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semnatv2 · 1 year
kuwait landmarks arabic معالم الكويت بالعربيه
#kuwait #landmarks #arabic #معالم #الكويت #بالعربيه #kuwait #android # application اهداء الي الكويت الحبيبه واهل الكويت الكرام A gift to our beloved Kuwait Dear people of Kuwait Kuwait landmarks (معالم الكويت) Welcom to Kuwait landmarks (معالم الكويت) Our Free Android App in Many languages The Aim Of Our APP to Guide All People Comming To Kuwait in a simplest way Choose Youe language, Enjoy our…
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actress-playground · 17 days
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To find your favourite actress click on the letter of her first name in the tags below
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ryllen · 7 months
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.+💚. Green .💚+.
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csyakult · 5 months
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✻ ⌣ 🦦 ˚ 𖤛
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whiskey-tango-matcha · 5 months
for me, nothing hits quite like someone who's sick but like...still in a good mood? like either ignoring it or admitting they're not well but still pleasant to be around. like they sneeze and someone asks if they're ok and they just roll their eyes and say "yeah i just have a stupid fuckin cold" 🫠😳👁️👄👁️🤩
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alans-snz · 2 months
Enjoy this C/el/ls A/t W/or/k drabble short fic inspired by @dsnzfb 's wonderful snzario from the other day. I initially wrote a bit of it and wanted to turn it into a drabble, but it turned instead into a mini fic, so here ya go!! Enjoy!! And I am going to bed now since it's after 4 am. But this man put in this scenario was living rent free in my brain so much I had to write this before going to sleep!!!
Snz'er: Wh/i/te Bl/o/od C/el/l U/-1/14/6 (my beloved, shown here)
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Minor spoilers for C/el/ls A/t W/or/k season 1. Continued below the cut.
Giving a gentle sigh, U-1146 finished his usual patrol around the body. Although things had been peaceful lately, being a part of the first line of defense meant he always had to stay alert. Regardless of how "normal" things might seem, he could never be too wary of any antigens possibly invading the area, whether it was through a breakage in the vascular endothelial cells, a viral infection, or anything foreign that dared cross paths with him, for that matter.
Today, everything seemed almost...too peaceful. When he experiences such a quiet day like this, especially when it comes to such a sensitive place like the epidermis, he always is extra careful and pays more attention to his receptor. After all, its job is—
46 spun on his heel and frantically looked around. Complete silence except for the occasional hustle and bustle of red blood cells. Hm...how odd...
Speaking of, as he searched for the culprit his receptor was detecting, he noticed AE3803 taking a break on a bench nearby to stock up on more glucose. She looked up from her ice cream, smiled, and waved to him, before slowly lowering her hand, looking confused at his sudden search. He decided it would be good to head over there while he tried to sort out the current situation. Besides, it's possible she may have seen something he missed. No harm in asking! On his way over to her, he subconsciously rubbed his nose lightly.
"Snf! Red Blood Cell. Good to see you again," he stated with a nod, carefully holding his hat as he softly nodded as a gentle greeting.
"White Blood Cell! Same to you!" 03 piped up and smiled once more, but it didn't last long, as her expression and tone turned concerned quite quickly. "You seemed to be searching for something, and I noticed your receptor is up. Is everything okay?"
46 carefully nodded and turned slightly. "It seems an antigen is hiding somewhere nearby. Actually, that's why I came over here." He turned back to her, his expression determined, yet still sweet and calm. "I wanted to ask you if you'd seen anything odd." He stood there patiently while Red Blood Cell thought for a moment. However, after a short silence, she only ended up slowly shaking her head. "I see," 46 continued simply. The two of them stood there quietly while 46 eyed the surrounding area once more.
Eventually, 03 narrowed her eyes and looked down at her ice cream as if in deep thought before eventually breaking the silence, "You know, I've been meaning to ask...How do you go searching for hidden antigens anyway?"
46 couldn't help but crack a smile. Seeing he always expressed interest in Red Blood Cell's job, it was always fun to explain his own tasks to her as well. "Well, it's all in this," he said simply, pointing at his receptor. "Any time something is hiding, it's often easier to detect by taking into account when it does and doesn't react." He paused and sniffled softly.
03 gently nodded. "That's so fascinating. I'd love to hear more about how it works!"
"Sure! So when it stops reacting, I...I..." Suddenly, 46's train of thought became occupied elsewhere. He could feel a prickling sensation swiftly building in his sinuses, feathering so quickly through them that he automatically scrunched his nose, his mouth fell slightly agape, and his brow furrowed.
"...You...?" 03 asked in confusion, seeming very intrigued on how this worked and very confused on why 46 suddenly stopped speaking. Little did she know, this reason would become obvious very quickly.
"...I...hh-have t-to...sne—hehh!—sneeze!" He quickly brought his wrist to his nose as his eyelids fluttered and he inhaled sharply. "Heehh...! Hiht'TSSschyuu! Hah'AS—shuu!" His shoulders shook with the force, and although they didn't sound too intense, he struggled to keep himself from bending forward slightly from the intensity. He paused, shook his head, opened his eyes, and sniffled harshly from behind his wrist, seeming to consider whether any more sneezes were lurking in his sinuses before daring to bring his wrist down from his face.
"Snrf! O-oh no, hhiih!..." That sniffle instantly riled his sinuses up even more, and he quickly found himself gasping behind his wrist and snapping his eyes shut yet again. "Haaah'YTsSchhyuu! Hih!...iht'KSSs—chuu!—uungh..." This time, both sneezes made his whole body quiver violently, and he let out a soft groan after the final one. He rubbed his nose vigorously with the back of his wrist before letting out another sniffle. "Snf! Urgh, 'scuse me."
"...Is that usually a part of your process?" Red Blood Cell asked in confusion. White Blood Cell chuckled in response and gently shook his head as he lowered his hand. He also took a mental note that his receptor had gone down afterwards, similarly to that other day when he first learned his receptor will react shortly before he sneezes.
"Not usually, but sometimes, yes." He disconnected his receptor and held it in his hand. "I always have to take my receptor's reactions very seriously and jump into action, regardless of what I'm doing at the time. Since it also tends to detect when something is bothering my nose though, it can be frustrating to start searching for an antigen, then find out I just had to sneeze." He couldn't help but laugh a bit at the idea. "Though silly, it's a welcome change of pace to realize everything is still peaceful in this body, and my receptor just wanted to alert me to my body's irritants too." He smiled softly.
While incredibly odd and unusual, it was in fact relieving for White Blood Cell to experience this situation again. While peace in the body is refreshing, having false alarms from his receptor being affected by his own body as well is one of the unusual trade-offs he would happily take if it meant he could keep this body and all his fellow cells safe!
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askvaniila · 2 months
Ooooh a black and blue lily. It looks pretty. Do you like it, pure vanilla?
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liittlecrow · 2 months
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.. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ….. (꩜﹏꩜)
you guys are like actually about to make me act the fuck up & get permabanned on here. i presume to already be on thin fucking ice with tumblr staff but uh yea. 🤏🏼 <— thiiiissssssssssssssjsjsbs close
with every anon i receive i can literally feel my brain melting further & further. just making me more & more submissive and compliant and filthy and disgusting and immoral on so many levels and
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xzyumi · 6 months
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you know that one japanese crossdresser that's sanji to me
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twistedappletree · 5 months
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xadeone · 11 months
I understand that those last moments were so full of pain and emotion, but don't let that distract us from all the other things like:
Good old fashioned lover boy being canon!!
We see how THEY MET
We see PRE FALL CROWLEY and he confirms HE WAS A HIGH RANKING ANGEL a thing that the fandom has especulated upon for, i don't know, 30 YEARS???
Ineffable Bureaucracy BEING CANON????????????? Hello????
All in all, the season was absolutely great, the ending was AMAZING, and im so glad Neil did what he did. Is a season that gave us all and a lot more. I understand everyone's pain but this is in Neil's head the set up for a last 3rd season. Let's not allow the emotional rollarcoaster to take away all the amazing things the season did.
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beepaa be skdabeep skdoo bappity skebap bappity skdoo bip be be bappity boop skbep beepbop be beepaa, beepaa bopo bap bappity beepo boop skdabeep beepaa beepaa beepbop boop bappity beep beepaa beepaa beepbop boop skdabeep skdoo bap skbep beepaa bap skdoo bapboop beepbop beepaa, beepaa beep bip boop beep bappity be beepaa beepbop boop bap beepo boop skdabeep beepaa, beepaa beepbop boop bappity beepaa beep bip boop beepaa beepbop boop boop beepo boop bepo beep beepaa be bap beepaa be skdabeep beepo be be bap 42. beeeep beepbop boop bappity baaaap be bopo bap boop beep bep beepbop skdabeep beepo be be bap 42, skebap be beepaa beepbop boop de beep bap bip be bopo bap beepaa be bapboop boop beepaa beepaa be beepaa beepbop boop be beepaa beepbop boop bap skbep skdoo skebap boop be skdabeep beepaa beepbop boop bap be be brep. beep skdabeep beepaa boop bap baaaap be bopo skebap be beepaa beepbop boop de beep bap bip be bopo bap, beepaa beep bip boop 3 bap skdoo bapboop beepbop beepaa skbep beep bappity skebap 2 beepo boop skdabeep beepaa skbep. beep skdabeep beepaa boop bap beepaa beepbop boop 3 bap skebap bap skdoo bapboop beepbop beepaa, beepaa beep bip boop 2 brep be bap boop beepo boop skdabeep beepaa skbep.
i aint readin all that
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secondchoice-ragdoll · 3 months
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alans-snz · 4 months
Ahem...so I finished C/el/ls A/t W/or/k, and let me just say that in the subbed version of it, there's an episode where an over-release of histamine makes my beloved U/-1/1/46 snz, and I was pleasantly surprised. It's relatively subtle, not very clear to pick up since he and the other main character were also literally getting electrocuted (to signify itchiness). It actually didn't make it into the English dub, so I'm very glad I watch in Japanese with subs. When I saw when the "Achoo!" pop up on the screen as it zoomed in on an itchy 1/1/46, I was like "WAAAAH SO MY BOI MAY TECHNICALLY BE A C/EL/L BUT CAUSE HE IS A PERSONIFICATION HE CAN IN FACT SNZ!"
I'm simping over a wh/i/te bl/o/od c/el/l. But can you blame me? Everything he does, he looks so hot and/or adorable while doing it. Just look at this gorgeous man. (Besides, if we think about it, he's also literally fighting every second of every day to keep me healthy, so why wouldn't I simp?)
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ccarrot · 8 months
bsd manages to do cool storylines but never quite as cool as you anticipate. when i heard there was an arc called 'cannibalism' i was over here thinking the ADA had to fight some kind of zombie infestation or smthn. well we got the vampire arc i guess?
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actressplayground6 · 14 days
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