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blerdyotome · 10 months ago
Thrifty Gaming: Games That Won't Blow Your Budget #118
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jahntv · 1 year ago
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Lea Kaffein.
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whooiew · 1 month ago
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Did a little doodle when of Santina and Kaffeine when I was practicing anatomy
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ultraadagio · 2 years ago
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Turkish Coffee ☕
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maleficea · 1 year ago
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Kaffeine. London, 2022.
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Beating it to my moots selfie but it's platonic love
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snappingthewalls · 7 months ago
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pluttskutt · 1 year ago
Getting up at 6:30 in time to put on my face but not to have breakfast made me think about my OC's and their morning routine, so here we are!
I wake up at ~7 by myself, and often wake up a few minutes before my alarm (like today), and can't even recall a single time my alarm has woken me up. I think that Lucy and Wendy are like this.
Lucy wasn't as a teen but an early morning routine works best for her. She likes to get stuff done early. She'd get up, eat breakfast, do her morning routine like brushing teeth putting on her face, and then she'd hit the gym, which is her routine in the army.
Wendy grew up in a village so she probably had chores since she was young and wakes up with the light. That's hard to do about 70% time of the year since the sun is eaten when autumn rolls around, but she'd still get up early.
Oliver would also be up early, albeit with no purpose for it. He just is.
Loke wouldn't really sleep for long but he'd stay in bed because it's cozy and once up, he'd wait to get back into it. He is also not a morning person and will be rude if anything goes wrong. Sleeping longer (til about 8) prevents the crankiness somewhat but he's at his best if he stays in bed til 10.
Jake has a set schedule of sleeping 9 hours per night. He too is cranky in the mornings if up before 7, and it takes him about 20 minutes to get passed it, or simply his breakfast because the crankiness is often hunger.
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godofthestupid · 1 year ago
energy drinks make my thoughts go radio silent and my body to feel like I haven't slept in days and the minute I lay down I will fall asleep
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rpreaperperson · 8 months ago
My Sweet Little Sister (Sherlock x sister!Reader) platonic
but maybe there's a romantic scene between reader and some character
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Treat me kaffein please?☕️
“say that again?” ask Sherlock talking with Mycroft through the phone
“She’s coming to your flat “
“you sure?”
“you doubting me brother of mine?”
“I find it hard to believe when she doesn't want any socialization and be away from Mum and Dad ...what time does she come?”
“in a minute she’ll be buzzing the bell on your door....Mummy says that she needs an...inspiration so to speak..”
“and she comes to me because she loved me most yes?” a smug face plastered against Sherlock's face, he could imagine Mycroft rolling his eyes
“Don't be ridiculous, I am her number one Brother” warns Mycroft annoyed, fiddling a leaf pin in his hand's birthday gift from a certain someone
“hmp..but she prefers to stay with me “Without waiting for Mycroft's reply Sherlock shut his phone and rushed into his room tidying up his messy bedroom. Making it look neater than usual he even vacuumed the dust in all of his room except the bathroom of course
John had just arrived after buying groceries and narrowed his eyebrow at Sherlock as he wanted to ask him ‘What the hell are you doing’ he gaps at him when the Detective took his experiment from the fridge and hid it somewhere inside his bedroom and dusted up the table
“Wh-what are you doing” snapped his head at John Sherlock just waving his hand around
“...cleaning, just put those down on the table John I’ll arrange it inside the fridge” answered him, then continued to his cleaning activities, flabbergasted John put the groceries down on the table
‘is he high?’
Meanwhile, at the same time a young woman fidgeting her finger as she looks up at the ‘221B’ sign, with hesitance she pushes the bell
And Sherlock perk up
“Damn she’s come already” mutters him, John just raised his eyebrow mouthing 'who?'
“John would you mind making tea, I'm going to welcome my sister”
“yeah..fine...wait who sister?” Sherlock just ignored him as usual and rushed downstairs
The door opened presenting your tall brother, you could see a speck of dust on his curly hair guessing he just doing some cleaning.
As your doe blue eyes look up at him smile at him timidly, cheeks redded at the sight of your brother it has been a long time since you met him anyway
“B-brother Sherlock..”
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thatcakelovingwitch · 6 months ago
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Prinzessin Charliefee wanna kaffeinate me: https://ko-fi.com/thatcakelovingwitch
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whooiew · 1 month ago
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ultraadagio · 2 years ago
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Turkish Coffee ☕
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vienna-city · 2 years ago
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The Lost Art Of Dressing Up. Kaffein Zeitgeist.
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wilsweb-asientour · 1 year ago
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Tag 41. 13.08.2023
Jukjeon. Heute standen wir früh auf, um an einem Gottesdienst in Bundang teilzunehmen. Die Fahrt von Myeongdong über den Han-Fluss in den Süden lief reibungslos, sodass wir Zeit für einen Halt im Starbucks hatten, wo wir mit Kaffein auftankten. Die Kirche (할렐루야교회) war beeindruckend, pompös auf einem Berg errichtet mit einer Tiefparkgarage mit 3 Etagen, Live-streaming der Predigt und eigener Küche, die Teller rauspumpten wie eine Krankenhausmensa. Zudem waren wir die einzigen Ausländer weit und breit. Bewunderung pur.
Nach einer verlängerten Mittagspause fuhren wir in ein Volksdorf (한국민속촌) i.d.N.v. Bungnam. Zwar heute eine Touristenattraktion, früher spielte sich jedoch im Volksdorf ein ganz anderes Leben ab. Wir staunten über ein Amphitheater, ein hölzernes Adelhaus und ein eigenes Dorf-Gefängnis. Wir aßen Haemuljeon (koreanischer Reibekuchen mit Meeresfrüchten), Gamja-jeon (koreanischer Kartoffelpuffer) und tranken Reiswein, der genießbar war. Im Nachgang schauten wir uns einen lebhaften Tanzauftritt an und liefen in verschiedenste Höfe rein, um an Dorfaktivitäten teilzunehmen. Da der Typhoon inzwischen China und Taiwan ärgerte hatten wir wieder schwüles Wetter. Kurzum, wir schwitzten wie Sau.
Im Anschluss fuhren wir nach Jukjeon (죽전), wo wir Shaved Ice (geraspeltes Eis) bestellten, einmal mit Mango (애플망고치즈빙수) und einmal mit roten Bohnen (인절미팥빙수). In umgekehrter Reihenfolge ging’s dann zum Abendessen, wieder Korean BBQ (Gegrilltes), dieses Mal jedoch auf Jeju-Art. Für alle Geografieliebhaber, Jeju Insel ist eine Urlauberinsel südlich vom koreanischen Festland und westlich von Fukuoka. Wir probierten drei Schweinefleischvarianten: koreanischen Speck (ca. 5cm dick), Schweinehaut und eine Tofu-Schweinefleisch Suppe. Die erste Variante gefiel Webster am besten mit Gojujang. Wir liefen dann durch Jukjeon, eine junges und lebhaftes Studentenviertel mit vielen Cafés und Klamottenläden. Auf der Rückfahrt nach Seoul hielten wir am Han-Fluss Ufer, um uns Gangnam und Seoul von einer anderen Perspektive anzuschauen.
Morgen ist ein voller Tag angesagt, wir freuen uns und lassen euch natürlich wieder teilhaben. Gute Nacht!
Day 41. August 13, 2023
Jukjeon. Today we got up early to attend a church service in Bundang. The journey from Myeongdong over the Han River to the south went smoothly, so we had time for a stop at Starbucks to top up on caffeine. The church (할렐루야교회) was impressive, grandly built on a mountain with a three-story underground parking garage, live-streaming of the sermon, and its own kitchen that pumped out dishes like a hospital cafeteria. Furthermore, we were the only foreigners far and wide.
After an extended lunch break, we drove to a folk village (한국민속촌) in the vicinity of Bungnam. While now a tourist attraction, the folk village used to be a completely different world in the past. We marveled at an amphitheater, a wooden nobleman's house, and a village prison. We enjoyed Haemuljeon (Korean seafood pancake), Gamja-jeon (Korean potato pancake), and drank rice wine that was enjoyable. Afterwards, we watched a lively dance performance and participated in village activities in various courtyards. As the typhoon was bothering China and Taiwan by now, we had humid weather again. In short, we sweated like crazy.
Next, we headed to Jukjeon (죽전), where we ordered Shaved Ice, once with Mango (애플망고치즈빙수) and once with red beans (인절미팥빙수). We then went for dinner, again Korean BBQ, but this time Jeju style. For all geography enthusiasts, Jeju Island is a vacation island south of the Korean mainland and west of Fukuoka. We tried three pork variations: Korean bacon (about 5cm thick), pork skin, and a tofu-pork soup. Webster liked the first variation the best with Gojujang. We then walked through Jukjeon, a young and vibrant student neighborhood with many cafes and thrift stores. On the way back to Seoul, we stopped by the Han River bank to see Gangnam and Seoul from a different perspective.
Tomorrow promises to be a busy day, and we're looking forward to it. We’ll of course keep you posted. Good night!
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snappingthewalls · 7 months ago
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