#kakashi is too much
lhatake87 · 2 years
Possible triggers: SA/Sex/Depression
Excerpt from Mysterious Kunoichi (Book 1 of 2) posted on Wattpad:
It hurt to breath. The wound below my right breast punctured a lung. I had a cut along left abdomen. My face was bloody, swollen and bruised. My entire body burned. My dignity and pride burned as well.
"Weren't we lucky to stumble upon such a find?" Hidan cackled.
"Shut up. I'd rather have her bounty than have her join us." Kakuzu pointed out.
"I'll kill myself before I join you idiots." My voice dripped with malice.
I was rewarded with a backhand. I spit at Hidan's feet. Blood and saliva. My body was becoming heavier, like it was filled with rocks. Sinking fast in the pool of self pity.
The men continued talking until there was a knock at the door. Kakuzu opened it, allowing whoever was there to enter. With one eye swollen shut and the other obscured by my h/c hair, I wasn't sure who it was.
"Who is she?" Someone asked. A man. Orange hair.
Hidan approached me, as he lifted his hand to my chin, I bit him. I got the side of his palm, drawing blood. The taste of old copper filled my mouth. I spit it back at him.
"Bitch!" This time I was given a punch to the stomach, "And she still won't scream."
"She's from The Hidden Leaf?" The same man asked. My hitai-ate must have been found.
"Yes, Leader-sama." Kakuzu answered, "She is most commonly known as 'The Archer.' She has a pretty good bounty on her head."
"You know her Itachi?" The leader asked.
"Yes." Was the only answer Itachi gave.
Foot steps where heard and someone else entered.
"Tobi wants to see!" A childlike voice filled the room.
I glanced up to see a masked man standing amoungst the other men. Kisame, Itachi, Hidan, Kakuzu, their leader and now this man named Tobi. Tobi approached excitedly. He ducked slightly, trying to look at my face.
"Did Itachi-san say he knew her?" Tobi asked happily.
"Her name is y/n." Itachi answered again.
Tobi's demeanor seemed to change. He paused in his childish antics. There was a dark aura surrounding him all the sudden. Then it vanished as fast as it arrived.
"I can't wait to have a taste of that swee-" Hidan started.
"You'll do no such thing." Itachi warned.
"You're not getting her." Hidan snapped.
"She was like a sister to me. You won't touch her."
"Itachi, let's talk." Their leader said, "Everyone else. Out. No one touches her."
Everyone left the room in silence. There I was in a situation I didn't know how I was going to get out of. Rowan and Sage were in mating season, so I couldn't summon them earlier. I was caught off guard by two Akatsuki members and there was nothing I could do. One long range and one mid range fighter against one mid to close range fighter was difficult. I was easily subdued.
I was deep in thought, trying to figure out my chances. No one would be searching for me, I'm alone. If I had returned to the village, I wouldn't be here. This wouldn't have happened. Was it my pride that kept from going home? Was I scared? What was the real reason I wouldn't go back? I'm alone. If I go home, will I still be alone? Is that what I'm scared of?
I tensed when the door opened. The heavy foot falls made me wary. The dark, menacing laugh I heard alerted me to who was standing before me. Hidan.
"A little fun won't hurt anything."
Before I could answer, there was a cloth tied around my mouth. My teeth bit down around it. I tried to make some kind of noise to alert someone, but realized it was futile. Aside from Itachi, would anyone care?
I felt a cold metallic object press against my chest. The familiar sting and burn as it was dragged across my skin. Not deep enough to scar, but deep enough to bleed. He knelt before me, his head right at my mound. He was touching my ankles, attaching something to them. Leg spreader.
"There, now you can't trying and snap my neck that way." He commented,  "Wouldn't really matter though." He added.
"Mmmffhhgmmffff." I thrashed against my bindings, drool falling from my mouth around my gag.
"Don't worry, pet. You'll feel good soon."
As he removed his cloak, I was able to see his body for the first time. Under normal circumstances, I'd say he was attractive. Under these circumstances, he was a sadistic fuck and I needed a way out.
I had enough strength left for one move.
He knelt before me again and was looking down. Jashinist. I noted as he drew his religious symbol. I used my arms hanging for leverage and swung the leg spreader upwards, catching him under his chin.
I caught him by surprise, "You bitch!" He yelled.
His chin was dripping with blood. Before he could even move, the door swung open. I don't know if it was really appropriate, but I still sighed in relief. The orange mask of the childlike man caught my eye. The glow of a red eye was now my focus.
"Leader-sama will be angry at Hidan." Tobi warned.
"Get out, brat."
Hidan didn't seemed fazed by Tobi catching him. Instead, Hidan stood in front of me. His hands roamed my body. I refused to cry. I refused to scream. I wouldn't let him see me break. No one would break me. No one.
"Not going to react?" He smirked, picking up a kunai, "Then I'll punish you until you do."
The familiar sting of cutting flesh again, made me squeeze my eyes shut. The cut was shallow, but still there. From hip to knee. He moved behind me, cutting the back of my shirt open. He cut my bra open as well, causing it to hang loosely in front of me. I glanced up to see Tobi staring at me. One red orb unwavering. I held his gaze, even when Hidan pressed the kunai to my back. This cut was deeper, likely to scar, from left shoulder blade to right side of my lower back, I didn't flinch.
Hidan moved to stand before me again. He used the kunai to lift my chin to look at him. He leaned in, I was repulsed by this man. I refused to pull away though. He licked my cheek, tasting my blood and sweat. He straightened himself. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off.
I gasped around the gag as blood sprayed my face. Hidan's blood. Tobi had sliced his head from his body in one clean blow. I knew Hidan was practically immortal, and this wouldn't kill him, but I found myself relieved.
Tobi unhooked my hands, casually throwing me over his shoulder. Hidan was yelling and cussing, vowing revenge against Tobi. Tobi never answered. Instead, he carried me out the door, down the hall and into another room. A bathroom.
The man sat me gently on the counter top. He moved to fill the large tub with steaming hot water. He removed his red cloud cloak to reveal a skin tight shirt. I realized now that one hand was gloved, the other was not.
He moved to me silently. He held my hands in his as he unbound me. First my gag, then my arms.
"Thank you." I choked back the tears.
"You're not safe yet." His voice was different. A mans, not that of a child.
I didn't answer, I just sat there. My body trembled in shock and fear. Tobi held my hands gently, undoing the chakra cuffs.
"I could kill you in an instant, I suggest you not fight me."
"Yes." I whispered.
He slipped my tattered shirt and bra from my body. I flinched when he grazed a wound. He guided me to stand, letting me hold onto him for support. He knelt and removed my panties. I leaned against the counter as he turned the water off. He held me as he walked me to the tub. I hissed as I eased myself into the water with his help.
He washed my body tenderly. Washing the caked blood and sweat from my skin. His skilled hands massaged my scalp as he washed my hair. He leaned against the counter, allowing me a minute to simply breath.
"Why are you helping me?" I asked quietly.
He didn't answer me as he reached for a towel. He pulled the drain and helped me stand. He wrapped the towel around me, and then his cloak. He lifted me, carrying me as though I was his bride. He carried me to a room, I assumed was his. He placed me on the bed, gently.
"I'll return with clothes and bandages." With that, he left.
I stayed huddled in the towel and cloak. The warmth from the cloak was soothing. His scent seemed inviting. I had almost fallen asleep when the door opened. As promised, Tobi entered with clothes and bandages. I stood from the bed on shaky legs, letting the towel and cloak fall.
Tobi sat everything down on the bed and stood before me. My knees were weak and I reached for him. He held my elbows as he peered down at me. He helped me sit on the edge of the bed. He moved the clothes, searching for something. I didn't question where the panties came from, I simply let him help me into them. I stood as he knelt, my hands on his back for support. He pulled them up slowly.
"Lay down on your stomach so I can treat your wounds."
I did as told and crawled on to the bed face down. The bed shifted with his weight. I tried to remain still and make no sounds as he cleaned my back. Tears stung my eyes as I squeezed them shut tightly. His hands were skilled and gentle. I found myself almost melting at his touch.
"Roll over. Carefully."
As asked, or told, I suppose, I rolled over slowly. A whimper escaped me. A few tears managed to slip from my e/c eyes. I turned my head away from him, embarrassed by my weakness and exposure.
He began cleaning my chest first. The wound was just below my collarbones. If it scarred, I'd wear it proudly, in defiance. Just like every other scar I've earned in my 22 years.
Like I often do, deep in thought, I reached for my necklace. It was gone. Panic gripped my heart like a vice. I snapped my head towards Tobi, "My necklace."
I sat up, grabbing his shoulders, the adrenaline pumping allowed me to ignore the stinging pain that shot through my body.
"Where's my necklace?"
He shook his head and removed my hands from his shoulders. He guided me back down onto the bed.
"I'll search for it later, I need to finish cleaning these wounds."
I gave a nod, trying to hold back the sobs that's threatened to leave my mouth.
"Here." He announced once finished.
He held a shirt out too me. It was a little large, likely his shirt. I sat up and took it from him.
"Thank you. Again." I mumbled.
I gingerly pulled the shirt on over my head and laid back down. I turned on my side, facing away from him. He covered me with the blanket before leaving without a word. The sweet embrace of sleep enveloped me.
Some time later, I awoke to the sound of the door opening and closing. My body was stiff, it felt like I was twig that could snap at any moment with the right amount of pressure. I sat up slowly, watching him curiously. Tobi dropped my belongings in the corner, including my tanto.
"Here." He tossed something at me.
The shiny metal shone as it flew through the air. It landed without a sound on the blanket in my lap. Tears brimmed and fell as I looked at the tiny trinket.
A sudden realization hit as I though about those two. I thought of Kakashi first. I picked the necklace up and traced each charm slowly.
"You're engaged?"
I shook my head slowly, "No," I whispered, "He was killed. Before he could ask me."
"Who was he?"
"Shisui Uchiha. Close friend of Itachi."
"He's spoken of him before." He paused, "The other charm? It's a crest, yes? A lover perhaps?"
His voice sounded distant, like was lost in thought, "No. A dear friend. Reminding me to come home when I'm ready."
"How long have you been gone?"
"Almost 7 years now." It sounded horrible once I said it out loud.
"Do you miss him?"
I balanced the charm as I balanced the question, "I don't know."
"Yet you wear the charm?"
"I don't know what we are to each other."
"He wouldn't have given you the charm if you didn't matter to him."
"No use in me worrying about it now." I sat the necklace on the beside table.
I stood slowly from the bed and walked towards Tobi. He had taken his cloak back off and stood near the door still. I looked up at him, he was around the same height as Kakashi, similar build as well.
"How can I thank you?" I placed my hands on his chest.
I could feel his body tense, "You wish to repay me?"
"You saved me from that sadistic asshole. You've been nothing but kind to me. I'd like to repay you, yes."
I let my hands slide up slowly, tracing his pecks. As I reached the end of his mask, I found myself pinned to the door, his hand around my throat.
"You don't want this."
"Are you so sure? You can check for yourself." I spread my legs wider, hinting at what I wanted him to do.
I saw his eye scan my face for deceit. He took his ungloved hand and lifted my shirt. His fingers danced at the waist of my panties. He slid them downward, slowly, he ghosted over my clit, causing me to jerk. Wasting no more time, he slipped into my folds, to find, I was indeed, quite wet. I moaned at his touch.
"Is this what you want?" His voice was even deeper now.
"Yes." I moaned.
"Aaahhh!" A small screamed slipped from me as he pushed two fingers into me.
"You want me to fuck you?"
"Y-yes." I whimpered.
"Then cum for me."
What was I thinking? I couldn't even see this mans face. I had no idea who he was. What he looked like. I knew Tobi wasn't his real name. And yet, here I was, opening my legs wider. Propping one up with my foot flat against the door behind me, allowing him to thrust deeper and harder. This is the addiction winning. He may be in control, but really, I was. I had something he wanted. I'm the one that initiated this, I'm in control.
"T-Tobi." I stuttered as my walls clamped down on his fingers.
"That's it."
He pulled his hand from my panties and shoved his soaked fingers into my mouth. I nearly gagged as he forced them all the way back. It's not the first time I've tasted myself, men seem to enjoy this action. When he was happy with me, he removed his fingers from my mouth.
"Turn around."
I turned to face door as demanded. He lifted my shirt from me, tossing aside. My panties were pulled down, and I kicked them across the room. I heard him moving around, but remained still. I felt like was drunk or high. Or both. This adrenaline rush was amazing. A new addiction.
I felt a cloth cover my eyes, "Wh-"
"You can't see my face."
I didn't push any further. His tone expressed that I shouldn't. He turned me around to face him. He took my hands and placed them together. What felt like leather was tied around my wrists, nothing too tight, just enough to show dominance.
"On your knees."
I dropped to my knees immediately. The sound of clothing being removed and hitting the ground was all I heard. The sound of a heavy mask hit the floor. Soft, supple flesh brushed my lips.
I opened my mouth, inviting him in. He was large, girth and length, I couldn't take all of him in. He held fist fulls of h/c hair and controlled the pace.
"Kami." He groaned, "Yes."
I could feel his restraint, he was trying not to cum yet. Before I could attempt at teasing him, he pulled me off of him. He lifted me and tossed me on the bed causing me to wince. I was on my back. I squeaked as he grabbed my hips, pulling me towards him.
"So tight." He mumbled as he pushed into me.
"Tobi." His name was like a mantra.
"Say it again." He thrust fully into me.
"Tobi!" I exclaimed.
Both legs over his shoulders, my arms above my head, I writhed beneath him. He bent forward, hands bracing himself. Rough lips littered my skin with kisses. His tongue traced a small scar on my neck. He kissed my left forearm, where my self inflicted scars were. Finally, his lips were pressed to mine. I was addicted. Who is this man?
I moaned into the kiss, his tongue winning the joust. I began bucking against him, the friction causing my orgasm to hit. I threw my head back, breaking the kiss.
"Ah!" I couldn't suppress the scream.
Not even down from the first high, Tobi repositioned me. He lifted one leg over, putting me on my side. He was even deeper now.
"Ngh, fuck." I mumbled.
His grip on my legs was tight, bruising. He grabbed a fist full of hair for leverage. He continued ravage me.
"Yes!" I screamed, "Oh!"
With one final, harsh and toe curling thrust, Tobi met his release as well. He pulled out of me as I lay there panting. I heard him moving around but didn't care what he was doing. I felt shame wash over me.
I simply lay there. Wallowing is self pity. Self sorrow. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I wanted to feel again. Wasn't that the point? I wondered.
"I told you that you didn't want it." He was sitting on the edge of the bed, I think.
"It's not that."
"Then what?"
"I wanted to see you. Touch you." I whispered.
"Hn. Maybe one day."
His hands untied my bindings and blindfold, "Get some sleep."
He headed towards the door, "Where are you going?"
"I'll be back soon." Was all he said.
The next morning I awoke alone in bed. Not alone in the room though, "Itachi?"
He sat at the desk in the room, "Get dressed."
He tossed my pack on the bed. No, not just my pack, all of my belongings. I stood, unashamed of my nudity now. Itachi didn't look away.
"Throwing yourself at another Uchiha?" Itachi hinted.
"Hardly." I slightly flinched at his question.
I knew what I saw in Tobi's eye. I wasn't an idiot, but Itachi just confirmed it. I dressed in silence. My hair placed in a high ponytail. I sheathed my tanto on my right calf. I grabbed my necklace from the bedside table and put it on. My quiver and bow in place, I was ready.
"Where are we going?" I asked as I reached Itachi next to the door.
"I'm taking you home."
I looked at Itachi in shock. A mistake. His Sharingan flashed and I was out.
I awoke on the path to Konoha. Home. I scanned the pathway, looking for a sign I wasn't alone. No one was around. I closed my eyes and flared my chakra, alone.
How did I just survive that?
Instead of going straight to the village gates, I made my way to the place Shisui showed me. The place he died. I stood atop the cliff where he jumped. I looked down in wonder. How? Why? Didn't he love me? I didn't cry. I didn't scream.
I slipped the necklace from around my neck. I took the ring off the chain. I tucked the chain and Hatake charm in my pocket for a moment. I slipped the ring on my finger and smiled. Shisui. With that, I took the ring off and dropped it into the raging waters below.
"Goodbye, Shisui. Until I see you again."
Defined: Jashinist suck. Masked men are sexy and mysterious. I am lucky to be alive. I have many issues I need to work through. That being said, it's time to go home.
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mayskalih · 8 months
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yokeyisfire · 2 months
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kashi in autumn :)
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jvnart · 3 months
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Kakagai Week!
Kks: gai? GAI: In here!
Kks: feeling nostalgic? Gai: ha, I suppose.
Gai: I was just wondering-
Kks: -he knows gai: .. thank you, kakashi
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equill · 4 months
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The promise you kept.
Extra panel: (liked this version too.)
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moving on to sakumo.
Panel 1: Handprint (an older drawing to share)
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Panel 2: Punishment.
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what if they went for kakashi to hurt sakumo instead.
decided to dump the rest of the drawings together, but the tone shift whiplash is real (I shall do it again)
Comic 2: Bias? Not at all.
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He’s just in a silly mood (he feels no remorse)
Comic 3: Did you say something?
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fun idea, kakashi actually picked up his behavior from his father (sakumo version is staring people down, while kakashi is verbal)
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eternalfrowning · 1 year
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ralburry · 2 months
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smiley and green…
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eefo and bakashi at it again
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rokudaimeplease · 9 months
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pouting baby hokage
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maireyart · 1 year
Yay, a new doujinshi by me! OBKK, from Kakashi's POV. Rating: T Betareading: the amazing @butter--peanut 💕 I'm forever grateful 😭🙏 <333
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*** If you want the full experience, listen to this etude by Franz Liszt with me (specifically the part after 3:00) please please please 💙 My dounjins Next -> Guardian
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reineydraws · 10 months
the kakashi comic has me ROLLING 🤣 its too good
tysm for sharing your art with us! ❤️
thanks!! im glad the kakashi comic (really, it's a batfamily comic but it's about kakashi and that's more important haha) has been so well-received! the intended audience was definitely just me, so i wasnt sure it was actually funny. 😂 it seems like this one passes muster tho. :')
here's a hood!kakashi and an anbu!jason to celebrate! they are having reading time lol. 📚😌✨️ cheers!
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crandairy-juice · 2 months
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mizukage rin nohara and her helpful office assistant, hound! yes she has an isobu paperweight :)
for @yellowocaballero’s recent roleswap au which is Great
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yellowocaballero · 3 months
Obito Uchiha will admit that he used to be a supervillain.
Thankfully, a time-traveling ghost cured him of that. He now has a new plan for world peace: kidnap Sakura Haruno, teach her the Mokuton, and start a hidden village of peace and love. A child utopia will definitely save them all. If not, mass brainwashing stays Plan B.
In which the best revenge is living well, and one-upping Kakashi Hatake.
Somehow my joke about Sakura starting a hidden village became a full 70k fanfic, so here. Have BAMF!Mokuton!Sakura, Barely-Not-A-Supervillain!Obito, Unbelievably-Divorced!KakaObi. Go wild.
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jvnart · 10 months
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baby team 7 🍥🍅🌸🐺
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nyaaamato · 1 year
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bad omens
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swagglessmoth · 3 months
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Can you tell I like this fic? Anyway here’s another sketch
⬇️ Other versions (just the background really, I wanted to try other colours)
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souenkun · 3 months
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Pokémon Masters EX spoilers ahead!
Kabu likes to play TAG with his pokemon... and he's shown to have a much softer side beneath his strictness in pokemas too... he's so grandpa-shaped to me 😭💖
#you guys have to know that today has been an eventful day for me. like... non-stop serotonin because I got one good news after another#(i celebrated my ultimate ship's day + speed-run and sacrificed sleep to post 2 fics for today's sake + successfully bought prints of said#ship with two of my bird app friends + successfully secured a birthday cafe event for a character in my city where i can meet said friends)#like. my heart was in OVERDRIVE 😭😭😭 adding kabu to the lodge has me falling off the bed from how much i giggled and rolled on it 😭😭😭#i need to replay swsh but i swear he wasn't this gentle and caring in the games 😭💗 like this scary old grandpa is actually very soft 🥺🫶#my head is spinning from thinking about how good his gym trainers' morales are with him keeping it up. or how he must be well-loved in#motostoke for not just being an encouraging gym leader but also an approachable and kind citizen. no wonder nessa and milo regularly hangs#out with kabu and that he and raihan are tor-colleagues 😭😭😭 he's actually so earnest in showing that he cares for others with each line#ossan you have to tell me which of your pokemon plays tag the best!!! and is that how you wind down after training!!! 😭💗#giving pokemas writers a big smooch on their foreheads because they're so genius for this man. yes it is a cash grab but they're doing kabu#sooo much justice too with each of his appearance... like yeah take my gems for once! you actually did a splendid job for my favorite ojisa#i don't know if i'm just still a 6 y.o girlie loving kazuhiko inoue's kakashi or i'm just itching for familial tenderness but man. he's suc#a comfort character to me now... i didn't expect that in 2024 but i'm grateful i could pull him and enjoy talks with this ossan now 🥺🫶#gym leader kabu#pokemon kabu#pokemon sword and shield#pokemon swsh#pokemon masters ex#pokemas#pmex#pokemon masters ex spoilers#pmex spoilers#pokemas spoilers#swsh#galar#pasio#trainer lodge
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