#kaishin teaser
dragonsorceress22 · 7 months
Different Means Teaser - 2/29/2024
Here’s the next teaser for Different Means (kaishin vampire AU)!
Chapter Seven - Heroes
“You’re not tired? That a vampire thing?” Shinichi almost shrugged but didn’t want to dislodge Kaito. “I wondered about that at first, but I don’t think sleeping during the day and being active at night is exactly new for me. I just prefer to stay up late and sleep in.” “This isn’t ‘late’ though,” Kaito mumbled. “This is morning.” “Then go to sleep,” Shinichi laughed. “’kay.” Kaito melted into a puddle across Shinichi’s lap, fully horizontal now, and stretched like a cat before going boneless. “I didn’t mean on me!” “If I get up, the sleepy will get away.” Shinichi snorted. “Would you like me to carry you, KID-sama?”
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hayaku14 · 5 months
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even heiji is like, "what in the gay is going on" LMAO
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derbmonkilledabug · 7 months
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That scene from the teaser.......
A lil kaishin bonus also
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cleflink · 7 months
Title: And the Words Fell from His Lips Like Diamonds
Fandom: Detective Conan | Magic Kaito
Pairing: Kaishin
Word count: 1400
Rating: G
A/N: I'm vibrating, I'm so excited for what this story means. Think of it as a teaser for something that @bakathief and I have been working on for literal years. I hope everyone enjoys this first look into a world that is near and dear to both of us - more coming soonish!
"...and so the king of Ekoda listened to the promises that the strange woman made," the storyteller was saying, his voice smooth and lilting. Perfect for tale-telling. "Finally, the king thought, immortal life would be in his grasp, if only he could kill the god Pandora and steal her magic for himself." --- A travelling storyteller puts a unique spin on a very old story. A prequel, of sorts.
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balancingdiet · 5 years
Imagine Kaito, just changed to his citizen-self, became a witness to the shooting and possible “murder” of Kaitou Kid that happened at his heist ten minutes ago. It wouldn’t pose much of a problem if Shinichi wasn’t assigned to be Kaito’s bodyguard for the entire witness-protection program. And now Kaito is stuck with him.
Or rather Shinichi is stuck with Kaito, because the last thing Shinichi wanted was to spend his time with this obnoxious yet, um, witty man when he could be investigating (and avenging?) Kaitou Kid’s death. (Though Shinichi would rather believe that Kid is alive... That guy is a Phantom after all.) Cue all of Shinichi’s accidental confessions and Kaito’s inner struggles as these two live under the same roof for an indefinite amount of time. Bonus: imagine if there’s only one bed lol.
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angelicsentinel · 3 years
Snow Monsters
Title: Snow Monsters Summary: Kaito. Shinichi. An isolated mountain town in winter. A hungry vampire. What could possibly go wrong? Tags:  Angst, Humor, Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood Drinking, Half-Vampires, Mildly Dubious Consent, Animal Transformation, Hurt/Comfort, Snow, Human/Monster Romance Rating: E
Hi @fshteeth! I’m your secret santa! I had a hard time deciding what to use so I mixed two of your prompts. I also tried to hit some of the tropes you mentioned. I hope you enjoy!
Thanks so much for hosting the 2021 KaiShin secret santa @dcmkkaishinevents! Given the rating, I’m going to post a teaser here and follow with a link to it on ao3.
It's a cozy scene.
One minute, everyone is sitting together. Kaito’s heart is warm, happy with his group of friends. They're all in the film industry—well, not Kaito, not anymore. Once a part-time make-up artist, he'd returned to being a full-time student.
And he’s been working so hard lately, it’s nice to relax. One of Kenji’s films is on, the one that also stars Akiko and Haruo with Natsu playing Ken’s stuntman, and all of them are laughing and talking. Akiko’s throwing popcorn at the screen and Haruo’s chiding her. Natsu’s doing something in the kitchen but calling out criticism over the bar. Ken hates seeing himself act and he’s hiding his face behind Kaito, who’s seated in his lap. 
Kaito is happy. Mostly.
His heart does ache just a little. Enough so that he loops his arms around Ken’s neck and rests his head against his just so he can watch the man sitting next to Ken. It’s strange Ken still lets him do this when his boyfriend is right there and they’re holding hands—though admittedly one of Ken’s arms is around Kaito's waist—but Kaito tries to ignore it. 
Kudō Shinichi has not been his responsibility for a very long time. It's such a shock to see him here out of nowhere in the middle of nowhere. His heart is not ready to see him again. But Kaito bears it the best he can. It’s not so bad, really. 
Actually, it’s a little bit nice. Even if the fact he's dating Ken gave Kaito the shock of his life and more than a little melancholy. 
He's hyper aware of the detective sitting next to him, can't stop thinking about it. He's so close Kaito can touch him, yet he can't.
(It’s still more than he’s had in a long time, so he’s happy.)
So for one minute, everything is perfect. The next, everything goes to hell.
[Read more on ao3]
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kuroko99 · 3 years
It’s sunrise when Shinichi finally wakes up to meet Kid again.
Kid returns to quiet after his initial comments and stares wistfully over the horizon. Shinichi shifts, holding his aching head, and ambles over to the raised concrete edge where he sits. He joins him, keeping a bubble of space between them so this tricky phantom doesn’t disappear. “Is this really the right idea after what just happened?” He questions, urging Kid to speak. He’s always so talkative. Never shutting up, in fact, so what’s different now? 
The silence spans between them as the horizon spans the cityscape. Shinichi’s stomach lurches, for once afraid of the height. 
“You don’t have to worry about that any more.” Kid says, voice a low tremble. 
Shinichi’s so caught up in how strange and delicate the other man is acting that it takes him too long to unravel his words, and then patience wears thin. “What does that mean?”
Here’s a teaser for my collaboration project as a writer for the kaishin bigbang this year! Look forward to Petrichor (ㅇㅅㅇ) 
My KSBB21 work will be up on my AO3 Jul. 28!
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
Have you seen the new teaser for the Detective Conan movie to come out next year? Kaito's in it! (≧∇≦)/(≧∇≦)/
I dunno if I can survive the wait until 2019 but good gods it will be worth it and my KaiShin loving ass is eagerly awaiting it. *-*
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manchasama · 7 years
Hey, I don't know if it's too much trouble, but I was wondering if you are planning on finishing 30 Cases, and if you aren't, what were your plans for it? I just really love this fic, especially the almost Outsider POV towards the Kaishin developing friendship. Some chapters still leave me laughing after many rereads, and the Kaishin development just kind of warms my heart :).
Hiya!  It’s definitely not too much trouble right now!
So okay, 30 Cases is my first DC fic, the one that brought me some amazing friends, and is planned out to the very end.  This is Fact!  I am going to finish it.  This is also FACT!!
That said, when I was working on 30 Cases some time ago (Nov 2015), I had been away from the characters for so long that I had a REALLY hard time writing the next chapters.  So I’ll need to watch a few movies or read some of the manga again to get their muses back before I’ll be able to hammer out the chapters.  With my mood, time, and energy fluctuating as they do, plus all the things I Need To Do To Adult And Friend Properly, I can give no estimate on when.  :(
I swear I’d posted teasers or something on what was to come in 30 Cases, but I...can’t...find it??  I wonder if some of my posts on lj went missing hm.  I’m probably just bad at tagging, go figure.
So I’ll share the THREE false starts I had to the next chapter, and the notes about it.  *puts head in hands*  So embarrassing lol, unfinished writing
Okay so I was going back in the revision history to remember which one I wrote first and all, and I found ANOTHER version I’d done first and deleted entirely.  And like...it’s pretty good??  Almost good enough to be the next chapter???
I think what happened is that after writing it I decided the readers NEEDED or would WANT to see the talk with Akako (probably do lol), so I scrapped it to write that.  That is the three false starts below.  But re-reading it now, it really fits as a Conan&Ai chapter.  I think I won’t share that bit just now, since I miiiight just make it the base for the real chapter.  Anywho, enjoy my terrible writing below
Case 13 – Ai & Conan
Try 1 2
Ai watched Conan flop face down on the uncovered couch.  With how often he'd been hiding out in the Kudou study, the dust covers were no longer needed on certain furniture pieces, though the entire house could still use a good scrubbing over.  She picked her way over to an adjacent armchair and pulled herself into it with a sigh.  The silence stretched between them, not strained, but filled with a thick sort of anticipation.  She wasn't looking forward to trying to rationalize this to Conan, but that wouldn't hardly stop her.  She was used to unpleasant tasks.
Yet….  She eyed the unmoving form critically.  He had taken the meeting with Koizumi-san with more grace than she expected.  Perhaps Hattori-kun had been more convincing than she'd believed he could be.  Conan wasn't one to hide his disdain normally, but he was very good at hiding it from strangers, at this point.  If that was the case, then about now he'd start in on her for the tasteless 'joke'.
Well, she certainly hadn't expected such an unusual...opportunity...to arise.  Part of her wished that it had been the vain venture she'd expected when Hattori-kun had made the absurd proposition.  It had certainly sounded ridiculous.  She's only said yes on a whim; her frustration at her own lack of progress, coupled with the tiny possibility that a different viewpoint (even one as off the wall as a self styled witch) might bring a new angle to tackle the problem of the cure with.  
Because despite the quick and neat job done with bringing about the final blow to the Organization, no sample of the Apotoxin or copy of her notes had been recovered.  That disappointment had been a difficult (ha) pill to swallow.  She'd always held out hope that she'd be able to reconstruct the volatile formula that had
Try 2 3
The Kudou household was dark and quiet.  It was, Ai reflected, the perfect place for brooding, especially the vaulted library with the drawn curtains keeping the interior in a constant gloom and the thin layer of dust lending to the abandoned feeling.  So it was really no surprise that it was Conan's destination of choice when he was feeling particularly melodramatic.  She refrained from letting her exasperation get to her only by reminding herself that she'd been the one to bring them to the house in the first place.
Not that he'd reacted as she'd expected.  When she'd asked Hattori-kun to convince him to meet with her and Koizumi-san, she hadn't held out much hope that the Osakan would dull the edge of Conan's disbelief.  She'd relied on the fact that the request came from her that Conan would listen, coupled with Hattori-san's dogged determination to help his friend out whether he agreed or not.  That, and his desperation to return to his old life.
Ai had expected Hattori-kun to come dragging a reluctant Conan by the scruff of his neck.  Instead, Conan had arrived without fanfare, Hattori-kun trotting at his heels like a faithful puppy.  She expected him to immediately demand explanations from her, loud in his disbelief and sarcastic as only he got when his views of the world were being challenged.  He had merely greeted her, before turning to Koizumi-kun and studying her as closely as she was him.
When Ai had met Koizumi-san, she'd been expecting...well, someone older, to her chagrin.  She of all people should have realized that apparent or actual age meant nothing.  Not that she let it phase her.  It would have made sense too if Koizumi-san was a witch in the more practical sense; a practitioner of rituals and old, herbal recipes.  Ai had already exhausted what she could of that avenue in her search for the cure, but one never knew what hidden family secrets might be useful.  So she'd been willing to listen.
Then Koizumi-san had taken one look at her and had said, "You are like him; all twisted up inside."  
She had a look of interest on her face, her gaze seemingly to look right through Ai.  It didn't feel anything like the dark and terrifying gaze of an Organization member, but there was still something dangerous in the air about her.  That feeling was magnified when...something had tugged inside of her, and Ai hadn't been able to stop the gasp of surprise.  Hattori-kun had reacted instantly, putting himself between Ai and the witch, one hand on Ai's arm.  Immediately the sensation stopped, and Koizumi-san had given them both an amused smile.
Hattori-kun had been ready to grab her and make a break for it then and there, but Ai had swallowed the instinctive fear and stepped around him before he could move.  That one moment had been enough to make her believe there was a chance, and she was willing to take it despite the danger.  Conan had risked himself for her; for the cure, she would give up her worthless life for it in turn.  
Her action had met with Koizumi-san approval, and the meeting had gone much more smoothly as they came to an understanding.  Ai had kept a tight hold on her inner cynicism.  She had made a decision, and no matter how outlandish Koizumi-san's ideas seemed, Ai had to trust that there were things in this world she couldn't explain.  It was easier than having a meltdown over it, though now she could understand Hattori-kun's belligerent attitude.
There had been no need for such theatrics when Conan had confronted Koizumi-san.  
It should be possible to release all that...potential.  I cannot guarantee it won't be kill you
Try 3 4
Ai gave her companion a sideways look.  "So glad you could join us," she said quietly, humor obvious in her voice.  Conan gave her a dry look in return.
Across from them, Hattori-kun was currently engaged in a staring contest with Koizumi-san, as he had done every time he'd met the witch.  She regarded him in amusement, but made no move to either stop him or encourage the attention.  Ai didn't know what she was thinking, other than Koizumi-san liked games.
"Are you sure she can be trusted?" Conan asked, using their distraction to take time to study Koizumi-san.  He had that look in his eyes, the focused awareness he used when working out a particularly difficult case or motive.  There was none of the doubt that Ai had expected, no resistance or questions about their sanity, no comments about how crazy he thought they all were.  That was more grace than she'd expected from him.
"I wouldn't have called you here if I thought it would kill you," she said, turning her attention to the papers stacked in her hands.  She'd had them ready for what she'd thought would be inevitable demands for proof, but something had convinced Conan without her interference at all.  Had Hattori-kun been that persuasive?
He didn't take his eyes off Koizumi-san as he replied, "That's not an answer."  Hm, so perhaps someone else had tipped him off?   Ai knew that Koizumi-san had an ulterior motive beyond the interest she had in an impossible reaction caused by science and not magic.  
It was disheartening to know that Ai's biggest contribution to her field was a legacy of death.  She'd never let it bother her overly much.  If she dwelled on all the people she had inadvertently killed, well, she wouldn't be able to move forward.  And she had no choice but to move forward.  That was her penance, the price she paid for her sins.  She'd been given a chance to try to make up for her mistakes in the form of a teenager turned child.  Somehow he'd survived, and had given her the courage to escape or die on her own terms.  Since then, he'd saved her over and over until he'd kept his promise to take down the Organization, to take that threat out of her life forever.  
And she still couldn't keep her promise to him.  Sleepless nights and endless days of research poured into the search for a cure, yet despite taking them out not one sample of the poison had been recovered.  While much of the data had been saved from the attempts to destroy them, the science research had been one of the casualties of the final raids.  So she was stuck with nothing to work from but the blood samples from herself and Conan, and the vague memories of too many possibilities and failures to sift through.  There was no way she'd be able to find the cure.  Not in time, at least.
If it had just been her, she'd never have bothered to look, either.  Without her sister, there was nothing of her old life to return to.  Shiho hadn't had any close friends, and she wanted Sherry to vanish completely.  But Ai did have things to care about; she had a life to live, friends who would miss her if she left, and a sort of family in an eccentric old man and a dysfunctional teenager pretending to be a child.  Things that were important to her.  It was a feeling she'd never had the luxury to experience before, and she was loathed to give it up for anything.
Conan, however, did have things to return to.  What bothered Ai was that he didn't seem to acknowledge what he'd be giving up.  Too caught up in his own brilliance to acknowledge the other people in his life.  That was one of his biggest flaws.  
Koizumi-san turned her attention to Conan. 
And the original notes for the chapter.  gggg Ai was killing me, I could not cold-write her!
Ai, contemplating the Black Org, things that have happened, her talk with Heiji and subsequently Akako, and her decision on the future of Conan.  
She already knows she will never be able to make the cure, not without the original formula, which was destroyed in the take down of the organization.  
She’s willing to grasp at any straw, because of the guilt and her desire to see Shinichi happy, and because surprisingly Akako convinced her it was a good bet.  
She finally tunes back in to Conan’s complaints about Heiji, stupid superstition, the ridiculousness of it all, and she of course was going to tell Heiji where to stick it.  She answers quite calmly that yes, she’d like him to try.  While he’s busy gaping, she continues a perusal of notes or somesuch she got from Akako (because magic aside, she wasn’t about to let anyone hurt Shinichi, so she /was/ going to understand every single step of the process, like any good scientist).  When he finally sputters out a protest, she gets a bit annoyed, explaining this is the last chance, there is nothing else,
and if he /really/ wants to return to normal, he just has to trust her one more time.  
He gives a quiet ascent after a moment’s thought, and she is once again torn at his baseless (to her) trust in her.
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dragonsorceress22 · 5 months
Different Means Teaser - 4/20/2024
Here’s the next teaser for Different Means (kaishin vampire AU)! Zoomin' right along! (I'm so damn close to finishing this fic...!!)
Chapter Twelve - Creature of Intent
“Professor,” Shinichi said, his face and voice both twisted with anguish. Agasa walked into the room and offered his hand to help Shinichi up. “Come on, Shinichi. I’m too old to be sitting around on the floor. Let’s go back to your room with Kaito-kun, right? And don’t be stubborn about this. If you were hurt and I could give blood to help you, I always would. This isn’t really different, right?” He was smiling, and Shinichi’s heart, if it was still in there somewhere, just about shattered. He ducked his head, eyes stinging, and whispered to the floor, “Thanks, Professor.”
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hayaku14 · 2 years
i tried just now to think about 'conan with no permanent antidote' and actual tears came out of my eyes...the mere concept of it hurts my soul...i simply cannot handle this much angst
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rachello344 · 8 years
kaishin for the ask meme! (and also lawlight if you're up to two??)
Sure, I’ll do both!  8)
• when or if I started shipping it:I started shipping it in...  Probably sophomore year of high school, so about 7 years now (Jesus Christ)• my thoughts:One of my fave ships, honestly.  I know you guys have been seeing less of it from me, but it’s one of my only real standbys.  No matter what I’m into, KaiShin is forever (as far as I can tell)• What makes me happy about them:All kinds of things!  They’re narrative foils and they work super well together~  They have a lot in common and I think they’d be friends even in canon, providing the thief thing didn’t get in the way.  (Could you imagine?  Detective Conan would get a lot more hectic haha)• What makes me sad about them:They will probably never have the chance to get to know each other even though they work really well together.  8(• things done in art/fic that annoys me:*sighs*  Look, the possessive/jealous prankster thing is... cute, in moderation.  But I cannot fathom why so many people are into it for this ship in particular.  Kaito is not a malicious person.  He’s really kind and loving.  Sure he gets a little jealous, but doesn’t everyone?  That doesn’t make him go freaking nuts over Shinichi, you know?• things I look for in art/fic:I just want them to be in character, within reason.  If there’s an acceptable reason in the universe for them to be different, I’ll bite.  I just want them to make consistent narrative sense.  (And please do not make Shinichi or Kaito an “uke” for the sake of the fic.  It just... doesn’t work for them.  Please.)• Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: If not each other?  Canon is fine.  Kaito with Hakuba as well.  And I don’t feel Shinichi reciprocating as much, but he and Heiji could be a thing.  ^_^  I don’t especially ship it but *shrugs* those are all cute too!• My happily ever after for them:They take down both (?) organizations together, Kaito is able to retire the suit and go back to magic, they move in together and Kaito sometimes consults on cases with Shinichi.• what is their favorite non-sexual activity?Hm, I usually have them watching movies and stuff together?  I could see them going to museums a lot, though, or just sitting together and reading.  8)  Maybe trading brain teasers too~
• when or if I started shipping it.Uh, it’s been... I guess about a year and a half?  I’ve shipped it since I started watching it.  ^_^• my thoughts:Super messed up in canon, but they have a lot of potential together, and I think they’d be good together if the Death Note wasn’t getting between them.• What makes me happy about them:They match each other perfectly.  If Kaito and Shinichi are a good example of narrative foils, L and Light are THE narrative foils.  If I was going to explain the concept, I’d use them.  The way they match wits and the way they can complete each others thoughts at times--that’s something I want to see played out to its conclusion.  (Instead of being cut short at the climax)• What makes me sad about them:Literally star-crossed from the getgo.  They can never be together in canon.  They will never bridge that little distance between them.  As long as there’s a Death Note, they’ll be at odds, always circling, but never quite making contact.• things done in art/fic that annoys me:*sighs again, but more heavily*  I don’t even know where to start.  I have so many objections.  I... don’t really want to think about how long a list this is.  I can’t even consider reading Light topping because I KNOW that L is written as some uke-esque caricature and I just... can’t.• things I look for in art/fic:Look, all I want is characters to act reasonably.  That’s... that’s really it.  Although, if it’s bottom!Light, I’ll put up with anything.  Especially with praise kink...• Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Uh.  Well.  No... one?  Um, I don’t really...  I’m okay with B with L, and uh...  No, that’s about it.  I can’t in good conscience really ship Light with anyone else.  Like, no one he ends up with could be good.  Like, none of the Kira group are a good match for Light, really, and I can only really ship L with Light or B.  It’s...  what it is, I guess.• My happily ever after for them:Neither of them are dead, and they are both detectives (and partners).  And they’re also like dating and stuff.• what is their favorite non-sexual activity?CHESS.  They make three moves and end the game.  XD  Plus, you know, solving cases and stuff.  ;D
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dragonsorceress22 · 6 months
Different Means Teaser - 3/24/2024
Here’s the next teaser for Different Means (kaishin vampire AU)! Less than a month since the last one! Yeah!
Chapter Eight - Subtle Signs and Not So Subtle Signs
When they got home (back to Kaito’s house, though Shinichi had caught himself thinking the former all too often when they returned from heists), Shinichi apologized. “I didn’t mean to just show up right in the spotlight like that. My body just… moved. I wouldn’t have made a call like that without discussing it with you first–” “Shinichi, it’s fine,” Kaito laughed. “We did talk about it, after all. I asked you to protect me, and you did.” His eyes were glittering, his grin bright, and Shinichi felt relieved. He felt a little less relieved later when he found out just how taken the general public was with the idea of Kaitou KID’s mysterious dark knight who showed up to save him then disappeared. Kaito, of course, was endlessly amused.
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dragonsorceress22 · 5 months
Different Means Teaser - 4/16/2024
Here’s the next teaser for Different Means (kaishin vampire AU)!
Chapter Eleven - Unstoppable Wrath
Another sniper, this one clearly dumber than the rest, was coming up behind Shinichi as though he stood a chance even attacking from behind. Shinichi had already noted that they were unarmed – they didn’t have their crossbows on them, or anything else that would have been just as dangerous to themselves as Shinichi. They’d thought they were safe. Shinichi spun to kick his attacker across the room with enough force that his body broke through the cabinets under one of the lab benches. The final sniper was halfway out the door – the smartest of the bunch, trying to run. Shinichi was suddenly in front of him and he grabbed him by the throat, tossing him back into the room. He collided with the second lab table with more splintering of wood. That only left… Shinichi turned his glare to Snake.
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dragonsorceress22 · 6 months
Different Means Teaser - 4/4/2024
Here’s the next teaser for Different Means (kaishin vampire AU)!
Chapter Ten - Iron and Whiskey
Shinichi came back to himself slowly. The pain had ebbed so significantly that he wanted to weep for the relief of it. He clenched his fists in the cold and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to think. “Hey. ‘Modern-day Holmes.’ Get up.” Shinichi’s eyes flew open. He turned his head and looked up at the man standing over him. He was blonde with dark skin but… there was a grey, bloodless undertone to it that Shinichi recognized. Instincts bristling, Shinichi dragged himself to his feet, moving slowly to give himself time to observe. He was still on the library roof. There were four crossbow bolts lying nearby, but other than that the roof was empty. No one else was there – no snipers, dead or otherwise. Just Shinichi and this new person he’d never seen before. “Who are you?”
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dragonsorceress22 · 9 months
Blackout Teaser - 1/7/24
Noooooo really? omg. The last time I finished a chapter in Blackout and posted one of these teasers was 1/10/23. It took me literally a YEAR to write chapter 8. AGAIN. WHYYYYY
Here’s the next teaser for the sequel to Tales of Travel (the next installment of the Fall into Flying universe)! 
Chapter Eight – The Sign of Foul Play
Shinichi looked up at him. His smile had gone soft and… a little sad? “What did I say?” Giorgio asked. “Huh? Oh, nothing, just… you reminded me of someone just now. The way you care so much about your work even when… well, I guess I mean to say how you care about all your work.” Giorgio’s face went a little blank, and rather than reminding Shinichi of Amuro again, it reminded him of Kaito – of his subtle and habitual closing off when secrets were brought up. But then he smiled, a warm, natural thing, and said quietly. “About that… I need to speak with you and our… mutual friend about something. Sooner, rather than later."
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