We'd like you to consider that Kópavogur doesn't have a functioning airport really.
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indovance · 2 years
MASS Lab designs Intertwine Bridge to connect Reykjavík and Kópavogur in Iceland
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MASS Lab creates the design for an Intertwine Bridge to connect Iceland’s Reykjavik and Kópavogur communities.
The bridge is being built as a new gateway between communities and is part of a larger plan to improve their recreational, ecological, and tourist activities. The iconic bridge will accommodate environmentally friendly modes of transportation such as buses, cyclists, and pedestrians.
While the bridge over Fossvogur in Reykjavik, Iceland, is a unique and iconic structure, its character and essence are rooted in making the shoreline accessible to the community.
Get More Insights- https://www.indovance.com/knowledge-center/intertwine-bridge-by-mass-lab-in-iceland/
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mist-touchedxiv · 4 months
Constantly updating
🦋 https://bsky.app/profile/mist-touchedxiv.bsky.social
Tags in progress: #lore-sen tyr (background/info); #a-musings (mun talk); #loksen tyr (general writing)
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Rating: 18+: I'm not trying to ERP. I am OPEN to it, but it's all about C O N S E N T. Just looking to make friends and RP.
Name: Loksen Tyr
Race: Viera | Veena
Patron Deity: Oschon
Hometown: Skatay Range | Kópavogur
Age: 75+
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 198 lb
Hair: Black with unusual natural blue streaks
Eyes: Aether blue
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Formerly Wood-warder, slave
Currently Adventurer
Favorite Color: Blue
Smoking: Yes, occasionally. Prefers using a kiseru. Blends own tobacco, typically with vanilla. The smell of smoked tobacco can help dull his already potent Vieran sense of smell if he feels overwhelmed
Drinking: Yes. Loves Vieran aquavit and Mjød, but hasn't encountered either in years. Due to spending time in Hingashi enjoys sake and often carries a flask, which he has been known to use as a weapon
Diet: Omnivore
Hobbies: Whittling, archery, drinking and eating, traveling, fishing, mahjong, reading Vieran poetry, camping
Personality: Reserved, almost aloof. Intense. Helpful. Honorable. His noble heart and wanderlust belies a quiet guilt.
Distinguishing Features: Vieran male. Lotta blue. Speaks Eorzean with a noticeable but pleasant accent akin to Finnish. Faded scars across his back and torso. Brand on the back of neck to identify him as a Garlean prisoner, usually covered by hair.
Löksen was a typical Wood-warder many years ago, until the day the Garlean empire attacked Dalmasca. During a periodic visit to his home village, hearing disturbing rumors that Garlemald had set eyes on Dalmasca. Having proven to be a great archer, the leaders urged him and a small group of other Wood-warders to make a trip to Dalmasca to convince the Viera living in the city to come home.
Ultimately, they failed. Having scarcely arrived in the foreign city, it was overrun by Garlean forces and the other men were killed in the ensuing battles and Löksen taken prisoner for several years. During his imprisonment at a Garlean labor camp, Löksen was a target of fascination and sometimes ridicule as a rare male of an already elusive people. His Wood-warder background prepared him for the harsh conditions of the camp and helped him survive. His time in the camp also introduced him to a variety of people and cultures that he never would have encountered otherwise. Imprisoned Sharlayan scholars taught him the Eorzean language, an old Hingan woman taught him the way of the samurai, a pair of Lalafell smugglers regaled him with stories of Ul'dah, among others.
Eventually, the camp was inadvertently liberated by Bahamut's rampage and during the chaos, Löksen fought and killed the Garlean officer who had served as a tormentor and overseer and took their gunblade as a trophy that he carries with him.
Now he wanders Etheirys partly as an adventurer inspired by the stories of his fellow inmates about the diverse lands they came from, but also to try to escape a sense of guilt for failing his people in Dalmasca and trying to seek solace.
RP Hooks
Hey there, mun here. I'm pretty flexible on how to start interactions. I'm completely open to discussing things or just go with the flow, provided you start of course.
I designed Loksen to essentially be a support character. He's not a WoL, he's not blessed with Echo. Honestly, my goal with him is to bring texture and enhance YOUR story. I suppose I'm more focused on being a character than a protag, I guess.
He's got his own little stories, but I'm here to make friends and try my hand at a creative outlet that I haven't done in several years.
Anyways, here's some possibilities!
Yojimbo: A wandering warrior of no small skill. Something need doing? Body? Guarded. Bounties? Hunted. Monsters? Slain. Need a courier because you can't deliver through regular services? He's got legs.
Animal-lover: He will pet the animals.
Tarzan Boy: You can take the Wood-warder out of the woods, but you can't take the warder out... of... the... Well, Loksen prefers to be out in nature when he gets the chance and he can be a bit wild. Maybe you encounter him out in the Shroud climbing amongst the trees and foraging for food.
"Where'd You Get That?!": As a samurai, Loksen carries an extremely unusual blade: the gunblade of a Primus Ordinarius of exquisite craftsmanship. Sure to draw the attention of any Garleans affiliated character. It has been modified to be suited for fighting in the manner of the legendary Hingashi warrior tradition.
About the RPer
Cishet • M • 30+ • North America Central Time Zone • Weird, but well-meaning
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jdeanmorgan · 5 months
I totally shipped SPN from the start too. Actually before it aired I knew about it because I was obssesed with Alias and a friend in the U.S who was just as obssesed (obvsly way before streaming) was all I'll let u watch the ep with me live thru my webcam on MSN!
But then there was no sound and in ad breaks she had to tell me if anything big happened. lol. But then it was over and she forgot to turn it off and someone in her family changed it to The WB and there was an ad for SPN and I was all "hey, is it that guy from Gilmore Girls and Alec from Dark Angel?" lmao.
I looooved Alec in Dark Angel which is why I decided to check out that Supernatural show. lol. But in my head sometimes Padalecki is still Dean. XD And ugh, I couldn't stand him on Gilmore Girls. XD
Ackles/Dean all the way XD
JDM as their dad. Ooof, what a piece of work. lol. Tho I wish we had gotten more of him, tbh. But her blew up just after that with Grey's and all that.
Omg I've heard of alias but never watched it! I have a bunch of it on DVD though bc I found it at ABC in Kópavogur. I collect dvds so thrift shops are my go to, though I'm a lil mad góði hirðirinn raised their prices AGAIN. Smh.
My first introduction to those actors was supernatural. I used to watch s1 on skjáreinn on like reruns when I was 7. (I'm a '98 mdl) but I did try to watch Gilmore Girls at one point and I hated it lol it was so boring to me. I dislike padalecki a lot, I think he's a total manbaby but I LOVE Sam the character lol
Also yeah John's a piece of work but I love him anyway. I used to hate him as a teen though 😂 but yeah wish we had gotten more of him if he hadn't been busy with greys and then watchmen.
Yeah Jensen is FINE. Like. He's so hot and charming lol I love him. Loved seeing him on The Boys. Am looking forward to seeing JDM on the boys s4 too. It's gonna be great.
Also MSN. Talk about a blast from the past 😂😂😂 I used to use that all the time.
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hjaltigud · 10 months
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May 2021
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stefankarlfanblog · 1 year
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Photo of Stefán Karl wearing the Robbie Rotten suit, taken from an archive of the news Magazine "Fólk & Fréttir" from Kópavogur, published on the 26th of June 2003: https://web.archive.org/web/20030820071804/http://www.fof.is:80/ftp/fof_20.pdf
Caption translation: Robbie Rotten opened Húsasmiðin with pomp and show
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mivolasvivi · 10 months
My Spotify wrapped pinned me as being closest to Kópavogur Iceland. Interesting how a few Icelandic artists can skew it like that.
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artsyaech · 1 year
14, 20 & 29 for the ask game :D
“14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?”
not particularly. there are some standouts, but it’s mostly rubbish
“20. which sport is The Sport in your country?”
football and handball
“29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?”
i mean, my city (reykjavík) kinda has beef with kópavogur?? but we like, pretend that we don’t for some reason??
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aviaposter · 1 year
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Boeing 747-400 Air Atlanta Icelandic Iron Maiden “Ed Force One”
Registration: TF-AAK Named: “Ed Force One” Painted: Iron Maiden “The book of Souls tour” special colours 2016 Type: 747-428 Engines: 4 × GE CF6-80C2B1F Serial Number: 32868 First flight: Mar 5, 2003
In February 2016, the heavy metal band Iron Maiden embarked on The Book of Souls World Tour, which saw them play concerts in 35 countries in North and South America, Asia, Australia, Africa, and Europe. The group travelled in a customised Boeing 747-400 jumbojet, supplied by Air Atlanta Icelandic (registration TF-AAK) nicknamed "Ed Force One". The band completed the tour in 2017. Air Atlanta Icelandic is a charter and ACMI airline based in Kópavogur, Iceland.
Poster for Aviators. aviaposter.com
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loustellaperry · 1 year
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Photos from the Sky Lagoon in Kópavogur, Iceland, accompanied by a small entry from my travel journal.
27 June 2023
I feel like I can start again. I feel like I get a fresh start at life. Everything’s new. Every hellish time I’ve ever had, God has righted with this trip. Everything is bliss. I sat by the water and wrote poetry in my head and realized nothing’s bad.
Loustella Perry
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We have six times the following of Kópavogur in the cardboard billboard.
Well also a thousand times also.
Well a million times really.
Even infinitely.
We have one and they have none.
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Elves: the magical companions of mankind
 Elves play a significant role in contemporary popular culture, especially in the realm of fantasy. In the Lord of the Rings trilogy, J.R.R. Tolkien Tolkien, elves are depicted as elegant and wise creatures who possess incredible talents in archery and sword fighting. They are also known for their connection to nature and their ability to communicate with animals. But where did these myths come from?
Elves are part of the folklore and mythology of different cultures on our planet. In Norse mythology, elves were known as "alfar" or "alfr" (singular). The Norse Alfar were believed to be deities inhabiting one of the Nine Worlds. They also had physical representations on Earth that were described as tall, slender beings with pale skin, pointed ears, and long hair.
The Norse believed that the Alfar could be benevolent or hostile, depending on how humans treated them. They also acted as guardians of the natural world, and their presence brought happiness and prosperity to all those who respect nature.
In Celtic mythology, elves were known as "Sidhe", "Tuatha de Danann" or "Aos Sidhe". They were considered a supernatural race of beings living underground in a land inaccessible to humans. Elves in Celtic folklore were associated with beauty, grace and intelligence. They were also believed to possess magical powers such as healing, shapeshifting, and reality manipulation.
In Germanic mythology, elves were known as "Elben" or "Elfen". Their imagery here was very similar to the Norse Alfar in terms of physical appearance. Most messages, however, depict them as more malicious beings. Germanic elves were known for playing pranks and causing chaos. However, they were very helpful, if only someone won their sympathy.
In some stories, elves were depicted as skilled blacksmiths or locksmiths who assisted craftsmen in exchange for gifts or favors. According to Germanic mythology, elves have the ability to shapeshift and can take the form of animals or even humans.
These mysterious creatures even appear in Japanese mythology. The elves were known there as "Yosei". They were considered ethereal, fairy-tale beings with a delicate, unearthly beauty. Japanese elves were associated with the natural world and were believed to live in forests, rivers and mountains. Like elves in other cultures, Yosei had magical powers, including the ability to grant wishes, create illusions, and communicate with animals.
But that's not all. In many regions of the world, the belief in these mysterious beings has been preserved until our times. On the Malaysian island of Borneo and the nearby Malay Peninsula, there are still legends about ethereal beings called Orang Bunian. In the local dialect, it translates as people of sound or wheezing people. These characters are popular heroes of local fairy tales and are known especially for having pointed ears and amazing beauty.
Legends about this circulate even in distant Iceland. At the end of 2013, one of the judges from this country even stopped the construction of one road, justifying it with the nearby habitat of elves. A little earlier, at the end of 1996, the work of bulldozers that carried out work on the Kópavogur hill was banned there. The site designated for the graveyard was thought to be home to another group of elves. The inhabitants of the volcanic island, when asked why they believe in elves even though they have not seen them, usually explain that they feel their presence.
In Slavic mythology, elves are identified by some researchers with rusalkas and rusalkas. In Greek mythology, elves are identified with nymphs by some researchers. Most of the above creatures had unearthly beauty, magical skills and... tendencies to kidnap people. Regardless of whether we are talking about the Irish Wild Hunt or Slavic fairies, Greek nymphs and Scandinavian rusalkas rousing men to a deadly dance, encounters with Elves often ended in death or disappearance for people for many years.
  These days, elves are ubiquitous in literature, movies, and games, and their popularity continues to grow. Although they cannot be found in the real world, their legendary stories and cultural significance raise many questions about the source of these legends. Isn't it strange that almost identical beings have appeared in many different cultures and have almost always been associated with magic, beauty and an otherworldly nature. Whether they are known as Alfar, Sidhe, Elben, or Yosei, elves still capture the human imagination.
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desiredtastes · 2 years
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This is 37! Feeling good, appreciating more, worrying less, extremely grateful, and fulfilling my passion to travel as much as possible. Thank you, everybody, for the birthday love! 🥰 #TreatYoSelf #BirthdayTrip #Scorpio #Iceland 📍Sky Lagoon, Kópavogur, Iceland #SoloTravel #ThermalSpa #Chillin #Birthday #SkyLagoon #JustGo #SoloAdventures #WomenWhoTravel #Travel #IcelandTrip #DesiredTastes (at Iceland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkHclmGKrJh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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turquoise-mosaic · 1 year
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29 May 2023.
Building in Kópavogur
Cemetery in Fossvogskirkja
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nordnews · 1 year
According to RÚV, a bat was found in Kópavogur. Soon after, he was euthanized in the laboratory of the Institute of Experimental Pathology in Keldur. Bats are not native to Icela...
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shadowynerdwitch · 2 years
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Er að þiðna/ Is thawing (at Kópavogur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpngAZGo1eZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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