room. Occasionally, you’d pick your head up to take a sip of the sweet tea that Sasuke made for you, but otherwise, you’d leave your head on his comfortable shoulder.
As soon as you finished your cup of tea, Sasuke pushed the two empty cups out of arm's reach and crossed his arms, staring down at the countertop he had them resting on. “Sasuke, I think Itachi has feelings for me,” you whispered, picking at your fingers. Sasuke glanced down at your head, only getting a glimpse of your hair. “Really? What makes you say that?” Sasuke questioned.
You sighed and picked up your head from his shoulder, smiling a little. “He’s a little awkward around me, and… it looked like he wanted to confess earlier after we had lunch together,” you replied, shrugging your shoulders. “Looked? Meaning… he didn’t confess to you?” Sasuke asked, mumbling the last part.
Confused, you glanced over at Sasuke and furrowed your brows. Tilting your head, you stared deeply at the younger Uchiha in an attempt to get him to crack, but knowing your best friend, he wouldn’t even shiver under this kind of minimal pressure. Sasuke could feel you staring at him as if you had figured out that he was hiding something from you.
“Sasuke… what aren’t you telling me?” Sasuke sighed and sat up straight in his chair before beginning to let you in on what he had running on his mind.
Heading for Ichiraku Ramen a little earlier than planned, Sasuke had his hands stuffed in his pockets with his usual stoic expression on his face. He happened to take the path that went over a bridge within the village to get to Ichiraku Ramen, however before he had the chance to step foot on the wooden planks of the bridge, Sasuke stopped in his steps at the sight of his older brother and former teacher from when he was a genin. Furrowing his brows, Sasuke kept quiet and leaned against one of the wooden beams holding up a light that hung over the bridge. From this distance, he had a clear path of hearing and was able to catch onto what the conversation between the silver haired jonin and one of the village prodigies were talking about.
“I don’t know how to tell them how I truly feel about them, and everytime I see Y/N, I get that nervous feeling in my chest. Even if I did tell them about what I’m feeling, there’s a big possibility they don’t feel the same about me,” Sasuke heard coming from the deep voice that belonged to his dear brother.
It surprised him that his older brother would fall for someone like you considering how different the two of you were, especially in the age difference of six years. The entire time he has known you, Sasuke assumed that Itachi would see you in the same way he did… an annoying yet dependable little sibling. But boy was he wrong. Sasuke always saw Itachi as a straightforward and blunt guy, but finding out he was struggling with telling you his feelings was something new to him, for sure.
Sasuke glanced back at the pair, noticing the conversation had ended. He turned on his heels and weaved some hand signs, bringing out a little crow that was perched on his shoulder. Sasuke tied a message to its foot and let the crow fly into the atmosphere where it will reach you, eventually, with an excuse for lunch.
“I ended up going to eat barbeque with the others from the old Team Seven, so I hope you’re not upset about that. After hearing the struggle that Itachi was going through, I thought that the lunch would give him a chance to tell you how he truly feels, but… guess his emotions are too locked up from all the training he did during his childhood,” Sasuke added, finishing the story he had told you.
Sasuke looked over at you, but he was shocked to see you weren’t sitting there. He hopped out of his seat in an instant and calmed down when he found you putting on your shoes, regardless of the sleeping outfit you were still adorned in. “Where are you going?” Sasuke asked, walking over to you to also put his shoes on. “Where do you think? I’m going to find Itachi,” you responded, opening the door and stepping outside.
The nightly breeze cooled across your bare arms, and your hair lightly danced with the wind as you looked right and left to find out where you should head to first. Sasuke followed you out of the house and locked the door behind him, standing directly next to you. You were fazed by the grasp of your wrist that he collected in an instant as you were beginning to be pulled in a certain direction.
“If Itachi is awake at this hour, which I know he is, I know the one place where he would be,” Sasuke said, looking back at you quickly before looking forward once more. You nodded and allowed for the Uchiha to drag you in the same direction in which you started.
— — —
Climbing to the tallest point in the Hidden Leaf Village in your pajamas whilst it was freezing outside thanks to the wind was a harsh task to accomplish. Nonetheless, you followed Sasuke as the two of you headed to the tops of the rock where each of the Hokage’s faces were carved into. As expected of the younger Uchiha, Itachi was seated on the ground right at the edge of the cliff which overlooked the entire village. He was dressed in a simple, black jacket that had the Uchiha crest on the back with dark gray sweatpants and a light gray t-shirt. His hair was messily tied in a red elastic which was lower than usual, allowing many of his raven locks to flow with the wind in front of his face.
Looking over at Sasuke, you nodded, which was a signal to the Uchiha to let you handle this. Hugging yourself for warmth, you walked slowly up to the honorable Uchiha so as to not startle him, but in fact, he was the first to startle you. “You’re not asleep?” his voice came out in a low whisper. A light chuckle escaped your mouth as you sat down next to him, looking out at the beautiful village below your feet. “I could ask you the same question,” you responded, looking over at him.
“Insomnia is hitting real good right about now, so… what better way to spend the night than sitting up here and enjoying the view,” Itachi said, sighing heavily, “Do you want my jacket?”
Itachi hasn’t even looked at you, yet he knew you were suffering sitting there beside him with the cold breeze running across your skin. Before you could answer, the older Uchiha was unzipping the lower half of his jacket and tore it off from his upper body, turning to face you entirely. He scooted a little closer to you and gently placed the oversized article of clothing over your shoulders, fixing it over the front of your body. You couldn’t tell if the blush you were feeling rising in your cheeks was from the cold air in the atmosphere or if it was an effect of the close proximity of Itachi’s face with your own, but either way, you were enjoying the comfy warmth that the jacket brought.
Once the jacket was securely enclosed around your body, Itachi went back to his original position, looking back out at the village. Unconsciously, you let gravity take control of the heaviness of your head and rested it against the sturdiness of Itachi’s shoulder. Now, it was time for Itachi to blush profusely at the close contact that the two of you were engaged in.
“A little birdie told me that you like me… a lot, but I want to hear it coming from you, Itachi,” you whispered, repositioning your head to look up at the Uchiha. Itachi hummed enthusiastically and instinctively rested the side of his face against your head.
“I’m not very good with emotions, Y/N, but it doesn’t stop me from realizing that you are the one for me. I have never looked at anyone like I look at you. You make me smile and laugh more than anyone else, and I cherish that part of your personality. I tried to make myself not like you as much as I do now, but it is virtually impossible to do so because now… I am simply too head over heels for you, Y/N, and just you being here has made me a happier guy than I was when I woke up this morning. I guess now that I am here with you in my presence, it isn’t too hard to say that I’m in love with you, Y/N,” Itachi said, eyes full of love with every word he spoke of you.
You tore your head off of his shoulder and smiled over at him, watching his face turn to catch your response in your facial expression. Upon seeing the smile on your face, Itachi also let a smile form on his lips which matched yours perfectly. Leaning over, you pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek and rested the crown of your head against the spot, letting Itachi carefully wrap an arm around your waist to bring you in closer.
“I guess I didn’t realize my own feelings for you, Itachi. I’m sorry for being so oblivious to you this entire time. I should have been more aware of what’s going on,” you apologized, looking down at his empty hand. Reaching out you took his hand in your own and lightly applied pressure before looking up at his face once more. “No worries, Y/N. As long as it's out that I love you, then that’s all that matters to me,” Itachi responded.
Anticipating a soft kiss to your lips, you were wrongfully interrupted when a tiny pebble was chucked at the back of your head, resorting to rubbing the spot on your head and turning around with Itachi doing the same. The both of you locked eyes on Sasuke who was standing there with a frown on his face.
“If you two are done being all lovey-dovey in front of me, can we all go home? For once, I actually want to sleep a full night in my bed,” Sasuke complained, turning on his heels to walk away from you two.
Sighing, you got up from your spot and held tightly onto the jacket around your upper body, peering down at Itachi. Holding out a hand for him, Itachi stared at it for a second before taking it with his own, allowing you to hoist him up. Itachi had an arm wrap around your waist which was enough to keep you close to his chest for the necessary warmth you were in dire need of.
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year ago
Hi! I enjoy your posts and sorry if my english is unclear but i was curios how the characters in naruto will have reacted if they knew about sasuke and naruto true relationship. And if kishi didn't have to pare them in couples to make money
Hi, don't worry about your English. It's cool. :)
Given Konoha is a heteronormative, and prejudiced society, it would have not have reacted positively to the union of Sasuke and Naruto. Hinata is a stereotypical female hentai bait character whose whole purpose in life is to get a husband of her choice. Her choice happens to be Naruto, and the idea that her love should be ideally reciprocated by her object of desire doesn't really occur to her. She is portrayed as a typical Japanese girl. In Japanese society, women are fairly traditional (not counting exceptions). They typically adhere to traditional gender roles and having an individual ambition or evolution is not at the top of their priorities. She portrays such a woman, whose only purpose in life is to secure a marriage with the guy she likes. In one of his interviews at the end, Kishi said about her character that she would be really pathetic if she didn't get rewarded at the end. What was her reward? Naruto. She was not the only character to get rewarded for doing absolutely nothing, or nothing good at least. She is shown as someone unintelligent and proportionately unskilled, who doesn't move a finger unless it is to show off to her object of desire. If Naruto ended up with Sasuke, her reaction would be the same as when Sakura hugs Naruto at the end of Pein arc.
Just - Naruto kun....
And then - .....
And nothing else. She would mope about and do nothing about it. Just like she didn't in Naruto the last movie. Except maybe knit a scarf. :/ Would it end in her character's resolution, some kind of realization? No. Kishi never showed her as having a capability to introspect and deduce calmly, she never thinks or even wonders about Naruto's feelings for her, she just thinks of her own.
Sakura? She already knows that Naruto and Sasuke's bond is special. But if they were officially united, it's pretty obvious that she would throw tantrums, like she does. She would get upset and angry, she would probably accuse Naruto of stealing Sasuke from her (yeah, she has very limited self awareness, also she is very good at repressing or dismissing stuff that doesn't benefit her objectives), she would probably abuse Naruto some more, she would whine and cry in front of Sasuke. Either that or she would outwardly show happiness for them but inner Sakura would be resentful, bitter, jealous and vengeful. Sakura is a malicious character, make no mistake. Her priority is her happiness, her pleasure, her ego. Like Hinata, she places her own ego satisfaction over the happiness of Sasuke, Sarada or her own long term happiness.
And these ladies had to be written this way to facilitate the Brokeback Mountainesque situation post Shippuden, two entitled and self centred women with very limited amounts of self awareness, who will be happy with their one sided love as long as their egos are satisfied, as long as they get to 'have' the men they like and want.
Where some characters show some awareness/knowledge of Naruto and Sasuke's special bond, such as Gaara, Itachi, Orochimaru, Kabuto, most others seem pretty heteronormative and consequently oblivious. Gaara loves Naruto but his happiness is in Naruto's happiness, so he will be happy to see Naruto happy. Neither does he disrespect Sasuke, like other characters do. Itachi suspected that there was more to Naruto's feelings for Sasuke. And he seems to know that Sasuke has feelings for Naruto as well. Itachi told Sasuke that Naruto will take care of everything, so I think Itachi will be happy to see Sasuke's happiness. Itachi does have a very twisted understanding of love and loyalty, but towards the end, he understands his brother and the world a little better.
Characters such as Kakashi, Shikamaru, Kiba, Sai, Suigetsu (who constantly push the characters of Naruto and Sasuke towards Sakura, Hinata or Karin irrespective of Sasuke's or Naruto's own disinterest or apathy) could never really tell whom Sasuke or Naruto loved, despite seeing how crazy and absolutely single mindedly obsessed Naruto was about Sasuke or that Sasuke would pro actively show concern for Naruto and Naruto only, especially in Shippuden. So characters like these would simply be surprised, and then blanch at Sasuke and Naruto getting together, and some would possibly show disapproval. Characters such as Jiraiya certainly would, who have a very narrow minded belief system about how men and women should be, and what their roles are in society.
Ino would cry and whine, but then accept the status quo. Her interest in Sasuke was also very fangirlish, she wouldn't suffer for long, and certainly get over it as soon as she manages to find another male romantic interest who is good looking.
Naruto's parents are also quite heteronormative, but I think they, at least Kushina will be eventually happy that her son is happy and thriving with Sasuke, that she who could not be there to provide a family to her only child, Sasuke took that role on and satisfied it. Minato would also follow suit. Doubtless, Naruto would be infinitely happy with Sasuke. Sasuke is his oxygen.
Oro and Kabuto would smirk, given they had always known it. Kakashi would probably introspect about how wrong he was about so many things, just like he was wrong about his father, Obito, shinobihood, and making Sakura false promises about Sasuke after the hospital fight.
Tsunade would be mildly surprised but won't have any malice or prejudice. The elders (and Danzo) would disapprove in a major way. Obviously. They represent the traditional and corrupt ways of the shinobi world.
Iruka would be genuinely happy (even if surprised) because his only condition is Naruto being happy. And Naruto will be happy with Sasuke. Tenten would say - Kawaai, and will continue playing with her weapons. Neji won't say anything, would probably just smile, and probably worry looking at Hinata's pathetic self, Neji knows she has feelings for Naruto.
Akatsuki members (except Itachi) won't give a shit. Hahahaha. They are non conformists, disillusioned, they don't care what society thinks. They very well know how hypocritical and unjust their world is.
Kurama would approve and be happy for Naruto, since he knows how much Naruto cares for Sasuke. Karin would also react dramatically, she'd be taken aback, get angry, then sad, but would eventually accept the status quo. Juugo wouldn't care as long as Sasuke is well. Hashirama and Madara would have a fleeting thought/regret about how Sasuke and Naruto achieved what they couldn't. The general population of Konoha would also disapprove, Naruto is their hero, as a hero, he serves their needs, and they won't be happy seeing Naruto breaking convention flagrantly. Also, they are wary of Sasuke, Sasuke's role in the war is not revealed to them, they think of him as a nukenin that Naruto forgave. They were seen approving Naruto and Hinata's union because Hinata is a princess heiress, and it's a fairytale wedding, and Naruto is a hero who eventually ends up with the princess. Typical heteronormative society.
Temari and Kankuro would be surprised, Temari would be subtle about it, Kankuro would be loud and perhaps a bit vulgar about it. In good humor though, I think he knows about Gaara's feelings for Naruto. But Temari and Kankuro would be pleased for Naruto's happiness but probably a bit sad for Gaara? Heheh.
Okay who else, who am I missing?
But yeah, that's how it would be.
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medikits · 1 year ago
Kira listened to him with a thoughtful expression. "Opportunities..." She mused. "I guess I never noticed if anyone saw me that way." She let the sentence settle.
In fact, there had been many instances in which she was oblivious to flirtatious advances, partially due to her natural friendly demeanor and also because her heart was always with Kakashi.
"All of this hurts... because I have to let go of so much. But... to feel such pain is a blessing. It means that I'm alive, and that what I felt was real and if I felt it once, I can feel it again." She said, paraphrasing one of the last lines of her book without realizing it.
"This time... it will be different. I'm not a little girl anymore, one who will keep making lunches for a boy who doesn't really care if I do. And yes, I love him. I still do, and I always will, but... it just needs to be a different love now, and maybe I can do that if... if I find a real love of my own. No more chasing fantasies." Kira pepped herself up, as resilient as her chakra, especially once she had someone to confide in.
She came around to Jiraiya and gave him a hug from the side while he sat, pressing the side of his face to her plush chest in a warm embrace.
"Thank you so much." She pulled away with a newfound vigor. "It's not going to be easy, but it's time to close that chapter and start a new one. Right?" She gave him a wink and a smile from her metaphor.
Kira chuckled softly as he mentioned how friendly she was to a total stranger. "Well, I don't blame you for thinking so, you don't know me too well yet." She teased then shook her head. "I'm very friendly. Besides, I've read all of your books so... in a way I feel like I do know you a little." She mused.
After he sat down, she gave him a smile that soon turned into an embarassed flush of her cheeks that made her so sheepish she quickly turned around to busy herself with making tea. "I-Is that how you come up with the lines in your books?" She said, half humorous. When she was done making the tea she brought it over to him and sat down across from him.
"So... um." She sighed. "How do I say it? Well... I had my heart broken recently by a man that I... well he was the center of my world, you know? It's not his fault, he didn't do anything bad I just... I told him how I feel about him and he said that if there was any woman he'd love, it would be me, but that he doesn't feel the things I do and even if he did, he wouldn't persue a relationship with me, or with anyone, really. He was very kind in letting me down but I... I still feel lost." Kira's bright eyes were dim now. "Part of me wants to hope he will change his mind down the line but I know that's not wise. I just..." She looked into Jiraiya's eyes.
"I don't know what to do. I don't know how to move past these hopes and feelings, especially when I eventually do see him again. It's just so... so weird. Everything feels off now. What do you think I should do?" Kira hoped that Jiraiya, with all of his experience, would be able to tell her the best way to handle this.
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animebook-loverr · 3 years ago
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Fandom: Naruto
Characters included: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake Kakashi
Genre: angst/fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: Doing this bc I've beeb hella stressed lately and need some comfort 😀
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Uzumaki Naruto
Naruto was oblivious to a lot of things
You tried to get him to rest for a minute? Alexa play don't stop me now by queens
You hinted at him that he should eat proper food rather then Ramen? He no speak language
But when it came to your needs this boi picked up on it before you could figure out your own feelings
But he understood your boundaries and also that you wouldn't let some stress stop you from getting to work
However lately it had just become too much.
Day after day there was more work to do, your boyfriend went on dangerous missions, you didn't want to get fired, there were piles upon piles of paperwork you had to finish
And then you broke
Currently you were in your bedroom on the floor hugging your knees to your chest and hiding your face in between them, crying, whilst sobs shook your frame
Naruto was worried about you, and wanted to cheer you up so he bought two cup of raven's to go. They could make anyone happy!
When he entered the apartment he immediately sensed that something was wrong
Usually your home would be filled with happiness laughter, or some kind if sign that showed that you were a happy-go-luck type
However your apartment was dull and cold as if someone had died long ago and nobody visited this place
Then he heard faint sobs
Coming from your room
The cup of ramens abondend on the kitchen counter he rushed to you to find you in your crying state
It broke his heart
He strode over to you engulfing you in a warning hug, careful not to startle you
You cried into his chest, your tears soaking his shirt but he couldn't and care less
"Tell me what happend, (Y/N)."
His voice was a huge relief
"It-It's just so much, Naruto! The work, you going on these baka missions, I-I-I..."
"Shh. It's gonna be alright, as ping as we are together, dattebayo."
The next day you told your boss that you were gonna take a few days off due to personal reasons and he smiled at you, before wishing you luck with whatever going on
These days was spent with Naruto taking you to awesome dates and him just living you
Cuddles in the meetings, cuddles in the afternoon, cuddles everywhere!
You were one lucky person to have him by your side
Uchiha Sasuke
Sasuke instantly knows something was off
The subtle signs of you staring off into space, not begging asking him for some cuddles, your forgetfulness
You just weren't yourself
Not your usual bright self that made his lips curve into a slight smile
Congratulations for making the grumpiest man in all anime history smile girl 😌👏
No response
Poor boy has to take drastic measures
Thank goodness you were at your shared home tho
"D...Darling, I'm worried about you."
You snapped your head over to him
He hardly ever called you any nicknames and he had a hard time expressing his feelings
It was a miracle when he confessed to you
And then you told him with your head down about how school was just too much and you couldn't keep up
If he could he would've taken you out of there and hold you for the rest of his life (claiming that you were clinging when he was a literal Koala bear)
He helped you with your homework, explaining it to you patiently, with a few teases hear and there
He would defenitly watch your kawaii face while you concentrated hard on your exercises
"'Suke? Is something in my face"
"No. Continue working."
"Were you staring at my face?"
The faintest blush ever was evident on his cheeks
Best brooding emo ever
Hatake Kakashi
You were the best thing that ever happend to the shinobi
He went throuhg so much, and you made him forget it all, or at least helped to dull the pain a little
this man knows everything about you
so when one day you zoned out of a conversation with him he wnet all protective mode
"Love, are you alright?"
you look into his concerned eyes and just...break
You tell him about how all the shinobi work wore you down and honestly you felt like a baby
He kept muttering sweet nothings into your hair, rubbing your back, and told you how much he loved you
By some miracle you both got a few days off, and he Kashi treated you like the queen you are <3
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tamelee · 2 years ago
Hello! sorry for this stupid question, but where is sasuke looking at this art? (I decided to ask you because you are an artist)
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Hi @shutkaminutka ! 💕 So happy you ask me about this artwork from Kishimoto because I love it so much. It's very.. cheeky. At first glance the art seems to be one way but then really isn't, like his work. It parallels his story/work well. This is him as an artist- this is 'Naruto'. You see Kakashi out in the field working doing what he thinks is right. We know he's strong and it is expected of him too (fyi it has nothing to do with the melons itself). The big gestures from his point of view are obvious. Sakura in her little dress is out in the sun watering melons with a hand on her thigh facing toward Sasuke obviously trying to grab his attention. Kishimoto could have drawn her smiling normally or minding her own business, instead, her hat pulls her face into the shadow and she has this creepy grin on her face. It's a choice. Yes, the placement of the melons and the stream of water.. that's no accident. Nothing is accidental. *achum* Yeah that's a d- Anyway. While the obvious is out of the way, Kakashi is oblivious to the rest of his student's feelings. It's not visible to him. Like he covers half his face or something. (Hehe) Sasuke seems to have been working out in the field too as he's sweaty. Of course he pays Sakura no mind. Canon. The melon is already cut up (indicating that the break was intentional), he himself has a drink in hand, they both are on a break. Sasuke looks at Naruto with a frown as Naruto happily munches on his melon. He has a blue beetle assigned to Sasuke and a red one for himself. The red one is winning as you can see on the paper next to him. (He's too cute🧡💀) Kishimoto got a lot of shit for this art though. Yes, it's very innocent... it's not let's face it. Let's not pretend he doesn't know what he's doing. Like he's some naive man that doesn't know how to layer storytelling in visual format as he's been doing for years and majority for his lifetime. Who's had the biggest teachers around him to teach him about the Manga art form. Hot and bothered Sasuke has a bottle around his lips and glances back towards Naruto in this art- yes. Naruto's pose doesn't help either. (Also, they weren't together at this age as a "team"- yeah? Especially this Chapter. Why didn't he draw this as they were Genin? Just food for thought.)
Well those are just my thoughts about this art, sorry if it's too long 😂!
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hihello-idraw · 8 months ago
Fuck it, tumblr deleted all of the tags after the ones talking about sasunaru so I have to redo them all, and to remove the possibility of them getting deleted because apparently tumblr has a tag limit now, I'm just gonna write it all as a normal post
Naruto and Sakura: Specifically in a more platonic sense than romantic, maybe queerplatonic? Like, Sakura could never love Naruto romantically, but their dynamic is built upon love and loss and pain because they were the only two people (other than Kakashi) to have this ability to relate to one another on their pain from Sasuke leaving
Plus this one fic where Sakura felt really put-off when with Sasuke and Naruto because it felt like they only needed each other to complete themselves so she felt like she was third-wheeling and felt awkward when with them and OH that intrigued me
The quencies of Naruto's tunnel vision on Sasuke after he left Speaking of quencies!
Naruto and Shikamaru: Oh Naruto and Shikamaru,
Shikamaru being one of Naruto's first friends along with Chouji and Kiba, and the idea that Naruto inspires Shikamaru to do better, to BE better, but upon growing older feeling left behind compared to the dynamics of team 7
He says he doesn't understand why Naruto goes after Sasuke the way he does, but if it was Naruto Shikamaru would do the same damn thing and he doesn't want to admit it
Naruto is the sun, and because of his gravity Shikamaru is drawn to him, Naruto is what helps keep Shikamaru in orbit along with Ino and Chouji, but the sun doesn't need the planets as much as the planets need the sun And Shikamaru knows this, and so he clings desperately onto every bit of Naruto he can get
But Shikamaru also helps bring Naruto back down to earth, he reminds Naruto that humans have their limits and that-even with his obscene amount of power-Naruto is just as human as he was when he was younger, he reminds him that he is still a teenager, just like the rest of Konoha 13
Naruto and Gaara: OH BOY where do I start
The parallels. The parallels drive me INSANE.
AND THE WAY NARUTO GOT TO BE TO GAARA WHAT IRUKA WAS TO HIM .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. Iruka was what helped Naruto love his village again, and Naruto was what helped Gaara gain faith in humanity again
Naruto being Gaara's first ever friend and being one of his most precious people
Naruto and Hinata: THEY'RE FREAKING ADORABLE AUGH o(≧口≦)o
I love Naruto being such an oblivious idiot towards Hinata's affections and his own feelings for literal years before finally putting two and two together, it's just too funny to me! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
I am still utterly enraged at the fact that all Hinata's character was boiled down to was 'The girl that likes Naruto' though (╬▔皿▔)╯ Kishimoto when I fucking catch you for the atrocious handling of the females in Naruto wHeN I CATCH YOU
But I loved Hinata becoming more confident thanks to Naruto's influence! They deserved to be punk little shits together
I also loved Hinata deciding that being a Kunoichi wasn't what she wanted in life! I KNOW that Naruto, team 8, and Neji were her BIGGEST supporters for her decision! They would've gladly beat up anyone who bad mouthed her decision!
And just so we're clear! I don't mind any of these dynamics in either a romantic or platonic way except for Naruto and Sakura (Strictly not romantic for me)!
My indecisive ass can't choose what person to ship Kakashi or Naruto with so! Polyamory it is then!
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uchihaenthusiasts · 3 years ago
uchiha boys + nsfw headcannons
NSFW content - minors dni - bondage - graphic depictions of sexual content - dubcon - gender neutral - x reader
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This is a man with a thirst for blood; he’s possessive, angry, and harsh.
He has a thing for using you for his own personal pleasure. He will abuse every inch of your body with no return. Madara reminds you every time, face in his strong hands, that this was your idea.
Madara will take the time to delicately tie your body up, suspending it in the air. He loves to see the ropes tug at your body, creating little mounds of skin that pop out.
The few times he returns any sort of favor is when he gets you in his lap. Madara will spend as much time as it takes to stretch you out, lapping at your neck the whole time. He’ll make you ride his thigh until you’re cumming untouched, exhausted and honestly miserable. That’s when his fun begins.
Favorite position: anything where he’s physically on top of you, but he doesn’t mind getting you in his lap so he can bounce you up and down himself. Anything where his hands can be on you the whole time.
Itachi isn’t one for fancy toys or crazy one night stands. He prefers a more traditional approach to sex.
All Itachi has ever wanted was a normal life. He’s honestly afraid of intimacy, so it takes a lot to coax him into sex. The easiest way to do so is to start small. Watch a movie with him and hold his hand. Put your hand on the small of his back as you pass by. Tuck his bangs behind his ear and give him a kiss on the forehead. By the end of the day he’ll be itching to get his hands on you.
He likes having you in his lap because he feels like he can pamper you that way: soft kisses, many compliments, and teasing little touches that get you going a lot faster than you’d like to admit.
Favorite position: definitely missionary. He loves to look at your red cheeks and long eyelashes while fucking you senseless. Bonus: sharingan.
Obito is honestly so aloof when it comes to dating in general, let alone sex.
In his head, he’s a sex god that has anyone swooning for him the second he walks into a room… Kakashi will say otherwise.
This man will fall for just about anyone willing to give him enough attention. He’s so oblivious to flirting, but once he figures out what’s happening he’s a blushing mess without fail. Loves one night stands but gets attached way too easy.
Obito is the definition of a switch. He loves having his partner’s hands all over him and telling him exactly what he needs to do. But he doesn’t mind pinning them up against a wall and fucking them relentlessly, either. Always cums way too fast, every time, without fail. Can go for many rounds, though. Will try everything at least once.
Obito is also way too loud for his own good. From the start he’s whimpering and moaning your name, rambling on about how good everything feels and how he’s so close… yeahhh use any means necessary to shut him up and it turns him on even more.
Favorite position: blowjobs. Get in between this man’s legs and make him feel special. He’ll love you forever and ever. And, he’ll always return the favor.
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