hisflaws-a2 · 4 years
Newt, texting: these edibles aren't hitting
Max: give it a sec
*6 hours later*
Max: ...are you alive?
Newt: toes are just miniature fingers
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quiet--chaos · 4 years
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“And then some.”
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soulcluster-moved · 4 years
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gamora is not amused at the dash right now
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intelwon · 4 years
newt wasn't sure if this would work for chuck, but he gave it a try. " PSPSPSPSPPSPSPSPS" it wasn't until he sighed and screamed out. " AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE."
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     He’s quick to ignore the initial pspspsp. After all, he’s been working on reigning in that temper of his and (not to name names) a specific scientist was all too good at causing the anger to rear its ugly head. Only when he hears him again does he turn, nostrils flared before taking off in a full force sprint. ❝ Oi, you yobbo dag!! If I catch you, I’ll defo add a few kangaroos in your top paddock! ❞
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griimreaping · 4 years
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@kaijvking​  ━━━━━   plotted
Just  the  same  as  a  moth  to  a  flame,  Jean  is  drawn  to  an  inevitable  train  wreck.  Sitting  there  in  the  uncomfortable  folding  chair  festooned  with  white  tulle  and  ribbons  amongst  the  dozens  of  other  wedding  patrons,  the  woman  sips  the  bubbles  off  her  flute  of  champagne.  She's  fairly  certain  the  only  reason  the  RSVP  made  it  to  her  mailbox  was  that  Ransom  and  she  had  a  history.  Despite  the  handful  of  times  they'd  shared  a  bed,  or  floor,  or  countertop,  or  wall,  the  pair  did  have  a  working  relationship  as  well.  
Though  working  may  be  a  loose  term  because  he  was  very  good  at  hearing  things,  Jean  is  very  good  at  making  people  disappear.  Symbiotic  partnership  may  be  more  appropriate.  So  that  gaudy  gold  leaf  adorned  letter  had  found  Jean,  and  Jean  had  found  the  bar  as  soon  as  she'd  arrived.  
Ransom  never  struck  her  as  the  type  that  would  settle  down  for  anything.  Naturally,  Jean  then  assumed  that  this  entire  facade  is  all  about  the  money.  She  must  be  loaded  to  support  Ransom's  tastes  so  easily.  Jean  knew  the  few  times  she'd  spoiled  him  cost  more  than  a  pretty  penny,  but  that  was  something  that  the  assassin  personally  could  appreciate.  Just  like  she  could  appreciate  this  nice  champagne.
Music  struck  up  from  somewhere,  and  a  hush  fell  over  the  crowd  as  he  took  the  white  carpet  up  to  the  vibrantly  decorated  arch  and  awaiting  priest.  Jean  would  admit  that  he  looked  handsome,  and  with  a  half-smile  accompanied  by  a  tilt  of  her  head,  Jean  felt  genuinely  happy.  Even  if  it  was  for  the  money,  she  hoped  they  would  have  all  the  best  together.  Maybe  the  trainwreck  could  be  saved  for  later.  Once  Ransom  had  taken  his  spot,  the  music  changed,  and  every  collective  head  turned  toward  the  door  waiting  for  the  woman  of  the  hour.  
But  nobody  came.  
Seconds  turned  into  minutes  as  the  music  continues,  even  the  organist  looking  slightly  confused.  People  begin  to  glance  around  in  question.  Murmurs  rise  like  bubbles  in  tar,  and  a  sweeping  sinking  feeling  settles  like  a  wet  blanket  over  the  patrons.  No  amount  of  tulle  or  ribbons  or  flowers  would  stop  this  train  from  fully  derailing.  It's  then  that  Jean  turns  from  the  doorway  to  where  Ransom  stood  up  next  to  the  priest,  and  her  heart  clenches  behind  her  ribs.  He  looked  stricken.
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despairfelt · 4 years
@kaijvking​​ 🍺 ( for newt )
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          Madison was having fun. The ordinarily stoic features were replaced with bright laughter and a jovial demeanor. She ordered another round without much thought. “Come on nerd. Do another shot with me.” For a moment she paused, eyes averted from the other. “You know you don’t totally suck. Coming out tonight makes you almost cool....Where the fuck are those shots?” Quickly she tried her best to change the subject.
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echojacea · 4 years
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OH, BTW, MOM ADOPTED NEWT :) / instagram edit for @kaijvking    template:  this  
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masterwcrk · 4 years
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@kaijvking​ ( newt ): [TEXT] Stop blowing up my phone! 
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→ [ 💬 ;; fortune favors the brave ] then answer the first time!
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thunderbringer-a · 4 years
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❝ There are so many times I would have fallen apart if not for you… ❞ ( grace ) // @kaijvking​
         on the road trip they’ve taken , they’ve been all over and traveled all these roads as what begun as two strangers . now , the pair have transcended into something much much deeper than anything that could have ever been anticipated .  the small fire in the sand is just the tip of the iceberg for this pitstop . its a small beach in a small town no one has ever heard of but with the way the light flickers off her skin , thor cannot begin to think of anywhere else he’d rather be .
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grace doesn’t realize just how much she’s helped him just as she has reminded him of just how much he’s done for her . the bottom of his beer buries in the sand to keep it held up right and he can’t help but lean over to her , brush away a strand of blonde from her cheeks before resting his hand at the nape of her neck .  fate has brought them together in this way and he won’t ever believe that he wasn’t supposed to be there when she flagged him down . it wasn’t luck or coincidence . there is true meaning behind it all . 
❝  just as i believe it was always meant to be . we found each other when we needed it most , ❞
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hisflaws-a2 · 4 years
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lmao. the dash is vibin’
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iernat · 4 years
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@kaijvking​ sent ‘📱 ’ five texts not sent, one sent meme
[ 💬 → Lady of Death ] : I might possible be considering something dangerous... again NOT SENT [ 💬 → Lady of Death ] : but there are some lives possible at stake and I can’t just let them possibly die... NOT SENT [ 💬 → Lady of Death ] : if I let them die then I’m just continuing to be the bad guy. NOT SENT [ 💬 → Lady of Death ] : am I a bad guy? does this make me a bad guy? NOT SENT [ 💬 → Lady of Death ] : I don’t get how people can handle this NOT SENT [ 💬 → Lady of Death ] : I’m heading out for a mission. got any warnings for me? or advice?
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I was shockingly productive tonight!! But it’s now 10pm and tomorrow is a full ass day for me. Up at 6am for workout, first work 8am to 5pm (which I’ll probably be dicking around on the computer but I physically go in tomorrow so shhh) and then second work 5:30pm until we close up the shop which has been around 8pm on average.
In any case, thank you to everyone who sent in memes! And chatted with me! And just yelled at me about fun stuff!! I’ve been in a funk lately and I just really appreciate the boost in muse I had today, so thank you all so much!!
I hope to bother some of you (and my new followers) tomorrow!!
Anywho, I hope you all have a wonderful night/day/whatever. 
Remember, you are doing the best you can and some days suck but other days are better - good even, dare I say! <3
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backbitchesa · 4 years
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𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖒 𝖋𝖙 →    ᶰᵉʷᵗ ᵍᵉᶤˢᶻˡᵉʳ ( @kaijvking )
only tagged may reblog ( x )
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intelwon · 4 years
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       FIRST FIVE KISSES        @kaijvking​ said :  💋 (ransom & marta)
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She can’t believe he did this. Watching her date flee from the house, she knows he won’t be calling her back. A heavy sigh escapes and she closes the door behind him before her hands ball into fists. Anger radiates through her and the air grows tense, static. She walks over to where he’s standng, that little smirk on his face... 
“ What is wrong with you?! ” She’s frustrated and she can’t express it the way that she wants. She’s always been a quiet girl, never stepping out of bounds. Sure, she could be sarcastic with the best of them, joke around, but expressing her displeasure? She’s always swallowed that done and hoped it never saw the light of day. Not this time.
“ You didn’t have to be such an ass! ” Why is he acting this way? Nicer to her, a jerk to anyone else. Why? Does he just feel guilty? He doesn’t have to be here and he showed up for a reason, right? Why was he here of all nights? Was this just because she wasn’t answering her phone? “ I’m allowed to see people... and focus on them you know. ” Was he jealous?
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She shakes her head. “ You’re just so... so... !! ” Tall? Handsome? Frustratingly so, sometimes it doesn’t let her think straight. Like now. “ I just... I can’t...! ” Sentences are beyond her at this point and large eyes flick between his and the curve of his lips and the broadness of his shoulders. Breath comes in short puffs as her frustrations grow and before she realizes it, her fingers are tangled in the fabric of his sweater, pulling him down to her and lips collide haphazardly. 
It isn’t planned, a spur of the moment that consumes her little being. She’s not impulsive but tonight is an exception. In that moment, the world stands still and she forgets just what she’s mad at him about. His lips are soft, she thinks. 
When she pulls back, Marta is reminded of the reality. “ Mierda! ” Before she can stop herself, her hand connects with his cheek in a resounding SMACK as if it was his fault for the kiss! Hands spring to cover her mouth, gasping in surprise. “ Oh, Ransom! I..  I’m so sorry! ” Cheeks burn red in embarrassment. “ I’ll get you ice! ” She makes a beeline straight to the kitchen to hide her face. Hopefully this entire night could be buried and forgotten.
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flammeusarch2 · 4 years
😊 - I think you are a really friendly person.
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😊 - I think you are a really friendly person.
and i think you’re a pun-derful person u.u
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