#kai holman x fem!reader
crazyk-imagine · 7 months
Backup and Retired Agents
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Pairing: Kai Holman x Female!reader
Characters: Female!reader, Jane Tenant, Kai Holman, Lucy Tara, Jesse Boone, Ernie Malik
Warnings: Fluff, classic ncis hawaii things, mentions of murders, weapons use, reader making stupid decisions, Kai being a simp, angst, fluff, reader running into danger, Jane shipping reader and Kai, Jesse and Lucy being siblings, Ernie being an icon
Word Count: 2,453
A/N: I tried finding ncis: hawaii fics and uh- nothing came up so, here we are
You lean against the wall, pulling out your phone to call the one person you know can help.
"This is Tenant," she says, walking past her teams desks.
"Hey, girly."
She tilts her head, taking in your hushed tone. "You don't sound fine, everything okay?"
"Oh, yeah. I get into town for a brief meeting and then I'm being held down because some assholes want to-" You duck further into your hiding spot at the sound of footsteps. "Kill me."
Her shoulders tense up as she heads straight for the teams meeting room, already spotting them. "Where are you?" She places her phone on the table with everyone listening in, confused about their boss’s attitude. She gestures to Ernie to track the call.
"Abandoned mansion, I think?" You groan and grab your gun. "Jay, if anything happens-"
"Nothing's going to happen. We're going to find you."
"Not before they find me. I'm gonna have to split." You hang up and slowly step down the stairs. "Ernie?"
"I got her location but you're not going to like it."
"Isn't that where the drug dealers were?" Lucy chimes in.
"What is she doing there?"
"Based on the timeline of where the phone has been within the last two days, I'd say this is a kidnapping."
She sighs, knowing as soon as she saw that last name, she should have called you.
"Jesse, Lucy, you two take the front. Kai with me." Jane carefully steps ahead, searching all blind spots.
Kai grunts as his back hits the wall, bringing his arm up to elbow the guy punching his stomach.
Jane pulls the attacker off him and takes him down, giving Kai a few seconds to catch his breath.
In a team effort, they’re able to knock the man unconscious.
"We need to keep moving, we've checked every other room except the-"
The grunting and groaning of fighting drew the two into the kitchen.
You slide into the hallway, landing at her feet. You pull the emergency knife out of your boot and chuck it in the attacker's direction. "Tenant, get down."
She ducks as she and Kai pull you out of the doorway.
"Someone needs to go around back so we can catch this son of a bitch," you order the two.
"I'll go around back, you two stay here," Jane speaks to the two of you.
"I got nowhere else to go!" As soon as she rounds the corner, you look over your shoulder. "You cover me," you tell him.
He shakes his head. "I'm not letting you out of my sight."
"Keep sight on my back then." You charge into the kitchen and tackle down to the main guy who grabbed you from the airport.
Kai pushes himself off the ground, following you. He wonders how someone as risky as you could know someone as collected as his boss.
As soon as you're pushed out of the way, he grabs the guy and brings his elbow up before digging it into his back and then raising his knee to aim for his ribs.
Kai is kicked away, landing on his back, staring up at the ceiling while trying to catch his breath before he can help you.
You jump onto the guy’s back, wrapping your elbow around his neck.
You’re thrown over his shoulder and he set his boot on your neck. You struggle to keep the weight off you, kicking your feet the more you lose air.
"Freeze NCIS."
You don’t think you’ve ever been as excited to hear someone being arrested more than in this moment.
He removes his foot and places his hands on the back of your head.
"You plan on getting up any time soon?"
You shrug, "nah. I like the ground, it's my friend."
Lucy and Jesse glance at one another.
Kai holds his hand out for you to take.
"If I must." You grab his hand and misstep, gripping his hand tighter as his other arm wraps around your waist. "Woah, little lightheaded, thanks, cutie." You turn to your longest friend and ex-coworker. "Jay, we have a lot to talk about."
"Damn, right we do."
You two walk down the hallway, to the front door. "If it makes you feel better, I'm only here to see you and save my family. "
"What do you mean?" She wonders if you know what happened to him.
"He got involved in drug running, wanted out once he met his girl. They didn't like that, especially when they knew his sister was in the navy and had connections to take them down. I came down when they called, and said they needed my help. What's a sister to do other than come back from an early vacation to save them."
"Then you got grabbed and called me."
"What else can you tell us about the people who grabbed you?"
You glance around the room, checking over each of her teammates. "They were assholes, " You blurt out.
Everyone but Jane tried to cover up their humor.
"Anything that can help us find the rest of the crew."
" Yeah, actually." You reach into your pocket. "This was in the trunk where they kindly shoved me."
"This matches the stuff we found a few days ago," Jesse adds. "Why was your brother involved in this?"
"He's an idiot and needed the money. Everybody knew he couldn't hold a job. Mom was hard on him once dad left and it was just her. He got into trouble, I was the one who saved him and was someone he looked up to."
"He wanted out and the boss wasn't happy. So, someone knew he called you and what happened then?" Jane asks.
"He disappeared," you tell them, not divulging into any more detail than that.
"You find him?"
"No." You run your hand over your face. "That's why I came here in person."
"We can help you."
"I don't want you or your team to get in trouble."
"You called to help and that's what you're getting."
You purse your lips. "And you all agree to this?"
"Anywhere Tenant goes, we go," Jesse tells you.
You let out a nervous breath. "Okay."
You should have listened; you should've stayed put when Jane told you to.
But you don't regret your decision though because going in and getting your brother's daughter is worth getting a fist in the gut, maybe you'll say this after (if you make it out).
Jane calls for you in the ear comm, "Pinstripe, what's your position? Hey, pinstripe. What's your position?" She sighs, "does anyone have eyes on her?"
Ernie calls Jesse, "uh- guys."
"What's going on Ernie? We're a little busy right now, we lost her."
"Yeah, thing is, her brother isn't there."
"What do you mean?"
"He's been dead since he tried getting out of, well, this."
"Then why is she here? Why drag us into it?"
"They killed his girlfriend when she got to the island and have been blackmailing her because they have his daughter."
"She never told us he had a kid."
"That's because he didn't want anyone to know in case this would happen. They were both trying to prevent the girl from getting involved. She thought she could save them both but when they killed his girlfriend, she knew it was only a matter of time before they came for her."
"Why not go for his sister?"
"At the time she was deployed but since then, she’s put in a notice for an early retirement and cleaned out her savings so-"
"They could run."
"Or put her up for adoption while she sacrifices her life for the family."
"Does Tenant know?"
"You were the first person I called because everyone else's phone is off... and I was hoping you would answer."
"Okay, anything else before we go in?"
"Nope, go save the day."
"Tenant?" He calls for her through the comm.
"What is it?"
"She's in there for her niece, her brother's been dead for the last four months. They killed his girlfriend two days ago."
"She's-" she sighs, "how many in there?"
"Four total, two hostages."
"On my count. Jesse, you go through the front. Lucy, side way. Kai, you're with me."
The two make their way round the back and slowly step towards the open back door and enter the room.
Jesse and Lucy have the two in cuffs by the time you noticed back up arrived.
You groan as another punch lands on your stomach.
Kai and Jane step behind him. "Hands up, NCIS.”
The guy doesn’t move.
“Drop your weapon and put your hands behind your head."
You're grabbed and held close to him, the cold metal pressed against your head. "Drop it or she dies, like her brother."
You clench your jaw at the words.
"You've already taken the family, isn't this enough?" Kai asks, taking a small step forward.
The guy hold you stretches his arm out, giving the two the opportunity to shoot him.
Jane steps towards the man and kicks his gun away before checking his pulse.
You stare up at the ceiling.
Jane gestures for Kai to stay with you while she checks on the others.
"You okay?"
"Just peachy, almost died twice but peachy keen."
"Yeah, but just think you're still here to see your niece grow up."
"I mean, yeah."
"That's something to look forward to."
The corners of your lips twitch, "you're right."
"You should have been honest."
"I could handle it."
"You almost died, twice."
"Maybe that was a distraction."
"I know how you work."
"You would have gotten my letter about my death plan."
"That's not funny."
"It's not meant to be but it does mean, I only trust you."
"And I appreciate the sentiment behind that, but this is about your life. You almost died today and lied to me."
"I did, I'm sorry about that but you understand why I did it."
"I do but that doesn't make it right. I want you to talk to me and trust that I can help you."
"I do, believe me, I do." You rub your hands over your face, "I just- I didn't want your family to lose you because you're there for them. I didn't- I didn't want to be the reason you died if you helped me."
She reaches across the table, holding your hand. "It would have been my choice and not your fault. You know we work together because we have each other's backs."
"I," you sniff. "I don't know what to say."
"We can start off with thank you and then... I can ask what's going on with you and Kai?"
You wipe the corner of your eyes before furrowing your brows. "What?"
"Kind of tall, perfect for you. You called him cutie, I think?"
"The one that pulled me up. He's adorable but not ready for a girl."
Jane purses her lips, tilting her head. "He is and I think he likes you."
"What makes you say that?"
She smirks, raining a brow. "He's staring at you from his desk."
You glance over your shoulder and watch as he quickly busies himself with fake paperwork before turning back towards you, catching your gaze, and turning away again. You sigh and move in the chair, turning back towards Jane. "He's not going to want to get with a single aunt."
"Never judge a book by its cover."
You roll your eyes, "I'm pretty sure I was the one who said that to you."
"And how does it feel to have your words thrown back in your face?"
"Not nice at all." You leave her to finish her paperwork and whatnot, deciding it's time to get your new life started. You grab the car seat and start walking down the walkway, stopping when your name is called. "Yes?"
"Wh- are you heading home now?"
"Actually, to a hotel, at least, until I find a home for us," you gesture to the sleeping girl.
"Right, right. Uh- well, did- did you have any plans for dinner?"
"Not particularly. Why? You offering?" You ask jokingly.
"I mean, if you really want to."
"Okay, before I say yes or no. I have one thing to say, and you need to listen."
"Do you really want to go out with me? Even if it's just for dinner because my life has changed, and I don't want to drag you into this."
"Hey, hey. I know things have changed for you but just because you're going to be taking on the role of a guardian, for a little girl who is lucky by the way, doesn't scare me."
The corner of your lips twitch, "good answer. I'm afraid we're going to need to do an at home dinner."
"That's fine by me."
"Hey," Jane sticks her head out of the door. "Alex and Julie are home right now, I told them I'm sending you over just for the night until you figure something out."
You narrow your eyes to her. "Convenient."
"Very, see you later. Kai?"
"Yes, ma'am?"
"Keep them safe."
He glances at you and gives his attention back to her. "Of course."
"That's what I like to hear."
You two share a nice meal together while figuring out how to take care of a growing baby. "I can see why my mom sent you two over."
You turn to Alex, "what makes you say that?"
"For one, the house has a happy vibe to it and what better place to have a first date than with her homemade spies."
"You tell her everything?"
He shrugs, "maybe, maybe not."
"You can't bargain with me, kid. I worked with your mother."
"Fine but don't expect me to keep quiet about this."
"I know we're going to have a long chat in the morning."
You gently close the door behind you, not wanting to wake up your niece. "Tonight was fun," you put your hands in your back pockets.
"It was."
"This suddenly feels awkward," you chuckle.
"A little but I think this was- today was crazy but I'm happy to have met you."
"Thanks for lifting me up when you did."
"It was no big deal."
You take a deep breath, "I guess I'll see you at some point tomorrow?"
He nods, "definitely."
The longer you stare, the bigger the smile stretches across both your lips.
You lean in, giving him a hug. "Take care and get home safe, okay?"
You pull back and peck him on the lips before making your way back into the house.
You lean against the door, tracing your lips. "Oh god. Oh god. Oh god!"
"Well, that was adorable."
"Shut up, Jay." 
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