#kakashi and sakura fluff
teanstitches · 5 months
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I hated how this looked as a drawing and the sketch was frustrating. I almost didn’t paint it because all I could see were the flaws, but I’m happy I finished it. The paint mostly redeemed it.
Here’s what I call the strawberry lemonade layer on this one:
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Really this portion of it is what made me decide not to give up on it. Drawing through a crease is hard. 😐
I saw a bunch of pictures of bulldogs sleeping with their tongues out so I had to draw Bull like that.
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uzumakiramen · 2 years
Could I request maybe Team 7 (bestfriend) reactions to this trend 😭
(Getting an initial and texting "I want u" to someone you know with that initial)
If u can ^^
⁂“i want you.” [team kakashi]⁂
gn! reader.
a/n: sorry this took so long kya. I hope you like it <33
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© 2022 copyright. all rights reserved. @uzumakiramen.
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lil-door-knob · 10 months
The Flower Prince: Gather 'round The Campfire
Prompt- At first, he felt prideful of the praise his teammate [Sakura] was getting from the Prince. But the moment he saw the blush on her face and the arm around her waist, pride was no longer what he was feeling.
Word count: 1,688 words
Estimated Read Time: 7 minutes
Warnings: Not edited.
Previous Part
It was Naruto who had found a safe place to make camp, a small clearing surrounded by massive trees nestled next to a cave where they could sleep, a small stream only a five-minute walk away. Daiki, ever eager, was instructed by Kakashi on how camping worked and how they would set up their camp. Sakura was quite annoyed that Daiki had decided on camping- she had already made detailed plans for what she’d do once they’d arrived at the Flower Village. Said plan involved convincing Sasuke to come with her to try some of the festival games and watch the fireworks, something she’d assumed they’d have for Daiki’s return. Building up the courage to do so, she made her way to the stream where Sasuke was fishing to ask him.
Approaching the focused boy she noted that he seemed hyper-focused on the flowing water, like he was lost in thought. “Sasuke-kun?” she tentatively asked. Sasuke glanced at her an indication for her to go on. “I was wondering when we get to the village would you want to-” A huge splash cut her off as both she and Sasuke turned to the source of the disruption. 
“Eh?!” Naruto whined as he brought his head up from under the water. He stood, his new attire fully soaked and the firewood he had been instructed to fetch now wet rendering it useless for a fire.
“Naruto!” Sakura yelled, concern just as evident as the suppressed laughter, “Are you okay?” She had made her way over to where the jinchuriki had fallen in. He nodded in affirmation and complained about someone tripping him even though no one was near. After Sauke commented on it being a ghost, he quickly shut up and scurried his way back to camp scavenging anything that could replace the now-soaked firewood. Sakura allowed a smile to form on her face before turning to look at Sasuke- who already had his eyes on her. Her face burned as she looked away and mumbled about helping him catch fish.
Shaking his head he brought the almost full bucket in his right hand. “We should head back.” his voice plain. After two minutes of silence, Sakura decided to break the silence. 
“Daiki seems nice doesn’t he?”
Sasuke only shrugged.
“I mean he’s much better than some of the other escort missions we’ve had, remember Hitoshi- san? We had to carry him to the sand village.” Sakura reminisced.
“You mean Naruto had to,” Sasuke smirked. Sakura let out a small giggle. She enjoyed spending alone time with Sasuke. Although he wasn’t as social as she’d like him to be, she was happy that he’d listen to her and often entertain her conversation- although she knew he wasn’t always fully there. 
“I was going to ask earlier Sasuke-kun, but would you want to go to the festival with me tomorrow?” she eagerly waited as no response came. Sasuke simply stayed silent, as if contemplating a life-altering decision. “No worries if not, I’ll enjoy it myself. I’ll make sure to win you something too!” A strained smile made its way onto her lips, glassy eyes not shining as they usually did. 
“I’ll think about it.” Was his final response as they entered the campsite, he parted ways with her as he headed to make the fire. Smiling brighter now, Sakura went to set up their sleeping bags in the cave, making sure to place hers right next to Sasuke’s. 
“Ne Daiki, how old are you?” Naruto inquired as they sat by the fire, fish and a small portion of rice cooking.
“I’m 14, I'll be 15 in a few months. Why?” the brunette tilted his head to the side.
“Wha-?!” Naruto nearly jumped off the log he sat on at this revelation, “Then how are you a prince- you’re barely older than we are!” he gestured towards himself and his teammates. 
“Well…” Daiki paused in contemplation, “I’m technically not a prince or anything, I’m the heir to the Yamanaka clan in my village. My dad is basically in charge there- similar to what a Hokage is in your village except we’re civilians. If my dad were to die, get too old to perform his duty, or if he resigns then I would take charge.”
“So you’re a prince?” Naruto restates, confused as what Daiki described sounds like a prince to his understanding. 
“I guess so but I don’t have a kingdom or anything. When I think of a prince I think of all those fantasy stories- so in that sense no.” Daiki lets a gentle chuckle escape his lips. 
“But you are the son of a monarch who’s in charge of a village, it doesn’t have to be a massive kingdom or anything.” Sakura explains, “So you are a prince by definition.” She states matter of factually.
Naruto gasps at this- “So does that mean when I become Hokage I’ll be king?” his voice low as if he were discussing top secret information. 
“No one asked you teme!” Naruto glares at his teammate who meets his glare with just as much intensity. 
“Sasuke’s right Naruto,” Kakashi adds.
“Oh.” Naruto sulks staring up into the night sky, his stomach rumbling. It had been three hours since they first made camp and he was starving. He’d never admit it out loud, but right now he hated Daiki for making them camp out. They would’ve been at the flower village by now staying in the compound’s comfortable guest quarters after being treated to a five-course meal prepared by the best chef around, instead, they had to eat boring ol’ fish and share two portions of rice because the prince wanted to. Naruto rolled his eyes at the thought and tried to shake his discomfort. His mind traveled to recent events. 
A lot had happened since the formation of Team 7, Naruto himself had grown a lot from the neglected little boy to a slightly less neglected teen with some respect being put on his name. His teammates had also done a lot of growing. Yet Sasuke was the one who’d puzzled him the most, his personality was always so wish-washy that he’d have better luck making sense of tidal waves than Sasuke’s moods. It was ironic, the stoic member was the most emotional out of them- and they were on a team with Sakura who bore her feelings on her sleeve. Even so, Sasuke had learned to work with him and count on him which Naruto knew Sasuke hated. 
In his own strange way, Sasuke had grown to care about his team despite his efforts not to. Naruto grinned at this. Sasuke really was an idiot, despite his best efforts to push them away he only solidified their bonds- especially with Sakura. Now, Naruto wasn’t stupid. He knew the extent of Sakura’s feelings for Sasuke. She put her life at risk to save Sasuke, she had cried when they all thought he was dead, she showered him with undeserved affection, and even caught him when he’d fall both emotionally and physically. Sakura had developed real feelings for that undeserving jerk, she loved Sasuke. The hug she had given Sasuke at the hospital was confirmation of this- it was such an intimate moment that even he had caught on. But… Naruto wasn’t sure if Sasuke felt the same. Yes, he did care about her but did that go any further than comradery? Looking over at the two he pondered on this.
“Naruto-san?” Daiki, who had suddenly appeared next to him, piped up. Startled by the sudden appearance Naruto flinched back. “Ah, I didn’t mean to scare you. You looked lost in thought but I have something important to ask you.”
“What?” he leaned forward, genuinely interested in what he wanted to ask. “Is- God this is embarrassing-” Daiki blushed and lowered his voice, “Is Sakura seeing anyone? Like… does she have a boyfriend?”
Naruto’s eyes widened at this. “Uhhhh, no?” Although coming out as more of a question Daiki’s face lit up.
“Oh- that’s great! You know, Sakura’s an interesting girl, I’d like to get to know her more.” he bashfully confessed. Naruto wasn’t sure how to respond, he’d never heard anyone so outwardly display an interest in his female teammate besides Lee.
“Why don’t you go talk to her, then?” the sudden sound of Kakashi’s voice startled the boys. Kakashi remained in his squat position next to them, sparing a smile as he continued to read his book adding, “I bet she’d want company at the festival, I overheard she was looking for someone to go with.”
Gobsmacked, Naruto looked at his sensei as if he was insane. Although never confirmed, it was pretty established that Sakura was set on Sasuke. However, Daiki would treat Sakura better than Sasuke ever could, hell he’d already displayed that. Gah- this was none of his business, although aloof, Naruto knew when to stay out of something… on certain occasions.
“We could be in a warm bed right now.” Sakura grumbled as she sat down on her sleeping bag next to Sasuke, who nodded in agreement. “It’s a good thing Kakashi makes us bring our sleeping bags just in case, it finally came in use.”
“Hn. We wouldn’t have to if we just kept going.” Sasuke added, a subtle jab to the prince.
“Yeah.” the kunoichi continued, “I don’t know why Kakashi agreed to the idea.” She yawned and allowed her head to fall onto Sasuke’s shoulder. The rise and fall of his shoulders as he breathed luring her deeper into her drowsiness. 
“If you’re that tired then go to sleep.¨ He softly moved his shoulder causing a piece of her hair to cover her face. Moments like this had started to feel normal to him, her touches being such a common occurrence that he no longer felt the need to fight them, not that he felt the urge to anymore. Her tired eyes looked into his before she gave him a small smile and nodded. 
Slowly pulling herself off his shoulder and settling into her sleeping bag she slowly spoke, “Good night Sasuke-kun.”
“Go to sleep, Sakura.”
Next Chapter
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slutfics · 5 months
all of these will have nsfw included.
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luv-kakashi · 13 days
One of us is dead
chapter three | chapter five
chapter four - academy
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"A genjutsu has blocked parts of her memories we're unable to navigate through them," said a blonde-haired ninja, "Though everything she told you so far checks out with the memories she has Lord Third."
"So she truly is an Uzumaki. She mentioned she moved to The Hidden Mist Village. Is this true Inoichi?" asked the Hokage.
"Her memories show her and a few clan members moving from Uzushiogakure to Kirigakure when she was young. However, there is about a year or two's worth of memories blocked from us. The furthest I can see too is her being taken to a room or a lab... Could it be that the Uzumaki is blocking us from seeing her memories?"
"I doubt that she can complete such a refined and powerful jutsu at such a young age," Kushina spoke up, breaking the very still silence, "Regardless, she is still a child, we must-"
"Do not let her age be an oversight Kushina. Children can be capable of anything. Look at that retched Uchiha. Shisui was it? The one who murdered his fellow teammate on the front lines. Do not talk of children as innocent beings. They are just as capable of destruction as we are," an elder spat with a look of disdain painted in his expression.
"Now, now Danzo. You mustn't judge our respected ninjas on baseless accusations," the Hokage remarked, "What else can you see in her memories Inoichi?"
"Y/N Uzumaki... she's a deeply damaged child," Inoichi admitted, "Her family, her experience in the academy in Kirigakure..., none of it is fitting for a child."
"I see," sighed the Hokage, "Regardless, she needs to be monitored whilst she is here in the village. Not to mention, we still do not know if there are any other Uzumaki's in the same position as her, or if they're alive even. And we still don't have a definitive reason as to why Y/N Uzumaki is on the run, more specifically who captured her and why."
The room becomes enveloped in silence. It was almost stifling as the suspicion settled in their minds.
"I'll see to it that an anbu member is dispatched to follow her, dismissed." The Hokage exclaimed as he dismissed the jounins from the meeting and sat back in his chair, leaving a single red-haired kunoichi with him.
Just who was Y/N Uzumaki? Who took her captive? Why are her memories blocked? 
"Lord third, is it okay if Y/N gets put on my team? We're one member short, you know, and I would love to give the poor girl some closure. She's an Uzumaki! And besides I refuse to-"
"I understand Kushina," the hokage interrupted, "I planned for her to join your team, being with another Uzumaki might give her some closure."
"Thank you Lord Third!"
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By the time I made it to my apartment after my run-in with Zetsu, dawn had already broke in Konoha and sleep crept its way over my body. But that doesn't matter as long as I am with her.
Sumire leaned back in her chair, eyes half closed, letting her memories wash over her as she played with my hair.
"Do you remember," she began, her voice barely louder than a whisper, "the summer before I started at the academy, when we played in the attic pretending like it was our own world? We thought we were so smart, hiding from everyone, like no one could see us.""
"Of course I do! We used to drag every pillow and blanket in sight just to make a fort. Stay up late with a flashlight and you'd tell ghost stories, and I would always end up too afraid to sleep." I remarked as nostalgia filled the air around us.
Sumire chuckled at the memory, shrugging with a playful grin as she pinched my cheek, "I don't think I ever scared you. You were always the braver one."
We fell into a comforting silence as we listened to the evening cicadas hum their songs.
"I quite liked our little attic world," she said after a while, her voice soft and gentle as though the precious memory would shatter at any moment if she uttered those words any louder, "you, me and our little attic wor-."
The morning songs whistled by the birds drew me back to reality. I am no longer the innocent, naïve girl who can run up to her attic and pretend that this sick, twisted reality doesn't exist.
Oh well, this is going to be harder than I thought but for now all I can do is play the part of a girl on the run from a kidnapper whose missing her parents.
How ironic.
"SHIT! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" I yelled as I tried to shove my shoes on, tripping whilst doing so.
I rushed out of the door before hitting the railing of the apartment sidewalk. Sprinting down the stairs, I prayed to Kami that with some divine intervention I'd make it to the academy on time.
I ran through the halls and stood outside my classroom, listening in on the chatter and gossip between the other kids.
Perhaps this is my chance to start anew. A chance to have a normal childhood.
Taking in a deep breath, I slid the door open as the teacher greeted me, "Hello, I'm Kisuke sensei. Everyone, meet your new classmate."
"I'm Y/N Uzumaki. Please treat me well and I hope we can all get along." I said a bit too excitedly as I bowed down in front of my classmates.
I hoped on making a good impression them yet it must seem that the stars do take enjoyment in my failures as I tripped on the first step towards the desks.
Kami, just eat me alive.
At this point I'd rather be 7 feet under the ground then at the academy.
And of course, luck just wasn't on my side today.  The stifling silence was ripped by a multitude of laughs and jeers.
"Oh Kami, she just tripped!"
"How did she miss the step that's right in front of her?"
"Good luck becoming a shinobi with those reflexes." The children jeered, mocking the way I fell over, pointing out every single insignificant detail about the way I look and talk.
Kiri kids were nothing like this; they were much worse. Had I done this in Kirigakure, I would have been physically tormented. Just thinking about it makes my scars ache.
"IDIOTS! You all act as if you've never tripped before in your lives and besides did you just not hear who she is? She's from a famous shinobi clan. And to think you're going to graduate and become successful shinobi. You might just have more luck becoming a mute donkey but that would be an insult to all the mute donkey in the world! So shut it! You're ruining my sleep!" a voice yelled, annoyed by his petty classmates.
"Now, now Akira, no need to insult your peers like that. AND STOP SLEEPING IN MY LESSONS!"
Before he could yell a string of profanities, the Akira boy held his tongue before letting out a barely audible 'Hn'.
What a bipolar child.
He shouts snarky remarks yet his vocabulary seems as broad as a toothpick. Interesting.
"Apologies Y/N-chan. And for that lovely public display, Y/N chan is going to tail you for the rest of the day so she gets a feel for academy life." Kisuke sensei retorts as he points to a now sleeping Akira, who has his head between his arms, "Don't you dare ignore me young man!"
"Whatever." Akira yawned as he waved his hand lazily.
"Please take a seat by Akira Kuran whose over there, Y/N chan." Sensei said pointing his finger to a now sleeping boy.
I slowly made my way to the sleeping child. His demeanor was amusing to say the least but I can't break out of character; remember who you are, a runaway, a nothing. As I took my seat next to the very clearly disinterested  Akira, I heard him mumble something into his arm loud enough for the both of us to hear.
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The academy -to say the least- was uneventful. Children learning about chakra, its natures and control. Children were only learning them now at age 12. Did kids in Konoha have it this easy?The village hidden in the mist subjected every young child to violence and pain. The village was  heralded as the 'blood mist village'.
By age 8 I was forced to fight against the children I spent the last 5 years of my life with. Forced to mercilessly kill my friends for the prospect of graduating the academy.
"Psst Akira! It's time for lunch." I whispered, chuckling at his half sleepy state.
"Huh? Guess it's time to go sleep under the tree then" he muttered as he sluggishly dragged his legs down the steps, stopping a few centimeters into the corridor. I followed him through the academy halls before I knocked onto his back, falling onto the floor during the process.
"You know, when I called you a donkey, I didn't think you'd take it to heart and start following me like one."  He chuckled before turning around to give me a hand.
"Jerk! You're supposed to be my guide." I said as I turned my head away from his gaze, pouting towards the wall.
"Pout any longer and your lip will reach the floor, donkey." he laughed, still holding out his hand for me. I reluctantly took his hand and stood up. We made our way through the academy training grounds until Akira stopped and lied down on the grass under the tree.
"What are you doing?" I asked
"Learning how to fly. What do you think I'm doing? I'm watching the sky."
"I can see that Bakakira. Why aren't you eating lunch?"
"Meh I'm not hungry."
"Well, let's see why you enjoy watching the sky." I said as I lied down, letting the soft grass cushion my back, "I must admit the skies here are much prettier than the skies back in the hidden mist village, whether it be the blue skies of the day or dusk or dawn or even midnight, the skies always make me feel at peace."
"I used to watch the skies with my dad every day when I was younger and I love to still do it now. I feel like I can connect with him this way."
"I think that's quite admirable, Akira-kun.  Watching the skies gives me some sort of comfort, it is constant which gives me hope that things will get better."
"I'm glad you are staying hopeful during this. I heard what had happened, my mum serves as an elite bodyguard to the hokage, I hope you find your family soon."
"That means a lot Akira-kun, thank you."
"Of course, nothing I wouldn't do for a friend." He said as he turned his head to face mine and smiled.
"Who knew Akira-kun had a lil soft side to him." I chuckled
"Way to ruin the moment donkey."
Suspicion brews amongst the elite shinobi as Y/N Uzumaki starts Academy life.
And although the floor naturally calls her name, Y/N has found company with the ever-so sarcastic Akira.
How will she adapt to her new life?
(I hope you are enjoying the story so far!) Loving you always, Suri🎀
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scribomaniac · 3 months
From One Moment to the Next
Sakura’s lungs burned as her chest heaved with the exertion of a hard won fight. Scattered about the forest floor lay the dead bodies of their assailants. There were dozens of them. Men and women alike, all wearing hitai-ates with the symbol of Grass carved into it. Placing her hands on her hips, Sakura took a deep breath and looked over at Sasuke. 
Her teammate looked whole and hale, but still, it was best to ask and be sure. “Any injuries?” 
Raising his brow, Sasuke gave her a droll look. 
Huffing out a laugh, Sakura raised her hands. “Just checking.” Then, with a teasing twist to her grin, she added, “Can’t have Itachi’s precious little brother getting hurt. He’d never forgive me.”
Sasuke snorted. “You’re so annoying.” Rolling his eyes and turning to face her fully, he said, “If I had known how obnoxious the two of you would be once you started dating I never would have allowed it.”
This time it was Sakura’s turn to snort. “As if you could’ve stopped it. Besides,” Sakura said with a dramatic flip of her hair, “we’re not dating anymore. We’re engaged.”
Sasuke’s eye twitched. “I can’t believe you’re going to be my sister.”
“Could be worse,” Sakura said with a laugh. “Could be Naruto.”
Turning green, Sasuke shook his head to banish the thought from his mind. “Come on. We need to meet back up with the idiot and Kakashi.”
Sakura grunted, wondering what shape Kakashi’s eye might be in. He’d had back to back solo missions, disrupting their regular healing sessions. She hoped he hadn’t used his Sharingan too much in the meantime. He shouldn’t have had to today–these Grass ninja were no match for Team Seven–but Kakashi wasn’t exactly known for making the best decisions when it came to his physical health. So long as he didn’t die, that was good enough for him. 
And Sasuke called Naruto the moron. 
Movement just behind Sasuke’s shoulder caught her eye. Before she could register what she was seeing–a bloodied but still very much alive Grass shinobi with a weapon aimed at her teammate’s back–Sakura pushed Sasuke out of the way. 
Haruno Sakura, the muscle of Team Seven. All brute strength but no speed. 
The weapon pierced just below her sternum, the force of the throw pushing her backwards and pinning her against a tree. No shout nor scream escaped her lips. Only a shuddering, whisper of a gasp could be heard. Sakura wasn’t sure what to call the weapon. A javelin? A lance? A pointed stick thicker than her forearms put together? Whatever it was was making it very hard for her to breathe. 
A lung had been pierced. No matter how she gasped or tried to suck in a breath, she felt smothered. Several ribs were broken, obviously. As sweat poured down her brow and neck, Sakura brought her shaky hands up to claw at the piece of wood sticking out of her chest. 
It wasn’t moving. Why wasn’t it moving?
She couldn’t focus. Her chakra felt weak, sluggish, as if it was something far out of her reach. Hands feeling like lead, she tried again and again to break the object without success. Her forehead burned where her Byakugou Seal fought to be released. Sakura couldn’t let that happen yet though. Not until she got this damn piece of wood out of her fucking chest. Her body wouldn’t be able to heal with it in the way. It’d be a waste of cell division. 
A cough ripped its way from Sakura’s throat, followed immediately by a river of blood and spit. Darkness encroached around the edges of her vision and she could no longer feel her fingers. Panic set in, making Sakura feel like a wild animal caught in a trap. Panic was the enemy in trauma situations. It made people lose their heads and rationality. It claimed just as many lives as kunai. If she wasn’t careful, it would cost Sakura hers. 
Think. She needed to think! She needed this weapon removed. She couldn’t rely on her own strength to do it, so what else was there? 
Sasuke. Sasuke! Sakura could laugh with relief. She tried, too, but all that escaped her lips was a gurgle of more blood. 
“Sakura–shit. Why aren’t you healing? What do you need?”
Was he kidding? He had to be kidding. Could he not see the foreign object protruding from her chest cavity? 
“Okay, it’s–it’s going to be okay,” he said, more to himself than her. He stared at her forehead with wide, red eyes. The tomoe of his Sharingan spun wildly as he waited for the surge of chakra to be released from her seal. His brows furrowed when he saw nothing. “Why–”
“Sakura! Bastard!” Naruto shouted as he flashed into their clearing like a streak of orange. “What’s the hold up? I want to get home for some ram–oh, shit, Sakura!” He appeared at her side and asked, “What happened?”
Sasuke smacked the back of his head. “What do you think happened, idiot? That’s not the problem.”
“Yeah!” Naruto nodded frantically. “Come on, Sakura, why don’t you fix yourself up?”
If she lived through this, she was going to kill them. 
The darkness within her vision grew. She didn’t have much time left. Sakura tried to take in some breath, tried to tell them what she needed, but all she could muster up was a wheeze. 
“Move.” A new voice said, taking control of the situation. Sakura’s eyes fluttered open–when had they closed?–to see three fuzzy-looking Kakashi’s before her. “We need to remove the lance, and quick. Her seal can’t do anything if she’s dead.”
Thank the gods for Kakashi, Sakura thought. If she survived, she’d buy him all the porny books he liked. 
Everything had turned dark. There was a beating, sluggish and loud, reverberating again and again in her ears. The beating felt precious. Final. But her mind was dizzy with exhaustion, and she couldn’t recall why that was important. 
Sakura had once heard that as a person lay dying, they saw their life flash before their eyes. Instead of seeing the faces of her parents though, or scenes from her days at the Academy, time spent with her friends, training with Tsunade, all Sakura saw was Itachi. Itachi, drinking tea on the engawa as the sun rose over the horizon. Itachi, bringing her into wakefulness with soft kisses along her neck. Itachi, quietly walking beside Sakura on her way to the market, or the hospital, or to wherever else, just to spend a few extra moments with her. 
The beating stopped. 
The pain went away. 
Sakura’s eyes drifted shut.
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1-800-dnkichu · 11 months
Pairings: (major ship, slow-ish burn) Uzumaki Naruto/Uchiha Sasuke, (minor ship, eventual) Haruno Sakura/Yamanaka Ino, (minor ship, eventual…maybe…..) Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito, Team 7
Summary: Everyone knows the first rule of time travel is to make sure no one ever knows that you are from the future. So, when Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi are all sent back to nearly a year before the founding of Team 7, each of them have no idea that the others were sent back as well. What kinds of shenanigans will ensue as they try to alter a timeline they barely remember?
In which…Kakashi is determined to give his kids a better life this time around and ensure that they are strong enough to face the trials ahead (with a personal side quest to save Obito); Naruto plans to do everything in his power to stop Sasuke from leaving the village and save everyone he wasn't strong enough to help before; Sasuke wants nothing more than to use this second chance to save Itachi and be strong enough to destroy anyone who threatens what Itachi gave up in order to protect, starting with Danzo; and Sakura won't stop until she returns to her pre-time-travel level of badass so she can do her part in protecting her friends this time.
Team Seven Time Travel Fix-It Fic
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don't steal • don't repost • credit me
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brwnsugcr · 1 year
a hokage’s lunch break.
rating: t word count: 1.2k
“sakura-chan. what brings you by?”
“hello, hokage-sama. just thought I’d come by and see you.”
“please. didn’t we go over the formalities, thing? you make it sound like we’re just…colleagues.” kakashi clears his throat after a moment’s pause. “are you here for business? or am I in trouble?”
sakura closing the door does not escape his notice. his eyes remain trained on hers as she draws closer, carrying what appears to be a bento box in her arms. innocent enough, but kakashi has known this young woman long enough now to where in such proximities like this, he is smart to be on edge; literally, and physically, in this moment. with his hands folded under the chin, and his body angled toward the edge of his seat beneath the desk, kakashi raises an eyebrow as sakura approaches with a mysterious twinkle in those eyes.
“I brought you lunch!”
“that’s…kind of you.”
“what? I can’t bring my favorite sensei lunch?”
“only when she wants something.”
“what could I possibly want?”
“you tell me. you’re the mastermind, here. I’ll still take the lunch, though.”
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erimeows · 1 year
Hush Hush
It’s a warm day in Konoha as Naruto Uzumaki runs up to his teammates, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. They’ve been waiting for him on the bridge- probably for a little too long- but he is not to blame nearly as much as his spoiled milk. When he approaches the two other Genin, he excitedly greets them with a smile. 
“Sakura, Sasuke!”
Naruto stands in front of his friends and waits for whatever it is they have to say in response to him, though he doesn’t really care. They have their normal D-rank missions today- stupid grunt work like walking dogs, picking weeds, catching cats, and babysitting noble children- but Naruto has something more important on his mind; Iruka-Sensei’s upcoming birthday.
“Naruto, you’re late!” Sakura scolds, then pauses to look at his face. “Oh, no. You look like you’re up to no good this morning.”
“Yeah, now that she mentions it, you have even more pep in your step than usual,” Sasuke points out as he crosses his arms and rolls his eyes.
“Iruka-Sensei’s birthday is in a couple months!” Naruto exclaims, though neither Sakura nor Sasuke look very impressed with the important information he’s just told them.
“And?” Sasuke questions with a raised eyebrow. “Why should I care?”
“Well, y’know, he’s like a dad to me,” Naruto answers, speaking a little quieter now. Sakura’s expression softens, but Sasuke’s remains unmoving; uncaring as always. Naruto can’t stand that about the Uchiha. “I want to do something for him! It took me a while to come up with something, but I think I have a good plan. The only problem is that I need both you guys’ help with it.”
“And why would I want to do that?”
“C’mon, Sasuke, Iruka-Sensei was a good teacher to all of us and you know it!” Sakura argues and places a hand on Sasuke’s shoulder. Unsurprisingly, Sasuke scoffs and pulls away. “The least we could do is do something nice for him!”
“Fine,” Sasuke sighs and looks at Naruto. “What’s your plan, then?”
“Now that’s where it gets tricky,” Naruto laughs nervously, then continues. He doesn’t meet either of his teammates’ eyes. “I was thinking, Iruka-Sensei works way too much. Like, it’s so bad that he spends all his time teaching, doing dumb teacher stuff that isn’t teaching, or training! He has no friends, it’s actually kinda sad, but what if we got him a girlfriend?”
“Your idea of a birthday gift is setting up this poor, traumatized, overworked man with a date?” 
“Sasuke, don’t be such a downer!” Sakura insists. “I think it’s a great idea- Iruka-Sensei could use a little love in his life! He does seem pretty lonely.”
“I don’t think that’s such a great idea… Hm,” Sasuke shrugs in what appears to be a reluctant agreement. “Fine. Since you two are so excited about it, I’ll help, but I refuse to take the blame if it backfires.”
Suddenly, the final member of their team shows up; Kakashi, who’s even later than Naruto. The Jonin flickers down to stand behind Naruto.
“Man, you guys are awful,” Kakashi laughs, looking terribly amused. “Your poor former Sensei is overworked and his birthday is coming up, so you think what he needs is a girlfriend? Like that won’t add more stress and commitment to his life?”
“K-Kakashi-Sensei!” Naruto jumps and whirls around to face Kakashi, whose chest he nearly slams his head into. “When did you get here!?”
“Before you did, Naruto, I was just hiding in the trees to listen to your little scheme,” Kakashi explains. “You know, you really shouldn’t make a habit of being so late to things.”
“Like you’re one to talk!? You’re even more late than I am!”
“Tsk tsk. Do as I say, not as I do, you’ll live much happier lives that way. That being said, shall we get started for the day?”
All three of them answer, Naruto’s birthday gift for Iruka forgotten for now.
“Yes, Kakashi-Sensei!”
Later that day, Sakura gathers her two teammates to revisit their plan for Iruka’s birthday. The gist of Naruto’s idea is to find someone in the village that would be a good fit for Iruka and set them up on a blind date around the day of Iruka’s birthday. It sounds sensible enough, but when Sakura finds herself dragged along with Sasuke to lurk in a tree just outside of the academy, she can’t help but be a tad confused about what’s going on.
“Okay, so I understand why you want to get Iruka-Sensei a girlfriend, but how are we going to do that by stalking him?” Sakura questions while furrowing her brow in confusion.
“Well, we have to make sure he doesn’t already have a super secret hidden relationship first!” Naruto answers oh-so-confidently, to which Sasuke pinches the bridge of his nose between his pointer finger and his thumb before responding with an exasperated-
“God, you’re a fucking idiot.”
“I dunno, I think it’s a fair point,” Sakura acquiesces to Naruto’s idea, even if she doesn’t want to admit that she agrees with the hardheaded blond more than she does with Sasuke. “It’d be pretty awkward if we tried to set him up on a date only to find out he’s already with someone.”
“Yup! Just as I said!” Naruto says in a terribly loud whisper, his bright blue eyes trained on Iruka as he walks out of the academy. Unfortunately, Iruka isn’t an idiot. He looks around, clearly on guard and aware of the fact that he’s not alone when he leaves work. Naruto is oblivious to it. “So we’re just gonna follow him for a few days, get a hang of his routine. Surely if he’s seeing someone we’d notice them, so if we don’t see anything, we can go ahead with the real plan!”
“Fine, if you say so…” Sakura trails off. “I have a bad feeling about this.”
Sasuke Uchiha has a single goal in life; to kill his brother, Itachi Uchiha, and avenge his clan. So, he doesn’t like wasting time on trivial things like romance or D-Rank missions, preferring to spend his time training and doing more important things. That being said, since being assigned to squad seven, Sasuke has learned that he can make connections with people- whether he wants to or not. Sakura and Naruto are both very persistent and surprisingly endearing, so he can’t help but love them dearly, even if he will never admit it out loud to either of them.
Because of that love, he goes along with their foolish plan to set Iruka up on some sort of date. A couple of weeks have passed since Naruto mentioned his idea to them and they haven’t gotten any closer to bringing that idea to fruition. Iruka’s birthday draws closer and closer by the day.
Sasuke can’t understand why his teammates have such an interest in their former teacher’s love life, but if it’ll make them happy, he figures that helping with them won’t hurt. The only issue is that both of them are horrendous at hiding both their Chakra and their presence because they’re so noisy and unskilled. Sasuke, the more talented of the three, decides that to make any progress with getting an idea of Iruka’s routine while remaining unnoticed is staking Iruka out by himself.
So far, he’s been successful. They offered to go with him to track Iruka today, but he feigned a stomach bug and said he had to get home. The other two Genin, dejected, went to their own homes to do God knows what, leaving Sasuke to his own devices. He followed Iruka to the academy to watch him teach, to his lunch break, back to the academy, and finally to his humble apartment. Conveniently enough, Sasuke manages to hide just outside of Iruka’s large window. He concentrates his Chakra to his hands so he can hang on to the window sill without hurting his fingers or falling off. He activates his Sharingan and peers through the window.
Iruka hasn’t done much since he’s been home; graded some papers, cooked dinner. Sasuke has noticed, however, that Iruka set his kitchen table with two spots; directly across from each other, each with a plate, a cloth napkin, silverware, and a wine glass. In the middle of the table is a vase of red roses, and Iruka has an ungodly amount of scented candles lit across the apartment. 
Suddenly, Iruka perks up and rushes to the front door.
“Oh, he’s here!”
Sasuke watches. Much to his surprise, when Iruka opens the door, there’s none other than Kakashi standing on the other side. Sasuke’s lips gently part in shock as he listens to the words that come from Kakashi’s mouth.
“Iruka-Sensei, I missed you today.”
“I missed you too, Kakashi…” Iruka pulls Kakashi into the apartment in a way that’s overly familiar, shuts the door, and wraps his arms around the Jonin’s taller body. Kakashi hugs him back. Sasuke has never seen such affectionate or intimate displays from either man, and to be honest, he’s incredibly uncomfortable now that he has. He shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t be seeing this. Damn Naruto and Sakura for dragging him into this stupid nonsense… “It’s good to see you. I’ve had a long day.”
“You’re telling me,” Kakashi breaks loose from Iruka’s hug and walks to the kitchen with the Chunin following him like a lost puppy. “I don’t know how you handled those three for so long on top of a dozen other children.”
“Are you ready for dinner?” Iruka asks as Kakashi sits at the dinner table.
“Yeah, I’m pretty hungry.”
Iruka grabs the pot full of spaghetti that he had been working on, serves them both a plateful, and sets it back on the stove. Then, he sits across from Kakashi. The two eat in comfortable, romantic silence. Sasuke doesn’t miss how they sneak the occasional glance at each other with such sickening affection in their eyes when they think the other isn’t looking.
“So… Are the kids still following you?” Kakashi questions.
Sasukei’s stomach drops. Iruka knew, he knew that much, but Kakashi, too? They’ve both known about their plan the whole time. How embarrassing…
“Yeah, pretty much any time they haven’t been with you today, they were outside of the academy stalking me or following me home. Pretty creepy, to be honest.”
“They’re ridiculous,” Kakashi laughs and shakes his head. Somehow, he has managed to hide his face from Sasuke while eating impeccably with the simple use of one hand. From the angle they’re at, though, Iruka must have seen Kakashi’s face… He must’ve seen it anyway. They’re dating, after all. It’s a weird thought; that Iruka knows so much more about Kakashi than any of the rest of them do. How did this even happen in the first place, though? Why are they hiding it? “I meant to tell you that I heard what they’re up to. It took me a bit to piece it together, but they think you’re single.”
“What does that have to do with this?” Iruka demands.
“You won’t believe me, but… They want to set you up on a date with a woman as some sort of weird birthday gift.”
“Seriously?” Iruka groans, then face-palms. “Bad at teamwork and bad at using their gaydars. Who would’ve guessed?”
“I could have, honestly, it’s not out of character for them to do this shit,” Kakashi sighs. Then, his gaze flickers to the window. “But before we continue this, Iruka, I don’t think we’re alone.”
“Shit…” Sasuke whispers under his breath, knowing that his confusion about the entire situation made him lose focus on controlling his Chakra.
“Sasuke, go home, will you?” Kakashi raises his voice to say while pulling his mask back up. “I’m trying to have a private conversation with my boyfriend.”
Saying nothing, Sasuke listens and scurries away as fast as possible. Who knows what sort of consequences this fiasco will have for them come morning…
A couple of days pass after Sasuke stalks their shared dinner at Iruka’s apartment. Kakashi doesn’t say anything to his Genin students about the incident or about the situation in general- mostly because it’s awkward, but also because watching them squirm in guilt about going behind Iruka’s back is hilarious. He doesn’t know if Sasuke has told his other squad members about what occurred at Iruka’s apartment, but he does know that the situation is making Iruka increasingly nervous.
So, they schedule a dinner at Ichiraku with Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura to clear the air.
The five sit at Ichiraku on the tiny red stools at the bar. While Kakashi sits on the very outer corner and Iruka sits on the inside, their three students sit between them with Naruto next to Iruka, Sasuke next to Kakashi, and Sakura in the middle. The silence is deafening minus the occasional noodle slurping- at least until Kakashi clears his throat and speaks up.
“So, Sasuke already knows, but we invited you here tonight to tell you something important.”
Naruto perks up at that, lightly elbowing Iruka, who looks back at him with a blush.
“What is it, Iruka-Sensei?”
“Kakashi overheard your plan to set me up on a date, and he told me all about it,” Iruka says with a nervous chuckle and scratches his chin. Kakashi simply watches with hearts in his eyes. He didn’t want their two year long relationship to come out like this, but he’s happy that they’re able to tell their students after hiding it for so long. It’ll be a weight lifted off of both of their shoulders- that and they can finally start inviting the kiddos to dinner after work without worrying about what they’ll say. “I’m happy to inform you that there’s no need to do that, as kind of a gesture as it is. I’m already dating someone and have been for over a year.”
“What? Who is she? Do I know her!?” Naruto excitedly asks question after question, which makes Kakashi struggle to hold back his laughter.
“Is it Anko?” Sakura inquires, and it’s a valid inquiry since Anko and Iruka are close friends and coworkers, but she doesn’t know just how wrong she is.
“No, it’s Kakashi,” Iruka clarifies.
Sasuke doesn’t appear even remotely surprised, as he had found out days earlier, though it’s apparent that he didn’t bother telling Sakura or Naruto. Sakura’s seafoam eyes are blown wide as she damn near chokes on her ramen, and Naruto looks like he’s barely able to keep from screaming the roof off of the establishment with the shock that takes over his expression.
“What?” Naruto shoots straight up and frantically looks between Kakashi and Iruka, who are now smiling at each other. “Why didn’t you tell me!?”
“Well, Naruto, it’s complicated. As much as we love each other, and as much as Iruka wants to be transparent with you all about things,” Kakashi explains and waits for all three of his students to be paying attention before he continues. “I have led a very dangerous life. I’ve fought in wars, been a squad captain of the Anbu, fought Orochimaru… I’ve come close to death a lot of times. Iruka leads a more peaceful life than I, and if everyone else were to know about our relationship, he could be a target for people looking to hurt me. We’ve only hidden it for this long to protect each other.”
“...Oh,” Naruto says quietly.
Thankfully, he seems to understand. Kakashi lets out a sigh of relief. He was half-expecting Naruto to release the ninetails and maul him to death for daring to touch his beloved teacher- now father figure. Naruto doesn’t overreact in an angry or sad manner, though. Sakura and Sasuke are clearly neutral about it as Sakura taps Sasuke’s shoulder and questions-
“Wait, Sasuke, how did you know?”
“I went off to trail Iruka’s nighttime routine on my own the other night and saw them having dinner together. They’ve known about us following them the whole time because you two can’t hide your Chakra,” Sasuke scoffs like he’s better than his two teammates, because why wouldn’t he? Kakashi opens his mouth to clarify that the Uchiha isn’t much better since he was spotted by Kakashi as well the other night, but before he can, Sasuke admits to it. “Kakashi caught me, though.”
“So we should keep this a secret too then, right?” Sakura asks.
“If you wouldn’t mind,” Kakashi nods as he finishes up his food and pays the tab before Iruka can stop him from doing so. “We still don’t want anyone else to know, we only told you three so you’d stop snooping.”
“Damn!” Naruto yells and holds his head in his hands. At first, Kakashi is slightly concerned. The following claim from the blond makes all of them laugh, though, and whatever concern was there quickly fades. “That means I’m going to have to save money to buy Iruka-Sensei an actual birthday gift instead of surprising him with my super awesome plan!”
“Seriously? You idiot!” Sakura raises her voice and crosses her arms as she yells at Naruto with pink cheeks. “I’d help you pay for it, ya know!”
“Me too, actually,” Sasuke quietly agrees, trying to seem like he doesn’t care when he clearly does.
Kakashi laughs once more. Meanwhile, Iruka objects. His chocolate brown eyes flicker between the three Genin.
“No, no,” The brunette insists and shakes his head ‘no’. “That’s not necessary. None of you need to get me a birthday gift. Just a birthday wish on the day will suffice. If you insist on getting me a gift, I don’t want you to waste your hard earned money on it. So make me a card or a cake or something of that nature, okay?”
“Yes, Iruka-Sensei,” The three agree, and with that, they’re all back to enjoying their meal and their drinks.
Just then, Kakashi realizes.
Iruka’s birthday is in a little under two months and he still hasn’t gotten Iruka a gift either…
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ryekiree · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Hatake Kakashi, Haruno Sakura/Sukea Characters: Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi, Sukea (Naruto), Tsunade (Naruto), Yamanaka Ino, Original Characters Additional Tags: Unreliable Narrator Haruno Sakura, Haruno Sakura-centric, POV Haruno Sakura, Aged-Up Character(s), Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hokage Tsunade (Naruto), Anbu Hatake Kakashi, Medic Haruno Sakura, basically i wrote this for myself but you can read it too, Community: kakasaku, kakasaku - Freeform, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Pining, Alternate Universe - Post-War, Angst with a Happy Ending, Eventual Happy Ending Summary:
For the past three years, there is only one person Sakura hasn’t been able to talk to. It would have been easy, to just move close to him when she sees him, chalk up the courage to say something witty that he’d easily respond to.
Like before…
And yet, he runs. He always does.
When a stranger starts to show up in Konoha, his camera at the ready for landscapes and skies, and acting as if they’d already met before, Sakura tolerates him at best and is on guard at worst.
But is it really this easy to get close to someone new?
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kalira · 1 year
Once Hidden
Written for @kakashiweek Day 5: Hiding!
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T; 1k Kakashi/Sakura
Home from another long, exhausting mission, Kakashi relaxes and basks in the soft warmth between himself and his mate - between his soulmark and hers.
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time-to-nuke · 9 months
Im an absolute sucker for any AU where Kakashi adopts Naruto. My brain? All that. Fanfics of it? Devoured. It's my fucking Achilles heel istfg.
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lil-door-knob · 1 year
The Flower Prince: A New Mission
Prompt- At first, he felt prideful of the praise his teammate [Sakura] was getting from the Prince. But the moment he saw the blush on her face and the arm around her waist, pride was no longer what he was feeling.
Word count: 1,497 words
Estimated Read Time: 6 minutes
Warnings: Not edited, sorry sorry.
Although Kakashi may come off as indifferent to his team's dynamic,  he did pay attention to them. Which was why he chose a simple escort mission. He had noticed the slight tension between Naruto and Sasuke, hell anyone would have noticed by the way they glared daggers into each other and how Sakura always had to be near to numb the awkwardness. Kakashi had hoped that this mission would reignite even a semblance of the teamwork they once had. 
Naruto and Sakura stood talking about their mornings and whatever else came to mind. Sasuke stood to Sakura’s left, looking up at the morning sky as it finally brightened. Pink and orange fighting for dominance over the blue night sky. 
“Sasuke-kun?” Kakashi noted how instantaneously the boy seemed to turn to face the pink-haired kunoichi. He wasn’t shocked though- Sakura had a warm innocence to her that made the boys on her team fond and protective of her, including himself. It was something none of them had felt before due to the cards they were dealt. Sasuke had warmed up to Sakura the most, although the boy would never admit nor show it; assuming he had taken notice himself. 
“Hn.” came Sasuke’s typical response. 
“You’re always the first one to arrive… why’s that?” the hesitance in her question was obvious.
Shaking his head he simply stated ‘I’m used to it’ before staring back ahead. Sakura nodded in understanding. It wasn’t a secret that Sasuke had nightmares on occasion; they had experienced it firsthand on their first overnight mission. Poor kid probably didn’t get much sleep.
“Dam, that stupid flower prince is late.” scoffed Naruto, “Even Kakashi is here before him, that says a lot!” all three genin turned to glare at their sensei. Kakashi chuckled and looked behind them at the figure that approached.
“Looks like the Prince is here.” pointing behind them they all turned to look at the boy who seemed no older than them. 
Sasuke noted that the boy had dark brown curls and complimenting hazel eyes- though he wasn’t dressed as a Prince. He wore a sleeveless pale blue top with a black unzipped jacket, that didn’t seem to be doing much as it hung off his shoulders, and dark wide-legged pants.
“Sorry, I’m late. I had to stop by to visit family before I left.” the prince bowed. Returning the gesture team 7 accepted the apology, Except for Naruto who had a few insults conjuring in his head while they waited for his arrival. 
“You think sorry is gonna cut it?! We’ve been waiting for two hours for you!! I even skipped breakfast to be here early.” Naruto complained, pointing an accusatory finger at the poor guy. About to speak again and try out some of his ever-so-creative insults, Sakura cut him off. 
“Naruto! That’s no way to speak to a prince!” Sakura pulled Naruto’s ear as she lectured him about manners. Sakura had seemed to be nicer to Naruto since he saved her from Gaara, she normally would have punched him by now.
  Sasuke’s expression softened as he looked at his teammate's antics before he turned back to the prince and questioned him, he couldn’t believe a Prince would be dressed and act so… un-prince- like. “What family were you visiting?” his monotone voice came, stopping Sakura and Naruto’s arguing. 
Before the prince could respond Kakashi interjected, “The Yamanaka right? You’re a part of the clan, no?” at this, the Prince brightened up. 
“That is correct sir, my name is Yamanaka Daiki. I am from the branch of the family with no real ninjas, which is embarrassing-” Daiki blushed scratching the back of his neck, ” but we try to serve our village as their leaders.”
“You’re related to that Ino-pig?!” Sakura practically screeched. 
“Ah, you must be Sakura Haruno. I assumed such based on your hair, Ino told me about you guys.” Daiki stated as he smiled at Sakura.
“What did she say?” Both Sakura and Naruto asked at the same time, Sasuke himself also seemed curious about what Ino had to say about himself and his teammates, not that he cared much about her opinion- she always irritated him.
“He can tell us on the way.” Kakashi ordered, “We should get going.”
They formed a line, not something they would normally do on a mission, but, they were close to the village, so, not much trouble would likely arise. Sakura and Sasuke stood to the right of Daiki and Naruto to the left. 
With that, they set off on their mission, Sasuke and Sakura naturally falling into pace with each other, something they seemed to do often, Kakashi noted.
“What did she say about me?” Naruto piped up.
“Naruto right?” the boy nodded, “Well… she called you annoying. But she said that you were a good ninja. She told me that she admires your bravery, although quite stupid at times. I hear that you managed to beat that Hyuga guy?” Kakashi, who was walking in front of them, allowed a smile to form as he read his book. It was good to know that his [Naruto’s] comrades were starting to recognize him as a capable ninja. 
“You bet I did! I wasn’t going to let that jerk win after what he did to Hinata-chan.” Naruto yelled.
“Stop screaming dobe. He doesn’t need to hear your annoying voice get any louder.” Sasuke gave him a condescending look, knowing that it would rile up the blonde. Naruto was about to fire back an insult but stopped as Daiki spoke again. 
“Uchiha Sasuke. You seem to have quite an effect on women. Ino went on about how ‘cute’ and ‘handsome’ you are. She rambled about how you were such a strong ninja and how she was going to be your future wife.” Daiki let out a small chuckle at the memory.
Sakura couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the expected description of Sasuke from Ino. Although, she couldn’t argue much as she probably would have said something similar a few months ago.
“Ino said that you were a mysterious guy; she likes you, I guess? You should have seen how flustered and blushy she got when talking about you” Sasuke let out an unamused huff. “But she wasn’t wrong on some of that, you do seem to be strong. You’re an Uchiha, my people have heard plenty of the Uchiaha’s strength.”
Turning to Sasuke, Sakura gave him a smile signifying that she agreed with Daiki’s statement. Meeting her gaze Sasuke stared at her blankly before looking straight ahead once more. 
“What did she say about Sakura-chan?” asked Naruto, he was genuinely curious as he knew those two girls had a past. 
“Sakura…” his voice trailed off as he let out a sigh, “I don’t want to say.”
“Why not?” Naruto questioned.
“I wouldn’t want to offend Sakura-chan.”
“Daiki-san, please? I need-” Sakura caught herself before continuing,” It’s not like I care what she thinks but, I’m curious about what she said.” Sakura stared down at her feet. Glancing behind him, Kakashi noticed how the Prince’s gaze lingered on Sakura for a moment too long. 
“Fine, as you insist.” Sakura's head shot up as she tried her best to look indifferent. “She told me about how you guys were ‘rivals’ and how you had distinct pink hair. Something about how you were weak and useless if I remember clearly?” Glancing to his right Daiki looked at Sakura’s hair, it was a nice shade of pink but it did look like it was cut unprofessionally. 
“Ah- I see.” her voice came just above a whisper. Sakura’s usually pristine posture had slumped. 
“But, she said that she thinks of you as a sister. She said that you also impressed her, like when you cut your hair and broke free from her jutsu...”
“You broke from her jutsu?” Sasuke asked. This was the first time he had heard of this. 
Sakura carefully nodded, “Yeah.” 
“You should have seen her teme- they tied, but Sakura-chan should have won. She looked so cool!” Naruto gloated for her. 
She didn’t know why but she suddenly felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her as all eyes seemed to have fallen on her. She rushed ahead of the boys and walked beside Kakashi, who gave her a pat on the head to comfort the embarrassed preteen before continuing to read his interesting book. Sasuke felt some sort of pride overcome him at what he just learned. To his knowledge it was extremely difficult, if not impossible, to break from the mind-transfer jutsu, especially for a genin. 
“Sakura-chan is quite impressive,” Daiki said to no one in particular. 
Naruto nodded, “Yeah she is! She’s been improving a ton recently, right Sasuke-teme?”
Sasuke subconsciously nodded in agreement. He had noticed a drastic change in the girl after the forest of death. On more than one occasion, Sasuke had come across Sakura training on their off days.
Next Part
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luv-kakashi · 19 days
One of us is dead
chapter one | chapter three
chapter two - burn
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Two hours into the journey to Hidden Rivers Village, and with only an hour and a half left, I started contemplating my options, both of which yielded their benefits and their doubts.
The Hidden Rivers Village is a small and remote village between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind. An area unoccupied by a shinobi government where my clan relocated after many years spent in Kirigakure.
Running back to the Hidden Rivers Village means I get to see my sister again. But then I would have to face the rest of my family who would sell me back to The Byakuya without hesitation. But, how long can I keep running? How long until The Byakuya catch up before it's time for me to run again?
The Byakuya. An organisation known for being dogs of the shinobi world, carrying out the dirty work for the higher-ups without any legalities or formal paperwork.
The organisation consisted of shinobi, ex-convicts and those on the edge of society who took any measures to complete their missions, ranging from provocative and seductive to ruthless and cold-hearted.
It didn't matter how they did it. As long as it was completed, you got paid an amount that pales in comparison to what the ordinary ninja system paid you. Once you're in The Byakuya, you're bound for life.
And they'll do just about anything to dispose of any strays that escape.
Running through the Land of Fire, I was closing up onto the village as the view of the village gates emerged on the horizon. A smile plastered across my face at the thought of being re-united with my sister after two years.
But before I could relish the sweet image a moment longer, the gates soon came to full sight and the scene before me had certainly locked and sealed my fate. I continued to run, ignoring the burning sensation in my legs as I clenched my chest, waiting for the pounding to subside.
The village was in flames. Everything: the trees, houses, the surrounding nature was engulfed by black flames. Black flames gnawed at its victims, showing no mercy as it devoured everything in its vicinity, with no sign of stopping. The screams of the clan members drowned into each other, relentlessly ringing in my ears as I frantically search through the burning corpses for my sister.
"Sumire! SUMIRE!"
"Awh what' s wrong? You can't find your dear Sumire?" a voice chuckles from behind me.
As I turn to see the voice behind me, lo and behold the masked man and his dog toy Zetsu walking towards me as they clap their hands.
"I told you Y/N not to do this the hard way," the masked man says as he makes his way towards me as he steps on the burning bodies of my clan members, "Oh but don't worry, Sumire is fine."
"DAMN YOU! Where is she? Tell me where she is!" I shout.
"All in due time. But first, take me up on my offer Kunoichi Thirteen"
"Fuck you and your offer. I don't need you to find her. I don't need you at all. My name is enough for me to survive," I gasp, my fingers blistering at the touch of the burning corpses.
"Foolish little girl. Your plan to run to the hidden leaf village won't work Uzumaki." The masked man retorts, "Do you really think Konoha will take you in considering your recent mission."
"Your attack on The White Fang and his team left quite the impression on them. Shame you didn't finish them all off," the masked man added, "Now word of a red-haired kunoichi with the number thirteen branded on her neck is famous in The Village Hidden in the Leaves, especially for her blood manipulation jutsu."
"So tell me now Y/N Uzumaki, how do you plan to enter the Land of Fire?" The masked man chuckled.
I look down at my hands in shame. The dried up blood tainting my fingers reminded me that even my Uzumaki name cannot provide me with my last hope of escape. My last hope relied on the diplomatic relations between Konoha and the Uzumaki clan.
Yet my actions hang heavy on the clans name, dragging it to the deepest depths of sin.
Holding my head up against the shame of my sin, I met the masked mans gaze as I succumbed to my only option at this point.
"I'll do it. I'll do whatever you want. If you tell me where Sumire is."
"Don't get ahead of yourself." the masked man exclaimed, "Infiltrate Konoha and then I'll tell you."
"Deal, but how do I get in without being recognised?" His terms seemed safe enough to gamble with. If I take up this offer, I'll have a level of freedom and safety greater than I've ever been givem before. All I have to do is do what he says.
Anything at this point is better than running with no end, constantly looking behind, fearing assassination from all points around you.
The masked man kicks the corpse underneath him as he marches towards me. And with a few swift hand signs I was swept into a genjutsu.
What felt like hours in my mind, only mere seconds passed in reality.
"With this, the branding on your neck will be covered from any shinobi. It'll take an incredibly skilled shinobi to see through it," the masked man answered, "Once you hit the village, the interrogation corps will investigate you and any memories of your bounty hunting with The Byakuya, anything associated with the 'Thirteen' branded on your neck and any memories of your kekkei genkai will be hidden from them."
I eyed him quizzically, wondering who on earth he was. He knew my name and it was safe to assume he knew who I was affiliated with and why I'm on the run.
"What's in it for you?" I asked, as I slowly got up from the ground.
"As I said, I need intel that's it."
"What kind?"
"Take this scroll with you," the masked man said, as he tossed a scroll towards me, "Once you hit Konoha, open the scroll with your blood manipulation, It will also tell you where she is."
"Uzumaki... Whatever you do, do not reveal your identity," the masked man remarked, before slowly departing.
"Looks like you have yourself a deal." I mutter, as I headed out for the Village Hidden in the Leaves.
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Sorry this chapter is a lil short!
Fun Fact -> the name Sumire means violet in Japanese. Mama Uzumaki named Sumire after her deep purple eyes which Y/N also has!
I'd hope you enjoy this chapter!
Loving you always, Suri🎀
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kindredgraves · 2 years
O Sol e a Lua
Pairing: KakaSaku Rating: General
the years go by, and hatake kakashi can’t help it as he falls deeper in love.
excerpt below the break:
They’re four, when they meet for the first time.
“Hello, Kakashi-san!” The girl chirps at him, holding out her hand with the brightest grin he’s ever seen. “I’m Haruno Sakura, I live next door!”
He blinks owlishly at her. She’s the first kid to actually approach him after his father’s death, and she’s one of the few who knew him.
“You probably don’t remember me,” her grin turns sheepish. “But I really looked up to your Dad, y’know?”
He doesn’t say anything, but he wants to. He wants to tell her, “I know. I used to watch you all the time whenever you’d come home. Dad told me all about you.” He doesn’t say anything.
“Ah, I have to go now,” she tells him when she hears her mother call out her name. He tries to stamp down on the jealousy. “See you around, Kakashi-san!”
“See you,” he mumbles.
(Two years after he graduates, he hears rumours about a pink-haired apprentice.)
ao3 link
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