#kageyama is secretly good with kids
lys-9-10 · 2 years
KageHina Fanfic: Ch 16 & 17 sneakpeek
b/c i love the idea of Kageyama being secretly good with kids :D <3 (and it kind of turning hinata on ;P)
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I walk over to Natsu and settle onto the floor beside her.   
“What have you set up here?” I ask, looking at the elaborate playmobil display she’s arranged. “Is this a farm?” 
She rolls her eyes at me. “It’s a pony ranch.” 
“Pony ranch! Got it.” 
“And over there’s my modern house.” She gestures behind her.
“Ooh. Do the people in the modern house ever come for pony rides?” 
“Aki does. She likes riding Pebbles.” Natsu holds up a plastic pony that’s covered in grey spots. “This is Pebbles. He won’t let anyone ride him except Aki. He bucks everybody else off.”
I appraise the playmobil figurine perched on Pebbles’ back. “I like Aki’s braids.” 
Natsu’s face falls. “That’s not Aki...” 
“Oh? Who is it?
“It’s her mean older sister, Yoshiko.” 
“Hmm. Why hasn’t Pebbles bucked Yoshiko off?” 
Natsu’s bottom lip protrudes in a pout. “She’s stuck. I can’t get her off.” 
“Oh no!” I adopt a horrified expression. “Let me see what I can do about that. May I?” 
I hold out an open palm to Natsu. She regards me suspiciously for a moment, but then compliantly drops the horse and rider into my hand.
After a bit of twisting and jostling, I feel the two pieces click apart. I don’t pull the rider off yet, but turn behind me towards Hinata. I attempt to give him a meaningful look, akin to one I might give in a match when I want him to be ready for an unusual play. Hinata cocks his head curiously. 
Turning back to Natsu, I flash a mischievous grin. 
“I think Pebbles has finally had enough of mean older sisters.”
Natsu’s eyes widen.
Kicking the back end of the pony upward, I yank the rider off and toss it over my head. It goes soaring through the air towards Hinata, who catches it with an exclamation of surprise. 
Natsu erupts into delighted laughter. Soon she’s clapping her hands and urging me to do it again. I smile first at her, then at Hinata. 
Hinata gapes at me for a moment, seemingly bewildered. Then, his face cracks into a wide grin.
We exit Natsu’s room after putting her to bed. I observe how Kageyama is careful to close the door as soundlessly as possible. 
My heart is stretching forward in my chest, craning towards him. 
“You were amazing with Natsu, Kageyama. I didn’t know you could be that way.”
Kageyama turns to me, his eyes curious. “What way?”
I open my mouth to answer, then hesitate, pondering.
It’s hard to describe exactly what I saw. Over the past little while, I’d become more used to witnessing Kageyama’s stony demeanour slip away, revealing something more tender underneath. But that tenderness was often wrapped up in some kind of angst or internal struggle... I’d see a hundred-and-one emotions pouring out of his dark blue eyes, and I’d see the way he reeled under the weight of them all. I’d see him wrestle with which emotions to show me and which ones to hold back.
But as I watched Kageyama with Natsu, I saw something entirely different. I saw a carefree Kageyama. A playful Kageyama. 
The deep vertical line that so often resides between his eyebrows had been absent all evening. 
Without fully realizing what I’m doing, I reach out with one hand and lightly touch my fingers to the space where that line used to be. 
Something flickers in Kageyama’s eyes. He stiffens slightly at first, prompting me to freeze. I’m about to pull my hand away and apologize. But then, his eyelids drift shut, and his body relaxes.
A joyful warmth spreads all through my insides. I smile. Thank you, Kageyama...
I allow myself to start stroking Kageyama's face. I trail all the way down his thin, straight nose. When my fingers fall onto his lips, I stop, and settle there.
They part ever so slightly. 
Kageyama is breathing through his mouth now and I can feel the warm air on the tips of my fingers.
I haven’t kissed Kageyama since that first day, over two weeks ago. He hadn’t made a move, so neither did I. I was happy to hold his hand under the table at lunchtime, and relish other simple touches like that. 
But now, as I gaze at his softly parted lips, I ache with the desire to taste them again. 
“Can I kiss you, Kageyama?” I whisper.
His body stays relaxed. He doesn’t stiffen or open his eyes. No angst sneaks into his expression. 
He simply nods.
I crane upwards and gently press my lips to his. He seems to melt against me. He’s soft, receptive.... Nothing like the Kageyama on the court. On the court, Kageyama is hard and fierce. On the court, he abrasively steals points and victories. The Kageyama in my arms doesn’t steal. He doesn’t take. He only receives and gives, with an air of humble gratitude. I love the Kageyama on the court. I wouldn’t have ended up here if I didn’t love the Kageyama on the court.
But I love this Kageyama too. This softer Kageyama whose lips are delicately responding to mine. 
‘Please keep showing me more sides of you,’ I urge him silently as I nestle my fingers in his hair. ‘Please keep letting me in.’ 
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reverie-starlight · 2 years
hello! as a dancer, i would like to kindly ask who do you think is secretly the best dancer in haikyuu?
okay okay okay
happy valentine's first of all!!
second of all, my only experience with dance was ballet when i was 3 SO idk if I'm qualified to determine the BEST??
and i'm not sure if you meant like, specific style, so I'll try to incorporate a bunch/keep it vague. also the best dancers are kinda sprinkled throughout, it's not really a straight answer, I'm sorry!! ig the ones in all caps are my opinion of the best dancers.
this was so fun to think about and write!! thank you for the request and sorry it took so long to post!!!
{Haikyuu characters that know how to dance and those who don't- HCs}
OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD, I think he would be good at ballroom dancing. His parents definitely made him take lessons when he was a kid and either hated it and endured it or secretly enjoyed it and never let on. no one could figure it out. but when you're at some fancy event with him and he suddenly leads you onto the dancefloor and starts waltzing along with the other couples, you're pleasantly surprised.
SAKUSA (he is so smug about it when you get slightly flustered when he pulls you close and marvel at how good he is), Osamu (didn't mind it, but would never admit it, especially to tsumu. likes to dance with you) and Atsumu (hated it back then but loves it now that he has you for a partner at the fancier galas), KITA (the one who actually didn't hate it and wasn't afraid to admit it and ofc he's amazing at it), Oikawa (definitely dressed up for his classes), Akaashi (he is SO SMOOTH), Aran and surprisingly even to me, Kageyama. DAICHI.
he would be good, but only because before he started with volleyball, his parents needed something to keep him active and busy. he was the definition of a fidgety kid. no specific style bc obviously he eventually got into volleyball. but he's good at keeping a rhythm, definitely doesn't have two left feet. knows how to follow basic choreography, probably.
HINATA (okay he's clumsy but not when he's dancing), tanaka, NOYA, BOKUTO, kyotani (he'll never admit it tho), hanamaki (seijoh will tease him for it until they learn oikawa willingly wore a suit to his classes even if it wasn't madatory), Tendou.
has never taken a dance class but is surprisingly decent at staying on beat when you're dancing together. either in a club/party setting or just dancing in your living room, they can definitely move.
MATSUKAWA, SUNA (tho only you know it, he'd rather die than let the twins find out), Sugawara, KUROO (I WILL REST ON THIS HILL, I WANT TO DANCE WITH HIM), Yaku, SEMI. Kiyoko. Iwaizumi. (iwa and mattsun are crazy good imo).
CANNOT DANCE TO SAVE THEIR LIFE, but will try anyway bc they know it makes you laugh. will probably be sitting out at parties unless you insist everyone is too drunk to care how bad someone is at dancing.
kenma, USHIJIMA (he needs to be bad at something and that something is dancing sorry), YACHI, Asahi, Alisa, LEV, Tsukki, Yamaguchi, KUNIMI, kindaichi.
side note: hinata and oikawa definitely picked up more moves in brazil and argentina respectively. they can dance. thank you that is all.
I hope this was okay!!! Wishing you a happy valentine's day <333
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kawaii-night666 · 1 month
ch 11- K.T. turns into a girl!
Tobio and the girls done some shopping as they go to have something to eat.
As they get near where food court area is as they saw the guys causing much ruckus with their loud voices, messing about while some trying to calm the hyperactive guys down a bit to try and keep quiet the best they can (maybe...).
The girls don’t know whether or not if they want to sit with them as Tobio just goes and find something to eat as Shirofuku follows after Tobio which makes the rest follow along as Koushi notice them coming and check to see if Kageyama is alright which Tobio is indeed alright but as he takes a closer look a bit Tobio eyes seems to be slightly red as Koushi makes eyes contact with Kiyoko as she let him know that everything is alright, Tobio will tell you and the rest why when Tobio is ready to tell or not.
When Tobio and managers bought the food, they want they go find the place to sit which where Sakura tree is the girls decided to sit there after all it is beautiful and they want to be friends with Tobio and get to know them more but to the girls they felt comfortable with Tobio and see them like their own sibling and friend.
Hitoka speak to Tobio “Hey Kageyama, you alright.”
Tobio let out a small smile and reply “Yeah and umm you can call me Tobio if you like too.”
Hitoka smile back and said “Okay then but unless you do the same with me.”
Tobio nodded in agreement as they both giggle and talk even the others start want to be called by their first names as well and let say the guys who heard are jealous especially the ones who call Tobio first name even the ones who call Tobio last name and even that nickname-king.
Time moves forward they all decide to go back to the training camp, don’t want some of them worry even though the some were enjoying talking and drinking about their wives, their jobs, the kids in the club and the school.
As they all got back to the training camp Hinata was about to drag Tobio for practicing tossing but unfortunately for him the managers got to Tobio first to make Tobio wear the clothes that they bought in the shop well more like the managers are curious what Tobio would look like wearing shorts, dress, skirts, jeans, and maybe swimsuit.
The managers seem to be excited while for Tobio who seem to be afraid as they remember when Miwa dress them up. Even though secretly Tobio enjoy it but sadly didn’t go unnoticed by their own sister.
“Okay Tobio try this one.”
Tobio look at the clothes which is shorts and net tights with black top then look up at the girls who grinning in excitement as Tobio sigh knowing that they can’t do anything but to obey and get it over with as the girls lead Tobio into a room for them to try to clothes as Tobio put it on and look at the outfit they’re wearing.
Tobio finishes changing into the outfit that the girls choose for them to wear as Tobio comes out as the girls’ gape at how beautiful and pretty Tobio is and even as a bonus a girl at that. As for the guy’s jaw drop at how Tobio looks as some blush, some can’t even look away and some took picture for safe keeping when Tobio change into different clothes even bikini as the guys can’t contain to take their jersey off and to cover Tobio body that look so pale that could leave marks even snow white would be jealous of how Tobio skin is.
Author-san: Chapter 11 guys woohoo
Tobio: Why do I have to wear those clothes?
Miwa: In my opinion they would look good on you Tobi
Tobio: No ❤️
Miwa: Well damn then
Author-san: Oof
Tobio: Its going to bring me trauma soon
Miwa: HEY going shopping with me ain't bad
Tobio: Mhm suree
Author-san: Well damn poor you Miwa
Miwa: Yeah poor me
Tobio: I'm a victim of you doing my hair even make up
Author-san: To be honest you do look pretty bestie
Tobio: Thanks wait no
Miwa: Oof
Author-san: But you seem to be enjoying it though
No comment
Miwa: Oof
Author-san: Oof
Tobio: Seriously
Miwa: Yes
Author-san: Yes
Tobio: Anyways
See you in the next chapter
Miwa: Have a good day/night
Author-san: Peace out ✌️
Miwa: Awesome
Tobio: How
Author-san: Because it is
Miwa: By the way author love how you said about Tobio skin
Author-san: I know, bet they want to do that
Miwa: Mhm
Tobio: Do what to my skin
You mean how nee-san want me to look after my skin
Miwa: No Tobio not that way
Tobio: Then what
Author-san: Tobio bestie your so oblivious
Its quite sad and scary
Tobio: How
Miwa: Sigh
See author we can't do anything
Tobio: Whaa
I don't get it!
Miwa: I can see that
Tobio: ( •_•)
Well damn okay
Author-san: There there Tobio
Tobio: By the way why did you make me try on a bikini
Aren't they the same as wearing them
Miwa: Why do you put it like that way?
Tobio: I don't know
Author-san: Why not, besides I think they like it
And you do look like a model same goes with Miwa
Miwa: Aww author😘
Author-san: 😘
Tobio: Girls are strange
Miwa: Rude
Author-san: Well physically I am but then again I'm not well act like it
Tobio: Oh are you comfortable to say it
Miwa: I agree for once
Author-san: I won't say it
Its my personal business and life
Tobio: True
Miwa: Yep
But Tobio your still oblivious
Tobio: No I'm not
Author-san: Anyways
I'm still thinking making a another fanfic
Tobio: Please it has to be others not just me
Author-san: Well in my opinion I would rather fanfic about you, Tetsuya and Yoichi
Tobio: But didn't you-
Miwa: Knowing author already has a plan for more ideas for fanfics and stories
Tobio: Yeah which is scary
Author-san: How
Tobio: I don't know
You just do sometimes
Author-san: I don't know whether or not
I should feel offended
Tobio: Then don't
Miwa: what about those other fanfics you didn't finish
Author-san: It comes and goes whether I can think of something
Miwa: Thats fair
Tobio: Is it
They always forget to update and write new story ideas
Tobio: Uhh I can and I WILL
Miwa: Well damn this is chaotic
Author-san: Really Miwa you don't say
Miwa: Hey no need to be sarcastic
Tobio: ....
Thats sarcastic
Miwa: Yes
Author-san: No
Tobio: 😑
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adoringhaikyuu · 1 year
this might be a shameless self promo, but-
those are some karasuno hcs i’ve written out. i think it’s pretty detailed
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wait i love all of these
i have so many thoughts so i'm putting a keep reading
i love daichi secretly loving dramas, you definitely watch them together every weekend to relax.
suga most definitely gives the best hugs, he's a cuddly person. and i see him being torn between wanting to goof around and wanting to set a good example so he probably allows himself to be goofy w you cause he's comfortable with you.
i see asahi being insecure :( but when you compliment him it feels extra special and he gets all blushy and flustered.
pls noya being a leash kid and having no rizz sent me but it's so true. he stumbles over his words and says stuff that doesn't even make sense when he first tries to flirt with you but he's so cute that it ends up working.
tanaka on the other hand having hella rizz and doing face masks with you, absolutely. he's so flirty he gets you flustered all the time and he smells so good. he may not spray enough cologne on himself but i think he sprays his clothes before he puts them on skjfhdg.
omg bi kageyama w a boba obsession and a huge appetite >>> he fuels your love for boba getting you some basically every time you meet up and he eats your leftovers when you're full (self-indulging on this one but yes).
stop hinata using women's body wash cause it smells better is so true, probably makes you question who he's been hanging around before he comes over to your place but when he shows you it's the soap he uses you're like,, of course.
tsukishima definitely loves quality time and yamaguchi is such a cuddler omg that's his love language.
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earthtooz · 3 years
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↳ what it'd be like if the hq boys had a crush on you!
characters: kageyama tobio, semi eita, toru oikawa, miya osamu, kuroo tetsuro, akaashi keij, suna rintaro
warnings: fluff!! swearing here and there :) slight rivals to lovers in suna!
a/n: I WAS ABOUT TO NOT INCLUDE SUNA BUT MY WHORE INSTINCTS TOOK OVER THIS IS SO SHAMEFUL. thinkin about making a pt 2 with other characters but omg this took forever. hate to toot my own horn, but i kinda went off... (kags might be a bit ooc,,, but i think that's on me, not him </3)
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poor, precious kageyama tobio who is so clueless in matters of love and how to 'woo' someone (that's the word his mother used when he asked), that he resorted to ask the members of the volleyball club.
the only useful advice kageyama tobio got was from sugawara, asahi and daichi, who told him to 'just be himself', because even though he's 'prickly on the edges', he's naturally a kind and reassuring person.
kageyama tobio who tries his best to spend as much time as possible with you, whether it be asking to tag along with you everywhere- to the school office, to the vending machines, to your locker, etc. it's the little moments that really count to him.
kageyama tobio who gets flustered whenever hinata, tanaka or nishinoya teases him about his little crush on you before telling them to 'shut up, idiot!' when they jokingly say 'man up and grow some balls!'
when you offer to study with him during exam season, kageyama tobio turns into a blushing mess, stammering over his words as he tries his best to get out a 'yes please, i would appreciate that a lot!'.
kageyama tobio, who you're still scared of a little sometimes because he's got that towering height to him and a stern appearance, but you're reminded of just how dorky and awkward he really is and it brings a smile to your face.
kageyama tobio, who's gone to the vending machine so many times with you that he knows your favourite drinks and snacks, listening to you muttering about which option you'd want. he buys it for you sometimes and he insists that he doesn't need repayment as he waves your complaints off by sipping on his carton of milk.
kageyama tobio knows your birthday and always makes an effort to bring it up whenever it's the week before to let you know that he remembers.
he saves any photos you have together because even kageyama tobio doesn't really enjoy looking at pictures of himself, it's worth saving it as his phone home screen because you're in it- and he won't change the home screen for months- years even.
kageyama tobio who is actually really funny and has a good sense of humour that he effortlessly makes you laugh.
you offer your headphones to kageyama tobio when he asks you what you're listening to, and he's so silent as well that you think he might secretly dislike your music taste until the next time he approaches you and asks to share earphones.
kageyama tobio, who doesn't realise you're at one of his games until you're running down from the stands and congratulating him, bringing him into a huge hug that makes him short circuit. 'this is nice' he thinks as he finally gets the hint from hinata to hug you back, the affectionate gesture of you making the effort to come and actually watch him play makes him feel warm, and he prays you can't feel how fast his heart is beating.
kageyama tobio, who ALMOST confessed to you on total accident, because he actually sent you a love song (that you've listened to many times before) and told you it reminds him of you.
you jokingly ask kageyama tobio whether if not he likes you or something, followed by an emoji so he knows you're kidding (because he's actually quite clueless about your sarcasm through text and needs indicators), and he almost falls off his bed.
kageyama tobio ACTUALLY confessing after one of his volleyball games, when he's still high on adrenaline and excitement over the victory that he can't help but tell you.
kageyama tobio who hears the cheers of his friends when you accept his date offer and doesn't even have the heart to tell the volleyball club members to 'shut the fuck up!' when you reach up to his cheek to place a kiss there.
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semi eita, who's the sweetest boy you could possibly have a crush on, and if he liked you back? you've struck gold.
semi eita, who leans his ear down to hear you if the room is too loud, and if that doesn't work, he tells everyone else around him to 'shut up' so he can listen to you successfully.
semi eita, who huffs in amusement when you draw on his skin and you stop, thinking he doesn't like it, but he compliments the little smiley face you've drawn and you beam at him, your smile making him internally panic just a little. he draws a matching smiley face on your hand.
his features make his gaze look naturally intense and determined and he's aware of how this might scare some people, but with you, semi eita tries to look as gentle as possible, because he doesn't want to scare you off.
semi eita who shares his food with you, but rejects anyone else who tries to take some as well.
semi eita, who doesn't realise that he's doing this, but mentally makes a note of things that remind him of you. that bouquet outside the florist he just walked past? the colour scheme reminded him of you. the specific scent of a candle? he thinks you'd like it. an outfit he saw someone wear? he can hear you gush about it.
he's an incredible listener, but semi eita always has something to add to the conversation and it's easy to keep talking with him.
when he got your number, semi eita unconsciously added a heart emoji next to it before deleting it and mentally scolding himself.
semi eita, who freaked out when you laid your head on his shoulder on purpose since you were so tired, but as you went to sit back straight, semi smiled and told you you could take a nap on him if you wanted. now it was your turn to freak out as you mentally remembered his offer.
semi eita, who was relentlessly teased by tendou when you actually fell asleep on his shoulder next time.
after that, semi eita isn't as shy about physical contact- granted, he still asks for permission, but he'll take your hand in his without realising. first time he did so, you were incredibly flustered and when he notices that he's holding your hand, he also becomes incredibly flustered. it's a mess because you're both spluttering words, flushed in the face.
you've definitely compared hand sizes together and semi eita loves it so much that he just does it whenever, smirking at the difference.
gestures of affection occur naturally. it's common for semi eita to greet you with a welcoming hug when he sees you at the start of the day, you'll hold on to his shoulder to get his attention and he'll drape his arm over your shoulder when you're walking somewhere.
it's so natural, that when you and semi eita start dating, you immediately are comfortable with each other's bodies (not even in any suggestive way, you've just traced the lines on his palms so many times.)
semi eita has written songs about you before and only showed them to you when you started dating.
semi eita who makes you so effortlessly happy that you're bursting at the seems with love for him. you'd be happy to know that he feels the same way, wondering what good deed he did in a previous life to have you now.
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oikawa tooru, who searches every room he enters, hoping that maybe you're in the same one. when he finds you, he yells your name in a cheery tone before jogging over to you.
oikawa tooru, who inserts himself into any situation that includes you. group project? he's already moving over to your desk before you could even look at your best friend. school trip? he's taking the seat beside you, end of story. pairing up with someone during physical education? oikawa's wandering towards you (even though you're intimidated by the man's athletic abilities.)
oikawa tooru, who seeks for your validation. you come to a few of his volleyball games per his request and feels his ego shoot up by miles when you tell him you're proud of him and that he's amazing.
you learnt how to make paper rings and taught oikawa tooru how to as well, and he gave his first one to you. you took it gratefully and handed him one of your more successful ones and he wore it around for the whole day. he keeps it on his desk now.
oikawa tooru, who could be swarmed by a group of fangirls, but when you walk past the school grounds talking with a bunch of friends, he's calling your name and breaking away so he can talk to you.
everyone can see how smitten oikawa tooru is for you, except you, and it frustrates everyone to no end.
oikawa tooru has been friendzoned 27 times by you, and counting.
"why would oikawa go for someone like me?" you would say to your friends, and it's a genuine question, because someone as dazzling and bold as oikawa tooru did not belong with you.
oikawa tooru, who overhears you and feels his heart drop.
oikawa tooru, who knows what it's like being insecure and uncomfortable in their own skin, comforting you when it matters most. he repeats what he wants people to say most to him, "you're incredible and that will never change, you're loved for a reason y/n and you're enough."
you're a little embarrassed that he caught you at a time of vulnerability, but oikawa tooru waves off your apology and tells you that he's always happy to help. he just hopes you'll stop burdening yourself with bottled up thoughts.
oikawa tooru, who hates losing you in a crowd, so he'll grab onto your shoulders like a conga line.
"i'm pretty, you're pretty, i think we would make a pretty good couple," oikawa tooru once told you. that got him a whack from iwaizumi and a harmless eye roll from you.
oikawa tooru, who shows off photos of you to his nephew and takeru has had enough of his uncle gushing endlessly.
oikawa tooru, when asked 'who's the prettiest person you know', says your name first without hesitation. he then adds on a pathetic "i'm still pretty amazing myself, but it's exhausting carrying these good looks all the time".
oikawa tooru, who squealed in delight when you finally agreed to go on a date with him.
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miya osamu, who is one of the most caring people you've ever met.
miya osamu, who brings food just for you, even if he has to put up with atsumu's relentless teasing the night before as he prepares both their lunches. osamu shuts him up by saying 'i'll let ya starve tomorrow if ya don't shut the hell up'.
miya osamu, who carries your books for you if you don't have enough hands and follows you back to your locker if you forgot something for next period.
he faces the brunt of atsumu's teasing most of the time, but miya osamu never cracks, countering his twin's teasing by insulting him back- which most likely ends in fight. however, when you tease miya osamu, his face heats up and he stumbles over his words, but he doesn't really mind because he gets to hear your laughter.
miya osamu, who's competitive but especially when it comes to you AND he's jealous. if he overhears people talking about you, there's a good chance he'll stare them down in the hallways and scare them away- which is really effective with his 'the more intimidating miya' status.
miya osamu, who will give you piggy-back rides willingly. you know the thing where you'd jump at someone who is carrying things in both hands and see how they'd react? miya osamu would drop everything in his hands just to catch you, and he tries to get mad at you but can't because you're too busy sprinting away, giggling and laughing whilst osamu just looks at you hopelessly.
having a crush on miya osamu is easy because he knows how to charm someone and it's working on you.
miya osamu who is quite invested in self maintenance. you have regular discussions about haircare, skincare and even what makeup osamu should use. he's an introverted soul, so don't be surprised that miya osamu has a cleansing night where he spends it by himself, cooking up a new dish in a bathrobe whilst he waits to take off his face mask.
miya osamu, who is your best friend before he is your crush- and you never really know where you stand with him.
miya osamu, who sits in the library with you after school just to kill time. you swear you're going to study but that never really works, not when osamu keeps challenging you to games of 8ball on messages.
miya osamu is realistic and won't let unnecessary bullshit get the better of him, and he's the first person you go to when you need to be smacked down to earth. as you panic about an overdue assignment, he's the first to tell you that 'an overdue assignment by an hour is nothing, besides, you're probably not the first student that broke their laptop and lost everything. ya need to talk to the teacher- and stop panicking!'
miya osamu, who is not above throwing paper at the back of your head during class whenever the teacher is turned around. you've resorted to ignoring him which was a bad idea because he then proceeded to throw stationery.
miya osamu confessed in the way he knew best, through food as he prepared a bunch of your favourite sweets and left a note on top- a love letter if you will, but osamu was repulsed that you called it that, so you opt to just say he left you a note. it was definitely a love letter.
you begin to come over to the miya household on days when miya osamu wants to have his weekly cleanse and he shows you the products he uses.
miya osamu, who let you wear his volleyball uniform once and demanded for you to take it off before he actually let you keep it. maybe after high school he'll give it to you, but certainly not when he still needed it.
miya osamu, who regularly discusses his dreams and ambitions with you.
there was a place for you in miya osamu's future, right by his side as he was yours.
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kuroo tetsuro, who declines any feelings he might have for you.
kuroo tetsuro, literal embodiment of 'i'll deny i have a crush on y/n, even though it's so painfully obvious'. kenma is so tired of his shit.
kuroo: what are you talking about? y/n is just a friend kenma: oh great, so that means i can set her up with someone else right? kuroo: ...
kuroo tetsuro, who's stupidly giddy every time he hears about you and his head turns around very quickly whenever he hears your voice. he's quick to give you all of his attention.
kuroo tetsuro, who buys food from the local 7/11 for you- especially when you forgot to have lunch or didn't have time to eat that day.
kuroo tetsuro, who will point out cats on the side of the road and you take a photo of them. it's got to the point where you have a whole album of cat pictures named 'pussy pics'. kuroo features in a few of them sometimes and you joke that he's a cat.
when you're cold, kuroo tetsuro is more than happy to offer you his blazer. he doesn't get cold, it's okay (that's what he tells you).
kuroo tetsuro, who's already thought about his future and what he'd like to do, and he can't imagine you not being in it- despite constantly denying that you're just a friend.
kuroo tetsuro, who tries to ignore the way your face falls when he friendzones you for the nth time.
kuroo tetsuro, who finally acknowledges his feelings for you when he overhears you being asked out by some other guy in his year. he wants to intercept and pull you away, but he can't really do that when he sees you smiling and accepting the date offer.
kuroo tetsuro, whose stomach drops every time he thinks about you going on a date with someone that's not him, and he's so very anxious for the day to come.
kuroo tetsuro, who's bitterly texting you and asking how it was when he opens your snap. kuroo tetsuro, who is over the moon when you tell him that 'it was okay, but i probably won't go on another date with him'.
kuroo tetsuro, who is courageous and daring, but can't seem to confess to you because every time he thinks about it, he chickens out.
you have matching friendship bracelets with kuroo tetsuro, and he wears it everywhere. during school, volleyball practice, when you hangout, even when he sleeps. it's just easier that way and he's not bothered to take it off just to forget to put it back on.
kuroo tetsuro, who loves taking mirror pictures with you and posting them on his stories. you look so cool in them, trust me, it's pinterest worthy. your most-liked photos on your feed are mirror photos with him.
kuroo tetsuro, who watches you play games with kenma, and when you're both too engrossed in the screen, he throws a volleyball at the back of your head to get your attention.
kuroo tetsuro, who could be the best boyfriend ever if either of you just stopped being scared to 'ruin' the friendship.
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akaashi keiji, who really enjoys having you around and spending time with you.
akaashi keiji, who expresses love through the little things, like carrying things when you don't have a pocket or bag, remembering what kind of chapstick you use or willingly having your hair bands around his wrist.
akaashi keiji, who passes notes with you during class- surprisingly, because he's such a diligent student.
the love language between you two is basically books. it started when you left your copy of a novel to read for school with akaashi keiji, who offered to annotate it. when you got it back, there was a little 'he's my favourite character, he's so funny' written on the pages with an arrow to a certain name. you start adding on your own little comments to his books.
you leave little notes of encouragement in akaashi keiji's textbooks, and he smiles so widely every time he finds them. he keeps all of them too, not having the heart to throw them away.
akaashi keiji, who can be brutally honest that you let him know that you appreciate it when he is. you come to him for genuine advice and it always makes him feel validated when you listen intently and take in his words.
akaashi keiji, who you've actually had several conversations over fashion with, because even though he doesn't exactly have the best closet, you send him photos of outfits you think would look good on him.
and when he buys the appropriate clothes to build an outfit, you hype him up for it because what the fuck, why does akaashi keiji look so good in a turtle neck.
falling for akaashi keiji was so easy, easier than falling asleep, because he's always there for you and he's got this unassuming charm to him. the second you realised you'd began to slip, you simply just let it happen.
bokuto is a really sad third wheel, even whilst you two are just friends, but akaashi keiji can't help but pay attention to anything that's not you.
akaashi keiji, who goes to sleep at 11:30pm, but he's sure there's no harm staying up for another half hour just to talk to you.
sometimes, akaashi keiji writes poems for you... but he'll never let those see the light of day.
you're tempted sometimes to write a 'you're cute <3' when you annotate his books, but ultimately decide against it and go to draw a little heart instead.
the way your heart skipped many beats when you read 'do you wanna go out with me?' on the pages of your book. you confront him about it and he's so shy... but beams when you tell him that that it's a date.
going on bookdates is a MUST with akaashi keiji.
just wow, dating akaashi keiji would be the best thing to ever happen in life.
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suna rintarou, who you actually kinda hate because of how annoying he is.
suna rintarou, who loves provoking you. tripping you over as you're walking out of class, messing up your hair just as you're about to speak to a teacher, smirking at you whilst you're in the middle of presenting something for class- you just hate him to put it simply.
you get back at suna rintarou for every time he messes with you and it's become a continuous back and forth.
he would be attractive with his aloof, uninterested vibe, and it's not like suna's a bad looker, he's just so annoying- but you could see yourself having a crush on suna rintarou. not like he'd want you to though.
suna rintarou's love language is bullying.
suna rintarou, who impresses you with his athletic abilities, but you have to mask your shock every time he hits one of his impressive volleyball spike.
you sometimes like to mock him whilst you're with friends, slouching and digging your hands into your pockets as you rant about the last thing he did to provoke you, unaware that suna rintarou and his perceptive eyes were watching you. he's amused though and walks away with a faint smile.
speaking of perceptive eyes, suna rintarou notices you almost everywhere. not just you but he only ever gives two thoughts about you, complimenting your outfit in his head before glancing away.
suna rintarou, who sees his chance when he notices you talking to osamu (who you share classes with).
he asks about you, trying to sound disinterested but osamu notices his bullshit right away. you're the same, asking about suna rintarou whilst pretending like you don't care. osamu tells atsumu this and the twins decide to take it into their own hands.
you don't know why miya atsumu has decided to talk to you, deciding that it was the cherry on top when suna rintarou approached and sat down next to his friend.
suna rintarou once responded to your story on instagram and you begin talking for hours without realising.
one day as you're walking to school with a cup of coffee in hand, miya atsumu notices and shoves suna rintarou in your direction a little too hard. he accidentally bumps into you and spills your drink.
suna rintarou is apologising profusely, feeling terrible that he did that but you shut him up by saying, "you can apologise by taking me out on a date". he's dumbstruck, but agrees.
suna rintarou begins to panic, because he wants this to be the best date of your life.
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reblogs, feedback and likes are very appreciated!
HELP i'm EXHAUSTED AFTER THAT, so please please please reblog or just interact with this post because you don't understand how much it helps me out!! but that's only if you want to <3
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yamagucji · 4 years
Embarrassing moments
warnings. just for shits n giggles, 14+ readers preferably, mentions of vomit, poop, choking, etc.
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HINATA was extremely constipated and needed to use the bathroom quick. but there’s a long line to the mens bathroom (what’s the occasion anyway??) and he’s standing all the way at the back. poor hinata felt a fart coming so he just couldn’t... hold it in. mans SHARTED. shitted and farted at the same time. it stunk so bad that the guys in front of him said, “damn, you need the toilet more than me,” and let him cut in line.
USHIJIMA and tendou stopped to pet this dog during their walk. tendou’s conversing with the owner while toshi’s petting the dog. dog likes it, it’s all good. until... it got bored and decided that toshi’s butt smelled good. dog just wouldn’t stop sniffing his ass. “please, stop smelling me,” toshi says with desperation, which now catches the others’ attention. the owner has to pry their dog away from toshi’s ass cheeks, please. the awkward tension kinda dies down until tendou utters, “so, what’s your secret? what product are you using?”
YAMAGUCHI drank water in the middle of silent class reading. this boy started choking— and i mean choking on his water. you can hear his muffled coughs in the distance and when you turn around to look at him, his face is all red and his cheeks are puffy. none of his classmates say anything but you can practically feel second-hand embarrassment oozing around. the assistant teacher even has the audacity to say, “drink some water.”
KENMA’s calling this one his last try. he sticks his remaining coins into the slot and tries to get the brand new nintendo box thats in the machine. mf has been going at this for over twenty minutes now. his pouch is empty and there’s a crowd of kids waiting for him. no miracle happens in his last try (shit got stuck!!) so he has to move away only to watch in horror— as the kid after him manages to get it. you’re gonna have to hold kenma down before he hunts that kid with every bit of his soul.
DAICHI had a fat one coming in, that’s for sure. thought it was a free real estate just because everyone else in the camp seemed asleep. so he let that monster fart come out (even partly stuck out his thigh for better airway). whole team was awake in a matter of seconds. nishinoya’s jumped off his sleeping bag and asking everyone if they heard that “loud bang.” tanaka’s over here sniffing around because he knows that no one has got some kind of bomb that stinks.
SAKUSA’s not gonna admit to this one. but one time he opened a bathroom stall (it was unlocked) only to find that it was occupied. there are no words to accurately describe just how horried the sight was. sitting on the toilet was a man taking a shit, with his dick on full boner mode, staring back at sakusa. they only made eye contact for just 2 seconds but sakusa’s seen enough. he’s heard enough too, when said stranger asked him, “you wanna join me?”
ASAHI projectile vomited at the theaters. you should’ve known it was a bad idea to take him out to dinner before going to watch a scary movie. man had no courage to tell you he had an upset stomach nor tell you he’s not a fan of horror. it’s twenty minutes into the movie and he’s poking your arm— but you don’t notice because you’re too engrossed. another twenty minutes, and a jumpscare comes on. man beside you vomits like there’s no tomorrow. ya’ll spend the rest of the movie secretly trying to clean his throw-up.
TENDOU was watching anime in his dorm peacefully. until... the whole shiratorizawa team opened the door just in time for the show to switch up to an inappropriate scene. out of all the times they could’ve walked in, they really had to come when 2d clown man was moaning and fighting a kid? tendou scrambled to close his laptop but now he’s just staring back at his teammates; silent, except for the fact that his show is still playing and you can still hearing moaning in the background.
TSUKISHIMA turned his house upside down and still couldn’t find his glasses, nor his extra pair. he was about to leave bare eyed until his mom caught him and forced him to wear his sports glasses. yeah, the one with the whole strap and everything. mans looked like a fool coming to school with it on. people who didn’t know it was his sports glasses mistook it for swimming goggles. he’s so utterly humiliated now, he can’t even bite back when hinata or kageyama says something.
GOSHIKI... i don’t even know what to tell you. who let this kid go further into the lake by himself? it’s all fun and games for everyone until you hear an ear-defeaning shriek by your one and only goshiki. he’s yelling out, “help me! please! help!!” the lifeguards start kicking in and everyone’s trying to make way. is he drowning? is there something there? no for god’s sake. you find out he just made it 5 ft deep and happened to swim over a bunch of seaweed. never take him swimming again.
ATSUMU decided to check himself out using someone’s car window. he’s fixing his hair, picking at his teeth, and even checking to see if he has any boogers. all of a sudden the window rolls down and there’s a senior citizen staring back at him. “boy do you think my car is your mirror?” the man says in a gruffy voice. atsumu’s knees nearly buckle from how scary this man is and how embarrassed he is of all the four minutes he probably spent with this stranger.
SACHIRO’s job as a vet sometimes makes him do really questionable shit (from an outsider perspective). once he had to ejaculate someone’s dog in front of their owner. uh huh... jack them off, for the sole purpose of examining the dog’s semen. he’s never felt such a wave of regret wash through his body during that whole procedure. it didn’t help when the owner was looking at him mortified, nor the fact that it took such a long time.
OIKAWA does this thing were he shows up unexpectedly behind iwaizumi and slaps his ass. everytime he does it iwa always hits him back (but not the ass). today he learnt his lesson when he mistook a stranger for iwa and slapped the guys ass from the moon and back. when i tell you just how quick all the blood drained from oikawa’s body when the man turned around— you can hear a bag of chips fall at the other end of the aisle and it’s the iwa, who had to witness that whole ass-slap event.
ARAN is gonna knock the shit of the miya twins one day, he swears to god. they sent him a mysterious video during his morning walk, where he stopped at a busy street. it starts off quiet, so he goes to turn the volume up full blast. damn video suddenly started blaring ‘lick my pussy and my-’ please... he’s shaking. passerby’s are looking at him with distaste. aran’s now flushed from embarrassment and running towards the miya house. you can guess what happens next.
BOKUTO walked into the wrong house. spent a whole ten minutes rummaging around the kitchen because his friend said to “make yourself comfortable, i’ll be on my way.” little did this man know that there’s a whole family upstairs waiting for the cops to arrive because they think it’s a robbery. poor bokuto, dragged out of the house by some cops but had no idea what was going on. man was literally just vibing— thinking he was in his friends house.
OSAMU swore this size pants still fit him (hint: it doesn’t). he’s walking through the snack section of the store, lightly limping because damn his dick can’t breath. his truth is tested when he goes to pick something off the lowest shelf and his pants literally go, ‘let er rip.’ fabric tore, and what’s worse is that he was wearing onigiri undies. osamu goes to check if there’s anyone else in the aisle and there is— a group of underclassmen girls from his high school.
KUROO tried to make his chemistry presentation more interesting by putting in jokes. he thought they were funny; kenma even huffed a breath. kuroo’s at his third joke by now and literally no one has laughed. not a single one. except for kuroo himself, who’s awkwardly laughing in a dead-silent room. man was embarrassed. other people are getting second-hand embarrassment by the way they avoided eye contact with him. he vented to kenma later only for kenma to say, “it wasn’t funny. it was just stupid.” poor kuroo.
SUNA accidentally connected his bluetooth to the bus. you know, the one that drives all of inarizaki to their games. wanna guess what the fuck he might’ve been listening to? it’s porn. he’s watching porn in broad daylight. suna doesn’t realize what the issue is until he goes to turn up the volume and notices that the sound is off. he take his airpods off and that’s when he hears pure moaning sounds blaring inside the bus. everyone’s laughing— except for kita and their coach who’s still outside. mf calls himself lucky for that.
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jarigui · 3 years
haikyuu boys babysitting with their s/o !
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genre/s: fluff
pairing: kageyama x reader, suna x reader, and atsumu x reader
contains: f! reader, timeskip hq boys, talks of having a baby and marriage
notes: n/a
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he’s a little hesitant in accepting your offer to babysit your 6-year-old cousin with him. he’s awkward with kids, and they aren’t that fond of him either. they wouldn’t approach him because they’re scared of him. but you assured him that your little cousin will like him.
they didn’t get along at the start. your cousin hid behind your legs when you introduced kageyama to him.
your cousin will only ask for your help and not kageyama. although he already expected it, kageyama still wants to put in the effort.
so when he saw your cousin playing with a ball outside, he took the opportunity and played with him. you were in the kitchen cooking dinner, while the kageyama approached your cousin.
“do you play?”
your cousin turned around and shyly nodded. “a bit,”
he crouched down so he’s at eye level. “what do you play?”
the little boy looked at the ground and shuffled his feet. “volleyball and um, soccer,”
kageyama grinned. “i play volleyball too,”
your cousin raised his head to look at kageyama. “really? i want to learn how but i don’t have anyone to play with.”
“i’ll teach you,”
with a wide grin, the little boy raised the ball to show to your boyfriend. “then play with me!”
kageyama’s grin got wider and ruffled the kid’s hair. he played with him in the backyard and even taught him the basics. your cousin was amazed by kageyama.
“wow!” the little boy jumped in awe. “you’re like those guys on tv! the ones who jump really high!”
they played for hours on end. after you finished cooking dinner, you went to the backyard to check on the two of them. you were surprised when you saw kageyama and your cousin laughing while playing volleyball. kageyama was on his knees, trying to get closer to your cousin’s height. the little boy was laughing and squealing while playing.
you called them both for dinner and your cousin came running to you. you crouched down to catch him.
“did you see him? he’s like those guys that i watch on tv! he was cool! earlier, he jumped so high and then he spiked the ball really hard like this!” your cousin placed his hands up in the air to imitate him.
kageyama jogged up to both of you while smiling widely.
“really? he’s that good?” you glanced at your boyfriend.
“yes! he promised me that we’ll play again when you visit me next time,”
you raised your eyebrows. they were already planning for next time. you smiled as you look at your boyfriend who was looking at the two of you fondly.
you told your cousin to wash up since it’s time for dinner. he happily obliged and ran upstairs. you walked up to kageyama to wipe his sweat with your hanker chief.
“i thought you said you’re awkward with kids,”
he placed a kiss on your temple. “maybe not with this one,”
suna is a natural with kids. since he has younger sister, he knows how to handle kids pretty well. this weekend, your sibling told you to babysit your 5-year-old niece and 6-year-old nephew.
suna let your niece play with his hair and even tie it with her pink clips and hair ties. you smiled at him and fished your phone out of your pocket.
“you look adorable, rin,” you snapped multiple pictures of him.
“babe, don’t send that to the twins.”
he kept the clips and hair ties on the whole day since your niece told him to not take them off. he glanced at you and smirked.
“how about we put some on your aunt’s hair as well? so she won’t feel left out.”
you whipped your head in their direction and saw your niece looking at you, as if asking for your permission, and suna smirking at you.
you sighed and nodded. both of your hair was filled with cute pink clips that day.
he also got along with your nephew. suna would play whatever game he wanted to play and watch whatever video he put on. you have a feeling that your nephew thinks your boyfriend is cool and looks up to him. you notice how your nephew looks at him, listens well to what your boyfriend says, and even copies him sometimes.
he also got embarrassed when you tried to help him take a bath.
your nephew looked away. “i can do it, i’m big now.”
“but i’m just helping you so it’ll be easier,”
your nephew noticed suna looking and his eyes widened a bit. “i’m not a little boy. i can do it.”
suna approached the two of you and crouched down. “how about i help you take a bath?”
your nephew looked at him for a long time before nodding. suna helped your nephew took a bath while you helped your niece.
during dinner, both of them were doting on your boyfriend. your nephew was curious about him and asked a lot of questions. they found out that he’s a professional volleyball player and appears on tv sometimes so their amazement just grew bigger.
by the end of the weekend, both of them were clinging to suna and hugged him tight while saying goodbye.
“how dare you steal my niece and nephew away,” you glared at him.
he smirked. “what can i say? they just love me more.”
you playfully roll your eyes. he wrapped his arms around you and snuggled to your neck. “you know they asked if i’m going to be their uncle,”
your brows furrowed. “what?”
he raised his head to look at you.
“they asked me if i was going to marry you so i can visit them more often,”
“what did you say?”
“i told them that their aunt has to say yes to my proposal first,” he mumbled against your skin.
atsumu was excited when you told him that you’ll be babysitting your 2-year-old cousin for three days. he was even the one who said that he wants to tag along. when you asked him why he said that it’ll be good practice for the two of you in the future.
taking care of a two-year-old kid is tiring, but atsumu was there to help you every step of the way. you taught him how to change the diaper, prepare the meals, and even how to put them to sleep. he was very eager to learn and was attentive.
there was even a point that he didn’t want you to lift a finger.
“just take a rest, babe. i’ll do it.” he stood up to soothe the crying toddler.
after that, you saw atsumu and your cousin sleeping on the couch. atsumu was lying on his back while your cousin is comfortably sleeping on your boyfriend’s chest. you secretly snapped a picture of them and then placed a blanket on him.
one night you saw him on the dinner table talking to your cousin like he’s talking to an adult.
“yeah, it’s kinda hard, isn’t it? not being able to walk properly. i’d be pretty frustrated too if i have to use a walker to go wherever i wanna go.”
your cousin mumbled something incoherent and your boyfriend nodded like he was agreeing.
“yeah, yeah, i went through that stage too. it just gets better from there.”
you tried stifling your laugh and walked towards them. “what are you doing?”
he lifted his head to look at you. “we’re having a heart-to-heart talk.”
you giggled. “what?”
you approached your cousin and saw that she’s already sleepy. her eyes are already half-closed.
“i should get her to bed,”
he immediately stood up and walked towards the two of you. “i’ll do it.”
“you already did everything today. you must be tired. i’ll do it.”
atsumu shook his head. “no, no. in the future, you’ll be tired from taking care of the baby too. then of course you’ll be recovering from giving birth too. then i heard that there’s also postpartum-“
“babe aren’t you taking this practice thing a bit too seriously?”
he sheepishly grinned at you. “there’s nothing wrong with being prepared.”
he scooped your cousin in his arms and carried her to her room while you followed behind them.
he gently placed her on her bed and sat beside her. you followed him and sat beside him.
“do you really want a baby soon? they’re pretty high maintenance,” you said quietly while looking at your cousin.
he turned to you and grabbed your hand to place a kiss on it.
“it’s okay. i’m sure we’ll both do great in maintaining them.”
while he was peppering kisses to the back of your hand, your cousin snuggled closer to atsumu. you saw him smile gently.
atsumu definitely had a baby fever after that.
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ffamranxii · 3 years
-Daichi goes to the gym to work out. Suga goes to the gym to ogle Daichi
-Suga has a massive sweet tooth
-Daichi cooks, Suga cleans
-Suga is a little shit who is not above seducing Daichi in public. He can say the most lewd things without batting an eye while Daichi blushes furiously
-Daichi and Kuroo once hooked up at training camp. They do not talk about it
-Daichi is good friends with Michimiya and Kiyoko. Suga is closer to Asahi
-Daisuga rarely fight and are often asked for relationship advice. Daichi tries to discourage this because “guys I didn’t realize Yui had a crush on me or that Suga was in love with me for three years.”
-Daichi can’t dance, won’t dance, and refuses to acknowledge the time he got trashed and twerked
-Suga dislikes his given name unless it’s said by Daichi, who is the only person allowed to call him Koushi
-Suga is extremely flexible. Daichi is not.
-Daichi or Suga getting hit on makes Daichi uncomfortable. Getting hit on amuses Suga, and Daichi getting hit on makes him horny
-It took all of high school for Daisuga to get together, because Daichi is oblivious and Suga assumed Daichi wasn’t into him. Daichi’s dumbness and their mutual pining becomes a fond, shared joke several years later
-Daichi has no gag reflex. 
-Daisuga have a very fat, very orange cat named Ninja. He’s surprisingly fast and agile despite looking like a furry basketball. (Daichi is a dog person and did not even want Ninja at first. He suspects Kuroo had something to do with this. Suga sometimes playfully gets upset because “Ninja likes you better than me, Dai!”)
-Everyone expects Suga to be the dominant one but Suga is more than willing to be submissive for Daichi and has on several occasions
-Noya gets up before sunrise to run. Asahi would rather die than leave his bed before 8am
-Noya turns the coffee pot on and cooks breakfast to lure Asahi out of bed
-Noya is surprisingly patient, gentle, quiet, and kind when it comes to Asahi and his insecurities
-Noya is the type to bottle his insecurities and fears until they explode. The only one who can calm him back down is Asahi
-Asahi makes bratty faces when he thinks Noya isn’t looking
-Noya and Tanaka spend a lot of time with Daisuga because of the Daichi&Suga&Asahi&Kiyoko friendship. Asahi and Ennoshita become good friends
-Asahi doesn’t understand the distance between Noya and his sisters because Asahi is very close to his
-It is impossible to embarrass Noya
-Asahi gets a lot of inspiration for his fashion designs from traveling with Noya
-Noya knows how to braid hair and likes to play with Asahi’s
-Asahi enjoys physical affection but dislikes overt PDA. Noya would happily climb Asahi like a tree in public if Asahi would let him
-Only Asahi calls Noya by his given name
-Noya knows he likes Asahi early on but Asahi’s panic (“omg someone LIKES me?? NOYA likes me?? My crush??”) at his confession prevent them getting together until after the Date Tech match (after Asahi rejoins the team).
-Noya is affected by wanderlust and that’s why he travels. Sometimes Asahi joins him. They get married in Canada during one of these trips. (I once read a fantastic asanoya fic where a significant event happened in Canada so Canada is my asanoya place now)
-Noya sends Asahi a postcard from every place he’s ever visited. Sometimes he’ll spend over half an hour trying to find the *best* one, only to buy them all and send them as a sort of big long letter. Asahi saves them all in a photo album that lives on the coffee table. (Some people have a coffee table book, Asahi has a photo album.)
-Noya prefers to top. The one thing he’s really uncomfortable with is being on the bottom (physically laying beneath someone and also sex).
-Kuroken have a black cat and a calico and enjoy naps on the couch with the kitties. Kuroo has SO MANY pictures in his phone of Kenma curled around the kitties.
-Kuroo: “Love you.” Kenma: “Hate you.”
-Kenma CAN cook, but likes that Kuroo likes taking care of him
-Every game Kuroo has ever owned is multiplayer because he only games with Kenma
-Kenma’s favorite games involve critical thinking and puzzles. Kuroo enjoys watching him play
-Kuroo is an introvert masquerading as an extrovert. Kenma is an introvert. They enjoy quiet nights in.
-Kuroo has anxiety. Kenma always knows when Kuroo is anxious and how to fix it
-People make Kenma anxious. Kuroo makes himself anxious.
-Kenma’s nicknames for Kuroo are Kuro and Koroemon. Kuroo calls Kenma Kyanma and kitten
-Kuroo has been in love with Kenma for as long as he can remember, since they were kids. Kenma knows this, but doesn’t understand he feels the same way until Kuroo goes off to college
-Kuroo is the one who discovered Daichi’s lack of gag reflex. He’s delighted to learn that Kenma lacks one as well
-Kenma moves more slowly than Kuroo. He’s not as comfortable with physical affection and sex as Kuroo is. Their relationship progresses slowly, and Kuroo lets Kenma lead. 
-After Kenma’s confession, how he feels about Kuroo is one of the very few things Kuroo does not doubt or make himself anxious over.
-Kuroo can, will, and has go(ne) on and on and ON about Kenma until someone shuts him up. It drives Yaku up the fucking wall in high school.
-Kenma does a retro game stream once or twice a month made up of games he and Kuroo used to play as kids. Kuroo actually games with him on those days and Kenma’s followers are quick to notice and speculate because Kenma has literally never gamed with another person in the same room before. Sometimes Kenma can only post the actual gameplay because Kuroo ruined the footage of them by being excessively sappy. (Kuroo is NOT above flirting and dirty talk to get an edge and Kenma doesn’t really think his fans need to know that.)
-Kuroken do not talk about Kuroo’s mom or sister
-The Kozumes love “Tetsu-chan” and Kuroo’s grandparents adore Kenma. Kuroken get along with each other’s families better than they do their own.
-Kuroo is tactile. He’s that ass-slapping friend. Kenma thinks he’s ridiculous
-Kuroo used to be dislike Hinata, because Kenma and Hinata are extremely good friends and Kuroo was afraid Hinata would take Kenma away from him. Kenma has assured him he doesn’t like Hinata like that but Kuroo doesn’t warm up until Hinata starts dating Kageyama
-Akaashi is 100% in charge of the house and the financials and his word is law. Not because he’s an asshole but because Bokuto is whipped
-Akaashi is a screamer. Bokuto has a big dick.
-Bokuto is the calmest between him and his sisters. His sisters have formed an Akaashi fanclub
-Bokuaka kiss a lot during sex
-Bokuto fucking loves owls
-Akaashi used to be embarrassed over being a manga editor but Bokuto thinks it’s the coolest job ever, “even better than mine!” When his authors need references, Akaashi sends them pictures of Bokuto. Bokuto takes this responsibility very seriously
-Bokuaka exclusively refer to each other by first name but Akaashi can’t break the habit of using -san
-Akaashi and Kenma are very good friends. Bokuto thinks they might even be better bros than him and Kuroo. (Kenma is one of the few people Akaashi calls by first name, and one of the only people who calls Akaashi by his.)
-Akaashi overthinks as a result of anxiety, but he doesn’t think he has anxiety. He prefers to call it “seeing the issue from all sides”
-Akaashi and Bokuto do yoga together. Bokuto behaves himself surprisingly well around Akaashi in yoga pants
-Akaashi decided to attend Fukurodani after watching Bokuto play and literally for no other reason
-Bokuaka are the embodiment of love at first sight and their relationship has an unreal, almost storybook quality to it because they are literally perfect for each other. Because of this, Bokuto doesn’t understand why other people struggle so much to start and maintain a relationship, no matter how many times Kuroo tells him “just because your relationship is straight out of a movie doesn’t mean the rest of the world works like that”
-Bokuaka have a koi pond in their backyard and have named all the fish. Bokuto always asks about them when he’s away for games
-Iwaizumi cooks and cleans because he’s always been the one taking care of Oikawa, but he refuses to fold the laundry because “I’m not doing everything for you, you fucking freeloader”
-Iwaizumi cooks healthy “old man food.” Oikawa’s sweet tooth suffers
-Oikawa is that guy who puts more cream and sugar and other additives in his coffee than actual coffee. He’s tried all of Starbucks’ seasonal drinks and never gets the same thing twice
-Iwaoi have very heated arguments about if Godzilla can kick King Kong’s ass or not. Iwaizumi of course sides with Godzilla
-Iwaoi once fought about the original purpose of Stonehenge and now no one can mention England without it coming back up
-Oikawa only became comfortable with his glasses because Iwaizumi likes them
-Iwaoi have been friends since they were in diapers. The whole volleyball team took bets on when they’d announce their relationship
-Both the Oikawas and the Iwaizumis respond when either boy calls for mom or dad. Oikawa calls his sister Nee-chan while Iwaizumi says Oneesan
-Iwaizumi’s favorite of Oikawa’s features is his legs. Oikawa is in love with Iwa’s arms
-Neither of them can remember when they started liking each other or how their relationship started
-Iwaoi are shockingly codependent and do NOT do separation (during university in Argentina/California or for away games) well
-Deep down Oikawa is extremely insecure and worries he isn’t enough - in volleyball, in school, in his family, in his relationship. Iwaizumi always knows when he’s putting on a front and how to cheer him back up
-Iwaizumi is secretly so soft and weak for Oikawa
-After the Olympics Iwaizumi moves to Argentina to be with Oikawa and they get married. They move back to Japan after Oikawa retires from volleyball and after gay marriage becomes legal there
-Oikawa keeps various plants around the house and the patio and is extremely proud of them. He paints all their pots and even names some of them (which Iwaizumi thinks is disgustingly cute). His most prized plant is a lucky bamboo he bought on a whim when iwaoi first moved in together.
-Oikawa can’t deepthroat. It makes him so jealous that Iwaizumi can
-Iwaizumi blushes whenever Oikawa gives him a genuine compliment
-Iwaizumi has a praise kink. Oikawa has a “whatever comes out of Iwa’s mouth” kink
-Iwaizumi has dom tendencies.
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a-aexotic · 3 years
okay so ,,, i NEED some suga, kageyama, kenma and kuroo liking their team manager headcanons right now
(also i’m going to become the “💒” anon, i’m the one who requested the oikawa hc one 😏😏)
hi bae, ofc you can be the 💒 anon, love you <3 ( suga x gn!reader; kenma x gn!reader; kageyama x gn!reader; kuroo gn!reader )
okay if he liked you at all, he'd make it so obvious
suga's nice, he's nice to his teammates + friends so it would be hard to even notice that suga likes you in that way
it would be even harder if you the team manager bc he treats kiyoko almost the same
the only difference is that he wants to hang out with you outside of volleyball
but you don't notice the difference 🥲
the only one who notices is daichi because well- he knows suga the best<3
suga doesn't even deny it 😁 "okay you have to honest, suga .... do you like y/n?" "mhm, yeah. you just found out?"
yeah so he's very smug about it
KIDDING BUT HE'S FINALLY LIKE "wow someone notices???"
after that daichi gives suga some advice⏤just go for it :)
um yeah so he just asks you out after that 🤨
you say yes ofc but you're still like "wait you liked me-?"
he's so AWKWARD
oh my god
so so so so AWKWARD
awkward laughing, awkward waves, awkward running away when he sees you in the halls
you find out immediately
and so do his teammates
cue noya and tanaka making practice unbearable "oh kageyama look y/n is looking at you" *poor boy turns around to see you talking w daichi* "HAHWWHBFUEDHUNFEUDNWE LOOK, LOOK NOYA LOOK HE LIKES Y/N" "could you be any louder-?" 🙄
okay so you find out immediately but you don't do anything because 1. you don't wanna tease him bcs the team already does that, 2. you want him to pursue you <3
anyway the only who gives good advice is asahi + suga "just walk up to her! she's sweet, i promise" "yeah! but um, maybe not during practice because you're sweaty and um" *whispers* "noya and tanaka"
it takes him a while and LOTS of pep talk from suga and hinata
he FINALLY walks up to you after class
you smile at him and then he runs away and youre just like "oh my god this is tiring" 🙄
so you, the queen you are, chased him and asked him on a date<3 "w-wait you're asking ME on a date?" "yup, so is that a yes or no-?" *nearly passes out* "yes."
then when you and kageyama started dating noya and tanaka still teased you 😕
rumor has it they still do it to this day
at first he doesn't understand his feelings
like- he thinks they're platonic?
yeah um kenma babe blushing and butterflies when y/n texts you isn't platonic 😁
anyway he can't decipher between platonic and romantic feelings
kuroo is the first to know
even before kenma even MENTIONS IT
he just knows
call it bestie intuition 💅🏻
so yeah he has to TELL KENMA he has a crush "you like y/n, kenma?" "yeah i do ... ofc i do?? why would i dislike her" *rolls eyes* "no i mean crUSH WISE YOU IDIOT"
yeah so THEN his feelings sort of hit him
then he changes????
like he doesn't look at you, or even acknowledge you outside of volleyball
kuroo finally calls him out on his bs
and he finally tells him he's hurting you by ignoring you 😇
so finally he asks kuroo for advice "as nike says, go for it"
yeah kenma didn't go for it
he just decided he'll just become besties UNTIL you catch feelings ummmm <3
you guys usually played games together and his feelings grew
like a lot
your voice on ft is just so PRETTY 😕
anyway one day he jUST GOES FOR IT!
and you say yes ofc
anyway you guys became nekoma's IT couple <3
kenma KNEW when he met that he liked you
he usually teased you but you teased back???????
kuroo's blush intensives
he likes when you tease him back <3
so he does it more often
and you do the same
he tells kenma abt his crush and he nods like "i already knew"
bestie intuition again! 🤝
kenma told him that the teasing would get old and he needed to befriend him, so he did <3
he asked for your number and you nodded
he thought you'd think it would be weird
i guess not????????
yeah kuroo isn't weird you dumbass 🙄
anyway you guys hung out A LOT and kenma usually third wheeled
kenma was secretly rooting for you both!!!!!!!!!! but he just showed it with ✨ a n n o y a n c e ✨
he actually got too caught up in being besties with you to realize you caught feelings TOO!!!!
you didn't know kuroo liked you the same so you kept quiet
kenma, being the aware king he is, realized you liked kuroo as well and told kuroo
FINALLY kuroo asked you out on a date during one of your hang outs while kenma was in the back like "go king 👍🏻😁💅🏻"
a/n: my emoji usage is becoming out of hand 😕
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hnychn · 4 years
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summary : tsuki had always been the rational one between the two of you, but sometimes even he needs his other half to knock him back to earth
warnings : twin!reader, fem!reader, cursing, physically hurt/comfort, generally fluff, PLATONIC, tsuki & reader get into a fight, not edited at all
word count : 1600+
a/n : i was rewatching karasuno's match against shiratorizawa last night, and i thought about this so :) it's just general headcanons about being tsuki's twin and it gets specific when i bring up the match :) enjoy ( ´∀`)
karasuno masterlist ~ haikyuu masterlist
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-          contrary to popular belief, tsukishima is actually a really good sibling and an even better twin 
-          he’ll definitely make sure you’re taking care of yourself and eating and drinking often, especially if you have you’re involved in your own club 
-          he and yamaguchi wait after school for you too so you don’t have to walk home alone. tsuki says it’s because he doesn’t want your mom or akiteru to stress out over you if you get lost or something, but deep down you know it’s because he cares for you and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you 
-          but, if you manage for the volleyball club, it makes his life a lot easier 
-          you definitely joined before yachi, right at the beginning of the year when tsuki and yamaguchi signed up for the team. you and kiyoko were quick to become friends, along with the third years (the only ones tsuki really trusted you around alone. pls tanaka nearly tackled you to the ground when you said you wanted to be manager had it not been for daichi grabbing his collar and tsuki pusing you behind him) 
-          tanaka apologised
-          do i really need to tell you why tsuki didn’t trust hinata and kageyama around you? 
-          you were the one to recruit yachi to be another manager as well. she was in some of your classes and you knew her to be a kind and work-driven person, so you asked if she wanted to sign up 
-         pls babes never stood a chance saying no to you
-         she was a blushing mess
-          (she highkey has a crush on you and tsuki knows it, but that’s none of his business) 
-          just like tsuki, you’re able to quickly analyze players and their movements and you also are able to think ahead and plan out attacks or defences with the information you’ve gathered 
-          so the coaches really like you :) 
-          during the training camp, you and tsuki got into a fight, y’know, as siblings do. and you’ve gotten into arguments and fights with each other in front of the others, so they weren’t all too worried and assured everyone else that it was normal . . . but then y’all started getting physical 
-          hurtful words were thrown without thinking, it’s normal, but tsuki went a bit too far with his words and you aren’t the type to cry and run away, so what did you do? 
-          you tackled that bitch :D 
-          so there you two were, fighting like kids over the last popsicle in the freezer, while everyone just stood there in shock at what the hell was going on in front of them 
-          the others were quick to pull you away from each other, and the managers led you away from your brother while the two of you calmed down. it definitely took you a while to calm down from the adrenalin high from tackling your 6’3 brother, but you eventually did and went back into the gym where tsuki was sitting on the bench.
-          the others tensed up when you walked over to him and sat next to him, thinking you were gonna start fighting again, but instead the two of you sat in silence for a while 
-         the other managers, who you’ve become great friends with, eventually got everyone to mind their business to give the two of you privacy to apologise or whatever 
-          and you did, because he’s your brother, and no matter how many petty fights (verbal or physical) you get into with him, he’ll always be your twin. your other half 
-          but that doesn't mean you'll never take his ass down again if he doesn't watch his words
-          bcs you will ˙ ͜ʟ˙
-          the two of you like to tease each other, i mean, this is tsukishima we’re talking about, if he’s going to tease someone it’s most definitely going to be you
-          now onto what spurred this whole headcanon >:) 
-          everyone was nervous leading up to the match with shiratorizawa and, despite him not showing it, you knew tsuki was too. you could tell in the way he got dressed a bit slower that morning and the way he ate less and drank more water. plus it’s just twin intuition, you could just look at him and know what’s up 
-          n e ways, the match is going on and you would have fallen over the railing of the stands had it not been for akiteru’s grip on the back of your jacket (who scared the hell out of you when he first showed up. “kei’s not gonna like you being here, nii-chan.”) 
-          so it’s getting intense 
-          you’re sure this single match has taken 50 years off your life
-          you’ll give tsuki a good slap when the match is over for it 
-          you cried a little when tsuki blocked ushy gushy’s spike, but you made akiteru and yachi swear not to tell anyone especially tsuki since he would tease the fuck outta you and you don't need that. 
-         and then (y’know where i’m going with this) tsuki just goes and fucks up his hand 
-       it was like you became the flash because you were down in the court in literal seconds (akiteru swore you jumped over the rails down onto the court, but . . . i guess we’ll never know ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ)   
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The walk to the medical room was silent. 
You could hear the cheers and screaming from the main gym form where you were, the shrill sounds echoing down the hallway almost hauntingly. You cursed a bit when you felt chills run down your spine, because despite being wrapped in your karasuno jacket and an extra jacket akiteru brought, the short length of your skirt provided barely any warmth for your legs. 
From beside you, Tsukishima was silent, simply clutching onto his bleeding hand while burning holes into the polished linoleum floor. You had expected him to tease you about the glare you sent Ushijima when you jumped onto the court (said boy would later confess to his teammate that that had been the only moment he truly felt fear), or make fun of the way akiteru’s jacket seemed to drown you and made you look like a wet cat; but he didn’t. And his silence was more unnerving than anything. 
But you knew Kei. You knew the looks he was giving, the way his face seemed to relax and become more expressive when it was only the two of you, you could see his thoughts and worries as plain as day on his face. 
You were twins after all. You knew Kei better than he knew himself, you knew his attitude was nothing short of a direct result of your brother's lies and his worry was because he had finally gotten a taste of what volleyball was really like, and he was craving more. 
So, as the eldest twin, you did what you did best. 
You teased him. 
“Stop making that face, you look constipated.” 
Tsuki snapped his head over to you and scowled, “Shut up.” 
“No, you shut up, and listen well, Kei.” Your strict and monotone voice surprised him a little, he hadn’t heard you use that voice in a while, let alone with him; you were known as the nicer twin after all, “You need to trust that the others will hold their own. Have trust in your team to keep Shiratorizawa on their toes. You know them, you know they can hold their own and take some points. You’ve trained and practiced with them for a while now, Kei. You’ve seen their improvements and you’ve seen their hard times, have a little more trust in them. So stop worrying about what could happen while you’re not there and start thinking about what you’ll do when you get back, big head.” 
There was a silence between the two of you as the medic room sign came into view. You sighed a little as you shrugged in your mind, perhaps Kei was too deep in his thoughts to care about your words, but there was only so much you could do to convince him to relax a little. But before you could slide open the door to the medic room, you felt a little tug on the back of your (akiteru’s) jacket. 
Tsuki still looked down to the ground, but you could just about make out a small dust of pink on his cheeks, “thanks for that . . . y/n” 
Your eyes widened a bit and you nearly made a move to pinch yourself because on the way to the medic room you must have died and went to heaven or aliens must have burst through the window and taken you to an alternate universe where your brother, Tsukishima fucking Kei, was thanking you. 
You hands shook a little as you pulled Tsuki’s face down, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead and checking his body for other injuries, “What the fuck, are you sure it’s only your hand that’s injured? Did one of Ushiwaka’s spikes hit you in the head? I think you’re dying . . . yeah, that’s what it is. Maybe you should sit this game out Kei, you might start doing crazier things like tell me you love me or that I’m the best sister you could have asked for or-” 
You laughed as Tsuki pushed you into the medic room and ignored you as his hand was being bandaged up. Tsuki glared at you over his shoulder as you poked and prodded the back of his head and teased him further, but when he turned back around his glare softened. 
Tsuki was grateful for your presence. He was thankful you were there to keep his head on his shoulders and make sure he stayed focused on what really mattered. And out of everyone in the world, Tsuki was glad you were his twin - his better half. 
Not that’d he ever tell you.
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-         so yeah :) 
-          tl;dr tsukishima is a tsundere and secretly loves you ˙ ͜ʟ˙
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un-soph-isticated · 3 years
Random HQ Headcannons: Karasuno edition
Hinata is actually insanely good at trash talking, he just pretends to suck at it bc he once made a kid cry in middle school and felt bad about it
But there was one time when Tsukki made a comment and Hinata said something so snarky and witty in response Tsukki nearly fell over
And Hinata just flashed a smug grin and ran back into the court
Tsukkishima could not focus right for the rest of the day
Yamaguchi d e s p i s e s mint chocolate ice cream
And just mint in general
Spearmint gum? Disgusting.
Mint toothpaste? Absolutely not, ya boy uses cinnamon.
Kageyama actually has like, a really good sense of fashion and color schemes and stuff
He just either chooses to ignore it bc he's lazy and wears whatever he finds first or bc he wants to piss off Miwa
This was discovered when Yachi asked for commented on wanting to dye some of her hair and Kageyama just nonchalantly said "do this one, it goes with your skin tone and would bring out you eyes"
And of course he was right
Everyone was like "????? Sir???? How did you do that tf????"
And Kageyama was just like, "what, like it's hard?"
Daichi is a sucker for cheesy romance movies and likes to watch them with Suga
However, he has decided that he will yeet himself off a bridge if Nishinoya and Tanaka find out
Suga thinks it's cute
Nishinoya absolutely loves horror movies and Tanaka cannot stand them
Like Tanaka and Noya are both the kind of guy who would be like "Don't worry babe, I'll protect you" during horror movies except Tanaka is secretly terrified and Noya is not
This works out very well on dates with Asahi bc it gives Noya an excuse to snuggle up with him (pretending to be scared but is actually not)
Asahi knows bc one day he heard Tanaka and Nishinoya discussing "It" but he doesn't really mind
There is one horror movie that Noya refuses to watch ever again though, and that movie is Annabelle
He's also scared of dolls now
"No, you don't understand, those eyes were watching my every move"
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jazfromnekoma · 3 years
Karasuno: who would play The Sims 4?
i love the sims 4 and i thought this would be fun. idk why but this just came into my head LMAO. this is least to most likely:
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Noya: I don't think he'd really understand the purpose of the game too well. He'd get kind of restless playing, too (he is practically a volleyball machine all the time). He would rather spend his time living life and improving himself irl than simulating it. If anything, he would only play with the Wicked Whims mod to satisfy his pervy instincts (LMAO I love him though).
Tanaka: I don't think he would have shut down the idea completely. He got frustrated trying to make himself and Kiyoko look accurate (it didn't), and then their kids always turned out super ugly. That was his motivation to play anyways, so he retired the game entirely.
Hinata: Kind of like Noya, he has a little too much energy to play, but I feel like he would give it a try for longer. Once he realized the game had no volleyball option to work out with, he got kind of bored with it.
Tsukki: I honestly feel like Tsukki would secretly be really into Sims. HOWEVER, he would def prefer the older Sims games as opposed to Sims 4. He feels the game gives the player "too much control" and therefore doesn't really simulate life with burglaries or rejections and that kind of stuff. His favorite release was probably Sims 2 since he isn't too big on building/design. His Sims would always go to college and buy a nice car.
Daichi: He would play it, I guess. It's not his forte, but he's not completely opposed to it. He'd rather play games that require more thinking, but he enjoys the challenge that comes from taking care of a lot of Sims at once in one household. Pretty neutral overall.
Narita: how tf am I supposed to know LMAO. He's pretty neutral, I guess. He looks so friendly and nice that I feel like I would be friends with him, and I think because he would be my friend, he would play to appease me. Maybe he'd like it? Idk. I feel like his Sims would have the "neat" traits.
Kinoshita: ummm... retweet for Narita, except we know him a little better. I feel like he would use the game's skill mechanism to motivate him to practice and improve. Maybe he would play to synch up his Sim's skills with his own. But like, yeah, idk how tf I would know smh.
Kiyoko: I feel like she's like Daichi where she wouldn't necessarily like or dislike the game. Her Sims always have super cute outfits, though. The name always matches the face. She wouldn't make IRL people though because she thinks it's weird.
Ennoshita: I feel like Ennoshita would use his Sim as a vision board. Probably plays with the long lifespan on to ensure his Sim is successful. Is careful about balancing skill building with social life. He's the type of player where if the Sim was materialistic, he would actually buy a new object instead of leaving the Sim super tense LMAO.
Kageyama: Honestly, I wasn't sure if this should go lower or higher. He tried it out, and honestly really enjoyed it. Every time he plays, though, he only allows his Sims to become All-Star athletes. Probably scoured the internet for a volleyball mod but was too stubborn to ask Tsukki how he would implement it into his game. He likes the Spa Day pack because he can take care of his hands and cuticles. Also enjoys listening to songs in Simlish.
Yachi: I feel like Yachi would really really enjoy the design aspect of Sims. She has a really good eye for colors and matching styles and makes sense of empty space in rooms and such. I feel like she would make a secret account and post her builds and amass a huge following. Has the most downloads in the gallery. Def uses CC to show her mom her builds but also likes to challenge herself with the base game furniture. Also owns every pack solely to build.
Yamaguchi: I feel like Yams would use it to help calm himself down or feel like he has some power. Like Yachi, he's really good at design but enjoys making people more than making buildings. He has the most accurate Sims of Karasuno and the other teams, but he never shows Tsukki like the 20 different versions of him he tried to make. I feel like he would make Hinata and Kageyama, invite Tsukki over, and figure out the most ridiculous way to kill them.
Asahi: Similar to Yams, I think Asahi would use it to feel some control in his life when he's anxious. He likes the idea of having a sole aspiration to focus on. He really dislikes the evil trait or criminal careers. His Sims self looks "nicer" than he does irl (according to him though. he's such a big teddy bear). He's not that great at building, though, so he normally uses the pre-made houses. Refuses to play with cheats.
Sugawara: COME ON NOW YOU KNOW HE WOULD PLAY SIMS. Lives for the chaos. Loves making things as crazy as possible starts affairs with everybody and their mama. He loves the Black Widow and 100 Baby Challenges. He loves finding new ways to kill off people. He loves setting the Sims walk style to the vampire one, just because. I feel like his goal is to unlock all of the achievements in the game. He'll try and show Daichi, who looks on in horror. Daichi encourages him to play as a way for Suga to satisfy his desire to contribute to entropy without affecting the rest of the team. Has at least 800 hours in-game.
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1tsnoya · 4 years
✧・゚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞✧・゚
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☆゚.*・。゚ 𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨
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hinata → uses strawberry scented shampoo. if anyone smells it in the room, they know hinata has been there. it’s his signature scent
kageyama → had a dream or nightmare that he was lactose intolerant so avoided milk for an entire week. did he go through a milk withdrawal? yes. (and everyone noticed)
yamaguchi → is big on skin care. he has a little headband with panda ears to push his hair back when using facemasks.
tsukishima → really likes oldschool videogames. his gamecube is his baby.
yachi → loves taking polaroid pictures, she has so many of the team. she always keeps one in her phone case or in her bag and will switch them every week so no one feels left out.
nishinoya → photobombs every single picture he sees being taken. even if they’re of complete strangers ! he is the star after all ;)
tanaka → learned how to play the drums as a kid. saeko taught him and he would put on little concerts for her.
kiyoko → collects crystals. for love, healing, nurturing, you name it ! she’ll gift the team them for good luck and energy.
suga → is really good at drawing. it’s a hidden talent ! his doodles are the cutest thing and occasionally, they’re of the team :’)
daichi → loves arcades. him and the other third years go sometimes and it helps relieve the stress in his life. he isn’t competitive with them however, when he brings the first and second years?? get ready to lose
asahi → has the best hair products. you want more volume? he knows exactly what product you need. you want your hair to grow? here, try this ! he has little scrunches as well and carries an extra one in his bag for either of the girls if they ever need it.
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oikawa → makes people playlists for their birthdays...and they’re surprisingly amazing. his music taste is lovely and he also has a team hype playlist!!
iwaizumi → smells like fresh laundry. he’s always so... clean... and the smell is so comforting.
matsukawa and hanamaki → have the most intense prank war going on. they tried having a game of tag for a week straight but... it was too intense.
kunimi → has a habit of painting his nails with sharpie when he’s bored.
kyoutani → has a HUGE sweet tooth. it’s insane. as a kid, he got too many cavities. he just gets too excited with the sweets !!
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kenma → has the softest hands. no one knows how or why, not even him, but they’re very comforting.
kuroo → a HUGE dog lover !! he’s known how many dogs he wants, what breed, what to name them, etc, ever since he was a little kid. he just loves em
yamamoto → religiously watches disney movies and cartoons. it started when akane was younger and would always bug him about it. he would act annoyed and like he was “too cool for it” but now... he’s the one begging akane to watch the latest disney/pixar movie with him
yaku → had a theater kid phase. SHWGJD he denies it but if you look at his spotify, he’s still got those albums saved baby and he still secretly listens to them
lev → is an active kpop listener and everyone knows it. don’t be surprised if he has a stan account for red velvet.
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🌟 𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 : @spriteandnicotine @fatheadthemango @tokobaby @virgosetter @tobiokvgeyama @bokutoscake04 @introvertatitsfinest @mcuparkers @yokikuu
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tetsunation · 4 years
— random haikyuu headcanons noelie composed at 3am thx @oisugabrainrot​
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➸ atsumu hums when he cooks, usually some kid’s song
➸ kenma feeds stray cats and he’s also sneaked some home to feed fish or something
➸ he tries to get girls to let him call them princess on discord
➸ tendou’s first car was pink and his mom almost disowned him for it
➸ he always wants to try the weirdest cuddling positions, like his ass has been in your face at least once when cuddling
➸ osamu watches his s/o sleep and reminds himself how lucky he is, also secretly owns a tik tok account
➸ semi accidentally connects to his speaker at night and wakes everyone up with his alarm 
➸ when you’re at a concert with lev, he’ll pick you up on his shoulders so you can see
➸ kuroo can fall asleep anywhere in any position. you’ve found him in your closet once when he was trying to scare you
➸ suga is a really dry texter for some reason, he’s a little awkward. uses hahah a lot
➸ akaashi makes the best pancakes, but it has to be hungry jack mix. will make you breakfast in bed at least once a weak
➸ bokuto gets attached really early and ends up getting hurt often but he gets over it really quick (i swear this is canon but im too lazy to check)
➸ he likes to make gcs too, usually with the same. exact. people.
➸ kunimi practices smiling and also randomly poses with 😛✌ in the mirror
➸ much like yaku who poses in the mirror (hands on hips and a curt nod) before bed for confidence boost. (noya does this too before he leaves the house)
➸ yaku has a passion for theater. has dear evan hansen and kinky boots memorized
➸ kunimi runs one of those facebook meme accounts and the username is like iswallowkids45 and is almost at 1k followers
➸ noya laughs at bababooey and thinks pulling the fire alarm is top notch, too scared to actually pull it though
➸ nishinoya is always trying to get you in a tik tok. literally any second he gets. luckily for him, you oblige every time
➸ kyotani once got a plant as a gift and now he cant stop getting them, and he also takes really good care of them
➸ he also once tried to do his own hair and it was horrible and he didn’t want to admit it so he went with it until his mother dragged him to the barber shop
➸ suna draws on his palm when he’s bored in class. usually smiley faces and triangles
➸ kita meditates before he sleeps because he enjoys having nice, pleasant dreams, he has a playlist for meditation audio :D
➸ shirabu cut his hair like that because he got gum stuck in it and didnt know how else to take it out
➸ sakusa?? really likes dogs?? will pet any he sees
➸ noya still has a stash of play doh somewhere in his house, probably dried up. he’s also probably eaten some before
➸ hinata likes to kiss the bridge of your nose, but his favorite are eskimo kisses
➸ he uses the cat face emojis too
➸ oikawa does used to do slime reviews on igtv and people simp over his fingers
➸ iwaizumi listens to fight song before practice
➸ bokuto randomly whips/dabs and thinks it’s top tier comedy
➸ tanaka taught kageyama “yhu so fine i won’t yhu” and now it’s a habit of his to type like that
➸ terushima is a pick me guy sorry and he probably has a soundcloud account with two of his songs that he randomly made at 4am
➸ daishou pretty much eats raw egg
➸ daichi cooks bacon every saturday morning. likes it crunchy and greasy
➸ konoha smells like axe men, strongly of axe men
➸ suga uses the 3-in-1 shampoo stuff but his hair is still flawless cuz he got a good brand, would use separate soaps but his mom continues to get him 3-in-1
➸ asahi uses mane and tail shampoo and conditioner
➸ his comfort movie is wreck it ralph, while daichi’s is the little mermaid and he’s cried to it
➸ lev did ballet as a kid because alisa begged him to, didn’t work out because do you see how tall he is
➸ goshiki reads harry potter every night with one of those headlamps. has paperback copies of the book, and will read them to you from time to time
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
(More) Haikyuu boys as dads
Characters: Sawamura Daichi, Bokuto Koutarou, Miya Astumu, Miya Osamu
(Ushijima ver.) | (Yaku ver.) | (Kita ver.)
Sawamura Daichi
wdym “dad”, do you not see his dozen of children?
he has been training for fatherhood since high school, he is ready
the standard good dad
comes home after work each day and gives each of his kids a big hug when they come to greet him by the door
does that thing where he lifts them up and let them sit on his arm, it’s really cute
strict when he needs to be
always manages to let the kids know what they have done wrong and why it is wrong in a way that doesn’t make them feel like they got yelled for nothing
Karasuno trained you well, Daichi
insists on taking the kids for outings every weekend when he doesn’t have patrol because “it is important to make sure the kids get enough fresh air”
his underclassmen is very hyped when they know you are expecting but he refuses to let them visit the first year the kid was born
“I have a strong feeling that they are not going to be a very good influence...”
however, the nursery is decorated with all the weird shit noya excitedly sent from literally everywhere in the world when he caught the news
so maybe they are already influenced
signs those parent-children events at the kid’s sports festival every year
very helpful with setting things up so he is very popular with the other parents
when his kids get a little older, he finds a lot of joy in playing up the “dad who embarrasses his kids” stereotype
always reminding his kids to eat, being picky is not allowed in the Sawamura household
not very good at comforting his kids emotionally, but gives solid good advice
the kids respect their father very much
Bokutou Koutarou
oh boy
no one is more excited about the arrival of the baby than he is
baby clothes shopping, picking the wallpaper for the nursery, building the crib, he is there with you all the way
wants to be a part of every step of their lives, even though it is hard because he is always away
video calls 24/7
(sometimes, you think he misses the kid more than they miss their dad)
always, always reminding himself to be gentle with the child 
“Kou, why are you holding them like that?”
“What if I hurt them by squeezing them too tight...”
his child practically grows up watching his dad’s matches
somehow, even when they are throwing a fit, they always stop crying if you put on one of Bokuto’s matches
he is looking like uwu the whole day after you told him about it
“Hey hey hey! It seems like you’re going to grow up to be a great ace too, yeah?”
Child: *giggles*
expert at making kids laugh
owl-themed everything
has a family pic as his lockscreen
shows everyone the kid’s photos
the entire msby team, every worker at the clubhouse, every passerby, every one of his followers on any social media, his entire family, every single one of his old school mates, and everyone’s dog knew when the kid calls him “papa” the first time
he is bit of a big child of his own
you caught him napping with the kid laying on his chest once and the resemblence is uncanny
(you snapped many many pictures of that moment and you take a look at them whenever parenting gets too tiring)
Miya Atsumu
you know
apparently it’s more likely for someone who is a twin to have twins
now, imagine Atsumu walking around with two mini Tsumus
Atsumu is very conflicted about the fact that the kids look so much like him
“It would be cuter if they look more like you though...”
“Miya Atsumu you must be kidding me.”
tries to hide his accent when the kids are just learning how to talk so they won’t be so confused but fails after the third day
 as a result, they all got their dad’s thick accent
he had never been more grateful for his own parents because if his kids are like him then he must be such a pain to raise
gets super cocky when he knows that the boys watches his matches
“I’m only watching for uncle shoyo.”
“I like kageyama more."
"Tsumu are you ok.”
“No... just... let me calm down for a second...”
(but you know, you know that the kids secretly watch all of the existing video recordings of his plays)
(you feel like it’s better to not let him know until the kids got older though)
(just so he won’t ruin the respect they have for him)
dumb uncle Samu
“Dad, uncle samu said you still wet your bed until you were six is that true?”
“H U H-?????”
he decided that he’ll be supportive no matter what his children wants to do but he nearly cried tears of joy when they said they want to learn how to play volleyball
when the boys got older, they tried to have a Miya twins vs Miya twins match and it was absolute chaos
Miya Osamu
very glad that he doesn’t have twins
he thinks to himself, while looking at his twin getting bullied by his own kids
buys literally every single baby food recipe in the market
taste test everything himself before feeding it to his kid
is torn between keeping the kid out of the kitchen for safety and letting them watch so they can learn to cook soon
Onigiri Miya started serving kids menu after he became a dad
you are convinced that the new menu is so that he will have a valid excuse to keep trying out meals that his own kid will like
“Do you think we should come out with Onigiri Miya kids wear?”
“Samu, you run a restaurant.”
your child is not picky at all
Miya Osamu has one pride and that pride is that no food will taste bad if he is the one who cooked it
his kid always has the nicest bento out of everyone in their class
doesn’t get angry often but is very strict about not wasting food
the child made him breakfast for father’s day and he emitted an aura of sheer happiness the rest of the day
dumb uncle Tsumu
“Dad, uncle tsumu said you used to get sick all the time because you will eat everything and anything is that true?”
“H U H-?????”
the miya cousins are best friends
the dads, however, gets competitive with each other over the most trivial things
“My sons can spike better than you now.”
“Oh yeah? Can they cook as good as mine?”
“What are you saying?”
“Dad please-”
“You are being embarrassing...”
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dorky-thighchi · 4 years
Let’s appreciate these two for leading the team to the nationals (long post ahead)
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1. Their goals and hard work for the team:
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They’re always shown together planning for the team. When Asahi stopped playing volleyball, Noya got suspended, former coach Ukai stopped coaching. I felt bad for these two, they went through hard times as their captain and vice captain it’s their obligation to unite and guide the team. During their first year and second year they were used to failure and called flightless crows. Their expectations crumpled but they did not give up. It’s Daichi and Suga’s job to bring back the name of Karasuno to the nationals with the help of coach Ukai and Takeda, finally they made it to nationals, that’s why their former captain was so proud of them because they followed his words. When they didn't have their coach yet, they behaved as Karasuno’s temporary coaches (thank goodness Takeda’s an angel). Daichi was shown coaching the team in the first few episodes and Suga helped Tanaka bond Kageyama and Hinata. Suga questioned Daichi’s plan about the weird duo (Daichi’s a matchmaker) but after what Daichi said he helped the two bond and honed their skills.
In the HQ light novel “Melancholy of the third year student”, Asahi stated “with Sawamura leading the team and Sugawara taking care of the members, what could i possibly do to contribute” he witnessed Daichi and Suga walking together in the hallway; Asahi was impressed because of their dedication to guide the team to the nationals despite they’re in college prep class still they gave their best in guiding the team. Tanaka also acknowledged his senpais hard work that’s why he extremely respects his senpais, he was always there supporting the two. Coach Ukai madly respects Suga because he gave his setter position to Kageyama for the sake of the team and Daichi because he’s the best in motivating the team. 
2. They know each other so well: 
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Daichi has this proud mode when he talks about Suga. When he told the team that Suga’s an experienced setter he had this “Yes that’s my amazing setter” face and when Suga did that amazing spike he jumped like a kid. In the HQ light novel “Sugawara’s decision” this happened during the first training camp. Suga was anxious to tell Daichi of his plan to give his setter position to Kageyama. When Suga finally told Ukai about his decision, Daichi and Asahi overheard their conversation and promised to win any match as much as they can. When Suga stated “I think in order to win, the person we need right now is Kageyama” Daichi and Asahi expressed their concern because the three promised to step on the court together (i get so emotional when the 3rd yrs play together). Daichi was worried and he told Suga that they can do something about it. THIS IS ACTUALLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE HQ LNs because of what Suga thought after their discussion “He was glad to have sawamura who accepted him the way he is, as his teammate” AND I FUCKIN LOST IT HQ LN SHOULD BE ANIMATED. Daichi supported Suga’s decision for the team, “Daichi was very certain of Suga who had been with him for the past 3 years”, he even stopped Tanaka from interrupting Suga’s monologue telling him to listen. 
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Remember when Ukai announced the first lineup for dateko vs karasuno match and the shot was focused to Suga and back to Daichi; you can see Daichi did this weird eye thing glancing at Suga. Daichi’s proud moments of Suga were “I think you’ve revived too Suga” and “I’m glad you still want to fight” when he told Daichi “I do wish my tosses could’ve played a part in the victory”. When Asahi and Noya stopped coming to the team, the only members left were Suga, Daichi and the 2nd years. Suga also took the blame and Daichi was there for him. He was shown secretly listening to Yamaguchi and Suga’s conversation about the mop (and comforted him that he shouldn't blame himself. I’m kinda disappointed they didn't include this in the anime). These panels show their trust and respect for each other.
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He cant even dare to hurt Suga (but lets Suga punch him anytime) and he knows when Suga goes to overthinking mode. Also Suga knows Daichi so well i think i’m gonna cry. Scolding Daichi when he was not vocal during the game; Suga’s known for being the only one who can lecture Daichi. When Daichi told Suga and Asahi that it’s better to hand over the team to the 2nd yrs, Suga knew Daichi didn't mean that; Daichi felt hopeless because they lost again. He knew Daichi wanted to stay and play volleyball and step on the orange court. 
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He’s also used to Daichi’s stern mode. Daichi was also shown being the one who can keep Suga in control like “Suga please calm down”. Their relationship isn’t fully conveyed in the anime but i’m thankful that creators created drama cds, light novels, extras, spin-offs and haikyuu stage play to let us know more about the characters.
 3. The team parents: 
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They always discuss about their team members like Suga asking Daichi about Kageyama and Hinata (kagehina bond ep) and Tsukishima. In the haikyuu drama cds “what if karasuno’s manager isn’t shimizu kiyoko” and “the reason behind the t-shirts” they were worried about entrusting the manager’s job to Tanaka, Noya and Hinata. When the team was hungry because Kiyoko wasn’t there, Suga told Daichi to take action so he assigned the weird duo to buy foods for the team and they were the ones who planned for the names of the shirts with the help of Noya, Kiyoko was pissed at the two because they were busy thinking of their own shirts. In the haikyuu light novel “the last summer vacation” (Sources: 1|2) Suga watched the team with worry on his face because it was so hot so he approached Daichi and expressed his concern that the team will get sick from the heat. Coach Ukai overheard the discussion and called a meeting. They’re usually seen together in every scene in the anime, stage play, haikyuu light novel, extras, manga, spin-offs and drama cds, scolding Tanaka, Noya, Hinata, Kageyama and Tsukishima; discussing volleyball stuffs; and buying pork buns for the team. In the lets haikyuu and extras (hq spin-off) it���s actually semi-canon they’re karasuno’s team parents. They also have this karasuno christmas bonding tradition.
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 4. Teasing, bickering and just them being dorks: 
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Suga teasing daichi is my jam. In the HQ LN “Yachi’s delivery mission” (Sources 1|2), this conversation frickin made me squeal like a mouse with laryngitis. After practice the team was thirsty and wanted something cold to eat. “It’s indeed hot, lets get ice pops before we head home” daichi stated then frickin SLY/LIL SHIT SUGA JUST CASUALLY SAID THIS REMARK “Oh that’s not a bad idea, are you going to treat us Daichi-san” HE FRICKIN ADDED -SAN. So the team didn't let the opportunity go away they screamed with joy and thanked Daichi. After what happened Daichi just glared at Suga who was smiling at him. Daichi’s a softie when Suga’s involved. Suga got Daichi to buy ice cream for the team.  I REPEAT HQ LN SHOULD BE ANIMATED. 
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Daichi knows when Suga’s about to do something stupid and his antics. They argued about this. When Suga was mad at Daichi because he was implying that the last year shrine visit was nothing; he was so pissed he started fuming at daichi. Suga also told Daichi that steak just being steak is better over diced steak.  Hyped suga and daichi trying to calm him down is the cutest shit. In the HQ LN “Tokyo Expedition: Captains’ Meeting”(Sources: 1|2), Daichi warned Suga about Kuroo because he knows how to read minds and loves mind games and Suga was like ‘you need to chill Daichi’. When it was Suga’s turn to pick a card from Daichi’s deck he picked the joker and twitched his brows, Daichi whispered at Suga telling him whenever he drew the joker his brows twitch so Suga massaged his brows. I REPEAT AGAIN THIS SHOULD BE ANIMATED. The other captains and vice captains are competing against each other but look at these frickin idiots they are helping each other. DAICHI OBSERVING SUGA THEN WARNED HIM ABOUT HIS TENDENCY OF TWITCHING HIS EYEBROWS. IM GONNA FRICKIN DO A BACKFLIP. Also Daichi and Suga love to make fun of asahi but when you frickin hurt asahi these two will frickin punch you in the face. Frickin daisugasting dorks.
 5. They are always together and in sync:
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In the manga, anime, extras, stage play, light novel, drama cds and official art/merchandise they’re usually frickin together and always in sync, same reactions and thoughts. Remember when Daichi looked at Suga (S1 ep24) like he was asking for approval then Suga nodded. That was so cute ugh.
Suga is 6 months older than Daichi. June 13 and December 31. Their birth dates makes me go WAIT WHAT. 
Suga and Daichi’s name meanings are compatible.
During the christmas bonding time, Suga received daichi’s gift, a daruma. Daichi bought it as a gift because it weighs like a volleyball (he’s such a volleyball nerd) and he told Suga that they should draw the eye together. (Source link)
Suga thought that Daichi was jealous of his t-shirt because the phrase on his shirt was cooler than his. (Source link)
Suga’s first synchronize attack was a success and he tossed it to Daichi. Coach Ukai assigned these two along with Tanaka to learn synchronize attack.(Remember when Daichi told Suga he borrowed coach ukai’s tablet so they can watch the videos together)
The way they look at each other like there’s nothing else to look at. 
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What I truly love about these two is their relationship and trust for each other.They complement each other, which makes them a good combination. They went through obstacles and look THEY MADE IT TO THE NATIONALS, kiyoko witnessed their progress and asahi thanked suga and daichi because they welcomed him again in the team, remember when asahi was not sure if they’d accept him to the team but daichi and suga were just laughing and made fun of him. 
Their vice captain and captain interaction isn't fully expressed in the anime and i hope that everyone will appreciate them more! They made it to nationals! And them being proud of Hinata and Kageyama in the hq time skip is one of the best treasures Furudate sensei gave to us. 
Lets talk about these two. Daisugasting volleyball idiots. 
I rest my case.
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