ghostspideys-moved · 4 years
20 and 35 with Steeb please? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
anything for you han
Life with Steve could be wild. Sometimes, it was full of whirlwind moments and spontaneous dates. 
Your favorite moments, however, are the ones where the two of you get to be alone.
Right now, for example, the two of you lay in his room, relaxing and talking about anything and everything. Steve loves to listen to you, especially when he gets to hold you in his arms like this. It calms him and helps him relax. 
By now, you’re already starting to get tired, but you don’t want to fall asleep just yet. He takes notice pretty quickly, and he can’t help the slight chuckle that escapes his lips. “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this.”
Even in your sleepy state, his words make you blush. “Stop, you’re way too sweet,” you whine, burying your face in his chest. 
Steve laughs and kisses the top of your head. “I can’t help it,” he whines back.
When you look back up at him, he has the softest smile on his face. He looks at you with pure adoration. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”
You blush even more, if that’s even possible. It shouldn’t be, but he has that effect on you. “You tell me all the time,” you say.
“What’s another fifty million times, right?” The grin on his face is unmistakable, and it makes you laugh, which quickly turns into a yawn.
Steve doesn’t miss it and throws the covers over both of you. “Get some sleep,” he whispers, kissing your forehead.
You mumble something inaudible, your eyes already closed. Before he knows it, you’re snoring softly. He notes how cute and peaceful you look right now, and it almost makes him sleepy. 
“I love you,” he whispers, running his fingers through your hair until he drifts to sleep with you in his arms.
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skullrock · 4 years
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I’ll be updating this as I go - there is a non-rebloggable masterlist page pinned in my bio as well! 
[S] - Smut
[F] - Fluff
[H/C] - Hurt/Comfort
[A] - Angst
[FTL] - Friends to Lovers
[ETF] - Enemies to Friends 
join a taglist here!
Steve x Reader:
The Lovers - you’re a college student working at the info desk at your local art museum. you meet Steve when his class comes in to see the latest exhibit. Steve keeps coming back to see you. awkward flirtations/cuteness ensues. [F]
The Dance - you give Steve his first slow dance in your living room. Inspired by That One Scene from Anastasia and That One Scene from The Office. [F]
The Request: you ask Steve to be rough with you, and he delivers. [S]
The Flight: you meet Steve in line at TSA, flirt hardcore, and leave expecting to never see him again. turns out you sit next to each other on the same flight. [S]
The Flight, Part 2: continuation of the Flight. You teach Steve about vibrators. [S]
The Flight, Part 3: in progress
The Piercing: You have a surprise for Steve in the form of a new clit piercing. [some S, F]
The Elevator: You’re stuck in the elevator with the Scoops Troop. Will you die before your first kiss? [F]
The Rivals: You're practically Billy’s twin. You hate Steve, and Steve hates you. Or do you? (slight spin off of The War) [S]
The Partners (In Progress): Full length fic. Reader and Steve are apprentices at Hawkins Police Station in the fall of 1986. you get along famously, but there’s something Steve is hiding, and there is an unknown evil lurking in Hawkins. [FTL, H/C, A, F]
The Drummer: Steve is mesmerized by the reader, who plays drums at a bar he frequents. [F]
The Party: Reader and Steve confess their crushes for each other at a party, and leave with each other. Based off of the songs Sister and Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge. [S]
The Faker: basically the diner scene in Harry Met Sally - you teach Steve that a lot of women fake their orgasms. [no genre really just reader ragging on her pal]
Trust: Steve helps Reader feel better about her body. [S]
The Young Lovers: Being with Steve brought a lot more sex than you ever thought possible. [S, F]
The Lesson: a continuation of the Faker - you decide to teach Steve how to have good sex. [S,F] (more parts to come!)
The Movie: movie night with Steve leads to something more than you were expecting. [S, F]
The Ride: drunken makeouts leave you on Steve’s thigh. [S]
The Rental: you meet Steve at Family Video and score more than just a movie.
The Sweatpants: you can’t keep your hands off of Steve in sweatpants.
Steve Harrington x Scoops Troop 
Life Moves Pretty Fast: Steve, Robin, and Dustin watch Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and it raises some bad memories for Steve. [A, F]
Robin Buckley x Reader
softly, slowly: you meet Robin at college and fall in love with her, softly and slowly 
Billy x Reader
The War - You’re the new girl in town and Billy’s equal. Who will win the rivalry to run Hawkins High? [ETF]
The War, Part 2: continuation of The War. You and Billy admit feelings for each other. [FTL]
Quote Prompt Drabbles
“I was healthy enough a half hour ago. Or do people look different to you if they are not horizontal?“ (Platonic Steve x Reader) [H/C]
“Because I can count on my fingers the number of sunsets I have left, and I don’t want to miss any of them” (Romantic Steve x Reader) [H/C, A]
“My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it.” (Romantic Steve x Reader) [F]
“Thanks for the coffee. Sorry I couldn’t finish it - if I did, I’d be up the rest of my life.” (Romantic/Platonic Steve x Reader) [F]
“Life is suffering. It is hard. The world is cursed. But still you find reasons to keep on living.” (Platonic Steve x Reader) [C]
“You wanna know a secret? You’re the sweetest guy I’ve ever known.” (Romantic Steve x Reader) [F]
From Prompt Lists
I’m sick of being the other guy/we’re not just friends. you know that./friends don’t get each other off. (Steve x Reader) [S, A, F]
ride the Ferris wheel with me/I think I love you (Steve x Reader) [F]
I think we should break up./why can’t you look at me? (Steve x Reader) [A]
you’re my new pillow (Steve x Reader) [F]
I don’t care, I’m not staying in bed! (Steve x Reader) [F]
did you have another nightmare?/just breathe. breathe with me. (Steve x Reader) [H/C, F]
I thought you didn’t love me?/because I love you! (Steve x Reader) [F]
why haven’t you kissed me yet? (Steve x Reader) [F, C]
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jeremystronggf · 4 years
You are Jen in ST canon
can’t believe i’m tumblr user @harrington-ofhawkins in stranger things canon 😳😳😳
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You are very much like El and this is indisputable
This is so sweet! 🥺
Honestly she’s also who I most relate to! Season 3 El is very much my stage of life right now. Love how we’re both figuring ourselves out and learning to trust others <3
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Dustin Henderson for the character ask!
Thanks for sending this in! It was fun to think about. (Also i need to think up some actual hcs for this kid)
First impression: Hilarious! This kid has been funny from day one. So enthusiastic about everything that I would absolutely be annoyed irl but I still love it.
Impression now: Still super funny. Also as badass as any of the other kids, which I didn't expect. Wonderful friend. 10/10
Favorite Moment: oh maaan. Maybe when he calls Mike out for being a jerk to Lucas in S1. I love that he understood where both his friends were coming from, wasn't choosing sides, just not putting up with their crap.
Idea for a story: Something hurt/comfort-y probably... I've seen a couple, but a fic where we see the aftermath of him killing that guy in the russian base. The conflicting feelings over it because he doesn't regret it. Not really. He's seen El kill before to protect them and that's what he was doing: protecting Steve. But he thinks he should feel something besides kind of... Glad? To know that he is able to help/save his people.
Unpopular opinion: Idk if I have one, or maybe I just don't know a lot of the popular opinions about him. He's awesome.
Favorite relationship: Dustin & Steve *le gasp* I know. I seriously love them, though. I love that they kept in contact while he was at camp, or at the very least that Steve told him about trying for the job before he left.
Favorite headcanon: I tried not to make this about steve, but i can't bc I don't know any headcanons that i have for dustin by himself. So probably that Steve helped him w his hair for the Snow Ball.
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number three for the fic writer asks!
Hi Han I love u 💜💖💜
3. Something you wish a commenter had called attention to, but got ignored
So, and here is where I brag and also admit my failings as a writer at the same time! I have an unfinished series on my list called Homeward Bound, which I adored but very few people actually read, and I started it long before we got ST3. In that series I ACCURATELY PREDICTED THE ENTIRE ROLE OF THE CHARACTER OF HEATHER HOLLOWAY BEFORE WE HAD ANYTHING EXCEPT A NAME OF NEW CHARACTERS!!!! (The only thing I got wrong was the way she dies, but I could not predict a blob monster and b*lly but let’s not think about him ) AND NOBODY EVER CAUGHT IT I KNEW EVERYTHING BEFORE WE HAD ANY IDEA OF HOW THE SERIES WOULD GO DOWN I AM A GENIUS!!!
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Jonathan everytime you try to interact w me and my posts I NEVER get the notif and it’s only your blog that does this?? So I just wanted to say if I ever don’t respond it’s bc I literally didn’t see it and you have my full permission to hit me and tell me to pay attention to u
chdlseidkwvmddgleyals no it’s okay really if u don’t notice smthn!!! my account has actually been doing this kind of thing ever since i got it, it’s just tungler being silly probably!! and ftr the only thing i’d ever hit you with is this
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lesbianrobin · 4 years
⭐️ bc ur not an idiot and u have a big sexy brain that you use & you’re very supportive and kind and good & u’ve never watched cats (2019) and maybe that’s all that matters .... 🌈💫💓
maybe "u've never watched cats (2019)" will be our always... 🤧🤧🤧🤧
send a ⭐ if i'm one of ur favorite mutuals and explain why
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bethhxrmon · 4 years
can you give us a bit of Annie’s backstory?
yes, of course! without totally spoiling everything, annie was adopted by her parents from birth. she doesn’t know anything about where she was originally from and couldn’t care less about her biological family. so she had a pretty happy childhood in seattle, she was always really interested in performing arts which shines through when she’s in middle school and she ends up in a performing arts high school. it’s something she takes very seriously and really hopes to go into after high school. then her dad’s caught cheating while she’s in high school. in an attempt to recover from this, her parents take her all the way to new york city. that ends up falling through for many reasons, but mainly because her parents get divorced. her mom gets full custody (since partial wasn’t really a thing in the 80s) and decides to move to hawkins because it’s cheaper to live there despite her mom having to go to indianapolis often for her job.
also, a portion of her earlier high school years is based on “all you wanna do” from six. do with that what you will!
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scoopsohboi · 4 years
Lauren!!!! your gifs are always so incredible! thank you for creating them for us
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ghostspideys-moved · 4 years
10 and 30!
wskgkngl thank you han, I love you
10. Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
honestly, probably dialogue. I have a much easier time writing that than actual plot and scenes.
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
I'd like to preface this with the fact that I have like 50 million of them, all of which I've started, most of which are a bunch of oc fics, but I do have a boarding school au that I partially outlined and haven't started yet, so I'd really like to do that one eventually
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skullrock · 4 years
wip masterlist - stonersteve
last updated: November 22nd, 2020
update - I am only taking commissions now. please click the “kofi/commissions” link in my bio if you’d like to commission me for your request. thank you!
✰ - fluff ☾ - smut ❝ - angst ♥ - hurt/comfort
Could you do like a “She’s All That” style story with Steve please??❤️
hi!! can u write something where steve's girlfriend is really pretty so guys and girls too hit on her all the time or just stare at her always, guys from steve's basketball team talk a lot about her too and steve is like super jealous!!! but actually deep down really insecure cause he thinks she's gonna dump him for someone else at some point. so she assures him he's the only one she has eyes for!
Steve major character death fic 
hey? road trip fic w Steve? some inevitable love confessions and awkwardness and angst?
Ooof can I get a request where the reader puts their life in danger to protect Jonathan in the hospital scene, and he gets so mad for putting herself in harms way, but is so glad she didn’t get to hurt? Lots of fluff and angst? 
Hiya:) if you're requests are still open would you be interested in doing a Robin x reader fic where the reader is murray baumans daughter who just moved to Hawkins, she has a weird and fun personality like murray and she becomes friends with Steve and Robin and Robin admits to Steve that she likes reader as more than a friend.
the flight, part 3 → you and Steve are finally off that damn plane. ☾
the swimsuit, part 2 → you meet Steve somewhere that isn’t a public pool locker room. ☾
the partners, epilogue → after the events in the tunnels, you and Steve find comfort and normalcy within each other. Steve x Reader. ✰♥
the campers chapter 10 → summer camp AU; Steve begrudgingly accepts the role of camp counselor at Camp Know Where. The last person he expected to see was the girl he spent his childhood summers with. Steve x Reader. ✰♥❝
when the heart is young → Steve Harrington is a recent transplant to the very quaint town of Hawkins, Indiana, in the year 1885. After fleeing from New York City to avoid taking his father’s place at the head of his department store, he rents a room from Miss Turner at the heart of the drowsy city. The bedroom beside his is rented by Josephine Walker, a Hawkins native and aspiring artist. Steve and Josephine grow closer over the months, but their budding relationship may have been doomed from the start. ✰❝
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jeremystronggf · 4 years
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(me rn)
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kryptonianclark · 4 years
Jonathan or Will ?
well fuck
okay they're both so underrated and I would die for both of them, BUT if I really had to pick, I'd probably say Jonathan. And it's mostly just because I feel he has a lot of potential that goes to waste in the show. Will has a similar situation but I feel like Jonathan especially gets benched for no reason.
also, he deserves more love than he gets and he looks really good in sweaters, I will take no criticism on this.
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🍓 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Han, you are such a sweetheart and so talented. Your fics are an absolute delight to read. The mind boggles that you've written so much in what feels like no time at all. Amazing!
You leave the best comments for all the creators you reblog and seeing you posting on my dash always makes me happy!
And just in general you always come across as such a lovely person. I love that we're mutuals.
OH AND I ALMOST FORGOT your new edits are *chef's kiss*
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stevesnailbat · 4 years
4, 6, 22!
thank u han!! ilu
4. Do you outline before you start writing? If so, how far do you stray from that outline?
i do not! sometimes i’ll base my whole writing around one sentence that i have to have, then just go from there. other times, i’ll just go with the flow and let the ideas come to me as i write :)
6. If you’re really concentrating, how many words can you write in a day?
if i just let myself type and i’m feeling super inspired, i can write around 6-7K in a day most likely. i think i did that at one point when i first started!
22. Have you cried while writing a fic?
i’ve teared up a few times, but never started full on crying from one i don’t think
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