#kaito my muse
kawarikisaki · 6 months
Obtained a frame in an odd size and drew a Kaito specifically for it.
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Now i just have to figure out how I'm going to print this. I sort of have a plan, but if anyone knows a site that lets you order prints in custom sizes with good quality I’d appreciate it.
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spammiamm · 4 months
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SQUAD!! The danganronpa brainrot wont rest… specifically thh 😢
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 5 months
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krommiie · 1 year
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this kite shit is getting serious
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meimi-haneoka · 5 months
I'm going to randomly copy and paste some musings I wrote on my private account on Twitter, cause I find it kinda amusing and I want to share it here too :3
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"The moon is really beautiful, isn't it?"
"Because it's something about you, Akiho-san."
Kaito's behavior in the special chapter might appear "new" and sudden, but he's actually always been throwing "bombs" at Akiho, exposing his feelings just like it was the most natural and normal thing. 🤭❤️ The only difference is that now he understands what those feelings are 😁
Like, I can totally expect that one day in the future he'll just go "One day, when we'll be married..." completely out of nowhere while they're chatting & having dinner and Akiho will struggle to not choke on her plate 😂😂😂 Yeah, somehow I don't see very flashy kind of proposals from either of them, probably cause they've been through enough "out of ordinary" shit that normal and comforting is what makes their heart beat the fastest, and makes them the happiest ❤️
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In this regard, I'll say once again that Kaito totally reminds me of Sakura. The way they can just blurt out their feelings in such a nonchalant, almost naive way, while not fully understanding what they are. Here Sakura is basically doing the same thing Kaito did throughout Clear Card! Saying stuff like that ☝️ and yet not understanding that she was falling in love with him herself. 😁
The nonchalant way in which Sakura and Kaito's feelings surface makes people misunderstand them for "friendship" or common affection, throughout their respective arcs. Like, I can't count how many times I've seen people say they didn't understand when Sakura started to fall in love with Syaoran, and that the realization at the end felt too sudden. It's because, as usual with Clamp, you have to pay attention to what they're NOT spelling out. That's what happened with Kaito too. 🤷‍♀️ People couldn't see that he's been literally spelling out his feelings himself since long time (that's why Momo got mad! Like "how can you say something like that and not REALIZE IT??"), they got sidetracked by the idea he was a villain (and therefore just manipulating and using her), and then by his relationship with Lilie (all stuff Clamp did on purpose, mind you, cause it was too soon for you to be sure of it yet). It's been clear for a long time, but in their Spaces lately CLAMP reiterated how they love to keep their readers guessing and on their toes till the end, so in my opinion they won't hesitate to try to sidetrack you a little bit along the way (but if you stick closely, you'll understand what's the real deal). I guess with Sakura they tried to sidetrack with her crush on Yukito. 😁
So yeah, I've been saying multiple times during the serialization how those two gave me such a similar vibe (and that maybe helped Sakura empathize with him).
Akiho is quite straightforward too, especially after she found her own confidence and voice, but I was just thinking that Syaoran is quite the opposite instead, he's very conscious of his feelings and even in Clear Card, he had to prepare himself days in advance before managing to ask Sakura, stuttering and all, for a date himself 😂 Thankfully, at the end of the special chapter he was able to make his own romantic statements without getting too flustered 😆 (at long last, after 2 years of dating! 😂)
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darling-valentine · 5 months
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yishuns · 1 month
sometimes, kaito thought, he really hated magic. of course, it was fine when he did it, because he was a genius and knew was he was doing most of the time, not to mention that his kind of magic was backed by scientific theory, but when it came to actual, inexplicable, dimension bending magic, kaito would rather it stayed far, far away from him, thank you very much. of course, it wouldn’t be kaito’s life if everything went as smoothly as all that. cue kuroba kaito, phantom thief: meet kuroba kaito, ghost detective.
“it’s not what you think it is!” kaito the thief— and oh, this was going to get confusing quick, he could already tell— raises his hands in surrender, smoke bomb carefully wedged behind his fingers and kept out of sight as a contingency. “i’m not— well, i am kid, but i swear i’m not trying to impersonate…” he gestures vaguely at the sky at that, hoping kaito the detective caught his drift.
kaito the thief had read up a little on his counterpart’s situation once he’d figured out the situation he was in, and it seemed, in this universe, as though the existence of kaitō kid had vanished with the death of kuroba tōichi. kaito the detective must feel awful seeing someone running around playacting as his deceased father’s secret identity, which was something kaito the thief could relate to, considering he was the same person and was likely to have feelings along a similar vein.
“look, i can explain, but i think we’d both prefer if we had that conversation in private.” he’d already confirmed, prior to this encounter, his suspicion that the jewel he’d heisted tonight wasn’t likely to bring him back to his own universe, so with a disappointed hum, kaito the thief tosses his prize back in kaito the detective’s direction. “and this jewel’s not even the one i’m looking for, so i’m really gonna need your help. so, uh... you can handle that, and i’ll meet you in the secret room when you’re done, yeah?”
@yoakkemae, for kaito. call.
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aparticularbandit · 5 months
alright drv3 i wanna go back to you time to hit up maki's ftes and other things
...oh also the golden hammer which i absolutely looked up what i'm supposed to do with it and have since...forgotten...mostly.
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Random little fun fact, just because i feel like sharing-- but, while i now have a decent chunk of icons for Len-- most of them are actually me cheating, because they're technically icons of Rin lol
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void-multimuse · 1 year
Muse Profile: Kaito Kuroba
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Name: Kaito Kuroba
Alias: Kaitou 1412, Kaitou KID
Age: 17
Pronouns: Any
Orientation: Genderfluid; Demi-panromantic and Demi-pansexual
Height: 5'6"
Occupation: Magician, Phantom Thief
Character Bio:
Kaito Kuroba is the son of world famous magician Toichi Kuroba, who died eight years ago in a stage accident. Having been taught magic at a young age, Kaito has grown to be more skilled than most professional magicians out there due to his constant use and practice in the craft.
Kaito is a fun loving, arrogant class clown with great athletic ability and acrobatics. He’s not much of a fighter though, and would rather avoid conflict than confront it head on. He has a tendency to dance around confrontation and prefers not to get involved in anything directly, rather work from the background to make things go his way.
Through discovering his father’s secrets, Kaito’s life gets turned on it’s head as he finds out that Toichi Kuroba was an internationally wanted criminal: Kaitou KID. He was murdered for the same reason in a coverup scandal that has gone unexposed in the eight years since the famous magician’s untimely death. With no way to trust anyone but himself and his father’s assistant, Kaito dawns the cape of Kaitou KID anew and uses the phantom thief persona to draw his father’s killers into the light and destroy the gemstone they killed him over.
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sweptawxy · 1 year
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“Why is Chrom..” That doesn’t look good, and it’s got Frederick on edge.
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“Oh gods is that Anankos?”
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idyllicserendipity · 1 year
ミ @wxtchpilot​​ Continued from Here 彡
For a split second, she worried she rambled a bit too much to him in a short span of time.
Would that all be too much? Did it sound childish? Was this weird of her?
So many questions, not enough answers. However, when he asked her what she wanted to do, Suletta watched him curiously.
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"W-Wait that...that doesn't bother you?" It didn't sound like it, which actually made her happy, yet she didn't want to jump to conclusions either. Having a chance to do something of her choosing was a lot too. Where could she even start?
Kaito had been super nice ever since they met, even something as casual as this brightened her day. She hoped she could do the same for him too though.
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   BRIEFLY DIRECTING HIS OWN INCREDULOUS GAZE back at her, Kaito had nearly laughed right then. All the things she had taken the time to share with him-- bothering him? HECK NO! He was in fact impressed by the GOALS that she had already set for yourself! And it would be an HONOUR to not just take her under his wing as his SIDEKICK, but to see that list through with her! 
   Again, he totally gets it, seeing as she was new here and all. New to his beloved planet. New to all of this. And no way, no ho was he gonna ruin her chance then to experience all these things that she never got to back on Mercury!
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   “Huh? Of course not, sidekick! Why would it bother me?” An assuring grin would spread across his lips at that, as he lightly brought his fists together. “I just know that we will be able to get a lot of these done, sooner than you think! So before that, let’s get something to eat! You’re gonna need all the energy you can get, before we start making all those DREAMS COME TRUE!”
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 4 months
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The fact with literal no prompting Kaito went "hey do you wanna be an astronaut can get you some forged documents as well" to Kaede during the ftes was so fucking funny why did he do that
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protect-namine · 2 months
ohhhh my god. what if kaede survived the killing game long enough that she's be the one stuck in the hangar with kokichi in chapter 5
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shininginyourlight · 3 months
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galaxyeyed · 3 months
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Test / test / test / test / test Test / test / test / test / test
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