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whyismypenissosmall · 7 years ago
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Buddhist temple - “Shad Tchup Ling”.
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fuzzkaizer · 4 years ago
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Formanta - ECHO spring reverb
“... manufactured by "Formanta" - a soviet military radio plant at Kachkanar, near Sverdlovsk in 1979. ...
Features & Specifications:
Delay Time: <20 ms
Reverb Time: <1 s
Knobs: High freq, Low freq, Volume, Echo
Outputs\Inputs: 1/4TRS 
Weight: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs)
Dimensions: 31.5x15.7x7.4 cm (12.4x6.2x2.9 in)
Power: Standard 9 volt power adapter or bar battery (not included) “
cred: reverb.com/Audiodrome
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variousactivities-blog · 7 years ago
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allartsdesign · 7 years ago
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Качканар гора - граница между Европой и Азией (Свердловской областью и Пермским краем) высота порядка 870м #kachkanar #ural #europaasia (at Kachkanar)
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novosibirskuzvoru · 2 years ago
Why Buy Wagon Scales in Russia?
Buying вагонные весы in Russia has never been easier. The country's railfreight industry is among the world's leading, and the government is providing subsidies to encourage the use of modern wagons. The results of this initiative will be significant, with a cumulative financial benefit of more than one trillion rubles by 2025.
The Russian Railways (RZD) plans to upgrade the infrastructure of the country's main lines. It intends to upgrade key stretches of the Kovdor to Murmansk, Stoylenskaya to Chugun and Kachkanar to Smychka lines. It has also begun testing gondola wagons with 27 t axle-load on a 42 km line. These improvements are expected to save the state more than 7.5 billion RUB in maintenance costs for the year. In addition to the savings, the OVK gondolas provide companies with new opportunities for international expansion.
The first generation of 25 t axle-load gondola wagons were introduced on a large scale in 2013. These wagons were initially very expensive, but the cost has since come down. A gondola with this weight capacity can be used for eight years or one million km between heavy overhauls. In addition, the cost of hiring 25 t axle-load gondolas has dropped to 400 to 500 rubles per day.
The Russian Government has also provided subsidies to promote the purchase of 25 t axle-load gondolas. The wagons are capable of carrying a greater load than older designs, and have a number of other advantages. For instance, they are less expensive to operate, and they eliminate breakdowns. Also, their weight is measured automatically, without the need to stop the train. This allows for more efficient workings, and reduces the risk of unauthorized shipments.
While the 25 t axle-load gondola has many positive effects, there are also some downsides. For instance, the wagons require regular examinations every 800,000 km. They also require some maintenance, and have to be replaced every four to eight years. Also, they are only a small part of a larger fleet of modern wagons. In addition, the number of wagons that are currently on the market is limited. This means that production schedules will need to be accelerated to avoid problems. In addition, older design wagons are still being produced, and they are based on designs from the Soviet era. In addition, they are not as technologically advanced as modern wagons.
There are a number of reasons to buy wagon scales in Russia, and it is important to know the difference between the modern gondolas and their predecessors. The modern wagons will be much larger and more durable, and the individual components will last three to 3.5 times longer than the older models. However, the cost of purchasing a modern gondola will still be high, and the wagon fleet will also be larger. In addition, the older design wagons are based on Soviet designs and need to be replaced every three years.
In addition, the ART weigh scales are technologically advanced, and they eliminate the need for officials to make judgments. The system has a number of advantages, including being able to identify wagons, locomotives, and cars. It can also synchronize with a database in real time, and archive results.
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pozharka01 · 2 years ago
https://www.avito.ru/kachkanar?q=%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80 Купить гидротестер на Авито в Качканар
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salesfusiontech · 3 years ago
Are You Need Standard Material Doctor Blade Near Kachkanar Russia ?
FusionTech International is One of the leading Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Standard Material Doctor Blade, We are leading exporter from india, We can supply you the product you are looking for at most rational rate and that too MADE IN INDIA. We are aware that you are looking for Standard Material Doctor Blade in Kachkanar Russia.
Kindly arrange to check more about our product on https://www.fusiontechintl.com/products/doctor-blade.html
Acknowledge us now on Whatsapp: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=918128986711&text=Thanks+for+visit+our+website+leave+your+buy+requirement+for+instant+quote+Hardik+exports@fusiontechintl.com
The key Features of Standard Material Doctor Blade are;
> Highly Flexible so less chances of cylinder damage.
> Longer life as compared to conventional blades              
> Highly Carbon steel                        
> Width from 20~100 mm
> Inspect the doctor blade holder for damages. Dents, nicks or bends make the doctor blade setup wavy
> The main benefit of Doctor Blade is to remove the excess ink from the Roller                              
> Our Blade is made from imported material which prevents the damage on cylinders.
To explore more about our products Write us on [email protected]  or Call us on +91 8128 986 711
We look forward to hear your feedback on the above product
Standard Material Doctor Blade An Exporter In Kachkanar Russia
#Industrialdoctorblade  #Kachkanar  #Russia
Standard Material Doctor Blade An Exporter In Kachkanar Russia
Manufacturer Doctor Blade for Printing  Machinery | An Exporter DOCTOR Blade for lamination machine | An Exporter Plastic Doctor Blade for Roto Gravuer printing machine  | An Exporter  Plastic Doctor Blade | Manufacturer Stainless Steel Doctor Blade  | An Exporter Doctor Blade for Roto gravure printing machine  | Manufacturer Doctor Blade for flexographic printing | Kachkanar | Russia | FusionTech International
TAGS:  Standard Material Doctor Blade, Kachkanar, Russia
Hardik Gohel          
Mobile #+91 8128 986 711
Web: www.fusiontechintl.com
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lamolinastreetart · 4 years ago
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Lovely owl by Russian Vismut Tlyashev (@vismut_tlyashev) in Katsjkanar, Russia (2020) #vismuttlyashev #katsjkanar #russiastreetart #owl #streetart #lamolinastreetart 📷 via Insta artist | bit.ly/3cMKy7t (bij Kachkanar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLKQY5BlI-f/?igshid=1xc4s8c5ryh3q
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whyismypenissosmall · 7 years ago
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Buddhist temple - “Shad Tchup Ling”.
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kola1962 · 4 years ago
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Запасные части гусеничного хода, ножи отвалов, коронки рыхлителей бульдозеров #Liebherr PR744L со склада. #бульдозер #запасныечасти #гусеничныйход #ножотвала #коронкарыхлителя #PR744L (at Kachkanar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFWQkrooS2Y/?igshid=x9j0whk4dfyf
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pfefercake · 7 years ago
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#sky #sun #clouds #tree #sunlight #skyline #cloud #photography #photos #небо #закат #облака (at Kachkanar)
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viktoriabrend · 6 years ago
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Как крутоооо!!! Нет не для кого ни каких сомнений!!!На все вопросы, есть #ответы!!! . #Проект действительно набирает обороты, все для этого есть,есть #новые _продукты, будут #акции, тесная связь с производителем, быстрый и удобный вывод денег!!! . Обучение систематезированное. Все алгоритмы для успешного развития бизнеса 👌🌍 . 😘 Сотни тысяч людей получают результаты по здоровью и доходам!!Сплоченная #Команда! . И самое главное, у нас супер #наставник, наш путеводитель, который думает о людях, для которого главное в жизне не только деньги, а человеческие #качества!! . Мудрый #бизнесмен, который доводит #дело до конца!!! Болеет душой за каждого и за дело 💫 . Поэтому я с #Шауро буду до конца трудиться в этом проекте, ради себя, ради своей семьи, и ради многих людей, которым я могу помочь!!! . И у меня всё получится у уже получается!! Я счастлива , что нахожусь в правильном направлении, и с правильными людьми!!! . Как классно быть частью команды под названием #Успех_Вместе!!!Действительно дорогу осилит идущий!!!🙏🙏🙏👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾🚀🚀🚀💫💫💫 (at Kachkanar) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byy9KtXCZQ3/?igshid=10pka0dzinif7
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steelgrating · 5 years ago
via SteelOrbis: steel news
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32shadesofgayyyy · 5 years ago
via SteelOrbis: iron ore _Báo giá tấm sàn Grating SG
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fisheandchips · 5 years ago
via SteelOrbis: steel news
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rzalubaltay-blog · 6 years ago
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On November 17th  2018 we went trekking to the highest peak of the Middle Urals, Russia and to see the only one in the Ural Mountains Buddhist Monastery Shedrub Ling on Mt. Kachkanar.
The distance Yekaterinburg – Kachkanar is 250km. There’s a parking place outside the plant. Then we were walking 8 km up the mountain to the Buddhist Monastery.
There was no snow in Yekaterinburg yet, but the forest of Mt Kachkanar was covered with white and soft snow like in a Russian fairy tale. The forest is a typical Taiga – with evergreen pines and cedar trees. Here lies the geographical border of Europe and Asia but technically we were in Asia, hence the taiga.
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At the end when we saw the Buddhist Monastery at the top of the mountain. It’s hard to believe that it was built by people without any special equipment or sponsorship. Walking around the territory you can’t but think – how on Earth those monks managed to lift all the stuff up to build their monastery with a white stupa.
Shedrub Ling is a Buddhist Community, the only one in Russia outside the Buddhist Republics of Buryatia, Tyva and Kalmykia. It was founded by a veteran of Afghanistan War Lama Sanye Tenzin Dokchit aka Mikhail Sannikov. After the war he studied Buddhism in Buryatia and Mongolia. In 1995 he started building a monastery on Kachaknar Mt., the place that had been chosen by his teacher.
Now the Buddhists have a crane device but mostly they deliver everything manually or with the help of the dogs. They say it will take another hundred years to build everything as planned but even now the territory looks impressive.
In the recent years the local Media has been writing about the inevitable shutdown of the monastery because it was built illegally and because the nearby area is going to be used by Kachkanar Iron Mining Plant. We saw that huge mine on the way to the mountains. By law people shouldn’t walk in the vicinity of the mine. But Mt Kachkanar attracts a lot of hikers, mainly locals from the Middle Urals and no one can stop them from trekking in this beautiful area. Besides, it’s hard to imagine how the Plant would destroy the monastery as it’s hard to get there other than on foot.
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At the monastery the monks offered us tea, we left our backpacks there and went to climb the highest peak of the Urals. It’s 887.6 meters above the sea level. Doesn’t sound too impressive but getting there is quite a challenge especially in winter after fresh snow. Our group had to make a new trail which means the first person in the line can accidentally step into holes between rocks.
Mt Kachkanar was covered with clouds on that day but even like that the rocks looked great. The most famous ones are called ‘Camel’ and ‘Pushkin’ (it resembles the profile of a Russian poet Alexander Pushkin).
  Kachkanar is beautiful at any time of the year. Here are some photos taken by Luba in summer.
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Kasım 2018 17sinde Orta Ural Dağlarının en yüksek zirvesine yürüyüş gerçekleştirdik ve Ural dağlarında, Rusyada olan ve benzeri bulunmayan Kaçkanar dağında bulunan Şedrub Ling Budist Manasterine doğru yürüdük.
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Yekaterinburg-Kaçkanar mesafesi 250km ve alanın hemen yanında park yeri bulunmakta. Sonra yaklaşık 8 km Budist manasterine varmak için yukarıya doğru yürüdük.
Yekaterinburgda kar olmasa da Kaçkanar ormanları bembeyaz yumuşak kara bürünmüştü, Rusyada geçen bütün peri hikayeleri gibi. Orman bildiğiniz Tayga, yeşil çam ve sedir ağaçlarıyla. Goğrafik olarak orası Avrupa ile Asya sınır ancak tayga ormanları olmasından dolayı biz Asyadaydık.
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Nihayet yukarlarda zirveye yakın bir yerde, biz Buddist manasterine vardık. İnanması zor olsada burası insani güçle, başka bir teçhizat veya dış yardım kullanmadan yapılmış. Manasterin çevreside gezerken insan kendini düşünmeden alıkoyuamıyor – nasıl budist rahipler bu ağırlıktakı taşları ve zor koşullar altında beyaz stupa ile bu manasteri yapmışlardır.
Şedrub Ling bir Budist camiadir, Rusyada Budist Cumhüriyetleri yani Buryatya, Tuva ve Kalmakya dışında olan yalnız örnek. Afganistan savaşından hemen sonra Lama Sanye Tenzin Dokchit aka Mikhail Sannikov tarafinda yapılması başlanmış. Savaştan sonra Budismi Buryatya ve Moğolistanda okumaktan sonra, 1995 yılında Kaçkanar dağlarında bulunan bu manasteri yapmaya baş koymuş. Tabi burası Budist öğretmenler tarafından seçilmiş.
Şimdi Budistlerde vinç olsada, genelde her şey elle veya köpekler yardımıyla yapılmış. Yapılması tamamlanmak için başka 100 yıl gerektiğini söyleselerde, burası inanılmaz etkileyici be güzel görünmekte.
Son yıllarda yerel medya manasterin kapanması kaçılınmaz olduğu konusunda yazmaya başlasalar da(“yasa dışı yapılmış olması ve çevresinde Kachkanar demir madeni olması nedenlerinde ötürü”) Kachkanar Dağı bir çok dağcı, doğa yürüyüşçüsü ve gezgine ev sahipliği yapmakta, tabi genellikle Orat Urallar yerlileri, ve kimse onları bu güzel yürüyüşten nesipsiz koyamıyor. Ayrıca oraya varmak sadece yürümekle mümkün ve fabrikanın oraya gitmesi nerdeyse imkansız.
Manasterde rahipler bizi bitkisel çayla karşıladılar ve biz sırt çantalarını orada bırakıp, zirve tırmanışına geçtik. Deniz seviyesinde 888 metrelik yükseklikte bulunmakta Kaçkanar zirvesi. Çok etkileyici gözükmese de oraya varmak çok zordur hele kışta hemen yeni kar yağmuru ardından. Bizim takım yeni bir yol bulmak zorunda olduğu için yürüyüş daha da tehlikeli bir hal gelmişti nitekim birden yanlışlıkla kayalar arasındakı çukurlar ve boşluklara adım atabilirdik.
Kaçkanar dağı bulutlar ve dumanlar içinde gizlenmiş olsada yine çok müthiş görünmekteydi. En tanılmış olanları ise “deve” ve “Puşkin” olarak adlandırılmakta çünkü ünlü Rus şair ve yazar portresini anımsatmakta.
Kaçkanar her zaman güzel burada Lubanın yaz tırmanışının fotoraflarını da görebilirsiniz.
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В ноябре 2018г вместе с клубом ‘Колесим по Уралу’ мы отправились покорять вершину Среднего Урала – гору Качканар и посмотреть единственный на Урале буддистский монастырь Шедруб Линг. Расстояние Екатеринбург – Качканар 250км. Рядом с карьером за городом Качканар есть парковка. Оттуда 8км пешком в гору до Буддистов.
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В Екатеринбурге снега еще не было, а в лесу на Качканаре все деревья были покрыты пушистым снежком. Недалеко от Качканара проходит символическая граница Европы и Азии, но технически мы были в Азии, в настоящем таежном лесу с соснами и кедрами. Когда поднимаешься к монастырю с белой ступой на входе, сложно поверить, что люди построили его без особой техники и финансовой помощи. Практически все строй материалы поднимали вручную. Сейчас у монахов есть подъемный кран, но по прежнему многое поднимают вручную или на собаках.
Шедруб Линг переводится с тибетского как место обучения и совершенствования – это община буддистов основанная бывшим воином Афганцем Тендзином Докшит (в миру Михаилом Васильевичем Санниковым). Его учитель, бурятский лама дал ему указание построить буддистский храм на горе Качканар. Строительство началось в 1995г. Обитатели общины говорят, чтобы воплотить весь задуманный план по строительству, потребуется еще сотня лет, но торопится не куда. Даже сейчас территория сильно впечатляет.
В последние несколько лет власти пытаются выселить буддистов, т.к. территорию они заняли незаконно, а рядом расположен действующий карьер. Но пока что все остается как есть, туристы со всего Урала любят подниматься на гору Качканар и снуют туда сюда мимо карьера, а монахи по-философски говорят, что все будет хорошо. В любом случае, уезжать они не собираются, да и разрушить монастырь, пригнать технику на гору будет весьма проблематично.
В монастыре нас напоили чаем, там же мы оставили рюкзаки и налегке пошли покорять самую высокую точку среднего Урала – вершину горы Качканар 887.6 метров над уровнем моря. Идти до нее от монастыря минут 15, но когда приходится тропить по снегу, путь получается намного дольше. В тот день Качканар стоял в облаке, но даже при плохой видимости на горе есть, что посмотреть и чем восхититься. Самые знаменитые скалы на горе – верблюд и Пушкин (очень напоминает голову поэта в профиль).
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Качканар красив в любое время года. Вот некоторые фотографии, сделанные летом 2018го
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Trekking to Buddhist monastery on Mt. Kachkanar, Urals, Russia On November 17th  2018 we went trekking to the highest peak of the Middle Urals, Russia and to see the only one in the Ural Mountains Buddhist Monastery Shedrub Ling on Mt.
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