#kablam! i got his ass.
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stopthatfool · 1 year ago
here have this idk anymore.
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you may be asking.. "stopthatfool... aren't you a fanfic writer.. don't you have things to be writing...?" and my response to that is... "yes <3"
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kombatkraze-blog · 6 years ago
My Top Ten Action League Now! Episodes
Just as the title says
I’ll even provide a bit of why I chose each entry
10. Road To Ruin(Season 1, episode 13)
Though not The Mayor’s best episode there’s just something really funny about the idea of litterbugs in this show. Since every character save for Big Baby and both dogs are not all that tall the sight of seeing objects larger than them in some way being thrown around is just really funny to me okay. Also the car crash.
9. Tears Of A Clone(Season 3, episode 35)
The Mayor steals incredibly breakable fine China. He says this multiple times in the episode. And yet he’s still surprised that the plates broke. How the fuck could you not realize that’d happen. Also ‘Will his dishonor get away with his fine China chicanery?’ ‘I’d tell you but they won’t show me the script’ and ‘Who’s the lucky boy getting away with all the incredibly breakable fine China? Me!’
8. Meltman At Large(Season Two,Episode 20)
The idea of Meltman of all characters turns into a giant and yet still fails at everything he does is just hilarious even if it’s a bit obvious that everything would happen.
7. Yurplastic Park(Season 4, Episode 40)
A Jurassic Park parody to me is something that will never be truly dated. Though this came out 6 years after the first one and I think not much shorter than the sequels it proves the aforementioned Jurassic Park thing. They legit did nearly exact versions of a few scenes such as the opening scene. A good parody of the series even if it’s quite short.
6. Rags To Riches(Season 3,Episode 29)
It’s not so much the episode as it is that one moment where Stinky took a spear to his chest without any reaction. Though the fact that The Mayor was selling a supposed incredibly expensive ancient artifact at such cheap prices is great too.
5. A Star Is Torn(Season 3, Episode 40)
The mere fact that no one but Meltman fell for The Mayor’s incredibly flimsy disguise and found nothing wrong about how every scene was nearly killing Thunder Girl is just something amusing especially given that Stinky who could tell The Mayor hadn’t changed his ways in Turkey Of Terror wasn’t suspicious of this but rather shrugged it off as nothing is just incredibly amusing to me okay.
4. Chickie Chickie Bang Bang(Season 4, Episode 42)
Wind up Easter chicks are incredibly dangerous in this episode. That’s just fucking absurd and I love how it seems aware of the ridiculousness of the episodes premise as well.
Tied with also at 4. Thunder And Lightning (Season 1, Episode 4)
The ending. Just. The ending of it. The reveal always cracks me the fuck up. Also the bizarre as all hell scenes with ‘Thunder Dad’ and bottomless shrimp bowl was great too.
3. And Justice For None (Season 3, Episode 37)
Long to be thought of as the finale and was even considered to be so for a long while but did come off as finale material. Though not actually the finale due to the KaBlam episode it actually aired from being lost for years.
2. Flippers Of Fury (Season 3, Episode 28)
Okay this isn’t one of the absolute best despite its high level on this list, it’s the one shot villain. It would’ve been really cool to see more of The Red Ninja to me okay.
Honorable Mentions
Roughing The Passer(Season 3, Episode 38)
The Mayor makes multiple amazingly hilarious yet terrible puns. I fucking love that kind of shit.
Caged Thunder (Season 2, Episode 23)
Nearly every scene is hilarious in this one. The Mayor’s bizarre accent is worth it on its own. Add in a random ass bit of The Mayor offering Thunder Girl to be his queen and you’ve got a fantastic episode
Armageddon Outta Here(Season 4, Episode 46)
The League goes into space and stops a meteor from crashing into the Earth and find themselves drifting away from Earth on the meteor and The Chief celebrates that they won’t be back for hundreds of years. That’s all.
Grief For The Chief (Season 4, Episode 49)
Even though he gets injured in each flashback there’s just something strangely sweet about The League reminiscing over the times they had with The Chief as they hope he doesn’t die.
No Fly Zone(Season 1, Episode 7)
Most of it’s okay but the best bit is when Thunder Girl flies into a telephone wire mid song and is electrocuted.
Both Dog Episodes(Wrath Of Spotzilla, Season 1, Episode 5, Mad Dogs And Englishmen, Season 3, Episode 32)
There’s fucking dogs in them do I need to explain this one.
I’ve Been Working On Derail Road(Season Unknown, Episode 2)
‘Why’d you do it Mayor?’ ‘For the insurance money, so I could throw myself a really big birthday party!’ ‘Goodie! I love parties!’ ‘You’re not invited!’ That is all.
Hey! Who Stole My Face?(Season 3, Episode 31)
How the fuck was Justice the only character who didn’t realize that The Mayor had switched faces with The Chief. Despite The Mayor being white and The Chief being black? Also ‘What’s wrong with Justice?’ ‘Nothing unless it gets in the way of an evil plan.’ ‘I was talking about your dog.’
1. All four of Hodge Podge’s episodes
Maybe it’s because he’s my favorite character but I just have a soft spot for these episodes. He deserved more episodes, more attention. He deserved better.
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thebunnyremix · 7 years ago
What I Learned From Nicktoons...
Doug: Don’t freak out over trivial things. People don’t give as big of a shit as you think they do.
The Ren & Stimpy Show: Just because it’s a cartoon, doesn’t mean it belongs on a kids’ network.
Rocko’s Modern Life: Everyone is weird to some degree.
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters: Sometimes your teacher is full of shit, and sometimes they’re completely right. It’s up to you as a student to decide which lessons work best for you.
KaBlam!: Art has many different forms.
Hey Arnold!: It is possible to be mature and immature at the same time.
The Angry Beavers: Sometimes you and your sibling are gonna fight, and sometimes you’re each other’s best friend. It will never be one consistent mood, but that’s not a bad thing.
CatDog: Love yourself; because the world is gonna hate you for being different anyway.
Oh Yeah! Cartoons: It doesn’t matter how good your idea is. It may still be rejected for budget reasons.
The Wild Thornberrys: Being weird might save your ass one day.
SpongeBob SquarePants: Life is a wacky adventure that goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and oh my god why is it still going!? Let me die!! Can’t you see that I crave death!?
Rocket Power: When in doubt, make up your own slang and pretend to be cool.
Pelswick: Some ideas won’t be appreciated when they first come out. At that point, hope and pray for a cult following.
As Told by Ginger: Teenagers are annoying. Especially you.
The Fairly OddParents: Life sucks. But if you make the right kind of friends, it sucks a bit less.
Invader Zim: A hero is only as incompetent as his villain.
ChalkZone: Artist’s block always happens at the worst possible time, but can be overcome with enough thought and patience. If that fails, use the adrenaline of a looming deadline to your advantage.
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius: Smart people can be just as annoying as dumb people.
All Grown Up!: If it looks like a pilot in disguise, it probably is.
My Life as a Teenage Robot: Even if you’re a total badass, some people will still shit on you for stupid reasons. But you’re still a badass, so whatever, right?
Danny Phantom: You’re never too young to discuss the subject of death.
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Kids can follow deep storytelling better than you think.
Catscratch: Most problems are caused by rich idiots with too much free time.
Mr. Meaty: Part of growing up is accepting that the world is gonna give you things you didn’t ask for. (Thankfully, some of these things will go away on their own.)
Rugrats Pre-School Daze: See above.
Fanboy & Chum Chum: A bad show will never be cancelled fast enough.
Planet Sheen: Some characters are only funny based on how other characters react to them, and therefore work better as a side character and should never be given a fucking spin-off.
T.U.F.F. Puppy: Two out of three ain’t bad.
The Legend of Korra: The best way to resolve a love triangle is with a bisexual twist ending.
Breadwinners: Even the worst ideas will be greenlit, because some people think effort is just an option. Keep that in mind and see how well you sleep tonight as you look over all the awesome ideas that never got a chance to shine because of bullshit like this.
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thedogsled · 6 years ago
Who Tube (Doctor Who YouTube) is hilariously terrible at the moment. You’ve got new fans being gatekept by old fans and then yelling at the old fans and then the old fans yelling back, people subtweeting each other on their channels “Some YouTubers, they know who they are”, people posting vicious rants as soon as episodes end--lots of really really toxic shit on both sides. Like. It’s hilarious--if you enjoy VERY thinly veiled misogyny on one side and blind adoration for progressiveness at the expense of decent writing on the other. If you listen to these people, it’s not very difficult to see where the canon schism between straight white “geek culture” males and anyone with a so labeled by said people SJW motivation come to blows. They both think the other side is just ignorant, and the constant lashing out is just. Wow. It’s really. Wow.
Saltiness ahead.
It frustrates me a lot, because I feel the show has been really hit and miss this season and the warring on YouTube is just another example of how you just can’t discuss this reasonably. It’s not all bad, but it’s certainly been far from all good. Some of it REALLY works, like for example Ryan’s dyspraxia and the decision to explore Yasmin’s character through her grandmother’s story, but some of it doesn’t. I was particularly dismayed today, spoilers, by James I being played through the lens of modern campness by Alan Cumming this week, turning the former monarch into a queer caricature (I know the guy most from his role in Spy Kids, Fegan Floop, which replays ENDLESSLY on british TV). I feel like a lot of the episodes of this season have been simply the characters thrown into chaos, bad guy is revealed to be an alien, then the Doctor gives a shockingly profound, emotional speech that makes you forget how awful some of the other parts were and you go away with ~feels~ and not much else, because all the endings are pulled out of the writer’s ass anyway. Just. That’s how I personally saltily feel about this show this season, like it’s been platforming for a bunch of different writers saying what they want to say about humanity through the Doctor’s mouth. Like she’s ceased to exist beyond her existence as that mouthpiece, and that in some ways the show has too. (just my opinion. anyway.)
But you can’t talk about this stuff. I find myself reading reviews and watching people who like the show and place no accountability on the show beyond being politically bold, and it drives me nuts. It doesn’t matter what form it comes in, so long as it’s pro-feminist, or it exposes people to history they might not have learned in class, or there’s a dude giving birth for 50% of the airtime. If I want to hear or discuss any challenge to those things, I find myself listening to purely negative reviews instead, and noping out when the person suddenly reveals halfway through that they believe that because men aged 18-40 is a big demographic, it only makes sense that they’re the group that are kowtowed to at every opportunity. Like wtf dudes, sorry you can’t hack that other people exist in the world and you aren’t being catered to 24/7 any more. Fuck off. So it’s no wonder the antis feel Doctor Who lovers are all SJWs and the pos!Who people are convinced that the antis are all racist misogynist fucks. (The showrunners do too afaik, and that isn’t helped at all by Chibnall and Jodie both being SO resistant to negativity that neither of them seem to be soliciting fan feedback that isn’t positive.) Is it hard to ask for objectivity, though? For something that comes down the middle? That isn’t racist and misogynistic, but maybe still cares about how the things we’re looking for in terms of representation are being handed to us? How about, at least, not having to listen to some people who are so entitled that they literally think that Jodie Whitaker shouldn’t have shot out any babies so that she can instead devote her entire life to making TV shows? (Seriously, I listened to one girl who thought that, and you could hear her contempt for people who have kids in every syllable.)
I’ve liked episodes of this season. The Kablam! episode was great, I only had minor complaints with the ep that I handwaved away because I felt like there was actually some dramatic tension. I liked episode 2 because it was idk. A fun adventurous romp and the characters all had flaws. I quite liked Rosa because it had the bones of something better, and that showed through in all the scenes where Rosa’s actress (Vinette Robinson, who was also in the Chibnall episode ‘42′, btw what nepotism how many british actors do you think there are?) interacted with the other characters. 
But they weren’t all perfect, at least to me. Maybe I’m a negative nelly, because everyone seems to be tripping over themselves to scream positivity about the show in their reviews, but I, personally, feel like much of it has fallen flat. When they did finally drop - as they’ve been avoiding for much of this season - the ‘If I was a bloke this wouldn’t have been a problem’ thing, it wasn’t even delivered with a great deal of gravity or purpose. Maybe some people think that was a good thing, I don’t know, but looking at the way sexism was handled in Timeless, for example, and hell, Sliders (which was a trashy 90s show about jumping between alternate realities; or Quantum Leap for that matter, which had Sam jump into the lives of women in the past and experience days in their lifetimes), it’s way past the era of TV to deliver that kind of line like it’s inconsequentially drawing attention to something nobody noticed before, you know? Why is the BBC always 100 years behind, despite playing like it’s the most progressive thing ever? Why do we let it, and say “Sure we’ll take it, that’s enough” instead of also insisting they tell GOOD stories, and not wave their hand and say aliens did it at the end of every episode? I get it’s a time traveling series but the aliens show up and then the doctor waves her magic wand and ~science~ and yes she quoted Arthur C Clarke but she can do that and be powerful and tell powerful stories that aren’t completely...halfhearted, and if you don’t have trumped up stupid bad guys you don’t have to have flimsy solutions for beating them at the end.
We SHOULD be seeing ourselves in the media we’re absorbing. I firmly believe that. I also think, though, that we’re entitled to be respected by that media as well, in that the stories we’re seeing that show US should be good stories. They shouldn’t be concentrating on making as many nods as possible to as many corners of culture as possible that it stops caring about the story it’s telling, because whatever politically correct points it scores will ensure people overlook its flaws. It’s disrespectul, and we shouldn’t allow it, because it means we’re nothing but a commodity, an unquestioning storyblind audience that just doesn’t care so long as our representation needs are getting catered to. That means we’ll keep getting more representation, but a lot of it will be shit, because no matter what we’ll throw up our hands and give it ten out of ten and rigorously defend it no matter what caricatures it throws in front of us.
We should demand better stories alongside our representation. Fandom is so powerful now that we’re being written for, because as a whole we aren’t objective. We engage in mass squeeing, we’re GREAT at giving positive feedback and high ratings like it’s our job to do it even if it’s undeserved (and arguably Who NEEDED that positive feedback this year) and best of all anyone who doesn’t agree can be written off as an angry white dude, or racist, or just ignorant. That’s good for ratings and good for clicks, and networks eat that stuff up because it makes them money. But that isn’t respect, and we shouldn’t be selling ourselves out for a bargain basement price.
That’s my last word on it for now. I’ll probably complain again next week, and I know I KNOW this isn’t a popular pov for people, but I’ve made my bed with that. For those of you who loved it, I’m glad for you. I’m mostly disappointed for myself. And I still think camp James I was fucking terrible but I already know people love him, so what do I know?
P.S. my tags are for my flist so they can blacklist properly, not to force my saltiness down the throats of other Who fans. You don’t have to agree with me. I just needed to vent.
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mf-despair-queen · 7 years ago
Unmasked Feelings - Dylan O’Brien
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Characters: Dylan O’Brien/Reader
Word Count: 10,684
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Oral (both receiving), Alcohol Use, Bathroom Sex, dirty dancing 
Notes: So, this was ACTUALLY a request I got from @gloire-celeste like... forever ago and I feel bad that I didn’t do it till now. But it worked out for Halloween surprisingly! I hope you like it babe. I loved this idea and I so apologize for it taking foreverrrrr. I hope I did you proud!
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“Why am I here again?” Dylan questioned his best friend, his eyes lingering on the Hispanic man that was strutting through the store, pushing through racks of clothes.
“Because we have to find outfits to the masquerade this weekend! You can't just show up in jeans and a t-shirt,” Tyler told him. Dylan just rolled his eyes in annoyance, slouching further into the chair he called home for the time being, his leg kicked up onto his knee. His foot tapped anxiously while he waited, wanting nothing more than to be home on this October afternoon.
“I don’t even want to go to that,” Dylan grumbled, pulling his phone from his pocket. He scrolled through his messages and photos absentmindedly, frowning at some of the things he saw. Even after a couple months of being single, his heart still hurt from the break up. He wanted to say it was mutual, but it wasn’t. Deep inside, it pained him when Britt suggested they end things.  
“Well, get over it, Dyldo. We have to. We are hosting it!” Tyler said to his brown-haired friend, leaning on the clothes rack. “It’s the “Teen Wolf 3rd Annual Halloween Extravaganza.” It isn’t right if the main stars from Teen Wolf don’t show up.”
“I know,” Dylan sighed, placing his phone down to run his digits through his hair. “I just… I’m not feeling so hot. And the last thing I want is to go to some party where I won’t even be able to tell who most people are! Why the fuck did they decide on a masquerade theme?”
“It’s fun!” Tyler growled. “Maybe it would be good for you. You’ve been sheltering yourself from life itself since everything happened with Britt. You need to start moving passed it. And who knows. Maybe you will find some girl at the party and you guys will fall madly in love. But it’s like a drama because at the end of the night, you don’t even know who she is because of the mask. So, you fight tooth and nail to find her and reveal your love for her,” Tyler said, acting out dramatic actions with each word. The back of his hand pressed to his forehead as he let out an exasperated sigh, leaning back against the rack of costumes.
Dylan rubbed his temple, placing both feet on the ground and leaning on his knees. “You’ve been watching chick flicks again, haven’t you?”
“I might have binged some romance movies on Netflix while I was sick.” Dylan sent him a look, his lips pressed into a tight line. “I ran out of things to watch! Don’t give me that look!”
“Whatever, Tpose. Just hurry up and pick something out. I’m going to step outside and have a smoke,” the actor grumbled, disappearing from his friend’s sight before he could be stopped.  
The fresh air was gladly welcomed the second he stepped outside, a slight chill running down his spine. Los Angeles wasn’t exactly cold at this time of year, especially in the mid-afternoon, but the breeze was enough to make him shiver. Dylan quickly stepped to the side of the shop, slipping a cigarette from the carton in his pocket along with his lighter. Within a few attempts, the cancer stick was lit and between his lips, the smoke billowing out in white wisps. The actor let his eyes close, the tiniest bit of his anxiety dissipating with the nicotine entering his system. His body relaxed into the wall, his right leg bent so his foot could rest on the red brick of the building.  
He ran a hand through his hair, flicking the ashes off the end of the cigarette in his hand. “All I wanna do is go home,” he grumbled lowly to himself, cracking his eyes to look at his surroundings. He prayed that no one would recognize him, wanting just one day free of fans. Would he be that lucky? Probably not. And finally kicking off the wall, he walked a bit down the road, kicking a small rock along the sidewalk as he went.
He didn’t expect to end up on the sidewalk a minute later. The male got to the corner of the street, his leanly muscular body colliding with her smaller form. Dylan was too dazed to figure out exactly how she sent him toppling, his eyesight focusing slowly on the mess of limbs and bags that covered the ground. Her head was buried in his chest, her soft groan muffled by the blue shirt he wore.  
“Are you alright?” He finally gasped out, not realizing the blow had knocked the air out of him. Her head snapped up, eyes meeting his sparkling, whiskey brown orbs.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she whispered just loud enough for him to hear. She glanced down at him, her eyes widening before she attempted to scramble off him, only succeeded in tripping over her own feet and falling onto her ass on the pavement. “Shit, that one hurt.”
“Here, let me,” he offered, tapping the end of his cigarette on the ground and sticking it behind his ear. He jumped to his feet, extending a hand to the girl. She sent him a gentle smile, placing her hand in his larger, veiny one, Dylan pulling the female to her feet with incredible ease.  
“I’m so sorry about that,” she told him, brushing off the jeans she had on. “I was in such a hurry and wasn’t watching where I was going. I didn’t see you rounding the corner and kablam! We were flat on the sidewalk.” Dylan laughed at her feeble explanation, shaking his head.  
“It’s fine. Honestly, it is. I wasn’t paying attention either. I was just in my own little world I guess. I space out sometimes,” he replied, scratching the back of his head. He finally took the time to study her face closer, his mouth instantly going dry. “Holy shit. You’re Y/N,” he said breathlessly.
The smaller girl giggled, nodding. “I am.”
“You star in that new show, Time Travelers, right?”
She nodded once again, a smile growing on her reddened cheeks. “I do.”
“Holy shit,” he mumbled to himself, fighting back the blush that threated to arise. Dylan O’Brien didn’t admit to many celebrity crushes in his life, but Y/N L/N were definitely the top of his list. He watched the shows and movies she starred in, awestruck by her sheer talent, fascinated by her caring nature and dazzling personality, and even more flabbergasted at the stunning beauty she possessed. And here, standing in front of him now, was the girl he admired through his television. He was at a loss for words, staring longingly like a star struck fangirl. “You’re Y/N.”
“And you’re Dylan,” she said, cocking her head at his words. His mouth fell open wider, unable to comprehend that she knew who he was. She giggled at his stunned expression, placing her hand under his chin and pushing up slightly to close it. “Close your mouth, darling. The flies will get in. And yes, I know who you are. I’m a big fan, Dylan. Teen Wolf is one of my favorite shows for sure. You guys are so talented.”
Dylan chuckled, licking his dry lips. His stomached twisted anxiously, trying his damnedest not to make a fool of himself. “Well, that’s good. Stiles is your favorite I take it?”
“Oh, of course not!” The actress told him, laughing. “Theo is, of course!”
Dylan deadpanned, pouting cutely. “Seriously?”
“Naw, I’m yanking your chain. Stiles is the best character obviously,” she told him with a hardy chuckle, leaning down to collect your bags.  
“That’s just cruel,” he said, mimicking the female's action. He glanced at the dozens of bags strewn across the path, giving a small smile. “At least none of your stuff fell out of the bags.”
“Yeah. I don’t know what I would have done if something like that happened. I’m crunched for time as it is and I wouldn’t have had time to go replace anything.” Y/N stood, taking the bags from Dylan as soon as he was upright. “I appreciate all the help, Dyl. But I really do have to go. It was really nice meeting you. Call me sometime. Maybe we can do lunch,” she told him, backing up with each word. “And you know, smoking is bad for you. You may want to think about cutting back sometime.” With a wink, Y/N blew him a kiss, turning on her heel and hurrying down the street.
Dylan blinked, watching her form for a second before it clicked. “Wait! Y/N, I don’t have your-“ He didn’t get the chance to finish, the girl gone from his sight. “Number. Fuck.”
Making his way back to the store Tyler was in, he placed the remainder of his cigarette in his carton, listening to the bell jingle when he walked back in. He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up more than it already was, letting out a long breath. “Tpose?” He hollered, stepping further into the shop. He saw no sign of his best friend, frowning slightly. “Tyler?”
“BOO!” Dylan heard, coming face to face with a Jigsaw mask from the other side of a clothes rack. The male let out a small shriek, tripping backwards into a nearby pile of clearance shirts. The person began laughed, the mask lifted away to show the smug face of Tyler Garcia Posey. “I fucking got you. Man, I do love Halloween. Say, why don’t you go as Jigsaw? You can ride into the party on a little tricycle with the creepy laugh and all.”
Dylan grumbled, falling back into the clothes. “Fuck you.”
“I know you love me,” Tyler said. “Have a good smoke?”  
Dylan blinked, contemplating if he should mention his encounter or not. “I met Y/N. You know, the actress from that one show I got hooked on, Time Travelers? Well, more like she crashed into me.”
“Seriously?” Tyler asked. “Don’t you have a crush on her?”
“It’s just a celebrity crush, dude. Nothing is going to happen. She did say to call her sometime so we can do lunch but,” he told his friend, dragging out the ‘but.’  
“Dylan O’Brien failed at getting a girl’s number,” Tyler laughed, receiving a glare from his companion. “Well, maybe you will run into her again. Maybe she will be at the party. Holland was in charge of the invitations, so I don’t even know who got invited this year.”
“Even if she goes, Pose, I won’t know it’s her. Masks, remember?”
“Well, you never know,” Tyler hummed, tossing a white mask at the chocolate-haired actor. "A lot can happen in one night. You may meet her and not know it. Maybe you guys are destined for each other and will naturally find your way together. You will just know she is the one, even with that mask on!” Tyler spewed, holding a Phantom of the Opera mask over his face.
"You really need to chill with the romance movies, dude," Dylan huffed, looking at the white mask Tyler threw at him. He couldn't deny part of him wanted him to be right, though. His eyes narrowed, a short puff of air passing through his lips. Maybe something special will happen...
Dylan huffed, his tongue running unconsciously over the vampire teeth Tyler forced onto his teeth with some weird adhesive, his fingers reaching up to fidget with the white mask on his face. His hair was quiffed up, his face cleanly shaven for the first time in weeks. The black suit he wore felt uncomfortably tight, though he wondered if that was because Tyler insisted he wore the jacket buttoned.  
His eyes trailed over the crowd of people, unable to make out anyone he knew. The only person he knew was Tyler since they had gotten ready and arrived together, Dylan watching his friend flirt with some girl in a tight red dress with a black, shimmering mask, a red hooded cape resting on her shoulders. Little Red Riding Hood, he presumed. Tyler himself was wearing a gold suit to match his white mask, the iconic golden leaf headdress a roman would wear lining the top of the mask. Tyler said he was a "Roman God" for the ladies when they were leaving Dylan's apartment.
Dylan sighed to himself, turning to order a drink from the bar. He had zero desire to move from his spot. In fact, he was more than ready for the night to be over. He had already turned a few girls down for dances, his gut telling him that they knew exactly who he was. No matter how much he hoped and prayed he was overthinking it all, he felt that the mask did nothing to hide his identity from those around him. So, he huddled into the corner of the bar, hoping to be ignored for a while until he could sneak off without the being any retribution from Jeff.  
"You sound like you're having a fun night," he heard next to him. His eyes locked on those hidden by a black, glittery mask, an intricate ribbon and mesh design on the right side.  
Sometimes, fate has a funny way of showing itself. Because, unbeknownst to him, he was staring directly into Y/N eyes, the same eyes of his celebrity crush he saw just over twenty-four hours ago. And unbeknownst to her, she was staring into the eyes of Dylan O'Brien, the same eyes of the broken-hearted man she crashed into the day before.  
This, my friend, is a case of dramatic irony.  
Dylan chuckled, twisting his wrist to shake the amber liquid in his glass. "That obvious, huh?"
"Well, when you are hiding out in a dark corner, brooding and drinking hard liquor? Yeah, I can tell," she chuckled at the man beside her, sipping the martini clutched between her manicured fingers. "I've been to enough of these to know the motions."
"Oh, you fancy now, eh?" He joked.  
"The fanciest," she giggled, stepping closer to him. Dylan didn't bother to back away, his body moving closer to hers on its own. "So, considering this is a Halloween party, I take it you are... Dracula?"
"Vampire of sorts, I guess," he muttered, grinning to show off the fake fangs protruding from his lips. "I don't know if I'm cool enough to be Count Dracula himself. Maybe in a few more years." He stopped talking, his eyes subtly moving down her body to take in her outfit. Her dress matched her mask perfectly, the bodice glittering the same way the mask did. It was a halter dress that was tight enough to show the cleavage she had. Around her waist was a silvery lace-like design, trailing into the skirt. The skirt itself had a similar mesh to her mask that flared out, ending just above her knees. Black, open-toe heels hugged her feet, three bands wrapped securely around her ankle to keep them on. "And you are?"
"You know, this is an ironic encounter," she smiled. Dylan's eyebrow rose, Y/N placing her drink down on the bar. Glancing around for a second, she put a single finger to her mouth to signal being quiet. Her hand drifted to the skirt of her dress, the material dragging up her thigh slowly. The actor's whiskey colored orbs widened, nearly choking on the alcohol against his lips. His mouth watered at the perfect view he got, his eyes finally meeting the black lace garter around her thigh. There was a fake knife and stake pressed between the garter and her leg. "I am a vampire huntress."
"Oooh. I'm so scared," he joked, giving his best evil laugh. Y/N snickered at the sound, her fingers releasing the material and smoothing it out against her skin.  
The two continued to joke round with each other, paying no mind to the party around them. They finished off their drinks, leaning the empty glasses forgotten in the midst of their conversation.
"So, I have a burning question for you," she said, giggling when Dylan's thumb trapped hers between his thumb and his hand, winning the thumb war they were having. "When are you going to ask me to dance, Tuxedo Mask?"  
Dylan was taken aback, his mouth opening and closing a few times to try and find the right words. "I didn’t know you wanted to dance," he admitted truthfully, leaning on the bar and scratching his chin. "I'm kind of a putz when it comes to things like this." He paused, glancing back at the girl. "And Tuxedo Mask?"
"Like from Sailor Moon? Your mask reminds me of Mamoru from Sailor Moon," she said, her fingers tracing the outline of the mask on his face. Dylan could feel the heat radiating from her fingers, relishing is the feeling of her soft skin brushing his occasionally.  
"I think I faintly remember that. I think my sister may have watched it growing up. I can't be entirely sure." Their eyes met, Dylan's lips curling upwards slightly. He pushed off the bar, bowing to the girl, a hand extending in front of her. "Princess, may I have this dance?"  
Y/N smiled, taking the hand of the man she thought she didn't know. "With pleasure."
The two joined the other couples huddled together on the makeshift wooden dancefloor, the current song fading out into a dull hum. A slower, gentler song than before replaced it, billowing from the speakers to fill the room. Y/N giggled to herself, spinning to face the mysterious man, her hair whipping around her body as she faced him. Dylan smiled at the petite female, giving her a better bow than before.
"Milady," he joked. She smiled, curtsying in return. "Shall I have this dance?"
"Absolutely," she told him, her arms locking around his neck. His hands firmly placed themselves on her waist, leading her in a gentle sway to the music. Their eyes met in a solid gaze, smiles forming on their lips as they stared into each other's orbs. His fingers would gently squeeze into her skin through her dress, her body burning without direct contact. She blinked once, Dylan noting how her eyelashes fluttered beautifully, before she leaned further into his hold. The side of her head rested on his chest, their movements along the dance floor never faltering. Dylan smiled to himself, his chin resting on the top of her head.
The music cut out suddenly, the couple pulling apart in confusion. The lights dimmed, two spotlights on the stage in the venue showing the figure of one Tyler Posey strutting about, a microphone in hand. "How's it going Teen Wolf enthusiasts!" The crowd cheered, Y/N giggling at his words. Dylan glanced down at the girl, laughing himself. It wasn't Posey that brought ripped the laughter from inside him though. The sound he heard sliding off her tongue was music to his ears.
"I know this is a masquerade and it ruins the fun to know who people are, but you all know who I am I hope. I am the one, the only, Tyler G. Posey! I am your Scott McCall, true alpha of Beacon Hills. And I wanted to thank everyone on behalf of the Teen Wolf cast and crew for your attendance here tonight. The others are scattered around here somewhere and I hope you guys have had a nice conversation with them without even knowing it. These people are my family and they are genuinely great people," Tyler said, his smile gleaming for everyone to see.
"Man, I wish I could meet them," he heard the female beside him mutter. She caught his glance, carefully licking at her lips to avoid messing up her make up. "I'm such a huge fan of theirs. They seem like the best people on the planet. I would do anything to meet any of them."
Dylan chuckled, gnawing on his bottom lip anxiously. "Well, maybe you have talked to one tonight. You just never know, right?" He asked, his words as subtle as a brick through a window. He wasn't sure why but he wanted this girl in front of him to know he was Dylan O'Brien. He was one of the people she admired from Teen Wolf. He didn't want to hide things from her and yet, he didn't even know who she was.  
Y/N chuckled, nodding her head at his comment. "Maybe. I don’t know how many people I talked to before running into you at the bar. I probably talked to my favorite people and I will never have known." Dylan frowned slightly at her words, choosing to stay quiet.  
"So, as any good party goes, I think it's time we kick it up a notch and get this party started!" Dylan heard Tyler shout to the crowd of people, their ecstatic roars filling the air. "So, let me see you assholes have some fun!"
Tyler put his hand out, dropping the mic and pumping his arms up in the air. Everyone in the room whooped at him when he jumped off the stage. Dylan laughed at his friend's actions, shaking his head. The bass kicked up around them, strobe lights beginning to flicker in the dark atmosphere and fog machines running and coating around their feet. Tyler was starting a giant group dance to the techno-like song, people either bouncing around happily or dancing with someone else, their bodies pressing close to one another.
Dylan sighed, turning to Y/N. "I doubt you want to dance to this now. We should get out of here before they get rowdy."
She laughed cheerfully, shaking her head. "Hell no! I only got one dance with you. I'm not ready to stop now." She paused, her index finger tracing along his chest. "The real question now is do you still want to dance with me?"
He saw a sparkle in her eyes behind her mask. Maybe it was the strobe lights playing tricks on him or maybe it was the bits of alcohol flowing through his system, but it made him want to stay more than before. "You're sure?" He asked hesitantly, his tongue running over his licks as he spoke.
Y/N smirked up at him, wrapping her arms around his neck like before. However, this time, her body was closer to his, her hips digging into his slightly. The actor had to fight to suppress his moans, his hands instinctively gripping her waist tightly. ""I'm sure, Tuxedo Mask."
No words needed to be shared. The confirmation was clear. Their bodies rocked steadily against each other to the beat of the music, limbs sliding against each other. The male's hands rubbed her waist, traveling to her back and occasionally dipping down to grab her ass. The female's fingers played with the hairs on the back of his neck, her breasts pressing against his broad chest firmly.  
The song changed, the tempo still upbeat and invigorating their senses. Y/N spun in the dark-haired man's arms, his hands wrapping around her frame to rest on her stomach. His hands were placed atop his, their fingers lacing together naturally. Her ass pressed against his groin, Dylan's cock twitching in the slacks he was wearing. In an effort to shield his noises, his head buried into her neck, his hand having pushed her hair over the opposite shoulder.  
"Damn," she mumbled to herself, her head leaning back against his shoulder. Dylan grinned into her neck, his lips brushing her skin softly. He faintly heard her continuing to mumble curses under her breath, her breathing picking up and slipping passed her lips in short pants. Sweat dripped down their brows from the sheer heat their bodies emitted towards each other, the tightly packed group of people around them having zero effect on them. Their bodies were aflame strictly from their contact with the other.  
"Shit," Dylan mumbled into her neck, his breath fanning over her skin. The girl in his arms did nothing to hide her moan, the noise getting drowned out by the pounding music that echoed around the room. Dylan could feel his cock hardened even more, twitching into her ass. Her already labored breathing shortened even more, her eyes fluttering shut. Her body relaxed into his arms, her legs feeling like jelly.
"Hey handsome," he huffed out, Dylan barely catching her words. He lifted his head from her neck, looking down at the girl in his arms. Her eyes remained closed, a small smile gracing her lips. "I need to go to the bathroom."
"Oh," Dylan pouted, his arms slowly beginning to unwind from her waist. She straightened her body slightly, smoothing out her dress, and taking a deep breath. She took a step, stopping short to look back at him.  
"I'm not entirely sure where it is. Can you... maybe show me the way?" She asked, her eyes glinting mischievously. Dylan's mouth fell open, no words able to come out. Thus, he opted for a simple nod of the head, his hand linking with hers to drag her in the direction of the bathrooms. Dylan glanced around nervously, unsure if people would catch him leading his girl away, but no one seemed to pay him any mind. And within what seemed like seconds, they were standing in front of the single bathroom doors.
"Here we are," he stated shortly, not knowing what else to say. He shuffled between his feet, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He glanced down at his feet, afraid to look at her in the eye.
"Yeah. Thanks..." He trailed off, opening the door and flicking on the light. She paused before entering, looking back at him. "Hey handsome?"
"Yeah?" He replied, swallowing dryly as he glanced up at her. His eyes narrowed on the enticing smile she wore, his bottom lip tugged between her lips slightly. She said nothing, looking down the hallway in both directions once.  
In one swift motion, her hand wrapped around his blazer, forcefully pulling the man into the bathroom. The door was shut and locked behind him. Their bodies swung around until his hands were pressed to the door, her back against the polished wood. She was looking up at him expectedly, Dylan looking down at her. Their noses brushed the tiniest bit, darkened, lustful eyes locked together. Dylan licked at his lips, pondering what to do for a second. But, all inhibitions were thrown out the window and long forgotten with one simple statement.    
"Fuck it," he mumbled.
His head dipped down, lips colliding with hers in one hard kiss. His hands moved up to cup her cheeks at the same time her hands grabbed at his blazer, twisting into the material. Low moans were lost between them their lips moving quickly and ferociously against each other. His head tilted to the side, his lips naturally enveloping hers. The sounds of their fast, open mouth kisses filled the room, lips smacking against each other noisily bouncing off the ceramic walls.  
Dylan's tongue passed over her lips once before slithering into her mouth and drowning out her loud moan. The wet article ran over her own, massaging it gently at first, rapidly growing fiercer. He memorized every inch of her mouth, their tongues tangling together every time he tried to move to a new spot. Occasionally he would pull away for a single breath of air before delving back in for more only for their tongued to battle visibly between their parted lips.  
His fingers brushed her cheeks, her fingers casually unbuttoning his blazer and the top buttons of his shirt. Dylan pulled from the kiss, his lips traveling down her jawline to her neck. The fangs in his mouth brushed at her skin, nipping at it. Y/N mewled, Dylan's grin obvious against her neck. His nibbling increased, carefully biting at the juncture between her neck and shoulder.  
"Fuck," she uttered, her head falling back against the door. Her fingers fumbled with his shirt more, tugging restlessly to get the bottom of it untucked from his slacks. Her fingers worked on the remaining buttons, pushing his shirt open the second the last button came apart. The actor groaned into her neck, his shoulders fidgeting to shrug at least the blazer off.  
His lips moved back to linger over hers, soft kisses shared between the two. He rolled the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows, wrapping his arms back around her waist once he was done. Her hands trailed up his bare torso, nails raking along his skin unconsciously. Y/N wasn't bothered when she felt him tugging at the top of her dress, the bodice pulled just below her breasts. Pulling away briefly to look, he realized the sight was magical, Dylan's mouth practically watering at the display in front of him. Perfectly round mounds, hardened nipples from the chilled air, breasts pushed upwards slightly by the dress tucked snuggly under them.  
His eyes darted to meet hers, leaning back up to kiss her. His hands moved down to her thighs, lifting her from the floor and pressing her harder against the door. The female mewled quietly, legs swinging around his hips, hands placed upon his shoulders for support. Their lips moved quickly against each other for a second before Dylan pulled away abruptly, moving his lips down to encircle her nipple. His tongue flicked at the hard peak, his lips tugging at it when he pulled away from the kiss. The fangs in his mouth scraped against the skin of her breast, the feeling nothing more than pleasurable. Her fingers laced in his hair, tugging at the roots whenever she felt the familiar skim of the vampiric feature touching her body. He swapped breasts at one point, the points of the teeth scratching her skin, red marks left between them and his lips sucking dark marks in their wake.  
She pulled his head away from her chest, the distinct pop of his mouth leaving her nipple bouncing between the walls. Their eyes locked for a single second before drifting closed again, their lips meeting in a messy kiss. Y/N was placed carefully on the floor, her heels clicking as she landed, Dylan pulling her body away from the door. They stumbled around the small room, her hands working on the button on his slacks. His back collided with the sink, a low grunt of pain lost in her throat. She pulled from him, a sad smile forming.
"Sorry. That was an accident," she mumbled, pecking his lips.  
"It's fine," he replied, rubbing his back slightly.  
Y/N blinked once, her smile widening. "Let me make you feel better," she whispered seductively, pecking his lips. The dark-haired man socked his head in confusion. "I can turn that pain into pleasure."
She dropped to her knees carefully, tugging his slacks and boxer briefs down once she was situated. He didn't see it, but her eyes widened to the size of golf balls at the size of his erect cock springing free from its confines, slapping his stomach proudly. The tip was red, precum oozing from the slit. It twitched occasionally, eagerly awaiting some form of contact. She licked at her lips, taking him gently in the palm of her hand.
Dylan let out a prolonged moan when he felt the sensation of her hand stroking his shaft. Her hand gripped him firmly, but not enough to hurt him. Her lips brushed to the head of his cock, his tongue smoothing over it to taste his salty sweet juices that seeped out. His hand moved without knowing it, digging into the loose hairs on the back of her head.  
Her lips wrapped around the head, her hollowed cheeks adding to the sucking she was providing him. Her hand continued to move along his entire length, the motion a slow, lucid one. Her groaned at the taunting, his fingers tightening in her locks and pushing her further into him. She complied without hesitation, beginning to bob her head up and down his shaft, sucking hard at the head whenever she got to it. Her tongue swirled around him, tracing the pulsing vein on the underside of his length. His moans caused her to hum happily, the sound vibrating down his length.  
His hips bucked forward, a small gag meeting his lips. Dylan mumbled a short apology, receiving no verbal response. Y/N's head just bobbed faster, her hand releasing his length to cup his balls instead. The tip tapped at the back of her throat consistently, Dylan grunting louder and louder every time. He twitched against her cheeks, his breathing picking up. His cheeks flared up, reddening as he was worked towards his orgasm. He tried to fight it, but it came anyway.  
Something snapped inside him, streams of white cum spilling from the tip. The liquid slid down her throat in waves, the girl on her knees swallowing every drop he released greedily. She sucked at him, bobbing her head to milk him of every bit he had inside him. His hold on her hair lessened, petting the top of her head to calm himself more than her. He groaned when he felt himself twitch one last time, every ounce of fluid he had built up gone.
His gaze drifted down to her, his eyes half closed from the pleasure he had felt. She pulled away from his cock, her tongue skillfully circling her lips to gather any drop that may have escaped. "Fuck, that was hot," he panted, letting his head fall back and his shoulder slump. A light giggle was heard followed by the click of heels, indicating her standing up.  
"Good," she mused, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Now, I need you to do me a favor."
Dylan swallowed dryly, his Adam's Apple bobbing in his throat. He moved to look at her, not realizing how close she was until his lips brushed against hers. Her lips were soft and parted slightly, allowing him to feel her breath escaping through the gap. It smelled faintly of a mixture of alcohol and mint, and he found it surprisingly arousing. He licked at his lips, the tip skimming hers. "Anything," he finally breathed out.
"Fuck me, please," she panted.  
Dylan felt his lungs contract, his breathing halting. Any reasonable person would deny hooking up with a stranger, especially knowing both parties have had a fair amount to drink. But something pulled him in. And that something caused all inhibitions to fly out the window. "Abso-fucking-lutely," he huffed.
Dylan spun on his heel and trapped her to the wall by the sink. His hands lifted her dress, bending long enough to pull the black lace from her nethers, carefully lifting each heeled foot to remove it from her body. She watched him calmly, grinning when she saw him staring at the lace in his hand with a smirk, licking at his lips, and placing it on the edge of the sink. Her legs were around his waist as soon as he stood up, his hands gripping tightly into her thighs. One hand rested on his shoulder, the other used to hike the dress up her waist. She mewled feeling his cock, fully erect once more, sliding along her folds, lubricating itself in her juices.
"Don't tease," she whined at him, Dylan laughing at her words. He used one hand to align himself with her entrance, his arm muscles flexing as it strained to keep her upright. The head of his cock prodded at her pussy, slightly dipping inside before he pulled out. Her whining grew louder and more consistent, her nail digging into his flesh. "Please."
"Anything for you, Princess," he finally uttered, his hips shifting forward until his cock was fully sheathed inside her. They moaned into the air together, Dylan's head burying into her neck. His body stilled, attempting to get accustomed to the tight feeling around him. He couldn't recall the last time he had sex so it felt unfamiliar to him. Yet, the feeling was warming and comforting. He never wanted to leave it. He never wanted to move from it.
Though his cock, and the girl in his arms, didn't share the feeling.
She whimpered after a minute, her body moving against his. Dylan bit at his lip when he felt his cock shifting inside her, sliding in and out of her with the subtlest movement. He regretted his own action, the fangs he was forced to wear cutting into his lip and drawing a small amount of blood. He pulled from her neck, his tongue running over the cut to soothe it.
"Aw, my prince hurt himself," he mused, kissing him sweetly, not bothered by the blood on his lips. The kiss was short-lived, Y/N pulled away to stare into his whiskey orbs through the mask's openings. "Maybe if you move, it'll ease the pain you are feeling."
His brow furrowed, unsure what she meant until her hips bucked his, a sharp breath leaving her lips. With his own deep breath, his hips pulled away from hers, his cock slowly sliding free of her walls before snapping back against her, cock deep inside her instantly. His motions remained slow for the first couple, listening to the growing volume of her dragged out moans. The louder her noises got, the harder and faster his thrusts became.  
It wasn't long until he was pounding into her relentlessly, shoving her roughly into the wall behind her. One hand remained clenching her thigh, the other resting on the wall beside her to support his weight. Her nails dug into his shoulders, occasionally raking down his chest, leaving dark red marks in their path. Her wall clamped around him, juices seeping out and lubricating his length to improve his thrusts. The tip of his cock hit her g-spot every time he moved forward, a loud moan ripping from her throat when he did. The sound of their sweaty skin slapping against each other echoed around the bathroom, amplified by the small space.  
She lifted his head to face hers, her lips smashing against his. His hips faltered momentarily in surprise, resuming his motions even faster than before, energized by the sensual kiss on his lips. His groans were lost in her throat, enthralled by the feelings she gave him. Her soft lips to his, her hands moving up to grip his hair, her walls hugging around him tightly, her bare breasts rubbing against his chest when she pushed herself against him. His senses were on overdrive, his mind blanking about everything but the task at hand: the orgasm he wanted to share with this girl he didn't know.
His movements grew sloppier, his hands moving down to squeeze her ass. She mewled into his mouth, her body beginning to shake against him. He pulled away from her, his lips close enough to brush hers as he spoke. "Cum for me, Princess," he muttered. She couldn't speak, moving to bury her head in his neck. She kissed at his skin, sucking and nipping dark marks along his jugular. "Fuck, baby. Cum with me."
Dylan felt a hard bite on his neck, his movements stumbling. His cock sputtered inside her, her walls closing around him in one quick second. She moaned into his neck, her toes curling into her heels and her back arching off the wall, pushing her into him. Her fingers tightened in his hair, yanking at the brown locks. He grunted loudly, her juices spilling out around his cock, coating his skin. The warmth and moisture sent him spiraling, his seed ejecting from the tip deep inside of her pussy, mixing with her own juices. His movements calmed, slowing to a gentle thrust, riding out their shared orgasm.  
He stilled inside her, leaning his forehead against her shoulder. Her head fell back against the wall, her hands dropping back to his shoulders. Their chested heaved in unison, steadily breathing to calm their heightened heart rates. They stayed in this position for a few minutes, his cock softening inside her, their bodies relaxing against each other. When he heard let out a deep breath, he took it as a sign to let her down, cock free, keeping one hand on her waist as insurance, noting her body wobbling on shaky legs.
She glanced up at him, pecking his lips. "God, that was the best I've ever had," she mumbled. Dylan blinked, thinking back on every sexual experience he had. And he couldn't argue that he agreed.
"It really was," he said in return, licking his lips. She giggled, moving away to smooth out her dress, grabbing her purse that he didn't realize had been tossed into the corner long forgotten. She glanced in the mirror, reapplying some bits of make-up, giving him time to fix his clothes. His shirt was rebuttoned and tucked back into his slacks, his blazer found by the door and slung over his arm. As soon as he deemed himself decent, Dylan shuffled over to the girl, wrapping his arms around her waist. She laughed when he placed a kiss to her cheek.
"Thank you," she whispered just loud enough for him to hear. "I'm glad I met you, Tuxedo Mask."
"And I'm glad I met you, Princess. I really needed this actually," he confessed. She didn't question, just nodded at his words. Dylan was more than grateful for that. "And, thanks for these," he told her, picking up the panties that were still on the sink, stuffing them in his back pocket.  
"Hey! I liked those!"  
"Well, think of this as Cinderella now. I can use these to find you at a later time," he joked. He saw her roll her eyes behind her black mask, shaking her head.
"I'm sure you're very popular with the ladies and any girl would claim they are hers. You have a shitty Cinderella story, my friend." She turned in his arms, pulling him down into a fierce kiss that lasted a few seconds. "Now, we should get back to the party. I'm sure we have friends we came with that are looking for us."
Dylan silently agreed, throwing his blazer on quickly. His fingers laced with hers, leading her from the bathroom and down the hall wordlessly. The party still seemed to be in full swing, music blaring through the speakers, though the crowd had thinned out a bit. Dylan was sad when she pulled from his grasp the second they hit the main hall, telling him that she was going to find her friend. She disappeared into the crowd before he could say anything more, not getting the chance to ask her name or her number.  
The actor frowned, trudging his way to the bar for another drink, all traces of his prior drinks gone from his system. He sipped on the bottle of Budweiser, leaning his entire weight on his arms on the bar.  
"Dyldo!" He heard behind him, Tyler leaning on the bar next to him. "Are you having fun?"
Dylan remained quiet, contemplating his answer. "I guess I am."
"You guess?" Tyler questioned, staring at his friend. His eyes ran up and down the chocolate-haired man's frame, his uneven jaw falling open. "Is that a hickey?" Tyler poked at Dylan's neck, said man shooing the hand away. "Dude, you got laid, didn't you? Oh my God!"
"Will you shut up?" Dylan glared, shoving the Hispanic man. "It's not like it meant anything. She disappeared before I could ask her name or to try and get her number. We were just drunk and in the moment, I guess," he huffed, ruffling his hair.  
"Well, maybe she hasn't left yet. Don't give up just yet! Try to find her now! The party is about to end, so whoever is still here will be heading out soon."  
Dylan's eyebrows scrunched together. "It's about to end already? What time is it?" He pat at his pockets, realizing that his phone was missing. "Fuck, where is my phone?"
"It's fine, dude. We will find it. We will just retrace your footsteps!" Tyler tried to reassure him. Dylan just groaned, rubbing his face with his hands.
"Excuse me. Tuxedo Mask?" Dylan's head snapped up, turning to find her standing behind him. His mouth fell open, closing immediately after. Her hand was extended, his phone in her palm. "You dropped this earlier. I thought I should return it before I left."  
Dylan took the phone, struggling to find the words he needed. The second his mouth opened, she had turned and was making her way out the door. Curses slipped from his tongue instead of the question he had gathered the courage to ask her.  
"Dude, go after her!" Tyler yelled at him, forcefully shoving his friend towards the door. Dylan glanced at his friend, nodding and bolting for the door, Tyler hot on his tail.  
The door slammed open, Dylan ignoring the rush of cold air October offered him in the late hour. He scanned the people and cars gathered at the entrance, trying to find the girl he needed in his life. And he found her standing by a black car a couple yards away.  
The sight made his heart stop.
Her mask was in her hand, sliding her arms through a jacket he presumed was in the car to keep her warm. But that was when he realized who she was. He wasn't sure how he didn't pick up on it before, and he was ashamed. Her eyes burned into his soul, her features exactly the same as it was when he ran into her the other day. Y/N glanced back at the door, their eyes locking even from the distance they were at. She gave him a small smile that made his stomach flip, waving at him before sliding into the car.
He watched the car drive away, Tyler stopping next to him. "Did you get her?" He asked, looking at Dylan. He frowned at the look on his friend's face. "What?"
"It was Y/N..." Dylan said lowly, running his hand through his hair. "It was Y/N."
"You mean..."
"Yes. That Y/N. My celebrity crush, Y/N. Fuck. I just had sex with my celebrity crush." He walked over to a nearby bench, collapsing onto it. "And I don't think it's just a crush anymore."
Dylan sighed, popping another piece of chocolate in his mouth. It was officially Halloween, four days after the party, and four days since he had been with Y/N. He wanted nothing more than to mope, eating the bag of chocolate he grabbed from Target when he was buying new batteries for his x-box controllers. He had zero contact with people, holing himself up in his apartment. Tyler had texted him, though Dylan only gave him short replies. He wasn't in the mood for anything.
His phone rang beside him, Dylan taking the time to glance at who it was for the first time in days. The number was unknown, his forehead wrinkling in confusion. He pondered over what to do, his thumb finally swiping at the green button.  
"Um, hi," her voice filled his ears. "Is this Dylan? Dylan O'Brien?"
This caused him to sit up from his couch. "Yes? Who is this?"
"This is Y/N." His breathing stopped, his face paling. Was this a joke? "You know, from the street? And the party?"  
"What?" He blurted out.
"Seriously, Dylan? The girl you drank with. Danced with." She paused, only her faint breathing heard. "Had sex in a bathroom with."
"S-seriously?" He stumbled over his words, trying to determine if this was real. "How did you even get my phone number?"
"You remember when I gave you back your phone? I may have taken your phone when I gave you that blow job. And took your number from it."
"Oh my God. I was hacked," he laughed sincerely, hearing her laugh in return.
"Yes, you were," she giggled. "I was wonder if, maybe, you wanted to get together today? If you have nothing planned of course."
"No," he shot, cursing himself when he realized what he said. "Shit, I didn't mean no I don't want to see you. I definitely want to see you. I mean no, I don't have plans. I was just going to stay home and bury myself in my room with Netflix or something."
"Avoiding trick-or-treaters?" She jabbed, Dylan laughing at her words.  
"Maybe I am," he retorted. "You can come over if you want. We can just chill here and avoid the fiasco that is kids wanting candy. I will text you my address?"  
"Oh, I like that plan," she cheered, Dylan smiling at her excitement. "I prefer to avoid trick-or-treaters personally, especially because there's always someone that points out that I'm famous and I get bombarded with fans asking for autographs and pictures. Do they not realize I'm just chilling in my pajamas?"
"Oh my God, you understand me on a personal level," he laughed. "So, yeah. We can just relax here, have a meal, watch some tv or something. But, you can come over on one condition."
"Bring pizza. No pineapple though," he chuckled.
"Deal." The line went silent after that, only beeping twice to signal the call ending.
Dylan rushed to clean up his apartment once he had texted her his address, tossing all the candy wrappers that littered his floor away. Time seemed to fly by, his home barely recognizable by the time he heard a knock on the door, finding her there with a pepperoni pizza in hand. He ushered her inside, locking the door behind her.
The two found themselves perched on the couch, nibbling on slices of greasy, cheesy goodness, chatting about random things. As much as the actor enjoyed it, he wondered why she was here now, and even more how she knew it was him. He placed his pizza down, Y/N giving him an odd look.  
"I'm sorry. I just have one question for you. Alright, two questions actually," he said. She stared at him, Dylan taking it as a sign to proceed. "How did you know it was me?"
The actress leaned over, picking up his phone. She clicked it on, showing him the evident picture of him and Tyler flipping off the camera, large smiles on their faces. "I'm pretty sure you're not Tyler Posey, especially since he was on stage while I was with you. Then you were not very good at hiding that you were from Teen Wolf when I said that I wanted to meet them. Your eyes give you away. They are super gorgeous and only you have brown eyes like this. And your voice is very distinct to me," she listed out for him, giggling to herself, Dylan watching her amused and stunned that she could name things so easily. It was as he feared. Even with a mask, he could be recognized with no effort. "Besides, I always know when I'm talking to my celebrity crush."
Dylan's face flushed. "What?"
"That must be your favorite word. You ask me 'what' a lot. Is it that hard to believe that I have a crush on you, Dyl?" She scooted closer to him, running her fingers along his arm. "You're handsome and talented and smart. You have an amazing personality. You're so genuine. What isn't there to like about you? I have been obsessed with you since I first saw you as Stiles. It was pretty easy to pick you out of the crowd, even with the mask."
Dylan gaped at her, completely flabbergasted. "Damn. I feel so stupid for not realizing I was with you the entire time. I'm such a horrible person."
"No, you aren't," she reassured him, pecking his lips, succeeded in shocking him. "I'm just good at hiding myself from you."
"Not much better," he grumbled. "So, that brings me to my second question. And I hope you understand that I mean no offense by this. But, why are you here?"
She bit at her lips, staring down at her lap. "I mean, I took your phone number because I wasn't ready to say goodbye. I wanted to spend more time with you. Especially after we... you know. It just took me a few days to gather the courage to call you."  
"Why would you want to get to know me?" He inquired further, leaning closer to her.  
Their noses brushed, his breath fanning over her lips. She couldn't breathe properly, finding him completely intoxicating. "Maybe I have more than a crush. Maybe I want to act on these feelings that I have hidden deep inside me." She licked her lips, locking eyes with his dark brown ones. "Maybe I love you more than I should for not knowing you very well."
"Well," he started, his hand landing on her waist. His fingers traced small circles on her skin. "Maybe I feel the same. Maybe I want to make us a reality. And maybe we can work on that getting to know each other part."
Her hands went to his cheeks, skimming his chiseled jawline. "I like that idea," she mumbled. "Can we start now?"
"Abso-fucking-lutely," he muttered, attaching his lips to hers. He tugged her body closer by her waist, her leg swinging over his lap. Her hands caressed his face, his hands pushing her shirt further up her body. Their lips moved hastily against one another, their heads tilting to the side, allowing their lips to collide easier. His lips took control instantly, sucking at her bottom lip. Their tongues tangled together between their parted lips.  
Dylan lifted the girl off the couch, her legs locking around his waist. The couple stumbled towards his room, her back colliding with the wall a few times since Dylan refused to stop kissing her long enough to get her into the comfort of his bed. She groaned against his lips, the sounds of their kissing filling the hallway.
Their kiss broke when he arrived in his room, dropping his crush onto his plush bed, her limbs tangling in his dark blue sheets and blankets. She propped herself up on her elbows, watching his hands work on the button of her jeans, ridding her of the material quickly. Her purple bikini-cut panties were removed next, ending up on a lamp across the room when Dylan tossed them away at random.  
He stood up straight, Y/N admiring the man's frame when he removed his shirt. His sweats hung low on his waist, the band of his boxers peeking out the top. He noted the patched of hair on his chest and stomach, the delicious happy trail leading to the cock she had dreamt about for days. He had traces of a six pack, though his muscles were stealthily hidden by the dark patch of hair. He had the cutest moles on his chest, particularly one right around his nipple, that matched the ones that lined his jaw and cheeks.  
Dylan caught her staring, smirking when he dropped the shirt to the floor. "Like what you see?"
"Yes, I do," she hummed. "I didn't get to admire much at the party."
"Well, you can admire a lot more in the future," he chuckled, tugging her legs until she was on the edge of the bed. She squealed at the tug, watching Dylan disappear between her legs.  
His breath hit her core, Dylan licking a long stripe through her folds, ending at her clit. The tip pressed into the swollen nub, flicking at it playfully. Y/N just moaned at the feeling, her fingers tugging at his sheets and her back arching off the bed. His tongue would dip down into her pussy, delving deep inside and lapping at the juices that leaked freely onto his taste buds. He hummed against her, enjoying a mixture of the taste of her and the sound of her moans. His tongue thrust as far as it could, swirling in endless circles.
His mouth pulled from her, placing itself back at her clit, lips wrapped around the nub. Two fingers snuck their way between her legs instead, sliding easily inside her core. She mewled at the feeling, his fingers thrusting quickly from the start. They curled just the slightest at the ends, pressing into her sweet spot continuously. They rubbed at the sensitive walls, his sucking growing stronger with his thrusts. His fingers would even spread her open wide, opening her for his tongue to sink inside for a taste. He scissored her entrance like that, relishing in the taste of her fluids.
Her body was shaking, writhing around on his bed. Her moans grew louder, the coil inside her winding tighter every time his fingers slide back inside her, scissoring her core, his tongue kitten licking her clit. When he brushed her g-spot for the umpteenth time, she snapped, body convulsing at she came around his fingers. The slick feeling and sound of his fingers thrusting into her, coated in her arousal, made his cock more erect, stiffening in his sweat pants.  
His fingers were removed when she finally relaxed, his tongue running over them to clean them. He moved to hover over her, placing a hard kiss, tasting of her, to her lips. She hummed happily, not seeming to be bothered by this. He smiled against her lips, pulling her up into a sitting position, breaking the kiss only to remove her shirt and bra. His hips wiggled around as he struggled to push his sweats and boxers off his body without breaking the new kiss they shared, the clothes left in a puddle of fabric.  
Dylan wrapped his arms around her waist, rolling onto the bed. His back pressed to the bed, her body lying atop his. Their chests pressed together, his cock twitching happily between their stomachs. Y/N giggled, lifting herself off of him, staring into his beautifully brown eyes. "What's this all about?"
"You being on top," he laughed, leaning back on the bed, his arms behind his head like he was relaxing. "I figured since I pounded you into the wall of that bathroom, you would want to get some action of your own this time."
"Wow, a guy that actually allows a girl to fuck him? That's hot," she joked, Dylan's lips forming a tight line. "I'm kidding, babe. I like your thinking. Relax."
"I like that name," he mumbled, Y/N giving him a look. "Babe. It has a nice ring to it." She laughed, leaning down to kiss him.  
"Well, get used to it."
She moved one hand between their bodies, aligning his large cock with her pussy, her hips moving down until he was deep inside her. He fought back his moans, reveling in the tight feeling once more. Her body stilled, circling her hips slowly as she got accustomed to his size. His hands situated themselves on her waist instead of behind his head, holding her firmly.
He watched her, shifting slightly on the bed to look at her better, admiring her beauty for a moment. This was the first time he was seeing her naked, and she couldn't be more perfect to him. He loved every inch of her, whether it was perfect or not. She was amazing as she was. The way her hair fell on her shoulders, the way her eyes shined in the dim light of his room, the way her body felt against his. He could spend hours with her and never get tired of it.
Her hands met his chest, her hips rocking forward against his. His cock slid out of her slowly, sinking back in when her hips met his again. Dylan did nothing to bite back his noises this time, a low, gruff moan filling his bedroom. The sound of his moans only encouraged her to move more, her rocking growing faster and harder. Her hips slammed against his, the sound of skin against skin mixing with their moans.  
Dylan's eye trailed down her body, watching her breasts bounce with her thrusts, his mouth watering at the perky nipples and red marks he left the other night that had begun to fade. He looked down to her hands, her nails leaving fresh claw marks over the ones that had started to disappear. His gaze focused on the sight of his cock disappearing inside her tight pussy, emerging covered in her juices and glistening proudly. He loved how their bodies fit together perfectly whenever she slammed back onto him, mewling at the way the tip of his cock pressed into her g-spot.
His hands squeezed at her waist, his knees bending slightly behind her. She stopped her movements, eyeing him suspiciously. "Dyl?"
"Yes?" He replied calmly.
"What are you doing, babe?"
"Pleasing you," he retorted, grinning slyly. Using his feet as leverage, his hips bucked upwards into your body rapidly, his cock pounding deep into your pussy. She had to bite her lip to keep from screaming, though it didn't last long. With only a few hard thrusts and their bodies colliding together in violent pleasure, she was screaming his name. Her breasts bounced more than before. Her eyes slid closed in ecstasy. Her walls tightened around him, hugging at his shaft firmly.  
Her body bounced atop his, his hips bucking up to meet hers in an endless cycle of pleasure. Her head fell back, her screams echoing around the room. His hands released her waist, taking her hands from his chest and linking their fingers together. She squeezed at them, the sparks that emitted from one simple touch fueling their system. They felt connected in every way possible.  
Sweat dripped down both their brows, their movements becoming sluggish. Her body quivered on his, her walls clutching at his length. His thrusts grew sloppy, his legs tightening in an attempt to drive them both to their end. Her toes curled into his sheets, her hands squeezing at his. There was a knot inside of them both, one shared knot, that untangled simultaneously. Her juices seeped out around him, mixing with the streams of hot, white cum that shot from his tip. The warmth of their mixed arousals fixed her core, a happy sigh befalling both their lips. His thrusts eased, their bodies rocking together, her body leaning forward until they were chest to chest, hands still entangled together at their sides.  
Their bodies stilled together, relaxing with their post-orgasms. His cock stayed inside her, neither caring to move from their current position. Her head pressed into his neck, kissing at it softly. Dylan chuckled, tilting his head to kiss her forehead.  
"Let me take you out for lunch sometime," he whispered. Y/N laughed, remembering how she said they should get lunch the first time they ran into each other on the street.
"Sounds like a date," she joked. "You're such a gentleman, Dyl."  
"What can I say? I know how to treat my girl," he retorted, Y/N shaking her head at him.  
"My man is the best."
The two heard a knock at the door, the faint billow of "Trick or Treat" heard across the apartment. Dylan groaned, releasing her hands to rub his face. "Fuck. It's Halloween. And the sun set while we were fucking. So, the kids are about."
"Just ignore them," she whispered, moving his hands and pecking his lips. "You have a newly acquired girlfriend, though you didn't ask me out properly, here in your bed. I think we have some more important things to worry about than some kids wanting candy." She winked at him, rolling her hips into his. His cock hardened inside of her, both parties moaning softly.  
"Alright, I like that idea," he grumbled, ruffling his hair. "But before we do that, I have to ask. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"I thought you'd never ask, babe," she smiled, kissing his lips. She rolled their bodies over, her arms around his neck. "Now, let's continue, shall we?"  
"With pleasure, Princess," he stated quietly, locking lips with hers.
Tags: @ellie-bee242, @stilinski-stydia-obrien, @daisy-chains-over-diamonds, @sumcp, @anxitized, @catcrown21, @girlwiththerubyslippers, @bottleoffirewhisky, @xqueenarianax, @daddyxraeken, @parislight, @anxiety-emoji, @wittystiles, @born-into-the-fandom, @arikachang, @bitchy-sprinkles, @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone, @savage-stilinski, @obriensmystiles, @lovefilledtragedy, @stilinski-lover-24, @riddikuluslysupernatural, @honeymoonmuke, @rumoured-whispers, @youshiverwhenyouhearmyname
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