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mustafagultekinavsar · 10 years ago
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#CosmosSeria #MiniSupernovaSeria #SupernovaSeria #GKperseiSeria #GKseria #GKpersei #MiniSupernova #PerseusSeria #PerseusSupernovaSeria #KahramanTakimYildiziSeria #KahramanSeria #HeroSeria #PerseiSeria Mini Supernova" Explosion Could Have Big Impact: In Hollywood blockbusters, explosions are often among the stars of the show. In space, explosions of actual stars are a focus for scientists who hope to better understand their births, lives, and deaths and how they interact with their surroundings. Using our Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers have studied one particular explosion that may provide clues to the dynamics of other, much larger stellar eruptions. Astronomers cite GK Persei as an example of a “classical nova,” an outburst produced by a thermonuclear explosion on the surface of a white dwarf star, the dense remnant of a Sun-like star. This new image of GK Persei contains X-rays from Chandra (blue), optical data from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope (yellow), and radio data from the National Science Foundation’s Very Large Array (pink). Image Credit: NASA/CXC/RIKEN/D.Takei et al #nasa #chandra #hubble #space # astronomy # telescope #hst # science #March17Mart2015 #SaliMartSeria #Sali2015Seria #Mart2015seria #Mart17seria #SaliSeria
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